Word study spelling words

10 Days of Teaching Spelling Through Word Study | This Reading Mama

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For the next two weeks, I’m honored to be joining 39 other bloggers in iHomeschool Network’s Hopscotch!  I’ll spend 10 days showing how effective Word Study is in teach spelling. I have used word study in the classroom, as a private reading tutor, and now as a homeschooling mom! It is ideal for one child or multiple children! You can read more about word study yourself in Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction.

Teaching Spelling Through Word Study Topics for Each Day:

  • Day 1: What Exactly is Word Study?
  • Day 2: The Stages of Spelling Development
  • Day 3: Invented Spelling: What the Errors Tell Us
  • Day 4: Where Do I Start?
  • Day 5: Word Sorts: The Heart of Word Study
  • Day 6: How to Introduce a Word Sort
  • Day 7: Daily Routines with Word Sorts
  • Day 8: FUN with Word Patterns
  • Day 9: What About Those Irregular Words? (FREEIBE Included)
  • Day 10: Word Study: It’s WAY More Than Phonics!

More Resources for Teaching Spelling:

teaching kids to spell3d-300


My goal in writing this ebook was two-fold: (1) to help parents understand how spellers develop in learning to spell so that spelling instruction can be developmentally appropriate and (2) to provide strategies for teaching spelling in explicit and hands-on ways. (You won’t find worksheets or boring drills included!)

Short Vowel Word Study app from This Reading Mama

  • Short Vowels Word Study App {purchase for $2.99}
  • Using Words Their Way to Teach Spelling
  • Free Printable Resource for the most common single syllable vowel patterns
  • Learning to Spell with Word Families
  • A Better Way to Teach Spelling
  • Sight Word Pinterest Board
  • Word Study/Phonics Pinterest Board



Understanding how to spell is vitally important, especially for our young readers and writers. Taking the time to study spelling words provides an amazing support for learning to read. But often times, spelling is taught as a list of rules to learn (with a long list of exceptions) or as haphazard words to memorize. Instead of focusing on how different our English words are, why not group them together according to how similar they are?

Understanding How to Spell with Word Study | RealLifeAtHome.com

Word Study is spelling approach in which words are grouped and studied according to their similarities. Similar words are analyzed in a hands-on, developmentally appropriate fashion, helping kids to make sense of how words are constructed in the English language (our language is more regular than you might expect).

Learn How to Spell with Word Sorts

At the heart of the word study approach are word sorts. Words are studied that share a common feature. In this example with my 3rd grader, we studied words with the endings of -ed and -ing. In this particular case, I chose the words directly from his reading and wrote them on the blank word sort template in the back of Words Their Way. He cut them out and we sorted the words together, based on what was done to the base word before adding the endings -ed and -ing.

Once the words were sorted into their columns, I posed this problem to him: Why do you think we double the last letter in some base words before we add -ing and -ed and then do nothing to other base words? We analyzed the base words in each column together. We talked about what was similar about all the base words under the “nothing” category and again in the “double” column.

How to Spell with Word Study | RealLifeAtHome.com

Together, we created a generalization (or rule) of why the last letters of base words should or shouldn’t be doubled. I stated, “If our generalization is true, then it should work for other base words, too.” We took a word walk through the book and found even more words that fit under each column (looking for common features).

Word Sorts for All Ages

Word sorts are a hands-on way to teach kids how to spell, starting with preschoolers all the way through high school. These sorts are adapted as picture sorts (for the very young) or word meaning sorts (with Greek and Latin word parts for older students). Words Their Way has several word sorting books, which you can read about here, that fit any stage of spelling development.

How to Spell Using Word Study | RealLifeAtHome.com

I’m also SUPER EXCITED to have the opportunity to launch a series of spelling apps, based on the word study approach. Our first app is called Short Vowel Word Study and features word sorts among other spelling activities for word families and longer short vowel words. Our next project is already in the making, with a Long Vowel Word Study app, so stay tuned!

Short Vowel Word Study app from This Reading Mama

Short Vowel Word Study app is available on iTunes or Google Play for $2.99.
{iTunes links is an affiliate link}

Learning how to spell takes time and diligence. But I believe that it is a worthy investment for all our learners, from preschool to high school!

Becky Spence Headshot

Becky Spence is a blogger, author, speaker, and coffee drinker. She homeschools four little blessings who keep her on her feet (and knees). She is the author of This Reading Mama, where she shares lots of reading and writing activities as well as free literacy curricula and printables. Her two favorite places to hang out are Facebook and Instagram.

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Page 1: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Spelling Activities

for any list of words

Page 2: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words


Page 3: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words


CENTER SIGNS & ACTIVITY PAGESSilly Sentences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5pyramid words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7alphabetical order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9spelling story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11squiggly words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13colorful vowels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15bubble letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17acrostic poems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19spelling addition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21spelling shapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

REPRODUCIBLE PAGESrhymes with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25spelling code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26ups and downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27colorful words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28fancy words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29syllable sort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Page 4: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words


Playdough: • Have the children roll playdough snakes and form letters to spell the word or put out alphabet

cookie cutters and cut the letters out.

Wiki Sticks: • Bend the sticks to form letters

Pipe Cleaners: • Same as the wikisticks

Stamps: • Put out a stamp pad and letter stamps.

Painting: • Students use watercolors to paint their words.• Another option is to use a paint brush and water and paint them onto construction paper.

Sand/Salt Trays: • Students use their finger to write their words in sand or salt and shake back to do it again.

Shaving Cream: • Squirt a little on the desk. Spread it around. Write the words with a finger.

Pudding: • Same as shaving cream, but much yummier.

Magnet Letters: • Spell words on a cookie sheet, file cabinet, desk, or other metal surface.

Scrabble Tiles: • Have the children build words and add up their value.

Page 5: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Silly Sentencesd

•Write a silly sentences for each spelling word.•Underline your spelling words.•If time allows, you may illustrate your sentences.

Sample: The dog danced on the kitchen table.

Page 6: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Silly SentencesCopy your spelling words into the box below. Write a silly sentences for each spelling word.

Underline your spelling words. Illlustrate your sentences.

Illustration Sentence

Illustration Sentence

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— 5 —

Page 7: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Illustration Sentence

Illustration Sentence

Illustration Sentence

Illustration Sentence

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Page 8: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

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Pyramid Words•Write the first letter of a spelling word.•Write the first 2 letters on the line below.•Write the first 3 letters on the line under that.•Continue until the word is complete.•Draw a pyramid around your word.

pp y

p y rp y r a

p y r a mp y r a m i

p y r a m i d

Page 9: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Pyramid Words

Write the first letter of your spelling word. Write the first two letters on the line below.Write the first three letters on the line below that. Continue until the word is complete.

Draw a triangle around the pyramid.

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pp y

p y rp y r a

p y r a mp y r a m i

p y r a m i d

Page 10: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

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Alphabetical Orderd

•Write your words in alphabetical order.•Write your words in backwards alphabetical order.

Page 11: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Alphabetical OrderWrite your words in alphabetical order and then write them in reverse alphabetical order.


A to Z Z to A

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Page 12: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Silly Story•Write a silly story using all of your words.•Underline each of your words.

Page 13: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Silly Story•Write a silly story using all of your words.•Underline each of your words.


Page 14: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Squiggle WordsWrite each spelling word two times.

The first time write it in your best handwriting.The second time write it using squiggly letters.

Page 15: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Squiggle Words Write each spelling word two times. The first time write it in your best handwriting. The second time write it using squiggly letters.

Copy your words here. Write each word in your best handwriting.

Write each word using squiggle letters.

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Page 16: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Colorful VowelsWrite EACH of your spelling words neatly in your best handwriting.

Trace over ALL the vowels in each word with a colored pencil.

Vowels = A E I O U

Page 17: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Colorful VowelsWrite EACH of your spelling words neatly in your best handwriting.

Trace over ALL the vowels in each word with a colored pencil.

Vowels = A E I O U


Page 18: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Bubble LettersWrite your spelling words in bubble letters.

After you write them all, color them in with a crayon or a colored pencil.



Page 19: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Bubble LettersWrite your spelling words in bubble letters.

After you write them all, color them in with a crayon or a colored pencil.

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Page 20: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Acrostic PoemsChoose a spelling words.

Write an acrostic poem for that word. You must also ILLUSTRATE your poem.

Example: CAT

Claws are sharp

As they scratch

To get in the house

Page 21: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Acrostic PoemChoose a spelling words. Write an acrostic poem for that word.

You must also ILLUSTRATE your poem. Create other poems for additional words.

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Page 22: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Spelling AdditionAdd up each spelling word.

*Consonants are worth 10* *Vowels are worth 5*

Examples- Said: 10 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 30

There: 10 + 10 + 5 + 10 + 5 = 40

Page 23: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Spelling AdditionAdd up each spelling word. *Consonants are worth 10*

*Vowels are worth 5*

Examples- Said: 10 + 5 + 5 + 10 = 30

There: 10 + 10 + 5 + 10 + 5 = 40

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Page 24: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Spelling ShapesCopy each of your spelling words neatly.

Then go back and draw a circle around the consonantsand a square around the vowels.

Example: p e a c h

Page 25: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Spelling ShapesCopy each of your spelling words neatly.

Then go back and draw a circle around the consonantsand a square around the vowels.

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Page 26: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Rhymes With…Write each of your spelling words. Draw a circle around them.Create a web of rhyming words that stem from the word.


! !

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Page 27: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Spelling CodeCreate a code for each letter of the alphabet.Write your spelling words using that code.


A= B = C=A B c d e f g h i j k l m

n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Page 28: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Ups & DownsWrite each word across and down sharing the same first letter.


! APPLE! P! P! L! E

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Page 29: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Colorful WordsWrite each word in pencil.

Trace over the words with differenct colored pencils or markers.

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Page 30: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Fancy WordsWrite each word in pencil.

Copy it again using fancy writing by adding dots, lines or swirls.

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Page 31: Word Study Spelling Activities to Use With Any Words

Name:___________________ Date:________

Syllable SortWrite each word in the correct column according to the number of syllables.

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables

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Word Study Resources are plentiful, but sometimes they confuse the point of instruction or they are mere worksheets! In this quick read, I want to share 3 helpful resources to help you build stronger readers and writers with early readers and transitional readers.

But first, a quick definition of word study.

Our friends over at Reading Rockets say, “Word study” is an alternative to traditional spelling instruction. It is based on learning word patterns rather than memorizing unconnected words. This article describes the word study approach.”

The only thing I’d change to this definition is “spelling instruction”. Word study is so much more than just spelling! It all types of word knowledge: meaning, structure, usage, etc.

(Photo Courtesy of Gift Habeshaw)

What is Word Study?

Word Study is:

  • Recognizing patterns in word sounds.
  • Recognizing and using conventional spelling patterns.
  • Finding connections between word meanings.
  • Analyzing words based on word parts and roots.

If you’d like more detailed information on the research and science behind word study, I recommend this page from our sister site: Spiral WarmUps, Knowledge Base.

Word Study Resources

Let’s jump into this! What are some word study resources that are engaging and that are more than mere worksheets?

Real resources that engage students, are simple to use, and get results for reading and writing? That’s what I’m sharing with you here – 3 word study resources:

  1. Context Clues Strategies
  2. Free Spelling Videos
  3. Word Work from Jennifer Serravallo

Context Clues

First on the list is a set of word meaning strategies for teaching context clues. In this article, you’ll see How to Teach Context Clues. I love this resource because it really is a set of strategies you can use with any text, any material, and for any age group!

5 Ways to Teach Context Clues

Free Spelling Review

This warm-up website is full of word study resources and has paid memberships, but there’s also a free membership (not just a trial) that has more than enough warm-ups for spelling review to last almost an entire school year! It’s SpiralWarmUps.com.

Here are three of the free spelling units you can start using today with your students. I really think you’ll love how students engage with this word study resource.

Spelling 1

This is a 10-day unit for 2nd and 3rd graders who need practice with vowels, digraphs, and consonant blends. It features a variety of activities all in an online video format!

Spelling 1 Advanced

This is another 10-day unit that builds on the previous one but is geared more to 3rd- and 4th-grade spelling problems:

  • spelling vowel digraphs,
  • consonant digraphs, and
  • consonant blends.

Spelling 3

There are more advanced units that teach how to spelling multi-syllabic words, including:

  • compound words,
  • prefixes, and
  • words with suffixes.

But Spelling 3 is worth mentioning here because it really targets those missing skills for transitional readers who have spelling challenges in grades 3-5. Spelling 3 focuses on inflected endings and double consonants.

Word Study Resources - Free Spelling Resources

Explore this Free Spelling Resource at SpiralWarmUps.com.

The Reading Strategies Book

Yes, most of this amaaaazing book is for reading strategies, which I think you’ll really love! But the third chapter is dedicated to word study resources, activities, and lesson ideas. Or as Jennifer Serravallo calls it, “Supporting Print Work: Increasing Accuracy and Integrating Sources of Information”

Yikes, that’s a mouthful!

It’s not so much a material to use like the word study videos above. It’s more of lesson plans/activities to do. Here are a few activities from the third chapter that I think you’ll love!

  1. Try, Try, Try Again: this strategy is for when you get to a trick word. It also offers you almost a dozen questions to ask readers as they attempt to decode.
  2. Think (While You Read the Words): You’ll love the anchor chart on this one! It combines decoding and monitoring for meaning.
  3. Apply Your Word Study to Book Reading: This is really where word study connects to reading! See the image below.
Word Study Resources - Use What Jennifer Serravallo

Explore the Reading Strategies Book on Amazon*

*Amazon Affiliate

It’s Your Turn!

If you made it this far, I really appreciate you reading! What are some word study resources that you love?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Scroll down below the related posts and leave a comment about word study resources. Thanks!

PSPKK12363 Comments

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


The original blog post at this link was about the word study approach to teaching spelling. While the act of sorting words can be useful, I no longer believe that Words Their Way should be a core spelling curriculum because it does not include enough explicit instruction.

Stay tuned for a new series about teaching spelling in 2023!

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  1. […] A better way to teach spelling (it’s called Word Study!) […]

  2. […] A Better Way to Teach Spelling on The Measured Mom – Anna explains how to use a word study approach to teaching spelling. […]

  3. […] Graphic found from themeasuredmom.com […]

  4. […] and spell words by focusing on the patterns they share.  The Measured Mom also has a series on word study. {Sight words do need to be learned, but we want to keep it developmentally […]

  5. […] A Better Way to Teach Spelling […]

  6. […] A Better Way to Teach Spelling {The Measured Mom} […]

  7. […] and spell words by focusing on the patterns they share.  The Measured Mom also has a series on word study. {Sight words do need to be learned, but we want to keep it developmentally […]

  8. […] 8. A Better Way to Teach Spelling (Word Study, Part 1) […]

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