Word stress rule in english

word stress

In our previous post, we shared 12 great tips to help you improve your English pronunciation.  For tip number nine, Understanding Word Stress & Sentence Stress, we explained the importance of word stress rules for communicating effectively in English. In this post, we delve a little deeper into the subject.

What is Word Stress?

The stress placed on syllables within words is called word stress. In one word, we place emphasis on one syllable, while the other syllables are given less emphasis.

English words only have one stressed syllable. Whilst longer words can have a secondary stress, it is always a much lighter stress. It is also worth noting that we stress vowel sounds and not consonants.

In English we have variable stress where the position of the stress is unpredictable. This contrasts with some other languages – like Polish or Finnish – that have fixed stress where the stress on virtually any multi-syllable word falls on a particular syllable. Learn more here.

Where you place stress or emphasis within a word can affect the way in which it is pronounced and therefore its meaning. As a result, knowing which syllable within a word should be emphasised or stressed is very important for correct pronunciation. The reason for this is that placing stress on the wrong syllable within a word can completely change the meaning of a word.

Understanding The Importance of Word Stress

So, understanding the importance of word stress is vital if you want to improve your English pronunciation and speak English like a native English.

But if word stress is so important, exactly what are the rules that we need to follow?

As with so many aspects of the English language, there are many rules to learn. Then, to make things even more tricky, there are also many contradictions or exceptions to those rules. This can make learning English more challenging for some students.

To help you out, we have compiled some simple guidelines for learning the rules of word stress.  We don’t cover all aspects of English word stress rules but the points  we have mentioned will certainly get you started.

English Word Stress Rules

1. Word Stress For Two-Syllable Words

Two-Syllable Nouns

If the word is a two-syllable noun, we usually place the stress on the FIRST syllable.

Example: MONkey, TEAcher, DIStance, INsect, TAble,

Two-Syllable Adjectives

If the word is a two-syllable adjective,  as with two-syllable nouns, we usually place the stress on the FIRST syllable.

Examples: SIlent, BORing, LIttle, PURple, STUpid, CLEver, FRIEndly

Two Syllable Verbs

Conversely, if the word is a two-syllable verb we generally stress the SECOND syllable.

Examples: beGIN, surVIVE, aTTEND, coLLECT, preVENT

See more examples of verbs where the second syllable is stressed.

Two Syllable Prepositions

The SECOND syllable is also stressed if the word is a preposition.

Examples: aROUND, beFORE, beLOW, inSIDE, toWARDS (See more examples of prepositions with stress on second syllable)

2. Word Stress For Words That Are Both Nouns & Verbs

When a word can be both a noun and a verb, we stress the FIRST syllable for the noun and the SECOND syllable for the verb.


1) The violent CONflict between the couple conFLICTS with their pacifistic beliefs.

2) The PREsents he preSENTS his wife never fail to disappoint her.

3) They will no doubt disCOUNT my suggestion for DIScounts on Chinese courses for the elderly.

Click here for some good examples with audio included:

As mentioned, there are always exceptions to the rules. That said, it’s fairly accurate to say that only around 20% of two-syllable words have their stress on the second syllable.

3. Word Stress For Words Ending in ‘er’ & ‘ly’.

If a word ends in either ‘er’ or ‘ly’, whether it’s a noun, an adjective or an adverb, the general rules is that the stress is placed on the first syllable.


ANgrily, PERfectly, SUddenly, HAppily,

FOReigner, GARdener, BARtender, MANager

BIgger, BEtter, FAtter

4. Words That Use The Suffix ade, ee, ese, ique, ette & oon

Stress the actual suffix of words (including the first consonant before the suffix) ending in -ade, -ee, -ese, -ique and -ette and -oon



ampuTEE, guaranTEE, aGREE,


vinaigRETTE, kitcheNETTE, laundeRETTE,



5. Simple Word Stress Rules For Suffixes

The rule changes for words with a number of other suffixes such as -ery, -ian, -ible, -able, i-al, -cian, -ic, -ish, -ics, -ion, -ious, -ia, and -ient. Instead of placing the emphasis on the actual suffix as illustrated in the examples above, we stress the syllable just before the suffix.


-ery: CELery, SURgery, reCOVery
-ian: boHEMian, coMEdian, ciVILian, beauTICian
-ible: AUDible, adMISSible, SENSible
-able: aDAPTable, SUITable, CHANGEable
-ial: fiNANcial, artiFICial, oFFICial
-cian: maGIcian, opTIcian, beauTIcian
-ic: BAsic, draMAtic, characteRIStic
-ish: GARish, ENglish, unSELfish
-ics: dyNAMics, aeRObics, hypNOtics
-ion: VERsion, classifiCAtion, CAUtion
-ious: harMONious, PREvious, VARious, FURious
-ia: TRIVia, maLARia, multiMEdia
-ient: ANcient, NUtrient, suFICient
-osis: thromBOsis, psyCHOsis, osMOsis

A good way to remember some of the suffixes above is to use the rule for nearly all suffixes that start with an ‘i’ or a ‘u’. For example, the suffixes -ion, -ual, -uous, -ial, -ient, -ious, -iuor, ior, -ic, -ity.

Notice again  how we stress the syllable immediately before the suffix in the following examples:















Note, some exceptions to this rule include words ending in -ism, -ist and -ize.

English Word Stress Videos

How Dictionaries Help With Word Stress

If you are unsure about where to place the stress in a word, you can always refer to an English dictionary.  All good dictionaries give the phonetic spelling of a word.

You can learn which syllable of a word is stressed by looking at the phonetic spelling. The stressed syllable is commonly shown with an apostrophe (‘) just before or just after the stressed syllable.

Unfortunately, dictionary creators never agreed on one system so you should refer to your dictionary’s (how to use this dictionary) notes to see which system they use.

Here’s an example from my dictionary that shows which syllable to stress by placing the apostrophe immediately BEFORE the stressed syllable:

photograph | ‘fəʊtəɡrɑːf

photographic | ˌfəʊtə’ɡrafɪk 

Using the system of capitalising the stressed syllable as in all of my examples above, these two dictionary examples look like this:



Learn Word Stress With Practise & Experience

As previously mentioned, the list of rules above is by no means complete. However, it does explain where to place the primary emphasis on numerous English words.

If the thoughts of learning all these rules is overwhelming, do not be too discouraged.  Many English learners naturally assimilate to word stress rules simply by listening and practicing the language.

Probably the best way to learn is from experience.  Try to get a feel for the music of the language by listening carefully to spoken English.

Of course, if you would like some extra assistance with your English speaking skills, contact us to find out more about our English courses in Hong Kong.

Here’s a brief overview of our English courses. Click the image for more details.

There are two very simple rules about word stress:

  1. One word has only one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. If you hear two stresses, you hear two words. Two stresses cannot be one word. It is true that there can be a «secondary» stress in some words. But a secondary stress is much smaller than the main [primary] stress, and is only used in long words.)
  2. We can only stress vowels, not consonants.

Here are some more, rather complicated, rules that can help you understand where to put the stress. But do not rely on them too much, because there are many exceptions. It is better to try to «feel» the music of the language and to add the stress naturally.

A. Stress on first syllable

rule examples

Most 2-syllable nouns


Most 2-syllable adjectives


B. Stress on last syllable

rule examples

Most 2-syllable verbs


There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change with a change in stress. The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first syllable, it is a noun (gift) or an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it becomes a verb (to offer). More examples: the words export, import, contract and object can all be nouns or verbs depending on whether the stress is on the first or second syllable.

C. Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end)

rule examples

Words ending in -ic


Words ending in -sion and -tion


For a few words, native English speakers don’t always «agree» on where to put the stress. For example, some people say teleVIsion and others say TELevision. Another example is: CONtroversy and conTROversy.

D. Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end)

rule examples

Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gy


Words ending in -al


E. Compound words (words with two parts)

rule examples

For compound nouns, the stress is on the first part


For compound adjectives, the stress is on the second part


For compound verbs, the stress is on the second part


Contributor: Josef Essberger

Updated: August 2020

Last updated:

April 13, 2022

8 English Word Stress Rules to Promote Clear Communication

There should be a rhythm to English sentences—it shouldn’t sound flat, monotone (all in the same tone) and boring!

I know it sounds like an additional challenge, especially when speaking English is already difficult.

However, when you pronounce every bit of a word and sentence with the same pitch, volume and length, it might make it difficult for native speakers to understand you.


  • Why Word Stress Matters
  • What Is Word Stress?
    • Identifying syllables to understand word stress
    • Features of a stressed syllable
  • 8 Word Stress Rules to Improve Your English Pronunciation
    • 1. Nouns and adjectives with two syllables
    • 2. Verbs and prepositions with two syllables
    • 3. Words that are both a noun and a verb
    • 4. Three syllable words ending in “er” and “ly”
    • 5. Words ending in “ic,” “sion” and “tion”
    • 6. Words ending in “cy,” “ty,” “phy,” “gy” and “al”
    • 7. Compound nouns
    • 8. Compound adjectives and verbs
  • Resources to Perfect Your Word Stress Skills

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Why Word Stress Matters

In her head, this sentence was understandable to Saskia:

“Dessert is my favorite thing!”

But when she said this to a friend, a native English speaker, he looked confused and asked her:

“Why? It’s just sand and has no life. It could also be dangerous!”

Then it was Saskia’s turn to be puzzled.

Can you guess the source of the problem?

Well, the problem here is word stress. Saskia got the word (“dessert”—the sweet heavenly thing) right, but she said it with the emphasis in the wrong place and the word sounded like “desert”—a dry perilous place.

This is just one example of how important word stress is to improving your pronunciation and speaking English like a native speaker. Perhaps you don’t know much (or anything at all) about the stress in English words yet, but trust me, it’s the key to improving your communication skills, both with speaking to a native English speaker and listening to English.

Also, I’m not just telling you how important word stress is. This guide will take you through the basics of this pronunciation challenge and provide you with eight rules to start doing it right.

Learning word stress is a crucial part of becoming an advanced English learner.

In addition to word stress, it is important to learn the pronunciation of the English dialect you want to speak.

What Is Word Stress?

In English, the individual sounds of a word (i.e. syllables—which we’ll discuss in just a moment) aren’t pronounced with the same weight. One syllable receives more emphasis than the others.

For example, there are three syllables in the word “beautiful” /BEAU-ti-ful/ and the word stress falls on the first one /BEAU/. (Please note that in this guide, I’ll demonstrate the stress in a word by capitalizing all the letters that make up the syllable.)

Now that you have the definition of word stress, let’s dive deeper into syllables to comprehend word stress.

Identifying syllables to understand word stress

A syllable is a unit of pronunciation that has one vowel sound. A word might have one syllable (like “an” or “can”) or more, such as “po-lice” (two syllables), “com-pa-ny” (three syllables), “ne-ce-ssa-ry” (four syllables), etc.

Just for fun, do you know the English word with the most syllables?

The answer is “antidisestablishmentarianism.” (The opposition of the belief that there shouldn’t be an official church in a country.)

The word has 12 syllables!

Remember that syllables aren’t similar to letters. For example, “scratch” has seven letters but one syllable, while “umami” has five letters but three syllables. Whatever the word, pay attention to the vowels because one of them will be where you find the stress of a word.

Features of a stressed syllable

Now you know that you need to emphasize a particular vowel in a specific syllable of a word. However, you might still wonder exactly how to do so. Let’s take a look at a native speaker’s speech pattern.

When a native speaker stresses a syllable in a word, this is what they do:

  • Produce a longer vowel
  • Raise the pitch of the syllable to a higher level
  • Say the syllable louder
  • Pronounce it with clarity
  • Create a more distinctive facial movement

Don’t forget these five features next time you pronounce a word!

8 Word Stress Rules to Improve Your English Pronunciation

1. Nouns and adjectives with two syllables

The rule: When a noun (a word referring to a person, thing, place or abstract quality) or an adjective (a word that gives information about a noun) has two syllables, the stress is usually on the first syllable.


table /TA-ble/

scissors /SCI-ssors/

pretty /PRE-tty/,

clever /CLE-ver/

Exceptions: Unfortunately, there are exceptions to this rule. It could be that a word was borrowed from another language or it could be totally random. You just have to learn these “outsiders” by heart. Here are three words you can start with:

hotel /ho-TEL/

extreme /ex-TREME/

concise /con-CISE/

2. Verbs and prepositions with two syllables

The rule: When a verb (a word referring to an action, event or state of being) or a preposition (a word that comes before a noun, pronoun or the “-ing” form of a verb, and shows its relation to another word or part of the sentence) has two syllables, the stress is usually on the second syllable.


present /pre-SENT/

export /ex-PORT/

aside /a-SIDE/

between /be-TWEEN/

3. Words that are both a noun and a verb

The rule: Some words in English can be both a noun and a verb. In those cases, the noun has its word stress on the first syllable, and with the verb, the stress falls on the second syllable.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll see that this rule is a derivation from the prior two sections and notice some of the same words. However, this is a separate section since those pairs of words are relatively common in English and they’re likely to cause misunderstanding due to the same spelling.


present /PRE-sent/ (a gift) vs. present /pre-SENT/ (give something formally)

export /EX-port/ (the practice or business of selling goods to another country or an article that is exported) vs. export /ex-PORT/ (to sell goods to another country)

suspect /SU-spect/ (someone who the police believe may have committed a crime) vs suspect /su-SPECT/ (to believe that something is true, especially something bad)

There are, however, exceptions to this rule. For example, the word “respect” has a stress on the second syllable both when it’s a verb and a noun.

4. Three syllable words ending in “er” and “ly”

The rule: Words that have three syllables and end in “-er” or “-ly” often have a stress on the first syllable.


orderly /OR-der-ly/

quietly /QUI-et-ly/

manager /MA-na-ger/

5. Words ending in “ic,” “sion” and “tion”

The rule: When a word ends in “ic,” “sion” or “tion,” the stress is usually on the second-to-last syllable. You count syllables backwards and put a stress on the second one from the end.


creation /cre-A-tion/

commission /com-MI-ssion/

photographic /pho-to-GRA-phic/

6. Words ending in “cy,” “ty,” “phy,” “gy” and “al”

The rule: When a word ends in “cy,” “ty,” “phy,” “gy” and “al,” the stress is often on the third to last syllable. Similarly, you count syllables backwards and put a stress on the third one from the end.


democracy /de-MO-cra-cy/

photography /pho-TO-gra-phy/

logical /LO-gi-cal/

commodity /com-MO-di-ty/

psychology /psy-CHO-lo-gy/

7. Compound nouns

The rule: In most compound nouns (a noun made up of two or more existing words), the word stress is on the first noun.


football /FOOT-ball/

keyboard /KEY-board/

8. Compound adjectives and verbs

The rule: In most compound adjectives (a single adjective made of more than one word and often linked with a hyphen) and compound verbs (a multi-word verb that functions as a single verb), the stress is on the second word.


old-fashioned /old-FA-shioned/

understand /un-der–STAND/

Resources to Perfect Your Word Stress Skills

Here are some resources to learn about this important factor of English pronunciation:

  • Forvo — Forvo is definitely one of the more popular audio dictionaries on the market. Translations are provided if you type in a word in English, and a map is shown to give you audio clips of how people say the particular word in varying dialects. For your convenience, we’ve linked the words in the guide to this resource so you’ll be able to hear the pronunciation immediately.
  • Merriam-Webster — Merriam-Webster is a well-known dictionary and has high-quality definitions—all available offline. It lets you save favorites, has a word of the day and keeps track of recent searches you did. It’s also available as an app on both iOS and Android devices. Other dictionaries with pronunciation citations you can check out are MacMillan and Cambridge.
  • FluentU — FluentU is a language learning website and app that teaches with videos made by, and for, native English speakers. This means you can learn and get used to the sounds of the language in context. Each clip comes with interactive subtitles where you can click on a word to get its definition as well as information on pronunciation. You can also practice writing and speaking vocabulary with personalized quizzes.
  • English Club — English Club is a popular site for both English learners and teachers. It provides grammar lessons in small, easy-to-understand parts. There are also fun quizzes and games so you can practice the knowledge you learn. It’s entirely free. You can also find more word stress quizzes and exercises from Word Stress Rules and esl-lounge.

Constant practice will improve your stress pronunciation quickly and effectively! Soon, you can confidently apply what you learned to real conversations and sound like a true native speaker.

Mastering the subject of word stress isn’t easy, as there are many rules and exceptions. While native speakers do it naturally, English learners have to get there through a lot of practice and repetition.

These eight English speaking and word stress rules in this guide might seem a bit overwhelming but they work as references. Next time you hear a word or look something up in a dictionary, come back to these rules.

Make it a habit to be more aware of what you learn and soon you’ll perfect your pronunciation.

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RULES OF WORD STRESS: Essential Guide for Improving
English Pronunciation

Learning the rules of word stress in English can be both fun and challenging. The English language, unlike any other language, has complicated rules especially when it comes to pronunciation particularly word stress.

For some people, learning the different rules of word stress is not quite a necessity but it is otherwise. Technically, not being able to correctly stress a particular word can result in a very unnatural and reprehensible rhythm of the English language.

For example, when you hear your friend saying BAnana or banaNA as opposed to saying banana sounds laughable and very unpleasant, right?

Generally, learning the rules of word stress in English can be a little stressful especially to those who are still new learners of the English language but learning the basic yet completely useful tips can surely hasten your progress in English.

How are syllables and word stress connected?

Where you put the stress on the word banana? Is it on the first, second, or third syllable?

Well, you got it right, neither banana nor banana is right. Because this fruit name which I think we all love is pronounced banana. /bəˈnæn.ə/

As you noticed, the stress of the word is in the second syllable, it’s in the middle.

By simply, considering the example word we have there, we can conclude that syllable and stress are related to each other in a sense that we out the stress of the word on the syllable. This sounds like a piece of very first-grader information but surprisingly, several people don’t know the true relationship between these two.

To segue, always remember that a syllable in English has only one vowel sound and one or more consonant sounds.

For example:

How many syllables are there in the word pen? There’s only 1.

The word pen has only 1 syllable

The word teacher has 2 syllables: tea-cher;

Afternoon has 3: Af-ter-noon;

Presentation has 4: Pre-sen-ta-tion

But how are syllables and stress connected?

Think about the word banana. Do you pronounce all the syllables the same? Do you say BA-NA-NA? Definitely NOT! We can hear that one syllable is stronger and more emphasized, right? ba-NA-na. That’s what we call WORD STRESS in English!

 BA- NA – NA

ba – NA – na

Benefits of learning the rules of word stress

In linguistics,  STRESS is referred to as the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or certain words in a phrase or sentence. Stress is typically signaled by such properties as increased loudness and vowel length, full articulation of the vowel, and changes in pitch.

Pronouncing words with the correct stress can make a big difference to your English. Your English will immediately sound clearer and more natural.

The great news is that there are simple rules that will help you pronounce these words correctly when you use them in spoken English. Simple English rules!

Learning the rules word stress in English can greatly help you to sound more like a native English speaker. When you learn to properly stress the word will help you:

(1) To emphasize the words that need emphasis

(2) To be understood easily and quickly

(3) And also; it gives English its rhythm.

So, when we speak, we speak those words more clearly. They’re the important words, they must be heard for the sentence to be understood.

Moreover, if you use the wrong word stress in English, you could pronounce a completely different word than the one you mean to, and that can be pretty confusing to someone you are listening to.

And when you’re listening to a native English speaker, recognizing what words are stressed will help you understand the meaning more easily too.

Stress on the Content Words

Interestingly, we stressed syllables differently in English. In most times, those words which we stress when speaking have one thing in common: They are important for you will not get the complete thought of the sentence if you don’t hear them clearly. We call these types of words Content Words. They are nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and negatives.

Now that you already know what a syllable and word stress are and how are they related, let’s get down to the business and learn the SIMPLE YET ESSENTIAL RULES of WORD STRESS in English!

The Essential Rules of Word Stress in English

Stress Rule for 2-syllable Nouns and Adjectives

To start today’s discussion, I got you a list of words to check on.


How many syllables are there in each word? Can you put the correct stress and pronounce them correctly?

Are you sure of that? Let’s find out the real deal!

Two-syllable adjectives

As you can see, the last four words in the list are two-syllable adjectives.


We say Vi-brant, Happy, Pretty, and Hungry. When you listen closely, you’ll hear that the stress of each two-syllable adjective is on the first syllable. (VI-brant, HA-ppy, PRE-tty, HUNG-ry.)


Two-syllable Nouns

On the other hand, the first four words we have on the list are nouns, but they’re also verbs.


And they’re pronounced differently depending on the type of word that they are. If these words are nouns, which syllable do you think must be stressed? First or second?

If your answer is on the FIRST SYLLABLE, spot on! Your answer is correct! The first syllable in a two-syllable noun receives the stress in the word.

Listen closely. PRE-sent… RE – cord…OB-ject...IM-port…


The first rule of Word Stress in English, always remember THIS.  Most 2-syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on the first syllable.

For 2-syllable Verbs

The next essential rule you need to remember has something to do with two-syllable verbs.

Now, let’s bring back the words in the first example we have earlier.


As previously mentioned, if the word is a two-syllable noun, the stress of the word is on the first syllable. Clearly, since these words only have two syllables, it is given that the stress is not on the FIRST syllable BUT the SECOND syllable.

As nouns, we say PRE-sent… RE – cord…OB– ject … IM-port…

However, as verbs, the stress of the word is transferred to the second syllable. Thus, we say pre – SENT… re – CORD… ob – JECT… im – PORT…

The SECOND RULE on WORD STRESS is this. Most 2-syllable verbs have stress on the second syllable.


Now, let’s check out these sentences containing the word comment. Can you apply the proper word stress and read the sentence correctly?

Please comment on this and drop the comment sheet in the comment box.

As you can see,  we have 3 comments in the sentence. Yes, they are the same but they function differently in the sentence. The first comment we have there is a verb. While the second and third comment function as an adjective that modifies the nouns “sheet” and “box”. What kind of sheet? A comment sheet. What kind of box? A comment box.

Easy, right?

Stress Rule for words ending in –tion and -sion

We are done talking about words containing two syllables but what about words that have 3 or more syllables? Or words with varying suffixes?

Let’s check out these words.


What suffix do you see in the examples above? Can you tell me where the stress in the following words?

You’re right, we have -tion and -sion. But did you know that there’s s a specific word stress rule with words ending in -tion and -sion regardless of how many syllables they contain?

For words ending with these suffixes, we put the stress on the second from the last syllable.


This is the THIRD RULE we have in word stress. Words ending in -sion and -tion have stress on the penultimate, that is in the 2nd from the last syllable.

For Words ending in -ety, -ity, ify, ical and –ive

Besides the suffixes -tion and -sion, another group of suffixes also follows a definite rule in word stress. These are the words ending in -ety, -ity, ify, ical and –ive.

Let’s take a look at our sample words.


Can you spot the suffixes we have in the words we have on the list?

We have -ety in Society and Sobriety;

-ity in Probability and Identity;

-ify in Clarify and Intensify;

-ical in Critical and Clerical;

And last, we have -ive in Decisive and Intensive.

Now, let’s consider the words we have below.


But on which syllable do we stress when we read words ending with these suffixes? First? Second? Third? Or fourth?

Notice that when I read the words, I emphasize the syllable before the suffixes -ety, -ity, ify, ical and -ive. As in soCIety, probaBIlity, claRIfy, CRItical and deCIsive.

The FOURTH RULE on WORD STRESS is this. Words ending in -ity, -ety, -ify, -ical, -ive have stress on the syllable immediately before these.

For Words ending in –ate

Another common rule we have in WORD STRESS is the rule that applies to the words ending in the suffix -ate.

Sometimes, non-native English speakers would put the stress on words ending in –ate on the last syllable. But do you think that’s right? Well, I bet may you are not that sure as well.

So, what is the stress rule to pronounce words ending in -ate?

The FIFTH RULE is THIS. Words ending in -ate are stressed on the antepenultimate, that is the 3rd from the last syllable.

Now, listen carefully while I pronounce the words correctly.


When we count in reverse, we can say:

mate – ti – ES = EStimate
rate – pa – SE = SEparate
gate – ju – CON = CONjugate
vate – ti – CUL = CULtivate
cate – di – DE = DEdicate

Again, the stress in on the antepenultimate or the third is FROM the last syllable.

The Rule for Nouns containing 3 or more syllables

Finally, the last essential rule there is about word stress is for most nouns containing 3 or more syllables.

My question to you is this: WHERE DO WE PUT THE STRESS on words, PARTICULARLY NOUNS containing 3 or more syllables, do you have any idea?

Well, the safest answer would be this: There is NO DEFINITE RULE.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Unlike grammar, pronunciation sometimes has no definite rules because its nature is developing and changing.

I repeat, there is no definite rule because unlike grammar. That’s simply because it’s the nature of the English language – it’s complicated, it’s developing from time to time, and it’s constantly changing.

However, the SIXTH RULE will also be essential for you. And the rule is THIS. In SOME cases, most nouns containing 3 or more syllables often are stressed on the antepenultimate or the 3rd from the last syllable.

Example words with 3 or more syllables Nouns

Next time, you can read nouns containing 3 or more syllables like this.

Note: The colored syllable receives the stress in the word.


The Bottom line

Now, you might ask me, do I need to learn all these? Well, my honest would be this. If you want to bring your English communication skills to a whole new level, THIS IS A MUST. And I understand that spoken English can be quite challenging to master but trust me, what you will get if you start learning and practicing what you have learned is life-changing.

Regardless of how knowledgeable you are in grammar or how excellent you are in constructing sentences in English, if you don’t know how to distinguish and stress the words correctly, and then you become unclear to the people you are talking with because they may get something a little different from what you mean.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you don’t know how to distinguish and stress the words correctly, you become unclear to the people. And you don’t want that to happen. That is not the goal of why you are learning English. Also, you want people to understand you and what you’re trying to say.

So, if you want to sound like a native English speaker, you must learn THIS and practice what you have learned.

If you want to read about the tips on how to learn English fast, read THIS.

You can also read our article about the 8 ways to learn English Grammar easily. 

1. in words
of 2-3 syll, the primary str mostly falls on the 1 syl.

2. in
prefixal words the primary str falls on the syl following the
prefix, recall.

3. in prefixal words with
prefixes having their own meaning the place of str is on the prefix,

4. in prefixal verbs which are
distinguished from similarly spelled nouns and adjs have their str
on the initial syl (‘increase-to in’crease)

5. in
compound words the 1st
element is stressed when: 1 they are written as 1 word,2 nouns are
compounded of a verb and an adv(make up),3 nouns in the possessive
case are followed by another noun (a doll’s house).

In compound
words the 2nd
element is stressed when: 1food items have the 1st
elem which is of a material used in manufacturing the whole
(appletree), 2names of roads, parks,squares, 3 parts of the house –
kitchenwindow, 4 adj-s with past participles, characterizing person,
5 comp nouns ending in –er or –ing are followed by an adv

2 equal str-s are observed in
compositive verbs: give up,in numerals 13-19

31. Theories of syl formation and syl division.

There are different points of
view on syllable formation which are the following.

  1. The most ancient theory states
    that there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels. This
    theory is primitive and insufficient since it does not take into
    consideration consonants which also can form sylla­bles in some
    languages, neither does it explain the boundary of syllables.

  2. The
    expiratory theory states that there are as many syllables in a word
    as there are expiration pulses. The borderline between the syllables
    is, according to this theory, the moment of the weakest expiration.
    This theory is inconsistent because it is quite possible to
    pronounce several syllables in one articulatory effort or
    expiration, e.g. seeing.

  3. The sonority theory states
    that there are as many syllables in a word as there are peaks of
    prominence or sonority.

sounds pronounced with uniform force, length and pitch, dif­fer
in inherent prominence or sonority. For example, when the Russian
vowels /а,
are pronounced on one and the same level, their acoustic intensity,
or sonority is different: the strongest is /a/, then go /о,

Jespersen established the scale of sonority of sounds, that is, the
scale of their inherent prominence. According to this scale the most
so­norous are back vowels (low, mid, high), then go semi-vowels
and sonorants, then — voiced and voiceless consonants.

Sounds are
grouped around the most sonorous ones, which form the peaks of
sonority in a syllable. Two points of lower sonority constitute the
beginning and the end of one syllable.
the first word [e]is
the most sonorous sound, the only peak of sonority, it is a
one-syllable word. In the word metal
are two peaks of sonority /e/ and /1/,
is a two-syllable word.

The sonority theory helps to
establish the number of syllables in a word, but fails to explain the
mechanism of syllable division because it does not state to which
syllable the weak sound at the boundary of two syllables belongs.

The «arc
of loudness»
on L.V. Shcherba’s statement that the centre of a syllable is the
syllable forming phoneme. Sounds which precede or follow it
constitute a chain, or an arc, which is weak in the beginning and in
the end and strong in the middle. If
a syllable consists of a vowel, its strength increases in the
begin­ning, reaches the maximum of loudness and then, gradually

within a sillable are char­acterized by different distribution of
mus­cular tension. Shcherba distinguishes the following types of
consonants; finally strong (initially weak), they occur at the
beginning of the syl­lable;
weak (initially strong), they occur at the end of a closed sylla­ble;
peaked (combination of two similar sounds): in their articula­tion
the beginning and the end are energetic and the middle is weak.
Acoustically they produce an impression of two consonants:

In terms of
the «arc of loudness» theory there are as many syllables in
a word as there are «arcs of loudness» and the point of
syllable division corresponds to the moment, when the arc of loudness
begins or ends, that is: initially weak consonants begin a syllable,
finally weak end it. For exam­ple, the word mistake
of two arcs of loudness in which /m/ and /t/ are finally strong
consonants and /s/ and /k/ are finally weak, /s/ consti­tutes the
end of «the arc of loudness», /t/ constitutes the

None of the theories mentioned
above are reliable in the definition of the syllabic boundary.

1. In
affixal words the syllabic boundary coincides with the morpho­logical
boundary: dis-place,
be-come, un-able, count-less.

2. In
words with CVCV structure the syllabic boundary is after the accented
farmer, city, table.

3. In words
of CVC structure the syllabic boundary is after the intervocal
consonant, which terminates accented syllable:

4. In
words of CVS, VS structure the syllabic boundary is after the
ntervocal sonorant: innercinemaenemy

  1. Compared
    with the Russian СГ
    acoustic connection, English CVC cluster is close, Russian CP
    syllabic cluster is loose, compare: city

  2. English
    diphthongs are unisyllabic, they consist of one vowel pho­neme,
    English triphthongs are disyllabic, because they consist of two
    vowel phonemes: scienceflower

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