Word start with string

Total Number of words that start with STRING found =27

STRING comprises of 6 letters. Below are Total 27 words Starting with STRING (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. STRING is itself is a word in english. string is made up of letters S, T, R, I, N and G. Where S is 19th , T is 20th , R is 18th , I is 9th , N is 14th and G is 7th Letter of Alphabet series
Also see: Words ending with String | Words containing String | Words made out of letters used in String

13 letter Words starting with string

1). Stringinesses 2). Stringcourses

12 letter Words starting with string

1). Stringybarks 2). Stringpieces 3). Stringencies 4). Stringcourse 5). Stringhalted

11 letter Words starting with string

1). Stringybark 2). Stringpiece 3). Stringiness 4). Stringhalts 5). Stringently

10 letter Words starting with string

1). Stringhalt 2). Stringency 3). Stringendo 4). Stringless 5). Stringings 6). Stringiest

9 letter Words starting with string

1). Stringent 2). Stringers 3). Stringier 4). Stringing

8 letter Words starting with string

1). Stringer 2). Stringed

7 letter Words starting with string

1). Strings 2). Stringy

6 letter Words starting with string

1). String

String :- A small cord- a line- a twine- or a slender strip of leather- or other substance- used for binding together- fastening- or tying things; a cord- larger than a thread and smaller than a rope; as- a shoe string; a bonnet string; a silken string. A thread or cord on which a number of objects or parts are strung or arranged in close and orderly succession; hence- a line or series of things arranged on a thread- or as if so arranged; a succession; a concatenation; a chain; as- a string of shells or beads; a string of dried apples; a string of houses; a string of arguments. A strip- as of leather- by which the covers of a book are held together. The cord of a musical instrument- as of a piano- harp- or violin; specifically (pl.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words starts with string?
  • What are the words having prefix string?
  • List of all words Begining with string.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same legth as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

str, stri, strin, string,

A list of scrabble words starting with String

String is a playable Scrabble Word!

A list of words that start with string for Scrabble that can also be used while playing
Words With Friends. Here’s a list of words that begin with string
of all different lengths.


  • Highest scoring words starting with String
  • 11-letter words starting with String
  • 10-letter words starting with String
  • 9-letter words starting with String
  • 8-letter words starting with String
  • 7-letter words starting with String
  • 6-letter words starting with String
  • FAQs about words starting with String

21 Scrabble words starting with String

6 Letter Words That Start With String

  • string7

FAQ on words starting with String

What are the best Scrabble words starting with String?

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with String is Stringybark, which is worth at least 21 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word starting with String is stringently, which is worth 15 points.
Other high score words starting with String are
stringhalts (15),
stringpiece (16),
stringily (13),
stringy (11),

stringency (16),
strings (8),
stringings (12).

How many words start with the
letters String?

There are 21 words that start with the letters
String in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
5 are 11 letter
6 are 10 letter
5 are 9 letter
2 are 8 letter
2 are 7 letter
1 is a 6 letter

  • Dictionary
  • Words starting with string

Words starting with string

6 letter words starting with string

  • string — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  • string along — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  • string bag — an openwork bag made of string, especially one with handles.
  • string band — a band consisting of stringed instruments
  • string bass — double bass.

7 letter words starting with string

  • strings — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
  • stringy — resembling a string or strings; consisting of strings or stringlike pieces: stringy weeds; a stringy fiber.

8 letter words starting with string

  • stringed — fitted with strings (often used in combination): a five-stringed banjo.
  • stringer — a person or thing that strings.
  • stringed instrument — a musical instrument having strings as the medium of sound production, played with the fingers or with a plectrum or a bow: The guitar, the harp, and the violin are stringed instruments.
  • stringer bead — a small, usually round object of glass, wood, stone, or the like with a hole through it, often strung with others of its kind in necklaces, rosaries, etc.

9 letter words starting with string

  • stringent — rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe: stringent laws.
  • stringing — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.

10 letter words starting with string

  • stringbean — any of various kinds of bean, as the green bean, the unripe pods of which are used as food, usually after stripping off the fibrous thread along the side.
  • stringency — stringent character or condition: the stringency of poverty.
  • stringendo — to be performed with increasing speed
  • stringhalt — a nerve disorder in horses, causing exaggerated flexing movements of the hind legs in walking.
  • stringless — a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.

11 letter words starting with string

  • stringboard — a board or facing covering the ends of the steps in a staircase.
  • stringently — rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe: stringent laws.
  • stringiness — resembling a string or strings; consisting of strings or stringlike pieces: stringy weeds; a stringy fiber.
  • stringpiece — a long, usually horizontal piece of timber, beam, etc., for strengthening, connecting, or supporting a framework.

12 letter words starting with string

  • stringcourse — a horizontal band or course, as of stone, projecting beyond or flush with the face of a building, often molded and sometimes richly carved.
  • stringencies — stringent character or condition: the stringency of poverty.
  • stringhalted — afflicted with stringhalt
  • stringholder — an oblong piece of wood at the lower end of the body of a viol or other stringed instrument to which the strings are attached.
  • stringy-bark — any of several eucalyptus trees having a fibrous bark

13 letter words starting with string

  • string-puller — a person who uses his or her influence with other people to get things done, often unfairly
  • stringentness — the quality or state of being stringent

14 letter words starting with string

  • string-pulling — the use of one’s influence with other people to get things done, often unfairly

On this page, we collect all words starting with STRING. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 49 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that beginning with STRING. that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

MS-Word / General Formatting

A string is the most common data type for macros when working with Word
documents. You need to know how to manipulate string data if you hope to
accomplish anything meaningful in Word VBA.

For starters, you can create string literals, or strings that are simply quoted
in your macro. To use a string literal, enclose a string value in quotation
marks — full-fledged double quotes, not apostrophes. For example:

MessageText = "Hello there!"

In this example, «Hello there!» is a string literal whose value is assigned to
the string variable named MessageText.

You can use an apostrophe within a string literal with no ill effects, as in the following example:

MessageText = "Hi y'all"

But you cannot include quotes within quotes. For example, the following line produces an error:

MessageText = "Say, "Cheeseburger!""

To include a quotation mark within a literal quoted with quotation marks,
you must double the quotation marks, like this:

MessageText = "Say, ""Cheeseburger!"""


You can use the concatenation technique to join two or more strings, end to
end, to make a single, larger string. For example:

Entre = "Cheese" & "burger"

This line results in the string «Cheeseburger» being assigned to the Entre
variable. The ampersand (&) is used for this purpose. The spaces around the
ampersand are optional; if you leave them out, Word adds them when you run the macro.

Concatenation becomes quite useful when combined with string variables
and, as you see in the following section, string functions. For example, consider this statement:

Message = "Could not deliver message to " & Recipient

In this line, a literal string value is concatenated with a variable string value.
If the value of the Recipient variable is «Michael Yard», the Message
variable is set to «Could not deliver message to Michael Yard».

The number of concatenations you can string together in a single statement has no limit.

String functions

VBA provides several built-in functions that work on strings. Table-1 summarizes
these functions. Most of them come in handy from time to time.

Table-1 VBA Functions for Manipulating Strings

Function What It Does
Chr(value) Generates the character that corresponds to the numeric (ANSI) code value. Common uses are:
Chr(9): Tab
Chr(11): New line
Chr(13): Carriage return
Chr(30): Nonbreaking hyphen
Chr(32): Space
Chr(160): Nonbreaking space
InStr([n,]string1, string2) Returns the character position within string1 at which string2 begins, or 0 if string2 is
not found in string1. If n is used, the first n-1 characters of string1 are ignored.
LCase(string) Returns the leftmost n characters of string.
Left(string,n) Returns the leftmost n characters of string.
Len(string) Returns the length of string.
LTrim(string) Removes leading spaces from string.
Mid(string,x,y) Returns y characters from string starting at character x.
Right(string,n) Returns the rightmost n characters of string.
Right(string,n) Returns the rightmost n characters of string.
RTrim(string) Removes trailing spaces from string.
Str(n) Converts the number n to a string variable. For example, Str(3.15) becomes the string «3.15».
UCase(string) Converts string to uppercase.
Val(string) Returns the numeric value of string. For example, Val(«3.15») becomes the numeric value 3.15.

One of the most commonly used string function is Len: It returns the number of characters in a string. For example:

Message = "Hello world!"
LengthOfMessage = Len(Message)

In this example, the LengthOfMessage variable is assigned the value 12, the number of characters in the string Message. Note: The Len function
returns a number, not a string. And the quotation marks that indicate the start and end of string literals aren’t counted.

A final group of string functions you need are those used to clean up string values that may contain unnecessary leading or trailing spaces or
unprintable characters. These functions include LTrim(), RTrim(), and CleanString(). For example, to remove spaces from the beginning and
end of a string variable, use this statement:

TrimmedString = Trim(InputText)

Last Updated — December 11, 2020

When looking for a word, character or substring inside another string, it is very common to check if the main string starts with given substring. Basically, every technique that worked when looking for a subtring inside another string will also work when we need to check if the substring only occurs at the beginning. However, this is a more specific situation and we can perform the check more efficiently using slightly different methods.

On This Page

  1. Using strpos() to Check if String Starts With Another Substring [Case Sensitive]
  2. Using stripos() to Check if String Starts With Another Substring [Case Insensitive]
  3. Using substr() to Check if String Starts With Another Substring
  4. Using substr_compare() to Check if String Begins With Another Substring
  5. Quickly Check if a Specific Character Occurs at the Beginning of String
  6. Quick Summary

Using strpos() to Check if String Starts With Another Substring [Case Sensitive]

The PHP strpos() function returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring inside another string. It returns FALSE if the word or substring was not found. When you want to check if a substring occurs at the beginning of another string, you can simply compare the return value of strpos() to 0.


$sentence = "Some people that I meet are very funny.";
$word = "Some";

// Output — The word "Some" occurs at the start of given string.
if(strpos($sentence, $word) === 0) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the start of given string.';

You have to be extra careful when comparing the return value of strpos() with 0. This is because 0 will also evaluate to false with the == operator resulting in FALSE positives.


$sentence = "Some people that I meet are very funny.";
$word = "Apples";

// Output — The word "Apples" occurs at the start of string.
if(strpos($sentence, $word) == 0) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the start of given string.';

Using stripos() to Check if String Starts With Another Substring [Case Insensitive]

If you want the check for a substring at the beginning of another string, you can simply use the PHP stripos() function. The function operates exactly like strpos() above but does the check in a case insensitive manner.


$sentence = "Some people that I meet are very funny.";
$word = "some";

// Output — The word "some" occurs at the start of given string.
if(stripos($sentence, $word) === 0) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the start of given string.';

Alternatively, you can also use other functions like strtolower() or strtoupper() to change the case of all the strings involved before making the comparison. However, just using stripos() seems more straightforward.

We can combine the code from the first and second section to create a function that handles the case sensitive and case insensitive situation for us using an optional parameter.


function starts_with($haystack, $needle, $case_sensitive = true) {
    if ($case_sensitive) {
        return strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
    } else {
        return stripos($haystack, $needle) === 0;

$sentence = "Some people that I meet are very funny.";
$word = "some";

// Output — The word "some" does not occur at the start of given string. [Case Sensitive]
if(starts_with($sentence, $word)) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the start of given string. [Case Sensitive]';
} else {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" does not occur at the start of given string. [Case Sensitive]';

// Output — The word "some" occurs at the start of given string. [Case Insensitive]
if(starts_with($sentence, $word, false)) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the start of given string. [Case Insensitive]';
} else {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" does not occur at the start of given string. [Case Insensitive]';

Using substr() to Check if String Starts With Another Substring

Another way to check if a string starts with given substring is to use the PHP substr() function. This function returns part of a string specified by the start and length parameters. We can simply compare the return value to our original substring.

One advantage of using substr() over strpos() is that it will not look for the needle in the whole haystack. This means that if there is little probability finding the substring at the beginning of the main string, substr() will outperform strpos().


$sentence = "Some people that I meet are very funny.";
$word = "Some";

$length = strlen($word);

// Output — The word "Some" occurs at the start of given string.
if (substr($sentence, 0, $length) === $word) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the start of given string.';

Using substr_compare() to Check if String Begins With Another Substring

Instead of using substr() to extract a part of the main string and then comparing it to your substring, you can also let PHP do all the work with the substr_compare() function. This function is used to perform comparison of two strings from an offset or start position, up to length characters. It returns an integer value < 0 if the main string from position offset is less than the other string, > 0 if it is greater than the other string, and 0 if they are equal.

You can also optionally make the comparison case-sensitive. The comparison would be case insensitive by default.


$sentence = "Some people that I meet are very funny.";
$word = "some";

// Output — The word "some" does not occur at the beginning of given string. [Case Insensitive]
if (substr_compare($sentence, $word, 0, $length) === 0) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the beginning of given string. [Case Insensitive]';
} else {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" does not occur at the beginning of given string. [Case Insensitive]';

// Output — The word "some" occurs at the beginning of given string. [Case Sensitive]
if (substr_compare($sentence, $word, 0, $length, true) === 0) {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" occurs at the beginning of given string. [Case Sensitive]';
} else {
    echo 'The word "'.$word.'" does not occur at the beginning of given string. [Case Sensitive]';

Quickly Check if a Specific Character Occurs at the Beginning of String

In certain situations, the substring that you are looking for might only be only character long. Using the comparison functions we have discussed so far will not be the most efficient way to make the check in these cases. When looking for a single character at the beginning of another string, you can simply access the first character of the main string using $string[0] and compare it with the given character.

We are not using any builtin functions in this case which means that this method will be much more quicker than all others.


$sentence = "!Hola!";
$character = "!";

// Output — The character "!" occurs at the beginning of given string.
if($sentence[0] === $character) {
    echo 'The character "'.$character.'" occurs at the beginning of given string.';

Quick Summary

Let’s recap everything we have covered in this tutorial.

  1. You can simply use strpos() to check if a string contains another word or substring at its beginning. All you have to do is compare the return value of strpos() with 0. If you are looking for a case insensitive match, you should do the comparison with the stripos() function.
  2. Another more efficient option is to use substr() to extract part of the main string and compare the result with the given word or substring. This way you don’t have to go through the whole haystack (or string) when searching for the needle (or substring).
  3. You can also let PHP handle the comparison and give you the final result by using the substr_compare() function. It will return 0 if the substring extracted from the main string and our original substring are equal.
  4. If you are only planning to check whether a string begins with a specific character, you can avoid using all these functions and simply access the character at first position using $string[0]. After that, you just have to compare the returned character with given character.

Let me know if there is anything that you would like me to clarify in this tutorial. Also, you are more than welcome to comment if you know other techniques to check if a string starts with another word, character or substring in PHP.

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Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Python string startswith() method to check if a string begins with another string.

Introduction to the Python string startswith() method

The startswith() method returns True if a string starts with another string. Otherwise, it returns False.

The following shows the syntax of the startswith() method:

str.startswith(prefix, [,start [,end ])Code language: Python (python)

The startswith() method accepts three parameters:

  • prefix is a string or a tuple of strings to search for. The prefix parameter is mandatory.
  • start is the position that the method starts looking for the prefix. The start parameter is optional.
  • end is the position in the string that the method stops searching for the prefix. The end parameter is also optional.

Note that the startswith() method is case-sensitive. In other words, it will look for the prefix case-sensitively.

Python string startswith() method examples

Let’s take some examples of using the string startswith() method.

1) Using the startswith() method to check if a string begins with another string

The following example shows how to use the string startswith() method to check if a string starts with another string:

s = 'Make it work, make it right, make it fast.'
result = s.startswith('Make')
print(result)Code language: Python (python)


TrueCode language: Python (python)

As mentioned earlier, the startswith() method searches for a string case-sensitively. Therefore, the following example returns False:

s = 'Make it work, make it right, make it fast.'
result = s.startswith('make')
print(result)Code language: Python (python)


FalseCode language: Python (python)

2) Using the startswith() method with a tuple

The following example uses the startswith() method to check if a string starts with one of the strings in a tuple:

s = 'Make it work, make it right, make it fast.'
result = s.startswith(('Make','make'))
print(result)Code language: PHP (php)


TrueCode language: PHP (php)

3) Using the startswith() method with the start parameter

The following example illustrates how to use the startswith() method to check if the string starts with the word make in lowercase starting from position 14:

s = 'Make it work, make it right, make it fast.'
result = s.startswith('make', 14)
print(result)Code language: Python (python)


TrueCode language: Python (python)


  • Use the Python string startswith() method to determine if a string begins with another string.

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