Word sounding like another

This word set can be confusing, even for word geeks. Let’s start with the basics. A homograph is a word that has the same spelling as another word but has a different sound and a different meaning:

lead (to go in front of)/lead (a metal)

wind (to follow a course that is not straight)/wind (a gust of air)

bass (low, deep sound)/bass (a type of fish)

A homophone is a word that has the same sound as another word but has a different meaning. Homophones may or may not have the same spelling. Here are some examples:




Not so bad, right? The ending –graph means drawn or written, so a homograph has the same spelling. The –phone ending means sound or voice, so a homophone has the same pronunciation. But here’s where it gets tricky. Depending on whom you talk to, homonym means either:

A word that is spelled like another but has a different sound and meaning (homograph); a word that sounds like another but has a different spelling and meaning (homophone)


A word that is spelled and pronounced like another but has a different meaning (homograph and homophone)

So does a homonym have to be both a homograph and a homophone, or can it be just one or the other? As with most things in life, it depends on whom you ask.

In the strictest sense, a homonym must be both a homograph and a homophone. So say many dictionaries. However, other dictionaries allow that a homonym can be a homograph or a homophone.

With so many notable resources pointing to the contrary, are we losing this strict meaning? What then will we call a word that is spelled and pronounced the same as another but has a different meaning? If homonym retains all these meanings, how will readers know what is actually meant?

The careful writer would do well to follow the strict sense, ensuring his meaning is understood immediately.


Use the noun homograph to talk about two words that are spelled the same but have different meanings and are sometimes pronounced differently — like sow, meaning «female pig,» and sow, «to plant seeds.» Continue reading…


Can you spot the homonyms in the sentence «The baseball pitcher drank a pitcher of water»? A homonym is a word that is said or spelled the same way as another word but has a different meaning. «Write” and “right” is a good example of a pair of homonyms. Continue reading…


A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can’t bake a cake using daffodils. Continue reading…

What is it called when you use a word that sounds like another word?

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling.

What is a word that sounds like what it means?


What does tinkle refer to?

1 : a series of short high ringing or clinking sounds. 2 : a jingling effect in verse or prose. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about tinkle.

How do they say tinkling in England?

Below is the UK transcription for ‘tinkling’: Modern IPA: tɪ́ŋklɪŋ Traditional IPA: ˈtɪŋklɪŋ 2 syllables: “TIN” + “kling”

What is the meaning of Echo?

(Entry 1 of 4) 1a : the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves. b : the sound due to such reflection. 2a : a repetition or imitation of another : reflection.

What is an echo in one sentence?

An echo is a repetition or imitation of sound. When sound waves hit a hard surface they might reflect, making the sound bounce and repeat. If you agree with someone, you might echo his or her statement.

What is Echo Short answer?

Solution: Echo is the sound heard after reflection from a rigid surface such as a cliff, a hillside, the wall of a building etc. So from the rigid surface because the sound heard after the reflection.

What are the uses of Echo?

Echoes are used by bats, dolphins and fisherman to detect an object / obstruction. They are also used in SONAR (Sound navigation and ranging) and RADAR(Radio detection and ranging) to detect an obstacle.

What is the condition required for an echo?

To produce an echo, the conditions required a are: (i) There should be sufficient time gap between original and reflected sounds. For the formation of echo, the reflecting surface must be rigid such as a building, hill or a cliff. (iv) Size of the obstacle should be quite large for the echoes to be heard.

Why does echo happen?

This phenomenon is called an echo, which has its origins in the Greek ekho, meaning “sound.” An echo happens when a sound wave reflects off a surface, such as the water at the bottom of a well, and the sound is repeated back to you. …

What is the minimum distance needed for an echo?

Thus, to hear the echo clearly in the air, the reflecting surface should be at a minimum distance of 16.5m from the source of sound.

How do you calculate echo?

For example, if the speed of sound in water is 1500 meters per second and the fisherman’s sonar device detects an echo in 0.02 seconds, the distance of the object under water will be d = v*t = 1500 meters per second * 0.02 seconds = 30 meters (back and forth).

Why will an echo not be heard when the distance?

The impression of sound lasts on the eardrum for 1/10 of a second. As the distance 10 m is far less than 16.6 m, therefore the ear cannot make out when the original sound had died and echo has been received. Thus, no echo is heard.

What is echo with example?

Echo is defined as a sound repeating by sound wave reflection, having a lasting or far reaching impact, or repeating what someone else has said. An example of echo is the repeating of a sound created by footsteps in an empty marble hallway.

What does echo mean in writing?

For writing, an echo is not a yodel bouncing off a distant mountain, rather a repeat of a word or sound that jars the reader. Some examples: The repetition of a common word in close proximity, especially if used in the same position in a sentence or paragraph.

What are the two applications of Echo?

The applications of echo: (i) Dolphins detect their enemy and obstacles by emitting the ultrasonic waves and hearing their echo. (ii) In medical science, the echo method of ultrasonic waves is used for imaging human organs such as the liver, gall bladder, etc. This is called ultrasonography.

What is meant by Echo Ranging?

determining the distance to an object by measuring the time between transmitting a sound signal and hearing its echo.

Which of the following is an application of echo sounding?

Echo sounders are used in laboratory applications to monitor sediment transport, scour and erosion processes in scale models (hydraulic models, flumes etc.). These can also be used to create plots of 3D contours.

What is the difference between echo and reverberation?

Reverberation is the persistence of sound after the sound source has been stopped. It results from a large number of reflected waves which can be perceived by the brain as a continuous sound. On the other hand, an echo occurs when a pulse of sound can be heard twice.

What is Echo called in music?

An echo machine is the early name for a sound processing device used with electronic instruments to repeat the sound and produce a simulated echo. One example is the Echoplex which used a tape loop. The length of delay was adjusted by changing the distance between the tape record and playback heads.

Is echo and delay the same?

Delays are separate copies of an original signal that reoccur within milliseconds of each other. Echoes are sounds that are delayed far enough in time so that you hear each as a distinct copy of the original sound.

Can sound waves travel in vacuum?

Sound waves are travelling vibrations of particles in media such as air, water or metal. So it stands to reason that they cannot travel through empty space, where there are no atoms or molecules to vibrate.

Can light travel in a vacuum?

Light travels in waves, and, like sound, can be slowed depending on what it is traveling through. Nothing can outpace light in a vacuum. However, if a region contains any matter, even dust, light can bend when it comes in contact with the particles, which results in a decrease in speed.

What can sound not travel through?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. A vacuum is an area without any air, like space. So sound cannot travel through space because there is no matter for the vibrations to work in.

What is the difference between pitch and loudness?

The pitch of a sound is our ear’s response to the frequency of sound. Whereas loudness depends on the energy of the wave. The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency while loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of sound waves.

Does higher pitch mean louder sound?

Children will often mix up pitch and loudness believing that a higher pitched sound is a louder one. Higher pitched sounds produce waves which are closer together than for lower pitched sounds.

Does loudness depend on frequency?

A sound frequency affect the loudness, and loudness affect the pitch so they both are inter dependent. Loudness is the intensity of sound as perceived by human auditory system. Amplitude of the incoming sound is a factor, and frequency response of our hearing equipment is also a factor.

Do all sounds have pitch?

First, every sound has a vibration which can delineate its pitch. Pitch is defined by humans. However, when the pitch travels through objects and air, and how far it is from the listener, it can actually change while the vibrations from the point of origin actually remain the same.

What are high and low pitch sounds?

Pitch. When an object vibrates quickly, high-pitched sounds are heard. Low-pitched sounds come from things that vibrate more slowly. Humans can hear sounds of different pitches, but there are sounds that they cannot hear.

A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones because they are pronounced the same but you certainly can‘t bake a cake using daffodils.

Also to know is, what are the 20 examples of homophones?

Examples of Homophones

ad, add ate, eight
cell, sell hear, here
hour, our its, it’s
know, no meet, meat
one, won their, there, they’re

Also to know, what words describe sounds?

Describing Pleasing Sounds

  • dulcet – soft and pleasant.
  • lilting – a sound that has a rising and falling pattern.
  • listenable – easy to listen to.
  • mellow – a soft, smooth, pleasant sound.
  • melodic – beautiful sound.
  • musical – sounds like music.
  • pure – a clear, beautiful sound.
  • rich – a sound that is strong in a pleasant way.

What are homonyms give 5 examples?

Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and usually sound alike, but have different meanings (e.g. dog bark, tree bark).


  • Right, Write.
  • Left (verb), Left (noun)
  • pen (A holding area for animals), pen (A writing instrument)
  • Wound (injury), Wound (Wrap around)

How would you describe the sound of footsteps?

Here are some adjectives for footsteps: stealthy, imaginary, thy plainer, swift but heavy, heavy but peculiar, loud, positive, hesitantly distinctive, regular, thoughtful, deliberately terrifying, soft unheard, hard fast-moving, stealthy, heavy, distinct and domestic, far-off gigantic, noiseless and joyless, tiny

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e.g.: ideas

Find words and phrases that can be pronounced similarly to another word or phrase

  1. Language
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

звучит как еще один

Похоже на очередной

Похоже на еще один

звучит, как другой

звучит как другая

Звучит, как еще одна

That sounds like another year of pretending.

Sounds like another Luke Wheeler hit.

Sounds like another money grab…

Sounds like another wild Halloween.

It sounds like another measles case.

Sounds like another voice.

That sounds like another play by Fosse.

A word that sounds like another which has a different spelling.

Just sounds like another species I know…

To you and I, it sounds like another impossible contradiction.

I don’t have one song that sounds like another.

In short, it sounds like another issue of creative differences.

You are right, this sounds like another movie script.

П. Вы правы, это напоминало съемки фильма.

It sounds like another way to enforce know-your-customer (KYC) standards

Это похоже на другой способ обеспечения соблюдения стандартов «ваш клиент» (КУС)

It sounds like another LONE WOLF that are impossible to stop.

I mean, it sounds like another Ark trap.

Not one song sounds like another, they had no genre, no one dimension.

Ни одна песня не звучит как другая, у них не было жанра, ни одного измерения.

I know what you’re thinking — sounds like another one of those Web 2.0 applications.

Я знаю, что вы подумали: похоже, это еще одно приложение для ШёЬ 2.0.

Translation: «This song sounds like another song.»

This sounds like another movie with an entirely different story?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 66. Точных совпадений: 66. Затраченное время: 114 мс


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context icon

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A new restaurant from creators of Milk Bar, inherently sounds like another promise in the gastro-trend.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Новый ресторан от создателей Milk Bar» звучит в первую очередь, как обещание очередного гастро- тренда.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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MVC frameworks, waterfall models, and so on.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Похоже, другого технологий модное слово, как гибкой разработки,

MVC рамки, Водопад моделей, и так далее.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

context icon

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and I, for one, have no intention of playing the sitting-duck card again.

context icon

Ну, это звучит, как еще одна команда для меня:» Удерживайте форт»,

и у меня, со своей стороны, нет намерения снова разыгрывать карту подсадной утки.

context icon

Похоже, нам придется еще раз прогуляться по театру.

It sounds like it was translated from another language by someone who doesn’t speak English.

context icon

We took all that information and said to ourselves,’OK,

we can’t make another record that sounds like what people expect from Tegan and Sara.

context icon

Мы собрали всю эту информацию и сказали себе:« Хорошо,

мы не можем создать еще одну запись, которая будет звучать так, как ожидают люди от Tegan and Sara.

context icon

Hearing you confess you attacked the reigning Queen, and then lost her to another land… that sounds like treason to me.

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Ты призналась, что напала на правящую Королеву и выслала ее за пределы страны… Звучит, как государственная измена.

context icon

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Модем издает звук, как при установке соединения с другим модемом, но связь не устанавливается.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Похоже, тебе, мне и Афине нужен еще один совместный сеанс.

Results: 81,
Time: 0.0321





  1. Homophone

While this is typically used to describe single words sounding the same (such as «their, they’re, there») a few sources (like this one) suggest that it works for phrases too, and definitions tend to say it can apply to «groups of letters» or «groups of characters» that are pronounced the same as another group of letters/characters, so the focus on ‘words’ is less important.

  1. Homophone phrase

To avoid ambiguity, you could simply say «homophone phrase», which is used here for instance (and several further examples of homophone phrases are given on that page), and is a more intuitive way of clarifying that it consists of more than one word, just in case that is the priority in your question, to distinguish it from single word homophones.

This is not more correct than simply saying «homophone» to be technically accurate, but is the best way to say it if your priority is to be sure you are understood as distinguishing from one-word homophones.

  1. Oronym

I personally haven’t heard of this word before, but according to Wikipedia,

Homophones of multiple words or phrases (as sometimes seen in word games) are also known as «oronyms».

The original source was not cited beyond the book to confirm this was first usage:

This term was coined by Gyles Brandreth and first published in his book The Joy of Lex (1980), and it was used in the BBC programme Never Mind the Full Stops, which also featured Brandreth as a guest.

This seems to be the best single word to describe what you want.

Note that if you specifically want to refer to only two words (like the question title implies) then you’d need to adjust the above options and simply specify that by saying a «two-word homophone» or a «two-word oronym». I can’t imagine a term exists for specifically two-word homophone phrases or two-word oronyms, but since your example has three words, I imagine that’s not an issue in your question.

The answers I gave here presume that it’s two or more words.

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A homonym eg dear means beloved but also expensive eg bank is side of river but also money depository

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Q: What is a word the same as another in sounds and spelling but different in meaning?

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This is the second blog post in a three-part series on the relationships between the pronunciation of English words and their spellings. Follow the links for part one of the series on Silent Letters and part three on the Sound System of American English.

As mentioned in the previous blog post, it often happens that the spelling of an English word doesn’t match up well with its pronunciation. There’s another category of word that can also cause confusion; these are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. These words are called “homophones”. If you memorize the most common homophones in English, then you will avoid a lot of potential confusion in your communications. An added bonus of memorizing common homophones is that you will be able to easily understand many jokes, puns, and plays on words that you encounter (or even spice up your conversations by creating such plays on words yourself!)

Without further ado, here is a chart of some of the most common sets of homophones in English. Remember, all of the words in the left column are pronounced the same way. That is, if you say “ate, eight” out loud, then it should sound exactly the same as if you said “ate, ate” or “eight, eight”.

Spelling: Pronounced:
ad, add ad
Adam, atom AD-um
air, err, heir air
aisle, isle, I’ll AI-ull
aloud, allowed uh-LOUD
altar, alter ALL-ter
ant, aunt ant
assent, ascent uh-SENT
ate, eight ate
bail, bale bale
ball, bawl bawl
band, banned band
bazaar, bizarre buh-ZAR
bare, bear bare (rhymes with “air”)
base, bass (instrument) base (rhymes with “ace”)
be, bee bee
beat, beet beet
berry, bury berry
bin, been bin
billed, build bild
bite, byte byte
blew, blue bloo
board, bored bord
brake, break brake
buy, by, bye by
carrot, karat KARE-ut
cell, sell sell
cent, sent, scent sent
cereal, serial serial
chili, chilly, Chile chill-ee
chews, choose chooz
cite, site, sight site
close, clothes kloz
core, corps kor
course, coarse korss
creek, creak creek
cue, queue kyoo
days, daze daze
deer, dear deer
die, dye dye
do, due, dew doo
fair, fare fare
faze, phase faze
finish, Finnish finish
find, fined find
feudal, futile FYU-dul
flea, flee flee
feat, feet feet
flower, flour FLOW-er (“flow” rhymes with “cow”)
for, four for
fowl, foul FOW-ul
great, grate grate
groan, grown grone
Greece, grease grees
guest, guessed gest (rhymes with “best”)
gym, Jim jim
hair, hare hair
hall, haul hawl
heal, heel heel
hear, here heer
heed, he’d heed
herd, heard herd
him, hymn him
hire, higher hi-er
hole, whole hol
horse, hoarse horse
hostel, hostile HAHST-ul
hurts, hertz herts
I, eye AI
in, inn in
intense, intents intense
jewels, joules joolz
lessen, lesson less-in
maid, made made
mail, male male
manner, manor manner
meat, meet meet
metal, medal, meddle MED-ul
need, knead need
new, knew noo
no, know no
nose, knows noz
not, knot not
nun, none nun
oh, owe oh
one, won wun
or, oar or
our, hour ow-er
pail, pale pale
pair, pare, pear pare
past, passed past
peace, piece peese
peer, pier peer
plane, plain plane
poll, pole poll
pour, pore pore
prince, prints prins
principal, principle PRINCE-i-pul
profit, prophet PRAH-fit
rain, rein, reign rane
rap, wrap rap
red, read red
right, write, rite, wright rite
ring, wring ring
road, rode, rowed rode
roll, role roll
root, route root
sail, sale sale
sea, see see
seam, seem seem
seas, sees, seize seez
seen, scene seen
seller, cellar seller
side, sighed side
so, sow, sew so
sole, soul, Seoul sole
some, sum sum
son, sun sun
stair, stare stare
steal, steel steel
sweet, suite sweet
sword, soared sord
tail, tale tale
taught, taut tawt
tear (meaning: drop of water), tier teer
tear (meaning: rip), tare tair
tense, tents tense
there, their, they’re thair
threw, through threw
thrown, throne throne
tie, Thai tye
to, too, two too
tow, toe toe
vain, vein vain
way, weigh way
wait, weight wait
weather, whether wether
week, weak week
where, wear, ware ware
which, witch witch
whose, who’s hooz
will, we’ll will
wood, would wood
wore, war wore
worn, warn worn
your, you’re yer

Do you have further questions about American English, or are you interested in accent training? Reach out and contact me!

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