Word that begins with string

A list of scrabble words starting with String

String is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with string for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with string
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with String
  • 11-letter words starting with String
  • 10-letter words starting with String
  • 9-letter words starting with String
  • 8-letter words starting with String
  • 7-letter words starting with String
  • 6-letter words starting with String
  • FAQs about words starting with String

21 Scrabble words starting with String

6 Letter Words That Start With String

  • string7

FAQ on words starting with String

What are the best Scrabble words starting with String?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with String is Stringybark, which is worth at least 21 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with String is stringently, which is worth 15 points.
Other high score words starting with String are
stringhalts (15),
stringpiece (16),

stringily (13),
stringy (11),
stringency (16),
strings (8),
stringings (12).

How many words start with the
letters String?

There are 21 words that start with the letters
String in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
5 are 11 letter
6 are 10 letter
5 are 9 letter
2 are 8 letter
2 are 7 letter
1 is a 6 letter

I’m very new at regex. I’m trying to match any word that starts with ‘#’ in a string that contains no newlines (content was already split at newlines).

Example (not working):

var string = "#iPhone should be able to compl#te and #delete items"
var matches = string.match(/(?=[s*#])w+/g)
// Want matches to contain [ 'iPhone', 'delete' ]

I am trying to match any instance of ‘#’, and grab the thing right after it, so long as there is at least one letter, number, or symbol following it. A space or a newline should end the match. The ‘#’ should either start the string or be preceded by spaces.

This PHP solution seems good, but it uses a look backwards type of functionality that I don’t know if JS regex has: regexp keep/match any word that starts with a certain character

var re = /(?:^|W)#(w+)(?!w)/g, match, matches = [];
while (match = re.exec(s)) {

Check this demo.

Recommended Answers

Is there more than one field in the form?

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//simulate posted field
$_POST['formfield']='Is #star contained in your #database of #hashtags?';


if($matches[0]) {
    foreach($matches[0] as $hashtag) {
        $sql = "select hashtag from `hashtag-table` where hashtag = '".substr($hashtag,1)."'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        echo mysql_num_rows($result) ? $hashtag.' found<br>' : $hashtag.' not found<br>';

Sorry everyone it’s mysql …

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All 8 Replies

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9 Years Ago

Is there more than one field in the form?

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9 Years Ago

Hi paulkd

I will be using this to process several different forms that a user would potentially be submitting.
In one form (the status update), it would be the only field, but there are other forms that that may have a few additional fields (however, if it matters, in those forms, I may be able to simply autofill the values with things like session variables).

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9 Years Ago

and are the hashtags in your database in a single column?

e.g. hashtags varchar(200) NOT NULL

so the sql would be something like:-

select count(hashtag) from hashtags where hashtag = $thisHashTag

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9 Years Ago

Yep, that is correct.
The result of the query
select count(hashtag) from hashtags where hashtag = $thisHashTag

would result in ‘1’

or if the query were
select hashtag from hashtags where hashtag = $thisHashTag

the result would be #ExampleHashTag

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9 Years Ago

//simulate posted field
$_POST['formfield']='Is #star contained in your #database of #hashtags?';


if($matches[0]) {
    foreach($matches[0] as $hashtag) {
        $sql = "select hashtag from `hashtag-table` where hashtag = '".substr($hashtag,1)."'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        echo mysql_num_rows($result) ? $hashtag.' found<br>' : $hashtag.' not found<br>';

Sorry everyone it’s mysql — been using CI query builder recently so haven’t gotten around to the mysqli syntax, or even PDO.


9 Years Ago
by paulkd because:

added a couple of ticks

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9 Years Ago

paulkd, that worked beautifully!

Just in case this helps anyone else in the future who may read this, and it doesn’t work for you —

The only modification to paulkd’s script above that was needed (other than providing your database table, of course), was to replace the substr($hashtag,1) part with simply $hashtag
The reason for that is because in my database, the hashtags are stored with the hash symbol (#) included in the data fields. (paulkd’s script removes the hashtag before querying the database. So instead of searching for ‘#example’, it would search for ‘example’ … your database setup may differ from mine, so try both if one method doesnt work for you)

Thank you very much for your time and help, paulkd!


9 Years Ago
by arout77

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9 Years Ago

Not sure how to mark thread as solved, dont see any options for it, but please consider this solved (or mods can mark it for me)

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9 Years Ago

Ok done — marked it solved before I wrote this. I’m no ‘solved monster’ ;)

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Words beginning with str. This STR words reference page contains a list of words beginning with STR, organized by word length. The below online list of words that begin with str might be useful for people who are taking classes in school leading to a degree, those who play word games, and visitors who enjoy education and learning or teaching about language and like to incorporate new words into their vocabulary.

5 letter words beginning with str:

strap straw stray strep strew stria strip strop strow stroy strum strut

6 letter words beginning with str:

strafe straff strain strait strake straky strand strata strath streak stream street stress strick strict stride strife strigs strike string stripe stripy strive strobe strode stroke stroll strong stroth stroud strove struck struma strung struse

7 letter words beginning with str:

strange straths stratum stratus streaky streamy streeks stretch stretti stretto striata striate strider stridor strigil striker stringy striped striper strippy strives stroken stroker stronds strophe stroups stroyer strudel

8 letter words beginning with str:

straddle straggle straight strained strainer straiten strander stranger strangle strapped strapper strategy stratify strayers streamer streeker streeled streigne strength strepent stretchy streusel striatal striated stricken strickle stricter strictly strident striggle strigose striking stringed stringer striping striplet stripper strobila strobile stroller strontia strontic strophic struggle strummel strumpet

9 letter words beginning with str:

stragulum straiking straitest strangles strangury strapless strappado strappers strappier strapping stratagem strategic strawworm strayings streaking streaming streamlet streamway streetcar strenuous stressful stretcher striation striction stricture strifeful stringent strinkles stripling strippies strobilus strongarm strongbox strongman strongyls strontian strontium strossers strouding strowings structure strummels strutting strychnic strychnin

10 letter words beginning with str:

strabismus strabotomy stracchino straighten strainably strainless straitsman stramonium strategist strathspey stratiform strawberry strawboard streamline streamside streetlamp streetward streigning strengthen strepitous stridulate stridulous strigilate stringency stringendo stringhalt stripeless striplings striptease strobotron stroddling stroganoff stronghold strongness strongroom strophosis structural strugglers struthious strychnine

11 letter words beginning with str:

straggliest straightway straitlaced strangeness strangerdom strangulate straphanger strappadoes strathspeys stratocracy stratopause strawflower streakiness streamlined streamliner streetlight streetrooms stressfully stridulates strikebound stringboard stringpiece stringybark stripteaser stripteases stroboscope stroppiness structurist

12 letter words beginning with str:

straightaway straightedge straitjacket stranglehold straphangers straticulate stratigraphy stratosphere stratovision streakedness streetwalker strengthless streptococci streptomyces streptomycin stridelegged stridulantly stridulatory strifemonger stringhalted strobilating stromatology strongpoints strongylosis strontianite strophanthin strophanthus strophomenid structurally strychninism strychninize

13 letter words beginning with str:

straightforth strainometers stramineously strangulation strangulatory strategically stratocumulus stratotankers stratovolcano streptococcus streptokinase streptomycins stressfulness strikebreaker strobilaceous structuralism

14 letter words beginning with str:

straightedging straightjacket strainableness stratification stratovolcanos strepsipterous streptokinases streptothricin stridulousness strikingnesses strongylidosis

15 letter words beginning with str:

straightforward stratagematical straticulations streptodornases

16 letter words beginning with str:

straightforwards stratificational stretchabilities

17 letter words beginning with str:


Glad you visited this webpage containing STR words that begin with str, and hopefully it helped you find the right 4 letter, 5 letters, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and even longer word beginning with STR.

This post will guide you how to extract a word that starts with a specific character in excel.

Table of Contents

  • Extract word that starting with a specific character
    • Related Formulas
    • Related Functions

For example, Assuming that you have a text string that contains email address in Cell B1, and if you want to extract word that begins with a specific character “@” sign, you can use a combination with the TRIM function, the LEFT function, the SUBSTITUTE function, the MID function, the FIND function, the LEN function and the REPT function to create an excel formula as follows:


Let’s see how this formula works:


The LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string in Cell B1. The returned result goes into the MID function as its num_chars argument.

= FIND(“@”,B1)

extracts word begins specific character1

The FIND function returns the position of the first specific character “@” sign in Cell B1. It returns 9. It goes into the MID function as its start_num argument.

=MID(B1, FIND(“@”,B1), LEN(B1))

extracts word begins specific character2

The MID function extracts a substring at the starting position (returned by the FIND function) and num_chars value (returned by LEN function)

=REPT(” “,LEN(B1))

This formula repeats empty string a specified number of times returned by the LEN function. It will go into the SUBSTITUTE function as its new_text argument.

= SUBSTITUTE(MID(B1, FIND(“@”,B1), LEN(B1)),” “,REPT(” “,LEN(B1)))

extracts word begins specific character3

The SUBSTITUTE function will replace all empty string with another new text string returned by the REPT function from a text string returned by the MID function.  Then the returned value goes into the LEFT function as its Text argument.

= LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(B1, FIND(“@”,B1), LEN(B1)),” “,REPT(” “,LEN(B1))),LEN(B1))

extracts word begins specific character3

The LEFT function extracts a specified number of the characters from a text string returned by the SUBSTITUTE function, starting from the leftmost character and the num_chars value is equal to the length of the string in Cell B1.


extracts word begins specific character5

The TRIM function removes all spaces from text string returned by the LEFT function, just leave one space between words.

  • Split Multiple Lines from a Cell into Rows
    If you have multiple lines in a cell and each line is separated by line break character or press “alt + enter” key while you entering the text string into cells, and you need to extract the multiple lines into the separated rows or columns, you can use a combination with the TRIM function, the MID function, the SUBSTITUTE function, the REPT function, the LEN function to create a complex excel formula..…
  • Extract word that containing a specific character
    If you want to extract word that contains a hash character in a text string in Cell B1, you can use a combination of the TRIM function, the MID function, the SUBSTITUTE function, the REPT function, the FIND function to create an excel formula.…

  • Excel Substitute function
    The Excel SUBSTITUTE function replaces a new text string for an old text string in a text string.The syntax of the SUBSTITUTE function is as below:= SUBSTITUTE  (text, old_text, new_text,[instance_num])….
  • Excel TRIM function
    The Excel TRIM function removes all spaces from text string except for single spaces between words.  You can use the TRIM function to remove extra spaces between words in a string.The syntax of the TRIM function is as below:= TRIM (text)….
  • Excel LEFT function
    The Excel LEFT function returns a substring (a specified number of the characters) from a text string, starting from the leftmost character.The syntax of the LEFT function is as below:= LEFT(text,[num_chars])….
  • Excel MID function
    The Excel MID function returns a substring from a text string at the position that you specify.The syntax of the MID function is as below:= MID (text, start_num, num_chars)….
  • Excel FIND function
    The Excel FIND function returns the position of the first text string (sub string) within another text string.The syntax of the FIND function is as below:= FIND(find_text, within_text,[start_num])…
  • Excel LEN function
    The Excel LEN function returns the length of a text string (the number of characters in a text string).The syntax of the LEN function is as below:= LEN(text)…
  • Excel REPT function
    The Excel REPT function repeats a text string a specified number of times.The syntax of the REPT function is as below:= REPT  (text, number_times)…

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