Word skills adjectives opposites i can use a variety of adjectives

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a describing word. An adjective gives more information about something.
An adjective generally describes a noun. A noun is a person, a thing, or a place.

List of Adjectives and their opposites

Here we have a list of common adjectives and the opposite of each one.

  • happy – sad
  • big – small
  • hot – cold
  • fast – slow
  • wet – dry
  • black – white
  • nervous – relaxed
  • clean – dirty
  • sick – healthy
  • poor – rich
  • full – empty
  • strong – weak
  • noisy – quiet
  • hard – soft
  • difficult – easy
  • dangerous – safe
  • generous – selfish
  • cheap – expensive
  • lazy – hardworking
  • beautiful – ugly
  • open – closed
  • early – late
  • tidy – messy
  • deep – shallow
  • left – right
  • wrong – right
  • old – new
  • old – young
  • short – tall
  • short – long
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy

Some additional opposites that don’t appear in our video are:

  • funny – serious
  • sweet – sour
  • straight – curly
  • loose – tight
  • low – high
  • good – bad
  • thin – fat
  • narrow – wide
  • close – far

Adjectives – Opposites – Summary Charts

Adjectives - Opposites in English

Adjectives in English - Opposites

English Teacher Resource

See our Adjectives – Opposites charts that can be used in your classroom.

Los adjetivos opuestos en inglés explicado en español

(English Adjectives Opposites explained in Spanish during a live English lesson)

Lesson tags: Adjectives, Opposites, Parts of Speech, Vocabulary
Back to: English Course > Descriptions in English


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Adjective Opposites ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

  • Elementary (A1-A2)
  • Pre-intermediate (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)
  • Upper-intermediate (B2)

Adjective Antonyms

ESL Opposite Adjectives Worksheet — Vocabulary Exercises: Gap-fill, Matching, Crossword — Speaking Activity: Asking and Answering Questions — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 30 minutes

In this adjective opposites worksheet, students practice a variety of common adjectives and their opposites. To begin, students complete sentences with adjectives from a box. Next, students write adjectives from a box next to sentences containing their opposites. After that, students read clues and complete an adjective opposites crossword. Students then complete conversation questions with suitable adjectives. Finally, students take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

Adjective Antonyms Preview

Opposites Search

ESL Opposite Adjectives Activity — Vocabulary: Word Search, Asking and Answering Questions, Providing Antonyms, Table Completion, Forming Sentences — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 25 minutes

In this adjective opposites activity, students find adjectives in a word search and then work with a partner to match each adjective with its opposite. To begin, students find ten adjectives in a word search and write them in the ‘My adjectives’ column on their worksheet. Students then work with their partner and take it in turns to ask for the opposite of each adjective, e.g. ‘What’s the opposite of beautiful?’ Their partner looks for the opposite of the adjective in their list and replies accordingly, e.g. ‘The opposite of beautiful is ugly’. The two students then write the opposite adjective in the ‘Adjective opposites’ column. Afterwards, students make sentences using each adjective and its opposite, e.g. ‘My phone was expensive, but my pen was cheap’.

Opposites Search Preview

Pat and Pete

ESL Opposite Adjectives Activity — Vocabulary: Matching, Gap-fill — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 25 minutes

In this adjective opposites activity, students listen and complete sentences with opposite adjectives. Explain that Pat and Pete are two men who are opposites in every way and that one student has information about Pat and the other has information about Pete. In pairs, students then complete sentences about Pat and Pete using opposite adjectives. Students take turns reading out sentences in italics to their partner, who listens and completes each corresponding sentence with the opposite adjectives from their worksheet. The activity continues until both students have completed all the sentences with opposite adjectives to their partner. When the students have finished, check the answers as a class.

Pat and Pete Preview

Enrich your English by learning commonly used adjectives and their opposites with example sentences. Down below you can find most used English adjectives and their opposite adjectives list with example sentences.

rich – poor
long – short
lazy – hardworking
north – south
fat – thin
high – low
male – female
first – last
modern – traditional
nice – nasty
cloudy – sunny/clear
intelligent – stupid
interesting – boring
sick – healthy
early – late
curly – straight
full – empty
off – on
cold – hot
wide – narrow
clean – dirty
good – bad
married – single
happy – sad/unhappy
pretty – plain/ugly
easy – difficult
front – back
polite – rude/impolite
far – near
east – west
wet – dry
big – little/small
black – white
round – square
sweet – sour/bitter
alive – dead
beautiful – ugly
cheap – expensive
left – right
old – new/young
light – heavy
fast – slow
quiet – noisy
safe – dangerous
soft – hard
true – false

Full List of Opposite Adjectives PDF – download

Level 1 Opposite Adjectives
Level 2 Opposite Adjectives
Level 3 Opposite Adjectives

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