Word search puzzle names

What is a Word Search Puzzle?

A word search puzzle is basically find a combination of words placed in a grid. Those set of words can be placed horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Purpose of this puzzle is to find words that are hidden in the jargon of other words.

Most of the times the words that need to be searched are written at the bottom of the puzzle.

Benefits of playing Word Search Puzzles

Hard to believe but games and puzzles play an important part in keeping up our mental health. Such puzzles stimulate the brain activities, this helping us stay focused and increased concentration.

They are helpful for kids and adults to learn and memorize new vocabulary words, historical events, popular destinations, interesting characters and so much more.

Word Search Generator Tool

You can create your own custom word search puzzles with this Word Search Puzzle Generator. You can use variety of options to create such puzzles. Follow these steps to create your custom words search puzzles:

  • Input the Title of the puzzle
  • Create and input your Words List
  • Select the Grid Size, like 10×10, 15×15, 20×20 etc
  • Select the Font Style.
  • Select the Difficulty Level of Easy or Normal
  • Select the theme of your choice, if you wish.
  • If you wish, you select to show cell borders or not.
  • Lastly, select the color of Title, Grid and Words.
  • Once all the options are set, click on “Generate New”.
  • Select “Show Answers” button to see the answers.
  • Once generated, download the puzzles as PDF or JPG formats.
  • You can also Download Preview before actually downloading the puzzles.
  • To see the existing word search puzzles, click on the “Brose Gallery” button.
  • Print the puzzles and start playing.

What Kind of Word Search Puzzles Should I Make?

When you are customizing a word search puzzle, it is entirely up to you to include the type of words you want to use in your word search puzzle.

To keep the players interested, make sure to use the words that are not too long in length. Try to avoid phrases that can get mixed up easily with other words.

Avoid words that require special characters, punctuation marks or numbers.

PLEASE NOTE: After you create your puzzle, proofread carefully to make sure that offensive or unintended words are not used. If you happen to come across any, you can generate another puzzle by following the steps above.

Puzzle Creator: (example: Mrs. Jones)

Enter your word list in the box below.

  • Use a comma or press enter between words.
  • Minimum word length: 3 letters
  • Maximum word length: 16 letters
  • Recommended number of words: 20

Level — Intermediate

· 18 x 12 grid
· Words hidden across, down, and diagonally
· No backwards words
· Medium font size
· Recommended for grades 2 — 4

Please note:

  • There may be a limit to the number and lengths of words hidden. If you have too many words or your words are too long, they may be left out of the puzzle. Please check your puzzle carefully to make sure all of your words are there.
  • Our word search generator uses a basic word filter to prevent the accidental, random creation of offensive words. When you create your puzzle, please check it over it carefully to be sure unintended words were not added by our random letter generator.

STW members are able to save their worksheets. You are not currently logged in and will not be able to save this file.

Sample Word Search Puzzle Generator Images

Below are two examples of beginner and intermediate Word Searches! The Word Search Maker creates the puzzle page as well as a solution page.

Word Search Maker

Word Search Maker Solution

Word Search Puzzle Generator

Word Search Puzzle Generator Solution

Make your own word search puzzles with the Word Search Maker! This easy-to-use tool allows you to provide your own word list and create custom word searches in minutes. You can then download and print them instantly, or play online the pre-made puzzles right away. So get creative and have some fun!

How do you create custom Word Search Puzzles?

It’s easy! Just provide your word list and the Word Search Maker will create a puzzle for you.

  • Enter your words into the text box provided. Make sure to add no more than 30 words.
  • Select the theme or topics of your word search.
  • Words should only include letters from a-z – uppercase or lowercase. You can use space and dash but these will be omitted while searching for your word search.
  • Make sure not to use any personal information if you want your puzzles added to our database.
  • When you are ready, click on “Regenerate” and the word search will be generated for you.
  • If you want to download and print your word search puzzle, just click on “Download PDF.” The word search will be downloaded as a PDF file which you can then print.

NOTE: These are randomly generated words so be sure to proofread carefully before using. You can also regenerate the puzzle with new array of words.

Using games and puzzles in your class is always a hit with the students. Whether you use
them as an introduction for a new chapter, as a practice break in the middle of a section,
or to end a class, puzzles are a useful and fun way to add some interactivity to your class.

One type of puzzle that is easy to apply in about any class is a Word Search Puzzle.

Let’s have a look at some examples. Afterward, you will see how to make your own word search puzzle games and the additional feature that Bookwidgets provides.

  • Language Word Search Puzzles
  • Science Word Search Puzzles
  • History Word Search Puzzle
  • Word Search Puzzles for Kids
  • Breaking the Ice With Word Search Puzzles

💡 Good to know: all the ready-to-use word search activities are created with BookWidgets. You can easily duplicate an activity for free, edit it if needed, and share it with your students. You can do so in the examples separately, or you can find all the word search examples in the BookWidgets Blog group folder.

Language Word Search Puzzles

Languages are all about words, so it’s pretty obvious that a word search puzzle is a perfect
fit here.

Let’s start with an easy one for teaching foreign vocabulary. We put English words in a
column as clues, and let the student find the Spanish translation :

Language Word Search Puzzle - El Dormitorio

Click to open

There are different ways to change the difficulty of a word search puzzle.

  • Instead of just having horizontal and vertical words, also place words diagonally
    or even in a reverse direction.
  • Leave out the clues
  • Make the word search bigger

For example, the following English word search puzzle contains words in all directions,
and doesn’t have any clues (except that you have to look for objects from the kitchen):

Language Word Search Puzzle - The Kitchen

Click to open

A word search also allows you to practice new learning topics. Have you just taught the days and months to your students? Take some time to practice it with a days and months words search puzzle.

Language Word Search Puzzle - Days and months

Click to open

Perhaps the holidays are approaching? Or are you going skiing with your school? A fun ‘lesson starter’ could be a word search where your students need to find the different ski equipment that is covered.

Language Word Search Puzzle - Ski vacation

Click to open

Science Word Search Puzzles

Most science subjects come with a lot of terminology to learn. Word search
puzzles are perfect for the job of introducing scientific words in an
interactive way.

Let’s take Biology, for examples: not only do you have a long list of plants,
animals, and other organisms to learn, but each of these consists of lots of
other parts with hard-to-remember names. For every level of terminology, we can
make nice word search puzzles:

Science Word Search Puzzle - Cell Structure

Click to open

How about geography? Names of continents, countries, cities,
rivers, mountains, … All great candidates to put in a word list,
and get your students enthusiastic during class:

Science Word Search Puzzle - European Capitals

Click to open

In elementary school, you might work around the theme ‘water’ during the world orientation lessons. Wouldn’t it be fun to include small assignments between lessons like the example below?

Science Word Search Puzzle - Ocean

Click to open

History Word Search Puzzle

During history classes, you might bring up the subject ‘Greek mythology’. Below there is an example of a fun lesson starter where your students should look for the main characteristics of a Greek hero. FYI: It is a real challenge!

History Word Search Puzzle - Greek hero

Click to open

There’s nothing the youngest like doing more than learning by playing.

Word search puzzles can be a great way to teach young kids to read.
An easy way to start off is by letting them search for simple words
(such as the ones from the
Dolch word list),
from a list:

Word Search Puzzles for kids - Sight Word

Click to open

They can match the letters from the description list with the letters
from the center to get to know the letters and words.

You can make things a little bit harder by removing the words from the
list, and replace them by emoji, giving them the chance to learn the
letters by heart:

Word Search Puzzles for kids - Emoji Sight Word

Click to open

Word search puzzles can also help with their first steps in math:
learning the numbers and how to write them:

Word Search Puzzles for kids - Numbers

Click to open

Breaking the Ice With Word Search Puzzles

If you’ve been reading our blog, you know that we’re fans of
using games as ice breakers in the classroom.
Word search puzzles can also be used as a fun way to get to know each other’s names at the start of
the school year.

You can, for example, use descriptions of the student as clues, and let them find first names in the word
search; or, you can list the first names in a list, and leave the last names to be
searched in the word search:

Breaking the Ice with Word Search Puzzles

Click to open

Are you looking for something more (inter)active? You can use this one! The idea is that students need to look for names of other students in the class. If they find one, they need to get up and start a conversation. So, it is the perfect way of getting to know each other.

Breaking the Ice with Word Search Puzzles - Names

Click to open

Creating your own Word Search Puzzles

I could go on and on about ways to use word search puzzles in the class, but I’m
guessing I don’t have to: by now, you’re probably thinking of some fun
word search puzzles you can use in your class.

So, how to make your own word search puzzles? Well, BookWidgets has you covered with the word search puzzle maker. You can quickly and easily create your own puzzles. All you have to do is enter some words (and optionally, their
descriptions), and BookWidgets takes care of fitting the words together into a nice-looking interactive word search puzzle. You can instantly send to your students’ iPads,
Chromebooks, or PCs.

Don’t have devices in your classroom, or do you like to play it old-school?
Then you can just print BookWidgets’ word search puzzle straight from your browser.

Ready to give it a shot? Just hit the button below, sign up, and start creating
word search puzzles (and many other widget types with a free
BookWidgets trial.

Monitoring live in Word Search Puzzles

With Bookwidgets, you have the opportunity to follow-up the progress of your students live when they are completing the digital word search activity. This, of course, has several advantages. For starters, you can see how far along the students are in their word search. In addition, it is also possible to detect where certain difficulties are. Did you know you could also use it in a playful way? Turn the word search in a contest, and show the results on the board indicating how many words they have already found. The challenge is up to them to solve the word search the fastest. This is how you will see it:

Live monitoring
The live widgets function also gives you some handy statistics so you can closely follow up on your students. In this example, student 1 has a harder time finding words. You can notice this from how much time has passed between the last activity and now. In addition, student 1 also found far fewer words compared to student 2.

Wrap up

You now have many different examples of digital word search activities, the explanation of how to create one, and an explanation of the live monitoring feature. So, why are you still reading?😉 It’s time to get started yourself!

Join our Facebook Group to share your own creations with other teachers and let us know on Twitter what you think of the live monitoring.

Word Search Puzzles

The Spruce / Hilary Allison

These printable word searches will be sure to challenge even the most advanced puzzler. You’ll find three different levels of hard word searches below, each growing in difficulty based on the number of words you need to find.

There are the hard word searches with 30-39 hidden words, the very hard word searches with 40-49 words you’ll need to find, and the extremely hard word searches with 50 or more hidden words. I suggest starting with the first section and then moving on to the other puzzles after you feel confident that you can tackle them.

If these puzzles aren’t challenging enough for you, you can also consider making your own hard word search. Trade with a friend and see who can complete theirs the quickest.

Many other free word searches are available for just about every holiday and season as well as daily word searches, online puzzles, and word searches just for kids. Both adults and kids will love the challenge and fun these puzzles bring.

  • Printable Hard Word Searches

    Westend61 / Getty Images 

    These word searches are considered hard because they have 30-39 hidden words to find. Can you find them all?

    • Famous Artists: There are 30 names of famous artists hidden in this hard word search puzzle.
    • Healthy Foods: You’ll need to find 31 hidden healthy food words in this word search puzzle.
    • Famous Cars: This hard word search has 32 famous cars that need to be found.
    • Arguments: A tough word search puzzle with 33 hidden words.
    • Here Comes the Bride: A 33-word puzzle all about weddings.
    • The Beach: There are 34 beach words in this word search puzzle.
    • Music Artists: Find the names of 34 music artists.
    • Busy Schedule: Can you find all 35 words in this word search printable?
    • Movie Night: There are 36 movie titles hidden in this word search.
    • Lots of Words: A generally hard word search with 38 non-related words.
    • Famous American Football Players: Find 38 famous American football players in this puzzle.
    • Dogs: Find 38 breeds of dogs in this hard word puzzle.
    • Have Fun: A general word search with 38 words to find.
    • Your Body: You’ll need to find 39 words to solve this science word search puzzle all about the body.
    • United States of America: There are 39 hidden words in this hard word search over the USA.
  • Printable Very Hard Word Searches

    Kohei Hara / Getty Images 

    40-49 words that you’ll need to find.

    • World Capitals: This is a very hard word search puzzle with 40 world capitals to find.
    • The Great Lakes Basin: Find 40 things you might discover in the Great Lakes basin.
    • Baseball Players: Find 42 names of famous baseball players in this word search.
    • Health Issues: Find 42 health issues in this very hard word search puzzle printable.
    • Les Miserables: Here’s a 42 word hidden word search puzzle that’s all about everyone’s favorite musical.
    • The Great Lakes: There are 45 hidden words in this word search puzzle.
    • Horse Breeds: 46 names of horse breeds are hidden in this difficult word search puzzle.
    • Pearl Harbor: Print out this very hard word search puzzle and find all 48 words.
    • What’s the Point: Here’s a fun word search printable where you’ll need to find 48 words or phrases that all have points associated with them.
    • Hilarious Movies: If you like funny movies, you’re going to love this word search! There are 48 titles of some of the best comedies out there all hidden within this tough word search puzzle.
    • Relationships: This printable word search puzzle has 49 words hiding in it.
  • Printable Extremely Hard Word Searches

    Hero Images / Getty Images 

    Watch out for these extremely hard word search puzzles with 50 or more hidden words. Pick one with unfamiliar words you to increase the difficulty and make it your own personal hardest word search.

    • Strange Words: Can you find all 50 strange words in this word search puzzle?
    • European Countries: Find the 50 countries in Europe in this extremely hard word search puzzle.
    • Fifty States: You’ll need to find all 50 states to complete this word search puzzle.
    • Fifty State Capitals: Another extremely hard word search puzzle where you’ll need to find 50 state capitals.
    • Camping: You’ll have to find 50 camping words in this puzzle.
    • Popular Girls Names: Find 50 of the most popular names for girls.
    • Popular Boys Names: There are 50 names of boys in this word search.
    • Harry Potter Word Search: Find 50 Harry Potter-related words to solve this word search.
    • Our Family: There are 50 family words to find in this word search printable.
    • Self Help: You’ll need to find 50 words to solve this puzzle.
    • Gardening: There are 50 hidden words that all have to do with gardening in this hard word search printable. Make it more of a challenge by finding the Lady Bird Johnson quote with the remaining letters. 
    • Flowers of the 50 States: Can you find the name of each state flower? There are 50 to find!
    • Golden Age of Hollywood: Find 50 actors and actresses’ names in this difficult word search puzzle.
    • Box Office Hits: Relive your favorite movies with this free hard word search puzzle that asks you to find 50 box office hits.
    • Bio-mechanics: There are 50 bio-mechanics words to find in this very difficult word search puzzle.
    • ’80’s Cartoons: This is an extra difficult puzzle because the titles of the ’80’s cartoons are so long. Good luck finding all 50 of them!
    • Accounting: Find 55 accounting terms in what’s one of the more difficult word search puzzles. If you enjoy this puzzle you may also enjoy free math word puzzles.
    • Deserts of the World: There are 60 deserts hidden within this tough word search puzzle. The remaining letters spell out a secret message.
    • Around the House: There are an unbelievable 100 words to find in this extra-tough word search puzzle. Can you find all the words that you can find around the house?
    • Harry Potter: In this hard word search printable, you’ll need to find a whopping 180 words that all have to do with the Harry Potter universe.

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