Word sound of a bell

The sound of a bell can be described in many ways. Sometimes, we should use words to describe these sounds rather than trying to relate the exact noise to the reader. This article will present some of the best bell onomatopoeia words out there!

There are plenty of useful options for us when trying to describe the sound of a bell. You should check out the following:

  • Ding dong
  • Bing bong
  • Ring
  • Bell
  • Bong
  • Chime
  • Ding
  • Jingle
  • Ping
  • Ting-a-ling
  • Tinkle
  • Toll

bell onomatopoeia

The preferred version is “ding dong.” It works well to recreate the two noises that are most commonly associated with a bell toll. The first is a higher-pitched noise (the “ding”), and the second is a lower sound that echoes throughout the area (the “dong”).

Ding Dong

“Ding dong” is a great way to describe the sound of a bell. It works well because it shows that two distinct sounds come from a bell. One is much higher in tone, while the other is much lower. Together, the sounds create the signature “bell toll.”

Here are a few examples to help you with it:

  • Ding dong! My mother rang the bell, which indicated it was time for us to eat dinner.
  • Ding dong! Ding dong! I knew I was late, but I couldn’t be sure until I heard that bell ring!
  • Ding dong! Can you answer the door, please?

Bing Bong

“Bing bong” is almost identical to “ding dong.” We simply replace the “D’s” with “B’s” to change the meaning slightly. “B” words often have a lower register than “D” words, so this phrase works best for larger bells that make booming noises.

These examples should help you to make sense of it:

  • Bing bong! Bing bong! It was time for us to go to the wedding. I was so nervous.
  • Bing bong! The bell kept ringing. It was as if it was expecting us to answer its summons.
  • Bing bong! I could hear the clock tower bell from a mile away!


“Ring” works well when you want to show that someone has rung a bell. It’s a good choice for onomatopoeia because it shows that “ringing” is taking place. This is often a group of repeated sounds that comes from a vibrating bell.

These examples should help you make more sense of it:

  • I kept hearing the bells ring! It was almost too much for me to bear.
  • They wouldn’t stop ringing the bells! Even after I told them it was over, they kept going.
  • I could hear someone ringing the bell, but I couldn’t see anyone who might have been responsible.


“Bell” is a simple way to use the name of the instrument as a way to make the sound. It’s a good choice for onomatopoeia because it comes with very little confusion. Everyone knows that “bell” is a sound that a “bell” can make, after all.

Here are a few ways to use it:

  • The bell from the clocktower was causing a racket!
  • I didn’t like hearing the bell sound. I needed to get away from it quickly.
  • I kept hearing a faint bell! However, I don’t know where it came from.


“Bong” is a low, echoing noise that removes the initial “bing” from the section we mentioned previously. This time, we are referring to a large bell that chimes at a certain time (usually inside a clock). You can think of the Big Ben clock as making a “bong” noise.

Here are a few ways you might make this one work:

  • Bong! The clocktower echoed out across the city. It was time for the mass to begin!
  • Bong! Bong! I kept hearing the bells near the city, but I was miles away from it!
  • I don’t know why I decided to bong the bell, but it made me laugh when I did so!


“Chime” is a slightly more specific noise that a bell makes. It’s most common for clocks to chime when they reach a specific time (the bell in them will chime out to remind the owner of the time). It’s a low, humming sound that rings out for a while.

Here is how we could make “chime” work:

  • The grandfather clock in my attic kept chiming, although I hadn’t heard the bell work in years!
  • I knew that at six chimes, it was time for me to start thinking about making the children their dinner.
  • I heard some chimes and knew that it was time for me to go. I didn’t want to, but I knew I had to.


“Ding” is a good way of using “ding dong” without a loud echo. Some bells are simply not large enough to create a low, echoing sound. Therefore, they might only make a soft “ding” when they are rung. That’s where this sound comes into play.

Check out these examples if you want to see how you could use it:

  • Ding! The bells went off again. I should probably go and check on the livestock.
  • I kept hearing a faint ding, but I was certain that I had uninstalled the bells the night before.
  • I heard the bell ding, so I went to investigate as soon as I got the chance!


“Jingle” is a good choice when we want to refer to the sound a smaller bell might make. Often, a “jingle” is a combination of small chimes that can come out of a bell. However, none of these chimes are low in register, and they’re easy to miss because they are quiet.

You might be familiar with the Christmas rhyme “Jingle Bells.” This takes the onomatopoeia word of “jingle” and shows how closely they relate to the sound that bells make (especially the smaller bells you might associate with Christmas).

Here are some ways we can make it work:

  • I kept hearing the bells jingling in the wind. However, I did not think anything of it at the time.
  • The bells kept jingling! It was like somebody was sitting near them and ringing them, but I couldn’t see another soul around.
  • Jingle! Jingle! It’s the bells again! I can hear them coming over the hills!


“Ping” is a great way to show that a bell has a more gentle or abrupt sound to it. It works when it’s a smaller bell that only has one high-pitched noise (which is why we don’t use the “dong” idea with this one).

These examples will help you to understand how it works:

  • The bell went ping, but I couldn’t tell whether anyone had entered the store.
  • I heard the ping, but I have absolutely no idea where the bell is! I don’t even know how someone managed to ring it.
  • It went ping again! Maybe you can go and check it out before you leave?


“Ting-a-ling” is another great choice if you want to talk about a more gentle and repetitive sound. It works well when smaller bells have rung and often indicates that the bell has made more than one noise while it is recovering.

Unlike larger bells, there isn’t much need for a smaller bell to have a “dong” noise. They do not create low, echoing tones, which is why the “dong” is unnecessary. Instead, the secondary sound is closer to a “ling,” which still has a high-pitched tone to it.

These examples should help you to understand more about it:

  • Ting-a-ling! He rang the bell and waited for someone to serve him, but the hotel foyer seemed deserted.
  • We need to find the bell! I want to hear it ting-a-ling again! I haven’t heard one like that in years.
  • Oh, would you stop ringing that ting-a-ling! I can’t stand the noise coming out of it!


“Tinkle” is another gentle sound that a bell could make. Again, this is reserved more for the smaller bells that you might come across in clocks or above store doors. We use the “tinkle” sound to show that a bell has rung for a small amount of time.

Check out these examples if you want to see how it works:

  • Tinkle! I heard the door go, but I wasn’t quite ready to go and present myself to the customers!
  • I heard the tinkle, which meant that somebody had opened the door. However, I thought it would be safer if I stayed inside.
  • He made the bell tinkle when nobody was looking. I found it to be quite amusing!


“Toll” works well to show that a bell has made a large, booming sound. The “toll” is a good way to describe it because it shows that it is lower in pitch (the use of the “O” vowel) demonstrates this.

Here are a few examples to help you make more sense of it:

  • The bell tolled at the hour mark, and we could hear it ringing throughout the cathedral.
  • I couldn’t stop the bell from tolling on the hour! It was actually quite frightening because I forgot it was so loud.
  • The bell tolled! It was ringing throughout the land, and it was enough to attract the attention of many of the locals.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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If you wanted to describe the sound of a small brass bell that you can hold in your hand (this is an example image of what I mean — what word would you use? Brrring? Bling?

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

Mari-Lou A

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asked Sep 11, 2011 at 11:34

topskip's user avatar


The term should be tinkle. For example:

  • A bell tinkled as the door opened.
  • The maid tinkled a bell.

answered Sep 11, 2011 at 11:44

Alenanno's user avatar


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Edgar Allen Poe’s poem The Bells pretty much covers this. In this poem:

sleigh bells tinkle and jingle,
wedding bells ring and chime,
alarm bells clang,
funeral bells toll and knell.

For small bells, I think tinkle, jingle, ring would all apply.

answered Oct 31, 2015 at 16:04

Peter Shor 's user avatar

Peter Shor Peter Shor

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The sound of a hand held brass bell, to me, is «ding-a-ling

«Tinkle» would apply at best to a very small bell (and at worst is slang for urinate as I commented above), and «brrring» would apply to the repeated hammering on a bell such as one used to hear telephones or school bells make. «Bling» is slang for gaudy jewellery!

answered Jul 3, 2012 at 13:07

JAM's user avatar


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The sound of a small brass bell is a ‘tintinnabulation’.

answered Jul 3, 2012 at 12:09

Jex's user avatar

Перевод по словам

sound [adjective]

noun: звук, шум, тон, смысл, плавательный пузырь, зонд, щуп, катетер, узкий пролив, значение

adjective: звуковой, здравый, здоровый, крепкий, прочный, надежный, доброкачественный, правильный, глубокий, действительный

verb: звучать, казаться, зондировать, произносить, издавать звук, звонить, давать сигнал, выстукивать, стараться выяснить, выслушивать

adverb: крепко

  • rattling sound — дребезжащий звук
  • sound demodulator — демодулятор звукового сигнала
  • impact sound — ударный шум
  • an alarm will sound — раздастся звуковой сигнал
  • appears sound — появляется звук
  • how does that sound to you — как это звучит для вас
  • broke the sound barrier — преодолел звуковой барьер
  • do not sound like — не похоже
  • sound environmental practices — звук природоохранной практики
  • output sound pressure — Выход звукового давления

of [preposition]

preposition: из, о, от, об, для

  • House of Commons — палата общин
  • become conscious of — осознать
  • piece of the pie — кусок пирога
  • bill of lading — накладная
  • facility of access — средство доступа
  • in the course of — в течение
  • scores of times — десятки раз
  • plan (of action) — план действий)
  • course of rehabilitation — восстановительный курс
  • voice of women — мнение женщин

a [article]

article: один, некий, каждый, такой же, неопределенный артикль, одинаковый, какой-то

noun: высшая отметка, круглое отлично

abbreviation: возраст, акр, пополудни

  • pull a U-ey — вытащить U-ey
  • like (two) peas in a pod — как (два) гороха в стручке
  • much of a muchness — большая часть мухны
  • with a good grace — с хорошей грацией
  • give someone a shock/fright/jolt — дать кому-шок / испуга / встряску
  • a cut from the joint — вырезка
  • a sticky situation — липкая ситуация
  • a blackout — затемнение
  • run a thing close — закрыть
  • not worth a row of pins — никуда не годный

bell [noun]

noun: колокол, звонок, колокольчик, колпак, раструб, конус, купол, звук, бубенчик, рында

verb: мычать, прикреплять колокольчик, снабжать колоколами, кричать

  • bell pillar — звонковая колонка
  • trumpet bell — воронка для литья
  • bell guide — направляющий раструб
  • bell nipple — переходный ниппель
  • bell on bobtail ring — колокольчик на хвосте
  • bell character — символ звонковой сигнализации
  • bell the cat — подставлять себя под удар
  • bell button — кнопка звонка
  • bell helicopter — колокол вертолет
  • bell canada — колокол канада

Предложения с «sound of a bell»

The rattling sound of tea cups will turn to the ringing sound of a bell on a sheep’s neck.

Звуки чайных чашек превратятся в звенящий звук колокольчика на шее у овечки.

Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell.

Его собака выделяла слюну при звуке колокольчика

The rattling sound of tea cups will turn to the ringing sound of a bell on a sheep’s neck.

Звуки чайных чашек превратятся в звенящий звук колокольчика на шее у овечки.

No, the sound of a bell, announcing a visitor, will but accelerate the resolution of one in Maximilian’s situation, and then the bell would be followed by a louder noise.

Иной раз звонок, чей — нибудь приход ускоряют решение человека, который находится в таком состоянии, как Максимилиан, и тогда в ответ на звонок раздается другой звук.

As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses ‘ hoofs and grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the bell.

Мы услышали резкий стук лошадиных копыт и визг колес, скользнувших вдоль ближайшей обочины.

The feathers wind their gloomy way along the streets, and come within the sound of a church bell.

Перья совершают свой мрачный путь по улицам, и вот уже слышен колокольный звон.

She was interrupted in the midst of these uneasy speculations by the sound of the telephone bell ringing in the other room.

Эти ее тревожные раздумья прервал телефонный звонок, раздавшийся в комнате.

I heard a sound like a single bell chime, followed by a great roaring.

Я услышал звук вроде боя единственного колокола , за которым последовал громкий рев.

Distantly, somewhere on the lake, a bell rang out several times, a solemn sound that made me think of a funeral dirge.

Где — то далеко на озере несколько раз ударил колокол, и его тоскливый звон напомнил мне погребальный.

He was about to begin his repast when the sound of the bell rang sharp and loud.

Он уже садился за стол, когда чья — то уверенная и сильная рука дернула звонок.

There had come the sound of the bell below. She had started up.

На мисс Кавендиш не было лица, бледная, изможденная, она сидела, откинувшись в кресле и вздрагивала при каждом звуке.

Sometimes M. Mabeuf started at the sound of the bell.

Если звонил звонок, Мабеф вздрагивал.

She was disturbed from her reverie by the sound of the door bell below.

Звонок в дверь пробудил ее от грез.

Now I have lost faith in it, but I sound the alarm still, and shall sound it to the tomb. I will pull at the bell-ropes until they toll for my own requiem!

Теперь уже не верую, но звоню и буду звонить до конца, до могилы; буду дергать веревку, пока не зазвонят к моей панихиде!

This is a pixie bell, the sound is much too high for human ears.

Это колокольчик пикси. Звук слишком высок для человеческого слуха.

The faint sound of a clanging bell came floating up to him from the street.

С улицы донесся звон колокольчика .

When he rode up front on the junk wagon, with his father sitting next to him on the hard wooden seat, it had seemed that was the only sound he’d ever heard. The clanging of a bell.

Когда он сидел рядом с отцом на жестких деревянных козлах фургона, то казалось, что он слышит только один звук — звон колокольчика .

But before he had time to cover himself up with the bedclothes he heard a distinct sound of the bell.

Но не успел он укрыться одеялом, как до его слуха донесся явственный звук колокольчика .

Jingling gaily, the bell-hung hetmen’s standards jogged along among the ranks of horsemen and the horses of officers and trumpeters strained forward to the sound of martial music.

Весело гремящие бунчуки метались среди конного строя, и рвались вперед от трубного воя кони командиров и трубачей.

The sound of the dressing-bell dispersed the party.

Звон колокола , призывавшего гостей переодеваться к обеду, заставил все общество разойтись.

Beyond the window, beneath the unhurried pigeons, the bailiff’s voice still droned, reiterant, importunate, and detached, though the sound of the bell had ceased.

За окном, над которым неторопливо сновали голуби, по — прежнему раздавался голос пристава, монотонный, назойливый и бесстрастный, хотя звонок уже стих.

A bell below tinkled a note that was feebler in sound than the twanging of wires and cranks that had produced it.

Звук колокольчика внизу был куда слабее, чем дребезжание проволоки и блоков, вызвавших его.

At the sound of the bell, Theodore in a red waistcoat appeared on the steps; he came to open the door almost familiarly, as to an acquaintance, and showed her into the dining-room.

На звонок вышел Теодор в красном жилете; он встретил Эмму почти фамильярно, как свою приятельницу, и провел прямо в столовую.

The shadow outlined against the window panes disappeared, and the sound of an electric bell rang through the house.

Темный силуэт, вырисовывавшийся на фоне окна, исчез, и вслед за тем в гулкой тишине дома резко прозвучал звонок.

As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses’ hoofs and grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the bell.

Мы услышали резкий стук лошадиных копыт и визг колес, скользнувших вдоль ближайшей обочины. Вскоре затем кто — то с силой дернул звонок.

Listen, Satterthwaite, Tollie was as sound as a bell.

Толли был здоров как бык, Саттерсвейт!

He’s as sound as a bell, sir.

В прекрасном состоянии, сэр.

I call her Tinker Bell… because of the beautiful sound her wings make through the air.

Я зову её Динь — Динь, из — за красивого звука, который издают её крылья, пронизывая воздух.

As if in answer there came a second sound . A bell began to toll in a church by St John’s Wood.

Словно, в ответ, раздался иной звук — это ударили колокола в церкви близ Сент — Джонс — Вуд.

Then, all at once, behold!-for it seems at times, as though the ear also possessed a sight of its own,-behold, rising from each bell tower, something like a column of sound , a cloud of harmony.

Затем вы внезапно увидите, — иногда и ухо обретает зрение, — увидите, как от каждой звонницы вздымается как бы колонна звуков, облако гармонии.

So we should blast the sound of the bell across the entire city?

Значит, нам нужно включить звук звонка по всему городу?

Keating wondered why the name had sounded like the muffled stroke of a bell; as if the sound had opened and closed a sequence which he would not be able to stop.

Почему же это слово прозвучало как приглушённый удар колокола , как будто именно этот звук открыл последовательный ряд других, которые он не в силах будет остановить?

At the first sound of the bell they hastened into the Corso by the Via Vittoria.

С первым ударом колокола они пустились в путь по виа Витториа и устремились на Корсо.

Through the hall of the Buchanans’ house blew a faint wind, carrying the sound of the telephone bell out to Gatsby and me as we waited at the door.

Когда мы с Гэтсби дожидались у двери бьюкененовского дома, легкий ветер донес из холла трель телефонного звонка.

Heyday! were have you come from? — who are you? — what do you want? cried the Englishwoman, pulling the bell, which made no sound .

Послушайте — ка! Откуда вы взялись? Кто вы? Что вам надо? — крикнула англичанка, напрасно обрывая звонок, не издававший ни единого звука.

The sound rings a bell in the primal, the lizard part of the brain that connects to the pleasure centers, see?

Этот звук даёт сигнал в древнюю зону мозга, которая досталась нам от ящеров, и которая связана с центром удовольствия, понимаете?

Emmanuel had scarcely uttered these words when the sound of the bell was heard, the well-known signal given by the porter that a visitor had arrived.

Едва он успел произнести эти слова, как раздался звон колокольчика . Это привратник давал знать о посетителе.

In October 1947, the Bell X-1 was the first aircraft to exceed the speed of sound .

В октябре 1947 года Bell X — 1 стал первым самолетом, превысившим скорость звука.

The first plane to break the sound barrier in level flight was a rocket plane – the Bell X-1.

Первым самолетом, преодолевшим звуковой барьер в горизонтальном полете, стал ракетоплан – колокол х — 1.

On September 15, huge crowds of Muscovites began to flow towards Red Square at the sound of the alarm bell.

15 сентября огромные толпы москвичей начали стекаться к Красной площади по сигналу тревоги.

The album was recorded at Bell Sound Studios in New York City and was produced in full by Burt Bacharach and Hal David.

Альбом был записан в студии Bell Sound Studios в Нью — Йорке и полностью продюсирован Бертом Бахарахом и Хэлом Дэвидом.

It was used as a curfew bell or a fire bell, and later was linked to the church clock to sound the hours.

Он использовался как колокол комендантского часа или пожарный колокол, а позже был связан с церковными часами, чтобы бить часы.

In October 1947, the Bell X-1 was the first aircraft to exceed the speed of sound .

В октябре 1947 года Bell X — 1 стал первым самолетом, превысившим скорость звука.

The song’s distinctive and unusual sound is said to have been inspired by Bell hearing a record being played backwards.

Характерный и необычный звук песни, как говорят, был вдохновлен тем, что Белл услышал запись, которую проигрывали задом наперед.

The curvature of the bell has little effect on the sound of the instrument.

Кривизна колокола мало влияет на звучание инструмента.

Alexander Graham Bell used the light-sensitive property of selenium to transmit sound over a beam of light in 1880.

Александр Грэм Белл использовал светочувствительное свойство селена для передачи звука по лучу света в 1880 году.

Also performers create a ringing bell sound by instantly releasing pedaled notes.

Кроме того, исполнители создают звенящий звук колокола , мгновенно выпуская педалированные ноты.

In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent for the electromagnetic transmission of vocal sound by undulatory electric current.

В 1876 году Александру Грэму Беллу был выдан патент на электромагнитную передачу вокального звука волнообразным электрическим током.

The sound of villagers grinding their corn at night filled the gaps between the slow chiming of a distant bell.

Джеймс Ланкастер привез султану письмо от королевы Елизаветы I, и именно Малахайати вел переговоры с Ланкастером.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

звуке колокола

звуке колокольчика

звук колокола

звук звонка

звук колокольчика

звуке звонка

звон колокольчика

звон колокола

звуком колокольчика

In his classic experiment, he trained hungry dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was previously associated with the sight of food.

В своем классическом эксперименте он обучал голодных собак выделять слюну при звуке колокола, который ранее ассоциировался с видом пищи.

He conducted a number of different experiments of this nature, but his most famous involved conditioning dogs to salivate upon hearing the sound of a bell.

Он провел ряд различных экспериментов такого рода, но его самые известные приученные собаки-санитары вызывают слюнотечение при звуке колокола.

They learned to expect food at the sound of a bell.

Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell.

The gentle but strong sound of a bell can remove all the impurities and lingering energies.

Нежный, но сильный звук колокола может удалить все загрязнения и затяжную энергию.

We stood silently for about a minute and then there was distinctly heard by all of us (myself included) the sound of a bell.

Мы стояли тихо примерно в течение минуты, и тогда все мы (в том числе и я) совершенно ясно услышали звук колокола

tinnitus, sometimes pulsating, or similar to the sound of a bell

шум в ушах, иногда пульсирующий, или похожий на звук колокола

At the sound of a bell, you go to one of these rooms together with 30 other kids who were all born the same year as you.

При звуке колокола Вы идете в одну из этих комнат вместе с 30 другими детьми, которые родились в том же году, что и вы.

Soon, they discover that their guide’s sombre expression only brightens at the sound of a bell, and not just any bell.

Скоро они обнаружили, что мрачный вид их проводника оживляется только при звуке колокольчика… И не любого колокольчика.

Leonardo daVinci forced a relationship between the sound of a bell and a stone hitting water.

Леонардо Да Винчи связал в своём воображении звук колокола и след от брошенного в воду камня.

Just as a dog can be conditioned to salivate at the sound of a bell, so can mice be conditioned to restrain their immune system when presented with a specific stimulus.

Точно так же, как у собаки может быть обусловлено слюноотделение при звуке колокольчика, так и у мышей может быть обусловлено сдерживание своей иммунной системы при наличии специфического стимула.

learner comes to respond to stimuli other than the one originally calling for the response (as when dogs are taught to salivate at the sound of a bell).

В акте классического кондиционирования, ученик приходит, чтобы реагировать на стимулы, отличные от того, первоначально призывая к ответу (как когда собаки учат слюноотделение при звуке колокола).

If a dog can be taught to drool at the sound of a bell, a human can be taught to anticipate and want alcohol if there is a pleasant stimulus.

Подумайте об этом: если у собаки можно вызвать жажду еды при звуке колокола, то человека можно научить хотеть алкоголя, если есть повод.

The rosary (three groups of fifty Hail Marys counted on beads) was in popular use by the twelfth century and the angelus also appeared (the recitation of prayers to Mary, morning, noon, and evening, at the sound of a bell).

Мариан преданность расцвела между одиннадцатого и пятнадцатого веков. четки (три группы из пятидесяти Богородицу рассчитывать на бусины) была популярна в использовании двенадцатом веке, и Ангелус также появилась (чтение молитвы к Марии, утром, в полдень и вечером, при звуке колокола).

He trained dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell.

Он приучал собак выделять слюну при звуке звонка.

Two monks go one after another along the yellow path and read something religious under the sound of a bell before the service begins.

По желтой дорожке идут один за другим два монаха и читают нечто религиозное под звон колокола перед началом службы.

The sound of a bell traditionally marks the beginning of an auction.

In a series of well-known experiments, Pavlov taught the dogs to respond to the sound of a bell by drooling.

В серии известных экспериментов Павлов научил собак реагировать на звуки колокольчика выделением слюны.

It is said at morning, noon, and evening, at the sound of a bell.

Это утреннее, дневное и вечернее время, то есть часы, когда к этому призывает колокол.

The rattling sound of tea cups will turn to the ringing sound of a bell on a sheep’s neck.

Звуки чайных чашек превратятся в звенящий звук колокольчика на шее у овечки.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 43. Точных совпадений: 43. Затраченное время: 94 мс


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