Word template from xml

Figured out how to use content controls to generate documents and how to populate data from an XML into content controls. I’ve divided this into 2 parts:

  • Part 1: Create your template document for document generation
  • Part 2: Use code in C# to generate documents based on template

Part 1: Create your template document for document generation

  1. Create a sample XML based on which you can create the Word template for document generation. Preferably start with a less complicated version to get the hang of it.

I used the following XML for testing. For testing I didn’t have repeating sections, pictures etc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mydata xmlns="http://CustomDemoXML.htm">
    <field1>This is the value in field1 from the XML file</field1>
    <field2>This is the value in field2 from the XML file</field2>
    <field3>This is the value in field3 from the XML file</field3>

Note 1: This is will be just a sample XML to create your Word template. XML file(s) with real data in this same format can later be applied when generating Word document(s) from the template.

Note 2: The xmlns attribute can contain literally anything you want and it doesn’t have to be a URL starting with http.

Save your sample XML file to any location so that it can be imported to the template you are about to create.

  1. Make sure the Developer tab is enabled on your copy of Word [File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon -> Under Customize the Ribbon, make sure Developer is selected -> OK]. Details: How to: Show the Developer Tab on the Ribbon

  2. Create a new Word document (or use an existing Word document) which will be your template for document generation.

  3. On the Developer tab, click on XML Mapping Pane. This will open the XML Mapping Pane on the right side of the document.

  4. On the XML Mapping Pane, select the Custom XML Part drop down -> Select (Add new part).

  5. Select the XML file that you saved on step 1 -> Open.

  6. On the XML Mapping Pane, select the Custom XML Part drop down -> Select the item with the text that was on the xmlns attribute of the custom XML file. If you use the sample file above, it would be http://CustomDemoXML.htm.

  7. Add a some static text to a Word document and add a Plain Text Content Control next to it (on the Developer tab -> Controls section. Repeat for all fields you need to add.

For the sample XML above, I had the following Word document:

sample word document template

  1. Click on the first Plain Text Content Control -> On the XML Mapping Pane, right click the field you want mapped to that content control -> Click Map to Selected Content Control. Repeat for all the fields you want to map.

Note: Alternatively, instead of adding the Plain Text Content Control items from the developer tab on step #8, you could right click on the field you want to map on the XML Mapping Pane -> Click Insert Content Control -> Click Plain Text.

Similarly, you can also add other types of controls such as checkboxes, date pickers and even repeating sections (it supports nested repeating sections too! — since Word 2013) and map data from XML to those using just native Word functionality and without any third party tools!

  1. Save your template document.

Part 2: Use code in C# to generate documents based on template

This uses Microsoft’s recommended OpenXML SDK to generate documents using an XML file containing real data.

  1. Build your XML file/open an existing XML file with which to generate a document from the template created above. This needs to be in the same format as the sample XML file used to create the template.

  2. Use the OpenXML SDK to delete any CustomXMLPart elements from the document. This assumes no other custom XML parts are used in the document which is the case in this example. For complex scenarios, you can delete specific XML parts if needed.

  3. Use the OpenXML SDK to add a new CustomXMLPart based on the XML file in step#1 above.

Here is the sample code I have to «refresh»/»reload» the sample data in the template with a data from an XML file containing real data (assuming the XML file used to generate the document is already created and saved):

using System.IO;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;

namespace SampleNamespace
    public static class SampleClass
        public static void GenerateDocument()
            string rootPath = @"C:Temp";
            string xmlDataFile = rootPath + @"MyNewData.xml";
            string templateDocument = rootPath + @"MyTemplate.docx";
            string outputDocument = rootPath + @"MyGeneratedDocument.docx";

            using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(templateDocument, true))
                //get the main part of the document which contains CustomXMLParts
                MainDocumentPart mainPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart;

                //delete all CustomXMLParts in the document. If needed only specific CustomXMLParts can be deleted using the CustomXmlParts IEnumerable

                //add new CustomXMLPart with data from new XML file
                CustomXmlPart myXmlPart = mainPart.AddCustomXmlPart(CustomXmlPartType.CustomXml);
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(xmlDataFile, FileMode.Open))


That’s it!

Almost all enterprise databases and applications allow you to export data in XML format.
XML is the de-facto format for document structure and information exchange. It is designed for
representing structured information in a self-descriptive manner.

Microsoft Word is the most popular document format.
Organizations populate XML data into Word document templates for generating
contracts, proposals, invoices, compliance documents, etc.

Automating DOCX files creation by populating XML data into business templates improves productivity and eliminates
manual errors. Thus it saves a lot of time and money for businesses.

Start XML to WORD Generation

Why EDocGen

There are various ways to populate the XML file into a template such as XSLT, VBA.
Almost all of these approaches require programming or technical skills.
They are not business user-friendly and are maintenance-heavy. For example, whenever there is
a change in the template, associated code changes need the software developer’s intervention.

XML to Word Document Generation

If you are looking for a DIY system to generate documents from
XML data then EDocGen is for you. It empowers business users to generate documents
themselves from XML data.

Non-IT users can edit templates in Microsoft Word. With the system’s intuitive interface, they then can populate the XML data
as-is without any data transformations. They can also map
the dynamic fields of the document template to XML data. Thus even if XML format changes, business users can continue to use
the system for document generation.

Ease of Template creation: Business users can use existing document templates. It
doesn’t force users to switch to the system’s templates/formats.

Use data as-is: You can populate the XML data as-is without any data

Top-notch performance: Generate thousands of documents in a few seconds.

Four-level XML: Supports the population of up to 6-level XML into the word template for document conversion.

Multi-lingual document generation: You can use multi-lingual templates and XML data to
create documents in German, Spanish, Japanese, French, etc.

Blob Population: The system supports the population of Blobs and Base64 data into templates.

The system
supports both on-demand and bulk document generation. The following sections describe how to convert
XML to MS Word using the App and API.

How To — XML to Word Documents Creation

The system supports the dynamic population of text, tables, hyperlinks, images, text areas, and content blocks
into the template. Upload your existing Word template into EDocGen after adding relevant tags to it.
The system uses these tags to
identify the dynamic sections of the template.
Refer to the XML to Word example
on how to go about adding tags. After successful upload, you can see your template in the system.

Step1: Upload your custom XML file

Click the «Generate» button against the uploaded template. This opens
a screen to upload/drag-and-drop your XML file. Upload your file and click next.
You also have an option to apply filters on XML content.

XML to Word Document Generation

Step2: Map the fields

Optionally, you can map the template’s dynamic fields to XML markup. Please refer to the optimization section
below for more details.

Step3: Generate Documents

You can select the document type you want to generate. Select your choice from PDF, DOCX, HTML, and Image options.
You can also suffix one of the
dynamic fields to the document name. Clicking on the generate button creates bulk documents
in zip format in the output folder. It would be mailed to your registered email id as well.

Step4: Document Distribution

This is an optional step. If your XML has an email field, the system auto-sends
generated documents to individual recipients. You can configure settings to send them from
your business email. You can also add a custom subject and mail body. Apart from email,
you can sync generated documents to SharePoint Online or OneDrive.


As you can see, you can use your existing XML without any data transformation. In the mapper screen
(field map), all dynamic fields of your template get listed along with XML data
elements. The mapping screen allows you to fill dynamic fields with the XML element of your choice.

If you use the
same XML file format, again and again, mapping it every time is time-consuming.
More so, if you have a large number of dynamic fields in your template.

If source XML tag names match with the template’s dynamic fields, EDocGen automatically maps them. This allows you to
skip the mapping screen and proceed to Docx documents generation.

Please refer to the working example for a detailed account of how to go
about auto-filling sample XML file to word template.

XML file to Word Document Generation using API

EDocGen is an API-first product. Simple REST API offers an elegant, flexible solution to generate Word documents from XML. You can
use any programming environment including Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, C#, Javascript.

API integration allows you to generate documents right from your existing business systems.
Thus you can create proposals, contracts, invoices, etc. through synchronous and asynchronous API calls.

Since the templates are not coded, business users are free to edit them.
Moreover, developers can reuse the code to integrate with multiple systems and databases.

Using EDocGen, you can enforce template governance. You can be sure that the entire organization
uses the same template version and digital assets for document generation.

Salient features

The system offers a lot of unique features addressing every business document creation scenario.

Image population: Pass image URL or id in XML data for the image file population.
You can use this feature for bar codes and QR codes population.

E-Sign Framework: You can integrate your favorite E-Sign provider.

Charts and Graphs: Create charts and graphs in your MS Word document from XML data.

HTML styled text and tables: Populate HTML from XML to generate HTML style text and tables in your word documents.

Nested Tables: The system offers advanced features such as the
population of nested tables for up to 4-level XML files.









The corresponding XML for this table population is

Whether you are creating a single document or multiple documents, EDocGen is the best solution for converting the XML file to Word.
You can also use the system for creating PDF documents from XML data. Register and start the conversion process for XML data to MSWord documents.

Give it a try by registering.

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  • Question

  • User391606836 posted


    I have created a word template.I get the data from database and store it into an xml file. How can i map the word templates feilds with the data from XML.I mean how to populate data into the word template from XML or from dataset. Please respond asap.

     Thanks and Regards

All replies

  • User391606836 posted
    Iam using office 2003….can u pls present a sample code ????

  • User-611445092 posted


        While creating the word template where ever you want to place the value mark it as a bookmarks.

    Using .Net code we can read the bookmarks and replace these bookmarks with the actual values from the xml elements.

    Following article examples on how read bookmarks and replacing with the actual values:


  • User391606836 posted
    can u pls say how to insert bookmarks????

  • User391606836 posted

    What i have done is in my word template i have marked the location where data needs to be inserted from XML as merge feilds.

    Below is the code i have written.

    private void button1_Click(object sender,
    EventArgs e)



    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;


    Object oTrue =
    true;Object oFalse =


    Word.Application oWord =
    new Word.Application();Word.Document oWordDoc =
    new Word.Document();


    oWord.Visible = true;


    Object oTemplatePath =


    oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oTemplatePath,
    ref oMissing,
    ref oMissing, ref oMissing);int iTotalFields;

    iTotalFields = oWordDoc.Fields.Count;

    foreach (Word.Field myMergeField
    in oWordDoc.Fields)



    Word.Range rngFieldCode = myMergeField.Code;String fieldText = rngFieldCode.Text;


    if (fieldText.StartsWith(» MERGEFIELD»))





    Int32 endMerge = fieldText.IndexOf(«\»);

    Int32 fieldNameLength = fieldText.Length — endMerge;

    String fieldName = fieldText.Substring(11, endMerge — 11);


    fieldName = fieldName.Trim();



    if (fieldName ==



    oWord.Selection.TypeText(«This Text Replaces the Field in the Template»);




    In The above sample(The last line) just types the text at runtime.

    Instead of this «This text replace…..» i need to map the particular xml node.How can i do that??????

  • User391606836 posted

    What i have done is in my word template i have marked the location where data needs to be inserted from XML as merge feilds.

    Below is the code i have written.

    private void button1_Click(object sender,
    EventArgs e)



    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;


    Object oTrue =
    true;Object oFalse =


    Word.Application oWord =
    new Word.Application();Word.Document oWordDoc =
    new Word.Document();


    oWord.Visible = true;


    Object oTemplatePath =


    oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oTemplatePath,
    ref oMissing,
    ref oMissing, ref oMissing);int iTotalFields;

    iTotalFields = oWordDoc.Fields.Count;

    foreach (Word.Field myMergeField
    in oWordDoc.Fields)



    Word.Range rngFieldCode = myMergeField.Code;String fieldText = rngFieldCode.Text;


    if (fieldText.StartsWith(» MERGEFIELD»))





    Int32 endMerge = fieldText.IndexOf(«\»);

    Int32 fieldNameLength = fieldText.Length — endMerge;

    String fieldName = fieldText.Substring(11, endMerge — 11);


    fieldName = fieldName.Trim();



    if (fieldName ==



    oWord.Selection.TypeText(«This Text Replaces the Field in the Template»);




    In The above sample(The last line) just types the text at runtime.

    Instead of this «This text replace…..» i need to map the particular xml node.How can i do that??????

  • User391606836 posted

    What i have done is in my word template i have marked the location where data needs to be inserted from XML as merge feilds.

    Below is the code i have written.

    private void button1_Click(object sender,
    EventArgs e)



    Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;


    Object oTrue =
    true;Object oFalse =


    Word.Application oWord =
    new Word.Application();Word.Document oWordDoc =
    new Word.Document();


    oWord.Visible = true;


    Object oTemplatePath =


    oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(ref oTemplatePath,
    ref oMissing,
    ref oMissing, ref oMissing);int iTotalFields;

    iTotalFields = oWordDoc.Fields.Count;

    foreach (Word.Field myMergeField
    in oWordDoc.Fields)



    Word.Range rngFieldCode = myMergeField.Code;String fieldText = rngFieldCode.Text;


    if (fieldText.StartsWith(» MERGEFIELD»))





    Int32 endMerge = fieldText.IndexOf(«\»);

    Int32 fieldNameLength = fieldText.Length — endMerge;

    String fieldName = fieldText.Substring(11, endMerge — 11);


    fieldName = fieldName.Trim();



    if (fieldName ==



    oWord.Selection.TypeText(«This Text Replaces the Field in the Template»);




    In The above sample(The last line) just types the text at runtime.

    Instead of this «This text replace…..» i need to map the particular xml node.How can i do that??????

  • User-1038969477 posted

    Hi bklight ,

    So you have got one template doc file. You can fill that template file with some
    dummy data. Then Save As dialog—right under «Word Document (*.doc)»—is «XML Document (*.xml)». Save it as xml file. So you get the template xml file.

    And you can get the datasource , then , things get easy, all what you need to do is to replace the xml node’s inner text or attribute to the real value it should be from datasource.

    ksridharbabuus has said you can use XmlDocument class to read the data from xml , create one xmlnode , change values.

  • User391606836 posted

    What i had done is i saved the word as «document template» ie .dot extension.

    Can it be done like that or not????which is the correct way????

  • User-611445092 posted


       You can go either of the approaches. If you want to use xml approach follow the thread give by
    Samu Zhang

Using Xml, Xsd and XSLT Identity Transform to template and generate (Word) documents (part 2)

In part one we talked about using xslt to create simple xml templates and fill them with a identity transform using xslt. We can use this approach for every xml document thinkable, but for now I will focus on Word documents as those are fairly common in our line of work Glimlach. The first thing to ask ourselves is, how do we get our own custom xml placeholders in Word, maybe we want different kinds of placeholders, like ones were a value will be put or ones that denote a conditional block of Word content.

The answer is simple, Word allows us to create our own xsd and hook that into a Word document, now this opens up all kinds of possibilities for custom functionality in our Word templates. So first, lets create a xsd. All the files shown will be attached for everyone to download in a .zip file so if you want to have a better look don&rsquo;t worry. Our xsd looks like this:


This is a fairly simple xsd, ALWAYS provide a target namespace for your schema so your own elements can be identified as your own elements. This namespace will also be declared in our xsd with the prefix tns: so we can use this namespace to refer to our global types, global types and elements will belong to the targetNamespace by default.

Let&rsquo;s look at the elements and types. First I have an element that will be applied to the entire Word document, this will be our document node, it is called WordTemplate. The type is templateType which is defined below it. This type specifies a xs:choice which contains a valueHolder element. Now why would we use xs:choice and not for example sequence? The answer is because I don&rsquo;t want to add different kinds of placeholders in our Word document in a particular order. Now we have only one kind, but later on I may want to provide additional place holders. the only way to specify an unordered set of different kinds of optional elements in xsd is with a xs:choice which can occur multiple times. The valueHolder element will have one attribute named ‘query&rsquo;. In our Word template this will be filled with a xpath query which defines which property value from .Net will be placed here.

Now how do we couple this xsd in our own Word template. When you open Word 2010 you need to enable the developer tab. Go to File &ndash;> Options &ndash;> Customize Ribbon and check the developer tab. From the developer tab you will see an option for schema. With this option you can add your own schema. Afterwards you can click the structure button and your Word document will look like this:


To the right you can see our own Schema elements, to only option we have at first is to apply our document node. So lets do that. In order to do so, all you need to do is to click on our element, Inside our document node we can apply our valueholder elements. I will apply it on places where I want values from .Net inserted. Afterwards our document will look like this:


You can see all our elements. When you press ctrl shift X, Word will toggle between this view and the view without the tags. To the right you can see yellow signs before the valueHolder elements this means those tags are invalid according to our schema. Word is right! Recall that those elements need to have a required attribute called query. So we right click all those elements and fill in the attributes like this:


Here I right clicked the valueHolder element next to Name: and I filled in a xpath query. From our template we need to know the structure of the .Net object we are going to work with. Specifying this in the template allows us to later add extra properties of the object, without modifying code but with only replacing the template. I will fill in the rest and save the document. You can save the document as a standard Word 2010 file, it will be .docx which is actually a zip file with other files in it. This approach will still work but in .Net we would have to use the packaging API to get the content.xml file and then transform it using xslt. For simplicity I will save the file as a Word 2010 xml file so all the info is contained in one file, no need for extracting.

Now where is the Identity transform I talked about? Well, right below:

   1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   2: <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
   3:     >="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
   4:     >="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl"
   5:     >="urn:Chris:demo:word"
   6:     >="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main">
   8:   <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
  10:   <xsl:template match="@* | node()">
  11:     <xsl:copy>
  12:       <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
  13:     </xsl:copy>
  14:   </xsl:template>
  16:   <xsl:template
  17:      match="w:customXml[@w:element='valueHolder']/w:tc/w:p" >
  18:     <xsl:variable name="query" 
  19:     select="../../w:customXmlPr/w:attr[@w:name='query']/@w:val">
  20:     </xsl:variable>
  21:     <xsl:copy>
  22:       <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
  23:       <w:r>
  24:         <w:t>
  25:           <xsl:value-of 
  26:           select="wordgen:GetMessageValueByXpath($query)"/>
  27:         </w:t>
  28:       </w:r>
  29:     </xsl:copy>
  30:   </xsl:template>
  31: </xsl:stylesheet>

Above is a xslt stylesheet created in VS2010. What strikes is that the identity transform I used in part one was defined as match=&rsquo;attribute() | node()&rsquo;. Here it is not. This is because .Net 4 only supports xslt and xpath 1.0! So this is the way to do it in 1.0 because 1.0 does not support the extra node tests..

The first template is the copy action, the second template is more interesting. Recall that we put our own xml tags in our Word template. Office 2010 saves those in its own WordML xml as <customXml> tags with element attributes describing its name. The xpath query in the match translates to the following: Only match on w: p nodes which are child’s of w:tc nodes which are childs of customXml nodes whose name is valueHolder. I match the w: p nodes because that is where Word wants the text. If you put text in our Word document within a custom xml tag word puts your text within the w: p node which is a descendant of the custom xml node representing your tag. when we have a match on the w: p node we perform the following steps:

  • Extract the value of our query attribute.Word places it at a rather strange place, as a descendant of the customXml tag with a name and val attribute.
  • We put this in a variable so we can use this later on in our template
  • We recursively copy all the content of the p node to our output document so its completely intact when we add our own text.
  • We add our own value extracted from a .Net object within a couple of Word mark up tags. Line 26 is especially interesting. The function that gets called there gets our xpath expression as a parameter. Our xpath expression was defined with the valueHolder as an attribute in our Word template. So how does this xslt function uses this expression on a .Net object??

Because actually, it&rsquo;s a .Net function being called. And this is super cool, using so called xslt extensions we can call functions on .Net objects from xslt! How cool is this Glimlach. lets look at some code:

       1: namespace Chris.Demo.WordGenerator
       2: {
       3:     /// <summary>
       4:     /// This class will be the heart of our custom Word functionality
       5:     /// </summary>
       6:     class XsltExtension<TMessage>
       7:     {
       8:         XPathNavigator messageDoc;
       9:         public XsltExtension(TMessage message)
      10:         {
      11:             //pre
      12:             Guard.ArgumentsNotNull(message);
      14:             XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TMessage));
      15:             MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
      16:             xs.Serialize(ms, message);
      17:             ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
      18:             messageDoc = new XPathDocument(ms).CreateNavigator();
      19:         }
      20:         /// <summary>
      21:         /// This method will be called from XSLT
      22:         /// </summary>
      23:         /// <param name="xpath"></param>
      24:         /// <returns></returns>
      25:         public string GetMessageValueByXpath(string xpath)
      26:         {
      27:             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xpath))
      28:             {
      29:                 return string.Empty;
      30:             }
      31:             else
      32:             {
      33:                 XPathNodeIterator ni = messageDoc.Select(xpath);
      34:                 ni.MoveNext();
      35:                 return ni.Current.ToString();
      36:             }
      38:         }
      39:     }
      40: }

This class functions as the base for all of our extra xslt functions, for now there will only be one: GetMessageValueByXpath. This function is called from xslt to extract a value from a .Net object. The .Net object is supplied in the constructor of this extension, it is serialized to xml and converted to a XPathDocument, Once we have the navigator of the XpathDocument we can use every Xpath 1.0 function from our word template, including number formatting, date formatting and even our own defined xpath functions. For this example the object being passed into the xslt extension will be a PersonInfo object corresponding with the properties being specified in our Word template.

Lets the code that creates this extension and passes it to the xslt transform:

   1: using System;
   2: using System.Collections.Generic;
   3: using System.Linq;
   4: using System.Text;
   5: using Chris.Demo.WordGenerator.Contract;
   6: using System.Xml.Xsl;
   7: using System.Reflection;
   8: using System.Xml;
   9: using Chris.Demo.WordGenerator.Util;
  10: using System.IO;
  12: namespace Chris.Demo.WordGenerator
  13: {
  14:     /// <summary>
  15:     /// A transformer that transforms the objects using XSLT
  16:     /// </summary>
  17:    class XslTransformer:IObjectDocumentTransformer
  18:     {
  19:        private XslCompiledTransform _xsltransform;
  20:        public XslTransformer()
  21:        {
  22:            _xsltransform = new XslCompiledTransform(false);
  23:            Stream stylesheet = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(Constants.XSLTRESOURCE);
  24:            _xsltransform.Load(XmlReader.Create(stylesheet));
  25:        }
  26:         public System.IO.MemoryStream TransForm<TMessage>(TMessage message, System.IO.Stream template)
  27:         {
  28:             XmlReader templatedoc=XmlReader.Create(template);
  29:             MemoryStream returnStream = new MemoryStream();
  30:             XsltArgumentList arguments = new XsltArgumentList();
  31:             arguments.AddExtensionObject(Constants.DEMONAMESPACE, new XsltExtension<TMessage>(message));
  32:             _xsltransform.Transform(templatedoc, arguments, returnStream);
  33:             returnStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
  34:             return returnStream;
  35:         }
  36:     }
  37: }

Line 31 is the line that creates the XsltExtension, passes it the message object (PersonInfo in our demo app that will follow), and transforms the passed template with our xslt stylesheet and our extension to a valid word document. The xslt extension needs to be in a separate xml namespace. The DEMOSPACE constant I am using here maps to:urn:Chris:demo:word. In our xslt stylesheet you can see I prefixed this same namespace with wordgen. That&rsquo;s why in the xslt stylesheet the function is called like wordgen:GetMessageValueByXpath($query).

This XslTransformer will be used by the WordGenerator class. The WordGenerator class is the class client applications will interact with. Its code is shown below:

   1: using System;
   2: using System.Collections.Generic;
   3: using System.Linq;
   4: using System.Text;
   5: using Chris.Demo.WordGenerator.Contract;
   6: using System.Xml.Xsl;
   7: using System.Xml;
   8: using Chris.Demo.WordGenerator.Util;
   9: using System.IO;
  10: using System.Reflection;
  11: using Conditions = System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
  13: namespace Chris.Demo.WordGenerator
  14: {
  15:     /// <summary>
  16:     /// Our generator
  17:     /// </summary>
  18:     public class WordGenerator :BaseGenerator
  19:     {
  20:         public WordGenerator():this(new XslTransformer())
  21:         {
  22:         }
  23:         public WordGenerator(IObjectDocumentTransformer transformer):base(transformer)
  24:         {
  25:         }
  27:         /// <summary>
  28:         /// Later there will be more functionality here, for now a very basic implementation
  29:         /// </summary>
  30:         /// <typeparam name="TMessageObject"></typeparam>
  31:         /// <param name="message"></param>
  32:         /// <param name="template"></param>
  33:         /// <returns></returns>
  34:         public override System.IO.MemoryStream GenerateLetter<TMessageObject>(TMessageObject message, Stream template)
  35:         {
  36:             //pre didnt use code contracts because of the extra req tooling
  37:             Guard.ArgumentsNotNull(message, template);
  38:             return Transformer.TransForm(message, template);
  39:         }
  40:     }
  41: }

It inherits functionality from its base class, functionality like the Transformer property and a GenerateAndSave file method which uses the overridden method here. For now it only adds a guard and delegates to the transformer object. Default it will use our xslt transformer but the constructor also accepts another transformer as long as it implements the IDocumentTransformer interface. From this code it is obvious that client applications who will be using this dll, must supply a .Net object that contains the data which you want to be shown on the Word letter and, the client app must supply a Word template. Each client app, or even different parts from one application can generate a lot of different Word letters using this approach, all they have to do is define a template, pass it and the data to the generator and we have a Word letter!

I created a demo app which uses the Word template we have defined earlier. It is a very basic Windows Form that asks for the info we wanted to show in the Word letter, and when we push the button it generates the letter. Lets have a look Glimlach


We fill in the data, we press generate and the screen below will show:


It asks us where to save the document. I choose my Desktop and presto !Glimlach We have a Word document, generated according to our template with the data we specified in ourForm.


Lets see how this works. Here is our Windows Form class, its very simple:

   1: using System;
   2: using System.Collections.Generic;
   3: using System.ComponentModel;
   4: using System.Data;
   5: using System.Drawing;
   6: using System.Linq;
   7: using System.Text;
   8: using System.Windows.Forms;
   9: using Chris.Demo.WordGenerator;
  10: using System.IO;
  11: using FEWordGenDemo.Properties;
  12: using Chris.Demo.WordGenerator.Contract;
  14: namespace FEWordGenDemo
  15: {
  16:     public partial class Form1 : Form
  17:     {
  18:         private PersonInfo pi = new PersonInfo();
  19:         private ILetterGenerator _generator;
  20:         public Form1(ILetterGenerator generator)
  21:         {
  22:             InitializeComponent();
  23:             personInfoBindingSource.DataSource = pi;
  24:             _generator = generator;
  25:         }
  27:         private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  28:         {
  29:             if (svfWordDoc.ShowDialog(this)==DialogResult.OK)
  30:             {
  31:                 Stream templateStream = new MemoryStream(Resources.WordTemplate);
  32:                 _generator.GenerateAndSaveLetter(pi, templateStream, svfWordDoc.FileName, true);
  33:             }
  34:         }
  35:     }
  36: }

The most exciting stuff happens from line 27 and downward. Here you will see:

  • The SaveFile Dialog.
  • Getting the Word template, in my app it was embedded as resource but imagine a scenario where you can download all the templates from a location. Whenever the templates need updating, you place them on the server and every client will download it automatically. The last scenario is very similar to a project I have worked on.
  • Asking our Word generator to generate a Word document save it and open it in the default application! You can see I use the constructor to inject the generator, this way I can easily switch implementations. I pass the generator our template as a stream, and the PersonInfo object which should contain al the data by use of databinding.


Xslt, xpath and xsd&rsquo;s in combination with the programming language of our choice enables us to very easily template and generate all kinds of xml documents. Here we have looked at Word generation. Some of you might wonder, why this way, why not just grab the Open Xml sdk to generate Word 2010 documents. This is a valid point, but generating our Word documents this way allows us to easily add extra functionality, think about Conditional place holders, all the xpath formatting that can be done from our templates, Iterative place holders that will generate rows based on a .Net array, stuff like that!

Xslt extensions in .Net are very powerful, you can even pass nodes from xslt to .Net and vice versa allowing us to so some very cool modifications on our message object before sending back to xslt and injecting it in the Word document. This also allows for a very standard way of generating documents as it can be applied to all kinds of xml documents.

All the files I used and created are in one Visual Studio solution. here is the download link:

Pfew! this was a big post with lots of info. I hope you liked reading it. Feel free to comment!



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You’re tasked with creating a custom Word document from data in the CDS, where do you start? How do you change the data in the Word document? Well this blog post will show you how to generate a Word document invoice from a template and use Microsoft’s own connectors to solve the problem. We will also take a look at making a PDF from the document too with no third-party costs/data issues involved.


Where to Start

Firstly, we’re going to need four things.

  1. CDS Data
  2. File Storage (I’ll be using OneDrive)
  3. Premium Power Automate License
  4. Microsoft Word

So, we need Microsoft Word installed, why? Well we need Word as we’re going to generate a Microsoft Word Template on our system. This will allow use to create a template that we can pass information into on Power Automate, so let’s start there.

Microsoft Word – Template & Design

If you’ve never made a Word Template before you will need to enable the developer features. To do this follow the steps below:

  1. Open Word
  2. Click File
  3. Select Options
  4. Click Customize Ribbon
  5. On the left column find ‘Developer’
  6. Press ‘Add >>’
Word Developer Options

You have now enabled the developer options on your ribbon!

From here we can now design our Word Template, essentially, we’re just making an invoice in word at the moment. I use tables to separate content easier and I suggest you doing the same. Use dummy-data to create a mock invoice (see below as an example).

Word Invoice Example

Now we have an example of our invoice we want to open the developer tab. We want to replace the dummy data with plain-text-content controls. You can see the control highlighted below and an example of what it looks like when you insert it:

Word Control Highlight

Once you have added a control in replace of some dummy-data (such as the invoice number shown above) you need to click ‘Properties’ in the Developer > Controls section on your ribbon. This will allow use to assign a Title and Tag to this control. See below:

Content Control Properties
Why do we want to do this?

When opening this template in Power Automate it will provide us with an option to pass data into this tag. We’re effectively naming parameters on our template in preparation for us opening this template in Power Automate. Add all of these controls and name appropriately until you’re finished. If you’re adding multiple items then name them, for example, Item1, Item2 so you know what they represent when in your Flow.

Finalized Word Content Example

Populating the Word Template (Generic)

We need to add the ‘Populate a Microsoft Word template’ action to our Flow. Now, this is where things can fall apart easily. If we’re just using the same document to populate each time, then we can simply select the Location, Document Library and File. This will then give us a list of fields to populate.

Power Automate Word Action Example

With this approach we can simply add the dynamic or static values into the fields and we’re populating the template, however, if we’re dynamically passing in the Word document we need to use the Dynamic File Schema approach. This approach is in a seperate section.

Now, once we have populated our values, we can simply create the file with the contents of the output from our Populate a Microsoft Word template action.

Completed Document

Populating the Word Template (Dynamic File Schema)

This approach requires us to use XML/XPath to target the id of the field and populate it. The problem is that the ID’s can easily change if they’re not always the same document, so we need a way of retrieving these ID’s.

If you pass the location in dynamically you will end up with a view like this:

Dynamic Schema Word Template

The dynamicFileSchema is where you will populate the template, however, you need to get the ID’s for this. To do so, you need the XML of the document.

Firstly, save a copy of your Word Document, change the file type to .zip and then extract the contents. This will provide you with all of the documents used to make the Word Document. You then need to open the folder, then the ‘word’ folder and then open the document.xml file.

Now you have the XML document open you can find the ID for the item you’re looking to populate, the example below shows you the ID we would need to populate the Customer Name on the invoice.


We can now populate the dynamicFileSchema with the ID and the information we want to pass through. A high level look at the code we will pass will be similar to:

An actual example for our Customer Name field will look like:

    "218556363": "FlowJoe"   

This will target the field via the ID and pass “FlowJoe” into the customer name.

The final result will look something like this:

XML Added to Template Example

You can obviously replace “FlowJoe” with the dynamic data of your choice.

From here you can create a populated word document using the Create File (or the SharePoint alternative) and pass the file contents through from the Populate a Microsoft Word template action.

Save File XML

This will NOT work for documents that are generated as a template as the ID’s will continue to change, To handle this you will need to open the XML document on Power Automate and create a flow that extracts the ID based on the alias.

Creating a PDF from the Template

To generate a PDF from the Word Template, you can simply save your document into your desired location to generate the populated word document and then use the Convert File action while Selecting PDF and use the outputs in the Create File (OneDrive)/Create Item (SharePoint).

Here’s an example if we were to use the Convert file action:

Convert File Example

File Name: outputs(‘Convert_file’)[‘headers’][‘x-ms-file-name’]

File Content: body(‘Convert_file’)

PDF Final

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