Word synonym and antonym list

List of Synonyms and Antonyms alphabetically A to Z PDF! Below is the list of words with synonyms and antonyms, along with useful ESL infographics and PDF. Synonyms are called similar words and antonyms are called opposite words.

Synonyms are the words with exactly the same meaning, while antonyms are the words with exactly opposite meanings. Synonyms and antonyms are very important parts of English vocabulary and learning different synonyms for common words of daily use will help you a lot in your ESL English learning journey.

Must Learn: 1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS

It is not possible to memorize all of these words with synonyms and antonyms a to z, all at a time, so you should consider downloading the PDF of these synonyms. PDF of these Synonyms and antonyms a to z is given at the end of this lesson.

List of Words with Synonyms and Antonyms A to Z

words with synonyms and antonyms - A

Synonyms and Antonyms – With A

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Absolve pardon, forgive compel, accuse
Amplify augment, deepen lessen, contract
Abject despicable, servile commendable, praiseworthy
Alleviate abate, relieve aggravate, enhance
Admonish counsel, reprove approve, applaud
Abate moderate, decrease aggravate
Adherent follower, disciple rival, adversary
Abound flourish, proliferate deficient, destitute
Awkward rude, blundering adroit, clever
Abortive vain, unproductive productive
Abolish abrogate, annul setup, establish
Allay pacify, soothe aggravate, excite
Alien foreigner, outsider native, resident
Acumen awareness, brilliance stupidity, ignorance
Authentic accurate, credible fictitious, unreal
Accord agreement, harmony discord
Adhere comply, observe condemn, disjoin
Axiom adage, truism absurdity, blunder
Arraign incriminate, indict exculpate, pardon
Audacity boldness, courage mildness, cowardice
Ascend climb escalate descend, decline
Adversity misfortune, calamity prosperity, fortune
Adamant stubborn, inflexible flexible, soft
Acrimony harshness, bitterness courtesy, benevolence
Adjunct joined, added separated, subtracted
Abash disconcert, rattle uphold, discompose
Abjure forsake, renounce approve, sanction
Allure entice, fascinate repulse, repel

words with synonyms and antonyms - A

Synonyms and Antonyms – With B

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Busy active, engaged idle, lazy
Bustle commotion, tumult slowness, quiet
Brittle breakable, crisp tough, enduring
Bold adventurous timid
Boisterous clamorous, rowdy placid, calm
Blunt dull, insensitive keen, sharp
Bleak grim, austere bright, pleasant
Bleak austere, blank bright, cheerful
Bind predicament release
Bewitching alluring, charming repulsive, repugnant
Benign favorable, friendly malignant, cruel
Benevolent benign, generous malevolent, miserly
Befogged becloud, dim clear headed, uncloud
Bawdy erotic, coarse decent, moral
Batty insane, silly sane
Base vulgar, coarse summit, noble
Barrier barricade, obstacle link, assistance
Barren desolate, sterile damp, fertile
Baroque florid, gilt plain, unadorned
Barbarous frustrate, perplex civilized
Baffle astound, faze facilitate, clarify

Must Learn: Synonyms List A to Z

words with synonyms and antonyms - B

Synonyms and Antonyms – With C

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Comic clown, jester tragic, tragedian
Consequence effect, outcome origin, start
Compassion kindness, sympathy cruelty, barbarity
Creation formation, foundation destruction
Cunning acute, smart naive, coarse
Contrary dissimilar, conflicting similar, alike
Captivate beguile, bewitch repel
Catholic generic, liberal narrow- minded
Cease terminate, desist begin, originate
Consent agree, permit object disagree
Cement plaster, mortar disintegrate
Conceit egotism, immodesty modesty
Comprise include, contain reject, lack
Callous obdurate, unfeeling compassionate, tender
Consolidate centralize, fortify weaken
Celebrated acclaimed, lionized unknown, inglorious
Cheap competitive, inexpensive dear, unreasonable
Chastise punish, admonish cheer, encourage
Consolidate solidify, strengthen separate, weaken
Calm harmonious, unruffled stormy, turbulent
Condemn castigate, chide approve, praise
Calamity adversity, misfortune fortune
Contradict deny, oppose approve, confirm
Camouflage cloak, disguise reveal
Contempt scorn, disregard regard, praise
Captivate charm, fascinate disillusion offend
Callous insensitive, indurated kind, merciful
Calculating canny, devious artless, honest
Concur approve, agree differ, disagree
Clandestine covert, furtive open, legal
Compact bunched, thick loose, diffuse
Compress abbreviate, shrink amplify, expand
Carnal earthly, fleshly spiritual
Censure rebuke, reprimand praise, acceptance
Calumny defamation, aspersion commendation, praise
Courtesy generosity, reverence disdain, rudeness
Confident bold, undaunted diffident, cowardly
Conspicuous prominent, obvious concealed, hidden
Concord agreement, accord discord
Captivity imprisonment, confinement freedom, liberty
Candid blunt, bluff evasive
Coarse bawdy, boorish fine, chaste
Concede yield, permit deny, reject
Chaste virtuous, pure sullied, lustful
Capable competent, able incompetent, inept
Classic simple, typical romantic, unusual

words with synonyms and antonyms - C

Synonyms and Antonyms – With D

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Dissuade remonstrate, counsel insite, persuade
Denounce blame, boycott defend
Destructive catastrophic, pernicious creative, constructive
Decipher interpret, reveal misinterpret, distort
Deceit deception, artifice veracity, sincerity
Deride mock, taunt inspire, encourage
Decay collapse, decompose flourish, progress
Docile pliable, pliant headstrong, obstinate
Defile contaminate, pollute purify, sanctity
Deliberate cautious, intentional rash, sudden
Dense opaque, piled sparse, brainy
Defray spend, pay disclaim, repudiate
Deprive despoil, divest restore, renew
Derogatory sarcastic, critical laudatory, appreciative
Dwarf diminutive, petite huge, giant
Disdain detest, despise approve, praise
Demolish ruin, devastate repair, construct
Despair depression, misery contentment, hope

words with synonyms and antonyms - D

Synonyms and Antonyms – With E

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Eclipse diminution, dimming shine, eclipse
Encumbrance hindrance, obstacle incentive, stimulant
Eager keen, acquisitive indifferent, apathetic
Equivocal uncertain, hazy obvious, lucid
Eccentric strange, abnormal natural, conventional
Epitome precise, example increment, expansion
Enormous colossal, mammoth diminutive, negligible
Eloquence expression, fluency halting, stammering
Ecstasy delight, exultation despair, calamity
Eradicate destroy, exterminate secure, plant
Efface destroy, obliterate retain, maintain
Endeavour undertake, aspire cease, quit

Synonyms and Antonyms – With F

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Frugality economy, providence lavishness, extravagance
Feud strife, quarrel harmony, fraternity
Frivolous petty, worthless solemn, significant
Frantic violent, agitated subdued, gentle
Fragile weak, infirm enduring, tough
Fluctuate deflect, vacillate stabilize, resolve
Ferocious cruel, fierce gentle, sympathetic
Feeble weak, frail strong, robust
Fanatical narrow-minded, biased liberal, tolerant
Falter stumble, demur persist, endure
Fallacy delusion, mistake veracity, truth
Forsake desert, renounce hold, maintain
Fabricate construct, produce destroy, dismantle

words with synonyms and antonyms - E

Synonyms and Antonyms – With G

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Gloomy bleak, cloudy gay, bright
Genuine absolute, factual spurious
Gather converge, huddle disperse, dissemble
Glut stuff, satiate starve, abstain
Guile cunning, deceit honesty, frankness
Gracious courteous, beneficent rude, unforgiving
Grisly disgusting, atrocious pleasing, attractive
Gloom obscurity, darkness delight, mirth
Glory dignity, renown shame, disgrace
Gorgeous magnificent, dazzling dull, unpretentious
Grudge hatred, aversion benevolence, affection
Generosity altruism, bounty stinginess, greed

Synonyms and Antonyms – With H

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Honor adoration, reverence denunciation, shame
Humility resignation, fawning boldness, pride
Harass irritate, molest assist, comfort
Hideous frightful, shocking attractive, alluring
Hypocrisy deception, pharisaism sincerity, frankness
Humble meek, timid proud, assertive
Hamper retard, prevent promote, facilitate
Harmony conformity, amicability discord, discord
Hapless unfortunate, ill-fated fortunate, lucky
Hazard peril, danger conviction, security
Hasty abrupt, impetuous leisurely, cautious
Haughty arrogant, pompous humble, submissive
Hamstrung cripple debilitate strengthen, encourage
Heretic non-conformist, secularist conformable, religious

words with synonyms and antonyms - G and H

Synonyms and Antonyms – With I

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Impartial just, unbiased prejudiced, biased
Immaculate exquisite, impeccable defiled, tarnished
Immense huge, enormous puny, insignificant
Infernal damned, accursed heavenly,
Inevitable unavoidable, ascertained unlikely, doubtful
Insinuate allude, hint conceal, camouflage
Insipid tasteless, vapid delicious, luscious
Impair diminish, deteriorate restore, revive
Imminent impending, brewing distant, receding
Ingenuous undisguised, naive wily, craftly
Irrepressible irresistible, unconfined composed, hesitant
Invective accusation, censure approval, acclamation
Immerse submerge, involve emerge, uncover
Inclination disposition, affection indifference, disinclination
Incongruous inappropriate, absurd compatible, harmonious
Indigent destitute, impoverished rich, affluent
Indifferent equitable, haughty partial, biased
Impediment hurdle, obstruction assistant, concurrence
Infringe violate, encroach comply, concur
Instill inculcate, inject eradicate, extract
Impulsive flaky, impetuous cautious, deliberate
Insolvent indigent, destitute wealthy, solvent
Invincible unconquerable, impregnable effeminate, languid
Immunity prerogative, privilege blame, censure
Intricate tangled, complicated regulated, orderly
Impious irreligious, unholy pious, devout
Impenitent uncontrite, obdurate repentant
Interesting enchanting, riveting dull, uninteresting
Intrinsic genuine, fundamental extraneous, incidental
Insipid tedious, prosaic pleasing, appetizing
Incompetent inefficient, unskilled dexterous, skilled
Impute attribute, ascribe exculpate, support
Intrigue scheme, conspiracy candor, sincerity
Immaculate unsullied, spotless defiled, tarnished

words with synonyms and antonyms - I

Synonyms and Antonyms – With J

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant melancholy, depressing
Judicious thoughtful, prudent irrational, foolish
Jaded tired, exhausted renewed, recreated
Just honest, impartial unequal, unfair
Juvenile young, tender dotage, antiquated
Jovial frolicsome, cheerful solemn, morose
Jejune dull, boring interesting, exciting
Justify defend, exculpate impute, arraign

Synonyms and Antonyms – With K

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Knotty complicated difficult simple, manageable
Knell death knell, last blow reconstruction, rediscovery
Knave dishonest, scoundrel paragon, innocent
Kindred relation, species unrelated, dissimilar
Keen sharp, poignant vapid, insipid

words with synonyms and antonyms - J and K

Synonyms and Antonyms – With L

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Luxuriant profuse, abundant scanty, meagre
Luscious palatable, delicious unsavory, tart
Lure attract, entice repel, dissuade
Lunacy delusion, insanity normalcy, sanity
Lucid sound, rational obscure, hidden
Linger loiter, prolong hasten, quicken
Liberal magnanimous, generous stingy, malicious
Liable accountable, bound unaccountable, apt to
Lenient compassionate, merciful cruel, severe
Lax slack, careless firm, reliable
Lavish abundant, excessive scarce, deficient
Languid sluggish, apathetic energetic, spirited

Synonyms and Antonyms – With M

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Mandatory imperative, requisite optional
Monotonous irksome, tedious varied, pleasant
Malice vengefulness, grudge goodwill, kindness
Munificent liberal, hospitable frugal, penurious
Molest harass, tease console, soothe
Mitigate alleviate, relieve augment enhance
Mutual joint, identical separate, distinct
Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent submissive, faithful
Miraculous marvelous, extraordinary ordinary, trivial
Momentous notable, eventful trivial, insignificant
Mollify appease, assuage irritate, infuriate
Modest humble, courteous arrogant, pompous
Masculine gallant, strapping feminine, meek
Merit stature, asset demerit, dishonor
Morbid nasty, macabre healthy, cheerful
Murky dusky, dreary bright, shining

words with synonyms and antonyms - L and M

Synonyms and Antonyms – With N

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Nullify cancel, annual confirm, uphold
Novice tyro, beginner veteran, ingenious
Numerous profuse, various scarce, deficient
Niggardly miser, covetous generous, profuse
Notion conceit, apprehension reality, concrete
Nonchalant indifferent, negligent attentive, considerate
Nimble prompt, brisk sluggish, languid
Noxious baneful, injurious healing, profitable

Synonyms and Antonyms – With O

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Ominous menacing, foreboding auspicious
Oracular cryptic, vague lucid, distinct
Obtain access, inherit forfeit
Obstinate stubborn, adamant pliable, flexible
Ordain order, impose revoke abolish
Occult latent, ambiguous intelligible, transparent
Outbreak eruption, insurrection compliance, subjection
Obliging complaisant, willing mulish, obstinate
Offspring descendant, sibling ancestor, forefather
Offensive abhorrent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating
Opaque obscure, shady transparent, bright
Obvious evident, apparent obscure, ambiguous
Odious malevolent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating
Outrage offence, maltreatment praise, favour
Obstruct impede, prevent hasten, encourage
Ornamental decorative, adorned unseemly, plain
Optimist idealist pessimist
Obscure arcane, vague prominent

words with synonyms and antonyms - N and O

Synonyms and Antonyms – With P

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Prudence vigilance, discretion indiscretion
Propagate inseminate, fecundate suppress, deplete
Prompt precise, punctual slow, negligent
Progress pace, betterment retrogress, worsening
Predicament plight, dilemma resolution, confidence
Precarious doubtful, insecure assured
Pompous haughty, arrogant unpretentious, humble
Placid tranquil, calm turbulent, hostile
Perverse petulant, obstinate complacent, docile
Perturbed flustered, anxious calm
Pertness flippancy, impudence modesty, diffidence
Persuade cajole, impress dissuade, halt
Peevish perverse, sullen suave, amiable
Peerless matchless, unrivalled mediocre, commonplace
Paramount foremost, eminent trivial, inferior
Pamper flatter, indulge deny, disparage
Pacify appease, chasten irritate, worsen

Synonyms and Antonyms – With Q

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Quibble equivocate, prevaricate unfeigned, plain
Quell subdue, reduce exacerbate, agitate
Quaint queer, strange familiar, usual
Quack impostor, deceiver upright, unfeigned
Quarantine seclude, screen befriend, socialize

words with synonyms and antonyms - P and Q

Synonyms and Antonyms – With R

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Remnant residue, piece entire, whole
Rapidity quickness, velocity inertia, lanquidity
Redeem recover, liberate conserve lose
Rustic rural, uncivilized cultured, refined
Ruthless remorseless, inhumane compassionate, lenient
Reluctant cautious, averse anxious, eager
Reason acumen, bounds folly, speculation
Rout vanquish, overthrow succumb, withdraw
Raid incursion, foray retreat, release
Ravage destroy, ruin reconstruct, renovate
Resentment displeasure, wrath content, cheer
Remorse regret, penitence ruthlessness, obduracy
Reverence respect, esteem disrespect, affront
Ratify consent, approve deny, dissent
Remonstrate censure, protest agree, loud
Rectify amend, remedy falsify, worsen
Retract recant, withdraw confirm, assert
Restrain detain, confine incite
Rescind annul, abrogate delegate, permit
Rebellious restless, attacking submissive, compliant

words with synonyms and antonyms - r

Synonyms and Antonyms – With S

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Succinct concise, terse lengthy, polite
Slander defame, malign applaud, approve
Subsequent consequent, following preceding, previous
Solicit entreat, implore protest oppose
Substantial considerable, solid tenuous, fragile
Subterfuge deceit, stratagem frankness, openness
Sneer mock, scorn flatter, praise
Sterile barren, impotent profitable, potent
Sacred cherish, divine ungodly, profane
Sarcastic ironical, derisive courteous, gracious
Stain blemish, tarnish honor, purify
Servile slavish, docile aggressive, dominant
Startled frightened, shocked waveringly
Spurious fake, counterfeit genuine, authentic
Shrewd cunning, craftly simple, imbecile
Spry nimble, brisk lethargic, sluggish
Subvert demolish, sabotage generate, organize
Steep course, lofty flat, gradual
Sporadic intermittent, scattered incessant, frequent
Successful propitious, felicitous destitute, untoward
Superficial partial, shallow profound, discerning
Sympathy tenderness, harmony antipathy, discord
System scheme, entity chaos, disorder
Savage wild, untamed polished, civilized
Stupor lethargy, unconsciousness sensibility, consciousness
Squalid dirty, filthy tidy, attractive
Shabby miserable, impoverished prosperous, thriving
Scanty scarce, insufficient lavish, multitude
Saucy impudent, insolent modest, humble
Sublime magnificent, eminent ridiculous
Sycophant parasite, flatterer devoted, loyal
Stranger immigrant, guest acquaintance, national

words with synonyms and antonyms - s

Synonyms and Antonyms – With T

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Tedious wearisome. irksome exhilarating, lively
Taboo prohibit, ban permit, consent
Throng assembly, crowd dispersion, sparsity
Tenacious stubborn, dodge docile, non- resinous
Taciturn reserved, silent talkative, extrovert
Thrifty frugal, prudent extravagant
Terse incisive, compact diffuse, gentle
Tumultuous violent, riotous peaceful, harmonious
Tremble vibrate steady
Transparent diaphanous opaque
Timid diffident, coward bold, intrepid
Trivial trifling, insignificant significant, veteran
Treacherous dishonest, duplicitous forthright, reliable
Tranquil peaceful, composed violent, furious
Tenement apartment, digs breakeven, dislodge
Temperate cool, moderate boisterous, violent
Tame compliant, subdued wild, untamed
Transient temporal, transitory lasting, enduring
Tranquil amicable, calm agitated, fierce
Trenchant assertive, forceful feeble, ambiguous

words with synonyms and antonyms - t

Synonyms and Antonyms – With U

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Urchin foundling, orphan creep, knave
Utterly completely, entirely deficiently, incomplete
Urge incite, implore abhorrence, abomination
Umbrage chagrin, offense sympathy, goodwill
Uncouth awkward, ungraceful elegant, compensate

Synonyms and Antonyms – With V

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Vilify malign, slur, defame cherish, commend
Vivacious spirited, energetic dispirited, unattractive
Vivid eloquent, lucid dull, dim
Vain arrogant, egoistic modest
Valor bravery, prowess fear, cowardice
Vicious corrupt, obnoxious noble, virtuous
Virtue ethic, morality vice, dishonesty
Venom poison, malevolence antidote, benevolent
Venerable esteemed, honored unworthy, immature
Vagrant wander, roaming steady, settled
Vouch confirm, consent repudiate, prohibit
Vanity conceit, pretension modesty, humility
Veteran ingenious, experienced novice, tyro
Vigilant cautious, alert careless, negligent

words with synonyms and antonyms - u and v

Synonyms and Antonyms – With W, X, Y, and Z

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Wield exert, employ forgo, avoid
Winsome beautiful, comely alluring, rapturous
Wane decline, dwindle ameliorate, rise
Wed marry, combine divorce, separate
Wan pale, faded bright, healthy
Waive relinquish, remove impose, clamp
Wilt wither, perish revive, bloom
Wary cautious, circumspect heedless, negligent
Wile trickery, artifice naivety, honor
Wicked vicious, immoral virtuous, noble
Yoke connect, harness liberate, release
Yield surrender abdicate resist, protest
Yearn languish, crave content, satisfy
Yell shout, shriek whisper muted
Zig -zag oblique, wayward straight, unbent
Zest delight, enthusiasm disgust, passive
Zenith summit, apex nadir, base
Zeal eagerness, fervor apathy, lethargy

words with synonyms and antonyms - w, x, y and z

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About The Author

Synonyms and Antonyms form an important part of competitive exams. Candidates frequently face questions related to synonyms and antonyms in the English language section of various Government exams such as SSC, RRB, Bank, IBPS and more.

Candidates tend to lose marks in the English section if their vocabulary is not up to the mark. The usage of Synonyms and Antonyms is essential in day to day communication as well. Hence, we are providing the list of Synonyms and Antonyms containing more than 400 English synonym and antonym words. 

Candidates will also get sample questions on synonyms and antonyms asked in the examination and will be able to download the list of Synonyms and Antonyms in PDF Format for preparation at ease.

Synonyms And Antonyms List:-Download PDF Here

Synonyms And Antonyms – Meanings

Before learning various words of synonyms and antonyms, let us first understand the meaning of both the words.

What is a Synonym?

A synonym is a word/phrase, the meaning of which is the same or nearly the same as another word or phrase. Words that are synonyms are described as synonymous.

Synonym examples:

  • Artful – Crafty
  • Ballot – Poll
  • Chorus – Refrain
  • Deceptive – Misleading
  • Enormous – Immense

What is an Antonym?

An antonym is a word/phrase that means the opposite of another word or phrase. Check the examples.

Antonym examples:

  • Admire – Detest
  • Bravery – Cowardice
  • Crooked – Straight
  • Dainty – Clumsy
  • Economise – Waste

To understand the concept of English Root Words candidates can visit the linked page.

Now that you are familiar with the meanings of both synonyms and antonyms, go through the table below comprising 400 plus English Synonyms and Antonyms.

Synonyms And Antonyms List
Words Synonyms – Same Meaning Antonyms – Opposites
Abate Moderate, decrease Aggravate
Adhere Comply, observe Condemn, disjoin
Abolish Abrogate, annul Setup, establish
Acumen Awareness, brilliance Stupidity, ignorance
Abash Disconcert, rattle Uphold, Discompose
Absolve Pardon, forgive Compel, Accuse
Abjure Forsake, renounce Approve, Sanction
Abject Despicable, servile Commendable, Praiseworthy
Abound Flourish, proliferate Deficient, Destitute
Abortive Vain, unproductive Productive
Acrimony Harshness, bitterness Courtesy, Benevolence
Accord Agreement, harmony Discord
Adjunct Joined, Added Separated, Subtracted
Adversity Misfortune, calamity Prosperity, Fortune
Adherent Follower, disciple Rival, Adversary
Adamant Stubborn, inflexible Flexible, Soft
Admonish Counsel, reprove Approve, Applaud
Allay Pacify, soothe Aggravate, Excite
Alien Foreigner, outsider Native, Resident
Ascend Climb Escalate Descend, Decline
Alleviate Abate, relieve Aggravate, Enhance
Allure Entice, fascinate Repulse, Repel
Arraign Incriminate, indict Exculpate, Pardon
Amplify Augment, deepen Lessen, Contract
Axiom Adage, truism Absurdity, Blunder
Audacity Boldness, Courage Mildness, Cowardice
Authentic Accurate, credible Fictitious, unreal
Awkward Rude, blundering Adroit, clever
Barbarous Frustrate, perplex Civilized
Bleak Grim, Austere Bright, Pleasant
Bewitching Alluring, charming Repulsive, Repugnant
Baroque Florid, gilt Plain, unadorned
Brittle Breakable, crisp Tough, Enduring
Barrier Barricade, Obstacle Link, Assistance
Baffle Astound, Faze Facilitate, Clarify
Bustle Commotion, Tumult Slowness, Quiet
Barren Desolate, Sterile Damp, Fertile
Bawdy Erotic, Coarse Decent, Moral
Bind Predicament Release
Batty Insane, silly Sane
Benevolent Benign, Generous Malevolent, Miserly
Befogged Becloud, Dim Clear headed, Uncloud
Base Vulgar, Coarse Summit, Noble
Benign Favorable, friendly Malignant, Cruel
Busy Active, Engaged Idle, Lazy
Bleak Austere, Blank Bright, Cheerful
Bold Adventurous Timid
Boisterous Clamorous, rowdy Placid, Calm
Blunt Dull, Insensitive Keen, Sharp
Callous obdurate, unfeeling Compassionate, Tender
Capable competent, able Incompetent, Inept
Calamity adversity, misfortune Fortune
Calculating Canny, Devious Artless, honest
Calumny defamation, aspersion Commendation, Praise
Captivity imprisonment, confinement Freedom, Liberty
Captivate Charm, fascinate Disillusion offend
Chaste virtuous, pure Sullied, Lustful
Cease terminate, desist Begin, Originate
Compassion kindness, sympathy Cruelty, Barbarity
Chastise punish, admonish Cheer, encourage
Concede yield, permit Deny, reject
Comprise include, contain Reject, lack
Consent agree, permit Object Disagree
Concur approve, agree Differ, disagree
Consolidate solidify, strengthen Separate, Weaken
Consequence effect, outcome Origin, Start
Contempt scorn, disregard Regard, Praise
Conspicuous prominent, obvious Concealed, hidden
Contrary dissimilar, conflicting Similar, Alike
Contradict deny, oppose Approve, Confirm
Callous Insensitive, indurated Kind, merciful
Calm Harmonious, unruffled Stormy, turbulent
Candid Blunt, bluff Evasive
Camouflage Cloak, disguise Reveal
Carnal Earthly, fleshly Spiritual
Captivate Beguile, bewitch Repel
Celebrated Acclaimed, lionized Unknown, Inglorious
Catholic Generic, liberal Narrow- minded
Censure Rebuke, reprimand Praise, Acceptance
Cement Plaster, mortar Disintegrate
Clandestine Covert, furtive Open, Legal
Cheap Competitive, Inexpensive Dear, unreasonable
Coarse Bawdy, Boorish Fine, Chaste
Classic Simple, Typical Romantic, Unusual
Compact Bunched, thick Loose, Diffuse
Comic Clown, Jester Tragic, tragedian
Conceit Egotism, Immodesty Modesty
Compress Abbreviate, Shrink Amplify, Expand
Condemn Castigate, Chide Approve, Praise
Concord Agreement, accord Discord
Consolidate Centralize, Fortify Weaken
Confident Bold, Undaunted Diffident, cowardly
Creation Formation, foundation Destruction
Courtesy Generosity, Reverence Disdain, Rudeness
Cunning Acute, Smart Naive, Coarse
Decipher interpret, reveal Misinterpret, distort
Decay Collapse, decompose Flourish, Progress
Deceit deception, artifice Veracity, Sincerity
Defray spend, pay Disclaim, Repudiate
Defile contaminate, pollute Purify, sanctity
Demolish Ruin, devastate Repair, construct
Deliberate cautious, intentional Rash, Sudden
Deride mock, taunt Inspire, Encourage
Deprive despoil, divest Restore, Renew
Dissuade Remonstrate, Counsel Insite, Persuade
Disdain detest, despise Approve, praise
Dense Opaque, piled Sparse, brainy
Denounce Blame, boycott Defend
Despair Depression, misery Contentment, Hope
Derogatory Sarcastic, critical Laudatory, appreciative
Docile Pliable, pliant Headstrong, obstinate
Destructive Catastrophic, pernicious Creative, Constructive
Dwarf Diminutive, Petite Huge, Giant
Eclipse Diminution, Dimming Shine, eclipse
Eager Keen, acquisitive Indifferent, apathetic
Ecstasy delight, exultation Despair, Calamity
Eccentric strange, abnormal Natural, Conventional
Encumbrance hindrance, obstacle Incentive, stimulant
Efface destroy, obliterate Retain, Maintain
Eloquence expression, fluency Halting, Stammering
Enormous colossal, mammoth Diminutive, negligible
Endeavour undertake, aspire Cease, quit
Equivocal uncertain, hazy Obvious, lucid
Epitome precise, example Increment, expansion
Eradicate destroy, exterminate Secure, plant
Fallacy delusion, mistake Veracity, Truth
Fabricate construct, produce Destroy, Dismantle
Fanatical narrow-minded, biased Liberal, Tolerant
Falter stumble, demur Persist, Endure
Ferocious cruel, fierce Gentle, Sympathetic
Feeble weak, frail Strong, Robust
Fluctuate deflect, vacillate Stabilize, resolve
Feud strife, quarrel Harmony, fraternity
Fragile weak, infirm Enduring, Tough
Forsake desert, renounce Hold, maintain
Frivolous petty, worthless Solemn, significant
Frantic violent, agitated Subdued, gentle
Frugality economy, providence Lavishness, extravagance
Gloom obscurity, darkness Delight, mirth
Gather Converge, huddle Disperse, Dissemble
Gorgeous magnificent, dazzling Dull, unpretentious
Glut stuff, satiate Starve, abstain
Grisly disgusting, atrocious Pleasing, attractive
Gracious courteous, beneficent Rude, Unforgiving
Guile cunning, deceit Honesty, frankness
Grudge hatred, aversion Benevolence, Affection
Genuine Absolute, Factual Spurious
Generosity Altruism, bounty Stinginess, greed
Glory Dignity, renown Shame, Disgrace
Gloomy Bleak, cloudy Gay, Bright
Harass irritate, molest Assist, comfort
Hamper retard, prevent Promote, facilitate
Hazard Peril, danger Conviction, security
Hapless unfortunate, ill-fated Fortunate, Lucky
Haughty arrogant, pompous Humble, Submissive
Hideous frightful, shocking Attractive, alluring
Heretic non-conformist, secularist Conformable, religious
Harmony Conformity, Amicability Discord, discord
Hamstrung Cripple Debilitate Strengthen, Encourage
Honor Adoration, Reverence Denunciation, Shame
Hasty Abrupt, Impetuous Leisurely, Cautious
Humility Resignation, Fawning Boldness, Pride
Humble Meek, Timid Proud, Assertive
Impenitent Uncontrite, Obdurate Repentant
Hypocrisy Deception, Pharisaism Sincerity, frankness
Indifferent Equitable, Haughty Partial, Biased
Impulsive Flaky, Impetuous Cautious, Deliberate
Infernal Damned, Accursed Heavenly,
Indigent Destitute, Impoverished Rich, Affluent
Interesting Enchanting, Riveting Dull, Uninteresting
Insipid Tedious, Prosaic Pleasing, appetizing
Immense huge, enormous Puny, Insignificant
Immaculate unsullied, spotless Defiled, Tarnished
Imminent impending, brewing Distant, Receding
Immerse submerge, involve Emerge, uncover
Impair diminish, deteriorate Restore, Revive
Immunity prerogative, privilege Blame, Censure
Impediment hurdle, obstruction Assistant, Concurrence
Impartial just, unbiased Prejudiced, Biased
Impute attribute, ascribe Exculpate, support
Impious irreligious, unholy Pious, Devout
Incompetent inefficient, unskilled Dexterous, Skilled
Inclination disposition, affection Indifference, Disinclination
Inevitable unavoidable, ascertained Unlikely, Doubtful
Incongruous inappropriate, absurd Compatible, harmonious
Ingenuous undisguised, naive Wily, Craftly
Infringe violate, encroach Comply, Concur
Insipid tasteless, vapid Delicious, luscious
Insinuate allude, hint Conceal, Camouflage
Instill inculcate, inject Eradicate, extract
Insolvent indigent, destitute Wealthy, solvent
Intrigue scheme, conspiracy Candor, Sincerity
Intricate tangled, complicated Regulated, Orderly
Invective accusation, censure Approval, acclamation
Intrinsic genuine, fundamental Extraneous, incidental
Immaculate Exquisite, Impeccable Defiled, Tarnished
Invincible unconquerable, impregnable Effeminate, languid
Irrepressible irresistible, unconfined Composed, hesitant
Jejune dull, boring Interesting, exciting
Jaded tired, exhausted Renewed, recreated
Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant Melancholy, depressing
Jovial frolicsome, cheerful Solemn, morose
Just honest, impartial Unequal, unfair
Judicious thoughtful, prudent Irrational, foolish
Juvenile young, tender Dotage, antiquated
Justify defend, exculpate Impute, arraign
Knave dishonest, scoundrel Paragon, innocent
Knotty complicated difficult Simple, manageable
Kindred relation, species Unrelated, dissimilar
Keen sharp, poignant Vapid, insipid
Knell death knell, last blow Reconstruction, rediscovery
Lax slack, careless Firm, reliable
Lavish abundant, excessive Scarce, deficient
Liable accountable, bound Unaccountable, apt to
Lenient compassionate, merciful Cruel, severe
Lucid sound, rational Obscure, hidden
Lure attract, entice Repel, dissuade
Linger loiter, prolong Hasten, quicken
Liberal magnanimous, generous Stingy, malicious
Lunacy delusion, insanity Normalcy, sanity
Luxuriant profuse, abundant Scanty, meagre
Luscious palatable, delicious Unsavory, tart
Languid Sluggish, apathetic Energetic, spirited
Mandatory Imperative, requisite Optional
Malice Vengefulness, grudge Goodwill, Kindness
Merit Stature, Asset Demerit, dishonor
Masculine Gallant, strapping Feminine, meek
Mitigate alleviate, relieve Augment enhance
Miraculous marvelous, extraordinary Ordinary, trivial
Molest harass, tease Console, soothe
Modest humble, courteous Arrogant, pompous
Momentous notable, eventful Trivial, insignificant
Mollify appease, assuage Irritate, infuriate
Morbid Nasty, Macabre Healthy, Cheerful
Monotonous irksome, tedious Varied, pleasant
Murky dusky, dreary Bright, shining
Munificent liberal, hospitable Frugal, penurious
Mutual joint, identical Separate, distinct
Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent Submissive, faithful
Nimble prompt, brisk Sluggish, languid
Niggardly miser, covetous Generous, profuse
Noxious baneful, injurious Healing, profitable
Notion Conceit, Apprehension Reality, Concrete
Novice tyro, beginner Veteran, ingenious
Nonchalant indifferent, negligent Attentive, considerate
Nullify cancel, annual Confirm, Uphold
Numerous profuse, various Scarce, deficient
Obliging Complaisant, Willing Mulish, Obstinate
Obstruct impede, prevent Hasten, encourage
Obstinate Stubborn, Adamant Pliable, flexible
Obscure Arcane, Vague Prominent
Obvious Evident, apparent Obscure, ambiguous
Obtain Access, Inherit Forfeit
Offensive Abhorrent, obnoxious Engaging, fascinating
Odious Malevolent, obnoxious Engaging, fascinating
Offspring descendant, sibling Ancestor, forefather
Occult latent, ambiguous Intelligible, transparent
Opaque obscure, shady Transparent, bright
Ominous Menacing, Foreboding Auspicious
Oracular cryptic, vague Lucid, distinct
Optimist Idealist Pessimist
Ornamental decorative, adorned Unseemly, plain
Ordain Order, impose Revoke abolish
Outrage offence, maltreatment Praise, favour
Outbreak eruption, insurrection Compliance, subjection
Persuade Cajole, Impress Dissuade, halt
Pacify Appease, Chasten Irritate, worsen
Propagate Inseminate, fecundate Suppress, deplete
Perturbed Flustered, anxious Calm
Prompt Precise, Punctual Slow, Negligent
Progress Pace, Betterment Retrogress, worsening
Pamper Flatter, indulge Deny, disparage
Prudence Vigilance, Discretion Indiscretion
Peerless matchless, unrivalled Mediocre, commonplace
Paramount foremost, eminent Trivial, inferior
Pertness flippancy, impudence Modesty, diffidence
Peevish perverse, sullen Suave, amiable
Placid tranquil, calm Turbulent, hostile
Perverse petulant, obstinate Complacent, docile
Precarious doubtful, insecure Assured
Pompous haughty, arrogant Unpretentious, humble
Predicament plight, dilemma Resolution, confidence
Quaint Queer, strange Familiar, usual
Quack Impostor, deceiver Upright, unfeigned
Quell subdue, reduce Exacerbate, agitate
Quarantine seclude, screen Befriend, socialize
Quibble equivocate, prevaricate Unfeigned, plain
Rapidity Quickness, Velocity Inertia, lanquidity
Raid Incursion, Foray Retreat, release
Rebellious Restless, attacking Submissive, Compliant
Reason Acumen, Bounds Folly, Speculation
Reluctant Cautious, Averse anxious, Eager
Rectify Amend, Remedy Falsify, Worsen
Ravage Destroy, ruin Reconstruct, renovate
Remnant Residue, piece Entire, whole
Ratify consent, approve Deny, dissent
Restrain Detain, Confine Incite
Redeem Recover, liberate Conserve lose
Remorse Regret, penitence Ruthlessness, obduracy
Remonstrate Censure, protest Agree, loud
Resentment Displeasure, wrath Content, Cheer
Rescind Annul, abrogate Delegate, permit
Reverence Respect, esteem Disrespect, affront
Retract Recant, withdraw Confirm, assert
Rustic Rural, uncivilized Cultured, Refined
Rout Vanquish, overthrow Succumb, withdraw
Ruthless Remorseless, inhumane Compassionate, lenient
Savage Wild, untamed Polished, Civilized
Sacred Cherish, Divine Ungodly, Profane
Steep Course, lofty Flat, gradual
Startled Frightened, Shocked Waveringly
Sublime Magnificent, eminent Ridiculous
Stranger Immigrant, guest Acquaintance, national
Sympathy Tenderness, harmony Antipathy, Discord
Succinct Concise, Terse Lengthy, polite
Sarcastic Ironical, derisive Courteous, gracious
System Scheme, Entity Chaos, Disorder
Shrewd Cunning, craftly Simple, imbecile
Saucy Impudent, insolent Modest, humble
Servile Slavish, Docile Aggressive, Dominant
Scanty scarce, insufficient Lavish, multitude
Slander defame, malign Applaud, approve
Shabby miserable, impoverished Prosperous, thriving
Solicit entreat, implore Protest oppose
Sneer mock, scorn Flatter, praise
Stain blemish, tarnish Honor, purify
Subterfuge Deceit, Stratagem Frankness, Openness
Sporadic intermittent, scattered Incessant, frequent
Spurious Fake, Counterfeit Genuine, Authentic
Squalid dirty, filthy Tidy, Attractive
Spry Nimble, Brisk Lethargic, Sluggish
Sterile Barren, Impotent Profitable, Potent
Successful Propitious, Felicitous Destitute, Untoward
Subsequent consequent, following Preceding, previous
Stupor lethargy, unconsciousness Sensibility, Consciousness
Subvert Demolish, sabotage Generate, organize
Substantial Considerable, solid Tenuous, fragile
Sycophant Parasite, flatterer Devoted, loyal
Superficial Partial, shallow Profound, discerning
Taciturn Reserved, silent Talkative, extrovert
Taboo Prohibit, ban Permit, consent
Temperate Cool, moderate Boisterous, violent
Tedious Wearisome. Irksome Exhilarating, lively
Tenacious Stubborn, Dodge Docile, non- resinous
Tenement Apartment, Digs Breakeven, dislodge
Timid Diffident, coward Bold, intrepid
Throng Assembly, crowd Dispersion, sparsity
Transient Temporal, transitory Lasting, enduring
Tranquil Peaceful, composed Violent, furious
Treacherous Dishonest, duplicitous Forthright, reliable
Trenchant Assertive, forceful Feeble, ambiguous
Tumultuous Violent, riotous Peaceful, harmonious
Trivial Trifling, insignificant Significant, veteran
Tame Compliant, Subdued Wild, untamed
Tyro Beginner, riotous Proficient, veteran
Thick Chunky, massive Thin, attenuated
Terse Incisive, Compact Diffuse, Gentle
Tranquil Amicable, Calm Agitated, Fierce
Thrifty Frugal, prudent Extravagant
Tremble Vibrate Steady
Transparent Diaphanous Opaque
Utterly Completely, entirely Deficiently, incomplete
Uncouth Awkward, ungraceful Elegant, Compensate
Uncouth Boorish, Clownish Elegant, Compensate
Umbrage Chagrin, offense Sympathy, goodwill
Urge Incite, Implore Abhorrence, Abomination
Urchin Foundling, Orphan Creep, Knave
Vagrant Wander, roaming Steady, settled
Vain Arrogant, egoistic Modest
Vanity Conceit, pretension Modesty, Humility
Valor Bravery, prowess Fear, cowardice
Venom Poison, malevolence Antidote, Benevolent
Venerable Esteemed, honored Unworthy, immature
Vicious Corrupt, obnoxious Noble, Virtuous
Veteran Ingenious, experienced Novice, tyro
Vivacious Spirited, Energetic Dispirited, Unattractive
Vigilant Cautious, alert Careless, negligent
Vouch Confirm, consent Repudiate, prohibit
Vilify Malign, Slur, Defame Cherish, Commend
Vivid Eloquent, lucid Dull, Dim
Virtue Ethic, morality Vice, dishonesty
Wan Pale, faded Bright, healthy
Waive Relinquish, remove Impose, Clamp
Wary cautious, circumspect Heedless, negligent
Wane Decline, Dwindle Ameliorate, Rise
Wicked vicious, immoral Virtuous, Noble
Wed marry, combine Divorce, Separate
Wile Trickery, Artifice Naivety, honor
Wield Exert, employ Forgo, avoid
Wilt wither, perish Revive, bloom
Winsome Beautiful, Comely Alluring, Rapturous
Yield surrender abdicate Resist, protest
Yell shout, shriek Whisper muted
Yoke connect, harness Liberate, Release
Yearn languish, crave Content, satisfy
Zenith summit, apex Nadir, base
Zeal eagerness, fervor Apathy, lethargy
Zig -zag oblique, wayward Straight, unbent
Zest delight, enthusiasm Disgust, passive

Candidates are advised to download the list of synonym and antonym words for their convenience.

Synonyms And Antonyms List:-Download PDF Here

Candidates preparing for competitive exams must update themselves with the basic differences between the confusing but common words in the English Language. Check the links given below:

More such articles on various concepts of English as well as other subjects, important topics, etc are given on the 100 Difference Between Articles in the given link.

Check other important topics for the preparation of the English language section in these exams. 

  • Conjunctions List & Rules
  • Rules For Prepositions
  • List of Prepositions
  • Rules For Tenses
  • Idioms & Phrases
  • Letter Writing Format

For more articles based on the concepts, rules and sample questions check General English For Competitive exams page.

Government Exam 2023

English Synonyms And Antonyms Words – Sample Questions

To understand the prominence of synonyms and antonyms in the English language section of various competitive exams, it is important to know the type of questions asked in the examination, based on the same.

Hence, given below are sample questions on synonyms and antonyms asked in the English language section of various government examinations:

Directions – From the given options, choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the highlighted words in the paragraphs given below. 

Q.1. The the coming decades will likely see more intense clustering of jobs, innovation and productivity in a smaller number of bigger cities and city-regions.

  1. Concentrated
  2. Forceful
  3. Passionate 
  4. Energetic

Answer (1) Concentrated

Q.2. Most of human history has been  a part of the Paleolithic period or the old stone age. The exponential change in the development of human civilization came in the recent few centuries.

  1. Great
  2. Fast
  3. Tremendous
  4. Increasing

Answer (3) Tremendous

Q.3. “I can’t stand this any more,” said Lalit, noticing that Rustam did not relish Zuker’s conversation.

  1. Gaiety
  2. Savour
  3. Vindicate
  4. Desire

Answer (2) Savour

Directions – From the given options, choose the option that is the most opposite in the meaning to the highlighted words in the paragraphs given below. 

Q.4. Neither the Gods nor the Kings have anything to say in a politically enlightened community.

  1. Civilised
  2. Uneducated
  3. Stupid
  4. Uncivilised

Answer 2. (Uneducated)

Q.5. These bottles are harrowing. How could she spend so much money on something that is so drab?

  1. Distressing
  2. Attractive
  3. Gruesome
  4. Adorable

Answer (2) Attractive

Apart from the above-given MCQ type questions, synonyms and antonyms are asked in reading comprehension sections as well. Candidates can go through the exercise on Synonyms Questions and Answers for practice and revision. 

Candidates will also enhance the vocabulary skills that will help them in descriptive sections such as Essay/Letter writing or precis writing.

Also, go through the questions and answers of other relevant topics of English Language covered in the syllabus of various competitive exams.

  • One Word Substitution Questions & Answers
  • Tenses Questions And Answers
  • Idioms and Phrases Questions and Answers
  • Prepositions Questions And Answers

For more such articles on the questions and answers on various English topics, check the Verbal Ability page.

Candidates who are preparing for the upcoming government exams must go through the list of Synonyms and Antonyms very carefully as candidates tend to score the least in the English Language section.

Candidates preparing for the various government exams can refer to the detailed syllabus in the links given below:

For further questions or information regarding competitive exams, study material or best books for preparation, candidates can turn to BYJU’S. 

Online Quiz 2023

November 11, 2021

Learn Some common but important synonyms in english. Words with Synonyms and Antonyms in English with ESL infographics. Synonyms are the words with similar meaning and antonyms are words with opposite meaning. Synonyms and antonyms will help in english speaking. To improve the your english skills you must have to learn these synonyms and antonyms in english language.

Today we are going to learn some useful synonyms and antonyms in english. This list of 1000+ Synonyms along with their antonyms is very important and that why you must have to learn them all. We use these synonyms in our daily life and that why they are important. We have created this list with the help our ESL expert and you can’t ignore the important of these synonyms and antonyms.

Antonyms are the words with opposite meaning. Another name for antonyms in of opposite words. You can use opposite words in place of antonyms too. Learn antonyms will add new words to your vocabulary and you can talk about any thing without any problem.

Synonyms are the very important part of english grammar and vocabulary and that’s why we are learning synonyms. Synonyms are the similar words, they are the words with exactly same meaning. Below is the list of 1000+ Synonyms along with their antonyms.

Synonyms and Antonyms in English

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Compress abbreviate, shrink amplify, expand
Obtain access, inherit forfeit
Busy active, engaged idle, lazy
Accord agreement, harmony discord
Tenement apartment, digs breakeven, dislodge
Sterile barren, impotent profitable, potent
Winsome beautiful, comely alluring, rapturous
Remonstrate censure, protest agree, loud
Enormous colossal, mammoth diminutive, negligible
Capable competent, able incompetent, inept
Ornamental decorative, adorned unseemly, plain
Abject despicable, servile commendable, praiseworthy
Impair diminish, deteriorate restore, revive
Contrary dissimilar, conflicting similar, alike
Vivid eloquent, lucid dull, dim
Bawdy erotic, coarse decent, moral
Impulsive flaky, impetuous cautious, deliberate
Pertness flippancy, impudence modesty, diffidence
Mandatory imperative, requisite optional
Zig -zag oblique, wayward straight, unbent
Gloom obscurity, darkness delight, mirth
Superficial partial, shallow profound, discerning
Taboo prohibit, ban permit, consent
Rapidity quickness, velocity inertia, lanquidity
Keen sharp, poignant vapid, insipid
Consolidate solidify, strengthen separate, weaken
Defray spend, pay disclaim, repudiate
Merit stature, asset demerit, dishonor
Hapless unfortunate, ill-fated fortunate, lucky
Immaculate unsullied, spotless defiled, tarnished
Feeble weak, frail strong, robust
Bewitching alluring, charming repulsive, repugnant
Candid blunt, bluff evasive
Calculating canny, devious artless, honest
Consolidate centralize, fortify weaken
Umbrage chagrin, offense sympathy, goodwill
Lenient compassionate, merciful cruel, severe
Knotty complicated difficult simple, manageable
Vanity conceit, pretension modesty, humility
Yoke connect, harness liberate, release
Infernal damned, accursed heavenly,
Hypocrisy deception, pharisaism sincerity, frankness
Subvert demolish, sabotage generate, organize
Timid diffident, coward bold, intrepid
Resentment displeasure, wrath content, cheer
Consequence effect, outcome origin, start
Solicit entreat, implore protest oppose
Indifferent equitable, haughty partial, biased
Obvious evident, apparent obscure, ambiguous
Pompous haughty, arrogant unpretentious, humble
Adjunct joined, added separated, subtracted
Eager keen, acquisitive indifferent, apathetic
Sublime magnificent, eminent ridiculous
Momentous notable, eventful trivial, insignificant
Allay pacify, soothe aggravate, excite
Docile pliable, pliant headstrong, obstinate
Nimble prompt, brisk sluggish, languid
Quaint queer, strange familiar, usual
Glut stuff, satiate starve, abstain
Insipid tedious, prosaic pleasing, appetizing
Frantic violent, agitated subdued, gentle
Hasty abrupt, impetuous leisurely, cautious
Axiom adage, truism absurdity, blunder
Obscure arcane, vague prominent
Valor bravery, prowess fear, cowardice
Brittle breakable, crisp tough, enduring
Condemn castigate, chide approve, praise
Tame compliant, subdued wild, untamed
Admonish counsel, reprove approve, applaud
Ecstasy delight, exultation despair, calamity
Murky dusky, dreary bright, shining
Catholic generic, liberal narrow- minded
Sarcastic ironical, derisive courteous, gracious
Gorgeous magnificent, dazzling dull, unpretentious
Wed marry, combine divorce, separate
Ordain order, impose revoke abolish
Luscious palatable, delicious unsavory, tart
Peevish perverse, sullen suave, amiable
Censure rebuke, reprimand praise, acceptance
Retract recant, withdraw confirm, assert
Dissuade remonstrate, counsel insite, persuade
Rustic rural, uncivilized cultured, refined
Derogatory sarcastic, critical laudatory, appreciative
System scheme, entity chaos, disorder
Tenacious stubborn, dodge docile, non- resinous
Falter stumble, demur persist, endure
Zenith summit, apex nadir, base
Judicious thoughtful, prudent irrational, foolish
Invincible unconquerable, impregnable effeminate, languid
Ingenuous undisguised, naive wily, craftly
Malice vengefulness, grudge goodwill, kindness
Base vulgar, coarse summit, noble

Important Synonyms and Antonyms

1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English 1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Invective accusation, censure approval, acclamation
Consent agree, permit object disagree
Generosity altruism, bounty stinginess, greed
Tranquil amicable, calm agitated, fierce
Rescind annul, abrogate delegate, permit
Audacity boldness, courage mildness, cowardice
Destructive catastrophic, pernicious creative, constructive
Reluctant cautious, averse anxious, eager
Boisterous clamorous, rowdy placid, calm
Hamstrung cripple debilitate strengthen, encourage
Lunacy delusion, insanity normalcy, sanity
Contradict deny, oppose approve, confirm
Forsake desert, renounce hold, maintain
Barren desolate, sterile damp, fertile
Efface destroy, obliterate retain, maintain
Disdain detest, despise approve, praise
Outbreak eruption, insurrection compliance, subjection
Virtue ethic, morality vice, dishonesty
Adherent follower, disciple rival, adversary
Paramount foremost, eminent trivial, inferior
Thrifty frugal, prudent extravagant
Courtesy generosity, reverence disdain, rudeness
Molest harass, tease console, soothe
Just honest, impartial unequal, unfair
Propagate inseminate, fecundate suppress, deplete
Stupor lethargy, unconsciousness sensibility, consciousness
Waive relinquish, remove impose, clamp
Servile slavish, docile aggressive, dominant
Intricate tangled, complicated regulated, orderly
Novice tyro, beginner veteran, ingenious
Offensive abhorrent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating
Genuine absolute, factual spurious
Concord agreement, accord discord
Baffle astound, faze facilitate, clarify
Bleak austere, blank bright, cheerful
Captivate charm, fascinate disillusion offend
Utterly completely, entirely deficiently, incomplete
Notion conceit, apprehension reality, concrete
Shrewd cunning, craftly simple, imbecile
Slander defame, malign applaud, approve
Eclipse diminution, dimming shine, eclipse
Jejune dull, boring interesting, exciting
Interesting enchanting, riveting dull, uninteresting
Quibble equivocate, prevaricate unfeigned, plain
Immaculate exquisite, impeccable defiled, tarnished
Incongruous inappropriate, absurd compatible, harmonious
Comprise include, contain reject, lack
Raid incursion, foray retreat, release
Harass irritate, molest assist, comfort
Liberal magnanimous, generous stingy, malicious
Deride mock, taunt inspire, encourage
Predicament plight, dilemma resolution, confidence
Mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent submissive, faithful
Scanty scarce, insufficient lavish, multitude
Feud strife, quarrel harmony, fraternity
Adamant stubborn, inflexible flexible, soft
Wile trickery, artifice naivety, honor
Abortive vain, unproductive productive
Tremble vibrate steady
Vagrant wander, roaming steady, settled
Authentic accurate, credible fictitious, unreal
Cunning acute, smart naive, coarse
Amplify augment, deepen lessen, contract
Befogged becloud, dim clear headed, uncloud
Compact bunched, thick loose, diffuse
Harmony conformity, amicability discord, discord
Ratify consent, approve deny, dissent
Ferocious cruel, fierce gentle, sympathetic
Oracular cryptic, vague lucid, distinct
Grisly disgusting, atrocious pleasing, attractive
Allure entice, fascinate repulse, repel
Wield exert, employ forgo, avoid
Perturbed flustered, anxious calm
Masculine gallant, strapping feminine, meek
Obstruct impede, prevent hasten, encourage
Instill inculcate, inject eradicate, extract
Sneer mock, scorn flatter, praise
Dense opaque, piled sparse, brainy
Tranquil peaceful, composed violent, furious
Epitome precise, example increment, expansion
Successful propitious, felicitous destitute, untoward
Chastise punish, admonish cheer, encourage
Kindred relation, species unrelated, dissimilar
Remnant residue, piece entire, whole
Intrigue scheme, conspiracy candor, sincerity
Yell shout, shriek whisper muted
Languid sluggish, apathetic energetic, spirited
Vivacious spirited, energetic dispirited, unattractive
Insipid tasteless, vapid delicious, luscious
Chaste virtuous, pure sullied, lustful
Tedious wearisome. irksome exhilarating, lively
Lavish abundant, excessive scarce, deficient
Insinuate allude, hint conceal, camouflage
Impute attribute, ascribe exculpate, support
Acumen awareness, brilliance stupidity, ignorance
Benevolent benign, generous malevolent, miserly
Vigilant cautious, alert careless, negligent
Deliberate cautious, intentional rash, sudden
Cheap competitive, inexpensive dear, unreasonable
Gracious courteous, beneficent rude, unforgiving
Clandestine covert, furtive open, legal
Subterfuge deceit, stratagem frankness, openness
Fluctuate deflect, vacillate stabilize, resolve
Treacherous dishonest, duplicitous forthright, reliable
Knave dishonest, scoundrel paragon, innocent
Creation formation, foundation destruction
Abjure forsake, renounce approve, sanction
Modest humble, courteous arrogant, pompous
Stranger immigrant, guest acquaintance, national
Sporadic intermittent, scattered incessant, frequent
Yearn languish, crave content, satisfy
Vilify malign, slur, defame cherish, commend
Ominous menacing, foreboding auspicious
Outrage offence, maltreatment praise, favour
Absolve pardon, forgive compel, accuse
Perverse petulant, obstinate complacent, docile
Reverence respect, esteem disrespect, affront
Hamper retard, prevent promote, facilitate
Quarantine seclude, screen befriend, socialize
Eccentric strange, abnormal natural, conventional
Infringe violate, encroach comply, concur
Concede yield, permit deny, reject
Pacify appease, chasten irritate, worsen
Gloomy bleak, cloudy gay, bright
Wary cautious, circumspect heedless, negligent

List of Synonyms and Antonyms in English

1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English 1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Succinct concise, terse lengthy, polite
Deceit deception, artifice veracity, sincerity
Despair depression, misery contentment, hope
Offspring descendant, sibling ancestor, forefather
Inclination disposition, affection indifference, disinclination
Frugality economy, providence lavishness, extravagance
Conceit egotism, immodesty modesty
Venerable esteemed, honored unworthy, immature
Spurious fake, counterfeit genuine, authentic
Urchin foundling, orphan creep, knave
Jovial frolicsome, cheerful solemn, morose
Barbarous frustrate, perplex civilized
Bleak grim, austere bright, pleasant
Mutual joint, identical separate, distinct
Impartial just, unbiased prejudiced, biased
Linger loiter, prolong hasten, quicken
Niggardly miser, covetous generous, profuse
Shabby miserable, impoverished prosperous, thriving
Adversity misfortune, calamity prosperity, fortune
Progress pace, betterment retrogress, worsening
Conspicuous prominent, obvious concealed, hidden
Humility resignation, fawning boldness, pride
Awkward rude, blundering adroit, clever
Contempt scorn, disregard regard, praise
Impenitent uncontrite, obdurate repentant
Rout vanquish, overthrow succumb, withdraw
Tumultuous violent, riotous peaceful, harmonious
Reason acumen, bounds folly, speculation
Honor adoration, reverence denunciation, shame
Mitigate alleviate, relieve augment enhance
Trenchant assertive, forceful feeble, ambiguous
Confident bold, undaunted diffident, cowardly
Ascend climb escalate descend, decline
Camouflage cloak, disguise reveal
Obliging complaisant, willing mulish, obstinate
Fabricate construct, produce destroy, dismantle
Squalid dirty, filthy tidy, attractive
Blunt dull, insensitive keen, sharp
Pamper flatter, indulge deny, disparage
Baroque florid, gilt plain, unadorned
Abound flourish, proliferate deficient, destitute
Startled frightened, shocked waveringly
Terse incisive, compact diffuse, gentle
Decipher interpret, reveal misinterpret, distort
Impious irreligious, unholy pious, devout
Heretic non-conformist, secularist conformable, religious
Cement plaster, mortar disintegrate
Venom poison, malevolence antidote, benevolent
Prompt precise, punctual slow, negligent
Numerous profuse, various scarce, deficient
Rebellious restless, attacking submissive, compliant
Demolish ruin, devastate repair, construct
Lucid sound, rational obscure, hidden
Immerse submerge, involve emerge, uncover
Endeavour undertake, aspire cease, quit
Wilt wither, perish revive, bloom
Juvenile young, tender dotage, antiquated
Alleviate abate, relieve aggravate, enhance
Rectify amend, remedy falsify, worsen
Vain arrogant, egoistic modest
Throng assembly, crowd dispersion, sparsity
Captivate beguile, bewitch repel
Persuade cajole, impress dissuade, halt
Sacred cherish, divine ungodly, profane
Bustle commotion, tumult slowness, quiet
Adhere comply, observe condemn, disjoin
Temperate cool, moderate boisterous, violent
Wane decline, dwindle ameliorate, rise
Zest delight, enthusiasm disgust, passive
Deprive despoil, divest restore, renew
Glory dignity, renown shame, disgrace
Carnal earthly, fleshly spiritual
Eloquence expression, fluency halting, stammering
Calm harmonious, unruffled stormy, turbulent
Optimist idealist pessimist
Imminent impending, brewing distant, receding
Insolvent indigent, destitute wealthy, solvent
Batty insane, silly sane
Monotonous irksome, tedious varied, pleasant
Fanatical narrow-minded, biased liberal, tolerant
Morbid nasty, macabre healthy, cheerful
Hazard peril, danger conviction, security
Luxuriant profuse, abundant scanty, meagre
Redeem recover, liberate conserve lose
Jubilant rejoicing, triumphant melancholy, depressing
Classic simple, typical romantic, unusual
Obstinate stubborn, adamant pliable, flexible
Sympathy tenderness, harmony antipathy, discord
Bold adventurous timid
Calamity adversity, misfortune fortune
Haughty arrogant, pompous humble, submissive
Lure attract, entice repel, dissuade
Barrier barricade, obstacle link, assistance
Denounce blame, boycott defend
Stain blemish, tarnish honor, purify
Nullify cancel, annual confirm, uphold
Vicious corrupt, obnoxious noble, virtuous
Calumny defamation, aspersion commendation, praise
Fallacy delusion, mistake veracity, truth
Eradicate destroy, exterminate secure, plant
Restrain detain, confine incite
Dwarf diminutive, petite huge, giant
Zeal eagerness, fervor apathy, lethargy
Grudge hatred, aversion benevolence, affection
Arraign incriminate, indict exculpate, pardon
Irrepressible irresistible, unconfined composed, hesitant
Occult latent, ambiguous intelligible, transparent
Munificent liberal, hospitable frugal, penurious
Peerless matchless, unrivalled mediocre, commonplace
Abate moderate, decrease aggravate
Wan pale, faded bright, healthy
Immunity prerogative, privilege blame, censure
Ruthless remorseless, inhumane compassionate, lenient
Taciturn reserved, silent talkative, extrovert
Transient temporal, transitory lasting, enduring
Cease terminate, desist begin, originate
Jaded tired, exhausted renewed, recreated
Prudence vigilance, discretion indiscretion
Savage wild, untamed polished, civilized
Abolish abrogate, annul setup, establish
Liable accountable, bound unaccountable, apt to
Comic clown, jester tragic, tragedian
Decay collapse, decompose flourish, progress
Vouch confirm, consent repudiate, prohibit
Subsequent consequent, following preceding, previous
Gather converge, huddle disperse, dissemble
Justify defend, exculpate impute, arraign
Indigent destitute, impoverished rich, affluent
Ravage destroy, ruin reconstruct, renovate

A List of Synonyms and Antonyms

1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English 1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English

Words Synonyms Antonyms
Transparent Diaphanous opaque
Precarious doubtful, insecure assured
Hideous frightful, shocking attractive, alluring
Intrinsic genuine, fundamental extraneous, incidental
Acrimony harshness, bitterness courtesy, benevolence
Encumbrance hindrance, obstacle incentive, stimulant
Immense huge, enormous puny, insignificant
Captivity imprisonment, confinement freedom, liberty
Saucy impudent, insolent modest, humble
Urge incite, implore abhorrence, abomination
Nonchalant indifferent, negligent attentive, considerate
Callous insensitive, indurated kind, merciful
Miraculous marvelous, extraordinary ordinary, trivial
Spry nimble, brisk lethargic, sluggish
Callous obdurate, unfeeling compassionate, tender
Opaque obscure, shady transparent, bright
Frivolous petty, worthless solemn, significant
Bind predicament release
Quell subdue, reduce exacerbate, agitate
Wicked vicious, immoral virtuous, noble
Celebrated acclaimed, lionized unknown, inglorious
Mollify appease, assuage irritate, infuriate
Concur approve, agree differ, disagree
Uncouth awkward, ungraceful elegant, compensate
Noxious baneful, injurious healing, profitable
Coarse bawdy, boorish fine, chaste
Substantial considerable, solid tenuous, fragile
Defile contaminate, pollute purify, sanctity
Steep course, lofty flat, gradual
Guile cunning, deceit honesty, frankness
Knell death knell, last blow reconstruction, rediscovery
Abash disconcert, rattle uphold, discompose
Benign favorable, friendly malignant, cruel
Alien foreigner, outsider native, resident
Impediment hurdle, obstruction assistant, concurrence
Quack impostor, deceiver upright, unfeigned
Incompetent inefficient, unskilled dexterous, skilled
Veteran ingenious, experienced novice, tyro
Compassion kindness, sympathy cruelty, barbarity
Odious malevolent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating
Humble meek, timid proud, assertive
Sycophant parasite, flatterer devoted, loyal
Remorse regret, penitence ruthlessness, obduracy
Lax slack, careless firm, reliable
Yield surrender abdicate resist, protest
Placid tranquil, calm turbulent, hostile
Trivial trifling, insignificant significant, veteran
Inevitable unavoidable, ascertained unlikely, doubtful
Equivocal uncertain, hazy obvious, lucid
Fragile weak, infirm enduring, tough

1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English 1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English 1000+ Synonyms and Antonyms in English

About Author


Meet Simeron Khan, an experienced ESL teacher with a passion for guiding students towards fluency in English. With a knack for making even the most complex grammar rules accessible and enjoyable, Simeron has helped countless learners achieve their language goals.

Synonyms and Antonyms List!

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings.

synonyms and antonyms examples, synonyms and antonyms list, synonyms and antonyms in pdf, similar words.

Opposite Words (Antonyms) – Video Lesson




abandon desert, forsake keep
abash disconcert, rattle uphold, discompose
abate moderate, decrease aggravate
abbreviate shorten, condense lengthen, increase
ability skill, aptitude incompetence, inability
abject despicable, servile commendable, praiseworthy
abjure forsake, renounce approve, sanction
able capable, qualified incapable
abolish abrogate, annual setup establish
abortive vain, unproductive productive
abound flourish, proliferate deficient, destitute
above overhead below
absolve pardon, forgive compel, accuse
abundant ample, sufficient scanty, insufficient
accord agreement, harmony discord
accurate correct, right wrong
achieve accomplish, attain fail
acrimony harshness, bitterness courtesy, benevolence
active energetic, animated, lively lethargic, idle, sluggish
acumen awareness, brilliance stupidity, ignorance
adamant firm, unyielding maneuverable, yielding
add increase, total subtract
adequate sufficient, enough, ample insufficient, sparse
adhere comply, observe condemn, disjoin
adherent follower, disciple rival, adversary
adjourn postpone, recess recommence, continue
adjunct joined, added separated, subtracted
admonish counsel, reprove approve, applaud
adult grown-up child
adversity misfortune, calamity prosperity, fortune
advocate support, recommend oppose
afraid frightened, scared courageous, brave
after following, next before
aggressive assertive, pushy, militant passive, peaceful
aid help, assist hinder
alien foreigner, outsider native, resident
allay pacify, soothe aggravate, excite
alleviate abate, relieve aggravate, enhance
allure entice, fascinate repulse repel
always forever never
amateur beginner, novice professional
ambitious aspiring, driven lazy, indifferent
amplify augment, deepen lessen, contract
antagonize provoke, embitter soothe, tranquilize
apparent obvious, evident hidden, obscure
approve accept, ratify, endorse disapprove, censure
arraign incriminate, indict exculpate, pardon
arrive reach, come depart, leave
arrogant haughty, stuck-up humble, modest
artificial fake, synthetic real, authentic

Synonyms and Antonyms List – Image 1

important antonyms vocabulary

Big List of Synonyms and Antonyms




Ascend Climb, escalate descend, decline
ask question, inquire answer
atrocious dreadful, contemptible, vile kind, wonderful
audacity boldness, courage mildness, cowardice
authentic accurate, credible fictitious, unreal
average ordinary, fair unusual, exceptional
awful dreadful, atrocious pleasant
awkward clumsy, uncoordinated graceful
axiom adage, truism absurdity, blunder
baffle astound, faze facilitate, clarify
ban prohibit, forbid, outlaw allow, permit
barbarous frustrate, perplex civilized
baroque florid, gilt plain, unadorned
barren desolate, sterile damp, fertile
barrier barricade, obstacle link, assistance
base vulgar, coarse summit, noble
bashful shy, timid outgoing assured
batty insane, silly sane
bawdy erotic, coarse decent, moral
beautiful pretty, attractive, lovely ugly
befogged becloud, dim clear-headed, uncloud
before prior, earlier after, behind
beginning start, initiate finish, end
believe trust, accept doubt, distrust
below under, lower above
beneficial helpful, useful, advantageous harmful, adverse
benevolent benign, generous malevolent, miserly
benign favorable, friendly malignant, cruel
best finest, choice worst
bewitching alluring, charming repulsive, repugnant
bind predicament release
birth beginning death, end
bleak austere, blank bright, cheerful
blend combine, mix separate
blunt dull, insensitive keen, sharp
boisterous clamorous, rowdy placid, calm
bold adventurous timid
bottom base, foundation top
brave courageous, bold, heroic cowardly, timid
break fracture, burst repair, heal
brief short, concise long
brittle breakable, crisp tough, enduring
broad wide, expansive narrow
bustle commotion, tumult slowness, quiet
busy active, engaged idle, lazy
buy purchase sell
calamity adversity, misfortune fortune
calculating canny, devious artless, honest
callous obdurate, unfeeling compassionate, tender

Synonyms and Antonyms List – Image 2

synonyms and antonyms list




calm quiet, tranquil, still excited, turbulent
calumny defamation, aspersion commendation, praise
camouflage cloak, disguise reveal
candid blunt, bluff evasive
capable competent, able incompetent, inept
captivate charm, fascinate disillusion offend
captivity imprisonment, confinement freedom, liberty
capture apprehend, seize, arrest free, release
care concern, protection neglect
careful cautious, watchful careless, reckless
carnal earthly, fleshly spiritual
catholic generic, liberal narrow- minded
cease stop, discontinue continue, recommence
cease terminate, desist begin, originate
celebrated acclaimed, lionized unknown, inglorious
cement plaster, mortar disintegrate
censure rebuke, reprimand praise, acceptance
certain positive, sure, definite uncertain, unsure
charming delightful, appealing, enchanting obnoxious, gross, vulgar
chaste virtuous, pure sullied, lustful
chastise punish, admonish cheer, encourage
cheap competitive, inexpensive dear, unreasonable
chilly cool, nippy warm
chubby plump, pudgy thin, skinny
clandestine covert, fruitive open, legal
clarify explain, simplify confuse
classic simple, typical romantic, unusual
close shut, fasten open
coarse bawdy, boorish fine, chaste
colossal enormous, immense, mammoth tiny, insignificant, trivial
combine bled, unite, join separate
comic clown, ester tragic, tragedian
comical amusing, funny, humorous tragic, sorrowful
compact bunched, thick loose, diffuse
compassion kindness, sympathy cruelty, barbarity
competent capable, qualified incompetent, inept
complex complicated, intricate simple
comprehend understand, grasp confuse, misinterpret
compress abbreviate, shrink amplify, expand
comprise include, contain reject, lack
concede yield, permit deny, reject
conceit egotism, immodesty modesty
concord agreement, accord discord
concrete real, tangible, solid abstract, flimsy
concur agree, cooperate disagree
condemn censure, denounce approve
condense compress, concentrate expand, enlarge
confess admit, acknowledge deny
confident bold, undaunted diffident, cowardly

Words, Synonyms and Antonyms List




confine contain, enclose, restrain free, release
conflict fight, battle, struggle peace, harmony
conflict oppose, differ, clash agree
conform comply, submit dissent, dispute
confuse complicate, muddle, jumble clarify
congested overcrowded, stuffed empty, unfilled
connect join, link, attach separate, disconnect
conscientious scrupulous, virtuous neglectful, careless
conscious aware, cognizant unaware, unconscious
consecutive successive, continuous interrupted
consent agree, permit object disagree
consequence effect, outcome origin, start
conservative cautious, restrained radical, extreme
considerate thoughtful, sympathetic, mindful thoughtless, selfish
consolidate centralize, fortify weaken
conspicuous prominent, obvious concealed, hidden
constantly always, continually scarcely, seldom
contaminate pollute, defile, infect purify
contempt scorn, disregard regard, praise
contented satisfied, pleased dissatisfied, unhappy
continue persist, persevere discontinue, stop
contradict deny, oppose approve, confirm
contrary dissimilar, conflicting similar, alike
convalesce recuperate, recover, heal relapse
convenient handy, accessible inconvenient
conventional customary, traditional unusual
correct accurate, right, proper wrong, incorrect
courage bravery, valor cowardice
courteous polite, civil rude
courtesy generosity, reverence disdain, rudeness
cover conceal, hide expose
cozy comfortable, snug, homey uncomfortable
cranky cross, irritable good-humored
crazy insane, daft, mad sane
creation formation, foundation destruction
cruel mean, heartless, ruthless kind, humane
cry sob, weep laugh
cunning acute, smart nave, coarse
dally loiter, linger rush
damage hurt, impair, harm remedy, repair
dangerous unsafe, hazardous, perilous safe
daring bold, audacious cautious
dark dismal, black light
dawn daybreak, sunrise evening
dead lifeless, deceased alive, active
decay rot, spoil bloom, flourish
deceit deception, artifice veracity, sincerity
decipher interpret, reveal misinterpret, distort
deduct subtract, remove add

Antonyms and Synonyms List – Image 3





defend protect, shield attack, assault
defile contaminate, pollute purify, sanctity
defray spend, pay disclaim, repudiate
defy resist, challenge obey, comply
deliberate cautious, intentional rash, sudden
delicate fragile, dainty sturdy
demolish ruin, devastate repair, construct
denounce blame, censure, indict commend
dense thick, heavy, compressed sparse, empty
depart leave, exit arrive
deposit store, place withdraw
deprive despoil, divest restore, renew
deride mock, taunt inspire, encourage
derogatory sarcastic, critical laudatory, appreciative
desolate barren, forsaken dense, verdant
despair depression, misery contentment, hope
despise hate, detest, loathe love
destitute poor, penniless wealthy
destroy ruin, wreck, devastate restore
destructive catastrophic, pernicious creative, constructive
detach separate, unfasten, remove attach
deter hinder, prevent encourage
determined sure, convinced, resolute doubtful
die expire, perish live
different distinct, unlike same, alike
difficult hard, challenging easy
dilute weaken, thin strengthen
diminish curtail, lessen, decrease increase, amplify
dirty soiled, messy clean
disagree differ, dispute agree
disdain detest, despise approve, praise
dispute debate, oppose agree
dissuade remonstrate, counsel incite, persuade
diverse different, distinct same, similar
divide separate, split unite
docile pliable, pliant headstrong, obstinate
dormant sleeping, inactive awake, active
doubt mistrust, dispute believe
drab dull, lifeless bright
drastic severe, extreme, tough mild, moderate
dreadful terrible, unpleasant splendid, super
dry arid, parched wet
dubious doubtful, questionable certain
dull blunt, dreary sharp, bright
dumb stupid, dense smart
dwarf diminutive, petite huge, giant
eager keen, acquisitive indifferent, apathetic
early premature, before time late
easy simple hard




eccentric peculiar, unusual normal
eccentric strange, abnormal natural, conventional
eclipse diminution, dimming shine, eclipse
ecstasy delight, exultation despair, calamity
ecstasy joy, rapture, elation sadness, depression
efface destroy, obliterate retain, maintain
eloquence expression, fluency halting, stammering
empty drain, unload fill
encourage promote, support, urge discourage
encumbrance hindrance, obstacle incentive, stimulant
endeavor undertake, aspire cease, quit
enemy opponent, foe ally, friend
enjoy like, appreciate dislike, hate
enlarge expand, magnify reduce, shrink
enormous vast, immense, colossal tiny, microscopic
enough sufficient, ample, plenty insufficient
entirely wholly, completely, solely partly
epitome precise, example increment, expansion
equivocal uncertain, hazy obvious, lucid
eradicate destroy, exterminate secure, plant
eternal always, perpetual, everlasting temporary, passing
evident apparent, obvious, clear doubtful, vague
evil bad, wrong, wicked good
exceptional remarkable, outstanding ordinary, commonplace
excite arouse, provoke, incite compose, calm
exhilarated overjoyed, ecstatic, elated depressed, dejected, sad
explicit exact, distinct, unmistakable indefinite, unclear
exquisite delightful, charming, lovely revolting, repulsive
exterior outside, outer interior
extravagant extreme, excessive, luxurious meager
fabricate construct, produce destroy, dismantle
fabulous marvelous, amazing unexciting
face confront, meet avoid
fair honest, just, impartial unjust, unfair
fake imitation, phony, artificial real, genuine
fallacy delusion, mistake veracity, truth
false incorrect, untrue true
falter stumble, demur persist, endure
fanatical narrow-minded, biased liberal, tolerant
fancy elaborate, ornate, fussy simple, plain
fantastic incredible, outrageous ordinary, usual
fast rapid, quick, swift slow
fat chubby, plump, stout thin
fatal deadly, mortal, killing  
fatigue tire, exhaust  
feasible possible, attainable, practical impossible
feeble weak, frail strong
ferocious fierce, savage, brutal, savage tame, gentle
fertile fruitful, productive unproductive, barren

Synonyms and Antonyms List – Image 4




feud strife, quarrel harmony, fraternity
few   many
fiction fantasy, untruth, myth truth
fill load, pack empty
fix mend, repair break
flaw defect, fault, blemish perfection
flimsy frail, fragile, delicate sturdy, strong
flippant impudent, sassy polite, respectful
fluctuate deflect, vacillate stabilize, resolve
fluid liquid solid
foe enemy, adversary, opponent friend
follow succeed, trail lead, precede
forbid prohibit, ban, bar encourage
forgive pardon, excuse, absolve  
former previous, earlier latter
forsake desert, renounce hold, maintain
fraction part, portion, segment whole
fragile weak, infirm enduring, tough
frank candid, straightforward, blunt evasive
frantic violent, agitated subdued, gentle
frenzy fury, rage serenity, calmness
fresh unused, new old, stale
friend comrade, buddy enemy
frigid freezing, frosty warm, hot
frivolous trivial, unimportant, silly important, serious
front fore back
frugality economy, providence lavishness, extravagance
full packed, stuffed empty
furious angry, enraged, infuriated calm, placid
future coming, tomorrow past
gain acquire, obtain, receive lose
gallant chivalrous, stately ungentlemanly
gather collect, accumulate, compile scatter, disperse
gaudy showy, garish, vulgar tasteful, refined
gaunt scrawny, skinny, thin overweight, plump
generosity altruism, bounty stinginess, greed
generous giving, selfless, big-hearted selfish, stingy
gentle tender, mild rough, harsh
genuine absolute, factual spurious
gigantic immense, colossal, enormous tiny, minute
give donate, present, offer take, receive
glad happy, pleased, delighted sad, unhappy
gloomy dark, dismal, depressing cheery, bright
glorious splendid, magnificent, superb terrible, awful
glory dignity, renown shame, disgrace
glut stuff, satiate starve, abstain
good nice, fine, well-behaved bad, awful
gorgeous ravishing, dazzling, stunning hideous, unattractive

Antonyms and Synonyms List – Image 5





gracious courteous, beneficent rude, unforgiving
gratitude thankfulness, appreciation ungratefulness
great outstanding, remarkable insignificant, unimportant
grisly disgusting, atrocious pleasing, attractive
grudge hatred, aversion benevolence, affection
guile cunning, deceit honesty, frankness
hamper retard, prevent promote, facilitate
hamstrung cripple debilitate strengthen, encourage
handy useful, convenient, skillful inconvenient, inept
hapless unfortunate, ill-fated fortunate, lucky
harass irritate, molest assist, comfort
hard firm, solid, difficult soft, easy
harmony conformity, amicability discord, discord
hasty abrupt, impetuous leisurely, cautious
hate loathe, detest love
haughty arrogant, pompous humble, submissive
hazard peril, danger conviction, security
help aid, assist hinder, thwart
heretic non-conformist, secularist conformable, religious
hideous frightful, shocking attractive, alluring
high elevated, lofty low
hold grasp, grip, retain release, discharge
honest truthful, sincere, frank untruthful, insincere
honor adoration, reverence denunciation, shame
hospitable welcoming, cordial, gracious rude, unfriendly
hostile antagonistic, aggressive, militant friendly, cordial
huge vast, immense, great small, tiny
humble modest, unpretentious vain, showy
humiliate embarrass, disgrace, dishonor honor, dignify
humility resignation, fawning boldness, pride
hypocrisy deception, pharisaic sincerity, frankness
identical alike, duplicate different, varied
idle inactive, lazy busy, ambitious
ignorant uninformed, unaware knowledgeable
immaculate exquisite, impeccable defiled, tarnished
immature childish, inexperienced mature, adult
immense huge, enormous puny, insignificant
immerse submerge, involve emerge, uncover
imminent impending, brewing distant, receding
immune resistant, exempt susceptible
immunity prerogative, privilege blame, censure
impair diminish, deteriorate restore, revive
impartial just, unbiased prejudiced, biased
impatient eager, anxious, intolerant patient
impediment hurdle, obstruction assistant, concurrence
impenitent uncontrived, obdurate repentant
imperative compulsory, crucial, mandatory unnecessary, optional
imperfect marred, defective, faulty perfect, flawless
impetuous impulsive, rash, reckless restrained, careful
impious irreligious, unholy pious, devout

Synonyms and Antonyms List – Image 6

important antonyms vocabulary




important significant, meaningful unimportant, meaningless
impulsive flaky, impetuous cautious, deliberate
impute attribute, ascribe exculpate, support
inclination disposition, affection indifference, disinclination
incompetent inefficient, unskilled dexterous, skilled
incongruous inappropriate, absurd compatible, harmonious
independent self-reliant, autonomous dependent, unsure
indifferent equitable, haughty partial, biased
indigent destitute, impoverished rich, affluent
inevitable unavoidable, ascertained unlikely, doubtful
inferior lesser, substandard superior
infernal damned, accursed heavenly,
infringe violate, encroach comply, concur
infuriate enrage, agitate, provoke soothe, clam
ingenious clever, creative, original unoriginal, dull
innocent guiltless, blameless guilty
insane crazy, deranged, mad sane
insinuate allude, hint conceal, camouflage
insipid tasteless, vapid delicious, luscious
insolvent indigent, destitute wealthy, solvent
instill inculcate, inject eradicate, extract
insufficient inadequate, deficient adequate, enough
intelligent bright, sensible, rational ignorant, dense
interesting enchanting, riveting dull, uninteresting
interesting provocative, engrossing dull, boring
intermittent sporadic, periodic regular, continual
internal inner, inside external, outer
intolerant bigoted, prejudiced understanding, accepting
intricate tangled, complicated regulated, orderly
intrigue scheme, conspiracy candor, sincerity
intriguing fascinating, enthralling uninteresting, dull
intrinsic genuine, fundamental extraneous, incidental
invective accusation, censure approval, acclamation
invincible unconquerable, impregnable effeminate, languid
irrelevant inappropriate, unrelated relevant, pertinent, applicable
irrepressible irresistible, unconfined composed, hesitant
irritate annoy, agitate, provoke soothe, calm
jaded tired, exhausted renewed, recreated
jejune dull, boring interesting, exciting
join connect, unite, link separate, disconnect, detach
jolly merry, jovial, joyful sad, grim, glum
jovial frolicsome, cheerful solemn, morose
jubilant overjoyed, delighted, elated dejected, depressed
judicious thoughtful, prudent irrational, foolish
just honest, impartial unequal, unfair
justify defend, exculpate impute, arraign
juvenile young, tender dotage, antiquated
keen sharp, poignant vapid, insipid

Antonyms, synonyms List – Image 7





keep save, protect, guard discard, lose
kind considerate, tender, thoughtful mean, cruel, inconsiderate
kindred relation, species unrelated, dissimilar
knave dishonest, scoundrel paragon, innocent
knell the death knell, last blow reconstruction, rediscovery
knotty complicated difficult simple, manageable
lament mourn, grieve rejoice, celebrate
languid sluggish, apathetic energetic, spirited
large big, massive, huge small, little
last final, end first, beginning
lavish abundant, excessive scarce, deficient
lax slack, careless firm, reliable
least fewest, minimum, smallest most, maximum
legible readable, clear illegible, unreadable
lenient compassionate, merciful cruel, severe
lenient lax, unrestrained, easy harsh, strict
liable accountable, bound unaccountable, apt to
liberal magnanimous, generous stingy, malicious
linger loiter, prolong hasten, quicken
listless lethargic, tired active, energetic
logical sensible, sane, rational illogical, unreasonable
long lengthy short
loose slack, limp tight
lucid sound, rational obscure, hidden
lunacy delusion, insanity normalcy, sanity
lure attract, entice repel, dissuade
lure attract, seduce, entice repel
luscious palatable, delicious unsavory, tart
luxuriant profuse, abundant scanty, meagre
luxurious extravagant, elegant meager, scanty
magnify expand, enlarge, exaggerate reduce, minimize
malice vengefulness, grudge goodwill, kindness
mandatory imperative, requisite optional
masculine gallant, strapping feminine, meek
maximum greatest, uppermost, highest minimum, least
meager scanty, sparse, poor abundant, generous
mean unkind, malicious, nasty pleasant, nice
mediocre fair, moderate, so-so outstanding
mend repair, fix break
merit stature, asset demerit, dishonor
migrant drifting, traveling, transient stationary, immovable
militant combative, aggressive, warlike peaceful
minor lesser, inferior, secondary major
miraculous marvelous, extraordinary ordinary, trivial
mirth merriment, fun, laughter gloom, sadness
mischievous naughty, impish well-behaved, angelic
misfortune hardship, catastrophe, mishap good luck, fortune
mitigate alleviate, relieve augment enhance
mobile moveable, changeable immobile, stationary
moderate temperate, lenient, medium extreme, harsh




modest humble, courteous arrogant, pompous
molest harass, tease console, soothe
mollify appease, assuage irritate, infuriate
momentous important, powerful, outstanding unimportant, insignificant
monotonous boring, tedious dreary, humdrum interesting
moral ethical, virtuous, righteous immoral, unethical
morbid appalling, awful, ghastly pleasant
morbid nasty, macabre healthy, cheerful
morose gloomy, sullen, moody, glum cheerful, optimistic
mourn grieve, lament, bemoan rejoice
munificent liberal, hospitable frugal, penurious
murky dusky, dreary bright, shining
mutinous recalcitrant, insurgent submissive, faithful
mutual joint, identical separate, distinct
mysterious elusive, occult, secret obvious, known
naughty bad, disobedient, wrong good, appropriate
neat clean, orderly, tidy sloppy, disorderly
negligent careless, derelict, inattentive conscientious, careful
nervous ruffled, flustered, perturbed composed, calm
neutral impartial, unprejudiced prejudiced, partial
new unused, fresh, modern old, antique
nice pleasing, desirable, fine unpleasant, naughty
niggardly miser, covetous generous, profuse
nimble prompt, brisk sluggish, languid
nonchalant indifferent, lackadaisical, blaze concerned, apprehensive
nonchalant indifferent, negligent attentive, considerate
normal ordinary, typical, usual abnormal, unusual
notion conceit, apprehension reality, concrete
novice tyro, beginner veteran, ingenious
noxious baneful, injurious healing, profitable
nullify cancel, annual confirm, uphold
numerous profuse, various scarce, deficient
numerous several, abundant, considerable few, scanty
obey mind, heed, comply disobey, resist
obliging complaisant, willing mulish, obstinate
oblivious unconscious, preoccupied, dazed mindful, aware
obnoxious offensive, abominable, repulsive pleasant, pleasing
obscure arcane, vague prominent
observe examine, study, scrutinize ignore, disregard
obsolete extinct, dated, antiquated stylish, vogue, current
obstinate stubborn, adamant pliable, flexible
obstruct impede, prevent hasten, encourage
obtain access, inherit forfeit
obvious evident, apparent obscure, ambiguous
occult latent, ambiguous intelligible, transparent
odd peculiar, weird, strange usual, ordinary
odious malevolent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating
offend displease, affront, disgust please, delight
offensive abhorrent, obnoxious engaging, fascinating

Synonyms and Antonyms Words – Image 8

synonyms and antonyms




offspring descendant, sibling ancestor, forefather
ominous menacing, foreboding auspicious
ominous threatening, menacing  
opaque obscure, murky, unclear transparent, clear
opaque obscure, shady transparent, bright
open begin, unfold, originate close
opponent enemy, rival, foe ally, friend
optimist idealist pessimist
optimistic hopeful, confident pessimistic
optional voluntary, elective required
oracular cryptic, vague lucid, distinct
ordain order, impose revoke abolish
ordinary usual, average unusual, remarkable
ornamental decorative, adorned unseemly, plain
outbreak eruption, insurrection compliance, subjection
outrage offence, maltreatment praise, favor
outrageous preposterous, shocking warranted, acceptable
outstanding extraordinary, distinguished insignificant, inconsequential
pacify appease, chasten irritate, worsen
painstaking meticulous, precise, fastidious careless, negligent
pamper flatter, indulge deny, disparage
paramount foremost, eminent trivial, inferior
passive compliant, submissive, yielding forceful
past former, previous, preceding future
patience tolerance, perseverance impatience
peculiar weird, bizarre normal, conventional
peerless matchless, unrivalled mediocre, commonplace
peevish perverse, sullen suave, amiable
perfect flawless, accurate imperfect, faulty
permanent enduring, lasting temporary, changing
perpetual eternal, endless, incessant short-lived, fleeting
persuade convince, influence dissuade, deter
pertness flippancy, impudence modesty, diffidence
perturbed flustered, anxious calm
perverse petulant, obstinate complacent, docile
placid tranquil, calm turbulent, hostile
plausible believable, reasonable, logical unbelievable
plentiful ample, enough, abundant scarce, insufficient
pliable supple, flexible, compliant rigid, closed-minded
polite gracious, refined, courteous rude, discourteous
pompous haughty, arrogant unpretentious, humble
poor destitute, needy, impoverished rich, wealthy
portion part, segment, piece whole, total
possible conceivable, feasible, plausible impossible, unachievable
precarious dangerous, uncertain, shaky sure, safe
precarious doubtful, insecure assured
precious cherished, valuable, prized cheap, worthless
predicament plight, dilemma resolution, confidence
prejudiced biased, opinionated, influenced impartial




premature early, hasty late, delayed
premeditated planned, intended, calculated spontaneous, accidental
preserve uphold, guard, save destroy, neglect
pretty lovely, beautiful, attractive homely, unattractive
prevalent customary, widespread uncommon, unusual
prevent thwart, prohibit, hinder permit, allow
probable likely, apt, liable improbable, doubtful
proficient skilled, adept, competent inefficient, inept
profit gain, earnings, benefit loss
progress pace, betterment retrogress, worsening
prohibit forbid, bar, restrict allow, permit
prominent distinguished, eminent unknown, not renowned
propagate inseminate, fecundate suppress, deplete
prosperous thriving, successful, flourishing unsuccessful, fruitless
proud arrogant, elated modest, ashamed
prudence vigilance, discretion indiscretion
push shove, propel pull
quack impostor, deceiver upright, unfeigned
quaint queer, strange familiar, usual
qualified competent, suited, capable unfit, unsuited
quarantine seclude, screen befriend, socialize
quell subdue, reduce exacerbate, agitate
question interrogate, inquire, ask answer
quibble equivocate, prevaricate unfeign, plain
quiet silent, hushed, tranquil noisy, rowdy
quit cease, stop, withdraw continue, remain
racket noise, commotion, disturbance peace, quiet
radiant luminous, shining, lustrous dim, not illuminated
raid incursion, foray retreat, release
raise hoist, elevate lower
rapidity quickness, velocity inertia, languidity
ratify approve, confirm, endorse veto, refuse
rational logical, level-headed, sensible irrational, crazy
ravage devastate, ruin, damage restore, revitalize
raze destroy, demolish build, construct
reason acumen, bounds folly, speculation
rebellious restless, attacking submissive, compliant
recreation amusement, pleasure, pastime work, labor
rectify amend, remedy falsify, worsen
redeem recover, liberate conserve lose
reduce lessen, decrease, diminish increase, enlarge, amplify
refute contradict, dispute agree, concur
regular routine, customary, steady irregular, abnormal
regulate control, oversee, handle decontrol
relentless persistent, merciless, unyielding lenient, sympathetic
relevant pertinent, suitable, apropos irrelevant, insignificant
reliable trustworthy, steadfast, stable undependable, unreliable
reluctant cautious, averse anxious, eager
remnant residue, piece entire, whole
remonstrate censure, protest agree, loud

Synonyms and Antonyms List – Image 9

words synonyms antonyms list




remorse regret, penitence ruthlessness, obduracy
remote secluded, isolated, distant close, accessible
repulsive hideous, offensive, gruesome pleasing, alluring
reputable honorable, upstanding, honest dishonest, untrustworthy
rescind annul, abrogate delegate, permit
resentment displeasure, wrath content, cheer
resist oppose, withstand, defy comply, conform
restrain detain, confine incite
retaliate avenge, revenge, reciprocate  
retract recant, withdraw confirm, assert
reveal show, disclose, divulge hide, conceal
reverence respect, esteem disrespect, affront
ridiculous nonsensical, foolish, preposterous sensible, believable
risky hazardous, perilous, chancy safe, sound
rout vanquish, overthrow succumb, withdraw
rowdy boisterous, rambunctious well-mannered, genteel
rude impolite, discourteous polite, mannerly
rustic rural, uncivilized cultured, refined
ruthless remorseless, inhumane compassionate, lenient
sacred cherish, divine ungodly, profane
sad unhappy, dejected, gloomy happy, glad
same identical, alike, equivalent different, diverse
sarcastic ironical, derisive courteous, gracious
saucy impudent, insolent modest, humble
savage wild, untamed polished, civilized
save preserve, conserve, keep spend, discard
scanty scarce, insufficient lavish, multitude
scarce scanty, rare, sparse plentiful, abundant
scrawny skinny, gaunt, spindly husky, chubby
scrupulous meticulous, ethical, fastidious unethical, careless
seize apprehend, grab, snatch release, free
separate divide, segregate, partition unite, join
serene peaceful, tranquil, calm disturbed, upset
serious grave, solemn, pensive flighty, fickle
servile slavish, docile aggressive, dominant
shabby miserable, impoverished prosperous, thriving
shrewd cunning, craftly simple, imbecile
shy bashful, timid bold, aggressive
sick ill, ailing well, healthy
slander defame, malign applaud, approve
slim slender, thin, svelte stout, stocky
sluggish listless, lethargic, inactive quick, speedy
small little, insignificant, trivial large, important
smooth slick, glossy, level rough
sneer mock, scorn flatter, praise
sociable friendly, cordial, gregarious unfriendly, aloof
solicit entreat, implore protest oppose
sorrow woe, anguish, grief joy, ecstasy
special exceptional, notable, particular ordinary, usual

A very Useful Synonyms – Antonyms Set




spontaneous instinctive, automatic, natural planned, rehearsed
sporadic intermittent, scattered incessant, frequent
spry nimble, brisk lethargic, sluggish
spurious fake, counterfeit genuine, authentic
squalid dirty, filthy tidy, attractive
stable steady, unchanging, settled unsettled
stain blemish, tarnish honor, purify
startled frightened, shocked waveringly
stationary fixed, immobile, firm movable, portable
steep course, lofty flat, gradual
sterile barren, impotent profitable, potent
stimulate rouse, stir, motivate stifle, suppress
stop quit, cease, terminate start, begin
stranger immigrant, guest acquaintance, national
strenuous vigorous, laborious effortless, easy
strict stringent, severe, stern lenient
strong powerful, mighty, potent weak
stupid unintelligent, dense, foolish knowledgeable, smart
stupor lethargy, unconsciousness sensibility, consciousness
sublime magnificent, eminent ridiculous
subsequent following, succeeding, latter preceding, previous
substantial considerable, solid tenuous, fragile
subterfuge deceit, stratagem frankness, openness
subvert demolish, sabotage generate, organize
successful propitious, felicitous destitute, untoward
succinct concise, terse lengthy, polite
sufficient ample, enough, adequate lacking, insufficient
superb magnificent, exquisite inferior, mediocre
superficial partial, shallow profound, discerning
suppress restrain, inhibit, squelch foster, encourage
surplus excess, additional, extra lack, deficit
swift fast, speedy, hasty slow, sluggish
sycophant parasite, flatterer devoted, loyal
sympathy tenderness, harmony antipathy, discord
synthetic man-made, artificial natural
system scheme, entity chaos, disorder
taboo prohibit, ban permit, consent
taciturn reserved, silent talkative, extrovert
tall high, lofty short
tame compliant, subdued wild, untamed
tangible concrete, definite vague, ambiguous
taut tense, tight, stiff relaxed
tedious wearisome. irksome exhilarating, lively
temperate cool, moderate boisterous, violent
tenacious stubborn, dodge docile, non- resinous
tender delicate, gentle, affectionate harsh, rough
tenement apartment, digs breakeven, dislodge
terrible dreadful, horrible, vile wonderful, superb
terse incisive, compact diffuse, gentle




thaw melt, defrost freeze
thick chunky, massive thin, attenuated
thrifty frugal, prudent extravagant
thrive prosper, flourish, develop fail, fade, shrivel
throng assembly, crowd dispersion, sparsity
timid diffident, coward bold, intrepid
total whole, entire, complete partial
tranquil peaceful, composed violent, furious
transient temporal, transitory lasting, enduring
transparent diaphanous opaque
treacherous dishonest, duplicitous forthright, reliable
tremble vibrate steady
trenchant assertive, forceful feeble, ambiguous
trivial trifling, insignificant significant, veteran
tumultuous violent, riotous peaceful, harmonious
turbulent tumultuous, blustering, violent clam, peaceful
turmoil commotion, disturbance, fracas quiet, tranquility
tyro beginner, riotous proficient, veteran
umbrage chagrin, offense sympathy, goodwill
unbiased impartial, unprejudiced, fair prejudiced, partial
uncouth boorish, clownish elegant, compensate
upset perturb, ruffle, agitate soothe, calm
urchin foundling, orphan creep, knave
urge incite, implore abhorrence, abomination
urgent crucial, important, imperative unimportant, trivial
utterly completely, entirely deficiently, incomplete
vacant unoccupied, empty filled, occupied
vagrant wander, roaming steady, settled
vague unclear, obscure, indistinct clear, definite
vain arrogant, egoistic modest
valiant courageous, brave, heroic cowardly, fearful
valor bravery, prowess fear, cowardice
vanity conceit, pretension modesty, humility
venerable esteemed, honored unworthy, immature
venom poison, malevolence antidote, benevolent
veteran ingenious, experienced novice, tyro
vibrate shake, quiver, tremble firm, steady
vicious corrupt, obnoxious noble, virtuous
victory triumph, win, success defeat
vigilant cautious, alert careless, negligent
vilify malign, slur, defame cherish, commend
virtue ethic, morality vice, dishonesty
virtuous moral, righteous, angelic sinful, wicked
vivacious spirited, energetic dispirited, unattractive
vivid eloquent, lucid dull, dim
vouch confirm, consent repudiate, prohibit
vulgar offensive, uncouth, coarse refined, tasteful
waive relinquish, remove impose, clamp
wan pale, faded bright, healthy




wane decline, dwindle ameliorate, rise
wary cautious, circumspect heedless, negligent
wealth riches, prosperity, assets poverty
weary tired, fatigued, lethargic energetic, lively
wed marry, combine divorce, separate
wholehearted earnest, sincere insincere
wicked vicious, immoral virtuous, noble
wield exert, employ forgo, avoid
wild uncivilized, savage, reckless tame, calm
wile trickery, artifice naivety, honor
wilt wither, perish revive, bloom
win triumph, succeed, prevail lose
winsome beautiful, comely alluring, rapturous
wise knowing, scholarly, smart dull, uneducated
wonderful marvelous, incredible, splendid ordinary, blah
worn used, impaired, old new, fresh
wrong incorrect, untrue, mistaken correct, right
yearn languish, crave content, satisfy
yell shout, shriek whisper muted
yield surrender abdicate resist, protest
yoke connect, harness liberate, release
zeal eagerness, fervor apathy, lethargy
zenith summit, apex nadir, base
zest delight, enthusiasm disgust, passive
zig -zag oblique, wayward straight, unbent

Antonyms and Synonyms List – Images

1000 antonyms
important antonyms
synonyms and antonyms list
antonyms list
synonyms and antonyms list
synonyms and antonyms


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as in term

a pronounceable series of letters having a distinct meaning especially in a particular field

my doctor used all of these medical words that I didn’t understand


as in message

something that is said

people who believe that the Bible is the literal word of God


as in information

a report of recent events or facts not previously known

what’s the latest word on the airplane crash?


as in promise

a person’s solemn declaration that he or she will do or not do something

I give you my word that I won’t try to escape


as in instruction

a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concerned

the troops waited for their commanding officer to give the word


as in rumor

information or opinion that is widely disseminated without any authority or confirmation of accuracy

don’t tell anyone I told you about the shake-up, but that’s the word right now


as in password

a word or phrase that must be spoken by a person in order to pass a guard

«What’s the word?» demanded the sentry


as in saying

an often stated observation regarding something from common experience

are there truer words than «never look a gift horse in the mouth»?

as in to phrase

to convey in appropriate or telling terms

tried to word the declaration exactly right

Thesaurus Entries Near word

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“Word.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/word. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Synonyms and Antonyms! In this lesson, you will learn synonyms and antonyms of common words in English.

Synonyms of Words

Adult >>> grown person

After >>> following, succeeding

Aggressive  >>> hostile

Always  >>>  all the time

Apparent  >>> evident, obvious

Arrive >>> come

Artificial >>> false, insincere

Authentic >>> genuine

Awkward >>> unpleasant

Before >>> prior to, previous to

Believe >>> trust

Beneficial >>> advantageous

Brave >>> courageous

Brief  >>> short

Busy  >>> occupy

Calm  >>> still

Care >>> bother

Cease >>> stop, finish

Charming >>> delightful, pleasant

Chubby >>> plump

Close >>> end

Combine >>> integrate

Complex >>>compound

Comprehend >>> understand

Condemn >>> criticize

Confess >>> admit

Conflict >>> dispute

Conform >>> obey, follow

Congested >>> crowed, full

Conscientious >>> diligent

Consecutive >>> successive

Considerate >>> thoughtful

Contaminate >>> pollute

Continue >>> go on

Convenient  >>> suitable, appropriate

Correct  >>> right

Courteous >>> polite, well behaved

Cozy >>> warm, comfortable

Crazy >>> mad

Cry >>> weep

Dangerous >>> threatening

Dark >>> unlighted, black

Dead>>> passed away

Deduct  >>> subtract

Defy >>> escape, defeat

Demolish >>> destroy

Dense >>> thick, heavy

Deposit >>> prepayment

Despise >>> detest, hate

Destroy >>>demolish

Deter  >>> discourage

Die >>> pass away

Difficult >>> hard

Diminish >>> decrease

Disagree >>> contradict

Diverse >>> various

Docile >>> obedient

Doubt >>> uncertainty

Drastic >>> serious

Dry >>> withered

Dull >>> drab, dreary, somber

Early >>> advance

Eccentric >>> abnormal

Encourage >>> cheer, motivate

Enjoy >>> like

Enormous >>> huge, vast

Entirely >>> totally, fully

Evident >>> apparent, obvious

Exceptional  >>> abnormal, unusual

Exhilarated  >>> thrill

Exquisite >>> beautiful, lovely, elegant

Fast >>> quick

Feasible >>> possible

Few >>>  any

Fill >>> enough, sufficient, plenty

Follow >>> accompany

Former >>> prior

Frank >>> straight

Frigid >>> frozen, freezing

Full >>> filled

Gallant >>>  gentlemanly

Gaunt >>> skinny

Gentle >>> kind

Give >>> present

Gloomy >>> dark, shadowy

Good >>> wonderful, great

Gratitude >>> gratefulness

Hard >>> difficult

Help  >>> assist, aid

Hold >>> carry, keep

Hospitable >>> friendly

Huge >>> big, vast

Humiliate >>> embarrass, mortify, humble

Idle >>> lazy

Immature >>> childish

Impartial >>> neutral

Imperative >>> vital, crucial

Independent >>> individualistic

Insane >>> mad

Intelligent >>> clever

Internal >>> interior

Irrelevant >>> immaterial

Join >>> connect

Keep  >>> remain, stay

Large >>> big

Least  >>> smallest

Long  >>> prolonged

Magnify >>> enlarge

Maximum >>> highest

Mean >>> intend, aim

Migrant >>> immigrant

Minor >>> slight, small

Negligent >>> careless, irresponsible

Nice >>>pleasant

Numerous >>> many

Oblivious >>> unaware, unconscious

Observe >>> notice

Offend >>> upset

Optimistic >>> positive

Ordinary >>> usual, normal

Outstanding >>> excellent

Passive >>> submissive

Patience >>> tolerance

Perfect >>> ideal

Poor  >>> poverty-stricken

Possible >>> feasible

Precious >>> valuable

Premature >>> early

Preserve >>> conserve

Prevalent >>> common

Probable >>> likely

Profit >>> gain

Prominent >>> well known

Prosperous  >>>  flourishing, successful,

Push  >>> shove, thrust

Question >>>  inquiry, query

Quit >>> leave, stop

Radiant >>> bright

Relevant >>> pertinent

Reluctant >>> unwilling

Resist >>>  withstand

Ridiculous >>> hilarious

Sad >>> unhappy, sorrowful

Scarce >>> short, insufficient

Seize >>> grab

Sick >>> ill, unwell

Smooth >>> even

Sorrow >>> sadness, unhappiness

Spontaneous >>> unplanned

Stationary >>> motionless

Stop >>> end, finish

Stupid >>> unintelligent, brainless

Successful >>> victorious

Superb >>> excellent, superlative

Surplus >>> excess

Tender >>> caring, kind

Trivial>>> unimportant, insignificant

Upset >>> distress

Vacant >>> empty, unoccupied, unfilled

Valiant >>> brave

Vicious >>> violent

Wealth >>> affluence, prosperity

Wholehearted >>> sincere

Win >>> gain

Wonderful  >>> marvelous, magnificent, superb,

Wrong >>> incorrect, mistaken

Antonyms of Words

Adult >>> child

After  >>> before

Aggressive >>> passive

Always  >>> never

Apparent >>> hidden

Arrive  >>> depart

Artificial >>> real, authentic

Authentic >>> false, artificial

Awkward  >>> graceful

Before >>> after, behind

Believe >>> doubt, distrust

Beneficial >>> harmful, adverse

Brave >>> cowardly, timid

Brief  >>> long

Busy  >>> idle, inactive

Calm  >>> excited

Care >>> neglect

Cease >>> continue

Charming  >>> obnoxious

Chubby >>> thin, skinny

Close >>> open

Combine >>> separate

Complex >>> simple

Comprehend  >>> confuse, misinterpret

Condemn >>> approve

Confess >>>  deny

Conflict  >>> agree

Conform >>> dissent, dispute

Congested >>> empty

Conscientious  >>>  neglectful

Consecutive >>> interrupted

Considerate  >>> thoughtless

Contaminate >>> purify

Continue >>> discontinue, stop

Convenient  >>> inconvenient

Correct  >>> wrong, incorrect

Courteous >>> rude

Cozy >>> uncomfortable

Crazy >>> sane

Cry >>> laugh

Dangerous >>>safe

Dark >>> light

Dead >>> alive

Deduct >>>  add

Defy  >>> obey, comply

Demolish  >>> restore

Dense >>> sparse

Deposit >>> withdraw

Despise >>> love

Destroy  >>>restore

Deter  >>> encourage

Die >>> live

Difficult >>> easy

Diminish >>> increase

Disagree >>> agree

Diverse  >>> same, similar

Docile  >>> wild

Doubt >>> believe

Drastic  >>> mild, moderate

Dry >>> wet

Dull >>> sharp, bright

Early >>> late

Eccentric >>> normal

Encourage >>> discourage

Enjoy >>> dislike

Enormous  >>>  tiny

Entirely  >>>  partly

Evident >>> doubtful, vague

Exceptional  >>> ordinary, usual

Exhilarated  >>> depressed

Exquisite >>> revolting

Fast >>> slow

Feasible >>> impossible

Few >>> many

Fill >>> empty

Follow  >>> precede

Former  >>> latter

Frank >>> evasive

Frigid >>> warm, hot

Full >>> empty

Gallant  >>>  ungentlemanly

Gaunt >>> overweight, plump

Gentle >>> rough, harsh

Give  >>>  take, receive

Gloomy  >>>  cheery, bright

Good >>> bad, awful

Gratitude >>> ungratefulness

Hard  >>> soft, easy

Help   >>> hinder, thwart

Hold >>> release, discharge

Hospitable >>>  rude, unfriendly

Huge >>> small, tiny

Humiliate  >>>   honor, dignify

Idle  >>>  busy

Immature  >>>   mature, adult

Impartial   >>>   prejudiced

Imperative >>>  unnecessary

Independent >>> dependent, unsure

Insane  >>>   sane

Intelligent  >>>  ignorant, dense

Internal  >>> external, outer

Irrelevant >>> relevant

Join  >>>  separate

Keep  >>> discard

Large >>> small

Least  >>> most

Long  >>>short

Magnify >>> reduce, minimize

Maximum  >>>  minimum, least

Mean >>> pleasant, nice

Migrant >>> stationary, immovable

Minor >>> major

Negligent   >>>  conscientious

Nice  >>>  unpleasant

Numerous  >>>  few, scanty

Oblivious  >>>  mindful, aware

Observe  >>>   ignore, disregard

Offend  >>>  please, delight

Optimistic >>> pessimistic

Ordinary >>> unusual

Outstanding >>> insignificant

Passive  >>> forceful

Patience >>> impatience

Perfect  >>>   imperfect, faulty

Poor >>> rich, wealthy

Possible >>>  impossible

Precious >>> cheap, worthless

Premature >>>  late, delayed

Preserve  >>> destroy, neglect

Prevalent  >>> uncommon

Probable >>> improbable, doubtful

Profit >>> loss

Prominent >>> unknown

Prosperous >>> unsuccessful, fruitless

Push  >>> pull

Question >>> answer

Quit  >>> continue, remain

Radiant >>>  dim

Relevant >>>  irrelevant, insignificant

Reluctant  >>> willing

Resist >>> comply, conform

Ridiculous  >>> sensible, believable

Sad  >>>  happy, glad

Scarce >>> plentiful, abundant

Seize  >>> release, free

Sick  >>> well, healthy

Smooth  >>>  rough

Sorrow  >>>  joy, ecstasy

Spontaneous >>> planned, rehearsed

Stationary >>> movable, portable

Stop >>> start, begin

Stupid >>>  knowledgeable, smart

Successful >>> failing, unsuccessful

Superb >>> inferior, mediocre

Surplus >>> lack, deficit

Tender  >>> harsh, rough

Trivial >>> important, crucial

Upset >>> soothe, calm

Vacant >>> filled, occupied

Valiant >>> cowardly, fearful

Vicious >>> kind

Wealth >>> poverty

Wholehearted >>> insincere

Win >>>  lose

Wonderful  >>> awful

Wrong >>> correct, right

Antonyms and Synonyms| Infographic

Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 1

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 2

Synonyms and Antonyms

Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 3

Synonyms and Antonyms

Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 4

Synonyms and Antonyms

  • account
  • advice
  • announcement
  • comment
  • expression
  • information
  • message
  • news
  • remark
  • report
  • rumor
  • saying
  • speech
  • talk
  • adage
  • bulletin
  • byword
  • communication
  • declaration
  • directive
  • discourse
  • dispatch
  • gossip
  • hearsay
  • intelligence
  • intimation
  • introduction
  • notice
  • pronouncement
  • proverb
  • rumble
  • saw
  • scuttlebutt
  • tidings
  • utterance
  • communiqué
  • concept
  • expression
  • name
  • phrase
  • sound
  • term
  • designation
  • idiom
  • lexeme
  • locution
  • morpheme
  • usage
  • utterance
  • vocable
  • signal
  • behest
  • bidding
  • charge
  • commandment
  • decree
  • dictate
  • edict
  • go ahead
  • injunction
  • mandate
  • order
  • ukase
  • will
  • green light
  • assurance
  • pledge
  • affirmation
  • assertion
  • commitment
  • declaration
  • engagement
  • guarantee
  • oath
  • parole
  • plight
  • vow
  • warrant
  • solemn oath
  • solemn word
  • word of honor
  • slogan
  • countersign
  • watchword

On this page you’ll find 212 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to word, such as: conversation, talk, chat, chitchat, colloquy, and confab.

  • listening
  • quiet
  • silence
  • concealment
  • ignorance
  • breach
  • break
  • question
  • breach
  • break
  • question
  • silence
  • answer
  • denial
  • veto
  • breach
  • break
  • question
  • silence
  • breach
  • break
  • denial
  • question
  • silence
  • breach
  • break
  • question
  • silence

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use word in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • admonition
  • advisement
  • advocacy
  • aid
  • bum steer
  • caution
  • charge
  • consultation
  • counsel
  • directions
  • dissuasion
  • encouragement
  • exhortation
  • forewarning
  • guidance
  • help
  • information
  • injunction
  • input
  • instruction
  • judgment
  • lesson
  • news
  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • prescription
  • proposal
  • proposition
  • recommendation
  • steer
  • suggestion
  • teaching
  • telltale
  • tidings
  • tip
  • tip-off
  • two cents’ worth
  • view
  • warning
  • word
  • word to the wise
  • affirmation
  • assertion
  • declaration
  • guarantee
  • insurance
  • lock on
  • oath
  • pledge
  • profession
  • promise
  • rain or shine
  • security
  • support
  • sure thing
  • vow
  • warrant
  • warranty
  • word
  • word of honor
  • ascendancy
  • authorization
  • beef
  • charge
  • clout
  • command
  • credit
  • domination
  • dominion
  • edge
  • esteem
  • force
  • goods
  • government
  • guts
  • influence
  • juice
  • jump
  • jurisdiction
  • leg up
  • license
  • mastery
  • might
  • might and main
  • permission
  • permit
  • pizazz
  • pow
  • powerhouse
  • prerogative
  • prestige
  • punch
  • right
  • ropes
  • rule
  • say
  • say-so
  • steam
  • strength
  • strong arm
  • stuff
  • supremacy
  • sway
  • upper hand
  • warrant
  • weight
  • what it takes
  • whip hand
  • word
  • bidding
  • charge
  • command
  • commandment
  • demand
  • dictate
  • direction
  • expressed desire
  • injunction
  • instruction
  • mandate
  • order
  • precept
  • prompting
  • request
  • solicitation
  • wish
  • word
  • behest
  • call
  • charge
  • demand
  • dictate
  • direction
  • injunction
  • instruction
  • invitation
  • mandate
  • order
  • request
  • summons
  • word
  • agreement
  • bargain
  • certificate
  • collateral
  • compact
  • convention
  • covenant
  • debenture
  • guaranty
  • obligation
  • pact
  • pledge
  • promise
  • security
  • transaction
  • warrant
  • warranty
  • word

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

List of Antonyms! Here is the Antonyms and synonyms list a to z. We can use these words at the place of each other. Here are some of the antonyms from list About– Exactly / Buy– Sell / Busy– Lazy. This is the huge antonyms list that can be used in our conversation and daily writings. These antonyms are very helpful to improve your English.

Definition of Antonyms

What are antonyms? The words have opposite meanings are known as antonyms. They are also called as the opposite words.

List of Antonyms

Antonyms With A, B, C

  • Awful– Nice
  • Awake– Asleep
  • Autumn– Spring
  • Attic– Cellar
  • Attention – Inattention
  • Attack– Defense
  • Asleep– Awake
  • Asleep – Awake
  • Ask– Answer
  • Ascent– Descent
  • Ascend – Descend
  • Artificial– Natural
  • Artificial – Natural
  • Arrive– Depart
  • Arrival– Departure
  • Argue– Agree
  • Approximately– Exactly
  • Approval – Disapproval
  • Approached – Receded
  • Apart– Together
  • Antonym– Synonym
  • Answer – Question
  • Annoy– Satisfy
  • Animal– Human
  • Angel– Devil
  • Ancient– Modern
  • Ancient – Modern
  • Ancestor– Descendant
  • Ancestor– Descendant
  • Amuse– Bore
  • Amateur– Professional
  • Always– Never
  • Already– Not Yet
  • Ally – Enemy
  • Allow– Forbid
  • All– None
  • Alive– Dead
  • Alive – Dead
  • Alike– Different
  • Agree– Refuse
  • Agree – Disagree
  • Against– For
  • After– Before
  • Afraid– Brave
  • Affirmative– Negative
  • Advantage – Disadvantage
  • Advanced– Elementary
  • Advance – Retreat
  • Adult– Child
  • Admit– Deny
  • Admit – Deny
  • Add– Subtract
  • Active– Lazy
  • Accurate – Inaccurate
  • Accidental– Intentional
  • Accept– Refuse
  • Accept – Refuse
  • Abundant – Scarce
  • Abundance– Lack
  • Absence– Presence
  • Absence – Presence
  • Above– Below
  • About– Exactly

Must Study:List of Adverbs

Opposite words with B

  • Buy– Sell
  • Busy– Lazy
  • Build– Destroy
  • Brother– Sister
  • Broad– Narrow
  • Broad – Narrow
  • Break– Fix
  • Bravery – Cowardice
  • Brave– Cowardly
  • Boy– Girl
  • Bottom– Top
  • Borrow– Lend
  • Borrow – Lend
  • Boring– Exciting
  • Bore– Amuse
  • Body– Soul
  • Blunt– Sharp
  • Blunt – Sharp
  • Blame – Praise
  • Black– White
  • Bitter– Sweet
  • Bitter – Sweet
  • Birth– Death
  • Big– Small
  • Better– Worse
  • Best– Worst
  • Below– Above
  • Behind– In Front Of
  • Beginning– End
  • Beginning – Ending
  • Begin– End
  • Before– After
  • Beauty– Ugliness
  • Beautiful– Ugly
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • BeInterested In – Bore
  • BadLuck – Good Luck
  • Backward– Forward
  • Background– Foreground
  • Back– In Front Of

Opposite words with C

  • Cunning – Simple
  • Cry– Whisper
  • Cry– Laugh
  • Cruel– Human
  • Cruel – Kind
  • Create– Destroy
  • Cowardly– Brave
  • Courteous – Discourteous
  • Courageous– Cowardly
  • Courage– Fear
  • Courage – Cowardice
  • Correct– Wrong
  • Correct – Incorrect
  • Cool– Warm
  • Continue– Interrupt
  • Construction– Destruction
  • Constant– Changeable
  • Consonant– Vowel
  • Connect– Separate
  • Conceal – Reveal
  • Compulsory– Voluntary
  • Compliment– Insult
  • Complicated– Simple
  • Comfort – Discomfort
  • Comedy– Drama
  • Come– Go
  • Cold– Hot
  • Cold– Heat
  • Cloudy– Clear
  • Closed– Open
  • Close– Open
  • Clever– Stupid
  • Clever – Stupid
  • Clear– Cloudy
  • Clean– Dirty
  • Children– Parents
  • Child– Adult
  • Cheap– Expensive
  • Cheap – Dear
  • Changeable– Constant
  • Certainly– Probably
  • Centre– Outskirts
  • Cellar– Attic
  • Ceiling– Floor
  • Catch– Miss
  • Careless– Careful
  • Careful– Careless
  • Careful – Rush
  • Captivity – Freedom
  • Capable – Incapable
  • Calm– Excited
  • Calm – Troubled

If you Want to improve English: Correct use of adverbs, preposition

List of Antonyms with D, E, F

  • Dusk– Dawn
  • Dull– Interesting
  • Dry– Humid
  • Drama– Comedy
  • Downstairs– Upstairs
  • Down– Up
  • Domestic– Foreign
  • Divorced– Married
  • Divorce– Marry
  • Divorce– Marriage
  • Division– Unity
  • Divide– Unite
  • Distant– Near
  • Disease– Health
  • Dirty– Clean
  • Difficult– Easy
  • Different– Alike
  • Die– Live
  • Dictatorship– Republic
  • Devil– Angel
  • Destruction– Construction
  • Destroy– Build
  • Desperate– Hopeful
  • Descent– Ascent
  • Descendant– Ancestor
  • Departure– Arrival
  • Depart– Arrive
  • Deny– Admit
  • Delicious– Awful
  • Defend– Attack
  • Defence– Attack
  • Defeat– Victory
  • Deep– Shallow
  • Death– Birth
  • Dead– Alive
  • Day– Night
  • Dawn– Dusk
  • Daughter– Son
  • Dark– Light
  • Dangerous– Safe
  • Danger– Security
  • Damage– Repair

Opposite words with E

  • Extreme– Moderate
  • Exposure– Shelter
  • Export– Import
  • Expensive– Cheap
  • Exit– Entrance
  • Exclude– Include
  • Exciting– Boring
  • Excited– Calm
  • Exactly– Approximately
  • Everything– Nothing
  • Everybody– Nobody
  • Evening– Morning
  • Even– Odd
  • Equal– Different
  • Entrance– Exit
  • Enter– Leave
  • Enjoy– Hate
  • Enemy– Friend
  • Ending– Beginning
  • End– Beginning
  • End– Begin
  • Empty– Full
  • Emigration– Immigration
  • Emigrate– Immigrate
  • Elementary– Advanced

Must read: Similar words in English

Opposite words with F

  • Easy– Difficult
  • East– West
  • Early– Late
  • Future– Past
  • Funny– Serious
  • Full– Empty
  • Front– Rear
  • Friend– Enemy
  • Fresh– Old/Stale
  • Frequently– Occasionally
  • Freeze– Melt
  • Free– Arrest
  • Forward– Backward
  • Fortune– Bad Luck
  • Form– Destroy
  • Forget– Remember
  • Foreigner– Native
  • Foreign– Domestic
  • Foreground– Background
  • Forbid– Allow
  • For– Against
  • Follow– Lead
  • Floor– Ceiling
  • Flat– Hilly
  • Fix– Break
  • First– Final
  • Finish– Start
  • Finish– Begin
  • Find– Lose
  • Final– First
  • Few– Many
  • Female– Male
  • Fear– Courage
  • Fat– Slim
  • Fast– Slow
  • Far– Near
  • False– True
  • Failure– Success
  • Fail – Succeed

Antonyms list with G, H, I

  • Guilty– Innocent
  • Guest– Host
  • Grown-UpChild
  • GoodLuck – Bad Luck
  • Good– Bad
  • Go– Come
  • Gloomy – Cheerful
  • Give– Take
  • Girl– Boy
  • Giant– Tiny
  • Giant – Dwarf
  • Gentleman– Lady
  • Gentle– Violent
  • Gentle – Rough
  • Generous– Mean
  • Generous – Mean
  • General– Particular

Opposite words with H

  • Husband– Wife
  • Hungry– Thirsty
  • Hunger – Thirst
  • Humid– Dry
  • Humble – Proud
  • Humane– Cruel
  • Human– Animal
  • Huge– Tiny
  • Hot– Cold
  • Host– Guest
  • Horizontal– Vertical
  • Horizontal – Vertical
  • Hopeless– Hopeful
  • Hopeful– Desperate
  • Honest – Dishonest
  • Hit– Miss
  • Hinder – Aid
  • Hilly– Flat
  • High– Low
  • High– Deep
  • Here– There
  • Hell– Heaven
  • Heavy– Light
  • Heaven– Hell
  • Heat– Cold
  • Healthy– Ill
  • Healthy – Unhealthy
  • Health– Disease
  • Hate– Enjoy
  • Hate – Love
  • Hasten – Dawdle
  • Harvest– Plant
  • Harmful – Harmless
  • Hard– Easy
  • Happy– Sad
  • Happy – Sad
  • Happiness– Sadness
  • Handsome– Ugly
  • Interrupt– Continue
  • Interior – Exterior
  • Interesting– Boring
  • Interesting – Uninteresting
  • Intentional– Accidental
  • Intentional – Accidental
  • Intelligent– Silly
  • Insult– Compliment
  • Inside– Outside
  • Innocent– Guilty
  • Inferior – Superior
  • Increase– Reduce
  • Include– Exclude
  • InFront Of – Back
  • Imprison – Free
  • Import– Export
  • Immigration– Emigration
  • Immigrate– Emigrate
  • Immense – Tiny
  • Ill– Healty

List of Antonyms with J, K, L

  • Kind– Cruel
  • Justice – Injustice
  • Junior– Senior
  • Knowledge – Ignorance
  • Lower– Raise
  • Low– High
  • Lovely– Terrible
  • Love– Hate
  • Loud– Quiet
  • Loser– Winner
  • Lose– Win
  • Long– Short
  • Lofty – Lowly
  • Live– Die
  • Little – Large
  • Liquid– Solid
  • Like– Hate
  • Light– Heavy
  • Light– Dark
  • Life– Death
  • Lie– Stand
  • Let– Forbid
  • Less– More
  • Lend– Borrow
  • Left– Right
  • Leave– Arrive
  • Learn– Teach
  • Lead– Follow
  • Lazy– Active
  • Lazy – Industrious
  • Laugh– Cry
  • Late– Early
  • Last– First
  • Large– Small
  • Land– Water
  • Land– Take Off
  • Lady– Gentleman
  • Lack – Abundance

Antonyms starting with M, N, O

  • Much– Little
  • Mountain– Valley
  • Morning– Evening
  • More– Less
  • Moon– Sun
  • Monarchy– Republic
  • Modern– Ancient
  • Moderate– Extreme
  • Misunderstand – Understand
  • Miss– Hit
  • Miss– Catch
  • Minor– Major
  • Minimum– Maximum
  • Midnight– Noon
  • Mess– Order
  • Mend– Break
  • Men– Women
  • Melt– Freeze
  • Mean– Generous
  • Maximum– Minimum
  • Master– Servant
  • Marry– Divorce
  • Married– Divorced
  • Marriage– Divorce
  • Many– Few
  • Man– Woman
  • Male– Female
  • Major– Minor
  • Now– Then
  • Notice– Ignore
  • Nothing– Everything
  • NotYet – Already
  • North– South
  • Normal– Strange
  • Noon– Midnight
  • NoneOf – Al Lot Of
  • Noisy– Quiet
  • Nobody– Everybody
  • No– Yes
  • Night– Day
  • Niece– Nephew
  • Nice– Awful
  • New– Ancient
  • Never– Always
  • Nephew– Niece
  • Negative– Affirmative
  • Near– Distant
  • Natural– Artificial
  • Native– Foreigner
  • Nasty– Nice
  • Narrow– Broad
  • Over– Under
  • Outskirts– Centre
  • Outside– Inside
  • Out– In
  • Other– Same
  • Ordinary– Special
  • Order– Mess
  • Opponent– Supporter
  • Open– Closed
  • Open– Closed
  • On– Off
  • Old– Modern
  • Often– Seldom
  • Off– On
  • Odd– Even
  • Occupied– Vacant
  • Occasionally– Frequently

List of antonyms with P, Q, R

  • Push– Pull
  • Pupil– Teacher
  • Pull– Push
  • Public– Private
  • Prudent – Imprudent
  • Protection– Attack
  • Protect– Attack
  • Professional– Amateur
  • Probably– Certainly
  • Private– Public
  • Pretty– Ugly
  • Present– Past
  • Presence– Absence
  • Powerful– Weak
  • Poverty– Wealth
  • Possible – Impossible
  • Poor– Rich
  • Polite– Rude
  • Plenty– Lack
  • Pleasant– Awful
  • Plant– Harvest
  • Permit– Forbid
  • Peace– War
  • Past– Future
  • Pass– Fail
  • Particular– General
  • Partial– Total
  • Part– Whole
  • Parents– Children
  • Quiet– Loud
  • Quick– Slow
  • Question– Answer
  • Rural– Urban
  • Rude– Polite
  • Rough– Smooth
  • Rough– Gentle
  • Rise– Sink
  • Rigid – Pliable
  • Right– Wrong
  • Right– Left
  • Rich– Poor
  • Rest– Work
  • Republic– Dictatorship
  • Reply– Question
  • Reply– Ask
  • Repair– Damage
  • Remember– Forget
  • Regret– Satisfaction
  • Refuse– Agree
  • Reduce– Increase
  • Receive– Send
  • Rear– Front
  • Rapid – Slow
  • Raise– Lower
  • Rainy– Sunny

Antonyms List with S, T, U

  • Sunny– Cloudy
  • Sun– Moon
  • Summer– Winter
  • Sugar– Salt
  • Success– Failure
  • Succeed– Fail
  • Suburb– Centre
  • Subtract– Add
  • Stupid– Clever
  • Student– Teacher
  • Strong– Weak
  • Strong – Weak
  • Strict– Gentle
  • Stranger– Native
  • Strange– Normal
  • Stop– Start
  • Start– Stop
  • Start– Finish
  • Stand– Sit
  • Stand– Lie
  • Spring– Autumn
  • Special– General
  • South– North
  • Sour– Sweet
  • Sour – Sweet
  • Soul– Body
  • Sorrow – Joy
  • Son– Daughter
  • Sometimes– Often
  • Some– Many
  • Solid– Liquid
  • Soft– Hard
  • Smooth– Rough
  • Small– Big
  • Slow– Fast
  • Slim– Fat
  • Sit– Stand
  • Sister– Brother
  • Sink– Rise
  • Single– Married
  • Simple– Complicated
  • Silly– Intelligent
  • Silent– Noisy
  • Sick– Healthy
  • Shut– Open
  • Shout– Whisper
  • Short– Long
  • Shelter– Exposure
  • Sharp– Blunt
  • Shallow– Deep
  • SetFree – Arrest
  • Servant– Master
  • Serious– Funny
  • Serious – Trivial
  • Separate– Connect
  • Senior– Junior
  • Send– Receive
  • Sell– Buy
  • Seldom– Often
  • Security– Danger
  • Scream– Whisper
  • Scatter – Collect
  • Save– Spend
  • Satisfy– Annoy
  • Satisfactory – Unsatisfactory
  • Satisfaction– Regret
  • Same– Different
  • Salt– Sugar
  • Safety– Danger
  • Safe– Dangerous
  • Sadness– Happiness
  • Sad– Happy
  • Trust– Suspect
  • True– False
  • Useful– Useless
  • Urban– Rural
  • Upstairs– Downstairs
  • Up– Down
  • Unity– Division
  • Unite– Divide
  • Under– Over
  • Ugly– Beautiful
  • Ugliness– Beauty
  • Useless– Useful

List of Antonyms with V, W

  • Vowel– Consonant
  • Voluntary– Compulsory
  • Visitor– Host
  • Violent– Gentle
  • Village– Town
  • Victory– Defeat
  • Vertical– Horizontal
  • Valley– Mountain
  • Vacant– Occupied
  • Wide– Narrow
  • Whole– Part
  • White– Black
  • Whisper– Scream
  • Wet– Dry
  • West– East
  • Well-Ill
  • Wedding– Divorce
  • Wealthy– Poor
  • Wealth– Poverty
  • Weak– Powerful
  • Water– Land
  • Waste– Save
  • Warm– Cool
  • War– Peace


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Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Deceit practice of misleading Fraud, duplicity fairness, honesty Love and deceit, troubles and rewards are as ageless as the heavens.
Deference A courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard obedience, compliance, yielding dishonour, disregard, noncompliance His deference to her wishes was very flattering
Detrimental Tending to cause harm Harmful , Hurtful Harmless, Beneficial Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people
Dialectic Logical, rational analytic, controversial, persuasive illogical, irrational He not only wrote on dialectics and logic, but also on physics in its various departments.
Dilapidate Demolish, Deface deform, distort, destroy Build , construct, adorn On the east of the town at the foot of a hill stands a dilapidated fort.
Dilatory Slow or wasting time procrastinating, lax, dallying diligent, eager, zealous No dilatory motion, or dilatory amendment, or amendment not germane shall be in order.
Diligent persevering, Hardworking Active, Assiduous Careless, inactive “A diligent worker”; “with diligent industry she revived the failing business”.
Discerning Discriminating Astute, knowing idiotic, ignorant The keen visions of these birds are not slow in discerning through the gloomy recesses the presence of danger.
Dispensation allocation of supply favour, indulgence, kindness denial, veto This is your generation, this is your dispensation, this is your wisdom.
Dissident Characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards heterodox, discordant, nonconformist agreeing, confirming Union dissidents have challenged the leadership of the current president.

Check out Subject Verb Agreement here.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Edifice Structure monument, building It looks as if the whole political edifice of the country is about to collapse.
Efficacy Productiveness adequacy, capability, capacity inability, failure Exactly the situation he would have prayed for had he believed in the efficacy of prayer.
Egregious outstandingly bad; shocking, remarkably good. atrocious, deplorable concealed, good “egregious abuses of copyright”
Elfish Usually good-naturedly mischievous elfin, naughty behave, good They perpetrated a practical joke with elfish delight.
Emblematic Serving as a visible symbol for something abstract typical, emblematical, figurative literal ,Real ,straightforward The free discussion that is emblematic of democracy
Encomium Compliment Accolade, Eulogy Blame, Criticism The encomium holding good of herself, she refrained from lecturing him on the subject of the vilified Denham.
Engulf Absorb Bury, Consume Dry, Uncover The bright light engulfed him completely
Enormity Horribleness depravity, evil delight, esteem Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the country’s economy
Entente Agreement Accord, deal, pact disagreement It also contributed towards the conclusion of an entente between Turkey and Rumania in the summer of 1910.
Enunciation The articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience articulation, elocution, phonation The broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English
Epiphany A moment of sudden understanding or revelation Flash, oracle Confusion, Secret In the first grade, I experienced an epiphany that girls were always treated dif- ferently than boys.
Errant wrong , behaving wrongly in some way, especially by leaving home erratic, stray normal Teachers dislike errant spellings and misused words
Erudite Well-Educated knowledgeable, literate, scholarly uneducated, common, ignorant This erudite priest, born in 1067, was the founder of historical writing in Iceland
Espouse support adopt, maintain, defend attack, reject He was an optimist or he never wouldhave espoused the American cause.
Exasperate Provoke Agitate, disturb appease, calm Indeed, the effect would probably only be to exasperate and worsen industrial relations.
Exigent urgent Insistent, needful easy, ordinary, usual Charles immediately revealed the full and exigent nature of his demands.
Expats A person who is voluntarily absent from home or country expellee, exile, expatriate citizen, national, native A network of expats in London keeps her from missing the family she left be- hind.
Exuberance Energy, Enthusiasm Sprit, Zest Apathy, Coolness They were meant to suggest reproductive vigour, exuberance, and abundance.

Also, check out Reading Comprehension.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Fabrication A deliberately false or improbable account; The act of making something (a product) from raw materials hogwash, forgery, fable truth, entertainment, reality The synthesis and fabrication of single crystals
Farcical absurd comical, funny, laughable grave, reasonable, sad Amber has been known to behave in a farcical manner when she is under the influence of marijuana
fauxpas A socially awkward or tactless act slip. solecism, abuse praise, certainty His trust was warranted, until Landor detected the fauxpas
Fidgety Nervous and unable to relax apprehensive, jittery, twitchy restful, unmoving, composed Until he did so, Mr Frampton was too fidgety to be approachable on any other subject.
Fissure A long, narrow opening hole, cleavage, crack closure, solid A fissure between philosophy and reality.

Want to know about Phrasal Verbs? Learn here.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Gesticulate Show, express or direct through movement indicate, pantomime speak He gesticulated his desire to leave
Gloom depression despair, misery, sadness confidence, joy, delight She could not see a thing; but she waited in the gloom for the steward to come and light the lamps.
Gory bloody horrible, imbrued mild, pleasing, pleasant The broken and gory body was kicked through the railing for the last time.
Grandeur The quality of being magnificent, splendid or grand brilliance, expansiveness, magnificence dullness, simplicity, insignificance An imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colourful art
Grim hopeless gloomy, cruel bright, cheerful Anthony will be in the VIP lounge where he doesn’t have to mix with the hoi polloi
Gruff Bad tempered Blunt, Nasty Cheerful, Happy I want to say good-bye,” he said in the gruff voice of embarrassment.
Gullible Trusting Naïve, credulous, innocent Wary, skeptical Finding them, to all seeming, gullible and loquacious, she had even ventured on the Bishop.

To get details on Common Rules for Spellings, candidates can visit the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Heckle jeer ridicule, taunt, tease please, praise, aid People in the crowd were booing and heckling as she tried to speak.
Hoi Polloi The common people generally masses, rabble, herd elite, aristocracy, cream Separate the warriors from the hoi polloi
Hoodwink deceive or trick dupe, outwit debunk, expose, reveal “staff was hoodwinked into thinking the cucumber was a sawn-off shotgun”
Hurled throw forcefully fire, toss, launch hold, keep, receive My friend now began to hurl stones at it, but it easily dodged them.
Hustings The activities involved in political campaigning (especially speech making) catafalque, emplacement, chancery The front door was in continual motion with guests coming and going, amid laughter and boisterous conversation

Learn about Types of Conjunction Explained with Examples Here.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Ignominious (Adj) embarrassing because of being a complete failure. humiliating, undignified, embarrassing glorious, admirable an ignominious defeat/failure/retreat
Imbibe absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge). assimilate, absorb, soak up, take in, digest abstain, fast “if one does not imbibe the culture one cannot succeed”
Implacable merciless cruel. unforgiving kind, remorseful Clinton accused congressional Republicans of “implacable hostility”.
Impounded kept captured, confiscated give, offer The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.
Inception An event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events outset, provenance, kick-off conclusion, outgrowth, ending The strife was thus in its inception political; but it soon became religious as well.
Incessant Never ending ceaseless, nonstop bounded, finished Night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city.
Inchoate Only partly in existence; imperfectly formed amorphous, immature, nascent developed, grown, mature In the man, substance is inchoate, inadequate to the desired form; it is a drag on everything.
Inclement Used of persons or behaviour; showing no clemency or mercy brutal, tempestuous, intemperate merciful, sympathetic, mild The climate is inclement in winter and oppressively hot in midsummer.
Inclement Bitter brutal, hard, foul clear, merciful, nice One of the most inclement winters in the Gulf of Mexico had passed in the comfortless manner described in the last chapter.
Indefatigable Showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality assiduous, diligent, dogged indifferent, lethargic, wavering He is an indefatigable advocate of equal rights
Inebriated make (someone) drunk; intoxicate. bombed, plastered, boozy sober, straight He arrived late in the banqueting hall, and there were indications that he was inebriated.
Inflict Make (someone) do something unpleasant levy, apply hold, take, withhold “The principal inflicted his rage on the students”
Insinuate Hint, Suggest, to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true allude, ascribe, imply Conceal, hide, withhold Are you insinuating (that) I’m losing my nerve?
Intrepid Invulnerable to fear or intimidation brave, nervy, courageous afraid, cowardly, timid The savages were overawed by the coolness and courage of this intrepid officer.
Irritants annoyance burden,bother,trouble aid, happiness, help The report is bound to add a new irritant to international relations
Implacable merciless cruel. unforgiving kind, remorseful Clinton accused congressional Republicans of “implacable hostility”.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Jab Poke violently Poke, Thrust, Punch Pull, tear She jabbed a pen at him to wake him up.
Jargon Technical terminology Slang, vocab, ardot standard A technical paper is filled with jargons
Jaunt Short trip Outing, trip, journey Stay, bolt, abide She planned a jaunt to the field
Jeopardize Put at risk Peril, risk, stake, gamble Save, guard, protect By lying, she was jeopardizing her father’s trust.
Jumble Mix something up to cause confusion Mix up, confuse, fuddle Arange, order The receptionist jumbled their names and assigned them wrong rooms

Here’s all you need to know about Gerund, Infinitive and Participle


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Kingpin a person or thing that is essential to the success of an organization or operation. bigwig inferior, subordinate, underling; mediocrity, “the kingpins of the television industry
Knack ability aptitude, skill, bent lack, inability It was horrid of you but you always had a knack of rubbing one up the wrong way.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Labyrinthine complex : twisting, maze like direct, straight it’s hard to find my classes at the labyrinthine building at my school
Laconic (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words. brief, concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, verbose, long-winded, loquacious “his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic”
Legion numerous myriad, countless, many few, numbered The Roman legions brought peace and prosperity, at least most of the time.
Lenity Mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant altruism, compassion cruelty, harshness It is for the jury to find a just medium between harshness and lenity


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Maraud go about in search of things to steal or people to attack. Raid and plunder (a place). plunder, go looting Guard, protect “bands of robbers crossed the river to maraud
Martinet Someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms disciplinarian, authoritarian, tyrant He was a good deal of a martinet, but he was justice incarnate.
Menage Family Ancestors, folk, kindred Three verses quoted by Menage are all we possess.
Meticulous very careful and precise Careful, Accurate Careless, Lazy Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book
Myriad A large indefinite number, a countless or extremely great number of people or things gobs, multitudinous, heaping bounded, measurable There’s a myriad of insects on the island.

For details on the Types and Rules of Tenses, refer to the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Nigardly Close Tight, mean, narrow Generous, Far, open William had many excellent qualities, but his long life of exile and hardship had made him niggardly and narrow.
Nigh near nearly,adjacent,close far, distant She also found the last level nigh impossible.
Nonplussed Filled with bewilderment astonish, baffle, disconcert explicate, enlighten, educate These questions nonplus even the experts


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Obnoxious Causing disapproval or protest offensive, repulsive, abominable agreeable, lovable, wonderful He is a vulgar and obnoxious person
Occult Secret Concealed, Hidden Bare, clear Vortices may be called an occult quality, because their existence was never proved.
Ossify to become rigid Congeal, Freeze Liquefy, Soften There is a general growth to be observed, and the bones are beginning to ossify.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Panache Distinctive and stylish elegance brio, flamboyance, swagger spiritless He wooed her with the confident panache of a cavalry officer
Panoramic (of a view or picture) with a wide view surrounding the observer; sweeping. sweeping, wide, extensive, bird’s-eye, scenic restricted, narrow, limited “on a clear day there are panoramic views”
Paradox puzzle enigma, oddity normality, regularity The paradox of being calm and serene at the rock concert made her smile.
Paradox Contradiction Absurdity, enigma Normality, regularity I always lie’ is a paradox because if it is true it must be false”
Paraphernalia miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity. equipment, stuff, things, apparatus, immovables, “drills, saws, and other paraphernalia necessary for homeParap improvements”
Parched Dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight arid, withered moist, damp It was the height of summer and the land was parched and brown.
Parley negotiation conference, consult, debate Quite, silence After some serious parleying, both sides agreed to settle their differences.
Pecuniary relating or involving money monetary, banking nonfinancial that makes good pecuniary sense
Peddling sell door to door canvas, market, promote pull, buy Conventional politicians should expose the fantasies that the far left and far right are peddling to a vulnerable section of society.
Peg attach, a reason for discussing something further fix, fasten, join loose, detach They decided to use the anniversary as the peg for/a peg on which to hang a TV documentary.
Perceive Notice, see Discern, realize disbelieve, overlook She finally perceived the futility of her protest
Percussion musical instruments played by striking with the hand or with a stick or beater, or by shaking, including drums, cymbals, xylophones, gongs, bells, and rattles. crash, bang, smash, clash, bump “percussion instruments”
Peril Risk,Danger Hazard, Insecurity, Jeopardy Certainly, Safety, Protection Just be a little careful, and you are perfectly out of peril
Pernicious hurtful malicious, fatal, evil assisting, good, He thought “such a system would be wrong and pernicious in the extreme.
Perpetual Continual, lasting Ceaseless, infinite Bounded, Ceasing The perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy
Perturbed Trouble Bothered, Upset benefit , calm The more he loses, the more perturbed he gets
Picket a worker or group of workers who protest outside a building to prevent other workers from going inside, especially because they have a disagreement with their employers palisade, stanchion. upright There were pickets outside the factory gates
Piffle nonsense Foolishness, balone sense, truth “I don’t know anything about that sort of piffle,” said his guest, severely.
Pilfer steal (things of little value). snatch, embezzle “she produced the handful of coins she had managed to pilfer”
Piqued Offend Annoy, Arouse Aid, Compose The scientists were piqued because science and hard work made their colleague wealthy.
Pitting oppose counter, set against, vie agree, go along We determine which is the faster horse by pitting one against the other in a race
Pliability Adaptability of mind or character flexible, ductile, elastic not flexible, hard “he was valued for his reliability and pliability”
Plight a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation predicament, quandary, dilemma blessing, delve, boon The idea had sustained him ever since he had learned of the plight of his tribesmen.
Polemic Argumentative belligerent, contentious benevolent, cordial. Some will find the harsh polemic repetitive and disturbing.
Precinct A district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes tract, ward, subdivision whole The commissioner made visitations to all the precinct stations
Pretence falsehood Claim, display reality, honesty From the first there had been no pretence of friendship between thesetwo.
Primordial earliest primeval. pristine modern, new, last Her immense wooden sculptures refer to a primitive form of life in primordial worlds.
Pristine clean, pure immaculate, untouched, intact affected, dirty The car seemed to be in pristine condition.
Proliferate Grow rapidly breed, engender, mushroom decrease, destroy, lessen Pizza parlours proliferate in this area
Protagonist person who takes the lead hero, idle, advocate antagonist She was herself a vehement protagonist of sexual equality.
Prudent Wise , Sensible Careful. cautious Careless, Expensive That sacrifice may also be a prudentaction,” observed Madeleine.
Purport to pretend to be or to do something, especially in a way that is not easy to be- lieve. acceptation, tenor, upshot exterior, insignificance, outside They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.

To get details on Idioms and Phrases, candidates can visit the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Quiver Shaking Flash, glimmer Dullness, quiet The city quivered with music and excitement.
Quixotic idealistic dreamy, foolish, impractical cautious, realistic, wise That sounds quixotically noble, this stand for the ‘inviolability of marriage.

For details on the Para Jumbles, refer to the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Remediation Act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil indemnification, restitution, rectification wound He had the unhappy knack of making enemies in the party.
Reminiscent Suggestive of something in the past Evocative, redolent forgetful, oblivious I find this debate, this lobbying, very reminiscent of that time.
Resonate Be received or understood echo, vibrate quieten In the higher frequency range both locked and free long waves could be resonated.
Resuscitate Revive Energize, invigorate Destroy The doctors resuscitated the comatose man
Ripping Marvelous astonishing, agreeable Dull The tree split with a great ripping sound
Rugged Sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring irregular, lumpy even, smooth with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture”


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Sacrament an important religious ceremony in the Christian Church, such as baptism or communion celebration, ceremony neglect, denial, divorce The sacramental character, then, is not in itself a sanctifying gift
Saddle A seat for the rider of a horse or camel; Load or burden; encumber howdah, pillion, packsaddle relieve, disencumber, disengage Ram is retiring after 14 years in the saddle as chief executive
Scathing Marked by harshly abusive criticism caustic, mordant, trenchant calm, gentle, generous His scathing remarks about silly lady novelists
Scorn 1. Contempt 2. to Show contempt Mockery, Sarcasm, Contempt. Praise, Aid, Please 1. There are people who will show you scorn, but you must not mind them. 2. When I asked for his daughter’s hand in marriage, he scorned me.
Scourge A whip used to inflict punishment; Something causing misery or death plague, torment, bane reward, blessing, boon Pop-up ads have been described as the scourge of the Internet.
Semblance An outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading pretence, façade, mien concrete, rear The city has now returned to some semblance of normality after last night’s celebrations authenticity
Sinister Nasty evil, bad, baneful good, happy, auspicious His sinister countenance was watched with terrible constancy by Jude
Smear spread over cover, stain, patch clean, purify, honour Smear on meat, and place near where the rats are most troublesome.
Sobriquet A familiar name for a person alias, pen name, byname real name Joe’s mother would not use his sobriquet and always called him Joseph
Spate continuation Deluge, Torrent not in series A spate of letters.
Sporadic on and off occasional, in frequent, irregular common, constant, frequent At the beginning the postal communications were rather sporadic and mainly met the military needs
Sprawled spread out lie, fall straighten, compress, stand Their favorite napping positions are lying flat on their backs with their legs sprawled out.
Spurious Plausible but false; Intended to deceive counterfeit, specious, apocryphal genuine, authentic, real After receiving a low appraisal on my diamond ring, I realized the suspicious- looking jeweler had sold me a spurious jewel
Spurn Refuse with contempt despise, disdain, scorn ascend, accept, admire Ellis plays the part of the young lover spurned by his mistress.
Stout rather fat or of heavy build overweight, porcine, tubby skinny, weak, slight Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes
Striving to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties conation, conatus, attempt desultory, feeble, indolent We must strive to narrow the gap between rich and poor.
Scourge A whip used to inflict punishment; Something causing misery or death plague, torment, bane reward, blessing, boon Pop-up ads have been described as the scourge of the Internet.
Stupor The feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally; Marginal consciousness slumber, hebetude, narcosis liveliness, sensibility, wakefulness Someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor
Stuttering stammer halting, pause continue Stuttering and wasting moments too precious for words.
Stymie frustrate, hinder crimp, foil, block aid, forward, support Stan began to think they were stymied when all Hades broke loose from above.
Succinctly Briefly Shortly, summarily permanently, verbosely Please state your case as succinctly as possible.
Succour Help given to someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need sustenance, relief, support obstruction, hindrance, blockage Students should be encouraged, supported and succoured
Succumb die or surrender cease, gave away, defer continue, defend, fight I’m afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake.
Swat hit knock, slap, beat lose, surrender Maybe I gave him a swat on his diaper when he was a toddler, but I never re- ally hit him.
Syllogistic Of or relating to or consisting of syllogism deduction, sanity, ratiocination unreasonableness The bare forms of Syllogistic are a useless item of knowledge unless they are applied to concrete thought.

For details on the Para Jumbles, refer to the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Taciturnity reserve aloofness, calmness, coldness agitation, boldness, liberation Smiley is a taciturn, middle-aged intelligence officer who has been forced into retirement.
Tandem Alongside each other together, in flow alone A tight fiscal policy working in tandem with a tight foreign exchange policy
Taradiddle a petty lie., pretentious nonsense. fable, fabrication, falsehood, “no sane person would make up such a taradiddle”.
Tempest a violent windy storm. storm, gale, squall, superstorm, “a raging tempest”
Tenor intent gist, mood blockage, outside This, however, does not disturb the tenor of the following arguments.
Tenous very weak or slight. slight, insubstantial, flimsy, negligible, convincing, substantial, strong The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies.
Terrestrial on or relating to the earth. earthly, worldly, mundane, earthbound cosmic, heavenly “increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems”
Timid Showing fear and lack of confidence ambivalent, bashful, vacillating conceited, egotistical, extrovert Problems call for bold not timid responses
Tirade A speech of violent denunciation denunciation, harangue, ranting compliment, harmony, peace Her tirade provoked a counterblast from her husband
Toil hard work effort, moil , sweat fun, laziness, pastime The actress had to toil for many years before becoming a Hollywood star
Traverse Travel across or pass over; To cover or extend over an area or time period crisscross, negotiate, perambulate confirm, back up, stay “The caravan traversed almost 100 miles each day
Trudge walk heavily drag oneself tiptoe A long path that is hard to walk along is an example of a trudge.
Tumult Uproar agitation, commotion Agreement, Calm Then his words were lost in tumult, for the third day’s fighting began.
Tyranny dictatorship, a situation in which someone or something controls how you are able to live, in an unfair way autocracy, despotism Democracy Women, the play seems to suggest, must resist the tyranny of domesticity


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Unabashed Not embarrassed blatant, brazen, audacious fearful, ashamed, apologetic A tinselled charm and unabashed sentimentality
Uncanny Suggesting the operation of supernatural influences superhuman, exceptional, unearthly ordinary, common, familiar Stumps…had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures
Unctuous Sycophantic Ingratiating, servile blunt, genuine, sincere Anna was thankful that the unctuous man who first greeted her at the modelling agency would not be the person she would be working with.
Unerrign Accurate certain, errorless mistaken. imperfect He had read the yearning of her heartwith unerring insight

For details on the Cloze Test, refer to the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Vaccilation fluctuation hesitation,doubt,indecision certainty,sure The confusion about the project has been made worse by the vacillation and indecision.
Valiant Having or showing valour gallant, gritty, stalwart afraid, cowardly, timid In course of time the valiant Swedes were obliged to give way before their enemy.
Veer Change direction Bend, deflect keep to, stay Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform.
Vendetta A feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other bickering, grudge, hostility agreement, forgiveness, peace He saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being waged by his political enemies.
Vicarious experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. indirect, second-hand, secondary, derivative, “this catalogue brings vicarious pleasure in luxury living”


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Wading often through water initiate, walk , fall to dodge, end, finish They all removed their shoes and socks and rolled up their pants legs before wading into the cold water.
Wane to become weaker in strength or influence atrophy, dwindle, taper off brighten, ascend, enlarge By the late 70s the band’s popularity was beginning to wane.
Weary Tired Exhausted, fatigued refresh, energetic Children weary me with their constant questions and demands.
Wobbling shaking quaking, staggering, swaying steady The motion of something that wobbles.

To get detailed knowledge and examples on Prefixes and Suffixes, candidates can visit the linked article.


Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence
Zenith the time at which something is most powerful or successful. highest point, high point, crowning point, height nadir, bottom “His career reached its zenith in the 1960s.”

Hope this article helped you with new words and meaning. Do practice these words on the Testbook App for free.

Q.1 What are Synonyms?

Ans.1 Synonyms are the same meaning words. Example: See and Look

Q.2 What are Antonyms?

Ans.2 Synonyms are different meaning words. Example: Seen and Unseen

Q.3 What is the importance of Synonyms & Antonyms?

Ans.3 A student having good knowledge of Synonyms & Antonyms can write better Essays and Reports.

Q.4  Which are the exams in which Synonyms and Antonyms are asked?

Ans.4 Synonyms & Antonyms are frequently asked in exams like SSC CGL, NDA, IBPS, UPSC, MBA, bank, and insurance exams.

Q.5 Where can I practice Synonyms & Antonyms?

Ans.5 You can practice synonyms and antonyms on our free Testbook App.

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