Word that are the same backwards and forwards

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Vickie Rowe

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(6 votes)

A word, phrase or sentence that is the same both backwards and forwards is called a palindrome. The name palindrome comes from the Greek words ‘again’ (palin) and ‘to run’ (drom).

What is the best palindrome?

List of the best palindrome sentences:

  • A dog! A panic in a pagoda.
  • A lot not new I saw as I went on to L.A.
  • A man, a plan, a canal – Panama.
  • A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena.
  • A Toyota. Race fast, safe car. A Toyota.
  • Able was I ere I saw Elba.
  • Amore, Roma.
  • Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.

What is the longest English palindrome?

The longest palindrome in English is often considered tattarrattat, coined by James Joyce in his 1922 Ulysses to imitate the sound of a knock on the door. That’s 12 letters.

What is the fear of palindromes called?

Aibohphobia is the (unofficial) fear of palindromes, which are words that read the same front and back and, you guessed it, the word itself is a palindrome.

What are some famous palindromes?

Some well-known English palindromes are, «Able was I ere I saw Elba» (1848), «A man, a plan, a canal – Panama» (1948), «Madam, I’m Adam» (1861), and «Never odd or even». English palindromes of notable length include mathematician Peter Hilton’s «Doc, note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness.

22 related questions found

Do we see God palindrome?

Now, in the hands of palindrome master William Irvine, combined with these witty and exquisitely drawn illustrations by Steven Guarnaccia, the result is a delightful mix of literary and absurdist humor. …

What is another word for palindrome?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for palindrome, like: pantoum, play-on-words, concrete poetry, witticism, pun, wordplay and renga.

What is the most longest word?

Major dictionaries

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

What words spell another word backwards?

9 words created by spelling other words backwards

  • YENSID. The name of the sorcerer in Fantasia is «Disney» spelled backwards. …
  • HARPO. …
  • EREWHON. …
  • YOB. …
  • RETSOF. …

What names are the same backwards?

There are lots of palindromic given names, for example ADA, ANNA, BOB, ELLE, EVE, HANNAH and OTTO. More unusual ones include ABBA, AOITOA, ESEESE, LERREL, NEVEN, ODDO and VYV. Palindromic surnames are just as plentiful: CIRIC, EDE, IYAYI, MASSAM, RETTER, SILLIS, YELLEY. I’m sure you can think of others.

Can Geese See God backwards?

A palindrome is a sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Famous ones include «dogeeseseegod» («Do geese see God?»), «amoreroma» («Amore, Roma.») and «risetovotesir» («Rise to vote, sir.»). … Yes, more than one shortest palindromes may exist.

What is a palindrome sentence?

: a word, verse, or sentence (such as «Able was I ere I saw Elba») or a number (such as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward. Other Words from palindrome Example Sentences Learn More About palindrome.

What is Go Hang a Salami I’m a lasagna hog backwards?

Their bond is the palindrome, that peculiar marvel of language when words or sentences read the same forward and backward. But Adam (Madam, I’m Adam) and Napoleon (Able was I ere I saw Elba) are credited with only one palindrome apiece.

Was that a cat I saw backwards?

Was It A Cat I Saw? (Nope: It Was A Palindrome) : NPR. Was It A Cat I Saw? (Nope: It Was A Palindrome) «Madam, I’m Adam!» is child’s play. Master palindromist Barry Duncan creates works of art that are paragraphs long and read the same forward and backward.

Is poop a palindrome?

Now, there are some words that are palindromes in the English language that are also palindromes via morse code. Examples are: rotor, sees, noon, mom, peep. … Below is an example of the word «Poop» in morse code.

Can a palindrome be even?

@John, «b» has odd length. Sheesh. @Nick: Rewording: a palindrome can have any length (even 0).

What is the difference between palindrome and reverse function?

A word which is equal to its mirror image is called a palindrome word. Any language consisting of palindrome words is called a palindrome language. … A language contains all the mirror images of its elements is called a reverse closed language.

How many palindromes are there?

When looking at the first three- digit palindromes that are prime (101, 131, 151, 181, and 191), one might guess that there are a lot of them. However, of the 90 three-digit palindromes, there are only 15 that are prime. Of the 900 five-digit palindromes, 93 are prime. There are 668 prime palindromes with seven digits.

Can geese see colors?

Ducks and geese can also see a much broader spectrum of colors—spanning from near-ultraviolet to red—than people do. Because their eyes are located on the sides of their head, waterfowl have panoramic vision, which enables them to see almost everything around them at once.

How can you tell Canadian geese apart?

HEAD: In male Canada geese, the crown (head) is bigger and broader than the female, and the male neck is thicker than the female. The female’s neck is shorter and slimmer. Both sexes have different looking tails feathers also.

Do geese close their eyes?

Also like ducks (as well as chickens), geese can let one hemisphere of their brain sleep and rest, while the other side stays wide awake to keep an eye out for predators. … They can also close both eyes and enjoy a «normal» sleep period giving both sides of their brain time to rest.

What is Hannah spelled backwards?

Hannah Namet. Hannah Spelled Backwards Is Hannah Funny Gift.

What is Aiden spelled backwards?

According to Names.org, Nevaeh is the third most popular name that is spelled backward as a different name. These kinds of names — like Leon and Noel, Aidan and Nadia and Ira and Ari — can be suitable for twins or siblings, according to the site.

What is heaven Spelt backwards?

Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backward. The name has hit a cultural nerve with its religious overtones, creative twist and fashionable final «ah» sound.

A palindrome is a word or a phrase that reads the same backward as forward. Words in themselves are fun and amusing let alone if they can read from both ends. The fact that these words are palindromes is totally coincidental, but a little bit of creativity went into forming the latter part of the palindrome phrases you’ll find at the bottom. We strongly encourage you to leave in a comment of other palindromes you may know and that we left out. Have a great read 🙂 




















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Table of Contents

  1. What 5 letter word is the same backwards?
  2. What words sound the same backwards?
  3. What 7 letter word is spelled the same forward and backwards?
  4. Can RYUK die?
  5. Is Yagami Light a psychopath?
  6. Who kills Light in Death Note?
  7. What mental illness did Light Yagami have?
  8. What is Sangwoo’s mental illness?
  9. Is Narcissism A Disorder?


Here is the list of all the English words with 5 letters grouped by number of letters: Aeaea, alala, alula, anana, anona, APIPA, arara, Ardra, Arora, arura, batab. Palindromes are words that can be read from left to right or right to left, the letters are symetric. Rise to vote, sir.

What words sound the same backwards?

A word, phrase or sentence that is the same both backwards and forwards is called a palindrome.

What 7 letter word is spelled the same forward and backwards?


Can RYUK die?

The only way a Shinigami can die is how Rem died. By increasing someone’s real life span. Ryuk didn’t have a lover like Rem had. So it was impossible to kill Ryuk.

Is Yagami Light a psychopath?

Travis Fickett of IGN describes Light as a “sociopath”. Tom S. Pepirium of IGN describes Light as “brilliant, but disturbed”. Wolk describes Light’s ideal world, a “totalitarian” place “ruled by a propagandistic TV channel and an arbitrary secret executioner”.

Who kills Light in Death Note?


What mental illness did Light Yagami have?

Yagami displays all nine diagnostic traits of narcissistic personality disorder. Although not in the DSM 5, the syndrome of malignant narcissism incorporating narcissistic, antisocial, and paranoid tendencies with egosyntonic aggression was described by psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg [8, 9].

What is Sangwoo’s mental illness?

Bum’s crush transforms into an obsession, mostly fueled due to the fact that Bum suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and Sangwoo was one of the first persons who, in Bum’s eyes, showed him affection by saving him.

Is Narcissism A Disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.


What do the words ‘kayak,’ ‘noon,’ and ‘racecar’ have in common? Take a look at them carefully. They can be read the same backwards and forwards!

A word, phrase or sentence that is the same both backwards and forwards is called a palindrome. The name palindrome comes from the Greek words ‘again’ (palin) and ‘to run’ (drom).

Can you think of some more words that are the same backwards and forwards?

The longest palindromes

A girl knocking on a red door

The longest English palindromic word is:


… which means ‘a knock at the door.’ Cool word, right? Because it sounds like you’re knocking on a door!

But the longest palindromic word in everyday use ever isn’t in English — it’s Finnish:


… which is a person who sells soapstone.

Your name can be a palindrome

Did you know that some people’s names are palindromes? Check out names like:

Anna, Bob, Hannah and Otto

Can you think of others?

Sentences can be palindromes

A rat's face poking out of a hole in a piece of cardboard.

Words aren’t the only things that can be palindromes, sentences can be, too. Historians have found evidence of palindromes from over 1,900 years ago. One of the earliest Roman palindromic sentences is: 

In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

It means ‘we enter the circle after dark and are eaten by fire.’ It was written about moths.

Check out these funny English palindrome sentences that you can read forwards and backwards:

  • Was it a rat I saw?
  • A nut for a jar of tuna.
  • Go dog!
  • Don’t nod.
  • No lemon, no melon.
  • Was it a car or a cat I saw?
  • Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo.
  • Never odd or even.
  • Step on no pets.
  • Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.

French palindromes

A cow's face up close.

But palindromes don’t have to be in English:

  • Eh,ça va, la vache? (And how is the cow?)
  • Engage le jeu que je le gagne. (Start the game so I can win it.)

What 4 letter word is the same forwards backwards and upside down?

What 4-letter word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right? Answer: NOON.

What year is the same forwards backwards and upside down?

Question: The year 1961 is readable forward, backward, and upside down.

Is swimming the same forwards backwards and upside down?

‘Swims’ reads the same even when turned upside down. The word ‘swims’ reads as ‘swims’ even when it is turned upside down. Additionally, a word that reads the same forward and backward is called a palindrome, for example, noon and radar.

What words are Spelt the same backwards?

The most familiar palindromes in English are character-unit palindromes. The characters read the same backward as forward. Some examples of palindromic words are redivider, deified, civic, radar, level, rotor, kayak, reviver, racecar, madam, and refer.

How do you say hello backwards?

hello spelled backwards is olleh.

What’s it called when you can read a word upside down?

This is one form of an ambigram. An ambigram (from Latin: ambi both + gram = letter) is a word or words that can be read in more than one direction, where the word reads the same when upside down or turn over to form an entirely new word.

What does it mean if I can read upside down?

About This Quiz But don’t worry — the actual research on upside-down reading is way more interesting anyway. Turns out, reading words upside down significantly improves your memories of what you read, according to a 2011 study published in the “Psychonomic Bulletin and Review.”

What is a mirrored word called?

Ambigrams that form different words when viewed in the mirror are also known as glass door ambigrams, because they can be printed on a glass door to be read differently when entering or exiting. An ambigram that can be read one way in one language and another way in a different language.

What is a mixed up word called?

When the words in a sentence or phrase are deliberately mixed up, it’s called anastrophe. Using anastrophe can sometimes make speech sound more formal.

Is mirror writing a sign of intelligence?

Recent studies have converged in showing that the likelihood of mirror writing does not correlate with intellectual abilities. Cubelli and Della Sala (2009), for instance, reported no significant difference in intelligence between mirror-writing and non-mirror-writing children of the same age (cf.

Why do lefties write backwards?

The reason why mirror writing is usually carried out with the left hand has long been attributed to abductive arm movements being generally considered easier and better coordinated than adductive movements; leftward writing has therefore been held to be the natural direction of writing of the left-hander.

What does writing backwards mean?

It’s not unusual for young kids to reverse letters when they read and write. But when they still frequently write backwards or upside down beyond age 7, it could signal trouble with reading or language. People often think writing letters backwards is a sign of dyslexia, but that’s often not the case.

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