Word rules the world

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On 13th of May, 2013 the Institute of the International Service, Tourism and Foreign Languages held a quiz called “Word rules the world”. Students demonstrated their knowledge of the Russian language, classic literature, culture and history of the country where they live. They recalled the first Slavonic alphabet, the leading reformers of the Russian language, masters of the word – writers of 19-20th centuries, discussed the main tendencies of the Russian Federation state language development. The event was held on the threshold of the Day of the Slavonic Written Language.

«Make effort to uplift yourself; do not degrade yourself, for one’s own self is one’s friend and one’s own self is one’s enemy».

«A person is pronounced great when he can face a difficult situation with readiness to wise activity, patience and kindness».

«There will always be the opportunity to learn for those who desire it»

The longer we live, the more we recognize the meaning of the main tool of our life – experience, life-secret, life – aim, life – happiness and life – question. It is a word. It is not only because a word has been part of our daily speech since our early childhood, more or less unforgettable. While collecting words in the process of communication with old and young, clever or not very clever , kind or ugly human beings, ( socially- ) people – a child, a youngster, adult or old person has been collecting words as a means of understanding the world around in order to win it for self-realization in unique personal suitable manner of presentation to permanent reality, always close to absolute understanding for those yet living…The words serve as real force , being collecting in something strong enough to be able to influence the handling something to be solved as rational as possible for the moment in need. There are always people examine the words we use, and rather seldom we examine our own words as alive unites.

A word is a thought and an action. The action in not always material sphere, but spiritual as well, so, the word combines in itself visible and hidden image of objects, ideas, dreams with certain evident or imaginary result. A word may demonstrate power and reliability, as well as fear and weakness, a beauty and horror, freedom or prison, open space for living and creativity, or terrible escape for isolation from life as God’s gift. A word survives and destroys, finds and loses, sounds and keeps silence. A word rules knowledge, confidence in speaking, thinking, communicating. A word rules the world.

Teaching English let all those involved to give definitions to the contextual meaning of the words, necessary for using in personal situations of studying, learning, teaching, upbringing, making routine, making scientific research, etc. The correct approach to recognizing “ a word ” as a formula of mental activity through word’s context of a sense, emotion, feeling, knowledge, character, abilities and possibilities in opportunities not omitted, guarantees qualified teaching and learning in unity of personal development and common sense due to using it for prolonged development as a gratitude for unmeasured values of life, assigned being understood.

The correct approach means possessing full information about definition of contextual meaning of the words in directly contextual situations, connected with private ones as strictly personal attitude to the colors, shades and sounds of the words in action. Training «word’s senses», so important to be discovered, understood and used in order to make the process of prolonged learning effective and rational indeed, proposed some interesting exercises should be done previously, in the beginning of solving the definite tasks, the different tasks, the task having much in common or absolutely aparted. The tasks are like these: the students are to give definition to the contextual meaning of the words in situations, according to real or possible ones in well-known spheres of the students’ life (family life, family history, traditions and values; disciplines and lessons, daily routine, sport and entertainment , duties and hobbies, friendship, love); career position after graduation from the University; obligatory professional skills and habits, business organization’ process, public relations ( communication in socium), personal perfection as a developed personality, responsible for own qualified existence and those involved in his(her) sphere of responsibility and caring, close and far ones.

The first step to definition of the word’s meaning as readiness or not to overcoming life hardships and obstacles for the sake of not only surviving but living as intellectual society’s unit- is to give the derivatives and the antonyms of the words. The task is hard enough to be solved easily, that is why such method as a role-play may be very effective in activity of two teams, proposing their variants of definitions, antonyms and derivatives.

The words offered were like these:” to reserve, tolerance, to drift, supercilious, peremptory, irrelevant, sophisticated, vitality, shiftlessness, affected, to repel.” So, in a Pedagogical Experiment (English Learning as Insight and Inspiration) the searching of the words’ meaning’ tied to real situations of studying, daily routine, professional training and outdoor sport, art, … etc. activity- motivated greatly to knowing more and more new lexical units to describe more and more life situation of personal relationship, communication in socium of the native country and abroad. For desired high results of the students future professional serving’ (not less!) the discussion of the antonyms and derivatives of the words mentioned happened to become an alive discussion of relations between representatives of different age-level. The methods of searching the decisions under hard circumstances and the content of the decisions themselves discovered evidently much in common in situations of the generations representatives’ communication. The scheme as matrix of Making Decisions compounded a list of fruitful, effective, emotionally expressive lexical units coloring the language speaking space of the students.

In period of preparation for professional training in engineering field of studying and professional experience the list of lexical units for recognizing as necessary ones in a new field of technical practice have been defined as obligatory and demonstrative. The task announced as” key-question for professional communication organization “was defined like this:” Express the same notion in one word”. This very difficult task inspired the participants of the experiment to searching the necessary equivalent word. Among the offered for thinking over the correct variants there were: to be carried along by circumstances; to cause a feeling of dislike; the use of unnatural manners; allowing no denial or refusal; worldly wise, having nothing to do with the point, to keep back one’s opinion for later use; reluctance to interfere with the freedom of thought or action of others [1, p. 7].

The third task offered to students as a searching method of discovering the vital, alive, simple, prolonged and multicultural (!) way of finding wise and witty decisions in situations of uncertainty was such this: “Study the use of the active vocabulary in these word combinations and sentence; use the same vocabulary in the situations of your own.” This task was very interesting for participants of the experiment. It gave all of them, with different level of English possessing, express their own vision of critical, compound, unplanned and psychologically hard situations and get approval or refuse of the auditorium with explanation rightness or wrong vision of the problem discussed. Each concrete definition item as a list of words was worked out from the position of public speech, when the maim demand to lectors of the role-play command was: “Be logical, convinced, smart and academic, if possible.” The students did their best having described all lines of the lexical units offered. They were like these:

  • Peremptory order (demand, command, request, tone);
  • A supercilious manner (air, smile, remark, assumption0;
  • An irrelevant question (criticism, pause, laugh, joke);
  • A sophisticated woman (learner, admirer, writer;
  • An affected gesture (manner, pose, laughter);
  • To show (need, demand, insist on, tolerance);
  • To treat something tolerantly, to be tolerant of different religious views, to be intolerant of smoking [2, p. 32];
  • To be shiftless, to hate shiftlessness, to confront shiftlessness and disorder.

Pedagogical experiment demonstrated interested activeness of the participants. The command had chosen the mottoes like these: “It is not right to load around when there is so much work to be done!” and “Reserve your judgement before the matter becomes quite clear”.

The scientists-in the field of languages and literature are sure we have in our language a host of roots as all these nice and bright ones mentioned in a collective team-work of role-playing students. During such an action everyone could convince that words they used have definite personalities and characters. In different situations they can be friendly or hostile, sharp or soft, sweet, sour, discordant, musical, sugary or acrid, etc.

So, the words are tremendous magic secret of our mankind’ mentality and soul. The more we study words, the more keenly aware of words we become. The more English words sound in student auditorium and in teachers professional and friendly club meetings, the more importance English requires as universal method of happy and intellectual penetration through universal knowledge as true eternal Light of sincere communication for people born for Light from the darkness of Eternity. The teachers’ efforts are very valuable accordingly the work with «a word as unique immortal Universe». It is multicultural notion, embodied in cross-cultural space as the only understandable code for surviving and remaining common sense of mankind’s existence for sustainable development of generation. For the sake of WHAT? A very simple truth: «due to» a write word” it is so important to give understanding at the appropriate time. In the appropriate place. Understanding “a word said” means lovely, pure thoughts, born from write words, formed though for good intentions. Misunderstanding, destroying the world of knowledge building and its’ beauty and usefulness creation can be absolutely erased by loveful, pure words and thoughts, giving understanding at the appropriate time.

“Tam facti, quam animi” (На деле так же, как в мыслях).

10000+ результатов для ‘world rules’

World rules

World rules

от Marinacrosas

Reading letter Y

Reading letter Y
Групповая сортировка

от Juliadron1987

Начальная школа / начальная
Reading rules
Spotlight 3

Spotlight 3 Reading Letter U

Spotlight 3 Reading Letter U
Групповая сортировка

от Juliadron1987

Начальная школа / начальная
Reading rules
Spotlight 3

Spotlight 3 Reading Letter U

Spotlight 3 Reading Letter U
Сбить воздушный шар

от Juliadron1987

Начальная школа / начальная
Reading rules
Spotlight 3

F2F Int 2A World rules

F2F Int 2A World rules

от Tatmakarchuk

Name the Sound

Name the Sound
Случайные карты

от Tatyana4

Reading Rules

Spotlight 3 Reading Letter U

Spotlight 3 Reading Letter U
Групповая сортировка

от Juliadron1987

Reading rules
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Wider World 3 5 Culture Aussie rules

Wider World 3 5 Culture Aussie rules
Пропущенное слово

от Annav


Откройте поле

от Stacykofanova

Reading rules

English world 2 unit 10

English world 2 unit 10

от Engteachers

english world 2

Wider World 4.1

Wider World 4.1
Угадай буквы

от Florauna13

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Случайные карты

от Mailru77

Oxfrod Phonics World 1

Oxfrod Phonics World 1

от Julia366

Oxford Phonics World 1



от Katerina25075

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Угадай буквы

от Engteachers

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WW3 unit 5 Aussie Rules

WW3 unit 5 Aussie Rules
Правда или ложь

от Lyahova93

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Characters English World (pictures)

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Откройте поле

от Allaenglishteac

English World 1

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adjectives wider world

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Wider World (3) 6.1

Wider World (3) 6.1

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Wider World (1) _8.3_about languages

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Пропущенное слово

от Dalianirina

Open World A2

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Лента конвейера

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Случайные карты

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Wider World Unit 1.5 Personality Adjectives Match Up

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NEW WORDS Unit 2 English world 1
Откройте поле

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Wider world Unit 7.5 Word Friends GET

Wider world Unit 7.5 Word Friends GET

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Wider World 1, unit 1.1 word friends

Wider World 1, unit 1.1 word friends
Перевернуть плитки

от Beawesome3

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Wider World 3 5 Culture Aussie rules words
Поиск слов

от Annav

Wider world (3) 7.1 speaking

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от English7

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WW3 unit 5 Aussie Rules questions
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от Lyahova93

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от Elena549


Пропущенное слово

от Detkatancuii


Случайное колесо

от Ryabkovalena

Spotlight 6


Привести в порядок

от Etipografova



Случайные карты

от Eesperas



от Eesperas

Oxford Phonics World - letters A,B,C,D

Oxford Phonics World — letters A,B,C,D
Групповая сортировка

от Nasya88

Oxford Phonics World 1


Привести в порядок

от Kharlamovadarya


Случайные карты

от Dasha011211


Пропущенное слово

от Anastasialukano


Случайные карты

от Nash251



от Apple110596

Wider world 0.3, clothes and accessories

Wider world 0.3, clothes and accessories
Диаграмма с метками

от Beawesome3

Wider world 3


Случайное колесо

от Draghorror88


Пропущенное слово

от Anastacey



Групповая сортировка

от Dymova75


Откройте поле

от Mkurkova1


Откройте поле

от Zavyalova1


Сбить воздушный шар

от Dashapopova881


Пропущенное слово

от Milka2004

6 класс
7-й класс

Words English World p 32 -33

Words English World p 32 -33
Откройте поле

от Allaenglishteac

English World 1

READING NEW WORDS Unit 2 English world 1

READING NEW WORDS Unit 2 English world 1
Случайные карты

от Allaenglishteac

English World 1


Случайные карты

от Annaschipanova2


Случайные карты

от Azapart

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

правит миром

управляет миром

править миром

миром правит

управляющий миром

владеет миром

миром правят

правит этим миром


Today, fear still rules the world.

К сожалению, страх до настоящего времени правит миром.

Instead of discipline and law, it’s money that really rules the world.

Вместо дисциплины и закона деньги — вот что действительно правит миром.

Industry rules the world without faith or poetry.

The financial system that today rules the world pressures and shapes laws and institutions in the countries receiving credits or donations.

Финансовая система, которая сейчас управляет миром, оказывает давление и формирует законы и институты в тех странах, которые получают кредиты или пожертвования.

Satan has just won and now rules the world.

Right now, big data rules the world.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

A man rules the world, but in the fight against him, a woman sometimes severely injures him.

Мужчина правит миром, но в борьбе с ним женщина иной раз жестоко ранит его.

Optimization rules the world: with new software technologies, it is always possible to boost hardware.

Оптимизация правит миром: благодаря новым технологиям в программном обеспечении всегда можно улучшить работу аппаратных средств.

Love rules the world, it excites everyone.

Information rules the world, right?

Religion for many thousands of years rules the world, and no matter what a supporter of the exercise is to you.

Религия уже много тысяч лет правит миром, и неважно приверженцем какого из учений являетесь вы.

There is a relationship with neo-liberalism and the idea that money and business rules the world.

Я тут вижу связь с неолиберализмом и идеей того, что деньги правят миром и бизнесом.

Many are of the opinion that astrology rules the world, and choose proper nutrition according to the sign of the zodiac.

Многие считают, что астрология правит миром, и выбирают правильное питание по знаку зодиака.

Data rules the world, right?

It is not power that rules the world, but love.

Our thinking is in everything living, our spirit rules the world.

It is said, that thought rules the world.

That is the question of who rules the world.

They say that information rules the world.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат rules the world

Результатов: 206. Точных совпадений: 206. Затраченное время: 181 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

 Question: Discuss the rules of word formation.

Or, discuss the major rules of word-formation.


Word formation rules are very basic concept of linguistic. This is a process of forming new word. All the languages of the world possess some basic rules or processes for building up new words or phrases too. Let us now know the major word-formation rules or processes of the English language.


Derivation is one of the fundamental word formation rules in which affixes attach to the base form or root of the word. Affixes are prefixes, infixes and suffixes. Through this process, the grammatical forms of words are changed such as from noun to verb to adjective to adverb, from verb to verb, from adjective to adjective etc.


  1. Nation – nationalize – national – nationally.
  2. Appear – disappear.
  3. Moral – immoral.


Back-formation is another compulsory rule of word-formation. In this procedure, affixes are subtracted to create a new word. This rule is vice versa of derivation.


  1. Donation – donate.
  2. Obsessive – obsess.

More Notes of Linguistics


The process in which two or more independent words are combined to hatch new word is called compounding rule of word generation.


  1. Bed + room = Bedroom
  2. Note + pad = Notepad
  3. In + to = Into
  4. Break + up = Breakup


In blending process, parts of the words are taken to form new word.


Europe + Asia = Eurasia

Biographical + picture = Biopic

Smoke + fog = Smog


The method in which words are shortened to coin word is called clipping procedure of word formation. Though the words are shortened in this process, the meaning of the words remain unchanged.


Examination – Exam

Advertisement – Ad

Mathematics – Math

Photograph – Photo


Abbreviation means shortened form of words or phrases. Abbreviated words are basically and widely used for writing but some are used in spoken as well.


cm – centimeter

km – kilometer

Dr.- doctor

Mr.- mister

Jr. – junior


In acronym process, an abbreviation is formed from the initial letters of several words and pronounced as a word. The difference between abbreviation rule of word formation and acronym rule of word formation is that acronym cannot be written in small letter but abbreviation can be written using small and capital letter.


UN – United Nations

WB – World Bank

SAARC – The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation


Borrowing is the word formation process in which words of foreign languages become the asset of one language.


Algebra – Arabic

Near – Sanskrit

Murder – French


Without knowing the basic rules of word formation, nobody can possess prosperity in both of oral and written communication.

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