Translation examples
wort geschichte
They were, in other words, stories after the King’s own heart.
Es waren, mit anderen Worten, Geschichten ganz nach des Königs Herzen.
The word “story” made Eureka think of The Book of Love.
Bei dem Wort »Geschichte« musste Eureka an Das Buch der Liebe denken.
Certainly, in my meaning of the word “story,” exposition is as capable of unfolding one as is narrative.
So wie ich das Wort »Geschichte« verstehe, ist die argumentative Darstellung ebensogut wie die narrative imstande, eine solche Geschichte zu entfalten.
‘Stories, I suppose.’ He said the word ‘stories’ as if it were the rudest, most contemptible word in the language.
»Ach ja, Geschichten, nehme ich an.« Dabei spie er das Wort »Geschichten« heraus, als sei es das schlimmste Schimpfwort überhaupt.
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Everything else you can read on our STORY page.
Alles weitere erfährst du auf der Seite Geschichte.
I create video content for your internet presence and my goal is to tell YOUR STORY in the best, most interesting way.
Ich erstelle Videoinhalte für Ihren Internetauftritt und mein Ziel ist es, Ihre Geschichte am besten, am interessantesten rüberzubringen.
Thus STORY is the direct result of an inspiration.
Damit ist STORY das direkte Ergebnis einer Inspiration.
Music is an integral part of STORY.
Die Musik ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des STORY.
But they still use this STORY to control your minds.
Jedoch die GESCHICHTE wird immer noch eingesetzt, um euren Geist zu kontrollieren.
Vehicles and wooden train Janod series STORY combines fun with stimulation of child development.
Fahrzeuge und Holzeisenbahn Janod Serie STORY verbindet Spaß mit Stimulierung der Entwicklung des Kindes.
The fragrance EXTREME STORY is the essence of masculine strength and an unforgettable adventure.
Der Duft EXTREME STORY ist die Essenz der männlichen Energie und des einmaligen Abenteuers.
STORY is her retail concept, which takes the standpoint of a magazine and changes constantly like a gallery.
STORY ist ihr Einzelhandelskonzept, das den Standpunkt eines Magazins einnimmt, und sich wie eine Galerie ständig verändert.
STORY is an extended version of the successful PRIME project.
STORY ist eine Erweiterung des erfolgreichen PRIME Projektes.
However, the ROADMAP is only part of my personal STORY.
Die ROADMAP ist aber nur ein Teil meiner persönlicher STORY.
STORY Piece of Me. A webcomic about a sparse breakfast and passive aggressive prayers.
STORY Piece of Me. Ein Webcomic über ein karges Frühstück und passiv-aggressive Gebete.
STORY We made it our mission to offer you an ideal solution for all hair removal related topics.
STORY Wir haben es uns zur Mission gemacht, dir bei der Entfernung deiner unerwünschten Haare eine optimale Lösung zu bieten.
On the other hand, it conveys a specific mood, allowing STORY WATER to leak messages like water.
Sie vermittelt andererseits eine spezifische Stimmung, lässt — STORY WATER — durchaus Botschaften durchsickern wie Wasser.
IT OUR STORY In the beginning, there was a dream.
IT UNSERE GESCHICHTE Zuerst war es ein Traum.
Now that you know our individual stories, it is time to tell OUR STORY.
Da du uns nun bereits einzeln kennen gelernt hast, ist es jetzt an der Zeit UNSERE GESCHICHTE zu erzählen.
STORY | Birth of loulou & koala…
GESCHICHTE | Die Geburt von Lulu & Koala…
It is impossible to remain indifferent to the privileged location of MY STORY HOTEL ROSSIO.
Es ist unmöglich, die privilegierte Lage des MY STORY HOTEL ROSSIO gleichgültig zu lassen.
This crew neck T-shirt from the MEY STORY line transforms a classic basic into a luxurious companion for all walks of life.
Das R-Neck T-Shirt von MEY STORY macht ein klassisches Basic zu einem luxuriösen Begleiter für alle Lebenslagen.
A STORY which «CUNDA» in it…
With THE STORY OF J, Celeste delivers a very convincing debut.
Mit THE STORY OF J legt Celeste ein überzeugendes Debüt vor.
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Table of Contents
- What is Austin in Hawaiian?
- What does Mina mean?
- What is story French?
- How many types of man are there?
- Which makes a boy a real boy?
- Who turned Pinnochio into a real boy?
- How can I be a real boy?
- Who is responsible for baby gender?
- Is it 50/50 Boy or girl?
story → Erzählung, Geschichte, Stockwerk, Etage, Story, Klamotte, Historie.
What is Austin in Hawaiian?
Austin – Aukina. More! Aelan – Delicate; flowerlike (F)
What does Mina mean?
Meaning:love. Mina as a girl’s name is of German origin meaning “love”. It is also used as a suffix in combination with other names.
What is story French?
story → histoire, conte, étage, niveau, relation, récit.
How many types of man are there?
Without exception, I believe every man has five options. I know, because unfortunately, I’ve been all five types. And each type of man has an impact on the type of husband, father, and leader he will be. So what are those five types of men, and which one are you?
Which makes a boy a real boy?
Biological sex in healthy humans is determined by the presence of the sex chromosomes in the genetic code: two X chromosomes (XX) makes a girl, whereas an X and a Y chromosome (XY) makes a boy. In this way, it is the presence or absence of the Y chromosome in a healthy human that differentiates boy from girl.
Who turned Pinnochio into a real boy?
Evelyn Venable
How can I be a real boy?
To become a real boy you must prove yourself brave, truthful, and unselfish. ~ Pinocchio.
Who is responsible for baby gender?
The father has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, can give either his X or Y chromosome. The egg (from the mother) already contains an X chromosome. Therefore the sex of a baby is determined by the X or Y chromosome of the sperm cell from the father.
Is it 50/50 Boy or girl?
My general response is that it’s a 50/50 chance that a woman will have a boy or a girl. But that’s not exactly true – there’s actually a slight bias toward male births. The ratio of male to female births, called the sex ratio, is about 105 to 100, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
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Home>Words that start with S>story>English to German translation
How to Say Story in GermanAdvertisement
If you want to know how to say story in German, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand German better.
Here is the translation and the German word for story:
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Story Meaning in German
You have searched the English word story meaning in German Geschichte. story meaning has been search 3418 (three thousand four hundred and eighteen) times till 4/14/2023. You can also find story meaning and Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, French and other languages.
English — German
German — English
Definition & Synonyms
• Story
Definition & Meaning
- (n.) A narration or recital of that which has occurred; a description of past events; a history; a statement; a record.
- (v. t.) A set of rooms on the same floor or level; a floor, or the space between two floors. Also, a horizontal division of a buildings exterior considered architecturally, which need not correspond exactly with the stories within.
- (v. t.) To tell in historical relation; to make the subject of a story; to narrate or describe in story.
- (n.) The relation of an incident or minor event; a short narrative; a tale; especially, a fictitious narrative less elaborate than a novel; a short romance.
- (n.) A euphemism or childs word for «a lie;» a fib; as, to tell a story.
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