Word start with year

Total Number of words that start with YEAR found =19

YEAR comprises of 4 letters. Below are Total 19 words Starting with YEAR (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. YEAR is itself is a word in english. year is made up of letters Y, E, A and R. Where Y is 25th , E is 5th , A is 1st and R is 18th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with Year | Words containing Year | Words made out of letters used in Year

10 letter Words starting with year

1). Yearningly

9 letter Words starting with year

1). Yearbooks 2). Yearnings 3). Yearlings

8 letter Words starting with year

1). Yearning 2). Yearners 3). Yearlong 4). Yearling 5). Yearlies 6). Yearends 7). Yearbook

7 letter Words starting with year

1). Yearned 2). Yearner 3). Yearend

6 letter Words starting with year

1). Yearns 2). Yearly

5 letter Words starting with year

1). Yearn 2). Years

4 letter Words starting with year

1). Year

Year :- The time of the apparent revolution of the sun trough the ecliptic; the period occupied by the earth in making its revolution around the sun- called the astronomical year; also- a period more or less nearly agreeing with this- adopted by various nations as a measure of time- and called the civil year; as- the common lunar year of 354 days- still in use among the Mohammedans; the year of 360 days- etc. In common usage- the year consists of 365 days- and every fourth year (called bissextile- or leap year The time in which any planet completes a revolution about the sun; as- the year of Jupiter or of Saturn. Age- or old age; as- a man in years.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words starts with year?
  • What are the words having prefix year?
  • List of all words Begining with year.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same legth as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

yea, year,

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Points ASC

Points DESC

A list of scrabble words starting with Year

Year is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with year for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with year
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with Year
  • 10-letter words starting with Year
  • 9-letter words starting with Year
  • 8-letter words starting with Year
  • 7-letter words starting with Year
  • 6-letter words starting with Year
  • 5-letter words starting with Year
  • 4-letter words starting with Year
  • FAQs about words starting with Year

The highest scoring words starting with Year

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with year,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top Words Starting with Year Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
yearned 11 11
yearbooks 18 18
yearningly 17 19
yearning 12 14
yearling 12 14
yearend 11 11
yearnings 13 15
yearlings 13 15
yearner 10 10
yearbook 17 17

19 Scrabble words starting with Year

4 Letter Words That Start With Year

  • year7

FAQ on words starting with Year

What are the best Scrabble words starting with Year?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Year is Yearbooks, which is worth at least 18 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with Year is yearbooks, which is worth 18 points.
Other high score words starting with Year are
yearningly (17),
yearning (12),
yearling (12),
yearend (11),
yearnings (13),

yearlings (13),
yearner (10),
yearbook (17).

How many words start with the
letters Year?

There are 19 words that start with the letters
Year in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
1 is a 10 letter
3 are 9 letter
7 are 8 letter
3 are 7 letter
2 are 6 letter
2 are 5 letter
1 is a 4 letter

There are 23 words that start with YEAR:

  • 4-Letter Words That Start With YEAR
  • 5-Letter Words That Start With YEAR
  • 6-Letter Words That Start With YEAR
  • 7-Letter Words That Start With YEAR
  • 8-Letter Words That Start With YEAR
  • 9-Letter Words That Start With YEAR
  • 10-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There is 1 4-letter word that starts with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points
YEAR 7 6

5-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There are 3 5-letter words that start with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points

6-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There are 3 6-letter words that start with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points
YEARLY 12 11

7-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There are 4 7-letter words that start with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points

8-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There are 8 8-letter words that start with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points

9-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There are 3 9-letter words that start with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points

10-Letter Words That Start With YEAR

There is 1 10-letter word that starts with YEAR:

Word Scrabble points Words With Friends points

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