Word roman in latin

The Roman writer Hyginus,

in his Fabulae, described Erebus as the father of Geras, the god of old age.11.

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in Fabulis, Erebum descripsit, Gerais senectus dei, patrem esse.11.

When the centurion heard it, he went to the commanding officer

and told him,»Watch what you are about to do, for this man is a Roman!

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Quo audito centurio accessit ad tribunum et

nuntiavit dicens quid acturus es hic enim homo civis romanus est!

The commanding officer came and asked him,»Tell me, are you a Roman?» He said,»Yes.

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Accedens autem tribunus dixit illi dic mihi tu Romanus es at ille dixit etiam.

Immediately those who were about to examine him departed from him, and the commanding officer also

was afraid when he realized that he was a Roman, because he had bound him.

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Protinus ergo discesserunt ab illo qui eum torturi erant tribunus quoque timuit postquam

rescivit quia civis romanus esset et quia alligasset eum.

When the centurion heard that, he went and told the

chief captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest: for this man is a Roman.

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Quo audito centurio accessit ad tribunum et

nuntiavit dicens quid acturus es hic enim homo civis romanus est.

Then straightway they departed from him which should have examined him: and the chief captain also was afraid,

after he knew that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him.

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Protinus ergo discesserunt ab illo qui eum torturi erant tribunus quoque timuit postquam

rescivit quia civis romanus esset et quia alligasset eum.

Sabinus of Spoleto(d. 304), Roman martyr Sabinus of Hermopolis,

Christian martyr of Egypt Sabinus of Canosa(461-566), bishop of Canosa in Italy Sabinus of Piacenza(333-420), bishop of Piacenza in Italy.

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Sabinus spoletensis ( mortuus 304 ), martyr romanus Sabinus hermopolensis,

Christianus martyr Aegypticus Sabinus Canosensis ( 461-566 ), episcopus Canosae, in Italia Sabinus a Placentia ( 333-420 ), episcopus Placentiae in Italia.

The Temple of Venus Genetrix(Latin: Templum Veneris Genetricis) is a ruined temple in the Forum of

Caesar, Rome, dedicated to the Roman goddess Venus Genetrix,

the goddess of motherhood and domesticity. It was dedicated to the goddess in 46 BCE by Julius Caesar.1.

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Templum Veneris Genetricis in foro Iulio Veneri

protectrici Iulii gentis dicatum anno 46 a.C.n. iubente Iulio Caesare aedificatum est.1.

Отвращение к жизни.

Овидий («Метаморфозы» X, 298-502), излагая миф о Мирре, осквернившей себя кровосмесительной связью с собственным отцом, заканчивает свой обстоятельный рассказ сценой превращения Мирры в дерево (Balsamea myrra L.):

Ést talés compléxa precés: «O síqua patétis

Númina cónfessís, meruí nec tríste recúso

Súppliciúm. Sed né violém vivósque supérstes

Mórtuaqu(a) éxtinctós, ambólus péllite régnis,

Mútatáeque mihí vitámque necémque negáte».

Не видя исхода,

Мучима смертной тоской и равно отвращением к жизни,

Так обратилась к богам: «О если приемлемы вами,

Боги, признанья людей, скажу: достойна я кары,

Но не должна собой осквернять ни живых, ни усопших.

Так отлучите ж меня от людей и от царства Аида».

Боги вняли мольбе Мирры и обращают ее в дерево. В новое время эти слова стали употребляться для обозначения пресыщения жизнью, опустошенности, душевной усталости, овладевавших человеком, несмотря на его внешнее благополучие.

Неудивительно, что Парвусу, который так великодушно поддерживал новоискровцев, пока дело шло преимущественно о кооптации старейших и заслуженных, тяжело стало в конце концов в подобном болотном обществе. Неудивительно, что он стал испытывать в нем все чаще taedium vitae, тошноту жизни.

До тех пор, пока хоть кто-нибудь в этом мире любит вас и вам сочувствует… Нет, друг мой; в нашем возрасте трудно вынести «taedium vitae» вообще, неприязнь и отвращение ко всему на свете; это не связано с политикой, которая, в конечном счете, лишь игра; это грусть пятидесятилетних.

Никогда еще он не чувствовал такой усталости — телесной и душевной. Целый вечер он провел с приятными дамами, с образованными мужчинами; некоторые из дам были красивы, почти все мужчины отличались умом и талантами — сам он беседовал весьма успешно и даже блистательно… и, со всем тем, никогда еще то «taedtum vitae», о котором говорили уже римляне, то «отвращение к жизни» с такой неотразимой силой не овладевало им, не душило его.

Понятие «taedium vitae» было исследовано в диссертационной работе: Mrs. Thompson, Taedium vitae in Roman Sepulcral inscriptions. St. Louis, 1911 (рецензия И. И. Холодняка на эту книгу была помещена в журнале «Гермес», 1913, № 7, с. 165-166).

Александрийские поэты-ученые отличались, между прочим, крайней отчужденностью от толпы; эта черта близка современной поэзии всего мира; а общность некоторых других признаков заставляла уже русскую критику обращать внимание на указанное сходство. Это делалось с целью приуменьшить значение современной литературы; делалось теми, кто вечно оробеет перед дедами», тоскует о старине, а в сущности испытывает taedium vitae, не понимая того, что происходит на глазах.

Пресыщение являлось неизбежным следствием излишеств всякого рода, избытка наслаждений, как грубых, так и утонченных. От пресыщения недалеко до равнодушия, до своего рода taedium vitae, откуда и тот недуг, которого причину давно бы отыскать пора…

Хотя слишком часто встречаются люди, полагающие единственную цель своего существования в материальных наслаждениях, но это всегда и неизбежно оказывается иллюзией, ибо как только достигается это мнимое счастье, то есть постоянная возможность удовлетворять вполне все материальные хотения (а они имеют тесные пределы), так необходимо является пресыщение, скука, внутренняя пустота, а за нею отвращение к жизни, taedium vitae…

Не случайно, что естественное taedium vitae преклонных лет у Фридриха Второго облеклось в форму изречения: я устал править рабами.




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Definition, Meaning [en]

roman — of or relating to ancient Rome or its empire or people.

Synonyms: Roman

  • latin, catholic, romish, ancient, romanic, roman letters, eternal, classical, italian
  • romanist, roman-catholic, popish, papist, papistical, roman type, roman print, saxon, anglo-saxon
  • flavian, mediaeval, gallo-roman, medieval, byzantine, belgic, claudian, etruscan, fourth-century
  • romano-british, pre-roman, veii, etruscans, pharaonic, classic, late classic, augustan, italic
  • imperial, papal, r/c, papistic
  • Examples: Roman

    We went to the zoo and then saw a Roman bath and a Roman fort in Southern Cumbria.

    Ad saepti ferarum venimus et deinde balneum Romanum et castellum Romanum in Cumbria Australi vidimus.

    The Maison Carrée in Nîmes is one of the best preserved Roman temples.

    Maison Carrée in Nîmes est unum ex optimis templis Romanis conservatum.

    The Roman Empire survived for a thousand years.

    Imperium Romanum mille annis superfuit.

    Julius Caesar, this great Roman hero, was assassinated.

    Iulius Caesar, magnus Romanus heros, interfectus est.

    All children in the PRC learn the Roman alphabet for phonemic pinyin.

    Omnes pueri in PRC alphabetum Romanum discunt pro pinyin phonemico.

    My neighbor found a cache of ancient Roman coins using his metal detector.

    Vicinus meus cella nummorum Romanorum antiquorum invenit utens eius metalli detector.

    The philosophy of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius can be found in a collection of personal writings known as the Meditations.

    Philosophia Romanorum imperatoris Marci Aurelii in collectione scriptorum personalium, quae sunt Meditationes, inveniuntur.

    Marcus Aurelius, called the Philosopher, was a Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher.

    Marcus Aurelius, philosophus appellatus, imperator Romanus et philosophus stoicus fuit.

    A Roman coin from the third century CE is the centerpiece of his collection.

    Nummus Romanus inde a saeculo tertio CE centrum collectionis est.

    The Nazis were as socialist as the Holy Roman Empire was Roman .

    Nazis tam socialista erat quam Romanum imperium Romanum erat.

    The archaeologist is studying old Roman ruins.

    Archaeologus antiquas ruinas Romanas studet.

    You shouldn’t associate sexuality with poverty. It isn’t Roman .

    Ne sexualitatis cum paupertate coniungas. Romanus non est.

    Tom doesn’t know the difference between Rome and the Roman Empire.

    Tom discrimen inter Romam et Romanum imperium non cognoscit.

    Three Roman sarcophagi have been discovered in Turkey.

    Tres Romani sarcophagi in Turcia reperti sunt.

    The Year of the Four Emperors, 69 AD, is a remarkable page of the Roman history.

    Annus Quattuor Imperatorum, 69 AD, pagina memorabilis est Romanae historiae.

    The Roman consul had the camp placed not far from the enemy.

    consul Romanus haud procul ab hoste castra posuit.

    Instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long.

    sed potius cur Romanum destructum sit imperium, mirandum magis quod tamdiu perstitisset.

    The ancient Roman and Byzantine empires had well — developed associations known as demes.

    Vetera Romanorum et Byzantinorum imperia consociationes notae dominii notae erant.

    Writing in Roman letters is bad for the brain (health) of Japanese learners.

    In litteris Romanis scribens malum est cerebri (salutis) discentium Iaponum.

    Cicero was the most eloquent of the Roman orators.

    Cicero eloquentissimus Romanorum oratorum fuit.

    Everyone visits Tipasa, in Algeria, for its Roman ruins.

    Quisque Tipasam in Algeria visitat propter suas ruinas Romanas.

    Roman Emperor Caligula had a horse called Incitatus which means fast.

    Caligula Imperator Romanus equum habuit Incitatum, qui ieiunium significat.

    Tom saw the ruins of an ancient Roman building.

    Tom vidi ruinas aedificii Romani antiqui.

    There are many Roman statues in the next room.

    In proximo cubiculo sunt multae statuae Rōmānae.

    The Germanic tribes against Rome in the Teutoburg Forest had far — reaching consequences on the history of the Roman empire.

    Nationes Germanicae contra Romam in Silva Teutoburgum multum consecutae sunt de historia imperii Romani.

    The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where an alliance of Germanic tribes defeated 3 Roman legions in 9 A.D., was one of the Roman Empire’s most humiliating defeats.

    Pugna ad saltum Teutoburgensem, ubi societas Germanicarum gentium superavit 3 legiones Romanas in VIIII AD, ignotissima clades Romanum imperium fuit.

    So huge, so hard the task to found the Roman state.

    Tam ingens, tam arduum opus est condere rempublicam Romanam.

    He was the last Arch Seneschal of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Ultimus Sacri Romani Imperii Archi Seneschal.

    The Fontana della Pigna is Tom’s favorite Roman fountain.

    Fontana della Pigna est fons dilectissimus Tom Romanus.

    Swahili is written using the Roman writing system.

    Swahili scriptum est ratio scribendi utens Romani.

    The expansion of the Roman empire wiped out a great number of the original European languages.

    Expansio imperii Romani magnam multitudinem linguarum originalium Europaearum delevit.

    Edward Gibbon wrote a book about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

    Eduardus Gibbon librum scripsit de Romani Imperii declinatione et lapsu.

    The Nika Riots constituted a sixth — century Turkish uprising against the Roman Emperor Justinian.

    Nika Seditiones tumultum Turcicum saeculo sexto contra Iustinianum imperatorem constituerunt.

    Early Christians were persecuted by the Roman Empire.

    Primi Christiani ab imperio Romano persecuti sunt.

    The Roman Catholic Church, which owned a large part of the most desirable land in France, also imposed heavy taxes on the poor and hungry among the French.

    Ecclesia catholica Romana, quae magnam partem terrae desideratissimae in Gallia possidebat, etiam pauperibus et esurientibus apud Gallos gravia tributa imposuit.

    Marcus Aurelius was one of the most respected emperors in Roman history.

    Marcus Aurelius in Romana historia unus ex honestissimis imperatoribus fuit.

    Many Roman technologies were lost during the Middle Ages.

    Multae technologiae Romanae medio Aevo amissae sunt.

    So massive was the labor of founding the Roman line.

    tantusque labor in Romana acie fuit.

    The expansion of the Roman Empire wiped out a considerable number of the original European languages.

    Expansio Romani imperii aliquantum linguae originalis Europaeae delevit.

    In the eastern part of the Roman Empire, both Latin and Greek were used as administrative languages, but Greek dominated among the people.

    In orientali parte imperii Romani tam latinae quam graecae linguae administrativae adhibebantur, sed Graecae in populo dominabantur.

    Storm grows with the passing hour, making Roman advance unlikely.

    Tempestas crescit hora labente, quod Romanorum successus abhorret.

    Jesus is not a Roman , she replied. He is a Jew.

    respondit Jesus non est Romanus. Iudaeus est.

    I thought it great good fortune that roman tracked me down At the skating rink and extended an invitation.

    Magnam fortunam putavi quod Romanus me perscrutatus est In skating rink ac invitationem extendisse.

    In the Roman Empire, for example, the normal thing was to live… only 25 years.

    In Imperio Romano, exempli gratia, res ordinaria erat tantum 25 annos vivere.

    The man laughed. «That’s not a Roman numeral.

    Vir risit. «Id non est numerus Romanus.

    You had a relationship with XIII when he was preparing for the Roman Numeral Conspiracy mission — And he never told you any of this did he?

    Habuisti necessitudinem cum XIII, cum pararet legationem Numerale Romanam Conspiracy — Et hoc numquam tibi narravit?

    Perhaps Leonora was right; perhaps Roman Catholics, with their queer, shifty ways, are always right.

    Fortasse Leonora recte fuit; fortasse Romano-Catholici, vagas vias suas semper rectas sunt.

    If the expiration date on your can of peaches has Roman numerals on it?

    Si persica potestas in tua tutela est, Romani numeri in eo sunt?

    Maude Abernethie said: «Just a moment, Helen,» into the telephone, and to Miss Gilchrist, «I don’t subscribe to Roman Catholics.

    Matilda Abernethie dixit: «Modo momento Helena» in telephonium, et Miss Gilchrist, «non subscribo Romano-Catholicis.»

    Roman’s too self — involved to give a shit about her.

    Etiam Romani se implicaverunt ut sterquilinium de ea darent.

    She is Athenian in the matter of beauty, and Roman in her greatness.

    Athena est materia pulchritudinis, Romana magnitudine.

    Legal system is based on the Roman — Dutch law and the English common law.

    Systema legale fundatur in lege Romano-Batavi et in iure communi Anglico.

    One glorious opportunity to free our city from Roman rule.

    Una occasio gloriosae urbis nostrae ab imperio Romano liberandae.

    I’m becoming weary of explaining to you Roman Godfrey’s receiving gene therapy.

    Taedet me explicare tibi Godefridi Romani gene therapiam acceptam.

    Roman couches, upholstered in burgundy plush, stood between the chairs.

    Lecti Romani, in Burgundia gausapo ascensi, inter sellas stabant.

    The Roman eagles, the Roman statues, even the votive shields of Pilate, were deliberate insults to their religion.

    Aquilae Romanae, statuae Romanae, etiam clypei votivi Pilati, certae religionis contumeliis fuerunt.

    He has a peculiar way of showing his dorsal hooked fin in swimming, which looks something like a Roman nose.

    Peculiare modum habet ostendens pinnam dorsalem aduncum natando, quod aliquid simile naso Romano spectat.

    Crowds lined the Mall today as Holy Roman Emperor, Winston Churchill, returned to the Buckingham Senate on his personal mammoth…

    Turbae pretium hodie ut sanctus imperator Romanus, Winston Churchill instruxit, ad Curiam Buckinghamiae rediit in personali mammoth.

    He disclaimed jurisdiction, demanded that they should judge the fisherman by their law and deal with him by their law, since the fisherman was a Jew and not a Roman .

    Iurisdictionem reclamavit, postulavit ut iudicarent piscatorem lege sua et lege agere cum eo, quia piscator Iudaeus erat et non Romanus.

    Tomorrow morning meeting entrenched camp of the Roman city.

    Cras mane contio castra Romana urbe communivit.

    Roman tradesmen in mourning, the people with the epileptic gaze of a gypsy, nondescript Italian burocrats.

    Mercatores Romani lugubri, populus epilepsia gypsy, nondescript Italiae burocratae.

    This treasure, which may amount to two… of Roman crowns in the most distant a… of the second opening wh… declare to belong to him alo… heir.

    Hic thesaurus, qui duas…. coronas Romanas in ultimis ultimis tenet, secundae ape- ri …. ad ipsum haeredem pertinere declarant.

    I had thought it was but the Roman philosophers who slew themselves.

    Putaveram Romanos philosophos se ipsos trucidasse.

    There is certainly an eccentric man who has a large estate in Shropshire and he has an old — fashioned Roman ballista, one of those catapult things.

    Est certe eccentricus homo qui magnum praedium habet in Salopia et ballistam Romanam antiquam habet, unum ex illis catapultis.

    As opposed to a spirited bout of skanko Roman wrestling.

    Sicut skanko certatio Romana opponitur animosae praedurandae.

    Meta information

    O-Declension masculine


    Singular Plural
    Nom. romanus romani
    Gen. romani romanorum
    Dat. romano romanis
    Acc. romanum romanos
    Voc. romane romani
    Abl. romano romanis

    Example Sentences

    Publius Ovidius Naso

    adposito vertit in arma mero; femina Troianos iterum nova bella movere inpulit in regno, iuste Latine, tuo; femina Romanis etiamnunc urbe recenti inmisit soceros armaque saeva dedit.

    ~ Ovid, Amores II

    Gaius Julius Caesar

    Si quid accidat Romanis, summam in spem per Helvetios regni obtinendi venire; imperio populi Romani non modo de regno, sed etiam de ea q

    ~ Caesar, Bellum Gallicum I

    Quintus Horatius Flaccus

    uisu caelatumque nouem Musis opus.’ Aspice primum quanto cum fastu, quanto molimine circum spectemus uacuam Romanis uatibus aedem; mox etiam, si forte uacas, sequere et procul audi quid ferat et qua re sibi nectat uterque

    ~ Horace, Epistulae II

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Sustinebunt tales viri se tot senatoribus, tot equitibus Romanis, tot civitatibus, tot hominibus honestissimis ex tam inlustri provincia, tot populorum privatorumque litteris no

    ~ Cicero, In Verrem II.1

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