volumes : 28 cm
Covers the five developmental stages of word study. There is a student book available for each developmental stage. The heart of the program is the sort, the process of grouping words or pictures that represent sounds into specific categories
Gr. 1-5
Teacher resource guide — v.1 — Emergent-early letter name: Student book — v.2 — Letter name: Student book — v.3 — Within word pattern: Student book — v.4 — Syllables and affixes: Student book — v.5 — Derivational relations: Student book
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March 30, 2019 CCSS, Common Core, Education, Education Equity, Educational Values, ELA, Elementary, ELL, Eureka Math, Formative Assessment, K-5, Literacy, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Teachers, Teaching Inspiration, Teaching Pedagogy, Teaching Resources, Teaching Tips, Vocabulary
Do you remember studying for the ACT or GRE? Did you buy the vocabulary flashcards or make your own? I remember the summer of 2009 as “The One With the GRE Flashcards” because I took them everywhere and reviewed them in every spare moment. Whether it was by the pool, in the DMV, at the doctor’s office, or at my kitchen table, my anxiety about memorizing the vocabulary words continued to increase. I remember wishing I had received better vocabulary instruction in school. The reality is, in many places, we still aren’t YET teaching vocabulary, or word study, well. The key word here is: YET.
Background Information
The “30 Million Word Gap by Age 3” is a research study, by Betty Hart and Todd Risley, whose gist is that by age 3, children growing up in impoverished households have heard 30 million fewer words than kids growing up in affluent households. This study has since been cited thousands of times; however, in the past couple of years, their findings have become quite debatable due to the small number of families they studied and inconsistency along lines of race. There have been multiple attempts to replicate the original study, and all have failed at finding such large a gap. The studies have still found that a “word gap” does exist, but that the difference is about 4 million words by the age of 4.
So what?
What does this mean for us, as educators? It means we still need to address the “aren’t YET teaching vocabulary, or word study, well.” In Teach Like A Champion 2.0, Doug Lemov writes, “Whereas good teachers get students to develop effective right answers using terms they are already comfortable with (‘Volume is the amount of space something takes up’), great teachers get them to use precise technical vocabulary they’re developing comfort with (‘Volume refers to the cubic units of space an object occupies’). This response expands student vocabularies and builds comfort with the terms students will need when they compete in college.”
Now what?
- Incorporate vocabulary instruction in every class, every day.
- This begins addressing the word gap.
- This aids in reading comprehension for all subjects.
- This helps combat “the Matthew Effect” (Aka: Strong readers read more and thus get better. Poor readers shy away from reading and thus continue to struggle with reading. The gap widens.)
- This helps prepare students for gate-keeping exams (i.e., AP exams, ACT, SAT, GRE).
Focus most of your instruction on Tier 2 and Tier 3 words.
- Tier 2 examples: persistent, coincidence, absurd, industrious
- Tier 3 examples: isotope, peninsula, quadrilateral
- Good vocabulary instruction should:
- Teach the meaning of most essential words in text.
- Apply a variety of strategies for teaching word meanings.
- Make connections between words and new concepts.
- Encourage using new words in oral and written communication without a teacher prompt. (see example below)
Example: When students would find one of our vocabulary words in a book or article they were reading, they would show a teacher. The teacher would then ask them to explain the word in context. If the student explained it correctly, we wrote the word on a sticker label and they could place it on their forehead. Some days, students entire foreheads were covered in vocabulary words! They took such pride showing the words they knew!
- Edcite Vocabulary Assignments
- Tier 2 – Vocabulary Practice Assignment (General)
- Tier 3 – Literary Terms Assignment (ELA)
- Tier 3 – Human Environment Interaction (Science)
- Tier 3 – Hibernation/Migration (General Nonfiction/Science)
- Tier 3 – Matter (Science)
- Tier 3 – Scientific Method (Science)
- Tier 3 – Number Sense (Math)
- Tier 3 – 5th Grade Math Vocabulary
- Interested in learning more and exploring specific vocabulary instruction strategies?
- Check out this Vocabulary Professional Development I previously facilitated (accompanying handout here)
- Example Vocabulary Homework
- Example Vocabulary Classwork
- Vocabulary Graphic Organizer
- Vocabulary Instruction Strategies Cheat Sheet
- Eureka Math Vocabulary (K-5): Lists, printable vocabulary cards, and Spanish versions.
Meghan Thompson joined Teach For America in 2008 and began her career in education as a 9th-12th Special Education Teacher in Charlotte, NC. In 2010, she was a member of the founding team at Henderson Collegiate (a school that has ranked in the top 3.5% of all NC public schools for the past 4 years). In 2014, she was a member of the founding team at Democracy Prep Baton Rouge and throughout her time at DPBR served as a middle school ELA teacher, middle school math teacher and the Middle School Campus Director.
Word Study days 4 and 5 are very similar to word study day 3. I work with groups who need additional help and I work one on one with individual students who need extra help. After the students independently sort their words they write and illustrate 5 words!
In this video you see the ‘staches working on their word sorts and you’ll see me working with some students giving them support as needed!
To see the rest of my series on word study, check out this post!
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Engagement Through Word Study
Online Word Games
In this session, students engage in word study games using an interactive
whiteboard. They begin by matching vocabulary related to the social studies
theme, “Early Settlers of Ontario.” This is followed by a cloze activity in
which they insert the correct social studies term in the context of a given
sentence. The students then reflect on how these games help them to
become better readers and writers.
What are the benefits of using online games for word study?
How mightyou use online games to promote word study in a cross-curricular
— [Narrator] The teacher explains
that a making words activity helps
children to understand how
longer words are constructed
based on common patterns,
such as a vowel combinations.
This process also provides
opportunities for ongoing
The activity begins with students
building a two letter word
and culminates in the unscrambling
of the seven letter word
Students reflect on what
they learned through making
words lessons.
— Right now we’re going
to do a making words
lesson in which the children are given
the limited number of letters
that in the end go together
to make a long word, use that
to help us understand how words
go together and how they can
help us make patterns that we
can spell more difficult words
So we’re looking for patterns in words,
double bell patterns,
and then transference of
that to a larger word.
While they’re doing that,
I’m going to be pointing
things out to them,
help them stretch out words,
help them to understand how
those vowel shapes need to go
And I’m doing a lot of assessing actually,
because there’s certain kids
that I’m going to zero in on
that I know as we build,
they’re going to have a
harder time with this.
How many vowels do you have
in your collection of words?
We have four vowels.
Why are vowels important, Natalie?
— Because then the word will make sense.
Words have to have vowels in them.
— A word has have to have a vowel,
every word has a vowel.
We’re going to start out by
making some little words and
then we’re going to build,
start with some easy ones.
Are we ready?
We’re going to make some two letter words.
The first letter you’re
going to make is the word at.
Who can spell the word at?
A T,
We’re going to put that there
because they’re going to build
on that.
Alright, you’re going
to add one letter to at.
You’re going to make it say eat.
Whew. That was pretty easy.
Leave that there and
add one letter Pierre.
Good. Spell it for me.
— E A T
— Good.
All right. Let’s look at eat.
Now what you’re going to do
is take those three letters and
you’re going to change the
position and make them say ate.
Keep your three letters down.
Change your order.
It is a magic key Elliot. Good job.
Spell it for me.
— A T E
— Excellent. What we’re going to do now,
Are you listening?
We’re going to make the big words.
We need to find a word that
uses all of the letters.
I’m going to give you a clue.
Begins with a vowel.
When you get it cover it up.
Good, good, cool.
I like this.
Excellent. Got it.
— I got it, I got it!
Everybody stop.
We are going to hear my friend
Cole spell the long word.
— O A T M E A L.
— And what does it say Cole?
— Oatmeal.
— Oatmeal.
Good job.
Why is this activity important? Julia?
— Because you can learn more
words from this activity.
— You can learn what?
— You can learn more words.
— It helps us learn words.
Why else?
— It’s like a funner version
of word study because you’re
making words and it’s like a game.
— Learn to read it, and to write it.
— Good it helps us with reading
our words and then helps us
with writing our words.
Good job, boys and girls.