Word test for love

Love Language Quiz
Love Language Quiz

The Love Language® Quiz

For couples, singles, teens, and children.

Take this quiz to discover your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to better connect with your loved ones.


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Love Language Quiz

Love Language Quiz
Love Language Quiz
Love Language Quiz
Love Language Quiz

Love Language Quiz
Love Language Quiz

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What is a love language test?

A love language is an online quiz that contains questions related to words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, gifts, and acts of service, each of which represents a distinct way of expressing love.

The love language test is completely related to the love language theory, which is developed by Gary Chapman, Ph.D., in the 1990s, which posits that every person has a diffrent love language for giving and receiving love.

For example, A person feels most respected when their lover/partner says words of affirmation like «I love you,» whereas their partner may feel most appreciated when they receive physical touches like kisses and holding hands.

How does the love language test work?

The love language test is designed to measure your level of responsiveness to five different love languages, including words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, gifts, and acts of service.

There is no «passing» score on the love language test. Your results can give you essential insights into your own needs and how you best express love to your partner.

Whether you’re looking to improve your relationship with a partner or want to understand yourself better, taking the love language test can be a valuable experience.

Following are the easy steps to taking a love language test —

  1. To start the love language test, click on the ‘Start Test button, and your questions appear on the screen.
  2. Answer all the questions by selecting the correct answer that matches your feelings.
  3. Continue until your result is displayed on the screen.
  4. According to your result, Our sentimental analysis system analyzes your feeling for your partner and provide the best way to take your relationship next level.

What are the 5 love languages?

Here’s a quick basic overview of each love language that is interconnected to you and your partner’s feelings.

1. Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation are any verbal expressions that your partner says things that make you feel loved. Usually, It contains receiving compliments, hearing their partner about them, saying or hearing «I love you» from a partner and much more words that make your partner love.

  1. Regolarly tell your lover how much you care.
  2. Give great compliments.
  3. Say all you appreciate and love about your lover.
  4. Tell your partner how perfect he or she is for you.
  5. Send love quotes and memes.
  6. Recreate your first date.
  7. Play Relationship Games.
  8. Try some Couple Challenges.
  9. Candlelight Dinner and a Romantic Movie

2. Physical Touch

It includes physical contact between two partners or lovers to show affection, like kissing, holding hands, sex, and cuddling. Couples who enjoy this type of relationship are more «touchy,» public displays of affection, and being more closer to their partners.

  1. Hold their hand while you’re talking.
  2. Hug and kiss them hello and goodbye
  3. Play with their hair
  4. Give them a neck rub.
  5. Rub their back when you walk by
  6. Kiss their cheek or the top of their head
  7. Hold their hand in public.
  8. Put your hand on your partner’s leg.

3. Quality Time

Quality time is the time when two partners spend their time together and enjoy their company. We can say it is the best time to make memories with the partners. This love language is of real value to partners who make traveling plans, night-out plans, movie plans, etc.

  1. Go to bed at the same time.
  2. Be present.
  3. Make regular date nights.
  4. Have meaningful conversations.
  5. Plan a romantic weekend away.
  6. Take a class together.
  7. Go on a road trip.
  8. Photo Books
  9. Try a new restaurant.

4. Gifts

Gifts are the physical things that are loveable to your partner like a watch, books, smartphone, bangles, etc. It is the most attractive way to show your love and make a lifetime memory with your partner.

  1. Love Letter
  2. Book of love quotes
  3. Gift a playlist
  4. Event Tickets
  5. Video Montage

5. Acts of service

Acts of service are gestures that make someone’s day better or easier, like making them coffee for your partner, caring when they’re sick, or sacrificing something, so they feel love. People with this love language are talking less and assemble acts to feel their partner loveable from the sole.

  1. Pay attention to tiny details
  2. Getting them a treat
  3. Encourage them to go somewhere interesting
  4. Give them a day off
  5. Call to checkup on them
  6. Do something out of the ordinary
  7. Offer a massage to your partner
  8. Help them handle a project
  9. Picnic in the park
  10. Learn to do things they like

How to use the love languages in your relationship?

Our love language test is a quiz that can help you to understand yourself and your partner. It is based on the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

  1. It helps you better communicate with your partner and show them the kind of love they need.
  2. Understand the feeling of your partner.
  3. Check suitable love language for your partner.
  4. Upgrade your relationship to the next level.

According to psychologists, people perceive love differently and speak different “languages of love”. The language of love is the way in which a person prefers other people to express their love for him, as well as the way in which he himself expresses and shows his love.

The language of love that a person speaks depends on many factors: on the characteristics of character, upbringing, behavior patterns of parents, social environment. We get used to expressing ourselves in the language we are familiar with and expect from a partner the same love manifestations that we understand.

However, very often there is such a situation when we speak different languages of love with our loved ones. If for one person to love is to receive and give gifts, and for another — to help, then these two loving people may simply not understand each other. And, unfortunately, this often destroys marriages, and many still do not understand that it was only necessary to express their love in a slightly different way.

If you want your love relationship to be harmonious, you need to know your own language of love and learn the main language of your partner, because it is in this language that your significant other speaks to you, communicating their feelings for you.

Useful Words
hottie, hearthrob, cutie
cutie, babe, honey
to have a crush on someone
Useful Phrases
You’re simply beautiful.
You’re just adorable.
You’re the most beautiful girl under the sun.
I have butterflies in my tummy.
I’m head over heels in love.
Babe, you’re my number one.
You’ve got me hooked.
I’m totally nuts about you.
I’m absolutely crazy about you.
I’ve a major crush on you.
I think we are made for each other.
I can’t resist your charms.
You keep me awake at nights.
My heart is in your hands.
I’m under your spell.
I will always love you.

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Posted on 2 Mar 2017

If this isn’t love, tell what it is.

Here are the rules:

BEFORE scrolling down, take a look at the image and think about the first word that comes to mind. Once you’ve got this, scroll down and choose this word. If it’s not an option, choose another word that you’re most drawn to…

That’s it, GO!

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