Word teach в present simple

Перевод teach с английского на русский

  • учить (преподавать, обучать, научить, обучить, учиться, изучать, научать, выучить)
  • проучить
  • приучать (приучить)
  • преподать
  • поучать (наставлять, поучить, наставить, вразумить, вразумлять)
  • проповедовать


  • teach the truth (учить истине)
  • teach martial arts (преподавать боевые искусства)
  • teach foreign languages (преподавать иностранные языки)
  • teaching machine (обучающая машина)
  • teach students (научить студентов)
  • teach a lesson (преподать урок)
  • teach the gospel (проповедовать евангелие)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
teach taught taught teaching
[tiːtʃ] [tɔːt] [tɔːt] [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ]
[tiːtʃ] [tɔːt] [tɔːt] [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение teach в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I teach
  • you teach
  • he, she teaches
  • we teach
  • you teach
  • they teach

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I taught
  • you taught
  • he, she taught
  • we taught
  • you taught
  • they taught

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will teach
  • you will teach
  • he, she will teach
  • we will teach
  • you will teach
  • they will teach

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am teaching
  • you are teaching
  • he, she is teaching
  • we are teaching
  • you are teaching
  • they are teaching

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was teaching
  • you were teaching
  • he, she was teaching
  • we were teaching
  • you were teaching
  • they were teaching

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be teaching
  • you will be teaching
  • he, she will be teaching
  • we will be teaching
  • you will be teaching
  • they will be teaching

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have taught
  • you have taught
  • he, she has taught
  • we have taught
  • you have taught
  • they have taught

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had taught
  • you had taught
  • he, she had taught
  • we had taught
  • you had taught
  • they had taught

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have taught
  • you will have taught
  • he, she will have taught
  • we will have taught
  • you will have taught
  • they will have taught

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been teaching
  • you have been teaching
  • he, she has been teaching
  • we have been teaching
  • you have been teaching
  • they have been teaching

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been teaching
  • you had been teaching
  • he, she had been teaching
  • we had been teaching
  • you had been teaching
  • they had been teaching

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been teaching
  • you will have been teaching
  • he, she will have been teaching
  • we will have been teaching
  • you will have been teaching
  • they will have been teaching

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would teach
  • you would teach
  • he, she would teach
  • we would teach
  • you would teach
  • they would teach


  • I would have taught
  • you would have taught
  • he, she would have taught
  • we would have taught
  • you would have taught
  • they would have taught

Present Continuous

  • I would be teaching
  • you would be teaching
  • he, she would be teaching
  • we would be teaching
  • you would be teaching
  • they would be teaching

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been teaching
  • you would have been teaching
  • he, she would have been teaching
  • we would have been teaching
  • you would have been teaching
  • they would have been teaching

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you teach
  • we Let’s teach
  • you teach

Проспрягать другие глаголы

rip, hand, register, diminish, enable, tail, type, rage, smoke, hire, cut, echo, apportion, smell, quote, grow, upload, publicise, behave, nest, collate, unload, correct, give, detect, concur, imagine

3 формы глагола teach

Английский глагол teach [ti:tʃ], переводится как: учить.
Входит в группы:
неправильные глаголы,
глаголы 4-й класс,
глаголы 5-й класс.

3 формы глагола teach: Infinitive (teach), Past Simple — (taught), Past Participle — (taught).

📚 Глагол teach имеет значения: учить, преподавать, обучать, приучать, научить, проучить.

👉 Формы глагола teach в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет teach в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола teach

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
teach [ti:tʃ]

taught [tɔ:t]

taught [tɔ:t]


Как поставить teach во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол teach в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — teach. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить teach в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для teach нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
teach в past simple — taught.

What is the past tense of teach?

The past tense of teach is taught.

The past participle of teach is taught.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — teach в past simple, будет taught.

Future simple — teach в future simple будет teach. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — teach в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — teach в past perfect будет

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол teach?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол teach это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола teach

    My aunt taught me how to play the guitar — Моя тетя учила меня играть на гитаре.
    (Past Simple)

    Bill teaches us discipline — Билл учит нас дисциплине.
    (Present Simple)

    He taught German to his daughters — Он преподавал немецкий язык своим дочерям.
    (Past Simple)

    Mr.Brown always teaches us to be polite and patient — Мистер Браун всегда учит нас быть вежливыми и терпеливыми.
    (Present Simple)

    Read books, because they can teach you significant things — Читай книги, потому что он могут научить тебя серьезным вещам.
    (Present Simple)

    Don’t think those magazines will teach you a lot — Не думаю, что те журналы многому тебя научат
    (Future Simple)

    They are teaching a lot now, because everybody needs help — Они много преподают сейчас, потому каждому нужна помощь.
    (Present Continuous)

    Who will teach Chemistry next semester? — Кто будет преподавать химию в следующем семестре?
    (Future Simple)

    Can’t believe, that next month I will be teaching children in Africa — Поверить не могу, что в следующем месяце я буду учить детей в Африке.
    (Future Continuous)

    Our teachers have taught us to be good people at first — Наши учителя прежде всего учили нас быть хорошими людьми.
    (Present Perfect)

Вместе с teach, часто смотрят глаголы


and bring.

Глаголы на букву:

























Глагол to teach – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: учить, обучать; давать уроки, преподавать; учить, приучать; проучить.

Infinitive to teach
Simple past taught
Past participle taught
-s teaches
-ing teaching

Teach in present simple


I teach

You teach

He teaches
She teaches
It teaches

We teach

You teach

They teach


I do not teach

You do not teach

He does not teach
She does not teach
It does not teach

We do not teach

You do not teach

They do not teach


Do I teach?

Do you teach?

Does he teach?
Does she teach?
Does it teach?

Do we teach?

Do you teach?

Do they teach?

Teach in present continuous


I am teaching

You are teaching

He is teaching
She is teaching
It is teaching

We are teaching

You are teaching

They are teaching


I am not teaching

You are not teaching

He is not teaching
She is not teaching
It is not teaching

We are not teaching

You are not teaching

They are not teaching


Am I teaching?

Are you teaching?

Is he teaching?
Is she teaching?
Is it teaching?

Are we teaching?

Are you teaching?

Are they teaching?

Teach in present perfect


I have taught

You have taught

He has taught
She has taught
It has taught

We have taught

You have taught

They have taught


I have not taught

You have not taught

He has not taught
She has not taught
It has not taught

We have not taught

You have not taught

They have not taught


Have I taught?

Have you taught?

Has he taught?
Has she taught?
Has it taught?

Have we taught?

Have you taught?

Have they taught?

Teach in present perfect continuous


I have been teaching

You have been teaching

He has been teaching
She has been teaching
It has been teaching

We have been teaching

You have been teaching

They have been teaching


I have not been teaching

You have not been teaching

He has not been teaching
She has not been teaching
It has not been teaching

We have not been teaching

You have not been teaching

They have not been teaching


Have I been teaching?

Have you been teaching?

Has he been teaching?
Has she been teaching?
Has it been teaching?

Have we been teaching?

Have you been teaching?

Have they been teaching?

Teach in past simple


I taught

You taught

He taught
She taught
It taught

We taught

You taught

They taught


I did not teach

You did not teach

He did not teach
She did not teach
It did not teach

We did not teach

You did not teach

They did not teach


Did I teach?

Did you teach?

Did he teach?
Did she teach?
Did it teach?

Did we teach?

Did you teach?

Did they teach?

Teach in past continuous


I was teaching

You were teaching

He was teaching
She was teaching
It was teaching

We were teaching

You were teaching

They were teaching


I was not teaching

You were not teaching

He was not teaching
She was not teaching
It was not teaching

We were not teaching

You were not teaching

They were not teaching


Was I teaching?

Were you teaching?

Was he teaching?
Was she teaching?
Was it teaching?

Were we teaching?

Were you teaching?

Were they teaching?

Teach in past perfect


I had taught

You had taught

He had taught
She had taught
It had taught

We had taught

You had taught

They had taught


I had not taught

You had not taught

He had not taught
She had not taught
It had not taught

We had not taught

You had not taught

They had not taught


Had I taught?

Had you taught?

Had he taught?
Had she taught?
Had it taught?

Had we taught?

Had you taught?

Had they taught?

Teach in past perfect continuous


I had been teaching

You had been teaching

He had been teaching
She had been teaching
It had been teaching

We had been teaching

You had been teaching

They had been teaching


I had not been teaching

You had not been teaching

He had not been teaching
She had not been teaching
It had not been teaching

We had not been teaching

You had not been teaching

They had not been teaching


Had I been teaching?

Had you been teaching?

Had he been teaching?
Had she been teaching?
Had it been teaching?

Had we been teaching?

Had you been teaching?

Had they been teaching?

Teach in future simple


I will teach

You will teach

He will teach
She will teach
It will teach

We will teach

You will teach

They will teach


I will not teach

You will not teach

He will not teach
She will not teach
It will not teach

We will not teach

You will not teach

They will not teach


Will I teach?

Will you teach?

Will he teach?
Will she teach?
Will it teach?

Will we teach?

Will you teach?

Will they teach?

Teach in future continuous


I will be teaching

You will be teaching

He will be teaching
She will be teaching
It will be teaching

We will be teaching

You will be teaching

They will be teaching


I will not be teaching

You will not be teaching

He will not be teaching
She will not be teaching
It will not be teaching

We will not be teaching

You will not be teaching

They will not be teaching


Will I be teaching?

Will you be teaching?

Will he be teaching?
Will she be teaching?
Will it be teaching?

Will we be teaching?

Will you be teaching?

Will they be teaching?

Teach in future perfect


I will have taught

You will have taught

He will have taught
She will have taught
It will have taught

We will have taught

You will have taught

They will have taught


I will not have taught

You will not have taught

He will not have taught
She will not have taught
It will not have taught

We will not have taught

You will not have taught

They will not have taught


Will I havetaught?

Will you havetaught?

Will he havetaught?
Will she havetaught?
Will it havetaught?

Will we havetaught?

Will you havetaught?

Will they havetaught?

Teach in future perfect continuous


I will have been teaching

You will have been teaching

He will have been teaching
She will have been teaching
It will have been teaching

We will have been teaching

You will have been teaching

They will have been teaching


I will not have been teaching

You will not have been teaching

He will not have been teaching
She will not have been teaching
It will not have been teaching

We will not have been teaching

You will not have been teaching

They will not have been teaching


Will I have been teaching?

Will you have been teaching?

Will he have been teaching?
Will she have been teaching?
Will it have been teaching?

Will we have been teaching?

Will you have been teaching?

Will they have been teaching?

Teach in conditional present


I would teach

You would teach

He would teach
She would teach
It would teach

We would teach

You would teach

They would teach


I would not teach

You would not teach

He would not teach
She would not teach
It would not teach

We would not teach

You would not teach

They would not teach


Would I teach?

Would you teach?

Would he teach?
Would she teach?
Would it teach?

Would we teach?

Would you teach?

Would they teach?

Teach in conditional present progressive


I would be teaching

You would be teaching

He would be teaching
She would be teaching
It would be teaching

We would be teaching

You would be teaching

They would be teaching


I would not be teaching

You would not be teaching

He would not be teaching
She would not be teaching
It would not be teaching

We would not be teaching

You would not be teaching

They would not be teaching


Would I be teaching?

Would you be teaching?

Would he be teaching?
Would she be teaching?
Would it be teaching?

Would we be teaching?

Would you be teaching?

Would they be teaching?

Teach in conditional perfect


I would have taught

You would have taught

He would have taught
She would have taught
It would have taught

We would have taught

You would have taught

They would have taught


I would not have taught

You would not have taught

He would not have taught
She would not have taught
It would not have taught

We would not have taught

You would not have taught

They would not have taught


Would I have taught?

Would you have taught?

Would he have taught?
Would she have taught?
Would it have taught?

Would we have taught?

Would you have taught?

Would they have taught?

Teach in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been teaching

You would have been teaching

He would have been teaching
She would have been teaching
It would have been teaching

We would have been teaching

You would have been teaching

They would have been teaching


I would not have been teaching

You would not have been teaching

He would not have been teaching
She would not have been teaching
It would not have been teaching

We would not have been teaching

You would not have been teaching

They would not have been teaching


Would I have been teaching?

Would you have been teaching?

Would he have been teaching?
Would she have been teaching?
Would it have been teaching?

Would we have been teaching?

Would you have been teaching?

Would they have been teaching?

нет оценок

Infinitive Simple past Past participle
teach taught taught
Present Simple — Настоящее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Do I teach? I teach I don’t teach
Does he teach? He teaches He doesn’t teach
Does she teach? She teaches She doesn’t teach
Does it teach? It teaches It doesn’t teach
Do you teach? You teach You don’t teach
Do we teach? We teach We don’t teach
Do they teach? They teach They don’t teach
Past Simple — Прощедщее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Did I teach? I taught I didn’t teach
Did he teach? He taught He didn’t teach
Did she teach? She taught She didn’t teach
Did it teach? It taught It didn’t teach
Did we teach? We taught We didn’t teach
Did you teach? You taught You didn’t teach
Did they teach? They taught They didn’t teach
Future Simple — Будущее время
Вопросительная форма Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
Will I teach? I will teach I won’t teach
Will he teach? He will teach He won’t teach
Will she teach? She will teach She won’t teach
Will it teach? It will teach It won’t teach
Will we teach? We will teach We won’t teach
Will you teach? You will teach You won’t teach
Will they teach? They will teach They won’t teach

loading green teach [ti:tʃ] taught / taught / teaching / teaches

I teach
you teach
he/she/it teaches
we teach
you teach
they teach

I have taught
you have taught
he/she/it has taught
we have taught
you have taught
they have taught

I am teaching
you are teaching
he/she/it is teaching
we are teaching
you are teaching
they are teaching

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been teaching
you have been teaching
he/she/it has been teaching
we have been teaching
you have been teaching
they have been teaching

I taught
you taught
he/she/it taught
we taught
you taught
they taught

I was teaching
you were teaching
he/she/it was teaching
we were teaching
you were teaching
they were teaching

I had taught
you had taught
he/she/it had taught
we had taught
you had taught
they had taught

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been teaching
you had been teaching
he/she/it had been teaching
we had been teaching
you had been teaching
they had been teaching

I will teach
you will teach
he/she/it will teach
we will teach
you will teach
they will teach

I will be teaching
you will be teaching
he/she/it will be teaching
we will be teaching
you will be teaching
they will be teaching

I will have taught
you will have taught
he/she/it will have taught
we will have taught
you will have taught
they will have taught

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been teaching
you will have been teaching
he/she/it will have been teaching
we will have been teaching
you will have been teaching
they will have been teaching

I would teach
you would teach
he/she/it would teach
we would teach
you would teach
they would teach

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be teaching
you would be teaching
he/she/it would be teaching
we would be teaching
you would be teaching
they would be teaching

I would have taught
you would have taught
he/she/it would have taught
we would have taught
you would have taught
they would have taught

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been teaching
you would have been teaching
he/she/it would have been teaching
we would have been teaching
you would have been teaching
they would have been teaching

to teach
to have taught
to be teaching
to have been teaching


Глагол teach в английском языке

teach 3 forms

Перевод teach с английского на русский


3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
teach taught taught teaching
[tiːtʃ] [tɔːt] [tɔːt] [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ]
[tiːtʃ] [tɔːt] [tɔːt] [ˈtiːtʃɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм

Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

Спряжение teach в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

Future Simple
Простое будущее

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

Conditional — Условное наклонение


pi0 v3 pd 00

глагол ↓

Мои примеры



Teach me how to run the business. pi v3

Научи меня вести дела.

My father taught me to swim. pi v3

Отец научил меня плавать.

I taught history for many years. pi v3

Я много лет преподавал историю.

That’ll teach you to be late! pi v3

Будешь теперь знать, как опаздывать!

I was meant to teach. pi v3

Мне было суждено стать преподавателем.

I’ll teach you to come home late. pi v3

Я тебе покажу, как приходить домой поздно!

Who taught you to use your PC? pi v3

Кто научил тебя работать на компьютере?

The episode taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. pi v3

Этот случай стал для меня уроком, который я никогда не забуду.

She taught English to foreign students. pi v3

Она преподавала английский иностранным студентам.

We need to teach our children the difference between good and bad. pi v3

Мы должны научить своих детей понимать разницу между хорошим и плохим.

A very short time would suffice to teach him to read. pi v3

Достаточно немного времени, чтобы научить его читать.

If you can convince a child you love him, you can teach him anything. pi v3

Если убедить ребёнка в том, что его любят, его можно научить чему угодно.

He qualified to teach mathematics. pi v3

Он получил специальность преподавателя математики.

She had to teach a class of illiterates. pi v3

Ей пришлось преподавать в классе, где не умели ни читать, ни писать.

He enjoys teaching his students about history. pi v3

Ему очень нравится учить своих студентов истории.

I have endeavored to teach them to phrase and clause. pi v3

Я попытался научить их строить словосочетания и предложения.

How long did it take you to teach the dog to sit up and beg? pi v3

Сколько времени тебе потребовалось, чтобы научить собаку делать стойку и служить?

It’s important to teach your children about the dangers of smoking. pi v3

Важно донести до сознания детей информацию о вреде курения.

Teachers are expected to teach a range of subjects right across the curriculum. pi v3

Ожидается, что учителя будут преподавать целый ряд предметов по всей ширине учебной программы.

Someone should teach you some manners! pi v3

Кто-то должен научить тебя хорошим манерам!

Can you teach me one of your card tricks? pi v3

Можете научить меня одному из ваших карточных фокусов?

I’m teaching English to Italian students. pi v3

Я преподаю английский язык итальянским студентам.

Someone needs to teach her right and wrong. pi v3

Кто-то должен научить её отличать хорошее от плохого.

The idea is to teach children to save money. pi v3

Идея состоит в том, чтобы научить детей экономить деньги.

I teach creative writing at Trinity College. pi v3

Я преподаю литературное творчество в колледже св. Троицы.

The church teaches compassion and forgiveness. pi v3

Церковь учит состраданию и прощению.

Darwin teaches that biological species develop. pi v3

Дарвин учит, что биологические виды эволюционируют.

We must teach children to be wary of strangers. pi v3

Мы должны научить детей остерегаться незнакомцев.

Schools try to teach children a set of principles. pi v3

Школы стараются внушить детям определённый набор принципов.

He taught geography at the local secondary school. pi v3

Он преподавал географию в местной средней школе.


3 формы глагола teach

📚 Глагол teach имеет значения: учить, преподавать, обучать, приучать, научить, проучить.

Формы глагола teach в прошедшем времени

👉 Формы глагола teach в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет teach в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола teach

Как поставить teach во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол teach в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

Как поставить teach в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для teach нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет: teach в past simple — taught.

What is the past tense of teach?

The past tense of teach is taught.
The past participle of teach is taught.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — teach в past simple, будет taught. (V2)
Future simple — teach в future simple будет teach. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — teach в present perfect будет taught. (havehas + V3)
Past Perfect — teach в past perfect будет taught. (had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол teach?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол teach это неправильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола teach

Вместе с teach, часто смотрят глаголы be and sing.


Спряжение глагола «to teach» (Английский язык)

Глагол to teach – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: учить, обучать; давать уроки, преподавать; учить, приучать; проучить.

Infinitive to teach
Simple past taught
Past participle taught
-s teaches
-ing teaching

Teach in present simple


He teaches
She teaches
It teaches


He does not teach
She does not teach
It does not teach


Does he teach?
Does she teach?
Does it teach?

Teach in present continuous


He is teaching
She is teaching
It is teaching


You are not teaching

He is not teaching
She is not teaching
It is not teaching

We are not teaching

You are not teaching

They are not teaching


Is he teaching?
Is she teaching?
Is it teaching?

Teach in present perfect


He has taught
She has taught
It has taught


You have not taught

He has not taught
She has not taught
It has not taught

We have not taught

You have not taught

They have not taught


Has he taught?
Has she taught?
Has it taught?

Teach in present perfect continuous


I have been teaching

You have been teaching

He has been teaching
She has been teaching
It has been teaching

We have been teaching

You have been teaching

They have been teaching


I have not been teaching

You have not been teaching

He has not been teaching
She has not been teaching
It has not been teaching

We have not been teaching

You have not been teaching

They have not been teaching


Have I been teaching?

Have you been teaching?

Has he been teaching?
Has she been teaching?
Has it been teaching?

Have we been teaching?

Have you been teaching?

Have they been teaching?

Teach in past simple



He did not teach
She did not teach
It did not teach

They did not teach


Did he teach?
Did she teach?
Did it teach?

Teach in past continuous


He was teaching
She was teaching
It was teaching

They were teaching


I was not teaching

You were not teaching

He was not teaching
She was not teaching
It was not teaching

We were not teaching

You were not teaching

They were not teaching


Was he teaching?
Was she teaching?
Was it teaching?

Were they teaching?

Teach in past perfect


He had taught
She had taught
It had taught


You had not taught

He had not taught
She had not taught
It had not taught

You had not taught

They had not taught


Had he taught?
Had she taught?
Had it taught?

Teach in past perfect continuous


I had been teaching

You had been teaching

He had been teaching
She had been teaching
It had been teaching

We had been teaching

You had been teaching

They had been teaching


I had not been teaching

You had not been teaching

He had not been teaching
She had not been teaching
It had not been teaching

We had not been teaching

You had not been teaching

They had not been teaching


Had I been teaching?

Had you been teaching?

Had he been teaching?
Had she been teaching?
Had it been teaching?

Had we been teaching?

Had you been teaching?

Had they been teaching?

Teach in future simple


He will teach
She will teach
It will teach


You will not teach

He will not teach
She will not teach
It will not teach

You will not teach

They will not teach


Will he teach?
Will she teach?
Will it teach?

Teach in future continuous


I will be teaching

You will be teaching

He will be teaching
She will be teaching
It will be teaching

We will be teaching

You will be teaching

They will be teaching


I will not be teaching

You will not be teaching

He will not be teaching
She will not be teaching
It will not be teaching

We will not be teaching

You will not be teaching

They will not be teaching


Will I be teaching?

Will you be teaching?

Will he be teaching?
Will she be teaching?
Will it be teaching?

Will we be teaching?

Will you be teaching?

Will they be teaching?

Teach in future perfect


I will have taught

You will have taught

He will have taught
She will have taught
It will have taught

We will have taught

You will have taught

They will have taught


I will not have taught

You will not have taught

He will not have taught
She will not have taught
It will not have taught

We will not have taught

You will not have taught

They will not have taught


Will I have taught?

Will you have taught?

Will he have taught?
Will she have taught?
Will it have taught?

Will we have taught?

Will you have taught?

Will they have taught?

Teach in future perfect continuous


I will have been teaching

You will have been teaching

He will have been teaching
She will have been teaching
It will have been teaching

We will have been teaching

You will have been teaching

They will have been teaching


I will not have been teaching

You will not have been teaching

He will not have been teaching
She will not have been teaching
It will not have been teaching

We will not have been teaching

You will not have been teaching

They will not have been teaching


Will I have been teaching?

Will you have been teaching?

Will he have been teaching?
Will she have been teaching?
Will it have been teaching?

Will we have been teaching?

Will you have been teaching?

Will they have been teaching?

Teach in conditional present


He would teach
She would teach
It would teach


You would not teach

He would not teach
She would not teach
It would not teach

We would not teach

You would not teach

They would not teach


Would he teach?
Would she teach?
Would it teach?

Teach in conditional present progressive


I would be teaching

You would be teaching

He would be teaching
She would be teaching
It would be teaching

We would be teaching

You would be teaching

They would be teaching


I would not be teaching

You would not be teaching

He would not be teaching
She would not be teaching
It would not be teaching

We would not be teaching

You would not be teaching

They would not be teaching


Would I be teaching?

Would you be teaching?

Would he be teaching?
Would she be teaching?
Would it be teaching?

Would we be teaching?

Would you be teaching?

Would they be teaching?

Teach in conditional perfect


I would have taught

You would have taught

He would have taught
She would have taught
It would have taught

We would have taught

You would have taught

They would have taught


I would not have taught

You would not have taught

He would not have taught
She would not have taught
It would not have taught

We would not have taught

You would not have taught

They would not have taught


Would I have taught?

Would you have taught?

Would he have taught?
Would she have taught?
Would it have taught?

Would we have taught?

Would you have taught?

Would they have taught?

Teach in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been teaching

You would have been teaching

He would have been teaching
She would have been teaching
It would have been teaching

We would have been teaching

You would have been teaching

They would have been teaching


I would not have been teaching

You would not have been teaching

He would not have been teaching
She would not have been teaching
It would not have been teaching

We would not have been teaching

You would not have been teaching

They would not have been teaching


Would I have been teaching?

Would you have been teaching?

Would he have been teaching?
Would she have been teaching?
Would it have been teaching?


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