Word sentence episode 1

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Новый психологический триллер от создателей I Am Innocent.

В маленьком городке молодых девушек похищают и убивают одну за другой. Полиция арестовала Генри Томпсона, бывшего полицейского. Может ли он быть убийцей?

Тщательно выбирайте свои сообщения, поддерживайте баланс, когда друзья и близкие сражаются, взламывайте базы данных, подслушивайте других персонажей и анализируйте подсказки, чтобы иметь возможность поймать серийного убийцу.

Сложные отношения между персонажами, воспоминания из прошлого, конфликты между моралью и эмоциями и сложные темы делают эту игру чем-то большим, чем просто еще один детективный триллер.

Sentence Прохождение


funny 1. People who say Please and Thank you are very __________
polite 2. It was very _________ of you to tell the police officer that he was ugly.
rich 3. That pop star looks VERY __________ in that dress.
4. He’s ____________ enough to stay in the most expencive hotels.
5. My sister told us a really story about a monkey at the Zoo.
6. That man in the stree with the dark glasses looks a bit __________
7. It was very _______of you to buy me some flowers.

1. Bridget gets a ……….. from Argentina.

a) e-mail       b) letter         c) postcard          d) parcel

2. Hector wants to …. with Bridget and Annie.

 a) visit       b) live         c) stay          d) go out

3. He is going to arrive ………….. .

 a) today       b) tomorrow         c) next week          d) in November  

4. Bridget has an ……………. in the flat.

 a) dog       b) bedroom         c) exercise bike          d) sofa

5. Bridget gets very …………… with Nick when he uses it.

 a) friendly       b) angry         c) happy          d) sad

6. When Hector arrives at the door, he’s wearing …………..

 a) a suit and tie      b) sunglasses         c) pyjamas          d) a raincoat 

1. —Who’s Hector? 

   — He was my pen pal ………..

 a) seven years ago      b) ten years ago         c) eleven years ago  

2. — When is he coming?

   — He’s coming on the ……………. .

  a) first of November      b) fifth of November         c) Fifteenth of November  

3. Would you like a drink, Nick?

  a) Yes, please      b) No, thanks         c) No, thank you         

1 … where Hector comes from? Yes No
2 … Bridget’s job? Yes No
3 … who Nick fancies? Yes No
… the name of the dog?
… the nickname of the landlady?


Episode 1-Chika is Back.

Episode 2-Sad and emotional.

Episode 3-Fun times in High-school.

Episode 4-Yori-chan…

Episode 5-Finally an Episode that ends on a Good Note!!!

Episode 6-Oh, Hey Kageyama.

Episode 7-Uchimura just became My favorite character.

Episode 8-Is Subaru just the Oikawa of this anime?

Episode 9-Ochi, NOOOOOO!!!

Episode 10-I thought This was going to happend…

Episode 11-Ochi is a Godess…

Episode 12-Chika and Yuni are cool and All, but Subaru and Ochi could have been better Main Characters.


Episode 1-Egg Time.

Episode 2-All about Hori.

Episode 3-Miyamura is Best Boy.

Episode 4-Confession scene…

Episode 5-The Guy I was waiting for!

Episode 6-Four words: Miyamura, you look Great!

Episode 7-Everyone is talking about the the scene After the ending, But I’m talking about the new scenes in the Opening and The flashback before it.

Episode 8-Two words: Akane Yanagi.

Episode 9-I will always like Tanihara and Mizouchi’s hair is gray.

Episode 10-Yuki and Sakura are precious, and You can’t change My mind.

Episode 11-Finally, A Shuu Episode…

Episode 12-He Just said it… Oh, and Yuna-chan has pink hair.

Episode 13-Miyamura talked to his past-self, Watabe’s Hair is brown, and the ending song had pictuers from chapters they didn’t adapt…

3.Dr. Ramune

Episode 1-Child Actor.

Episode 2-This Guy is a Horrible person.

Episode 3-Nico is The Hide-and-Seek Master.

Episode 4-Glasses…

Episode 5-Two things:1.I didn’t realizd the two brothers were in Takaharu’s flashback from last Episode, 2.This Just got really dark…

Episode 6-I was worried over nothing, and we got some emotion from Kuro.

Episode 7-It was a boy This Whole Time, And he’s one of the Best Boys, along with Kuro and Takaharu.

Episode 8-Best Boy Shun is precious.

Episode 9-Momiji & Ramune’s Relationship is just like Allen and General Cross’s Relationship from D. Gray man…

Episode 10-Kuro’s Backstory… Wait, his name is not Kuro!?

Episode 11-I know I said it already, But Toru is Best Boy.

Episode 12-I knew they will do something like that, It’s sad Takaharu was not there and I Hope there’s a season 2.

4.Kemono Jihen

Episode 1-Yataro is annoying and I hate him.

Episode 2-Akira acts like a Girl, and Shiki’s power is really cool.

Episode 3-Inari is a literal Bi***!

Episode 4-Akira is The only Trap that has a good reason for being a Trap…

Episode 5-Vampires and Zoom Meetings.

Episode 6-Ok, That was cool.

Episode 7-Shiki’s really cute as a child and why did they forget Akira?

Episode 8-The Little Girl will be in My adorable character list.

Episode 9-Aya just did a 180°, Kabane and Kon are still oblivious to love and The Kemono’s name is Katanashi, KATANASHI (How Taneshima calls Sota in Working!!).

Episode 10-Dude, are you Ok?

Episode 11-Nii-san, The Alpaca AI, is The Best Part of the Episode.

Episode 12-Season 2! Season 2!! Season 2!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!

English is a beautiful language, and one of its many perks is the one-word sentences. One-word sentences — as the name suggests is a sentence with a single word, and which makes total sense.

One word sentences can be used in different forms. It could be in form of a question such as “Why?” It could be in form of a command such as “Stop!” Furthermore, it could be used as a declarative such as “Me.” Also, a one-word sentence could be used to show location, for example, “here.” It could also be used as nominatives e.g. “David.”

Actually, most of the words in English can be turned into one-word sentences. All that matters is the context in which they are used. In a sentence, there is usually a noun, and a verb. In a one-word sentence, the subject and the action of the sentence is implied in the single word, and this is why to understand one-word sentences, one has to understand the context in which the word is being used.

Saying only a little at all times is a skill most people want to learn; knowing when to use one-word sentences can help tremendously. However, you cannot use one-word sentences all the time so as robotic or come off as rude.

Pointing fingerHere are common one-word sentences, and their meanings:

  1. Help: This signifies a call for help.
  2. Hurry: Used to ask someone to do something faster
  3. Begin: Used to signify the beginning of a planned event.

Basically, the 5 Wh-question words — where, when, why, who and what? can also stand as one-word sentences.

one word sentences in English

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By Bizhan Romani

Dr. Bizhan Romani has a PhD in medical virology. When it comes to writing an article about science and research, he is one of our best writers. He is also an expert in blogging about writing styles, proofreading methods, and literature.

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What is a pronoun?

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compound sentences complex sentences

In the English language, sentence construction is quite imperative to understanding. A sentence can be a sequence, set or conglomerate of words that is complete in itself as it typically contains a subject, verb, object and predicate. However, this sentence regardless of its intent, would be chaotic if not constructed properly. Proper sentence construction helps…

A wordy sentence contains too many words than you really need. The extra words do not make your writing sound better and, in fact, they can even interfere with your message. Look at the examples below.

Wordy: Viseth, who is an accountant, has been promoted.
Revised: Viseth, an accountant, has been promoted. [The clause ‘who is an accountant’ could be simply replaced by an appositive ‘an accountant’.]

Wordy: The company is taking applications at this point in time.
Revised: The company is taking applications now. [The phrase ‘at this point in time’ could be simply replaced by a word ‘now’.]


Avoiding wordiness makes your sentences varied and sound more fluent. To do so, you may use one of the following methods:

[1] Remove unnecessarily repeated ideas or words. 

Wordy: The teacher decided to give extra work to his students. The main reasons of giving extra work to his students  was that students were so dependent on their teachers.
Revised: The teacher decided to give extra work to his students because they were so dependent on their teachers.

[2] Take out words that are already implied by other words in the same sentence.

Wordy: The round yellow sun shone brightly among the clouds in the sky. [The sun is understood to be round; the clouds too is understood to be in the sky.]
Revised: The sun shone brightly among the clouds.

[3] Replace wordy phrases with single words.

Wordy: It is hard to find a good job at the present time.
Revised: It is hard to find a good job now.

Wordy: Mary dropped her school due to the fact that she was poor.
Revised: Mary dropped her school because she was poor.

[4] Simplify your sentence structures.

Wordy: Kra-nhoung, which is a rare wood, is being logged and illegally traded.
Revised: Kra-nhoung, a rare wood, is being logged and illegally traded.

Wordy: He wears a watch which is made of gold.
Revised: He wears a gold watch.

[5] Remove or reword expletives (there is, there are, it is) and similar expressions which refer to nothing in particular.

Wordy: There are many factors causing poverty.
Revised: Many factors cause poverty.

Wordy: It is not known that my boss will decide to choose a new supplier.
Revised: My boss’ decision to choose a new supplier is unknown.

[6] Limit or avoid phrases describing your attitudes and writing strategies.

Wordy: It seems to me that teachers should allow students to skip class.
Revised: Teachers should allow students to skip class.

Wordy: The purpose of this paper is to inform you of my opinion that all students need to study harder.
Revised: All students need to study harder.

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