Word something does not exist


  • #1

I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
How can we say?
It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
Thank you!

  • VenusEnvy

    • #2

    Glaçon said:

    I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
    How can we say?
    It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
    Thank you!

    A myth? A fable?


    • #3

    A myth is OK, I think. The idea is that this «something which never existed» is looking into the sky and crying…


    • #4

    Glaçon said:

    I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
    How can we say?
    It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
    Thank you!

    Perhaps you could give us some context? This may help better I think.
    You could use illusion, delusion, imagining, myth, legend. All of these terms can sort of relate to what you may want, but I can’t be sure until you submit some more to go with it. Context means so much to the translation. I hope I have been a bit helpful to you. Have a wonderful day my dear.

    Sweet T. ;) ;) ;)


    • #5

    It’s difficult. It’s a song and there’s not much information.
    The song is about «IT». The word I’m looking for is in the 2nd line.

    Either a tear is rolling down,
    Either a myth (?…)
    Is crying like snow in the sky
    And it is looking into the sky.

    Shadows (phantoms?) of melancholy, of doubt
    Have sprung up.
    And a cra-crazy trouble (uneasiness?)
    Is again in my heart.
    Again It, again It.

    I swallowed a gulp of the air
    And understood that
    It’ll stay in me —
    This Word.

    This tender word and a snow avalanche
    Is keeping my senses
    Like a lump in my throat.
    Again It, Again It.


    • #6

    Glaçon said:

    It’s difficult. It’s a song and there’s not much information.
    The song is about «IT». The word I’m looking for is in the 2nd line.

    Either a tear is rolling down,
    Either a myth (?…)
    Is crying like snow in the sky
    And it is looking into the sky.

    Shadows (phantoms?) of melancholy, of doubt
    Have sprung up.
    And a cra-crazy trouble (uneasiness?)
    Is again in my heart.
    Again It, again It.

    I swallowed a gulp of the air
    And understood that
    It’ll stay in me —
    This Word.

    This tender word and a snow avalanche
    Is keeping my senses
    Like a lump in my throat.
    Again It, Again It.

    Well. OK. This is pretty deep to me. I like the imagery a lot. In my opinion, maybe use illusion or maybe muse. It seems that the author is telling of his/her emotions and this IT is maybe the feelings or the word that is being kept to him/her self. May I ask from which language you are translating? This may help others here too in helpoing you find your answer. The native speakers of that language may have an easier time.

    Sweet T.
    ps where may I find this song?? ;)

    • #7

    I am translating it from Russian.

    My friend who is going to edit her CD wrote it.
    Thank you for help!


    • #8

    Glasson said:

    I am translating it from Russian.

    My friend who is going to edit her CD wrote it.
    Thank you for help!

    Wow, makes me want to learn it!! Quite the challenge it seems. I’m not sure I’ve helped you much, but I have tried for you. Have a wonderful rest of the day!!

    Sweet T.

    • #9

    Thank you!

    As I started to ask questions about my translation,

    would this sound good?
    The idea is to start the sentence with «To find you», because it’s repeated. But I don’t know how to turn the phrase…

    To find you.
    In the vast expanses of the Earth
    It did’t happen to (I couldn’t) find you,
    Who have come from dreams.
    And your face (image) is living with me.
    My white boat is sailing
    Above the Earth, above the clouds,
    Only touching the sky.
    It’s sailing turning over
    The moments of infinity.
    And the sun is rising to meet it.
    To find you, who have come from dreams,
    In the vast expanses of the Earth —
    That’s what I’m trying to do.
    But you have melted through mirrors,
    My dream, my dream.


    • #10

    Glaçon said:

    It’s difficult. It’s a song and there’s not much information.
    The song is about «IT». The word I’m looking for is in the 2nd line.

    Either a tear is rolling down,
    Either a

    myth (?…)

    presence / ghost
    Is crying like snow in the sky
    And it is looking into the sky.

    Shadows (phantoms?) of melancholy, of doubt
    Have sprung up.
    And a cra-crazy trouble (uneasiness?)
    Is again in my heart.
    Again It, again It.

    I swallowed a gulp of the air
    And understood that
    It’ll stay in me —
    This Word.

    This tender word and a snow avalanche
    Is keeping my senses
    Like a lump in my throat.
    Again It, Again It.

    Perhaps ghost or presence could be used?? Poetry, even in the form of lyrics can be difficult to translate.

    Sweet T. :D


    • #11

    Glasson said:

    Thank you!

    As I started to ask questions about my translation,

    would this sound good?
    The idea is to start the sentence with «To find you», because it’s repeated. But I don’t know how to turn the phrase…

    To find you.
    In the vast expanses of the Earth
    It did’nt happen to (I couldn’t) find you, (which of these?? They do not make sense together)
    Who have come from dreams.
    And your face (image) is living with me.
    My white boat is sailing
    Above the Earth, above the clouds,
    Only touching the sky.
    It’s sailing turning over
    The moments of infinity.
    And the sun is rising to meet it.
    To find you, who have come from dreams,
    In the vast expanses of the Earth —
    That’s what I’m trying to do.
    But you have melted through mirrors,
    My dream, my dream.

    Put where the phrase to find you comes in and I wil try for you again. You only have it in here twice, is this it?? This is a most beautiful poem/song.

    SWeet T. :D

    te gato

    • #12

    Glaçon said:

    I’m not satisfied with the translations that I found.
    How can we say?
    It’s an abstract word. «Something which does not exist»… Not a fairy-tale, more abstract than a tale…
    Thank you!

    Well if you are looking for a word for something that does not exist..how about..’Figment’…or….’Apparition’..

    Just a thought..
    te gato;)

    te gato

    • #13

    Glasson said:

    Thank you!

    As I started to ask questions about my translation,

    would this sound good?
    The idea is to start the sentence with «To find you», because it’s repeated. But I don’t know how to turn the phrase…

    To find you.
    In the vast expanses of the Earth (Expanse)
    It didn’t happen to (I couldn’t) find you, (It didn’t happen, I couldn’t find you)
    Who have come from dreams.
    And your face (image) is living with me. (I personaly like image)
    My white boat is sailing
    Above the Earth, above the clouds,
    Only touching the sky.
    It’s sailing, turning over
    The moments of infinity.
    And the sun is rising to meet it.
    To find you, who have come from dreams,
    In the vast expanses of the Earth — (expanse)
    That’s what I’m trying to do.
    But you have melted through mirrors,
    My dream, my dream.

    I suggested a few things…just ideas..

    te gato;)

    • #14

    G’day forum
    Poetry is my vice and my reading of the poem leaves me to the conclusion that the question was framed incorrectly and that the word sought has nothing directly to do with myth in a literal sense.

    I would humbly suggest the missing word to be flown.

    Flown adds to the vaguries of the myth.
    The myth is a distant tale removed further by the allusion to flight or escape or loss.
    Flown is gentle and soft and quiet.
    Something that has flown can not be touched or examined too closely and must be taken in completely at a glance or not at all.

    This is a glorious piece and whoever wrote it understands Art.

    If I have been of even the slightest assistance to such a work would you mind letting me know.

    See you later


    • #15

    There IS a word for that but I cannot remember it. It describes the physical symptoms that affects a human being when they are treated as though they have never existed.

    • #16

    There IS a word for that but I cannot remember it. It describes the physical symptoms that affects a human being when they are treated as though they have never existed.

    I have also been looking for that word.


    • #17

    I don’t know what word you’re looking for, gwaganyo, but maybe this article has it: The Pain of Rejection By Social Groups — Abuse

    There’s more of treatment like you don’t exist now than that you never existed, but I’m not sure how they differ anyway. Other sites say the physical symptom of this is mostly pain; which is not a word you are probably looking for, but apparently it’s treatable by painkillers (people felt less socially disconnected when treated with over the counter pain killers!)

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    чего-то не существует

    что-то не существует

    There is a forceful logic which emphasizes that if something does not exist, it cannot possibly proliferate.

    Есть веская логика на тот счет, что если чего-то не существует, то оно и никак не может распространяться.

    It is very difficult to show that something does not exist.

    Richard Dawkins, for example, has told audiences that he is nominally an agnostic, since proving that something does not exist is impossible.

    Так, Ричард Докинз говорил своим слушателям, что номинально он агностик, поскольку невозможно доказать, что что-то не существует.

    «If something does not exist locally then it should not be approved if it is introduced from elsewhere.»

    «Если чего-то не существует на месте, оно не должно быть принято, если привнесено извне.»

    Scientists are left with an impossible task: proving something does not exist.

    In vain may some one think that something does not exist when it is already in existence.

    To prove that something does not exist is difficult in principle.

    Is it true that we can never prove that something does not exist?

    Неужели мы никогда не можем доказать несуществование чего-либо?

    I do not have to prove that something does not exist first before I can show that it is imaginary.

    Нельзя доказать, что что-то не может в принципе, пока не докажешь, что оно существует.

    Negation in dialectics does not mean simply saying no, or declaring that something does not exist, or destroying it in any way one likes.

    В диалектике, говорил Энгельс, отрицать не значит просто сказать «нет», или объявить вещь несуществующей или уничтожить её любым способом.

    We cannot search the whole world in order to establish that something does not exist, has never existed, and will never exist.

    Мы не можем исследовать весь мир для установления того, что нечто не существует, никогда не существовало и никогда не будет существовать [2.

    Therefore, when people say that something does not exist, they mean «that thing does not exist as a material reality perceivable to everybody» and NOT that it does not exist in the absolute sense.

    Итак, когда люди говорят, что что-либо не существует, они имеют в виду, что это не существует в материальной реальности, воспринимаемой всеми, а не то, что это абсолютно не существует.

    You’re trying to correct something, you’re trying to become something, you’re trying to do something, and something does not exist.

    Вы пытаетесь что-то исправить, пытаетесь стать чем-то, пытаетесь сделать что-то, а это что-то не существует.

    Suppose something does not exist.

    Something does not exist until we observe it.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 15. Точных совпадений: 15. Затраченное время: 80 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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    Нейросеть научили создавать несуществующие слова и давать им определения

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    Томас Димсон, программист, создавший приложение Hyperlapse для Instagram, представил свой новый проект под названием This Word Does Not Exist. Проект представляет собой нейросеть, которая придумывает несуществующие слова и даёт им определения.

    Как поясняет сам Томас Димсон, This Word Does Not Exist является вариацией нейросети GPT-2. Она составляет слова с нуля и даёт им пояснения и примеры употребления. Например, придуманное нейросетью существительное incromulentness образовано от неологизма cromulent, которое впервые появилось в серии мультсериала «Симпсоны» в 1996 году и переводится как «адекватный, приемлемый, правильный». Слово incromulentness, по мнению нейросети, означает «отсутствие искренности или прямоты». В качестве примера нейросеть приводит фразу Incromulentness in the manner of speech — «неискренность в манере речи».

    Демо-версия проекта есть на одноимённом сайте. Существует также твиттер-бот проекта. Кроме того, на GitHub можно скачать предварительно обученную модель. Чтобы натренировать свою нейросеть на основе загруженных файлов, Димсон рекомендует воспользоваться контентом Apple Dictionary или Urban Dictionary.

    Правда, пользователи YCombinator уже заметили, что This Word Does Not Exist иногда предлагает уже существующие слова — например, refactoring. Некоторые слова являются немного изменёнными существующими словами — например, intermodulate — или словами, написанными с ошибкой (disaproval). С другой стороны, нейросеть даёт своё собственное пояснение к каждому слову. Например, слово disaproval она объясняет как the action of expending money for a period of time («процесс траты денег за определённый период времени»). Второе значение, которое предлагает нейросеть, одинаково для каждого слова и поясняет его происхождение — a word that does not exist; it was invented, defined and used by a machine learning algorithm («слово, которого не существует; его изобрёл и использовал алгоритм машинного обучения»).

    8 years, 9 months ago

    37k times

    Is there a single word for the text within quotation marks in the citation below?

    All such statements [entity doesn’t exist] are casual short-hand for a more elaborate and technical statement: “this alleged entity has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations, cannot be used to predict any events, does not describe any thing or force that has yet been detected, and there are no models of the universe in which its presence is either required, productive, or useful.”

    tchrist's user avatar


    132k48 gold badges366 silver badges566 bronze badges

    asked Jun 22, 2014 at 19:07

    Ultimate Hawk's user avatar


    . . . this alleged entity has no place in any scientific equations, plays no role in any scientific explanations. . . .

    Sciosophy: supposed knowledge of natural or supernatural phenomena or forces, usually based on tradition, as astrology or phrenology.

    Kit Z. Fox's user avatar

    Kit Z. Fox

    27.6k23 gold badges110 silver badges187 bronze badges

    answered Jun 22, 2014 at 21:22

    Third News's user avatar

    Third NewsThird News

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    The word you are probably after is nonexistent.

    If the thing used to exist but no longer does, then you could also use nonextant, although that doesn’t seem to be that case in your example.

    Janus Bahs Jacquet's user avatar

    answered Jun 22, 2014 at 19:21

    smithkm's user avatar


    2,24813 silver badges18 bronze badges

    I’d go with phantom, as it can be applied as both a noun or an adjective.

    tchrist's user avatar


    132k48 gold badges366 silver badges566 bronze badges

    answered Jun 22, 2014 at 19:58

    RaneWrites's user avatar


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    This Word Does Not Exist

    This is a project allows
    people to train a variant of GPT-2 that makes
    up words, definitions and examples from scratch.

    For example

    incromulentness (noun)

    lack of sincerity or candor

    «incromulentness in the manner of speech»

    Check out https://www.thisworddoesnotexist.com as a demo

    Check out https://twitter.com/robo_define for a twitter bot demo

    Generating Words / Running Inference

    Python deps are in https://github.com/turtlesoupy/this-word-does-not-exist/blob/master/cpu_deploy_environment.yml

    Pre-trained model files:

    • Blacklist: https://storage.googleapis.com/this-word-does-not-exist-models/blacklist.pickle.gz
    • Forward Model (word -> definition): https://storage.googleapis.com/this-word-does-not-exist-models/forward-dictionary-model-v1.tar.gz
    • Inverse model (definition -> word): https://storage.googleapis.com/this-word-does-not-exist-models/inverse-dictionary-model-v1.tar.gz

    To use them:

    from title_maker_pro.word_generator import WordGenerator
    word_generator = WordGenerator(
    # a word from scratch:
    # definition for a word you make up
    # new word made up from a definition
    print(word_generator.generate_word_from_definition("a word that does not exist")) 

    Training a model

    For raw thoughts, take a look at some of the notebooks in https://github.com/turtlesoupy/this-word-does-not-exist/tree/master/notebooks

    To train, you’ll need to find a dictionary — there is code to extract from

    • Apple dictionaries in https://github.com/turtlesoupy/this-word-does-not-exist/blob/master/title_maker_pro/dictionary_definition.py (e.g. /System/Library/Assets/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX/).
    • Urban dictionary in https://github.com/turtlesoupy/this-word-does-not-exist/blob/master/title_maker_pro/urban_dictionary_scraper.py

    After extracting a dictionary you can use the master training script: https://github.com/turtlesoupy/this-word-does-not-exist/blob/master/title_maker_pro/train.py. A sample recent run is https://github.com/turtlesoupy/this-word-does-not-exist/blob/master/scripts/sample_run_parsed_dictionary.sh

    Website Development Instructions

    cd ./website
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install aiohttp-devtools 
    adev runserver

    321 параллельный перевод

    That does not exist.

    Нет такой станции «не знаю».

    Truth does not exist, Michelle.

    Правды не существует, Мишель.

    One does not exist without the other.

    Друг без друга мы не сможем существовать.

    Time does not exist.

    Времени не существует.

    — How can I possible confess something that does not exist?

    Как можно признаться в том, чего никогда не было?

    Tomorrow is there, but today — the present — does not exist.

    Завтра там, но сегодня… настоящее — не существует

    But perhaps even this sky does not exist, perhaps there is nothing at all but stillness and peace.

    Но и того даже нет, ничего нет, кроме тишины, успокоения.

    The Great Horse of Asia does not exist therefore we are going to build one for the Trojans as a sort of present.

    Великая Лошадь Азии не существует поэтому мы собираемся построить одну Троянцам, как подарок.

    He caught me in the ruins searching for the treasure and became angry, he says that this treasure does not exist!

    Он поймал меня в руинах за поиском сокровищ, и он рассердился, он говорит, что этих сокровищ не существует!

    The surveyor, who has spent many years studying circles, tries to prove that the sun does not exist.

    Землемер, который провел много лет в изучении окружностей, пытается доказать, что Солнце не существует.

    And they come and say that God does not exist and mockery if he heard this, because it never goes to church in masses or meetings.

    А они говорят, что Бога нет если б он услыхал, он-то никогда в церковь не ходит даже на мессы.

    They often say God does not exist.

    Они часто говорят, что Бога нет.

    For us, time does not exist. McCoy, back somewhere in the past, has effected a change in the course of time.

    Маккой вернулся в прошлое, изменил ход времени.

    I wouldn’t talk about waist, because it simply does not exist.

    Но о талии лучше бы промолчать, потому что её просто нет.

    As soup… you search for folklore, but here it does not exist.

    Как суп… Вы ищете фольклор, а здесь его и нет.

    That’s for certain : The happiness in the paintings of Heaven does not exist

    Да, безусловно, в картинах Рая нет счастья.

    If consciousness is related to time and space, then it does not exist there

    Если сознание связано с пространством и временем, его там не может быть.

    Yes lt does not grieve me to kill you, because death does not exist I will let you shoot first

    Да. Меня не огорчит ваша смерть. Потому что смерти не существует.

    The man does not exist.

    Он не существует.

    A moment ago on this site became my tower. And now it does not exist!

    — Только что здесь стояла ладья, а теперь ее уж нет?

    » The past does not exist as already so much has passed.

    Прошлого не существует поскольку оно уже прошло.

    The future does not exist because there’s much more to come.

    Как не существует и будущего, поскольку оно еще произойдет.

    So you see, gentlemen, the vacuum does not exist.

    Итак, вы видите, господа, вакуума не существует.

    The sixteenth dock does not exist.

    Шестнадцатого дока не существует.

    Because the word «I» does not exist.

    Для меня слова «я» нет.

    the stronger it is, the more it asserts it does not exist, and its power serves it foremost to assert its non-existence.

    чем она сильнее, тем настойчивее она утверждает, будто её не существует, вся сила её служит, прежде всего, утверждению этого небытия.

    — Otherwise does not exist.

    — Нет никакого «иначе».

    But what they want does not exist.

    Но того, что они хотят, не существует.

    You understand, Captain, that this mission… does not exist nor will it ever exist.

    Вы, конечно, понимаете, капитан, что такого приказа не существует, его вам никто и никогда не отдавал.

    It does not exist.

    Его не существует.

    It does not exist outside these damp islands.

    Болезнь, которая распространена только на этих серых островах.

    Tatiana is the daughter of a man who is too important to exist. He controls the whole of Russia, but he does not exist.

    Но вы, герр Лакманн, вы олицетворяете снисходительность властей.

    For in you Alfredo does not exist.

    и род свой запятнал?

    That does not exist.

    Такого ты не найдёшь!

    However, this soul does not exist ab initio as orthodox Christianity teaches.

    Однако душа не существует изначально как учит ортодоксальное христианство.

    Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?

    Есть место страху в этой школе?

    Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?

    Есть место боли в этой школе?

    Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?

    Есть место поражению в этой школе?

    Such a list does not exist.

    Такой перечень не существует.

    The word failure does not even exist for you, while I….

    Для вас не существует слова «неудача». А я…

    Not here, not now, but he does exist… back there in his own time.

    Не здесь, не сейчас, но он существует там, в его собственном времени.

    In real life, this kind of thing does not exist.

    А такого в реальной жизни не бывает.

    Physics does not yet exist, only individual physical sciences, perhaps

    Физики еще не существует, есть только отдельные физические науки.

    It does not seem to even exist, and yet it’s affecting all my channels.

    Он вроде даже не существует, но создает помехи на всех каналах.

    That skill does not yet exist in the galaxy.

    Эта техника еще не существует в галактике.

    Our head does not yet exist.

    У нас пока нет голов.

    The problem is that the atmosphere does not yet exist… in which an honest police officer can act… without fear of ridicule or reprisal from fellow officers.

    Проблема в том, что до сих пор не создана атмосфера, в которой честный полицейский может работать, не боясь быть осмеянным или поруганным своими соратниками.

    — Does not exist.

    — От кого от него?

    I should warn you the chamber we are about to enter does not literally exist within our planet.

    место, куда мы вскоре попадем, строго говор €, вовсе не в недрах нашей планеты.

    Besides, insolence implies an emotional relationship, which does not and could not exist between us.

    Кроме того, дерзость подразумевает эмоциональные взаимоотношения, которых между нами не существует и не может существовать.

    He does not exist, but everyone is afraid of him.

    — Нет, я обычный человек. Матушка Фелисити говорит, что в каждом обычном человеке есть частичка Бога.

    • перевод на «does not exist» турецкий

    does not exist — перевод на русский

    Truth does not exist, Michelle.

    Правды не существует, Мишель.

    Time and place do not exist; on an insignificant basis of reality the imagination spins, weaving new patterns; a mixture of memories, experiences, free fancies, incongruities and improvisations.

    Времени и пространства не существует; воображение прядет свою пряжу и ткет узоры: вздора и импровизаций. собираются воедино.

    Time does not exist.

    Времени не существует.

    Tomorrow is there, but today — the present — does not exist.

    Завтра там, но сегодня… настоящее — не существует

    The Great Horse of Asia does not exist therefore we are going to build one for the Trojans as a sort of present.

    Великая Лошадь Азии не существует поэтому мы собираемся построить одну Троянцам, как подарок.

    Показать ещё примеры для «не существует»…

    But perhaps even this sky does not exist, perhaps there is nothing at all but stillness and peace.

    Но и того даже нет, ничего нет, кроме тишины , успокоения.

    I wouldn’t talk about waist, because it simply does not exist.

    Но о талии лучше бы промолчать, потому что её просто нет.

    Because the word «I» does not exist.

    Для меня слова «я» нет.

    He does not exist, but everyone is afraid of him.

    Нет, я обычный человек. Матушка Фелисити говорит, что в каждом обычном человеке есть частичка Бога.

    God and my love do not exist.

    Бога и моей любви нет!

    Показать ещё примеры для «нет»…

    Отправить комментарий


    Here’s something fun for your Friday.

    I just found (via Reddit) a site where an AI invents words and their definitions every time you refresh the page. For example:

    This is not exactly new – I follow someone on Twitter who does this all the time with machine learning, and I also follow another account the generates words and definitions, and tweets them.

    One way this site differs from similar projects is that the words and definitions  come very close to sounding real – if you found one in a legitimate dictionary, you would not question it.


    This Word Does Not Exist

    P.S. Find any particularly cromulent words?

    turtlesoupy / this-word-does-not-exist
    Goto Github

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    37.86 MB

    This Word Does Not Exist

    Home Page: https://www.thisworddoesnotexist.com

    License: MIT License

    Python 64.72%

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    this-word-does-not-exist’s Introduction

    this-word-does-not-exist’s People

    this-word-does-not-exist’s Issues

    Look into whether there are too many scientific examples in the dataset

    «Something went wrong» when explaining some certain words

    Such as ‘mraada’

    Add re-captcha support for generation

    Examples often use the word in the wrong part of speech

    Examples use adjectives as nouns, etc.

    Possible fix:

    • Use stanza to POS tag examples
    • Ensure POS tag matches what the definition was hoping for

    Disable progress bar

    When running word_generator.generate_word_from_definition we get a default progress bar.
    Is there a way to disable this?

    Screen Shot 2020-10-19 at 3 02 54 PM

    Add twitter card links to site + tweet button

    Trim trailing punctuation



    This word ends in a comma. I’ve only found this one occurrence but wonder if other characters might run into the same problem too.

    Very fun project, by the way!

    Spin up a website with cached large list of fake words

    Handle overflows more gracefully

    Right now can get «stuck» at an ID — probably just switch trying to compute 50 most recent after an id.

    Character length, prefix, suffix support

    Like this project a lot

    Interested in:

    1. Set a character length for the generated words
    2. Ignore or generate specific prefix/suffix words

    Can you point me to the code where I can build this out ?

    Pages for user-inputted words should not say that they were invented by ML

    For human-inputted words, the «a word that does not exist» text should be changed to something like:

    a word that might exist, it was input by a human and defined and used by a machine learning algorithm.

    Explore visualizing the attention of the network

    Cross-site scripting vulnerability

    Add basic racism detection

    Make better read me

    Word in example does not match word listing

    Error when generating new word

    from title_maker_pro.word_generator import WordGenerator
    word_generator = WordGenerator(
    # a word from scratch:

    I tried the above code and I get the following error:

    m = start_end_re.match(word.misc)
    TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

    I printed word.misc and it was «None». Any help for a fix is appreciated. Thanks in advance

    Create permalinks on the website

    Add pronunciation phoneme and syllable separation to definitions

    A common feature of real dictionaries is to show the pronunciation of words, like

    gin·ger·ly /ˈjinjərlē/

    There’s an open pronunciation dictionary (Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary) that could potentially be integrated to display how to pronounce the generated word!

    Put min and max limits to word length

    Typo in the bad words regex list?

    Nested replies to bot get messed up

    Probably shouldn’t have the bot try to reply to a thread that already has a definition in it. Should make sure people can use it within a reply thread (e.g. define covfefe)

    Look into content-type for python gRPC library

    It currently adds a +proto which is in-spec but unsupported by google

    Type Error

    Hey there, first of all: great work. I am getting the following error when running the sample code. Would someone be able to give a hint where i am doing wrong?


    0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Traceback (most recent call last): File ".../main.py", line 12, in <module> print(word_generator.generate_word()) File "...title_maker_proword_generator.py", line 72, in generate_word use_custom_generate=True, File "...title_maker_prodatasets.py", line 638, in generate_words example_match_pos_pipeline, l_example, start_title_idx, len(t_rstrip) File "...title_maker_prodatasets.py", line 346, in approx_pos m = start_end_re.match(word.misc) TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

    HTTPS does not work on non-www domain

    Feature Request: Whois look-up .com with referal code

    Complete a whois look-up on each name generated on https://www.thisworddoesnotexist.com/ (with a referral code for for your revenue/hosting costs) to see if the .com is available for the generates name.


    IS: could not find the license
    SHOULD: would like to know the license, would love if it is MIT licensed

    If example match fails, return partial definitions without example enforcement

    Right now this gives a «something went wrong»

    Add a warning if someone tries to define a real word

    Is this language specific?

    Is there any thing special thing about English or this can be trained and used for languages like Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Hebrew?

    Apostrophe isn’t a syllable

    Can’t use this module on my new system because it has outdated requirements

    This requires at least two function in transformers that don’t seem to exist anymore. I see that at least one of them existed in Transformers 3.02. I tried installing both 3.02 and 3.5.1 (using pip) to see if I could get a compatible version. Both of them failed to install because of missing source files (Windows 11, VS 2022 Community).

    So now that I’ve changed my whole OS to Windows 11, I can’t run my favorite plugin for my bot that I made using this-word-does-not-exist. Very disappointed. Can you please update the code to work with all the latest versions of the requirements? Thank you.

    Feature request: Specify/define definition or word

    There are times I’d like to literally make a joke entry with my own word and specify the pronunciation, word type, and definition. Any way you could add the ability to put those in when doing «Write your own»?

    Reject recursive samples

    Shouldn’t use the word in the definition

    Add button to refresh page / word generation

    A simple ajax refresh to reload the page would help users play with the website generating words to their hearts content. One way to circumvent quota limits would be to generate a static list of words (say, 10000 every other day) and use this list on the front-end instead of making direct calls.

    Try quantization to improve performance

    How would I generate new fake words?

    It seems the only variables are the dictionaries you input.

    Dictionaries don’t change much over time.

    Is there anyway to generate more fake words than what you have on your web site?

    I am seeing most of the words generated are already registered for .com

    Public api

    I was wondering if it was possible for thisworddoesnotexist.com to have an API that other developers can use so they don’t have to set this project up themselves

    Questions regarding a «GPT-3» update

    Would it be useful to update this project with a better language model, or is that redundant?

    Dockerize twitter bot

    Try inverse mode (definition -> word) instead of (word -> definition)

    • Retrain on same dataset in a different auto-regressive order
    • Maybe add in examples for fun


    include word as a slash in the vanity url

    help with SEO

    Try a WHOIS blacklist for domain generation

    Quantify creativity during model training

    Maybe during sampling the percentage of matching regexp (correctness) + percentAnge of matching outside blacklist (creativity)

    Fake words are often real words

    Possible solution:

    • Get Wikitext-102
    • Use stanza to parse out words
    • Anything occuring > threshold times added to dictionary
    • Union all the article titles in Wikipedia (date stripped)
    • Union words from source dictionary

    Blacklist Pickle Error (Invalid load key)

    Hi friends,

    When executing it in my Anaconda prompt I got this error:

    I tried:

    1. redownloading the blacklist.pickle.gz
    2. try with just «blacklist.pickle»
    3. uncompress it
    4. changing the path of the file
    5. dive in stackoverflow for three days for a solution
    6. using double slashes in the filepath
    7. double slash + different filename

    Finally I guess ‘x1f’ refers to an error reading ‘b’ in the blacklist_path but I don’t really know how to solve it.

    Any help please? 😕

    Twitter bot often overflows, mangling the example

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    • 1
      does not exist

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > does not exist

    • 2
      does not exist

      English-Russian information technology > does not exist

    • 3
      the mere fact that it does not exist does not mean …

        • лишь тот факт, что это не существует, не означает…

      English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > the mere fact that it does not exist does not mean …

    • 4
      if file does not exist, it will be created

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > if file does not exist, it will be created

    • 5
      nonentity (Something that does not exist or exists only in the imagination)


      нечто несуществующее

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > nonentity (Something that does not exist or exists only in the imagination)

    • 6
      there does not exist at present any systematic and general way of finding

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there does not exist at present any systematic and general way of finding

    • 7
      there does not exist at present any systematic and general way of finding computable and realistic error bounds

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there does not exist at present any systematic and general way of finding computable and realistic error bounds

    • 8
      we can imagine a world in which ourself does not exist

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > we can imagine a world in which ourself does not exist

    • 9
      wild pointer: A pointer that references a location that is out of scope for that pointer or that does not exist

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wild pointer: A pointer that references a location that is out of scope for that pointer or that does not exist

    • 10
      if this possibility does not exist, loss of … is reflected in …

        • если такая возможность не существует, потеря… отражается в…

      English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > if this possibility does not exist, loss of … is reflected in …

    • 11

      1. I

      such things do not exist таких вещей и т.д. не существует; do you believe that Santa Claus exists? ты веришь, что есть Дед Мороз?; to continue to exist продолжать существовать /существование/

      2. II

      exist in some manner exist separately существовать отдельно и т.д.; exist happily жить счастливо и т.д.; they are so poor they call hardly exist они так бедны, что с трудом перебиваются; exist in some place how do you manage to exist here? как вы живете здесь?, как вы умудряетесь здесь жить?

      3. XVI

      1) exist in ) some place exist in big cities существовать /иметься/ в больших городах и т.д.; does life exist on Mars ? есть ли жизнь на Марсе ?; lime exists in many soils известь содержится /встречается/ во многих почвах; exist in imagination существовать в воображении и т.д.; this custom does not exist in the English tradition англичане не знают такого обычая; exist in some form exist in solution существовать в виде раствора и т.д. || exist in such conditions жить в таких условиях

      2) exist on smth. exist on one’s pay жить на зарплату и т.д.; exist on such food жить на такой пище и т.д., she exists on tea and bread она живет на чае и хлебе; how does he manage to exist on what he makes? как он ухитряется прожить на свой заработок?; exist without smth. one can’t exist without food нельзя жить без пищи и т.д.

      English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > exist

    • 12

      1. v быть, существовать

      2. v жить, существовать

      3. v иметься, встречаться, находиться

      Синонимический ряд:

      be (verb) abide; are; be; be alive; breathe; consist; continue; dwell; endure; go on; inhere; last; lie; live; move; remain; repose; reside; rest; subsist; survive

      Антонимический ряд:

      English-Russian base dictionary > exist

    • 13


      2.существование; наличие

      English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > exist

    • 14

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ourself

    • 15


      (о 1-м л. ед. ч.)

      себя, себе, собой, -сь, -ся ()

      we can imagine a world in which ourself does not exist — мы можем /можно/ представить себе мир, в котором мы не существуем

      мы сами ()

      what touches us ourself — что касается нас самих /нашей персоны/

      НБАРС > ourself

    • 16
      25 ruble banknote

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > 25 ruble banknote

    • 17
      25 ruble bill

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > 25 ruble bill

    • 18

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ADNE

    • 19

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > DNE

    • 20
      invisible assets

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > invisible assets

    См. также в других словарях:

    • does not exist — is not alive, is nowhere to be found …   English contemporary dictionary

    • Does not compute — and variations on it, is a phrase often spoken by computers, robots and other artificial intelligences in science fiction works of the 1960s to 1980s. The phrase indicated cognitive dissonance on the part of the device, conventionally leading to …   Wikipedia

    • Not All Dogs Go to Heaven — Family Guy episode Stewie with the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast …   Wikipedia

    • Is Not — ain t, does not exist, does not occupy a position, does not exist in such a condition …   English contemporary dictionary

    • That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is — is an English word sequence demonstrating lexical ambiguity. It is often given as an example illustrating the importance of proper punctuation. [cite book | last = Wieringa, Moore Barnes | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Procedure… …   Wikipedia

    • Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not — WP:NOT redirects here. For Wikipedia s notability guidelines, see Wikipedia:Notability. This page documents an English Wikipedia policy, a widely accepted standard that all editors should normally follow. Changes made to it should reflect… …   Wikipedia

    • Commentary on Palestine Peace Not Apartheid — Infobox Book name = Palestine Peace Not Apartheid image caption = Cover showing the author, left, and protesters at the Israeli West Bank barrier, right author = Jimmy Carter cover artist = Michael Accordino country = United States of America… …   Wikipedia

    • Commentary on Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid — Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid   Cover showing the author, lef …   Wikipedia

    • William Does His Bit — Infobox Book name = William Does His Bit title orig = translator = image caption = author = Richmal Crompton illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre = Children s literature publisher = release date …   Wikipedia

    • When No One Remembers His Name, Does God Retire? — Infobox short story | name = When No One Remembers His Name, Does God Retire? title orig = translator = author = Orson Scott Card country = United States language = English series = genre = published in = Capitol publication type = publisher =… …   Wikipedia

    • Right to exist — The Right to exist is a bedrock principle of international law referring to the right of nations to exist. The classic phrasing is Every nation has the right to exist, and to protect and to conserve its existence. [The Declaration of the Rights… …   Wikipedia

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