Word stress in english ppt

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Word Stress in English


Word Stress in English Word stress is your magic key to understanding spoken English. Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for them that they don’t even know they use it. Non-native speakers who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two problems: They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast. 2.The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them.


Understanding Syllables
To understand word stress, it helps to understand syllables. Every word is made from syllables. Each word has one, two, three or more syllables. word number of syllables Dog 1 Green Quite Quiet Qui-et 2 Orange Or-ange Table Ta-ble Expensive Ex-pen-sive 3 Interesting In-ter-est-ing 4 realistic Re-al-is-tic unexceptional Un-ex-cep-tion-al 5 Notice that (with a few rare exceptions) every syllable contains at least one vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or vowel sound.


What is Word Stress? In English, we do not say each syllable with the same force or strength. In one word, we accentuate ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly (big, strong, important) and all the other syllables very quietly. Let’s take 3 words: photograph, photographer and photographic. Do they sound the same when spoken? No. Because we accentuate (stress) ONE syllable in each word. And it is not always the same syllable. So the shape of each word is different. click word to hear shape total syllables stressed syllable PHO TO GRAPH 3 #1 PHO  TO GRAPH ER 4 #2 PHO TO  GRAPH IC #3


This happens in ALL words with 2 or more syllables: TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting, imPORtant, deMAND, etCETera, etCETera, etCETera The syllables that are not stressed are ‘weak’ or ‘small’ or ‘quiet’. Native speakers of English listen for the STRESSED syllables, not the weak syllables. If you use word stress in your speech, you will instantly and automatically improve your pronunciation and your comprehension. Try to hear the stress in individual words each time you listen to English — on the radio, or in films for example. Your first step is to HEAR and recognise it. After that, you can USE it! There are two very important rules about word stress: One word, one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. So if you hear two stresses, you have heard two words, not one word.) The stress is always on a vowel.


Why is Word Stress Important?
Word stress is not used in all languages. Some languages, Japanese or French for example, pronounce each syllable with eq-ual em-pha-sis. Other languages, English for example, use word stress. Word stress is not an optional extra that you can add to the English language if you want. It is part of the language! English speakers use word stress to communicate rapidly and accurately, even in difficult conditions. If, for example, you do not hear a word clearly, you can still understand the word because of the position of the stress. Think again about the two words photograph and photographer. Now imagine that you are speaking to somebody by telephone over a very bad line. You cannot hear clearly. In fact, you hear only the first two syllables of one of these words, photo… Which word is it, photograph or photographer? Of course, with word stress you will know immediately which word it is because in reality you will hear either PHOto… or phoTO… So without hearing the whole word, you probably know what the word is (PHOto…graph or phoTO…grapher). It’s magic! (Of course, you also have the ‘context’ of your conversation to help you.) This is a simple example of how word stress helps us understand English. There are many, many other examples, because we use word stress all the time, without thinking about it.


Where do I Put Word Stress?
There are some rules about which syllable to stress. But…the rules are rather complicated! Probably the best way to learn is from experience. Listen carefully to spoken English and try to develop a feeling for the «music» of the language. When you learn a new word, you should also learn its stress pattern. If you keep a vocabulary book, make a note to show which syllable is stressed. If you do not know, you can look in a dictionary. All dictionaries give the phonetic spelling of a word. This is where they show which syllable is stressed, usually with an apostrophe (‘) just before or just after the stressed syllable. (The notes at the front of the dictionary will explain the system used.) Look at (and listen to) this example for the word plastic. There are 2 syllables. Syllable #1 is stressed. example phonetic spelling: dictionary A phonetic spelling: dictionary B PLAS TIC /plæs’tIk/ /’plæs tIk/


Rules of Word Stress in English
There are two very simple rules about word stress: One word has only one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. If you hear two stresses, you hear two words. Two stresses cannot be one word. It is true that there can be a «secondary» stress in some words. But a secondary stress is much smaller than the main [primary] stress, and is only used in long words.) We can only stress vowels, not consonants. Here are some more, rather complicated, rules that can help you understand where to put the stress. But do not rely on them too much, because there are many exceptions. It is better to try to «feel» the music of the language and to add the stress naturally.


Stress on first syllable
rule example Most 2-syllable nouns PRESent, EXport, CHIna, TAble Most 2-syllable adjectives PRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy 2. Stress on last syllable rule example Most 2-syllable verbs to preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGIN There are many two-syllable words in English whose meaning and class change with a change in stress. The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first syllable, it is a noun (gift) or an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it becomes a verb (to offer). More examples: the words export, import, contract and object can all be nouns or verbs depending on whether the stress is on the first or second syllable.


Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end)
rule example Words ending in -ic GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGic Words ending in -sion and -tion teleVIsion, reveLAtion For a few words, native English speakers don’t always «agree» on where to put the stress. For example, some people say teleVIsion and others say TELevision. Another example is: CONtroversy and conTROversy.


Stress on ante-penultimate syllable
(ante-penultimate = third from end) rule example Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and -gy deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogy Words ending in -al CRItical, geoLOGical 5. Compound words (words with two parts) rule example For compound nouns, the stress is on the first part BLACKbird, GREENhouse For compound adjectives, the stress is on the second part bad-TEMpered, old-FASHioned For compound verbs, the stress is on the second part to underSTAND, to overFLOW

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Word stress in English

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Word stress in English

    1 слайд

    Word stress in English

  • Nature of word stress The sequence of syllables in the word is not pronounced...

    2 слайд

    Nature of word stress
    The sequence of syllables in the word is not pronounced identically.
    The syllable or syllables which are uttered with more prominence than the other syllables of the word are said to be stressed or accented.

  • Accentual structure of the word or its stress pattern   the correlation of va...

    3 слайд

    Accentual structure of the word or its stress pattern
    the correlation of varying prominences of syllables in a word

  • Definition of stress   is different by different authors:
an increase of ener...

    4 слайд

    Definition of stress
    is different by different authors:
    an increase of energy, accompanied by an increase of expiratory and articulatory activity (B.A. Bogoroditsky).
    the degree of force, which is accompanied by a strong force of exhalation and gives an impression of loudness (D. Jones).

  • Definition of stressstress is connected with the force of breath (H. Sweet)....

    5 слайд

    Definition of stress
    stress is connected with the force of breath (H. Sweet).
    the effect of prominence is achieved by any or all of four factors: force, tone, length and vowel colour (A.C. Gimson).

  • The dynamic stress implies greater force with which the syllable is pronounce...

    6 слайд

    The dynamic stress implies greater force with which the syllable is pronounced.
    ↓ ↓
    articulation of the stressed syllable → greater muscular energy is produced by the speaker.

  • Stress in different languagesEnglish, German, French, Russian → possess predo...

    7 слайд

    Stress in different languages
    English, German, French, Russian → possess predominantly dynamic word stress.
    In Scandinavian languages the word stress is considered to be both dynamic and musical. For instance, in Swedish, the word komma (comma) is distinguished from the word komma (come) by a difference in tones.
    The musical (or tonic) word stress is observed in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese.

  • Types of word stress special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved ma...

    8 слайд

    Types of word stress
    special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation → dynamic, or force stress.
    special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the change of pitch, or musical tone → musical, or tonic.

  • Types of word stressspecial prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved thr...

    9 слайд

    Types of word stress
    special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables than in the unstressed ones quantitative.
    changes in the quality of the vowel under stress → qualitative

  • English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon traditionally defined a...

    10 слайд

    English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon
    traditionally defined as dynamic, but the special prominence of the stressed syllables is manifested also through the changes in the vowel quantity, consonant and vowel quality and pitch of the voice.
    ↓ ↓

  • English word stress   is marked by the variations in

    11 слайд

    English word stress
    is marked by the variations in

  • contract ['kσntrækt], to contract [kən'trækt]    in the stressed syllable:

    12 слайд

    contract [‘kσntrækt], to contract [kən’trækt]
    in the stressed syllable:
    the force is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;
    the pitch of voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of the resonance chamber;

  • contract ['kσntrækt], to contract [kən'trækt]the quantity of the vowel [æ] in...

    13 слайд

    contract [‘kσntrækt], to contract [kən’trækt]
    the quantity of the vowel [æ] in [kən’trækt] is greater, the vowel becomes longer;
    the quality of the vowel [æ] in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel in the unstressed position, in which it is more narrow than [æ].

  • Three groups of words with identical spellingA.C.Gimson 
words represent diff...

    14 слайд

    Three groups of words with identical spelling
    words represent different parts of speech which are opposed by means of shifting of the stress.

  • First groupA small group of words where the noun is differentiated from a ver...

    15 слайд

    First group
    A small group of words where the noun is differentiated from a verb by the opposition of the accentual pattern of the word alone
    increase [‘ınkri:s] – [ın’kri:s]
    insult [‘ınsʌlt] – [ın’sʌlt]

  • Second groupThe shifting of the stress which means the change of the accentua...

    16 слайд

    Second group
    The shifting of the stress which means the change of the accentual pattern of the word may be or may not be accompanied by the reduction of the vowel in the unstressed syllable of the verbs
    transport [‘trænspo:t] – [træns’po:t] or [trǝns’po:t]
    torment [‘to:ment] – [to:’ment] or [tǝ’ment]

  • Third groupThe largest group manifests the change of their accentual pattern...

    17 слайд

    Third group
    The largest group manifests the change of their accentual pattern together with the qualitative reduction of the unstressed vowel
    combine [‘kombaın] – [kǝm’baın]
    conduct [‘kondʌkt] – [kǝn’dʌkt]

  • A terminological confusion    heaviness, sound pressure, force, power, streng...

    18 слайд

    A terminological confusion
    heaviness, sound pressure, force, power, strength, intensity, amplitude, prominence, emphasis, accent, stress → are used synonymously by most writers
    ↓ ↓
    drawback of any theory of stress based on production of speech → gives a partial explanation, does not analyze on the perceptive level.

  • On the acoustic levelthe counterpart of force is the intensity of the vibrati...

    19 слайд

    On the acoustic level
    the counterpart of force is the intensity of the vibrations of the vocal cords of the speaker which is perceived by the listener as loudness
    → the greater energy is associated by the listener with greater loudness.
    The acoustic counterparts of voice pitch and length are frequency and duration respectively.

  • Russian accentual structure English accentual structure

    20 слайд

    Russian accentual structure English accentual structure

  • The stressed syllables → the most prominent syllables the notions "stressed"...

    21 слайд

    The stressed syllables → the most prominent syllables
    the notions «stressed» and «prominent» should not be used synonymically (G.P. Torsuev)
    The effect of prominence is created by some phonetic features of sounds which have nothing to do with word or sentence stress.

  • Sounds of speech have different degrees of sonorityVowels are more sonorous t...

    22 слайд

    Sounds of speech have different degrees of sonority
    Vowels are more sonorous than consonants.
    Open vowels are more sonorous than close ones.
    → inner quality of vowels
    → not directly connected with the accentual structure of words but with other articulatory characteristics
    → it contributes to the effect of prominence.

  • Historical (traditional) length of vowelsalso adds to the effect of prominenc...

    23 слайд

    Historical (traditional) length of vowels
    also adds to the effect of prominence but is not connected with the word stress
    ↓ ↓
    prominence in speech is a broader term than stress

  • Stress difficulties peculiar to the accentual structureare connected with the...

    24 слайд

    Stress difficulties peculiar to the accentual structure
    are connected with the vowel special and inherent prominence.
    In identical positions the intensity of English vowels is different.
    The highest in intensity is [a:], then go [о:, з:, i:, u:, æ, σ, e, υ, ı].

  • Peculiarities of sounds in accented syllables [ə] is never stressed
[i, e, υ]...

    25 слайд

    Peculiarities of sounds in accented syllables
    [ə] is never stressed
    [i, e, υ] tend to occur in unstressed syllables
    Syllables with the syllabic [l, m, n] are never stressed
    Unstressed diphthongs may partially lose their glide quality.
    In stressed syllables English stops have complete closure, fricatives have full friction, and features of fortis/lenis distinction are clearly defined.

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Lecture 5

Word Stress

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General Notes on Word Stress.
Types of Word Stress.
Degrees of Word Stress.
Placement of Word Stress.
Common Rules of Word Stress in English.
Functions of Word Stress.


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Слайд 3: The Nature of Word Stress

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 4: The Nature of Word Stress

Word Stress
is a greater degree of prominence of a syllable or syllables as compared to the other syllables of the word

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 5: The Nature of Word Stress

Scientists about Word Stress:
D. Jones: Word Stress is the degree of force, which is accompanied by a strong force of exhalation and gives an impression of loudness.
A. C. Gimson: English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon, marked by the variations in force, pitch, quality and quantity.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 6: The Nature of Word Stress

Scientists about Word Stress:
B. A. Bogoroditsky : Stress as an increase of energy, accompanied by an increase of expiratory and articulatory activity.
S. F. Leontyeva : Word stress can be defined as the singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound which is usually a vowel.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 7: The Nature of Word Stress

The effect of prominence of the stressed syllable is achieved by a number of phonetic parameters:
Vowel Quality
These 4 factors usually work together in combination, but they are not equally important. The strongest effect is produced by pitch and length.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 8: The Nature of Word Stress

In the stressed syllable:
the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;
the pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of resonance cavity;
the quantity of the vowel is greater, the vowel becomes longer;
the quality of the vowel is different (in unstressed syllables it is usually narrow).

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 9: The Nature of Word Stress

Word Stress
is singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound, which is usually a vowel.

The Nature of Word Stress

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Слайд 10: Types of Word Stress

Types of Word Stress

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Слайд 11: Types of Word Stress

We distinguish the following types of Word Stress:
dynamic (force) stress is achieved by greater force with which the syllable is pronounced (Russian, English, French, German);
musical (tonic) stress is achieved through the change of pitch/musical tone (Japanese, Korean);
quantitative stress is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables (Russian);
qualitative stress is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel (Russian).

Types of Word Stress

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Слайд 12: Types of Word Stress

English Word Stress
is traditionally defined as dynamic, but in fact, the special prominence of the stressed syllables is manifested not only through the increase of intensity, but also through the changes in the vowel quantity, consonant and vowel quality and pitch of the voice.

Types of Word Stress

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Слайд 13: Degrees of Word Stress

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 14: Degrees of Word Stress

The syllables in a word are characterized by different degrees of prominence. There are as many degrees of stress in a word as there are syllables.
In English there are 3 degrees of stress :
primary (strong, main, principal);
secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);
weak (unstressed).

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 15: Degrees of Word Stress

In American English there are 4 degrees of stress :
primary (strong, main, principal);
secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);
tertiary (on the last but one syllable in the words with suffixes -ary, -ory, -ony : ´ dictio ˏ nary.
weak (unstressed).

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 16: Degrees of Word Stress

In transcription stress is indicated by placing the stress mark before the symbol of the first sound of the stressed syllable.
Primary stress is marked by a raised short vertical stroke and secondary stress is marked by a lowered one:
examination [ɪg ˏ zᴂmɪ ´ neɪʃ(ǝ)n]

Degrees of Word Stress

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Слайд 17: Placement of Word Stress

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 18: Placement of Word Stress

According to its placement in a word,
stress can be:

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 19: Placement of Word Stress

(the position of the word stress is always the same,
it is restricted to a particular syllable):
in French (the last syllable),
in Finnish and Czech (the first syllable),
in Polish (the last but one syllable).

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 20: Placement of Word Stress

(the location of the word stress is not
confined to a specific position,
it can fall on any syllable of the word):
English, Russian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, etc.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 21: Placement of Word Stress

(the word stress can change
its position in different forms
of the word and its derivatives):
´ music — mu ´ sician

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 22: Placement of Word Stress

To define the position of word stress
it is necessary to take into account
a number of factors :
phonological structure of the syllable;
the number of syllables in a word;
morphological factor;
the part of speech the word belongs to;
the semantic factor.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 23: Placement of Word Stress

The phonological structure of the syllable is related to the status of a particular syllables in terms of the degree of sonority.
The sounds that possess a greater degree of sonority contribute to the greater prominence of the syllable. A syllable is strong when it contains a long vowel or a diphthong or a short vowel followed by two consonants:
a ´ rrive — de ´ velop

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 24: Placement of Word Stress

The number of syllables in a word influences the number of stresses and the position of stress.
There are stress patterns typical of two-syllable words, three-syllable words and so on.
In multi-syllable words there appears secondary stress.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 25: Placement of Word Stress

Morphological factor shows that in complex words the placement of stress depends on the type of suffix.
Suffixes are divided into:
stress-neutral (which do not affect the stress placement in the stem);
stress-fixing (which influence stress in the stem);
stress-attracting (which carry stress themselves).

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 26: Placement of Word Stress

stress-neutral (-al, -able, -en, — ful, — ing, — ish, -less, — ness, — ly, — ment ):
´ comfort – ´ comfortable ;
stress-fixing (-ion, — ic, — ity, — ial, — ive ):
´ curious — curi ´ osity ;
stress-attracting (- ade, — eer, — ee, — esque, — ette, — ain ) :
ˏ refu ´ gee, ˏ ciga ´ rette.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 27: Placement of Word Stress

The grammatical category the word belongs to:
´contrast – to con´trast
´habit – ha´bitual
´music – mu´sician
´insult – to in´sult
´record – to re´cord
´present – to pre´sent

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 28: Placement of Word Stress

The semantic factor (for compound words and words with the so-called separable prefixes).
The majority of such words have two equally strong stresses, both stressed parts are considered to be of equal semantic importance:
compound adjectives: ´ hard- ´ working, ´ blue- ´ eyed,
verbs with post positions : ´ sit ´ down, ´ take ´ off,
numerals from 13 to 19: ´ four ´ teen, ´ six ´ teen.

Placement of Word Stress

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Слайд 29: Common Rules of Word Stress

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 30: Common Rules of Word Stress

Two-syllable words (verbs, adjectives, adverbs):
the second syllable is stressed if it contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant: a ´ pply, a ´ ssist. But! ´ hone st.
the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and one (or no) final consonant: ´ enter, ´ open.
Two-syllable words (nouns):
the first syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a short vowel: ´ money ;
the second syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a long vowel or a diphthong : es ´ tate.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 31: Common Rules of Word Stress

Three-syllable words (verbs):
the last but one syllable is stressed if the last syllable contains a short vowel and ends with one consonant: de ´ termine.
the final syllable is stressed if it contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or ends with more than one consonant: enter´tain.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 32: Common Rules of Word Stress

Three-syllable words (nouns, adjectives):
the middle syllable is stressed if the syllable preceding the final syllable contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant:
di ´ saster ;
the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and the middle syllable contains a short vowel and ends with not more than one consonant:
´ cinema

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 33: Common Rules of Word Stress

Words with prefixes:
in words with prefixes the primary stress typically falls on the syllable following the prefix:
im ´ possible, re ´ call ;
in words with prefixes with their own meaning, the place of secondary stress is on the prefix:
ˏ ex- ´ minister.
in prefixal verbs which are distinguished from similarly spelt nouns and adjectives, the second syllable is stressed:
to in ´ crease – ´ increase.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 34: Common Rules of Word Stress

Words with suffixes:
suffixes -esce, -esque, -ate, -ize, -fy, -ette, -ique, -ee, -eer, — ade have stress on themselves or the preceding syllable:
ˏ mari ´ nade, ˏ specia ´ lize ;
suffixes -ical, -ic, -ion, -ity, -ial, -cient, -iency, -eous,-ual, -uous, -ety, -itous, -ive, -ative, -itude, -ident, -inal, -wards have stress on the preceding syllable:
eco ´ nomic, ma ´ jority.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 35: Common Rules of Word Stress

Words of 4 or more syllables:
The stress is on the antepenultimate syllable (third from the end):
e ´ mergency
his ´ torical

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 36: Common Rules of Word Stress

Compound words:
The first element is stressed when:
Compounds are written as one word : ´ bedroom.
Nouns are compounded of a verb and an adv.: ´ make-up.
The second element is stressed when:
Food items have the first element which is of a material used in manufacturing the whole : ˏ apple ´ tart.
Parts of the house are implied : ˏ front ´ door.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 37: Common Rules of Word Stress

Compound words:
The first element is stressed when:
Adjectives with past participle characterize people :
ˏ thick- ´ skinned.
Nouns ending in -er, -ing are followed by adverbs :
ˏ passer ´ by.
The first element of compounds is a number:
second- ´ class, three — ´ wheeler.
Compound function as an adverb :
head- ´ first.

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 38: Common Rules of Word Stress

The most common types of English stress pattern
´_ _ (´after)
_´_ (be´fore)
´_ _ _ (´family)
_´_ _ (im´portance)
Some words have 2 variants of stress:
ki ´ lometer – ´ kilometer

Common Rules of Word Stress

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Слайд 39: Functions of Word Stress

Functions of Word Stress

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Word Stress

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Слайд 41: Functions of Word Stress

The constitutive function:
word stress organizes the syllables into a word
The recognitive ( identicatory ) function:
word stress makes it possible to identify and recognize a word in the chain of speech.
The distinctive function:
word stress is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms: ´ import — im ´ port.

Functions of Word Stress

Изображение слайда

What types of word stress do you know?
How does stress perform constitutive, distinctive and recognitive function?
What is the terminology suggested by different authors to distinguish between different degrees of word stress?
What factors determine the place of word stress?


Изображение слайда

Леонтьева С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка (на англ. яз.) /С.Ф. Леонтьева.- М., 2002. – 336 с.
Соколова М.А. Практическая фонетика английского языка /М.А. Соколова. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 1997. – 384 с.
O’Connor L.D. Phonetics /L.D. O’Connor. Penguin, 1977.
Sokolova M.A. English Phonetics. A theoretical course /M.A. Sokolova. M., 1996. – 286 p.
Vassilyev V.A. English Phonetics: A theoretical Course /V.A. Vassilyev. M., 1980. – 323 p.


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  Word stress in English  Word stress in English

  Nature of word stress  • The sequence of syllables in the word is Nature of word stress • The sequence of syllables in the word is not pronounced identically. • The syllable or syllables which are uttered with more prominence than the other syllables of the word are said to be stressed or accented.

  Accentual structure of the word or its stress pattern the correlation of varying prominences Accentual structure of the word or its stress pattern the correlation of varying prominences of syllables in a word

  Definition of stress is different by different authors:  • an increase of energy, Definition of stress is different by different authors: • an increase of energy, accompanied by an increase of expiratory and articulatory activity (B. A. Bogoroditsky). • the degree of force, which is accompanied by a strong force of exhalation and gives an impression of loudness (D. Jones).

  Definition of stress • stress is connected with the force of breath (H. Sweet). Definition of stress • stress is connected with the force of breath (H. Sweet). • the effect of prominence is achieved by any or all of four factors: force, tone, length and vowel colour (A. C. Gimson).

  • The dynamic stress implies greater force with which the syllable is pronounced. • The dynamic stress implies greater force with which the syllable is pronounced. ↓ ↓ articulation of the stressed syllable → greater muscular energy is produced by the speaker.

  Stress in different languages • English, German, French, Russian → possess predominantly dynamic word Stress in different languages • English, German, French, Russian → possess predominantly dynamic word stress. • In Scandinavian languages the word stress is considered to be both dynamic and musical. For instance, in Swedish, the word komma (comma) is distinguished from the word komma (come) by a difference in tones. • The musical (or tonic) word stress is observed in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese.

  Types of word stress  • special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved Types of word stress • special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation → dynamic, or force stress. • special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the change of pitch, or musical tone → musical, or tonic.

  Types of word stress • special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved through Types of word stress • special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables than in the unstressed ones quantitative. • changes in the quality of the vowel under stress → qualitative

  English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon  • traditionally defined as English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon • traditionally defined as dynamic, but the special prominence of the stressed syllables is manifested also through the changes in the vowel quantity, consonant and vowel quality and pitch of the voice. ↓ ↓

  English word stress is marked by the variations in • force,  • pitch, English word stress is marked by the variations in • force, • pitch, • quantity, • quality.

  contract ['kσntrækt],  to contract [k n'trækt]ə in the stressed syllable:  • the contract [‘kσntrækt], to contract [k n’trækt]ə in the stressed syllable: • the force is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation; • the pitch of voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of the resonance chamber;

  contract ['kσntrækt],  to contract [k n'trækt]ə • the quantity of the vowel [æ] contract [‘kσntrækt], to contract [k n’trækt]ə • the quantity of the vowel [æ] in [k n’trækt] ə is greater, the vowel becomes longer; • the quality of the vowel [æ] in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel in the unstressed position, in which it is more narrow than [æ].

  Three groups of words with identical spelling • A. C. Gimson  • words Three groups of words with identical spelling • A. C. Gimson • words represent different parts of speech which are opposed by means of shifting of the stress.

  First group • A small group of words where the noun is differentiated from First group • A small group of words where the noun is differentiated from a verb by the opposition of the accentual pattern of the word alone increase [‘ınkri: s] – [ın’kri: s] insult [‘ıns lt] – [ın’s lt]ʌ ʌ

  Second group • The shifting of the stress which means the change of the Second group • The shifting of the stress which means the change of the accentual pattern of the word may be or may not be accompanied by the reduction of the vowel in the unstressed syllable of the verbs transport [‘trænspo: t] – [træns’po: t] or [tr ns’po: t]ǝ torment [‘to: ment] – [to: ‘ment] or [t ‘ment] ǝ

  Third group • The largest group manifests the change of their accentual pattern together Third group • The largest group manifests the change of their accentual pattern together with the qualitative reduction of the unstressed vowel combine [‘kombaın] – [k m’baın]ǝ conduct [‘kond kt] – [k n’d kt] ʌ ǝ ʌ

  A terminological confusion heaviness, sound pressure, force, power,  strength, intensity, amplitude, prominence, A terminological confusion heaviness, sound pressure, force, power, strength, intensity, amplitude, prominence, emphasis, accent, stress → are used synonymously by most writers ↓ ↓ drawback of any theory of stress based on production of speech → gives a partial explanation, does not analyze on the perceptive level.

  On the acoustic level • the counterpart of force is the intensity of the On the acoustic level • the counterpart of force is the intensity of the vibrations of the vocal cords of the speaker which is perceived by the listener as loudness → the greater energy is associated by the listener with greater loudness. • The acoustic counterparts of voice pitch and length are frequency and duration respectively.

  Russian accentual structure  English accentual structure  ● quantitative component plays a greater Russian accentual structure English accentual structure ● quantitative component plays a greater role ● the quantitative component of word stress is not of primary importance ● vowels of full formation and full length in unstressed positions are never pronounced, they are always reduced ↓ ↓ the vowels of full length are unmistakably perceived as stressed ● the nonreduced vowels in the unstressed syllables sometimes occur in English words, e. g. ‘architect, ‘transport

  The stressed syllables → the most prominent syllables  • the notions stressed and The stressed syllables → the most prominent syllables • the notions «stressed» and «prominent» should not be used synonymically (G. P. Torsuev) • The effect of prominence is created by some phonetic features of sounds which have nothing to do with word or sentence stress.

  Sounds of speech have different degrees of sonority • Vowels are more sonorous than Sounds of speech have different degrees of sonority • Vowels are more sonorous than consonants. • Open vowels are more sonorous than close ones. → inner quality of vowels → not directly connected with the accentual structure of words but with other articulatory characteristics → it contributes to the effect of prominence.

  Historical (traditional) length of vowels • also adds to the effect of prominence but Historical (traditional) length of vowels • also adds to the effect of prominence but is not connected with the word stress ↓ ↓ prominence in speech is a broader term than stress

  Stress difficulties peculiar to the accentual structure • are connected with the vowel special Stress difficulties peculiar to the accentual structure • are connected with the vowel special and inherent prominence. • In identical positions the intensity of English vowels is different. • The highest in intensity is [a: ], then go [ о : , з : , i: , u: , æ, σ, e, υ , ı].

  Peculiarities of sounds in accented syllables  • [ ] is never stressedə • Peculiarities of sounds in accented syllables • [ ] is never stressedə • [i, e, υ ] tend to occur in unstressed syllables • Syllables with the syllabic [l, m, n] are never stressed • Unstressed diphthongs may partially lose their glide quality. • In stressed syllables English stops have complete closure, fricatives have full friction, and features of fortis/lenis distinction are clearly defined.

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Слайды и текст к этой презентации:

№1 слайд

Word stress Stress is the

Содержание слайда: Word stress
Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to certain words in a phrase or sentence. The term is also used for similar patterns of phonetic prominence inside syllables. The word accent is sometimes also used with this sense.

№2 слайд

SO Word stress WS can be

Содержание слайда: SO…
Word stress (WS) can be defined as the
singling out of one or more syllables in a
word, which is accompanied by the
change of the force of utterance, pitch of
the voice, qualitative and quantitative
characteristics of the sound which is usually
a vowel.

№3 слайд

If we compare stressed and

Содержание слайда: If we compare stressed and unstressed syllables in the two contract, we may note that in the stressed syllable:
the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;
the pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of the resonance chamber
the quantity of the vowel is greater, a vowel becomes longer;
the quality of the vowel !& in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel in the unstressed position, in why it is more narrow than.

№4 слайд

The phonetic manifestation of

Содержание слайда: The phonetic manifestation of stress varies from language to language. In different languages one of the factors constituting word stress is usually more significant than the others. According to the most salient feature the following types of word stress are distinguished in different languages:
dynamic or force stress if special prominence in a stressed syllable(syllables) is achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation;
musical or tonic stress if special prominence is achieved mainly through the change of pitch, or musical tone.
quantitative stress if special prominence is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables than in the unstressed ones.
qualitative stress if special prominence is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel under stress. Vowel reduction is often used as a manipulation of quality in unstressed syllables.

№5 слайд

Place and degrees of Word

Содержание слайда: Place and degrees of Word Stress

One of the ways of reinitiating the
prominence of syllables is
manipulating the degree of stress.
There is controversy about degrees
of WS in English and their
terminology. Strictly speaking,
polysyllabic word has as many
degrees of stress as there are
syllables in it.
Designating strongest syllable by 1, the second strongest by 2, etc., we may represent the distribution Jesses in the following example:
examination indivisibility
igzemineSin indivizibiloti
32415 2536174

№6 слайд

The American scholars bloch

Содержание слайда: The American scholars bloch & trager distinguish 4 types of WS

Other American linguists also distinguish four degrees of word stress but term them:

Reduced loud

№7 слайд

Stress can be characterized

Содержание слайда: Stress can be characterized as fixed and free. In languages with fixed type of stress the place of stress is always the same.
In English and Russian word-stress is free, that is it may fall any syllable in a word;
Stress in English and in Russian is not only free but also shifting. In both languages the place of stress may shift, which helps to differentiate different parts of speech, e.g. `insult—to in`sult, `import—to im`port.

№8 слайд

Examples of shifting preSENT

Содержание слайда: Examples of shifting:
preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun)
reFER (verb) – REFerence (noun)
exTRACT (verb) – EXtract (noun)
inCREASE (verb) – INcrease (noun)
OBject (noun) – obJECT (verb)

№9 слайд

Functions and tendencies of

Содержание слайда: Functions and tendencies of the English stress
1. Word stress constitutes a word, it organizes
the syllables of a word Into a language unit
having a definite accentual structure, that is
a pattern of relationship among the syllables;
a word does not exist without the word stress.
Thus the word stress performs the constitutive 
function. Sound continuum becomes a phrase
when it is divided into units organized by word
stress into words.

№10 слайд

. Word stress enables a

Содержание слайда: 2. Word stress enables a person to identify a
2. Word stress enables a person to identify a
succession of syllables as a definite accentual
pattern of a word. This function of word stress
as known as identificatory(or recognitive).

Correct accentuation helps the listener to make the process of communication easier, whereas the distortedaccentual pattern of words, misplaced word stresses prevent normal understanding.

№11 слайд

. Word stress alone is

Содержание слайда: 3. Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms, thus performing its distinctive function. The accentual patterns of words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form oppositions, e.g. ‘import — im’port, ‘billow — below.
3. Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms, thus performing its distinctive function. The accentual patterns of words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form oppositions, e.g. ‘import — im’port, ‘billow — below.

№12 слайд

T e n d e n c I e s of WS

Содержание слайда: T

of WS

Recessive. The accentual structure of English words is liable to instability due to the different origin of several layers in the Modern English word-stock. In Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable or the second syllable, the root syllable in the English words with prefixes. It is seen in the native English words having no prefix, e.g. mother, daughter, brother, swallow; in assimilated French borrowings, e.g. reason, colour, restaurant etc.

Rhythmical. The rhythm of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables gave birth to the rhythmical tendency in the present-day English which caused the appearance of the secondary stress in the multisyllabic French borrowings, e.g. revolution, organi’sation, assimilation, etc.
Retentive. Was traced in the instability of the accentual structure of English word stress: a derivative often retains the stress of the original or parent word, e.g. ‘similar — as’simitate, recom’mend — recommen ‘dation.

№13 слайд

Typology of accentual

Содержание слайда: Typology of accentual structures
The numerous variations of English word stress are systematized in the typology of accentual structure of English words worked out by G.P. Torsuyev. He classifies them according to the number of stressed syllables, their degree or character (the main and the secondary stress). The distribution of stressed syllables within the word accentual types forms accentual structures of words. Accentual types and accentual structures are closely connected with the morphological type of words, with the number of syllables, the semantic value of the root and the prefix of the word.

№14 слайд

. . This accentual type marks

Содержание слайда: 1. [‘___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The accentual structures of this type may include two and more syllables,
1. [‘___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The accentual structures of this type may include two and more syllables,
e.g. ‘fafher, ‘possibly, ‘mother-in-law, ‘gas-pipe.
2. [ ‘_ ‘_ ]. The accentual type is commonly realized in compound words, most of them are with separable prefixes,
e.g. ‘radio-‘active, ‘re’write, ‘diso’bey.
3. [ ‘_’ _ ‘_ ] and
4. [‘_’ _ ‘_ ‘_]. The accentual types are met in initial compound abbreviations
e.g. ‘U’S’A, ‘U’S’S’R.
5. [‘_ ,___]. The type is realized both in simple and compound words, very common among compound words,
e.g. ‘hair-,dresser, ‘substructure.
6. [, _’___]. The accentual type marks a great number of simple words and some compound words as well. In simple words the stresses fall onto:
e.g.1. the prefix and the root: maga’zine;
2. the root and the suffix: ,hospi’tality;
3. the prefix and the suffix: disorganization.

№15 слайд

The other five types are rare

Содержание слайда: The other five types are rare and found in small number of words.
The other five types are rare and found in small number of words.
The most widely spread among the enumerated accentual types are supposed to be Type 1, Type 2, Type 5 and Type 6.
The variability of the word accentual structure is multiplied in
connected speech. The accentual structure of words may be
altered under the influence of rhythm, e.g. An ‘unpolished ‘stone
but: The ‘stone was un’polished.

The tempo of speech may influence the accentual pattern of words.
With the quickening of the speed the carefulness of articulation is
diminished, the vowels are reduced or elided, the secondary stress
may be dropped, e.g. The ‘whole organi’zation of the ‘meeting
was ‘faulty.

№16 слайд

1. The stress pattern of English words.

The nature of English words stress.
The functions of word stress.

2. The nature of English words stress.

A word, as a meaningful language
unit, has a definite phonetic
The phonetic structure of a word
comprises not only the sounds that
the word is composed of and not
only the syllabic structure that these
sounds form, it also has a definite
stress pattern.

3. The nature of English words stress.

There may be one prominent syllable in a word as compared to
the rest of the syllables of the same word (as in «important»),
there may be two equally prominent syllables (as in
«misbehave»), two unequally prominent syllables (as in
«e,xami’nation») or more prominent syllables (as in ‘

4. The nature of English words stress

• And this correlation of
degrees of prominence of
the syllables in a word
forms the stress pattern of
the word, which is often
called the accentual
structure of a word.
Monosyllabic words
have no stress pattern,
because there can be
established no
correlation of
prominence within it.
Yet as lexical units
monosyllables are
regarded as stressed

5. The nature of English words stress

The stress patterns of
words are generally
perceived without
Actual speech does
not consist of isolated
words. And the stress
pattern of a word is
deduced from how
the word is accented
in connected speech.

6. The nature of English words stress

On the other hand, the stress pattern of a word is only its potential
pattern in an utterance. Though English words generally retain their
stress patterns in connected speech, there occur numerous
instances when the stress pattern, of a word is altered

7. The nature of English words stress

Cf. ‘un̍happy — He was ̍so unˋhappy.
Thus, word stress may be said to be a word—level concept,
which should not be confused with utterance stress. Word
stress be tangs to the word when said in isolation.
Whereas utterance stress belongs to the utterance.
He ̍remembered those ˋunhappy ̍days.

8. The nature of English words stress

The placement of
utterance stress is
conditioned by the
situational and
linguistic context.
It is also conditioned
by subjective factors:
by the speaker’s
intention to bring out
words which are
considered by him to
be semantically
important in the
situational context.

9. The nature of English words stress

• As for the stress pattern of a word, it is
conditioned only by objective
factors: pronunciation tendencies and the
orthoepic norm.

10. The nature of English words stress

In different languages stress may
be achieved by various
combinations of these
parameters. Depending upon
which parameter is the principal
one in producing the effect of
stress, word stress in languages
may be of different types.

11. Different types of word stress

There are languages with dynamic word
stress. Stress in such languages is mainly
achieved by a greater force of articulation
which results in greater loudness, on the
auditory level, and greater intensity on the
acoustic level. The stressed syllables are
louder than the unstressed ones.
In languages with musical word stress
prominence is mainly achieved by variations
in pitch level, the main acoustic parameter
being fundamental frequency. Chinese,
Japanese, Vietnamese are languages with
musical word stress (or tonic word stress).

12. Different types of word stress

In languages with quantitative word stress the effect of
stress is mainly based on the quantity of the sound, i.e. its
duration. In such languages vowels in the stressed syllables
are always longer than vowels in unstressed syllables.


Word stress has a
constitutive function, as
it moulds syllables into a
word by forming its
stress pattern. Without
a definite stress pattern
a word ceases to be a
word and becomes a
sequence of syllables.
Word stress has a
distinctive function in
English, because there
exist different words in
English with analogous
sound structure which
are differentiated in
speech only by their
stress patterns


in’sult ,
̗ ab’stract
or ab’stract

15. Is it the different degrees of stress or rather the stress patterns that distinguish one word from another? 

Is it the different degrees of stress or rather
the stress patterns that distinguish one word
from another?
There exist different views of the problem. Some linguists (G. Trager,
A. Hill) regard degrees of word stress as phonological units, which
can distinguish words. They consider degrees of word stress to be
separate phonemes.


Alongside the generally accepted
phonemes they have introduced into
the phonemic’ inventory 4 stress
phonemes: primary (or loud),
secondary (or reduced loud), tertiary
{or medial) and weak stress


Another view is expressed by G. Torsuyev, H. Kurath, A. Gimson and others. They think
that it is the stress patterns of words that contrast with each other rather than
degrees of stress. Moreover, in one stress pattern secondary stress may be stronger
than primary stress in another stress pattern.

18. Questions

1) What types of word stress do you know?
2) What functions of word stress?



Word stress (WS) can be defined as the singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound which is usually a vowel.


the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation; the pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of the resonance chamber the quantity of the vowel is greater, a vowel becomes longer; the quality of the vowel !& in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel in the unstressed position, in why it is more narrow than.


dynamic or force stress if special prominence in a stressed syllable(syllables) is achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation; musical or tonic stress if special prominence is achieved mainly through the change of pitch, or musical tone. quantitative stress if special prominence is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables than in the unstressed ones. qualitative stress if special prominence is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel under stress. Vowel reduction is often used as a manipulation of quality in unstressed syllables.


One of the ways of reinitiating the prominence of syllables is manipulating the degree of stress. There is controversy about degrees of WS in English and their terminology. Strictly speaking, polysyllabic word has as many degrees of stress as there are syllables in it. Designating strongest syllable by 1, the second strongest by 2, etc., we may represent the distribution Jesses in the following example: examination indivisibility igzemineSin indivizibiloti The majority of British phoneticians (D. Jones, Kingdon, A. C. Gimson among them) and Russian phoneticians (V. A. Vassilyev, Shakhbagova) consider that there are three degrees of word-stress in English: primary — the strongest secondary — the second strongest, partial, and weak — all the other degrees. The syllables bearing either primary or secondary stress are termed stressed, while syllables with weak stress are called, somewhat inaccurately, unstressed.


Loud Reduced loud Medial Weak Primary Secondary Tertiary Weak


In English and Russian word-stress is free, that is it may fall any syllable in a word; Stress in English and in Russian is not only free but also shifting. In both languages the place of stress may shift, which helps to differentiate different parts of speech, e.g. `insult—to in`sult, `import—to im`port.


preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun) reFER (verb) – REFerence (noun) exTRACT (verb) – EXtract (noun) inCREASE (verb) – INcrease (noun) OBject (noun) – obJECT (verb)


1. Word stress constitutes a word, it organizes the syllables of a word Into a language unit having a definite accentual structure, that is a pattern of relationship among the syllables; a word does not exist without the word stress. Thus the word stress performs the constitutive function. Sound continuum becomes a phrase when it is divided into units organized by word stress into words.


2. Word stress enables a person to identify a succession of syllables as a definite accentual pattern of a word. This function of word stress as known as identificatory(or recognitive). Correct accentuation helps the listener to make the process of communica tion easier, whereas the distortedaccentual pattern of words, misplaced word stresses prevent normal understanding.


3. Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms, thus performing its distinctive function. The accentual patterns of words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form oppositions, e.g. ‘import im’port, ‘billow below.


Recessive. The accentual structure of English words is liable to instability due to the different origin of several layers in the Modern English word-stock. In Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable or the second syllable, the root syllable in the English words with prefixes. It is seen in the native English words having no prefix, e.g. mother, daughter, brother, swallow; in assimilated French borrowings, e.g. reason, colour, restaurant etc. Rhythmical. The rhythm of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables gave birth to the rhythmical tendency in the present-day English which caused the appearance of the secondary stress in the multisyllabic French borrowings, e.g. revolution, organi’sation, assimilation, etc. Retentive. Was traced in the instability of the accentual structure of English word stress: a derivative often retains the stress of the original or parent word, e.g. ‘similar as’simitate, recom’mend recommen ‘dation.


The numerous variations of English word stress are systematized in the typology of accentual structure of English words worked out by G.P. Torsuyev. He classifies them according to the number of stressed syllables, their degree or character (the main and the secondary stress). The distribution of stressed syllables within the word accentual types forms accentual structures of words. Accentual types and accentual structures are closely connected with the morphological type of words, with the number of syllables, the semantic value of the root and the prefix of the word.


The accentual types are: 1. [‘___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The accentual structures of this type may include two and more syllables, e.g. ‘fafher, ‘possibly, ‘mother-in-law, ‘gas-pipe. 2. [ ‘_ ‘_ ]. The accentual type is commonly realized in compound words, most of them are with separable prefixes, e.g. ‘radio-‘active, ‘re’write, ‘diso’bey. 3. [ ‘_’ _ ‘_ ] and 4. [‘_’ _ ‘_ ‘_]. The accentual types are met in initial compound abbreviations e.g. ‘U’S’A, ‘U’S’S’R. 5. [‘_,___]. The type is realized both in simple and compound words, very common among compound words, e.g. ‘hair-,dresser, ‘substructure. 6. [, _’___]. The accentual type marks a great number of simple words and some compound words as well. In simple words the stresses fall onto: e.g.1. the prefix and the root: maga’zine; 2. the root and the suffix:,hospi’tality; 3. the prefix and the suffix: disorganization.


The other five types are rare and found in small number of words. The most widely spread among the enumerated accentual types are supposed to be Type 1, Type 2, Type 5 and Type 6. The variability of the word accentual structure is multiplied in connected speech. The accentual structure of words may be altered under the influence of rhythm, e.g. An ‘unpolished ‘stone but: The ‘stone was un’polished. The tempo of speech may influence the accentual pattern of words. With the quickening of the speed the carefulness of articulation is diminished, the vowels are reduced or elided, the secondary stress may be dropped, e.g. The ‘whole organi’zation of the ‘meeting was ‘faulty.


Слайд 2Plan
General Notes on Word Stress.
Types of Word Stress.
Degrees of Word

Placement of Word Stress.
Common Rules of Word Stress in English.

of Word Stress.

PlanGeneral Notes on Word Stress.Types of Word Stress.Degrees of Word Stress.Placement of Word Stress.Common Rules of Word

Слайд 4The Nature of Word Stress

Word Stress
is a greater degree of

prominence of a syllable or syllables as compared to the

other syllables of the word

The Nature of Word StressWord Stressis a greater degree of prominence of a syllable or syllables as

Слайд 5The Nature of Word Stress
Scientists about Word Stress:

D. Jones: Word

Stress is the degree of force, which is accompanied by

a strong force of exhalation and gives an impression of loudness.
A. C. Gimson: English word stress or accent is a complex phenomenon, marked by the variations in force, pitch, quality and quantity.

The Nature of Word StressScientists about Word Stress:D. Jones: Word Stress is the degree of force, which

Слайд 6The Nature of Word Stress
Scientists about Word Stress:

B. A. Bogoroditsky:

Stress as an increase of energy, accompanied by an increase

of expiratory and articulatory activity.
S. F. Leontyeva: Word stress can be defined as the singling out of one or more syllables in a word, which is accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound which is usually a vowel.

The Nature of Word StressScientists about Word Stress:B. A. Bogoroditsky: Stress as an increase of energy, accompanied

Слайд 7The Nature of Word Stress

The effect of prominence of the

stressed syllable is achieved by a number of phonetic parameters:

These 4 factors usually work together in combination, but they are not equally important. The strongest effect is produced by pitch and length.

The Nature of Word StressThe effect of prominence of the stressed syllable is achieved by a number

Слайд 8The Nature of Word Stress
In the stressed syllable:
the force of

utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;

pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of resonance cavity;
the quantity of the vowel is greater, the vowel becomes longer;
the quality of the vowel is different (in unstressed syllables it is usually narrow).

The Nature of Word StressIn the stressed syllable:the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with

Слайд 9The Nature of Word Stress
Word Stress

is singling out

of one or more syllables in a word, which is

accompanied by the change of the force of utterance, pitch of the voice, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the sound, which is usually a vowel.

The Nature of Word StressWord Stress  is singling out of one or more syllables in a

Слайд 11Types of Word Stress
We distinguish the following types of Word

dynamic (force) stress is achieved by greater force with which

the syllable is pronounced (Russian, English, French, German);
musical (tonic) stress is achieved through the change of pitch/musical tone (Japanese, Korean);
quantitative stress is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables (Russian);
qualitative stress is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel (Russian).

Types of Word StressWe distinguish the following types of Word Stress:dynamic (force) stress is achieved by greater

Слайд 12Types of Word Stress

English Word Stress
is traditionally

defined as dynamic, but in fact, the special prominence of

the stressed syllables is manifested not only through the increase of intensity, but also through the changes in the vowel quantity, consonant and vowel quality and pitch of the voice.

Types of Word StressEnglish Word Stress   is traditionally defined as dynamic, but in fact, the

Слайд 14Degrees of Word Stress
The syllables in a word are characterized

by different degrees of prominence. There are as many degrees

of stress in a word as there are syllables.

In English there are 3 degrees of stress:
primary (strong, main, principal);
secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);
weak (unstressed).

Degrees of Word Stress	The syllables in a word are characterized by different degrees of prominence. There are

Слайд 15Degrees of Word Stress

In American English there are 4 degrees

of stress:
primary (strong, main, principal);
secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);
tertiary (on the last

but one syllable in the words with suffixes -ary, -ory, -ony: ´dictioˏnary.
weak (unstressed).

Degrees of Word Stress		In American English there are 4 degrees of stress:primary (strong, main, principal);secondary (half-stressed, half-strong);tertiary

Слайд 16Degrees of Word Stress

In transcription stress is indicated by placing

the stress mark before the symbol of the first sound

of the stressed syllable.
Primary stress is marked by a raised short vertical stroke and secondary stress is marked by a lowered one:
examination [ɪgˏzᴂmɪ´neɪʃ(ǝ)n]

Degrees of Word Stress		In transcription stress is indicated by placing the stress mark before the symbol of

Слайд 18Placement of Word Stress
According to its placement in a word,

stress can be:


Placement of Word StressAccording to its placement in a word, stress can be:fixed free shifting

Слайд 19Placement of Word Stress
(the position of the word stress is

always the same,
it is restricted to a particular syllable):

in French (the last syllable),
in Finnish and Czech (the first syllable),
in Polish (the last but one syllable).

Placement of Word StressFixed(the position of the word stress is always the same, it is restricted to

Слайд 20Placement of Word Stress
(the location of the word stress is

confined to a specific position,
it can fall on

any syllable of the word):

English, Russian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, etc.

Placement of Word StressFree(the location of the word stress is not confined to a specific position, it

Слайд 21Placement of Word Stress
(the word stress can change
its position

in different forms
of the word and its derivatives):


— mu´sician

Placement of Word StressShifting(the word stress can change its position in different forms of the word and

Слайд 22Placement of Word Stress
To define the position of word stress

it is necessary to take into account
a number of


phonological structure of the syllable;
the number of syllables in a word;
morphological factor;
the part of speech the word belongs to;
the semantic factor.

Placement of Word StressTo define the position of word stress it is necessary to take into account

Слайд 23Placement of Word Stress
The phonological structure of the syllable is

related to the status of a particular syllables in terms

of the degree of sonority.
The sounds that possess a greater degree of sonority contribute to the greater prominence of the syllable. A syllable is strong when it contains a long vowel or a diphthong or a short vowel followed by two consonants:
a´rrive — de´velop

Placement of Word Stress	The phonological structure of the syllable is related to the status of a particular

Слайд 24Placement of Word Stress
The number of syllables in a word

influences the number of stresses and the position of stress.


are stress patterns typical of two-syllable words, three-syllable words and so on.
In multi-syllable words there appears secondary stress.

Placement of Word Stress	The number of syllables in a word influences the number of stresses and the

Слайд 25Placement of Word Stress
Morphological factor shows that in complex words

the placement of stress depends on the type of suffix.

are divided into:
stress-neutral (which do not affect the stress placement in the stem);
stress-fixing (which influence stress in the stem);
stress-attracting (which carry stress themselves).

Placement of Word Stress	Morphological factor shows that in complex words the placement of stress depends on the

Слайд 26Placement of Word Stress

stress-neutral (-al, -able, -en, -ful, -ing, -ish,

-less, -ness, -ly, -ment):
´comfort – ´comfortable;
stress-fixing (-ion, -ic, -ity,

-ial, -ive):
´curious — curi´osity;
stress-attracting(-ade, -eer, -ee, -esque, -ette, -ain):
ˏrefu´gee, ˏciga´rette.

Placement of Word Stress	stress-neutral (-al, -able, -en, -ful, -ing, -ish, -less, -ness, -ly, -ment): 	´comfort – ´comfortable;stress-fixing

Слайд 27Placement of Word Stress
The grammatical category the word belongs to:

– to con´trast
´habit – ha´bitual
´music – mu´sician
´insult – to in´sult

– to re´cord
´present – to pre´sent

Placement of Word StressThe grammatical category the word belongs to:´contrast – to con´trast´habit – ha´bitual´music – mu´sician´insult

Слайд 28Placement of Word Stress
The semantic factor (for compound words and

words with the so-called separable prefixes).
The majority of such

words have two equally strong stresses, both stressed parts are considered to be of equal semantic importance:
compound adjectives: ´hard-´working, ´blue-´eyed,
verbs with post positions : ´sit´down, ´take´off,
numerals from 13 to 19: ´ four´teen, ´six´teen.

Placement of Word Stress	The semantic factor (for compound words and words with the so-called separable prefixes). 	The

Слайд 30
Common Rules of Word Stress

Two-syllable words (verbs, adjectives, adverbs):
the second

syllable is stressed if it contains a long vowel or

a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant: a´pply, a´ssist. But! ´honest.
the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and one (or no) final consonant: ´enter, ´open.
Two-syllable words (nouns):
the first syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a short vowel: ´money;
the second syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a long vowel or a diphthong: es´tate.

Common Rules of Word Stress Two-syllable words (verbs, adjectives, adverbs):the second syllable is stressed if it

Слайд 31
Common Rules of Word Stress

Three-syllable words (verbs):
the last but one

syllable is stressed if the last syllable contains a short

vowel and ends with one consonant: de´termine.
the final syllable is stressed if it contains a long vowel or a diphthong, or ends with more than one consonant: enter´tain.

Common Rules of Word Stress Three-syllable words (verbs):the last but one syllable is stressed if the

Слайд 32
Common Rules of Word Stress

Three-syllable words (nouns, adjectives):
the middle syllable

is stressed if the syllable preceding the final syllable contains

a long vowel or a diphthong, or if it ends with more than one consonant:
the first syllable is stressed if the final syllable contains a short vowel and the middle syllable contains a short vowel and ends with not more than one consonant:

Common Rules of Word Stress Three-syllable words (nouns, adjectives):the middle syllable is stressed if the syllable

Слайд 33
Common Rules of Word Stress

Words with prefixes:
in words with prefixes

the primary stress typically falls on the syllable following the

im´possible, re´call ;
in words with prefixes with their own meaning, the place of secondary stress is on the prefix:
in prefixal verbs which are distinguished from similarly spelt nouns and adjectives, the second syllable is stressed:
to in´crease – ´increase.

Common Rules of Word Stress Words with prefixes:in words with prefixes the primary stress typically falls

Слайд 34
Common Rules of Word Stress

Words with suffixes:

suffixes -esce, -esque, -ate,

-ize, -fy, -ette, -ique, -ee, -eer, — ade have stress

on themselves or the preceding syllable:
ˏmari´nade, ˏspecia´lize;
suffixes -ical, -ic, -ion, -ity, -ial, -cient, -iency, -eous,-ual, -uous, -ety, -itous, -ive, -ative, -itude, -ident, -inal, -wards have stress on the preceding syllable:
eco´nomic, ma´jority.

Common Rules of Word Stress Words with suffixes:suffixes -esce, -esque, -ate, -ize, -fy, -ette, -ique, -ee,

Слайд 35
Common Rules of Word Stress

Words of 4 or more syllables:


stress is on the antepenultimate syllable (third from the end):

Common Rules of Word Stress Words of 4 or more syllables:The stress is on the antepenultimate

Слайд 36
Common Rules of Word Stress

Compound words:
The first element is stressed

Compounds are written as one word: ´bedroom.
Nouns are compounded of

a verb and an adv.:´make-up.
The second element is stressed when:
Food items have the first element which is of a material used in manufacturing the whole: ˏapple ´tart.
Parts of the house are implied: ˏfront ´door.

Common Rules of Word Stress Compound words:The first element is stressed when:Compounds are written as one

Слайд 37
Common Rules of Word Stress

Compound words:
The first element is stressed

Adjectives with past participle characterize people:
Nouns ending in -er, -ing

are followed by adverbs:
The first element of compounds is a number:
second-´class, three -´wheeler.
Compound function as an adverb:

Common Rules of Word Stress Compound words:The first element is stressed when:Adjectives with past participle characterize

Слайд 38
Common Rules of Word Stress

The most common types of English

stress pattern
´_ _ (´after)

_´_ (be´fore)
´_ _ _ (´family)
_´_ _ (im´portance)

Some words have 2 variants of stress:
ki´lometer – ´kilometer

Common Rules of Word Stress The most common types of English stress pattern  ´_ _

Слайд 41
Functions of Word Stress

The constitutive function:
word stress organizes the

syllables into a word
The recognitive (identicatory) function:
word stress makes it

possible to identify and recognize a word in the chain of speech.
The distinctive function:
word stress is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms: ´import — im´port.

Functions of Word Stress The constitutive function:	 word stress organizes the syllables into a wordThe recognitive

Слайд 42Questions:

What types of word stress do

you know?
How does stress perform constitutive, distinctive and recognitive function?

is the terminology suggested by different authors to distinguish between different degrees of word stress?
What factors determine the place of word stress?

Questions:What is WORD STRESS? What types of word stress do you know?How does stress perform constitutive, distinctive

Слайд 43

Леонтьева С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка (на

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O’Connor L.D. Phonetics /L.D. O’Connor. Penguin, 1977.

Sokolova M.A. English Phonetics. A theoretical course /M.A. Sokolova. M., 1996. – 286 p.

Vassilyev V.A. English Phonetics: A theoretical Course /V.A. Vassilyev. M., 1980. – 323 p.

Literature   Леонтьева С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка (на англ. яз.) /С.Ф. Леонтьева.- М.,

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