Word starting with year

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Слова начинающиеся на year

List of words starting with year

See below list of words starting with «year» in English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries:

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A list of scrabble words starting with Year

Year is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with year for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with year
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Year
  • 10-letter words starting with Year
  • 9-letter words starting with Year
  • 8-letter words starting with Year
  • 7-letter words starting with Year
  • 6-letter words starting with Year
  • 5-letter words starting with Year
  • 4-letter words starting with Year
  • FAQs about words starting with Year

The highest scoring words starting with Year

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with year,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top Words Starting with Year Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
yearned 11 11
yearbooks 18 18
yearningly 17 19
yearning 12 14
yearling 12 14
yearend 11 11
yearnings 13 15
yearlings 13 15
yearner 10 10
yearbook 17 17

19 Scrabble words starting with Year

4 Letter Words That Start With Year

  • year7

FAQ on words starting with Year

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Year?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Year is Yearbooks, which is worth at least 18 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Year is yearbooks, which is worth 18 points.
Other high score words starting with Year are

yearningly (17),
yearning (12),
yearling (12),
yearend (11),
yearnings (13),
yearlings (13),
yearner (10),
yearbook (17).

How many words start with the
letters Year?

There are 19 words that start with the letters
Year in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
1 is a 10 letter
3 are 9 letter
7 are 8 letter
3 are 7 letter
2 are 6 letter
2 are 5 letter
1 is a 4 letter

Are you stuck in Wordle or any other 5-letter word puzzle game with a word MY_FILTER? If that’s the case, we have the complete list of all 5-letter words MY_FILTER to help you overcome this obstacle and make the correct next guess to figure out the solution. The list should help you eliminate more letters based on your letter and positioning criteria and eventually narrow down the correct Wordle answer. In most cases, correctly figuring out 3 or 4 letters should significantly narrow down the possible correct answers to Wordle or any other 5-letter word puzzle.

If your initial query was too permissive, you can use our 5-letter Word Search Tool to add additional requirements for the word based on your guesses and limit the viable word list even more.

All 5-Letter English Words MY_FILTER

Below you will find the complete list of all 5-Letter English Words MY_FILTER, which are all viable solutions to Wordle or any other 5-letter puzzle game based on these requirements:

Correct Letters

Misplaced Letters

Contains Letters

Excluded Letters

Contains Sequence

Potential Answers

    Need more help? Head to our Wordle Solver to limit your search to the official Wordle answer list.

    While you are here, you can check today’s Wordle answer and all past answers, Dordle answers, Quordle answers, and Octordle answers. For more Wordle clues, you can check the Wordle section of our website! Alternatively, if you are into calculations, you can check our list of Nerdle answers. You can start from scratch with our 5-letter word finder tool and place any correct, misplaced, contains, does not contain, and sequence requirements to help figure out the puzzle’s solution.


    What is Wordle?

    Wordle is a web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle and owned and published by The New York Times Company since 2022.

    When was Wordle released?

    Wardle made Wordle available to the public in October 2021.

    What happened to Wordle Archive?

    Wordle players could access past Wordle puzzles through the World Archive website, but the New York Times took the site down.

    Is Wordle getting harder?

    Not really, but as the commonly used 5-letter English words are used, you will encounter some less popular ones that may give you a more challenging time. You can use the game’s hard mode to make Wordle harder.

    Why are there multiple correct Wordle Answers some days?

    In simple words, after the New York Times acquired Wordle, they may make changes to it occasionally, either for political correctness, in case a word is controversial, or to avoid evasive answers that will give a hard time to players.

    How to play Wordle?

    It is best to start with a five-letter word with the most popular letters or one with the most vowels. Words like SOARE, ROATE, RAISE, STARE, SALET, CRATE, TRACE, and ADIEU are great starters.

    From there on, you have another five guesses to determine the answer. Remember that you can use only valid English 5-letter words to help you. Letters marked with green are in the correct position, while when a letter is marked yellow, you have guessed the correct letter but the wrong position. Wordle answers can contain the same letter more than once.

    Your goal should be to eliminate as many letters as possible while putting the letters you have discovered in the correct order.

    There are 2 5-letter words starting with ‘year’

    Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘year’

    Info Details
    Points in Scrabble for year 7
    Points in Words with Friends for year 6
    Number of Letters in year 4
    More info About year year
    List of Words Starting with year Words Starting With year
    List of Words Ending with year Words Ending With year
    5 Letter Words Starting with year 5 Letter Words Starting with year
    6 Letter Words Starting with year 6 Letter Words Starting with year
    7 Letter Words Starting with year 7 Letter Words Starting with year
    5 Letter Words Ending with year 5 Letter Words Ending with year
    6 Letter Words Ending with year 6 Letter Words Ending with year
    7 Letter Words Ending with year 7 Letter Words Ending with year
    List of Words Containing year Words Containing year
    List of Anagrams of year Anagrams of year
    List of Words Formed by Letters of year Words Created From year
    year Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
    year Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
    year Definition at Dictionary Click Here
    year Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
    year Info At Wikipedia Click Here
    year Search Results on Google Click Here
    year Search Results on Bing Click Here
    Tweets About year on Twitter Click Here

    Note: . Anagrams are meaningful words made after rearranging all the letters of the word.
    Search More words for viewing how many words can be made out of them
    There are 2 vowel letters and 2 consonant letters in the word year. Y is 25th, E is 5th, A is 1st, R is 18th, Letter of Alphabet series.

    Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english language. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same length as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

    Below, we have the big list of Christmas words — an a-to-z list of words that celebrate and relate to the holiday season.

    Our list is categorized by letter; scroll past the list for a fun Christmas activity using the words listed here!


    1. Angels
    2. Advent
    3. Antlers
    4. Assemble:
      gather together
    5. Away in a Manger
    6. Announcement:
      angels announced the birth of Jesus
    7. Aroma
    8. Artificial:
      type of Christmas tree
    9. Angelic
    10. Advent calendar
    11. Abominable Snowman:
      character from “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
    12. Apple cider:
      warm spiced apple beverage served at holiday parties
    13. Andes mints:
      chocolate candy found at holiday parties
    14. Appreciate
    15. Aunt Clara:
      character from “A Christmas Carol”
    16. Attend:
      attending church and Christmas parties
    17. Acknowledge
    18. All Is Calm, All Is Bright
    19. Aspen:
      popular holiday destination in Colorado
    20. Anticipation


    1. Bethlehem
    2. Believe
    3. Bring:
      gifts, or good tidings of great joy
    4. Bells
    5. Boots:
      worn in snowy weather
    6. Blessings
    7. Boxing Day:
      the day after Christmas; celebrated as a public holiday in some countries (including the U.K. and Canada) and some U.S. states
    8. Blitzen:
      one of Santa’s reindeer
    9. Bows
    10. Boxes:
      used for wrapping gifts
    11. Belief
    12. Baking
    13. Bing Crosby:
      singer of many classic holiday songs, including “White Christmas”
    14. Birth
    15. Buche de Noel:
      French Christmas cake
    16. Boughs
    17. Balsam:
      type of Christmas tree
    18. Beauty
    19. Blizzard:
      heavy snow storm that brings a white Christmas
    20. Born
    21. Baubles:
      ball-shaped glass or plastic Christmas tree ornaments
    22. Blessed
    23. Best
    24. Benjamin:
      the ghost of the future in “A Christmas Carol”
    25. Beaming:
      Christmas happiness
    26. Buying
    27. Buddy:
      name of the main character in the movie “Elf”


    1. Christ
    2. Cherubs
    3. Calling birds:
      fourth gift in The Twelve Days of Christmas
    4. Cookies
    5. Candy
    6. Cake
    7. Candles
    8. Candy canes
    9. Cards
    10. Candlelit
    11. Charles Dickens:
      author of “A Christmas Carol”
    12. Cozy
    13. Cheer
    14. Chimney:
      where Santa Claus enters the house
    15. Chestnuts
    16. Creche:
      Church display featuring the stable where Jesus was born
    17. Carve:
      what you do to the turkey
    18. Clark Griswold:
      central character of “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”
    19. Cranberry sauce
    20. Carols
    21. Clarence:
      guardian angel character in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life”
    22. Caroling
    23. Carolers
    24. Cousin Eddie:
      character in the movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”

    See more in our full list of Christmas words that start with C.


    1. December
    2. Drinks:
      served at Christmas parties
    3. Drummer boy
    4. Dressing
    5. Deer
    6. Dasher:
      one of Santa’s reindeer
    7. Dancer:
      one of Santa’s reindeer
    8. Donner:
      one of Santa’s reindeer
    9. Douglas Fir:
      type of tree used as a Christmas tree
    10. Decorations
    11. Dashing:
      moving through the snow
    12. Decorated
    13. Drosselmeyer:
      toy-maker character in “The Nutcracker”
    14. Dickens:
      author of “A Christmas Carol”
    15. Dressing
    16. Deliver
    17. Deck:
      decorating the halls

    See more in our full list of Christmas words that start with D.


    1. Epiphany:
      Three Kings Day; commemorates the kings visiting baby Jesus
    2. Emmanuel:
      “God is with us;” the name given to Christ
    3. Eggnog
    4. Evergreen:
      type of tree
    5. Ebeneezer Scrooge:
      character in “A Christmas Carol”
    6. Elves
    7. Entertain:
      hosting parties
    8. Expectations
    9. Elf:
      Santa’s helpers
    10. Exchange:
      trading gifts
    11. Eat
    12. Ebullient:
      meaning “excitement”; describes the joy of the Christmas season
    13. Excited
    14. Elm:
      type of tree sometimes used as a Christmas tree
    15. Eve:
      the day before Christmas
    16. Events


    1. Faith
    2. Four:
      number of calling birds gifted in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    3. Fruitcake
    4. Family
    5. Frosty:
      from “Frosty the Snowman”
    6. Friends
    7. Father Christmas
    8. Feast
    9. Fireplace
    10. Festive
    11. Freezing
    12. Festival
    13. Fir:
      type of tree
    14. Frankincense
    15. French hens:
      third gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    16. Flock:
      decorating with imitation snow
    17. Fun
    18. Fellowship
    19. Figgy pudding:
      spiced pudding mentioned in “We Wish You a merry Christmas”
    20. Figurines
    21. Forgiveness
    22. Fireside
    23. Folklore
    24. Feelings


    1. God
    2. Gabriel:
      angel that tells Mary she will have a son, Jesus
    3. Grace
    4. Gifts
    5. Greetings
    6. Green
    7. Goodies
    8. Garland
    9. Grinch
    10. Guests
    11. Gather
    12. Gingerbread
    13. Gratitude
    14. Gold:
      color of the fifth gift, rings, in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    15. Goose:
      traditional Christmas dinner
    16. Gourmet
    17. Grace
    18. Greenery
    19. Gravy
    20. Gift-wrapped
    21. Gracious
    22. Giving
    23. Goodwill
    24. Glad tidings
    25. Gift exchange
    26. Gloria
    27. Give
    28. Go:
      go to church, parties, and to visit Santa
    29. Glory
    30. Games
    31. Glitter
    32. Gloves
    33. Glow:
      Christmas lights, fireplaces, and children’s faces
    34. Geese a-laying:
      the sixth gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”


    1. Holy
    2. Hymns
    3. Holiday
    4. Hustle and bustle
    5. Ham
    6. Holly
    7. Home
    8. Hugs
    9. Humility
    10. Heavenly
    11. Happy
    12. Hark
    13. Honor
    14. Host
    15. Hang
    16. Ho Ho Ho:
      what Santa says before “Merry Christmas!”
    17. Heritage
    18. Harmony
    19. Hot chocolate
    20. Holiday
    21. Hot cider
    22. Holly jolly:
      as in “have a holly jolly Christmas”
    23. Home cooking
    24. Herald
    25. Hospitality
    26. Helping
    27. Hope


    1. Invitations
    2. Ivy
    3. In a pear tree:
      where the partridge is in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    4. Icicles
    5. Innocence
    6. Ice
    7. Inn:
      no room at the inn for Mary and Joseph
    8. Infant
    9. Incarnate
    10. Illumination
    11. Indulgence
    12. Ice castle
    13. Ice skates


    1. Jesus
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Joy
    4. Jingle bells
    5. Joseph:
      husband of Mary
    6. Jack Frost
    7. Journey:
      Mary and Joseph took one to Bethlehem
    8. Jolly
    9. Joy to the World
    10. Jingle Bell Rock
    11. Jubilation
    12. Jessica:
      Mrs. Claus’ first name in the Christmas TV special “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”


    1. Kris Kringle:
      Santa Claus in “Miracle on 34th Street” and “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town”
    2. Kids
    3. Kin
    4. King
    5. Kindness
    6. Kiss:
      what you do under the mistletoe
    7. Kevin McAllister:
      main character in “Home Alone”


    1. Lamb of God
    2. Love
    3. Lights
    4. Little Drummer Boy
    5. Lords a-leaping:
      10th gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    6. Laughter
    7. Lavish
    8. Letter to Santa
    9. Lists:
      Santa’s record of “naughty” and “nice”
    10. Lump:
      coal left in a stocking
    11. Leave:
      setting out milk and cookies for Santa
    12. Let It Snow
    13. Ladies dancing:
      the ninth gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    14. Libation:
      holiday drinks
    15. Logs
    16. Loved ones
    17. Luminosity:
      Christmas lights


    1. Manger
    2. Mary
    3. Magi:
      wise men; three kings
    4. Mail
    5. Maids a-milking:
      eighth gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    6. Myrrh
    7. Music
    8. Mrs. Claus
    9. Mittens
    10. Merry and bright
    11. Mistletoe
    12. Miracles
    13. Minister
    14. Midnight:
      time of Christmas mass at many churches
    15. Mincemeat
    16. Majesty
    17. Magical
    18. Mom
    19. Meaningful
    20. Merry
    21. Miraculous
    22. Mirthful
    23. Make a toast
    24. Making spirits bright
    25. Max:
      dog in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
    26. Meal
    27. Memories
    28. Meaning
    29. Mercy
    30. Milk:
      left out with cookies for Santa
    31. Mood


    1. Nativity
    2. Newborn
    3. Noel
    4. North Pole
    5. Nutcracker
    6. Nutmeg
    7. Nostalgia
    8. Night Before Christmas
    9. Newly fallen snow
    10. Nap
    11. Nuts
    12. Naughty
    13. Night
    14. Neighborly
    15. Nice


    1. Ornaments
    2. O Holy Night
    3. Oven
    4. Observance:
      celebrating the holiday
    5. O Come, All Ye Faithful
    6. Occasion
    7. Open:
      what you do with gifts
    8. O Little Town of Bethlehem
    9. Olive:
      the “other reindeer”
    10. Ox
    11. Objects

    See more in our full list of Christmas words that start with O.


    1. Peace
    2. Praise
    3. Popcorn string
    4. Packages
    5. Partridge:
      the first gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    6. Poinsettia
    7. Pie
    8. Prayer
    9. Prancer:
      one of Santa’s reindeer
    10. Peppermint
    11. Parade
    12. Plum pudding
    13. Post Office:
      where you mail letters and gifts to family and friends
    14. Pageant
    15. Proclaim
    16. Punch:
      drink served at Christmas parties
    17. Peace dove
    18. Pine
    19. Prophecy
    20. Presents
    21. Pumpkin pie
    22. Purity
    23. Philanthropy
    24. Pickles:
      traditional Christmas ornament
    25. Potatoes
    26. Preparation
    27. Pinecone:
      used for decoration
    28. Polar Express
    29. Pipers piping:
      11th gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    30. Plenty
    31. Pear Tree
    32. Phone calls


    1. Quail
    2. Quality
    3. Quaint:
      charmingly old-fashioned
    4. Quince pie:
      traditional Christmas dessert
    5. Quantity:
      lots of food and presents at Christmas


    1. Rudolph:
      Santa’s red-nosed reindeer
    2. Ribbon
    3. Red
    4. Reconciliation
    5. Reflection
    6. Reverence
    7. Reindeer
    8. Religious
    9. Rooftop
    10. Rejoice
    11. Reflect
    12. Roasted nuts
    13. Relationships
    14. Reunions
    15. Rituals
    16. Reception
    17. Reciprocity
    18. Relish
    19. Respect
    20. Regalia:
      traditional garb worn by the Pope during Christmas Mass; distinctive clothes and ornaments
    21. Ralphie:
      main character in “A Christmas Story”


    1. Stuffing
    2. Sleigh
    3. Sacred
    4. Scrooge
    5. Sales
    6. Season
    7. Spirit
    8. St. Nick:
      Santa Claus
    9. Snowball
    10. Snowbound
    11. Star
    12. Serve
    13. Share
    14. Santa Claus
    15. Shop
    16. Shortbread:
      type of cookie
    17. Sing
    18. Snooze
    19. Snow
    20. Surprise
    21. Symbols
    22. Sugarplums
    23. Sweets
    24. Silver bells
    25. Snacks
    26. Snowflake
    27. Snowfall
    28. Snow angel
    29. Sleigh bells
    30. Snowman
    31. Star
    32. Stockings
    33. Stocking stuffer
    34. Sack
    35. Scents
    36. Spices
    37. Stable
    38. Stress
    39. Seconds:
      another serving at Christmas dinner
    40. Swans a-swimming:
      seventh gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    41. Sleep
    42. Skate
    43. Santa
    44. Santa’s helpers
    45. Santa’s Workshop
    46. Secret Santa:
      anonymous gift swap
    47. Snow globe
    48. Sparkle
    49. Songs
    50. Snug:
      cozy in bed
    51. Shepherd
    52. Shine
    53. Sentiment


    1. Three kings
    2. Tinsel
    3. Tradition
    4. Turkey
    5. Triumphant
    6. Toys
    7. Tree
    8. Tree skirt
    9. Tree stand
    10. Trimmings
    11. Trumpets
    12. Thanks
    13. Trim the tree
    14. ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
    15. Trips:
      visiting family
    16. Togetherness
    17. Traffic
    18. Tiny Tim:
      character in “A Christmas Carol”
    19. Toboggan
    20. Tranquility
    21. Twinkling
    22. TV:
      where you watch Christmas specials and movies
    23. Turtle doves:
      second gift in “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
    24. Trinkets
    25. Toyland
    26. Tin soldier
    27. Thoughtfulness
    28. Tannenbaum:
      fir Christmas tree
    29. Tolerance


    1. Unity
    2. Understanding
    3. Unique
    4. Unwrap
    5. Ugly sweater
    6. Unbox
    7. Up on the Rooftop
    8. Under the mistletoe
    9. Unselfish
    10. Universality


    1. Vixen:
      one of Santa’s reindeer
    2. Vacation
    3. Vanilla
    4. Values
    5. Virgin:
      Mary, mother of Jesus
    6. Virtue
    7. Vocalists
    8. Volunteers
    9. Visions:
      of sugarplums
    10. Visits


    1. Wreath
    2. Worship
    3. Wrapping paper
    4. Winter
    5. Wine
    6. Walnuts
    7. Waiting
    8. White
    9. Warm
    10. Wintry
    11. Wondrous
    12. Wise men
    13. Wrapping
    14. Wreath
    15. Wenceslas:
      character in the traditional carol “Good King Wenceslas”
    16. Whimsy
    17. Wassail:
      hot mulled cider
    18. Whoville:
      town in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
    19. Welcome


    1. Xmas


    1. Yule
    2. Youth
    3. Yuletide
    4. Yule log


    1. Zest:
      citrus shavings added to Christmas recipes
    2. Zealous:
      enthusiastic for Christmastime

    Activity: Christmas Mad Lib

    For a fun and interactive way to use our list of Christmas words, we’ve created a Mad Lib story below!

    With a group of friends or family, choose words from our list or off the top of your heads to add to the blank spaces.

    You can choose the words at random or by looking for certain word types, like nouns.

    One person should write the words into the blank spaces without showing the story to those choosing the words.

    Once you’ve filled in every blank space, read the sentimental (but nonsensical) story out loud!

    Little Timmy’s _____ Christmas

    Timmy lived on a _____ street in the countryside of _____. Though his parents shared his home, it was the _____ that really raised little Timmy.

    As the Christmas holiday approached, he couldn’t wait to give (Timmy’s guardian) the gift he’d made by hand: a _______.

    Timmy took the (gift) with him everywhere — on the bus, to school, and to the corner market where he always liked to buy ____ in the evening.

    Two days before Christmas, little Timmy was walking the neighborhood with a friend when he was struck by a craving for (item he buys from corner market).

    “Hey ____,” he exclaimed, using his friend’s nickname. “Let’s stop here for a moment!”

    Inside the store, Timmy couldn’t help clearing the shelf of (item he buys from the corner market).

    He couldn’t just get one for himself — he needed one for (friend’s name), one for each of his parents, three for ____, and he couldn’t forget (Timmy’s guardian).

    As he placed the items on the counter, the cashier said, “That’ll be $50.”

    Shocked, Timmy dug through his backpack, hoping to find a few spare bills. Alas, all he had was his handmade (gift).

    “Did you make that? My wife would love it!,” the cashier said excitedly. “Are you willing to trade?”

    Timmy shook his head and said, “I know Christmas isn’t about gifts, but this (gift) is for someone very special.”

    The cashier understood, and in the Christmas spirit, gave Timmy the hoard of treats and let him keep his (gift).

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