Word search questions and answers


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125 Report Card Comments

It’s report card time and you face the prospect of writing constructive, insightful, and original comments on a couple dozen report cards or more.  Here are 125 positive report card comments for you to use and adapt!

Struggling Students?  Check out our Needs Improvement Report Card Comments for even more comments!

You’ve reached the end of another grading period, and what could be more daunting than the task of composing insightful, original, and unique comments about every child in your class? The following positive statements will help you tailor your comments to specific children and highlight their strengths.

You can also use our statements to indicate a need for improvement. Turn the words around a bit, and you will transform each into a goal for a child to work toward. Sam cooperates consistently with others becomes Sam needs to cooperate more consistently with others, and Sally uses vivid language in writing may instead read With practice, Sally will learn to use vivid language in her writing. Make Jan seeks new challenges into a request for parental support by changing it to read Please encourage Jan to seek new challenges.

Whether you are tweaking statements from this page or creating original ones, check out our Report Card Thesaurus [see bottom of the page] that contains a list of appropriate adjectives and adverbs. There you will find the right words to keep your comments fresh and accurate.

We have organized our 125 report card comments by category. Read the entire list or click one of the category links below to jump to that list.

AttitudeBehaviorCharacterCommunication SkillsGroup WorkInterests and TalentsParticipationSocial SkillsTime ManagementWork Habits


The student:

is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school.
exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom.
appears well rested and ready for each day’s activities.
shows enthusiasm for classroom activities.
shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved.
uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way.
strives to reach their full potential.
is committed to doing their best.
seeks new challenges.
takes responsibility for their learning.


The student:

cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students.
transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction.
is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom.
follows classroom rules.
conducts themselves with maturity.
responds appropriately when corrected.
remains focused on the activity at hand.
resists the urge to be distracted by other students.
is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom.
sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation.


The student:

shows respect for teachers and peers.
treats school property and the belongings of others with care and respect.
is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others.
displays good citizenship by assisting other students.
joins in school community projects.
is concerned about the feelings of peers.
faithfully performs classroom tasks.
can be depended on to do what they are asked to do.
seeks responsibilities and follows through.
is thoughtful in interactions with others.
is kind, respectful and helpful when interacting with his/her peers
is respectful of other students in our classroom and the school community
demonstrates responsibility daily by caring for the materials in our classroom carefully and thoughtfully
takes his/her classroom jobs seriously and demonstrates responsibility when completing them
is always honest and can be counted on to recount information when asked
is considerate when interacting with his/her teachers
demonstrates his/her manners on a daily basis and is always respectful
has incredible self-discipline and always gets his/her work done in a timely manner
can be counted on to be one of the first students to begin working on the task that is given
perseveres when faced with difficulty by asking questions and trying his/her best
does not give up when facing a task that is difficult and always does his/her best
is such a caring boy/girl and demonstrates concern for his/her peers
demonstrates his/her caring nature when helping his/her peers when they need the assistance
is a model citizen in our classroom
is demonstrates his/her citizenship in our classroom by helping to keep it clean and taking care of the materials in it
can always be counted on to cooperate with his/her peers
is able to cooperate and work well with any of the other students in the class
is exceptionally organized and takes care of his/her things
is always enthusiastic when completing his/her work
is agreeable and polite when working with others
is thoughtful and kind in his/her interactions with others
is creative when problem solving
is very hardworking and always completes all of his/her work
is patient and kind when working with his/her peers who need extra assistance
trustworthy and can always be counted on to step in and help where needed

Communication Skills

The student:

has a well-developed vocabulary.
chooses words with care.
expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing.
has a vibrant imagination and excels in creative writing.
has found their voice through poetry writing.
uses vivid language in writing.
writes clearly and with purpose.
writes with depth and insight.
can make a logical and persuasive argument.
listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting.

Group Work

The student:

offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work.
accepts the recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate.
is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group.
takes on various roles in the work group as needed or assigned.
welcomes leadership roles in groups.
shows fairness in distributing group tasks.
plans and carries out group activities carefully.
works democratically with peers.
encourages other members of the group.
helps to keep the work group focused and on task.

Interests and Talents

The student:

has a well-developed sense of humor.
holds many varied interests.
has a keen interest that has been shared with the class.
displays and talks about personal items from home when they relate to topics of study.
provides background knowledge about topics of particular interest to them.
has an impressive understanding and depth of knowledge about their interests.
seeks additional information independently about classroom topics that pique interest.
reads extensively for enjoyment.
frequently discusses concepts about which they have read.
is a gifted performer.
is a talented artist.
has a flair for dramatic reading and acting.
enjoys sharing their musical talent with the class.


The student:

listens attentively to the responses of others.
follows directions.
takes an active role in discussions.
enhances group discussion through insightful comments.
shares personal experiences and opinions with peers.
responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework.
asks for clarification when needed.
regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities.
remains an active learner throughout the school day.

Social Skills

The student:

makes friends quickly in the classroom.
is well-liked by classmates.
handles disagreements with peers appropriately.
treats other students with fairness and understanding.
is a valued member of the class.
has compassion for peers and others.
seems comfortable in new situations.
enjoys conversation with friends during free periods.
chooses to spend free time with friends.

Time Management

The student:

tackles classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized manner.
uses class time wisely.
arrives on time for school (and/or class) every day.
is well-prepared for class each day.
works at an appropriate pace, neither too quickly or slowly.
completes assignments in the time allotted.
paces work on long-term assignments.
sets achievable goals with respect to time.
completes make-up work in a timely fashion.

Work Habits

The student:

is a conscientious, hard-working student.
works independently.
is a self-motivated student.
consistently completes homework assignments.
puts forth their best effort into homework assignments.
exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
readily grasps new concepts and ideas.
generates neat and careful work.
checks work thoroughly before submitting it.
stays on task with little supervision.
displays self-discipline.
avoids careless errors through attention to detail.
uses free minutes of class time constructively.
creates impressive home projects.
Related: Needs Improvement Report Card Comments for even more comments!

Student Certificates!

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Report Card Thesaurus

Looking for some great adverbs and adjectives to bring to life the comments that you put on report cards? Go beyond the stale and repetitive With this list, your notes will always be creative and unique.


attentive, capable, careful, cheerful, confident, cooperative, courteous, creative, dynamic, eager, energetic, generous, hard-working, helpful, honest, imaginative, independent, industrious, motivated, organized, outgoing, pleasant, polite, resourceful, sincere, unique


always, commonly, consistently, daily, frequently, monthly, never, occasionally, often, rarely, regularly, typically, usually, weekly

Copyright© 2022 Education World

Back to Geography Lesson Plan
Where Did Foods Originate?
(Foods of the New World and Old World)



Arts & Humanities
—Language Arts
Educational Technology
Social Studies
—-U.S. History
—-World History


Brief Description

Students explore how New World explorers helped change the Old World’s diet (and vice versa).


Students will

learn about changes that occurred in the New World and Old World as a result of early exploration.
use library and Internet sources to research food origins. (Older students only.)
create a bulletin-board map illustrating the many foods that were shared as a result of exploration.

Columbus, explorers, origin, food, timeline, plants, map, New World, Old World, colonies, colonial, crops, media literacy, products, consumer

Materials Needed:

library and/or Internet access (older students only)
outline map of the world (You might print the map on a transparency; then use an overhead projector to project and trace a large outline map of the world onto white paper on a bulletin board.)
magazines (optional)
Lesson Plan

The early explorers to the Americas were exposed to many things they had never seen before. Besides strange people and animals, they were exposed to many foods that were unknown in the Old World. In this lesson, you might post an outline map of the continents on a bulletin board. Have students use library and/or Internet resources (provided below) to research some of the edible items the first explorers saw for the first time in the New World. On the bulletin board, draw an arrow from the New World (the Americas) to the Old World (Europe, Asia, Africa) and post around it drawings or images (from magazines or clip art) of products discovered in the New World and taken back to the Old World.

Soon, the explorers would introduce plants/foods from the Old World to the Americas. You might draw a second arrow on the board — from the Old World to the New World — and post appropriate drawings or images around it.

Adapt the Lesson for Younger Students
Younger students will not have the ability to research foods that originated in the New and Old World. You might adapt the lesson by sharing some of the food items in the Food Lists section below. Have students collect or draw pictures of those items for the bulletin board display.

In addition to library resources, students might use the following Internet sites as they research the geographic origins of some foods:

Curry, Spice, and All Things Nice: Food Origins
The Food Timeline
Native Foods of the Americas
A Harvest Gathered: Food in the New World
We Are What We Eat Timeline (Note: This resource is an archived resource; the original page is no longer live and updated.)
Food Lists Our research uncovered the Old and New World foods below. Students might find many of those and add them to the bulletin board display. Notice that some items appear on both lists — beans, for example. There are many varieties of beans, some with New World origins and others with their origins in the Old World. In our research, we found sources that indicate onions originated in the New and sources that indicate onions originated in the Old World. Students might create a special question mark symbol to post next to any item for which contradictory sources can be found

Note: The Food Timeline is a resource that documents many Old World products. This resource sets up a number of contradictions. For example:

Many sources note that tomatoes originated in the New World; The Food Timeline indicates that tomatoes were introduced to the New World in 1781.
The Food Timeline indicates that strawberries and raspberries were available in the 1st century in Europe; other sources identify them as New World commodities.

Foods That Originated in the New World: artichokes, avocados, beans (kidney and lima), black walnuts, blueberries, cacao (cocoa/chocolate), cashews, cassava, chestnuts, corn (maize), crab apples, cranberries, gourds, hickory nuts, onions, papayas, peanuts, pecans, peppers (bell peppers, chili peppers), pineapples, plums, potatoes, pumpkins, raspberries, squash, strawberries, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, tobacco, tomatoes, turkey, vanilla, wild cherries, wild rice.

Foods That Originated in the Old World: apples, bananas, beans (some varieties), beets, broccoli, carrots, cattle (beef), cauliflower, celery, cheese, cherries, chickens, chickpeas, cinnamon, coffee, cows, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger, grapes, honey (honey bees), lemons, lettuce, limes, mangos, oats, okra, olives, onions, oranges, pasta, peaches, pears, peas, pigs, radishes, rice, sheep, spinach, tea, watermelon, wheat, yams.

Extension Activities

Home-school connection. Have students and their parents search their food cupboards at home; ask each student to bring in two food items whose origin can be traced to a specific place (foreign if possible, domestic if not). Labels from those products will be sufficient, especially if the products are in breakable containers. Place those labels/items around a world map; use yarn to connect each label to the location of its origin on the map.
Media literacy. Because students will research many sources, have them list the sources for the information they find about each food item. Have them place an asterisk or checkmark next to the food item each time they find that item in a different source. If students find a food in multiple sources, they might consider it «verified»; those foods they find in only one source might require additional research to verify.

Invite students to agree or disagree with the following statement:The early explorers were surprised by many of the foods they saw in the New World.
Have students write a paragraph in support of their opinion.

Lesson Plan Source

Education World

Submitted By

Gary Hopkins

National Standards

LANGUAGE ARTS: EnglishGRADES K — 12NL-ENG.K-12.2 Reading for UnderstandingNL-ENG.K-12.8 Developing Research SkillsNL-ENG.K-12.9 Multicultural UnderstandingNL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills

SOCIAL SCIENCES: EconomicsGRADES K — 4NSS-EC.K-4.1 Productive ResourcesNSS-EC.K-4.6 Gain from TradeGRADES 5 — 8NSS-EC.5-8.1 Productive ResourcesNSS-EC.5-8.6 Gain from TradeGRADES 9 — 12NSS-EC.9-12.1 Productive ResourcesNSS-EC.9-12.6 Gain from Trade

SOCIAL SCIENCES: GeographyGRADES K — 12NSS-G.K-12.1 The World in Spatial TermsNSS-G.K-12.2 Places and Regions

SOCIAL SCIENCES: U.S. HistoryGRADES K — 4NSS-USH.K-4.1 Living and Working together in Families and Communities, Now and Long AgoNSS-USH.K-4.3 The History of the United States: Democratic Principles and Values and the People from Many Cultures Who Contributed to Its Cultural, Economic, and Political HeritageNSS-USH.K-4.4 The History of Peoples of Many Cultures Around the WorldGRADES 5 — 12NSS-USH.5-12.1 Era 1: Three Worlds Meet (Beginnings to 1620)NSS-USH.5-12.2 Era 2: Colonization and Settlement (1585-1763)NSS-WH.5-12.6 Global Expansion and Encounter, 1450-1770

TECHNOLOGYGRADES K — 12NT.K-12.1 Basic Operations and ConceptsNT.K-12.5 Technology Research Tools

Find many more great geography lesson ideas and resources in Education World’s Geography Center.

Click here to return to this week’s World of Learning lesson plan page.


Updated 10/11/12

50 «Needs Improvement» Report Card Comments

Having a tough time finding the right words to come up with «areas for improvement» comments on your students’ report cards? Check out our helpful suggestions to find just the right one!

The following statements will help you tailor your comments to specific children and highlight their areas for improvement.

Be sure to check out our 125 Report Card Comments for positive comments!

Needs Improvement- all topics

 is a hard worker, but has difficulty staying on task.
 has a difficult time staying on task and completing his/her work.
 needs to be more respectful and courteous to his/her classmates.
 needs to listen to directions fully so that he/she can learn to work more independently.
 is not demonstrating responsibility and needs to be consistently reminded of how to perform daily classroom tasks.
 works well alone, but needs to learn how to work better cooperatively with peers.
 does not have a positive attitude about school and the work that needs to be completed.
 struggles with completing his/her work in a timely manner.
 gives up easily when something is difficult and needs extensive encouragement to attempt the task.
 gets along with his/her classmates well, but is very disruptive during full group instruction.
 has a difficult time using the materials in the classroom in a respectful and appropriate manner.
 has a difficult time concentrating and gets distracted easily.
 is having a difficult time with math.  Going over _____ at home would help considerably.
 is having a very difficult time understanding math concepts for his/her grade level.  He/she would benefit from extra assistance.
 could benefit from spending time reading with an adult every day.
 is enthusiastic, but is not understanding ____.  Additional work on these topics would be incredibly helpful.
 is having difficulty concentrating during math lessons and is not learning the material that is being taught because of that. 
 understands math concepts when using manipulatives, but is having a difficult time learning to ____ without them.
 is a very enthusiastic reader.  He/she needs to continue to work on _____ to make him/her a better reader.
 needs to practice reading at home every day to help make him/her a stronger reader.
 needs to practice his/her sight words so that he/she knows them on sight and can spell them.
 needs to work on his/her spelling.  Practicing at home would be very beneficial.
 can read words fluently, but has a difficult time with comprehension.  Reading with ______ every day would be helpful.
 could benefit from working on his/her handwriting.  Slowing down and taking more time would help with this.
is having difficulty writing stories.  Encouraging him/her to tell stories at home would help with this.
has a difficult time knowing when it is appropriate to share his/her thoughts.  We are working on learning when it is a good time to share and when it is a good time to listen.
needs to work on his/her time management skills.  _______is able to complete his/her work, but spends too much time on other tasks and rarely completes his/her work.
needs reminders about the daily classroom routine.  Talking through the classroom routine at home would be helpful.
is having a difficult time remembering the difference between short and long vowel sounds.  Practicing these at home would be very helpful.
is struggling with reading.  He/she does not seem to enjoy it and does not want to do it.  Choosing books that he/she like and reading them with him/her at home will help build a love of reading.
frequently turns in incomplete homework or does not hand in any homework.  Encouraging _______to complete his/her homework would be very helpful.
does not take pride in his/her work.  We are working to help him/her feel good about what he/she accomplishes.
does not actively participate in small group activities.  Active participation would be beneficial.
 has a difficult time remembering to go back and check his/her work.  Because of this, there are often spelling and grammar mistakes in his/her work.
does not much effort into his/her writing.  As a result, his/her work is often messy and incomplete.
is struggling to understand new concepts in science.  Paying closer attention to the class discussions and the readings that we are doing would be beneficial.
 is reading significantly below grade level.  Intervention is required.
does not write a clear beginning, middle and end when writing a story.  We are working to identify the parts of the stories that he/she is writing.
is struggling to use new reading strategies to help him/her read higher level books.
is wonderful at writing creative stories, but needs to work on writing nonfiction and using facts.
has a difficult time understanding how to solve word problems.
needs to slow down and go back and check his/her work to make sure that all answers are correct.
is not completing math work that is on grade level.  Intervention is required.
is struggling to understand place value.  
is very enthusiastic about math, but struggles to understand basic concepts.
has a difficult time remembering the value of different coins and how to count them.  Practicing this at home would be helpful.
would benefit from practicing math facts at home.
is very engaged during whole group math instruction, but struggles to work independently.
is able to correctly answer word problems, but is unable to explain how he/she got the answer.
is having a difficult time comparing numbers.    
Related: 125 Report Card Comments for positive comments!

Student Award Certificates!

Recognize positive attitudes and achievements with personalized student award certificates!

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Word Search answers

Word Search is a challenging word game with hundreds of levels for you to master.
Each level is a puzzle where you try to find one or several specific words on a board of scrambled letters.
Just slide your finger to connect the letters to combine a correct word!
When hidden words found, you can use the clue to help finding other words and solve the word puzzle.
You will surely find yourself addicted to the fun of word search in this word game.

On this page you will find the answers for the game Word Search. The answers are divided into several pages to keep it clear.
Choose the page that contains the level number for which you are looking the answers. Then you will see the solution for each level.

  • Word Search — Shrimp
  • Word Search — Oyster
  • Word Search — Seahorse
  • Word Search — Sea Sponge
  • Word Search — Sea-Urchin
  • Word Search — Starfish
  • Word Search — Jellyfish
  • Word Search — Squid
  • Word Search — Crab
  • Word Search — Fish
  • Word Search — Ray
  • Word Search — Eel
  • Word Search — Octopus
  • Word Search — Tortoise
  • Word Search — Seal
  • Word Search — Walrus
  • Word Search — Dolphin
  • Word Search — Shark
  • Word Search — Orca
  • Word Search — Blue whale

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a word search?

A word search is a puzzle where there are rows of letters placed in the shape of a square, and there are words written forwards, backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal. There will be a list of words for the player to look for and the goal of the player is to find those words hidden in the word search puzzle, and highlight them.

How do I choose the words to use in my word search?

Once you’ve picked a theme, choose words that have a variety of different lengths, difficulty levels and letters. You don’t need to worry about trying to fit the words together with each other because WordMint will do that for you!

How are word searches used in the classroom?

Word search games are an excellent tool for teachers, and an excellent resource for students. They help to encourage wider vocabulary, as well as testing cognitive abilities and pattern-finding skills.

Because the word search templates are completely custom, you can create suitable word searches for children in kindergarten, all the way up to college students.

Who is a word search suitable for?

One of the common word search faq’s is whether there is an age limit or what age kids can start doing word searches. The fantastic thing about word search exercises is, they are completely flexible for whatever age or reading level you need.

Word searches can use any word you like, big or small, so there are literally countless combinations that you can create for templates. It is easy to customise the template to the age or learning level of your students.

How do I create a word search template?

For the easiest word search templates, WordMint is the way to go!

Pre-made templates

For a quick an easy pre-made template, simply search through WordMint’s existing 500,000+ templates. With so many to choose from, you’re bound to find the right one for you!

Create your own from scratch

  • Log in to your account (it’s free to join!)
  • Head to ‘My Puzzles’
  • Click ‘Create New Puzzle’ and select ‘Word Search’
  • Select your layout, enter your title and your chosen words
  • That’s it! The template builder will create your word search template for you and you can save it to your account, export as a Word document or PDF and print!

How can I print my word search template?

All of our templates can be exported into Microsoft Word to easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. Your puzzles get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at work or at home!

Can I create a word search in other languages?

Word searches are a fantastic resource for students learning a foreign language as it tests their reading comprehension skills in a fun, engaging way.

We have full support for word search templates in Spanish, French and Japanese with diacritics including over 100,000 images.

  • English ESL Worksheets
  • Vocabulary Practice
  • Word search
  • Questions and short answers

Worksheet details

worksheet summary

This is a Thanksgiving holiday worksheet. It starts with a description of the holiday in the United States and Canada. Then there are vocabulary words, followed by the word search which uses the vocab words. Then there is a true and false section, and a question and answer section. This can be used for junior high or high school, it should be ok for most levels.

Language goals


Vocabulary practice

General topic

Grammar topic

Other pedagogical goals


The above lesson is a great teaching resource for:Pre-intermediate (A2), Intermediate (B1)

Student type




High schoolers


Business/professional students


Solutions not included

Quality check

Quality not yet verified by the community.


This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.


Copyright license

This resource is licensed by sfyancy under the iSLCollective Copyright License.

Published 15/11/2018

Sfyancy is from/lives in Japan and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2018-05-25. Sfyancy last logged in on 2020-02-06, and has shared 4 resources on iSLCollective so far.

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Puzzles tagged with word-search should generally be about finding words within a grid, these types of puzzles are mass-producible so adding a twist or spin to them is a good idea.

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There’s Only 1 Formula To Find The Answer

The answer to the puzzle is a seven letter word. May it be yours!

Techidiot's user avatar

  • 17.1k

asked Apr 2 at 12:11

Behind Great Walls

This is part 10 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own.

Deаr Puzzling,
This is a word search puzzle with a wildcard character. There are eight unique …

Jafe's user avatar

  • 69.8k

asked Feb 4 at 1:06

— Pandora’s Box —

After Prometheus had stolen fire from heaven and bestowed it upon mortals, Zeus, the king of the gods, determined to counteract this blessing. Zeus commissioned Hephaestus, the god of fire, to fashion …

ACB's user avatar

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asked Oct 8, 2022 at 11:19

They are all linked!

Seems like this month’s topic is not getting enough attention. Here is a simple puzzle to revive the challenge.

This ‘mess’ is hiding some words/phrases. Find them all.

.. and, what do they all …

ACB's user avatar

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asked Sep 18, 2022 at 16:48

Stepney Community Trust

There are 47 words/phrases hidden in this grid, Boggle-style. (This means that adjacent letters in the word/phrase must be adjacent in the grid, including diagonally, but the word/phrase as a whole …

msh210's user avatar

  • 11.3k

asked Aug 10, 2022 at 22:31

The History of Unicode

This puzzle is part of the Monthly Topic Challenge #1: Restricted Title: xkcd 1xxx.
Here are the pages in text form; it should be pretty self-explanatory, but feel free to ask any questions if …

Dertereuui Floireiurtrthr's user avatar

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asked Jul 15, 2022 at 17:12

The End of the Rainbow

This puzzle is part of the Monthly Topic Challenge #1: Restricted Title: xkcd 1xxx

«And there we are, the end of the rainbow!»
You glance around, the scenery looks…actually just like any …

Auribouros's user avatar

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asked Jul 5, 2022 at 13:15

Unclutch those pearls

Can you see the hidden gems in this string of pearls?
Here they are:
Now, in the same way, can you find the pearls of wisdom in this longer string?
Text version:

SlowMagic's user avatar

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asked Jun 22, 2022 at 19:41

A wordsearch for today

Sixteen 4-letter words have been concealed in the grid below, as well as one word that is much larger.
Can you find all seventeen words?

Text version of the wordsearch (for copy-paste purposes):

Stiv's user avatar

  • 119k

asked Apr 1, 2022 at 9:43

Impossible foods

Reveal a message by zigzagging down through the rows, selecting one letter per row.
Then, start again to find a second message.
Then, start again to find a third message.
No letter is used in more …

SlowMagic's user avatar

  • 12.7k

asked Feb 1, 2022 at 20:06

I hate word searches

In the following grid are 38 nouns that have something in common. (I use «nouns» loosely, including, for example, noun phrases and proper nouns.) Their respective enumerations are: 4; 4; 4; …

msh210's user avatar

  • 11.3k

asked Dec 14, 2021 at 9:45

Words created by permutations of a 7-letter word in a grid

Below is a 7×7 square grid. On the top row is a single word with seven letters. From the permutation of the letters of this word, one word has been created. Is it possible to create a solution with 15 …

Vassilis Parassidis's user avatar

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asked Dec 12, 2021 at 1:32

How to get to the given solution for this hidden words puzzle?

I got a (German) puzzle advent calendar. Today’s puzzle is the following:

We are looking for a full (German) sentence. If you aren’t a German speaker, this is the sentence we are looking for:

The …

Robber's user avatar

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asked Dec 4, 2021 at 12:15

PSE Advent Calendar 2021 (Day 1): La laa laaaaaa laa la Christmas

This puzzle is part of the Puzzling StackExchange Advent Calendar 2021. The accepted answer to this question will be awarded a bounty worth 50 reputation.Next Door >
…la laaa laaa laaa la la:

Stiv's user avatar

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asked Dec 1, 2021 at 11:00

The Dispute at the Milky Way Restaurant

Fifteen related guests visited a restaurant and got into an argument about who was the greatest among them. To settle the dispute, they asked the owner to decide.
He thought for a moment, then said “…

Amoz's user avatar

  • 18.4k

asked Apr 20, 2021 at 14:56

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