Word stress in english and in russian

  1. Word stress, its acoustic

  2. The
    linguistic function of a word stress.

  3. Degree
    and position of a word stress.


sequence of syllables in the word is not pronounced identically. The
syllable or syllables which are pronounced with more prominence than
the other syllables of the word are said to be stressed or accented.
The correlation of varying prominences of syllables in a word is
understood as the accentual structure of the word.

to A.C. Gimson, the effect of prominence is achieved by any or all of
four factors: force, tone, length and vowel colour. The dynamic
stress implies greater force with which the syllable is pronounced.
In other words in the articulation of the stressed syllable greater
muscular energy is produced by the speaker. The European languages
such as English, German, French, Russian are believed to possess
predominantly dynamic word stress. In Scandinavian languages the word
stress is considered to be both dynamic and musical (e.g. in Swedish,
the word komma
(comma) is distinguished from the word komma
(come) by a difference in tones). The musical (tonic) word stress is
observed in Chinese, Japanese. It is effected by the variations of
the voice pitch in relation to neighbouring syllables. In Chinese the
sound sequence “chu” pronounced with the level tone means “pig”,
with the rising tone “bamboo”, and with the falling tone “to

It is fair
to mention that there is a terminological confusion in discussing the
nature of stress. According to D. Crystal, the terms “heaviness,
intensity, amplitude, prominence, emphasis, accent, stress” tend to
be used synonymously by most writers. The discrepancy in terminology
is largely due to the fact that there are 2 major views depending on
whether the productive or receptive aspects of stress are discussed.

The main
drawback with any theory of stress based on production of speech is
that it only gives a partial explanation of the phenomenon but does
not analyze it on the perceptive level.

investigations study the physical nature of word stress. On the
acoustic level the counterpart of force is the intensity of the
vibrations of the vocal cords of the speaker which is perceived by
the listener as loudness. Thus the greater energy with which the
speaker articulates the stressed syllable in the word is associated
by the listener with greater loudness. The acoustic counterparts of
voice pitch and length are frequency and duration respectively. The
nature of word stress in Russian seems to differ from that in
English. The quantitative component plays a greater role in Russian
accentual structure than in English word accent. In the Russian
language of full formation and full length in unstressed positions,
they are always reduced. Therefore the vowels of full length are
unmistakably perceived as stressed. In English the quantitative
component of word stress is not of primary importance because of the
non-reduced vowels in the unstressed syllables which sometimes occur
in English words (e.g. “transport”, “architect”).


In discussing accentual
structure of English words we should turn now to the functional
aspect of word stress. In language the word stress performs 3

  1. constitutive– word
    stress constitutes a word, it organizes the syllables of a word into
    a language unit. A word does not exist without the word stress. Thus
    the function is constitutive – sound continuum becomes a phrase
    when it is divided into units organized by word stress into words.

  2. Word
    stress enables a person to identify a succession of syllables as a
    definite accentual pattern of a word. This function is known as
    identificatory (or

  3. Word
    stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or
    their forms, thus performing its distinctive
    . The accentual patterns of
    words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form
    oppositions (“/import – im /port”, “/present – pre


There are
actually as many degrees of word stress in a word as there are
syllables. The British linguists usually distinguish three degrees of
stress in the word. The primary stress is the strongest (e.g.
exami/nation), the secondary stress is the second strongest one (e.g.
ex,ami/nation). All the other degrees are termed “weak stress”.
Unstressed syllables are supposed to have weak stress. The American
scholars, B. Bloch and J. Trager, find 4 contrastive degrees
of word stress: locid, reduced locid, medial and weak

Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial
syllable or the second syllable, the root syllable in the English
words with prefixes. This tendency was called recessive. Most English
words of Anglo-Saxon origin as well as the French borrowings are
subjected to this recessive tendency.

are also differentiated according to the placement of word stress.
The traditional classification of languages concerning the place of
stress in a word is into those with a
fixed stress and a free stress
. In
languages with a fixed stress the occurrence of the word stress is
limited to a particular syllable in a multisyllabic word. For
example, in French the stress falls on the last syllable of the word
(if pronounced in isolation), in Finnish and Czech it is fixed on the
first syllable.

borrowed words retain their stress.

In languages with a free
stress its place is not confined to a specific position in the word.
The free placement of stress is exemplified in the English and
Russian languages

(e.g. E. appetite – begin –

озеро – погода
– молоко)

The word
stress in English as well as in Russian is not only free but it may
also be shifting performing semantic function of differentiating
lexical units, parts of speech, grammatical forms. It is worth noting
that in English word stress is used as a means of word-building (e.g.
/contrast – con/trast, /music – mu /sician).


  1. What
    features characterize word accent?

  2. Identify
    the functions of word stress.

  3. What
    are the types of word stress?

  4. Do AmE and
    BE have any differences in the system of word stress? Give your

Lecture 8. Intonation

  1. Intonation.

  2. The
    linguistic function of intonation.

  3. The
    implications of a terminal tone.

  4. Rhythm.


Intonation is a language
universal. There are no languages which are spoken as a monotone,
i.e. without any change of prosodic parametres. On perceptional level
intonation is a complex, a whole, formed by significant variations of
pitch, loudness and tempo closely related. Some linguists regard
speech timber as the fourth component of intonation. Though it
certainly conveys some shades of attitudinal or emotional meaning
there’s no reason to consider it alongside with the 3
prosodic components of intonation (pitch, loudness and tempo)
Nowadays the term “prosody” substitutes the term “intonation”.

On the acoustic level pitch
correlates with the fundamental frequency of the vibrations of the
vocal cords; loudness correlates with the amplitude of vibrations;
tempo is a correlate of time during which a speech unit lasts.

The auditory level is very
important for teachers of foreign languages. Each syllable of the
speech chain has a special pitch colouring. Some of the syllables
have significant moves of tone up and down. Each syllable bears a
definite amount of loudness. Pitch movements are inseparably
connected with loudness. Together with the tempo of speech they form
an intonation pattern which is the basic unit of intonation.

An intonation pattern contains
one nucleus and may contain other stressed or unstressed syllables
normally preceding or following the nucleus. The boundaries of an
intonation pattern may be marked by stops of phonation, that is
temporal pauses.

Intonation patterns serve to
actualize syntagms in oral speech. The syntagm
is a group of words which are semantically and syntactically
complete. In phonetics they are called intonation
. The
intonation group is a stretch of speech which may have the length of
the whole phrase. But the phrase often contains more than one
intonation group. The number of them depends on the length of phrase
and the degree of semantic impotence or emphasis given to various
parts of it. The position of intonation groups may affect the


The communicative
intonation is realized in various ways which can be grouped under
five – six general headings:

  1. to
    structure the intonation content of a textual unit. So as to show
    which information is new or can not be taken for granted, as against
    information which the listener is assumed to possess or to be able
    to acquire from the context, that is given information;

  2. to
    determine the speech function of a phrase, to indicate whether it is
    intended as a statement, question, etc;

  3. to
    convey connotational meanings of attitude, such as surprise, etc. In
    the written form we are given only the lexics and the grammar;

  4. to
    structure a text. Intonation is an organizing mechanism. It divides
    texts into smaller parts and on the other hand it integrates them
    forming a complete text;

  5. to
    differentiate the meaning of textual units of the same phonetic
    structure and the same lexical composition (distinctive or
    phonological function);

  6. to
    characterize a particular style or variety of oral speech which may
    be called a stylistic function.


Classification of intonation

Different combinations of
pitch sections (pre-heads, heads and nuclei) may result in more than
one hundred pitch-and-stress patterns. But it is not necessary to
deal with all of them, because some patterns occur very rarely. So,
attention must be concentrated on the commonest ones:

  1. The Low (Medium) Fall
    pitch-and-stress group

  2. The
    High Fall group

  3. Rise
    Fall group

  4. The
    Low Rise group

  5. The
    High Rise group

  6. The
    Fall Rise group

  7. The
    Rise-Fall-Rise group

  8. The
    Mid-level group

No intonation pattern is used
exclusively with this or that sentence type. Some sentences are more
likely to be said with one intonation pattern than with any other. So
we can speak about “common intonation” for a particular type of

  1. Statements are most widely
    used with the Low Fall preceded by the Falling or the High level
    Head. They are final, complete and definite.

  2. Commands,
    with the Low Fall are very powerful, intense, serious and strong.

  3. Exclamations
    are very common with the High Fall.


We cannot fully describe
English intonation without reference to speech rhythm. Rhythm
seems to be a kind of framework of speech organization. Some
linguists consider it to be one of the components of intonation.

Rhythm is understood as
periodicity in time and space. We find it everywhere in life. Rhythm
as a linguistic notion is realized in lexical, syntactical and
prosodic means and mostly in their combinations.

In speech,
the type of rhythm depends on the language. Linguists divide
languages into two groups:

  1. syllable-timed(French, Spanish);

  2. stress-timed(English, German, Russian).

In a
syllable-timed language the speaker gives an approximately equal
amount of time to each syllable, whether the syllable is stressed or

In a
stress-timed language the rhythm is based on a larger unit, than
syllable. Though the amount of time given on each syllable varies
considerably, the total time of uttering each rhythmic unit is
practically unchanged. The stressed syllables of a rhythmic unit form
peaks of prominence. They tend to be pronounced at regular intervals
no matter how many unstressed syllables are located between every 2
stressed ones. Thus the distribution of time within the rhythmic unit
is unequal.

rhythm is traditionally defined as recurrence of stressed syllables
at more or less equal intervals of time in a speech continuum.


  1. Name
    the basic components of intonation.

  2. What
    is the connection between pitch and tempo?

  3. What
    for do we need different nuclear tones?

  4. Which
    nuclei are the commonest?

9. Territorial varieties of English pronunciation

  1. Varieties
    of language.

  2. English


varieties of the language are conditioned by language communities
ranging from small groups to nations. National
is the language of a nation,
the standard of its form, the language of a nation’s literature.
The literary spoken form has its national
pronunciation standard
. A “standard”
may be defined as a socially accepted variety of a language
established by a codified norm of correctness. It is generally
accepted that for the “English English” it is “Received
Pronunciation” or RP; for the “American English” – “General
American pronunciation”; for the Australian English – “Educated

every national variant of English has considerable differences in
pronunciation, lexics and grammar, they all have much in common which
gives us ground to speak of one and the same language – the English

national variety of the language falls into territorial
or regional dialects
. Dialects are
distinguished from each other by differences in pronunciation,
grammar and vocabulary. When we refer to varieties in pronunciation
only, we use the word “accent”.

The social
differentiation of language is closely connected with the social
differentiation of society. Every language community, ranging from a
small group to a nation has its own social
, and consequently, its own
social accent.

“language situation” may be spoken about in terms of the
horizontal and vertical differentiations of the language, the first
in accordance with the sphere of social activity, the second – with
its situational variability. Situational varieties of the language
are called functional dialects or functional styles and situational
pronunciation varieties – situational accents or phonostyles.


two main types of English are spoken in the English-speaking world:
English English and American English.

According to British
dialectologists (P. Trudgill, J. Hannah, A. Hughes and others) the
following variants of English are referred to the English-based
group: English English, Welsh English, Australian English, New
Zealand English; to the American-based group: United States English,
Canadian English.

Scottish English and Irish
English fall somewhere between the two being somewhat by themselves.

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Arrangement of stress in the text in Russian

ударение в английском языке как ставится

Maximum text length (number of characters at a time):

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Free webinar «Phonetic transcription for fast learning of foreign languages» (21 min.)

Accent in Russian

Mastering phonetics of the Russian language can be a daunting task for foreigners starting out to learn Russian language… As you might be aware, the pronunciation of Russian vowels differs depending on which accent is the given letter or not.

Unlike some other languages, Russian no strict stress setting rules — it can fall on any account syllable in a word (compare with French, where the stress almost always falls on the last syllable). It is almost impossible to predict which syllable the accent falls on in a given word, especially to a foreigner who has just begun to learn Russian.

Online tool on this page automatically places stress in Russian words, and also restores the letter «ё» in the Russian text. This will save you time because you do not have to look in the dictionary for information about the stress in a word.

Some Russian words, which are spelled the same, have different meanings depending on where the stress falls. Compare:

castle castle
big big

Such words are called homographs… The online tool will show you all possible stress positions in similar words. The dictionary contains information on 23 homographs (376 unique spellings of words).

In Russian there is also a group of words that I call «false» homographs. These are words with the letter «e» that become homographs when written with the letter «e». For example, the word «bereg», being written as «shore», can be read both as «bereg» and as «bereg». The online tool shows both possible accents in similar words. Other examples:

wheels wheels
lakes lakes

There is another group of words that can also be written with the letter «e» or «ё». The stress position in such words is the same, but their meanings are different. For example:

all all
sky palate

If you select the display mode for stressed vowels «Paint red», then the letter «ё» in such words will be highlighted in purple: that’s it.

Want to improve this tool? Use error correction mode in the translator of Russian words into transcription!

Blog search

Source: https://easypronunciation.com/ru/add-stress-marks-to-russian-text

Apostrophe in English, the rule when

ударение в английском языке как ставится

Although the apostrophe plays a special role in English, many use the wrong stress in this word. Very often it is put not on the last syllable, as it should be, but on the second. Apostrophe is the correct pronunciation of this word. The word is of Greek origin, and it means «facing back.» This probably won’t tell you anything, and the best explanation would be that it is a vertical bar or comma superscript.

It’s time to find out when the apostrophe is put in English. This is done in the following cases: 

  • When reducing auxiliary verbs and the word not when transmitting colloquial speech in writing (He’s (he has) taken a look at the painting. He looked at the painting); 
  • For nouns in the possessive case in the singular (Tom’s cat. Tom’s cat);
  • For plural possessive nouns (children’s tests, children’s tests)
  • In some surnames of Irish origin (O’Connor).

The English language, in contrast to the Russian synthetic language (in it a lot depends on the cases and endings), is considered analytical (here “his majesty” context comes to the main roles). The use of an apostrophe requires conjecturing the situation depending on this very context (the place of a word in a sentence or in a text). You will be convinced of this when reading the following information.

Examples of abbreviations

In many cases, an apostrophe in English is put in place of those letters of the word that are missing. Abbreviations are characteristic of fast English colloquial speech, and this important sign comes to the rescue to denote them in writing. Here are examples of full sentences and their abbreviated versions:

Nick did not peel the apple. Nick didn’t peel the apple. Nick didn’t peel the apple.

As you noticed, here two words (did not) merged into one, and instead of «o» there appeared an apostrophe. We will not comment on further changes, you yourself can easily figure them out:

April is doing the flat. April’s doing the flat. April is cleaning the apartment.

April has already done her flat. April’s already done her flat. April has already cleaned the apartment.

These two examples illustrate that abbreviations can be the same, but have different grammatical structures.

Sometimes you can come across the universal abbreviation ain’t, which abbreviates the phrases am not, is not, are not, has not, have not:

I ain’t going to spend too much time here. I’m not going to spend too much time here. I am not going to spend too much time here. I’m not going to spend a lot of time here.

All three of these expressions are translated in the same way, but they are by no means equal. In the first case, this is an outdated colloquial statement, which is practically not included in textbooks. In the second, it is a modern colloquial expression that is never used in official texts, and is rarely used in neutral ones. The third sentence sounds neutral and can be used in any style.

Features of the possessive case

The apostrophe in English is usually used in the possessive case with proper nouns; with possessive pronouns it is not needed. This grammatical construction can be used with animate objects, names of people and in some other cases, for example, with words denoting a time or a period of time. Examples:

I know Mr. Baker’s son. I know Mr. Baker’s son.

Our dog’s eyes are blue. Our dog has blue eyes.

If the noun is in the possessive case in the plural, then the apostrophe is placed at the end of the word:

Source: https://lim-english.com/posts/apostrof-v-angliiskom-yazike/

Features of English stress and intonation. English rhythm

ударение в английском языке как ставится

This article will be devoted to phonetics, melody, understanding of speech and intonation pattern, tones and intonation scales in the English language.

— This is a branch of linguistics that studies the structure of the language, as well as the sounds of speech. First of all, we are talking about words and sound combinations, thanks to which we can understand how the language works.

Without phonetics, it is impossible to understand how foreigners speak, because everything is based on oral and written speech, as well as the work of the speech apparatus. By studying the elements of the language system, we can understand how words and sentences are composed, and what sound form they acquire. However, such an explanation of phonetics as a subject of study is incomplete. The main aspects of phonetics are as follows:

  • articulatory;
  • physical;
  • phonological;
  • perceptual.

Articulation aspect studies the sounds of speech from the point of view of its creation with the participation of the articulatory apparatus.

Physical aspect pays attention to sound as a vibration of air and notes its frequency, strength, duration.

Phonological aspect aims at the function of sounds in the language.

Perceptual the same aspect considers the perception of sounds by a person.

All about melody and how it affects speech understanding

Melody in English is the change in pitch of different syllables in a sentence. Changing the pitch is necessary in order to understand what types of sentences we are dealing with: interrogative, exclamatory, affirmative.

The melody of each language is built in a certain sequence, so it is a mistake to think that in each language you can adhere to the same scheme. So, the sentence «Hello, how are you?» in English and Russian languages ​​will sound completely different. That is why it is often difficult to understand when a person first goes abroad. However, some similarities can still be found. We will talk about them below.

Tones in English

What are tones in English? Tone — This is a rhythmic-melodic pattern of speech, which periodically changes with the help of the frequency of the sound signal. In order to understand tones and intonation scales, we need to know what a syntagma is. This is a section of a phrase containing special intonation and bar stress.

Pauses between measures are often not provided, and bar stress is not intense. What tones do we have to face in the English language? it Low Fall, High Fall, Low Rise, High Rise, Fall-Rise, Rise Fall and Mid-Level.

What is each tone, in what situations it is necessary to use this or that tone, and how not to get confused in the tone system, we will figure it out below.

Characterization of tones in different types of sentences

It should be noted that stress in English is placed on nouns, semantic verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, interrogative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns that play the role of a subject, as well as possessive pronouns in absolute form. Auxiliary and modal verbs remain without stress, which do not begin a sentence, conjunctions, articles, other pronouns and particles.

What can you say about England?

In this sentence, 3 words remain stressed: what, say, England. All others are unstressed. That is why sometimes it is so difficult for us to understand foreigners: it seems that they are swallowing some words.

However, do not forget about logical stress, which makes the word stand out from the crowd. And this word can be any one you want to emphasize.

In affirmative sentences there is usually a low, descending tone that characterizes the phrase as calm, judicious.

Source: https://donschool86.ru/glagol-i-formy/osobennosti-angliiskogo-udareniya-i-intonacii-angliiskii-ritm.html

Words with incorrect stress: a list of examples in Russian that we pronounce incorrectly and why we miss the stress


How often do you become interested in someone exactly until the time when the object of your attention deigns to say something? «Sing, light, do not be ashamed! ..» («I apologize», «lodge in place», «these are their problems»), philistine phrases («I ate», «buy sausages», «we will come with a spouse»), or even completely profanity.

The most correct and effective way to correct the interlocutor is not a remark, but the correct, literary or normative, version of the word you have voiced (“No, thanks, I ate, no sausages, sorry, my husband and I were just guests”). This manner of speaking, you see, adorns no worse than diamonds!

Himself a grammar-nazi

To be sure that you are right and bring the light of knowledge and culture to the masses, you will have to start with yourself — to clean up the «flaws» of your own speech. Our editorial staff decided first of all to tackle the stress, and we got a kind of rating of 30 words, with which «shock» difficulties most often arise. Here it is, in alphabetical order and with a hint for correct stress:

  • pamper, pamper, pamper
  • bartender
  • barrel
  • water pipeline, gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline, but: electric pipeline
  • jalousie
  • enviously
  • catalog
  • quarter
  • more beautiful
  • Cooking and cooking (both options are equal)
  • marketing
  • master classes
  • extended
  • newborn
  • security
  • facilitate
  • to open
  • hinge (loop — appropriate in everyday speech)
  • call, call, call
  • pullover
  • beet
  • dancer, dancer
  • cottage cheese and cottage cheese (both options are equal)
  • tiramisu
  • right now
  • shoe
  • phenomenon
  • scoop

Source: https://rgiufa.ru/russkij-yazyk/spisok-slov-s-nepravilnym-udareniem.html

Tones and intonation scales in English

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This article will be devoted to phonetics, melody, understanding of speech and intonation pattern, tones and intonation scales in the English language.

What is phonetics and why is it needed

Phonetics — This is a branch of linguistics that studies the structure of the language, as well as the sounds of speech. First of all, we are talking about words and sound combinations, thanks to which we can understand how the language works.

Without phonetics, it is impossible to understand how foreigners speak, because everything is based on oral and written speech, as well as the work of the speech apparatus. By studying the elements of the language system, we can understand how words and sentences are composed, and what sound form they acquire. However, such an explanation of phonetics as a subject of study is incomplete. The main aspects of phonetics are as follows:

  • articulatory;
  • physical;
  • phonological;
  • perceptual.

Articulation aspect studies the sounds of speech from the point of view of its creation with the participation of the articulatory apparatus.

Physical aspect pays attention to sound as a vibration of air and notes its frequency, strength, duration.

Phonological aspect aims at the function of sounds in the language.

Perceptual the same aspect considers the perception of sounds by a person.

Popular mistakes in English among IT professionals

Based on my many years of experience in teaching English to IT specialists (programmers, business analysts, testers, marketing specialists), I have compiled a list of the most common mistakes in English among IT specialists.

1) Emphasis

content — content. Since in Russian in the word content the stress falls on the second syllable, there is a temptation to pronounce the English word as well. Be careful, you should say cOntent, where the first syllable is stressed.

repOrt… The second syllable is stressed, not the first!

suppOrt pronounced like saport.

a cOmment, to cOmment — in both the noun and the verb, the stress falls on the first syllable.

2) Pronunciation

company pronounced kampani, not kampani.
e-commerce, eco-friendly, ebay and all words with such a beginning are pronounced with the sound AND, not E (иcomers, иkofrendly, иbay).

3) Monotonous speech

If you listen to the same text read from one side carrier language, on the other hand — not a carrier language (without an accent), you can immediately understand which of them is who, even without seeing the appearance of the speakers. «Like this?» you ask.

It’s very simple: native speakers use a lot of different intonations, pauses, logical accents, from which their speech becomes lively, energetic and literally attracts attention; while non-native speakers (especially Russian speakers) are very restrained in their feelings during a conversation. A more expressive language with a wider range of emotions is especially useful during meetings, presentations, and demos.

Based on this, an urgent recommendation to dilute your speech with the help of everyone fall rise tone (descending-ascending tone) when the tone of the voice falls and then rises.

4) False friends of the translator (false friends) — words that sound the same in 2 different languages, but mean completely different concepts

accurate does not mean accurate, accurate = accurate (eg an accurate report, an accurate estimation).
to list it is not a list, a list = a list (eg a list of features).
a magazine means a magazine, not a store.
present = actual, valid, genuine (the actual name / address).

Actual problem = a relevant problem (not an actual problem).
To the question «How are you?» incorrectly answer “I’m normal”, you need to answer “I’m Ok / Nothing special”. Normal = normal, not normal (eg Normally, my working day consists of 8 hours).

a notebook = a notebook, not a laptop at all (laptop = a laptop).

5) Literal translation from Russian

Attention: below are INCORRECT examples!

I’m agree = I agree (should be I agree).

to feel yourself good = to feel good feel good).
to behave yourself well = to behave well (instead of this, one should say to behave well).
It’s warmly = warm (you need It’s warm). After It is, you need to put an adjective, not an adverb (Eg It is correct, It is necessary, It is bad).
I knew that = I knew that (right I’ve learned that

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/496620/

Syllables in English: Briefly about the Important

It is often difficult for foreigners to understand how a particular English word is read. Therefore, everyone who learns this language needs to know how the division into syllables occurs in English. This will help not only to correctly hyphenate words, but also to better understand the linguistic structure.

What are syllables in English

The syllable is a phonetic element of the language. We can talk about the importance of syllables for oral speech, while they do not participate in semantic word formation. Therefore, the syllable is also called a pronunciation unit.

Russian-speaking people can learn English syllabus by analogy with their native language. Surprisingly, in such different languages, the division into syllables is almost the same. The main rule is the dominant position of the vowels, which are syllabic sounds.

The role of syllable division in language:

  1. Formation of transfer norms. In order to correctly transfer a word from one line to another, you need to be able to divide it into parts according to the rules of syllable division.

  2. Criteria by which tokens can be divided. Syllables in English can be distinguished based on morphology, phonetics, or spelling. There is no single standard in this regard.

  3. Evolution of language. Language is a living system that is constantly changing, and changes can lead to the emergence of new rules for division into syllables.

Read the material on the topic: English Phonetics for Beginners: Learn to Speak Like a Native Speaker

The rules for dividing into syllables in English

It is not enough to know the rules of syllables in English: you also need to know which of them should be addressed in a given situation. To read an English word correctly, you must:

  1. It is correct to put stress in the word. This is important because the pronunciation of a sound depends on whether it is struck or unstressed.

  2. Determine what type of syllable you are dealing with. There are four types of syllables in English — two basic and two conventional. The same letter in closed and open syllables will be read differently.

Here the main provisions that will help to correctly divide the English word into syllables:

  • There is a rule that makes it easy to understand how many syllables are in a given word. There will be as many syllables in any English word as there are vowels. For example, we will divide the word music into syllables like this: mu-sic. In this case, each syllable will have one vowel sound. It is possible to make a mistake, paying attention not to sounds, but to letters. Look at the word take: it has two vowels, but only one sound, so this word will be monosyllabic.
  • It is important to understand that there may be no vowels in the English syllable at all. A sonorant consonant can also become a syllabary sound. These sounds that are pronounced “nose-down” are [m], [n], [l], [w], [r], and [j]. For example, the word mild consists of two syllables, although it has only one vowel.
  • Note also that the consonant at the junction of the syllables refers to the second syllable. See how the division into syllables occurs in this word: pu-pil.
  • One of the features of syllabic definition concerns the consonant l. We are talking about words in which there are several co-ordinates next to them, one of which is l. In this case, l will go to the second syllable, moreover, together with the letter that stands next to it. For example: ta-ble.
  • In a special way, English lexemes are divided into syllables, in which three or more consonants stand one after another. In this case, one of them will go to the first syllable, which will become closed: lit-tle, cen-tre.
  • Combinations of letters such as ld and nd in English form a separate syllable. Accordingly, the splitting is done like this: mi-ld, fi-nd.
  • Remember: you need to start dividing a word into syllables from the end. Usually the border between syllables is between the vowel and the consonant, from which the new syllable begins.
  • Pay special attention to words with zero sounds. If the letter is not pronounced, accordingly, it will not be displayed in the transcription and will not affect the syllabus in any way.
  • If a word contains a doubled consonant or a combination of consonants that are not pronounced as one sound, they can go to different syllables.
  • Syllables in English can be identical to prefixes and suffixes.
  • Words with the ending -ed can be divided into syllables in different ways. It can act as a syllable if the vowel «e» is pronounced. If it gives a zero sound, the ending cannot be distinguished as a syllable.
  • In this case, the ending -ing is always a separate syllable.
  • And the last rule: if a word consists of two parts, between which there is a hyphen, each of these parts should be divided into syllables independently of the other.

Read the material on the topic: Articles in English with examples and rules

Closed syllable in English

How to understand that a syllable is closed?

The main sign of a closed syllable is a consonant letter, which stands at the end and “covers” a vowel: bag, fun, plan. It can be any consonant other than «r».

  • When after a vowel under stress there are one or two more consonants at the end of a word: man — [æ], egg — [e].
  • When a vowel is closed by two or more consonants in the middle (even if there is a dumb «e» at the end): syntax — [i], butter — [ʌ]. Please note that the letter «x» corresponds to two sounds — and therefore two consonants: boxer — [o].

Here are some examples of words that have one closed syllable: stand — [æ], tent — [e], wish — [i], fun — [ʌ], clock — [ɔ]. Read them, trying to pronounce the stressed vowel abruptly, concisely.

Reading vowels in a closed syllable in English follows the following rules:

  • Aa — [æ] — close to Russian «e and a»: map.
  • Ee — [e] — «e»: fell.
  • Yy — [i] — «and»: system.
  • Ii — [i] — «and»: ill.
  • Uu — [ʌ] — «a»: uncle.
  • Oo — [ɔ] — «o»: shop.

There are a few exceptions:

Source: https://www.englishpatient.org/articles/slogi-v-anglijskom-yazyke

Such a phonetic device as stress in English deserves a detailed consideration, since, as you know, the intonation of a single syllable, word or phrase can radically affect the change in the meaning of what is said. Correctly placed stress is a guarantee that the interlocutor will understand the speaker.

Features of English stress distinguish it from Russian, since not only individual vowel syllables, but also parts of sentences are subject to stress. And the atypical intonational originality of English phrases, as you know, very often affects the meaning.

Therefore, it is necessary to give a more detailed explanation of what stress is in words and how it happens.

Characteristics of English stress

The rules of stress in English have some common features with the Russian language, however, there are perhaps even more peculiarities and differences. For example, in Russian, there are usually no situations when one word may contain not one, but two stresses. However, in English, this phenomenon is quite popular and is found in those words that consist of two separate stems:

snowball — snowball,
four-wheeled — four-wheeled, etc.

In addition, it is not always possible to easily determine where the stress falls in a word, unless the speech, of course, concerns words with one syllable. Of course, it is not necessary to convey intonational stress in the letter.

An exception is transcription, where the stress mark is always placed, representing the symbol `, reminiscent of an apostrophe and placed in front of the stressed syllable. But in any case, you will have to verbally reflect stress.

It is important to consider the rules for placing stress from the point of view of the three main types of this intonation phenomenon and determine the difference between these options.

Types of intonational stresses

In order to be able to put the correct stress in words, you need to remember that this phenomenon is characterized by a certain classification, and with each variety, certain features are used that must be taken into account. So, it is customary to highlight verbal, phrasal and logical stress.

Features of word stress

Word stress in English is most similar to Russian, as this type involves the supply of stress to emphasize one or more syllables within a word. The functions of verbal stress often imply its use to distinguish one part of speech from another:

`increase -» increase «,
in`crease — «increase», etc.

This type of intonational stress does not have a definite place of setting, and such stress can fall on the first, and on the second, and on the last syllables.

There are a number of rules to help you understand how to properly stress English words. These are detailed in the following video:

When there are two intonation highlights in a word, one of them is considered to be the main one, and the second is secondary. In this case, the main is displayed with a symbol at the top, and the secondary — at the bottom:

, improvi`sation — «improvisation»

A similar stress in English words is possible in ordinary constructions, while in Russian such a situation is permissible only when the word consists of two stems.

Basic principles of phrasal stress

The features that phrasal stress has in English can be understood from the very name of this type of intonational stress. The fact is that it is not a syllable that stands out intonationally, but a separate word in a phrase in order to focus the interlocutor’s attention on a specific unit of the sentence and purposefully highlight it. The parts of speech that are usually highlighted can be very different: nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.

In order to understand how to correctly put this type of stress, it is enough to concentrate on a specific meaning. Then this task will surely not cause problems.

Features of logical stress

Logical stress is very similar to phrasal stress, which is used to emphasize a certain word to convey the speaker’s idea to the listener. For example: «He is responsible for this task but not me — He is responsible for this task, not me.» The intonational emphasis of pronouns in this sentence allows you to convey to the listener the fact that it is he, and not I, who is responsible for a specific task; the emphasis is on the performer.

It is not difficult to figure out how to put stress correctly, you just need to understand what kind of meaning you need to convey to the interlocutor, and then you will want to select a certain word automatically. This rule of setting intonational stress is very often used in colloquial speech, when the speaker expressively expresses his feelings.

Thus, the intonational features of the pronunciation of words and phrases in English imply stresses of several types. Taking into account the peculiarities of each of them will allow you to express this or that thought as accurately and expressively as possible, and the interlocutor will have a complete picture of what the speaker wants to say.

Underverbal percussion, following T.I. Shevchenko, in this manual is understood as «the selection, or properties of selection, syllables against the background of other syllables in the word.» For example, in the word [ˈɪnstɪŋkt], the first sound [ɪ] acquires a special emphasis in comparison with [ɪ] in the second syllable, so the first syllable of the word is stressed.

Languages ​​differ from each other by means of achieving the emphasis of a syllable in a word. The emphasis of a syllable in a word can be a)dynamic, i.e. achieved by forceful selection (the syllable is pronounced louder than other syllables in the word), 6)musical or tonal, i.e.

is achieved by pronouncing the stressed syllable at a different tonal level compared to other syllables in the word or by changing the direction of the tone of the stressed syllable, at)quantitative, i.e. achieved by lengthening the stressed vowel, d)qualitative (distinguished by some linguists, in particular, G.P. Torsuev).

Emphasis is achieved by maintaining the quality of the vowels in the stressed position. In the unstressed position, the vowel is reduced.

V.A. Vasiliev believes that it is unfair to separate the quantitative and qualitative type of stress from dynamic stress, since the vowel of a dynamically highlighted syllable is at the same time longer than a vowel in an unstressed position.

Recent instrumental studies of the acoustical nature of verbal stress in English have shown that the effect of accent emphasis on a syllable is achieved not only by pronouncing it with greater force or intensity at the acoustic level or greater loudness at the perceptual level, but also by longitude. Word stress is a specific pattern of relationships among all syllables of a word, regulated by pitch strength, quality, and quantity.

2. Degree and position of stress in a word

The functional approach to stress allows you to analyze a word from the point of view of an accent, a phonological unit of the prosodic level, which is a collection of stresses of different strengths. For example, the accent of the word combination [ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn] is represented by 3 syllables with different degrees of stress: kɒm– weakly stressed, bɪn– unstressed, neɪʃn– unstressed, neɪʃ.

British phoneticists distinguish three degrees of verbal stress: a) the main stress falls on the main stressed syllable, b) the secondary stress falls on a semi-stressed syllable, c) weak stress falls on unstressed syllables.

The main stress is indicated by a vertical bar on top in front of the beginning of a syllable, auto-degree — by a bar below. Light impacts are not marked with special icons.

For example, the word infinitive [ɪn-ˈfɪ-nɪ-tɪv] consists of four syllables, the third end of the syllable is stressed, the rest of the three syllables are unstressed.

The word indivisibility [ˈɪn-dɪ-ˌvɪ-zɪ-ˈbɪ-lɪ-tɪ] consists of seven syllables, of which the third and seventh syllables from the end of the word have the main stress, the fifth from the end of the word has a secondary stress, the remaining four are unstressed.

It should be remembered that in every five-six-compound word with the main stress on the third syllable from the end, there must also be a secondary stress on the first or second syllable from the beginning of the word.

Some words consisting of two morphemes have two main accents: re-write [ˈrɪ-ˈraɪt], fourteen [ˈfɔ: -ˈti: n], which indicates the semantic significance of these morphemes.

The position of word stress in English is a product of historical development, conditioned by the influence of two trends: recessive and rhythmic.

The recessive tendency (the most ancient) is the emphasis of the root syllable. Most words of Germanic origin have an emphasis on the first syllable: ˈclever, ˈbody, ˈwater, ˈsinging. If a word includes a prefix with a preferential meaning, the stress is shifted to the first root syllable: beˈgin, misˈtake.

The recessive trend is the result of the influence of the Germanic and French accent patterns. The agreed tendency is stressed in the third syllable from the end of the word: arˈticulate. Rhythmic stress is characteristic of words with the suffixes -ate, -fy, -ize: ˈsituate, ˈqualify, ˈcentralize.

Most syllable words have a recessive stress on the root syllable: ˈfinish, ˈanswer.

Some French borrowings retained the stress on the last syllable: poˈlice, maˈchine.

In three-syllable words, the stressed is the third syllable from the end: ˈcinema, ˈenemy. Four-syllable words can have both recessive and rhythmic stress: ˈarchitect, reˈmarkable, ˈcriticism.

Representatives of the American Phonological School B. Blok, J. Traiger, G.A. Gleason, in addition to the three indicated degrees of stress, distinguish the fourth stress degree — tertiary stress (tertiary stress).

The tertiary stress is placed behind the main stress, while the secondary stress precedes the main stress.

Tertiary stress is usually associated with American English, where in words with the suffixes -ary, -ory, -ony, the penultimate syllable receives this type of emphasis: dictionary [ˈdɪkʃəˌnerɪ], territory [ˈterɪˌtɔ: rɪ], ceremony [ˈserɪˌməʊnɪ].

Date _______________________

Topic: «Word stress»

Goal and tasks

    To systematize and clarify the knowledge of students about stress Form an idea of ​​the meaningful role of stress in words; Expand vocabulary, develop children’s speech; Develop thinking, creativity, interest in learning the Russian language.

Form of carrying out:practical work

Equipment: cards for completing tasks

Course of the lesson

1. Org. Moment

2 The main part.

Everyone knows what stress is, even if they cannot clearly formulate the definition of this word. How important is it to stress correctly in English? Can incorrect stress change the meaning of a word? Should all words in a sentence be stressed? Let’s look at it in order.

Percussion Syllables

The correct formulation of stress in English is important primarily because numerous reading rules depend on the stress and unstressed syllable. For example, if an open syllable is under stress, then the vowel in it is read as it is called in the alphabet: cucumber [«kju: kʌmbə] — the stress falls on the first syllable.

If we assume that this word should have an accent on the second syllable, then it would read like, and if on the third, then. In other words, an incorrectly placed stress changes the sound of the word, which means it makes it difficult to understand. By the way, you need to remember that in English the stress mark is placed in front of the stressed syllable, and not above it, as in Russian. Another important point: in fluent speech, sometimes stress helps to distinguish similar words. For example:

    PHOtograph, phoTOgrapher, photoGRAPHic.

These three words have different stressed syllables to avoid confusion when speaking at a fast pace.

Top 5 simplest rules

1. If there are 2 syllables in a noun or adjective, then the stress usually falls on the first syllable: “HAPpy”, “SOfa”, “SISter”, “PAper”, “SILly”, “CLEver”.

If the verb has 2 syllables, then the stress often falls on the second syllable: «beGIN», «atTEND», «exPLAIN», «supPORT». For some words, stress is the only way to distinguish between a noun and a verb:

    a PREsent — to preSENT; an INcrease — to inCREASE; an OBject — to obJECT.

3. In words with different «smart» suffixes, the stress is placed immediately before the suffix:

    Able: enJOYable, dePendable; Ary: LIBRary, DIary; Graphy: geOgraphy, calLIgraphy;

Source: https://ronozhi.ru/pravilnoe-udarenie-v-angliiskom-yazyke-udarenie-pravila.html

Pronunciation rules for English numbers and numbers

A lot of English students are often confused about the pronunciation of numbers and numbers in English.

In this lesson, we will cover three important aspects of number pronunciation in English.

1. Stress when pronouncing numbers

When pronouncing numbers ending in a syllable «Teen», the stress falls on the second syllable. For example: fifteen, seventeen.

When pronouncing numbers — tens, such as 50, 90, etc. the stress falls on the first syllable. For example: fifty, estateety.

2. Sound pronunciation «T» in numbers in American English

Listen carefully to the video for an example of the pronunciation of words: nineteen и ninety, pay attention to the pronunciation of the sound / t /.

As you probably noticed, in the second case, when pronouncing the word ninety, the sound / t / is pronounced as / d /.

Americans came up with this rule of pronunciation of numbers on purpose so as not to confuse numbers from 13 to 20 with numbers ending in 0, such as 30 — 90.

Thus, the second rule sounds like this: In numbers ending in a syllable / ty / in most cases, the sound / t / is pronounced as / d /.

There are two exceptions to this rule, these are the numbers «fifty» and «sixty«

3. Stress in numbers consisting of several words

When pronouncing a number consisting of several words, the stress falls on the last word.

For example (words in bold are stressed):

817 — eight one SEVEN

1989 — nineteen eighty NINE

Training Exercises — Repeat after teacher:

How much does it cost? — It’s $ 17.99

What time is it? — It’s five fifteen.

How old are they? — He’s forty FIVE, and his wife is thirty NINE.

Consider another case where students make mistakes very often:

Pronunciation of ordinal numbers:

Ordinal numbers in English are generally formed by adding the / th / ending. We will now talk about the pronunciation of this ending.

With numbers ending in a digit from 1 to 9, everything is simple: fifth, sixth, seventh

19 th — nineteenth

But numbers that end in zero (zero) are pronounced a little differently — an auxiliary sound is added between the number and the added suffix / th /. Listen to examples in the video.

20th twentieth

30th third

Pronunciation of numbers from 1 to 12 in English

Pronunciation of numbers from 13 to 20 in English

English Joke

A man had been drinking at the bar for hours when he mentioned something about his girlfriend being out in the car. The bartender, concerned because it was so cold, went to check on her. When he looked inside the car, he saw the man’s friend, Dave, and his girlfriend kissing one another.

The bartender shook his head and walked back inside. He told the drunk that he thought it might be a good idea to check on his girlfriend. The fellow staggered outside to the car, saw his buddy and his girlfriend kissing, then walked back into the bar laughing.

«What’s so funny?» the bartender asked.

«That stupid Dave!» the fellow chortled, «He’s so drunk, he thinks he’s me!»

Source: https://www.lovelylanguage.ru/pronunciation/video-lesson/281-pronunciation-of-numbers

How to put stress in words in which everyone makes mistakes. Instructions

Recently, the publishing house «Bombora» published a book by a former Russian language teacher who became a blogger, Tatiana Gartman, «Speech is like a sword.» In her channel «Uchilka vs TV» Tatiana analyzes the mistakes of presenters, journalists, actors and politicians, and in the book she has collected the most popular of them. Sobaka.ru publishes an excerpt from it — about the stress in the most difficult words, how they were formed and how to remember them once and for all.

Oral speech is in no way simpler than written. Often I hear, for example, how people characterize their speech in this way: «I speak well, but I write with mistakes.» Of course, I am not Stanislavsky, but I don’t believe it. If a person speaks well, without mistakes, then he will write correctly.

According to my observations, this is mainly the position of people who do not notice their own mistakes, or, more simply, do not know how to pronounce some words correctly. In this tutorial, we will focus on the most difficult nouns, in which many are mistaken.

And, by the way, it is precisely by the ability to correctly place the stress in such words that one can judge the general literacy of a person.

A mixture of French with Nizhny Novgorod

A huge layer of the vocabulary of the Russian language is made up of borrowed words. Most often, the stresses in them are preserved, that is, they are placed in the same way as in the source language. It is well known about the French language that the stress in it is fixed and always falls on the last syllable. By the way, words with an emphasis on the last syllable are called oxytones. There are also many oxytons in Russian, and some of them came to us from French — either directly or in transit from other languages.

One of the most obvious French words is blinds. It even sounds in Russian with a corresponding accent. Interestingly, the word «blinds» literally means «envy, jealousy», and it seems to contain a hint that such curtains allow you to spy on someone. And here are rhymes that will help you remember that the stress in this word is on the last syllable.

Very hot! Bring

We have blinds for windows!

Another Russified Frenchman is fetish, and in this word they often try to emphasize the first syllable. This is not true, here the emphasis falls on I.

And where are you in such a hurry?

After all, work is not a fetish.

The word apostrophe means a superscript comma. In Russian, this sign is used mainly for writing foreign surnames, primarily French and English: d’Artagnan, O’Hara, Jeanne d’Arc, as well as in the names of various places from the state of Côte d’Ivoire to the Ca’d palace ‘Oro in Venice, in the name of which there are already two apostrophes.

Have written many stanzas

Do not forget the apostrophe.

The French language gave us many more oxytones, including whooping cough disease or, for example, the Chasse transport platform. And the expert got into Russian from Latin, but not directly, but also through French. In about the same way I came to our language and the dispensary, only from English. Therefore, apparently, there is a desire to call him a dispensary, as in English, but the French version of dispensary is still recognized as the literary norm.

Anyone with measles, for example

Sent immediately to the dispensary.

It is not known for certain about the word «basilik», from which language it came to Russian. There are two assumptions — from Latin or from French. That is why the stress in this word fluctuated between the second and third syllables for a long time, but in the end French won. And by the way, basilic is one of the favorite herbs of Vegans.

The word vegan itself appeared in Russian as a borrowing from English and retains the stress of the source language on the first syllable. Therefore, it is correct to say — Vegan, Vegan. And vegans are happy to include other herbs in their diet — cilantro (not cilantro) and sorrel (not sorrel).

A furry bumblebee has arrived

And he sat down on the sorrel.

From other languages

The word «Abris» is of German origin, and its exact translation is «drawing, plan». As in German, the stress in this word falls on the first syllable. But its most accurate meaning is determined by the synonym «contour», in which the stress is also placed on the first syllable — and this is a good clue to memorize.

No one sailed to forgotten shores

Only the outline of the island sometimes flashed to me there,

Where the dawn is clear, when it shines without the sun,

He marks the boundary of his horizons.

(V. Bryusov, «Closed»)

From German, the word «katarsis» came to our language with the preservation of the stress on the first syllable, and libido and medikament — from Latin, and in these words the stress is the same as in the source language. The stress on O — in the word «dogma», the same stress on O — in the word «dogma». Both words — dogma and dogma — are borrowed from Greek, where the stress also falls on the first syllable.

Apostle Peter, take your keys

Worthy of paradise knocks on his door.

Colloquium with the church fathers there

Will show that I was straight in the dogma.

(N. Gumilev, «Paradise»)

From the same Greek the word “phenOmen” came into the Russian language. But before that, it was also borrowed by the French, and therefore, perhaps, sometimes I just want to say «phenomEn». And this, by the way, is not always wrong. The fact is that the word «phenomenon» has two meanings: a phenomenon in science and something rare, unique, most often this is what they say about a person.

The explosion is guilty, and therefore we are guilty —

Excuse the cost of our fights.

But the phenomenon entered the breakthroughs of the boom —

Millions Tsvetaeva and Pasternak.

(A. Voznesensky, «Instruction»)

So, in this word, in the first meaning, the stress should be on O, and in the second meaning, both options are allowed: the phenomenon and the phenomenon. And in order not to be mistaken, you need to remember the stress on O, it will always be correct.

The word «graffiti» is borrowed from the Italian language along with the stress on the second syllable. This happened recently, although scientists believe that the earliest graffiti appeared in the twentieth century BC.

No, just look!

There is graffiti on the wall again.

And the word «transfer» did not retain the stress of the source language (English). But it can be considered an international term, and this explains the French version of the stress, which has settled in the Russian language.

Capricious norm

Language is a living organism, and changes are constantly taking place in it. The rules regarding stress are also changing. Earlier in the word «illness» the stress on the first syllable was considered normative, but now it is a mistake, and it is correct to say «ill».

In the languor of passionate illness,

In the fields of fierce battles

In the quiet of an unmown meadow

Don’t forget your prayers.

(A. Blok, «Look for a clue to expectations»)

The changes also affected the word «squint». The old norm «prIshchur» has become a thing of the past, and the language has an emphasis on the second syllable — prIshUr, by analogy with the verb «squint».

But again, behind empty distances,

Red, as if after a storm,

The sun rose with the thought of the desert

In a red-hot dream

(N. Matveeva, «Hoarfrost»)

Explains the head of the «School of literacy of the Romanovs» Natalia Romanova

Source: http://m.sobaka.ru/city/science/97181

Simple rules for stress in English

By Alina Skorokhodova Mar 10, 2020

Stress in the phonetics of English is considered in detail because of the ability to highlight intonationally not only words, but also phrases, as well as to change the meaning of what is said. Correctly placed stress is responsible for understanding the interlocutor and the course of the conversation.

Distinctive features of English stress are both in the isolation of the vowel sound in the syllable, and in the selection of a part of the sentence during pronunciation. Atypical intonation of English phrases often transforms meaning. Therefore, it is important for students to understand in detail the features of stress.

Types of stress in English

There are 3 types of donation in English:

  • verbal, which is indicated by a special symbol [‘] in the transcription of English;
  • phrasal;
  • logical.

Stress functions

In English, a competent stress setting determines the reading rules, which are influenced by the unstressed or stressed syllable. Stress is a means that serves for the phonetic organization of a lexeme, creates the unity of the verbal shell of sounds. It divides words in a speech stream.

Stress will help out when distinguishing similar lexical units:

  • monograph [ˈmɒnəɡrɑːf] -monograph;
  • monographer [mɒˈnɒɡrəfə] — the author of the monograph;
  • monographic [mɒnə (ʊ) ˈɡrafɪk] — monographic.

Different stressed syllables help to avoid confusion in the perception of fluent English.

The rhythm of the melody of phrases is determined by different types of stress, which enhance the sound of certain components in speech and emphasize the content.

Word stress in English

If one or several syllables are distinguished in a lexical unit, we are talking about verbal stress. In addition, the syllable under stress is pronounced more energetically.

The importance of word stress for a word lies in the difference in grammatical forms — parts of speech:

  • import [ˈɪmpɔːt] — import, meaning / noun — import [ɪmˈpɔːt] — import, imply / verb;
  • abstract [ˈæbstrækt] — synopsis, summary (noun) — absract [æbˈstrækt]— to abstract, extract (verb).

The peculiarity of English is the setting of stress in front of the stressed syllable in the word, in contrast to Russian, where the vowel sound is highlighted. Compound words that include more than four syllables have two accents.

The main stress is indicated by the symbol above, the secondary stress is indicated below:

shopkeeper [ˈʃɒp͵kiːpə] — the owner of a (small) store;

get-together [ˈɡettə͵ɡeðə] — meeting, gathering;

semi-automatic — [ˌsemiˌɒtəˈmætɪk] — semi-automatic.

While it is common practice to place an accent in this way in English, it is rare in Russian.

If there are 2 syllables in a noun or adjective

In the presence of two syllables in an adjective or noun, the emphasis, as a rule, falls on the first:

Part of speech Word Transcription Transfer
Noun critic [ˈKrɪtɪk] critic
Noun dreamer [ˈDriːmə] dreamer
Noun lorry [ˈLɒrɪ] truck
Noun monkey [ˈMʌŋkɪ] a monkey
Noun scissors [ˈSɪzəz] scissors
Adjective Alpine [ˈÆlpaɪn] Alpine
Adjective fits [ˈPɜːfɪkt] a great
Adjective merry [ˈMeri] cheerful
Adjective golden [ˈꞬəʊld (ə) n] gold
Adjective vapid [ˈVæpɪd] insipid, tasteless

If the verb has 2 syllables

When a verb consists of 2 syllables, the second syllable is usually stressed:

Word Transcription Transfer
Believe [bɪˈliːv] believe
connect [kəˈnekt] tie, connect
desire [dɪˈzaɪə] want
expect [ɪkˈspekt] expect
forget [fəˈɡet] forget
inform [ɪnˈfɔːrm] inform
omit [əˈmɪt] do not include, skip

Source: https://eng911.ru/rules/udarenie.html

Word stress in English: basic rules

Emphasizing one or more syllables in a word is called word stress. The syllable on which the emphasis falls is pronounced more energetically and during pronunciation the organs of speech are tense. Word stress in English is very consonant with Russian stress, so it will be quite easy to deal with this topic.

When pronouncing a word, stress is of great importance, as it helps to distinguish one grammatical form from another. For example:

  • ‘hands (nominative plural)
  • ruk’i (genitive singular)

Fundamental rules

In English, word stress allows you to distinguish one part of speech from another:

  • ex’port (verb «export»)
  • ‘export (noun «export»)

as well as a compound word from a free combination of words:

  • » blackboard
  • ‘black’ board

In English, the stress mark is placed in front of the stressed syllable, and not on the vowel of the stressed syllable, as in Russian.

Both in Russian and in English, word stress is free and can fall on different syllables of words.

  • In English: ‘animal, be’fore, repre’sent
  • In Russian: ‘year, year’a, year’oy.

Polysyllabic words, where there are more than four syllables, can have two or even three stresses, one of which is the main one and is indicated by an icon at the top of the stressed syllable, the other is secondary, which is placed at the bottom of the stressed syllable:

  • ‚Demon’stration (demo)
  • ‚Indi, visi’bility (indivisibility)

In Russian, two stresses can be found only in compound words: ‚Dark green.


The stress falls on the first syllable:

  • ‘tennis’ tennis — tennis
  • ‘mom’ public — public
  • ‘centner’ center — center
  • ‘soon’ different — different
  • ‘climate’ climate — climate

The stress falls on the second syllable:

  • ru’chey en’tire — whole, whole
  • mu’ka oc’casion — case
  • mo’roz ap’prove — approve
  • step’noy ex’pense — consumption
  • love de’part — to leave

Words with major and minor stress:

  • ‘light’ gray, ad, mini’stration — administration
  • ‚Shipbuilding, popu’lation — population
  • ‚Crustacean, conti’nental — continental
  • biblio, teko’vedenie, acci’dental — random
  • ‚God’s word, contra’dictory — contradictory

Changing the place of word stress

The forms of a large number of nouns coincide with the forms of verbs, but differ from them in stress — nouns are stressed on the first syllable, and the corresponding verbs on the second.

The same phenomenon can be seen in the Russian language. It refers to the form of the same word.

  • arrеzat — bleedаthe
  • реki — riversи
  • руki — handsи

Stress in compound words

If a word has two different roots, then it is called compound. In this case, words can be written together, separately or through a dash, while their meaning is a single whole.

In Russian, compound words include words such as: airplane, steamer, pale pink, explosive etc.

Most English compound nouns stress the first component of a compound word.

For example:

  • ‘reading-lamp — table lamp
  • ‘sitting-room — living room
  • ‘writing-desk — desk

Two equal stresses on both elements have words such as:

  • ‘arm’chair — armchair
  • ‘ice-‘cream — ice cream

Source: https://englandlearn.com/abc/slovesnoe-udarenie

Accent in English

Basically, the most commonly used nouns, adjectives, and adverbs of the English language tend to be stressed on the first syllable. In verbs with prefixes, as a rule, the stress is placed on the second syllable, that is, on the first syllable of the root after the prefix.

Words in English cannot have 2 unstressed syllables at the beginning of a word; one of these syllables will be stressed. If a word has 4 or more syllables, it usually has 2 stresses: main (strong) and secondary (weak) stress.

In addition, the secondary stress can be present together with the main stress in short words in the syllable in which the vowel continues to be long and strong.

Prefixes can often be stressed in nouns and much less often in verbs.

Suffixes at the end of a word are rarely stressed, with the exception of some suffixes of nouns, verbs and adjectives, which are usually stressed: `ciga`RETTE, Chi`NESE,` ORga`nize, `SIGni`fy,` DECo`rate …

Longer derivative words have a prefix stress or suffix according to the typical stress patterns that are given below. The endings are not stressed. Next, we will consider when and how stress is placed in English.

Stress rules in English derivative words

In derived words, the stress can remain the same as in the original word from which it is formed, or it can be changed in some way. For example, in the case of nouns and verbs formed from each other, such types of patterns are often observed:

Same stress:

deNIal (noun), deNY (verb)

deFENCE (noun), deFEND (verb)

reVIEW (noun), reVIEW (verb)

Stress Offset:

reFER (verb), reFerence (noun)

OBject (noun), obJECT (verb)

INcrease (noun), inCREASE (verb)

When any part of speech is formed from a noun and a verb, then there are a number of typical stress patterns:

Adjectives are usually stressed on the first syllable or have the same stress as the noun from which it was formed, for example, fate (noun) — FATal (adjective), COLor (noun) — COLorful (adjective). However, stress can change in longer derivative adjectives such as METal (noun) — meTALlic (adjective), geOLogy (noun) — `geo`LOGical (adjective).

In adverbs, as a rule, the stress is on the first syllable, or they have the same stress as in the adjectives from which they were formed, for example: ANgry — ANgrily, athLETic — athLETically.

The gerund and participle have the same stress as the verbs from which they are derived, for example: CANcel (cancel) — CANceling — CANceled.

Acceleration of derivative words

In derived words, the stress can remain the same as in the original word from which it is formed, or it can be changed in some way. For example, in the case of nouns and verbs formed from each other, such types of patterns are often observed:

Same stress:

deNIal (noun), deNY (verb)

deFENCE (noun), deFEND (verb)

reVIEW (noun), reVIEW (verb)

Stress Offset:

reFER (verb), reFerence (noun)

OBject (noun), obJECT (verb)

INcrease (noun), inCREASE (verb)

When any part of speech is formed from a noun and a verb, then there are a number of typical stress patterns:

Adjectives are usually stressed on the first syllable or have the same stress as the noun from which it was formed, for example, fate (noun) — FATal (adjective), COLor (noun) — COLorful (adjective). However, stress can change in longer derivative adjectives such as METal (noun) — meTALlic (adjective), geOLogy (noun) — `geo`LOGical (adjective).

In adverbs, as a rule, the stress is on the first syllable, or they have the same stress as in the adjectives from which they were formed, for example: ANgry — ANgrily, athLETic — athLETically.

The gerund and participle have the same stress as the verbs from which they are derived, for example: CANcel (cancel) — CANceling — CANceled.

Typical stress patterns

Let’s consider typical examples of English words stress. The main factors influencing stress are the number of syllables contained in a word and what this word is — a noun, adjective or verb.

Monosyllabic words

In monosyllabic nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, the stress is placed on the vowel sound. It should be noted that diphthongs in English are one complex vowel sound that forms only one syllable. In a diphthong, the stress is on its first principal component.

cat, rain, book, boat, beer, crow;

read, take, burn, choose, hear, laugh;

new, bright, short, clear, loud;

fast, late, now, here.

Two-syllable words

Consider nouns.

Nouns with two syllables are usually stressed on their first syllable:

Source: https://www.comenglish.ru/udarenie-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

Stress in English: how to determine the stressed syllable

On this page you can familiarize yourself with the stress setting rule in English:

— two important rules for stating stress in English — dividing a word into syllables — designating a stressed syllable in transcription — rules for stressing the first syllable — rules for stressing the last syllable — rules for stressing the second syllable from the end — rules for stressing the third syllable from the end

— rules of stress in compound words


In English, we don’t pronounce every syllable with the same strength. In each single word, the stress falls only on one syllable. We pronounce this syllable louder and clearerand everyone else quieter and less audible.

An example of stress setting

Let’s consider this phenomenon in the following example — let’s take three words photograph, photographer и PhotoGraphic… Do they sound the same? No. This is because we strike one particular syllable, and each time it is different. Thus, the schematic representation of each of the words we have taken is different.


word image


number of syllables




‘. …


№ 1


… ‘. …


№ 2


… … ‘.


№ 3

This happens in all two or more complex words: TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting, imPORtant, deMAND, etc.

The importance of correct stress

Unstressed syllables are weak, quiet and less clear. Native speakers, perceiving someone’s speech by ear, are guided by drums syllables, not unstressed. Thus, if you correctly place the stress in words, you automatically improve your pronunciation and listening skills.

Stress rules in English

There are two extremely important rules for placing stress in English:

  1. One word — one main stressed syllable. (There cannot be two main stresses in one word (meaning main stress). If you hear two stresses, these are two words. In some words, the presence of a secondary stress is possible, but it is much weaker than the main stress and occurs only in long words.)
  2. The stress always falls on the vowel.

To understand the rules for stating stress, you need to understand how words are divided into syllables. Each word consists of a number of syllables: one, two, three or more syllables.


number of syllables































Please note that (with a few rare exceptions) each syllable contains at least one vowela letter (a, e, i, o or u) or vowel.

Stress notation

There are a number of rules about which syllable is stressed. As you learn a new word, you also need to remember where the stress falls in it. If you are unsure, you need to consult the dictionary.

They all give a transcription, which denotes the phonetic spelling of the word. The stressed syllable is usually indicated by the apostrophe (‘), standing directly before or after stressed syllable.

However, these rules are quite complex and can vary from vocabulary to vocabulary.


vocabulary A





/ plæs’tIk /

/ ‘plæs tIk /

Stress on the first syllable




disyllabic nouns



disyllabic adjectives

PRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy

 Accent on the last syllable




disyllabic verbs

to preSENT, to export, to deCIDE, to beGIN

In English, there are a large number of disyllabic words whose meaning changes with the change of stress. So the word present, for example, consists of two syllables. If the stress falls on the first syllable, then it is a noun («gift») or an adjective («present»).

But if the stress falls on the second syllable, this word becomes a verb («to offer»). This group includes the following words, whose meaning directly depends on where the stress falls: export, import, contract и object.

Stress on the second syllable from the end



The words,

ending in -ic

GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGic

The words,

ending in sion и production

teleVIsion, reveLAtion

There are a number of words where native speakers disagree about where the stress is. For example, some say televisionwhile others say TELEvisionAnother example of a similar double standard: CONtroversy и conTROversy.

Stress on the third syllable from the end



The words,

ending in cy, ty, physical и gy

deMOcracy, dependentBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogy

The words,

ending in -to the

CRItical, geoLOGical

Compound words



Complex of nouns

stress falls on first часть

BLACKbird, GREENhouse

Complex adjectives

stress falls on the second часть

bad-TEMPERED, old-FASHioned

Complex verbs

stress falls on the second часть

to underSTAND, to overFLOW

Additional materials:

Source: https://www.activeenglish.ru/vocabulary/udarenie-v-anglijskom-jazyke-word-stress/

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Word stressStress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain sylla...

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Word stressStress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain sylla...

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    Word stress
    Stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word, or to certain words in a phrase or sentence. The term is also used for similar patterns of phonetic prominence inside syllables. The word accent is sometimes also used with this sense.

  • SO…Word stress (WS) can be defined as the 
singling out of one or more syllab...

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    Word stress (WS) can be defined as the
    singling out of one or more syllables in a
    word, which is accompanied by the
    change of the force of utterance, pitch of
    the voice, qualitative and quantitative
    characteristics of the sound which is usually
    a vowel.

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    If we compare stressed and unstressed syllables in the two contract, we may note that in the stressed syllable:
    the force of utterance is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;

    the pitch of the voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords and the walls of the resonance chamber

    the quantity of the vowel is greater, a vowel becomes longer;

    the quality of the vowel !& in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel in the unstressed position, in why it is more narrow than.

  • The phonetic manifestation of stress varies from language to language. In dif...

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    The phonetic manifestation of stress varies from language to language. In different languages one of the factors constituting word stress is usually more significant than the others. According to the most salient feature the following types of word stress are distinguished in different languages:
    dynamic or force stress if special prominence in a stressed syllable(syllables) is achieved mainly through the intensity of articulation;

    musical or tonic stress if special prominence is achieved mainly through the change of pitch, or musical tone.

    quantitative stress if special prominence is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, which are longer in the stressed syllables than in the unstressed ones.

    qualitative stress if special prominence is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel under stress. Vowel reduction is often used as a manipulation of quality in unstressed syllables.

  • Place and degrees of Word StressOne of the ways of reinitiating the

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    Place and degrees of Word Stress

    One of the ways of reinitiating the
    prominence of syllables is
    manipulating the degree of stress.
    There is controversy about degrees
    of WS in English and their
    terminology. Strictly speaking,
    polysyllabic word has as many
    degrees of stress as there are
    syllables in it.
    Designating strongest syllable by 1, the second strongest by 2, etc., we may represent the distribution Jesses in the following example:
    examination indivisibility
    igzemineSin indivizibiloti
    32415 2536174

    The majority of British phoneticians
    (D. Jones, Kingdon, A. C. Gimson
    among them) and Russian
    phoneticians (V. A. Vassilyev,
    Shakhbagova) consider that there
    are three degrees of word-stress in
    primary — the strongest
    secondary — the second strongest, partial, and
    weak — all the other degrees.

    The syllables bearing either primary
    or secondary stress are termed
    stressed, while syllables with weak
    stress are called, somewhat
    inaccurately, unstressed.

  • The American scholars bloch & trager distinguish 4 types of WSOther Ameri...

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    The American scholars bloch & trager distinguish 4 types of WS

    Other American linguists also distinguish four degrees of word stress but term them:

    Reduced loud


  • Stress can be characterized as fixed and free. In languages with fixed type o...

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    Stress can be characterized as fixed and free. In languages with fixed type of stress the place of stress is always the same.
    In English and Russian word-stress is free, that is it may fall any syllable in a word;

    Stress in English and in Russian is not only free but also shifting. In both languages the place of stress may shift, which helps to differentiate different parts of speech, e.g. `insult—to in`sult, `import—to im`port.

  • Examples of shifting:preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun)

reFER (verb) – REFerenc...

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    Examples of shifting:
    preSENT (verb) – PRESent (noun)

    reFER (verb) – REFerence (noun)

    exTRACT (verb) – EXtract (noun)

    inCREASE (verb) – INcrease (noun)

    OBject (noun) – obJECT (verb)

  • Functions and tendencies of the English stress1. Word stress constitutes a wo...

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    Functions and tendencies of the English stress
    1. Word stress constitutes a word, it organizes
    the syllables of a word Into a language unit
    having a definite accentual structure, that is
    a pattern of relationship among the syllables;

    a word does not exist without the word stress.
    Thus the word stress performs the constitutive 
    function. Sound continuum becomes a phrase
    when it is divided into units organized by word
    stress into words.

  • 2. Word stress enables a person to identify a 
succession of syllables as a d...

    10 слайд

    2. Word stress enables a person to identify a
    succession of syllables as a definite accentual
    pattern of a word. This function of word stress
    as known as identificatory(or recognitive).

    Correct accentuation helps the listener to make the process of communication easier, whereas the distortedaccentual pattern of words, misplaced word stresses prevent normal understanding.

  • 3. Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or th...

    11 слайд

    3. Word stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or their forms, thus performing its distinctive function. The accentual patterns of words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form oppositions, e.g. ‘import — im’port, ‘billow — below.

  • TendencIes of WSRecessive. The accentual structure of English wo...

    12 слайд


    of WS

    Recessive. The accentual structure of English words is liable to instability due to the different origin of several layers in the Modern English word-stock. In Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial syllable or the second syllable, the root syllable in the English words with prefixes. It is seen in the native English words having no prefix, e.g. mother, daughter, brother, swallow; in assimilated French borrowings, e.g. reason, colour, restaurant etc.

    Rhythmical. The rhythm of alternating stressed and unstressed syllables gave birth to the rhythmical tendency in the present-day English which caused the appearance of the secondary stress in the multisyllabic French borrowings, e.g. revolution, organi’sation, assimilation, etc.

    Retentive. Was traced in the instability of the accentual structure of English word stress: a derivative often retains the stress of the original or parent word, e.g. ‘similar — as’simitate, recom’mend — recommen ‘dation.

  • Typology of accentual structuresThe numerous variations of English word stres...

    13 слайд

    Typology of accentual structures
    The numerous variations of English word stress are systematized in the typology of accentual structure of English words worked out by G.P. Torsuyev. He classifies them according to the number of stressed syllables, their degree or character (the main and the secondary stress). The distribution of stressed syllables within the word accentual types forms accentual structures of words. Accentual types and accentual structures are closely connected with the morphological type of words, with the number of syllables, the semantic value of the root and the prefix of the word.

  • The accentual types are:1. ['___]. This accentual type marks both simple and...

    14 слайд

    The accentual types are:
    1. [‘___]. This accentual type marks both simple and compound words. The accentual structures of this type may include two and more syllables,
    e.g. ‘fafher, ‘possibly, ‘mother-in-law, ‘gas-pipe.

    2. [ ‘_ ‘_ ]. The accentual type is commonly realized in compound words, most of them are with separable prefixes,
    e.g. ‘radio-‘active, ‘re’write, ‘diso’bey.

    3. [ ‘_’ _ ‘_ ] and
    4. [‘_’ _ ‘_ ‘_]. The accentual types are met in initial compound abbreviations
    e.g. ‘U’S’A, ‘U’S’S’R.

    5. [‘_ ,___]. The type is realized both in simple and compound words, very common among compound words,
    e.g. ‘hair-,dresser, ‘substructure.

    6. [, _’___]. The accentual type marks a great number of simple words and some compound words as well. In simple words the stresses fall onto:
    e.g.1. the prefix and the root: maga’zine;
    2. the root and the suffix: ,hospi’tality;
    3. the prefix and the suffix: disorganization.

  • The other five types are rare and found in small number of words.

The most w...

    15 слайд

    The other five types are rare and found in small number of words.

    The most widely spread among the enumerated accentual types are supposed to be Type 1, Type 2, Type 5 and Type 6.

    The variability of the word accentual structure is multiplied in
    connected speech. The accentual structure of words may be
    altered under the influence of rhythm, e.g. An ‘unpolished ‘stone
    but: The ‘stone was un’polished.

    The tempo of speech may influence the accentual pattern of words.
    With the quickening of the speed the carefulness of articulation is
    diminished, the vowels are reduced or elided, the secondary stress
    may be dropped, e.g. The ‘whole organi’zation of the ‘meeting
    was ‘faulty.

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