Word related to education

В этой статье вы найдете подборку лексики, с помощью которой можно описать образовательные учреждения, студентов и все, что связано с процессом обучения на английском.

Educational establishments

education — образование
educated — образованный
upbringing — воспитание
adopt — усыновлять
bring up — воспитывать
teacher — учитель
pupil — ученик
student — студент
well-bred — воспитанный
ill-bred — невоспитанный
guardian — опекун
development — развитие
nursery — ясли
kindergarten — детский сад
competent — компетентный
incompetent — некомпетентный
literate — грамотный
illiterate — неграмотный
school — школа
gymnasium — гимназия
lycee — лицей
boarding school — интернат
college — колледж
institute — институт
university — университет
academy — академия
conservatory — консерватория
faculty — факультет
department — кафедра
head — заведующий кафедрой
postgraduate studies — аспирантура
postgraduate — аспирант
class — класс


course — курс
study — учиться
learn — изучать
teach — учить
fees — плата за обучение
studies — учеба
training — подготовка
curriculum — программа обучения
syllabus — план лекций
training — практический курс
practical work — практика
teaching — преподавание
professor — преподаватель в институте
subject — предмет обучения
repetition — повторение
exercise — упражнение
lesson — урок
lecture — лекция
seminar — семинар
break — перерыв
exams — экзамены
vacation — каникулы
holidays — праздники


textbook — учебник
Abc book — букварь
school book — учебник
reference book — справочник
dictionary — словарь
glossary — глоссарий
atlas — атлас
map — карта
timetable — расписание

School subjects

history — история
literature — литература
language — язык
botany — ботаника
zoology — зоология
biology — биология
anatomy — анатомия
geography — география
astronomy — астрономия
mathematics — математика
algebra — алгебра
geometry — геометрия
trigonometry — тригонометрия
physics — физика
chemistry — химия
music — музыка
drawing — рисование
technical drawing — черчение
physical education — физкультура


homework — домашнее задание
sum — пример (математический)
question — вопрос
answer — ответ
finals — выпускные экзамены
test — зачет
examine — экзаменовать
examiner — экзаменатор
text — текст
ask — спрашивать урок
correct — исправлять
copy off — списывать
prompt — подсказка
cheat sheet — шпаргалка
mark — оценка
school mark — отметка
excellent — отлично
good — хорошо
satisfactory — удовлетворительно
unsatisfactory — неудовлетворительно
graduate — выпускник
expel — отчислить
pupil’s mark book — дневник
register — журнал

Degree and certificates and titles

school-leaving certificate — аттестат
certificate — свидетельство
diploma — диплом
schoolmaster — педагог
associate professor — доцент
schoolboy — школьник
schoolgirl — школьница
pupil of the first class — первоклассник
senior pupil — старшеклассник
classmate — одноклассник
student of the first year — первокурсник
senior student — старшекурсник
student engaged in degree thesis — дипломник
intern — стажер
bachelor’s degree — бакалавр
master’s degree — магистр
headmaster — директор школы


dean’s office — деканат
dean — декан
principal — ректор
principal’s office — ректорат
vice-principal — проректор
audience — аудитория
an office — кабинет
laboratory — лаборатория

In the classroom

desk — парта
blackboard — доска
chalk — мел
bag — сумка
pen — ручка
pencil — карандаш
pencil case — пенал
felt-tip pen — фломастер
ruler — линейка
pair of compasses — циркуль
copybook — тетрадь
notebook — блокнот
paper — бумага
page — страница
margin — поля
write — писать
erase — стереть
typeset — набирать текст
computer — компьютер
screen — экран
keyboard — клавиатура
display — дисплей
printer — принтер
print-outs — распечатка
mouse — мышь компьютерная
cursor — курсор
floppy disk — дискета
disk drive — дисковод
program — программа
software — программа компьютера
bug — компьютерный вирус
briefcase — портфель

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Below is a massive list of education words — that is, words related to education. The top 4 are: teaching, training, school and instruction. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with education, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common education terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get education words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «teaching» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to education and teaching.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to education, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of education in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with education — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a education vocabulary list, or just a general education word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as education (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to education (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with education, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with education.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying education related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐪

That’s about all the education related words we’ve got! I hope this list of education terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with education, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐳

Pre-School Education. Дошкольное образование  nursery (school) ясли  kindergarten  садик  play group (playschool)  дошкольная группа в садике  School Education. Школьное образование  school  школа  primary school  начальная школа  secondary school  средняя школа  gymnasium гимназия  lyceum  лицей  an English language school  школа с углубленным изучением английского языка  boarding school  школа-интернат  state (maintained) school  государственная школа (финансируется с государственного бюджета)  private school  частная школа (финансируется частными лицами или организациями)  headmaster (headmistress) (Br.)  директор школы  Principal (Am.)  директор школы  (school) teacher  учитель (учительница)  class (form) teacher  классный руководитель  staff meeting  педагогическая рада  schoolchildren  школьники  school boy (girl)  школьник, школьница  pupil  ученик  grade  (все параллельные классы) класс  class, lesson  урок (занятие)  creche  продленка  10А form (class)  класс 10А  to go to school  учится в школе  to leave school / graduate from  заканчивать школу  school-leaving certificate  аттестат зрелости  to attend school  посещать уроки  to miss school  прогуливать уроки   truant (from school)  пропуск  truancy  пропуск уроков  curriculum  программа обучения  eleven-plus  государственная аттестация после 4-го класса  GCSE (General Certificate )  Аттестат о среднем образовании  of Secondary Education) school- leaving exams  выпускные экзамены  school- leaving party  выпускной вечер  to call the roll  вызывать по списку  to explain  объяснять  to ask  спрашивать  to make a mistake  указать на ошибку  to correct a mistake  исправить ошибку  to test  контролировать  to give a mark  поставить оценку  to put down homework  записать домашнее задание  to respond  откликнуться  to understand  понимать  to answer  отвечать  to write a test  писать контрольную  to get / receive a mark  получить оценку  to do homework / task (assignment Am.)  выполнять домашнюю работу  student  студент  to write  писать  to copy  переписывать  to underline  подчеркивать  to illustrate  иллюстрировать  to describe  описывать  to read  читать  to retell  пересказывать  to recite  читать на память  to prepare  приготавливать  to calculate  считать  to do sums  решать задачи  to remember  помнить  to reminde  помнить, вспомнить  to recall  помнить, припомнить  to decide  решать  to think  думать  to discuss  обсуждать Выражения. Expressions. (образование)  to be on time  быть во-время to be late for the lesson  опаздывать на урок  to be present at the lesson  присутствовать на уроке  to be absent  отсутствовать  to ready for the lesson  быть готовым к уроку  to use cribs  пользоваться шпаргалками  to pass exam with distinction  сдать экзамен на отлично  to fail an exam  провалить экзамен  Teacher: Pupil/student:    to teach  обучать  to educate  давать образование to learn  учиться  to learn by heart  учить наизусть  to study  изучать  top pupil  лучший ученик repeater  второгодник  bright — способный ignorant  неуч, невежественный  to be quick at…  иметь большие  способности к…      to lag behind  отставать  to be at the top of the class  быть в числе лучших  to be at the foot (bottom) of the class  быть в числе худших  well-disciplined  дисциплинированный  ill-behaved  недисциплинированный  to be at school  быть на занятиях  to cut a lesson  удрать с урока  to miss lesson  пропускать уроки  to play truant  прогуливать уроки  Школьные предметы. School things. (образование)  abc-book  букварь  book  книга  text book  учебник  to read  читать  book mark  закладка  exercise-book / copy-book  тетрадь  a squared exercise-book  тетрадь в клетку  lined exercise-book  тетрадь в линейку  writing-pad / note-pad  блокнот  a rough copy / a scribble copy  черноовик  ruler  линейка  a clean (neat) copy  чистовик  slide-ruler  логарифмическая линейка  diary / daybook  дневник  satchel  ранец  margin  поля в тетради  register  журнал  computer  компьютер  calculator  счетная машинка  school bag  портфель  to calculate  считать  to glue/paste  клей, клеить   to cut out  вырезать  bell  звонок  to ring  звонить  school  школа  terrestrial globe  глобус (земного шара)  paper-clips  скрепка  pin  кнопка  paper  бумага  paste-board  картон  sheet  лист  album  альбом  to draw  рисовать  drawing  рисунок  palette  палитра  (to) paint  краска, рисовать красками  brush  кисточка  pencil  карандаш  pen  ручка  fountain-pen  чернильная ручка  ball-point-pen  шариковая ручка  to write  писать  coloured pencils  цветные карандаши  felt-tip-pen  фломастер  ink  чернила  piece of chalk  кусочек мела  pencil sharpener  точилка  pencil case / pencil box  пенал  an eraser / rubber  резинка  to rub out  стирать School subjects.Школьные предметы. (образование)  Maths / mathematics  математика  Algebra  алгебра  Geometry  геометрия  Physics  физика  Chemistry  химия  Biology  биология  Botany  ботаника  Geography  география  History  история  Literature  литература  Native  родной  Foreign language  иностранный язык  English  английский  Russian  русский  Ukrainian  украинский  French  французский  German  немецкий  Linguistics  лингвистика  Art  изо  Technical drawing  черчение  Computering  иформатика  Sport  физкультура  Labour training  труд  classroom  класс  blackboard  школьная доска  desk  парта  visual aids  наглядные пособия  classmate  одноклассник  monitor  староста  teacher  учитель  teaching staff  преподавательский состав  entrance hall  вестибюль  assembly hall  актовый зал  gymnasium  гимнастический зал  stadium / sportground  стадион, спортплощадка  staff room  учительская  display room  выставочный зал  library  библиотека  cloak room  раздевалка   doctor  врач  dining room  столовая  wood work  столярные мастерские  metal work  слесарные мастерские  home/domestic science  кабинет домоводства  needle work  кабинет рукоделия  school garden  школьный сад  school plot  школьный участок  lesson  урок  to start/begin the lesson  начать урок  The lesson is over  Урок окончен  a demonstration lesson  открытый урок  lecture  лекция  classes  занятия  Экзамены. Examination. (образование)  grade, mark  оценка  (to) grade  ставить оценку, оценивать  A  оценка «отлично»  F  оценка «удовлетворительно»   performance (in tests)  результаты (выполнение тестов)  (to) participate in class discussions  выступать на уроках  (to) complete the assignment  выполнять задание  report card  школьный табель  transcript  выписка из школьного табеля ученика  (to) submit (documents)  подавать (документы)  (to) apply for admissions  подавать заявку на поступление ( в колледж и др.)  college-bound students  ученики, которые собираются поступать в колледж  college admission tests  вступительные экзамены (тесты) в колледж  (to) take a test  сдавать экзамен (тест)  (to) pass a test  сдать экзамен (тест)  (to)fail a test  провалить экзамен (тест)  (to) administer a test  проводить экзамен (тест)  Среднее специальное образование. Further (Specialized Secondary) Education.  vocational school  профессионально-техническое училище  art school (college)  художественное училище  technical school  техникум  college of education  педагогическое училище  Высшее образование. Должности. Higher Education. Position.  Rector (President)  ректор  Vice- rector  проректор  Dean  Декан  Assistant dean  зам. Декана  Full professor  профессор  Associate professor  доцент  Assistant professor  старший преподаватель  Instructor  преподаватель  Department secretary  ст. Лаборант кафедры (секретарь)  Assistant secretary  лаборант кафедры (помощник секретаря)  Lab (oratory) assistant  лаборант (отвечает за оборудование в лаборатории)  Tutor — куратор (группы)   Структура университета (образование). University Structure.  Senate  ученый совет университета  Department / school  факультет  School board  Cовет факультета  Department board  кафедра  head of (the) department  заведующий кафедры  department meeting  заседание кафедры  department  отделение  full-time department  дневное отделение (стационар)  part-time department  вечернее отделение  evening courses  вечерние курсы  correspondence department  заочное отделение  distant learning department  отделение дистанционного обучения  faculty  факультет, преподавательский состав  staff  штат  research institute  научно-исследовательский институт  researcher  исследователь  scientist  ученый в отрасли естественных наук  scholar  ученый в отрасли гуманитарных наук  Уровни обучения (образование). Levels of study.  Undergraduate level (course)  уровень бакалавра   graduate level (course)  уровень специалиста (магистра)  postgraduate level (course)  аспирантура  senior doctorate level (course)  докторантура  a third-year project  курсовая робота (например, на 3-м курсе) bachelor’s Thesis  квалифицированная работа бакалавра  master’s thesis   квалифицированная работа магистра  a PhD dissertation  кандидатская диссертация  a senior doctoral dissertation  докторская диссертация Академическая и научная степени (образование). Degrees.  Bachelor  бакалавр (4 года обучения)  Master  магистр (1 год обучения после получения степени бакалавра  Specialist  специалист (1 год обучения после получения степени бакалавра  PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)  кандидат наук  DLitt  доктор наук (в отрасли гуманитарных наук)   DSc  доктор наук (в отрасли естественных наук)  University students  обучение в университете  to apple to university  поступать (пытаться поступить) в университет  to take competition entrance examinations  сдавать вступительные конкурсные экзамены  to pass competition entrance examinations  сдать вступительные конкурсные экзамены  to admit / accept to university  зачислить в университет  to have class (lectures, classes, seminars)  иметь занятия (лекции, практические, семинары) см. средняя школа  leave of absence  академический отпуск tutorial  консультация  grade  оценка  grade point average (GPA)  средний балл успеваемости  graduate from university  заканчивать университет  Структура учебного года (образование). Academic Year Structure.  academic year  учебный год  session= academic year  учебный год  term  семестр  mid-sessional exam (inations)  зимняя или весенняя экзаменационная сессия  sessional exam (inations)  летняя экзаменационная сессия  Christmas vacation  рождественские каникулы  Easter vacation  пасхальные каникулы  summer vacation  летние каникулы  Формы обучения (образование). Forms of Teaching.  lecture  лекция  class  практическое занятие  seminar  семинар  tutorial  консультация  Выставление оценок (образование). Marking.  A (100%)  отлично  A- (90-99%)  очень хорошо  B+ (80-89%)  хорошо  B (70-79%)  довольно хорошо  B- (60-69%)  пристойно  C+ (50-59%)  удовлетворительно  C (40-49%)  довольно слабо  C- (30-39%)  слабо  D (<30%)  очень слабо  fresher  первокурсник  sophomore  второкурсник  junior  младшекурсник  senior  старшекурсник  graduator  выпускник  post-graduate  аспирант  graduate-school  аспирантура  to do research / to be engaged in  заниматься научными исследованиями  scientific advisor / supervisor  научный руководитель science  наука  scientific research  научное исследование  to investigate  исследовать  scientist  ученый: leading  ведущий  outstanding  выдающийся  well-known  хорошо известный  world- known  всемирно известный  semester  семестр  end-of- semester exam(ination)s  экзаменационная (семестровая) сессия  test  зачет  student’s record book  зачетка  preliminary exam  зачет в середине курса  exam  экзамен  degree exam  государственный экзамен  viva  защита квалифицированной работы (бакалавра или магистра)  vacation  каникулы to take exams  сдавать экзамены  to pass exams  сдать экзамены  to fail exams  провалить экзамены  to make up exams  пересдавать экзамены  Студенческое помещение (образование). Student’s Accommodation.  hall of residence, student hostel — общежитие    rented room / flat — наемная комната / квартира    shared flat — наемная (вместе с другими студентами) квартира    Формы финансовой помощи студентам (образование). Forms of financial aid.  grant  стипендия  scholarship  именная стипендия  award  премия     Процедура получения научных степеней (кандидата и доктора наук). Procedure for awarding higher degrees (PhD and DLitt/Sc). (образование)  to submit a dissertation for consideration  подавать диссертацию на рассмотрение  to accept a dissertation for consideration  принимать диссертацию к рассмотрению  Expert Examining Board  специализированная рада по защите диссертаций на присвоение степени кандидата наук  The Senior Doctorate Expert Examining Board  специализированная рада по защите диссертаций на присвоение степени доктора наук  Viva  публичная защита диссертации  to accept (the dissertation)  принять позитивное решение на счет присвоения научной степени   to reject (the dissertation) / to refer (the dissertation)  отклонить диссертацию  to award / confer a degree  присвоить научную степень  qualification  квалификация  major, speciality  специальность

Below is a list of words related to another word. You can click words for definitions. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn’t perfect, but it does a pretty good job for common-ish words. Here’s the list of words that are related to another word:

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As you’ve probably noticed, words related to «term» are listed above. Hopefully the generated list of term related words above suit your needs.

P.S. There are some problems that I’m aware of, but can’t currently fix (because they are out of the scope of this project). The main one is that individual words can have many different senses (meanings), so when you search for a word like mean, the engine doesn’t know which definition you’re referring to («bullies are mean» vs. «what do you mean?», etc.), so consider that your search query for words like term may be a bit ambiguous to the engine in that sense, and the related terms that are returned may reflect this. You might also be wondering: What type of word is ~term~?

Also check out ~term~ words on relatedwords.io for another source of associations.

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Related Words runs on several different algorithms which compete to get their results higher in the list. One such algorithm uses word embedding to convert words into many dimensional vectors which represent their meanings. The vectors of the words in your query are compared to a huge database of of pre-computed vectors to find similar words. Another algorithm crawls through Concept Net to find words which have some meaningful relationship with your query. These algorithms, and several more, are what allows Related Words to give you… related words — rather than just direct synonyms.

As well as finding words related to other words, you can enter phrases and it should give you related words and phrases, so long as the phrase/sentence you entered isn’t too long. You will probably get some weird results every now and then — that’s just the nature of the engine in its current state.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of term themed words: @Planeshifter, @HubSpot, Concept Net, WordNet, and @mongodb.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this to give consistently good results, but I think it’s at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

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IELTS test is conducted to measure your English language ability and your academic readiness in the English speaking country. To score well in the test, you need to consider learning new vocabulary that are frequently asked in the IELTS test. As this test is to know your academic readiness, you definitely need to learn the education vocabulary to write and speak with better words in the test.

There are different types and categories of education vocabulary that an aspirant need to consider learning. In this article, you’ll get the IELTS vocabulary related to education which includes educational institution, qualification, course type, school vocabulary, college and university vocabulary and a lot more. 

For your offline practice, use our education vocabulary pdf by downloading.

Table of contents

  • Education vocabulary
  • Education vocabulary IELTS
  • Vocabulary related to education
  • Educational institutions
  • Course type and levels
  • Qualification
  • People in education
  • School subjects
  • Facilities related to education
  • Academic work
  • Education cost
  • School vocabulary
  • College or University
  • Common education vocabulary words, phrases and collocation
  • IELTS speaking vocabulary for education
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Useful Education vocabulary exercise
  • IELTS vocabulary topics

Education vocabulary IELTS


To make your practise better, we’ve listed all the possible education vocabulary IELTS with its meaning and an example sentence for each of the words. Check the following vocabulary and get benefitted.

  • Education —  teaching or training of people, especially in schools. (meaning)
    Example: Education is an important element of one’s life.
  • Educational institution — a place where people of different ages gain an education (meaning)
    Example: There are many educational institutions that came into existence these days.
  • Curriculum — a program of study (meaning)
    Example: In the change of years, students’ curriculum needs to be kept updated.
  • Syllabus — a list of subjects, etc. that are included in a course of study. (meaning)
    Example: I aim to cover all of my syllabus for this test.
  • Academic — connected with education, especially in schools and universities. (meaning)
    Example: My teacher appreciated me for my academic excellence.
  • Educational system — the structure of all institutions and the opportunities for obtaining education within a country (meaning)
    Example: The under-devloped countries need to adapt the educational system of the developed countries.

Educational institutions

  • Pre school — a school for children usually younger than those attending elementary school, usually in the age of 3-5 years. (meaning)
    Example: They have planned to join our niece in the pre-school.
  • Primary school/Elementary school — a school for children between the ages of about five and ten. (meaning)
    Example: We were so excited to see our little child starting her primary school.
  • Nursery school — a school for young children, particularly those between the ages of three and five. (meaning)
    Example: Many activities and interactive exercises are organized for the children at nursery school.
  • Secondary school — a high school or a school of corresponding grade (meaning)
    Example: I have learned history in my secondary school.
  • Special education — instruction that is specially designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. (meaning)
    Example: I always have the wish to do voluntary teaching for the students having special education.
  • Primary education — the first stage of formal education (meaning)
    Example: Taking primary education in the right school is essential for the kids.
  • Co-education/mixed — education for both male and female students at the same institution. (meaning)
    Example: We have wanted to join our cousin’s kid in a co-education school.
  • State school — a school that is funded and controlled by the government (meaning)
    Example: It’s a common belief that students can learn better in other schools than the state school.
  • Single sex school — schools that have only one gender (meaning)
    Example: I have studied in a single sex school from 6th grade to 12th grade.
  • Comprehensive school — a secondary school for pupils aged approximately 11–18 of all abilities, that is paid for by the state (meaning)
    Example: I came to know about the comprehensive school from my neighbour as they joined their daughter there.
  • Grammar school — (in the UK) a state secondary school to which pupils are admitted on the basis of ability. (meaning)
    Example: Grammar schools are gaining popularity even though there are many people opposing these kinds of education.
  • Private school — a school supported by a private organization or private individuals rather than by the state. (meaning)
    Example: Due to the financial constraints, I have been shifted from the private school to public.
  • Private education — education provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body. (meaning)
    Example: There was a common myth that involving private education will help gain more knowledge than any other.
  • Public school — a school that runs on public funds (meaning)
    Example: In recent years, there are many parents and even students attending public school.
  • Higher education — education at universities or similar educational establishments, especially to degree level. (meaning)
    Example: I had a long term goal to study higher education in this University in Canada.
  • Boarding school — a school which provides accommodation and meals for the pupils during term time. (meaning)
    Example: She was very excited about joining the boarding school as she got new friends.
  • College — an institution for higher education (meaning)
    Example: The education taught in college was the foundation for the future career.
  • University — a high-level educational institution in which students study for degrees and academic research (meaning)
    Example: I got admission in the top university in the USA.
  • Graduate school — a department of a university for advanced work by graduates. (meaning)
    Example: I found my schoolmate in graduate school.
  • Vocational school — a school that taught special skills (meaning)
    Example: Before taking a job, my friend went to a vocational school.
  • Montessori school — a school that teaches with self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play (meaning)
    Example: The kid in the montessori school had great knowledge compared to those in other schools.

Course type and levels

  • Course: a bunch of sessions or other elements that deal with a subject (meaning)
    Example — I taught courses in the field of science.
  • Undergraduate: a university student who has not yet taken the first degree. (meaning) 
    Example — My friend Preet never went on to finish his undergraduate degree.
  • Postgraduate: relating to or denoting a course of study undertaken after completing the first degree. (meaning)
    Example —  My friend Joy earned a postgraduate degree in human resources, but later took up project management.
  • Vocational: relating to an occupation or employment. (meaning)
    Example — Students can get both vocational training and certifications at the college.
  • Non-vocational: not intended to provide the skills and education needed for a particular job (meaning)
    Example — Those who have not yet settled on a career path would benefit more from taking non-vocational courses.
  • Intensive: concentrated on a single subject or into a short time; very thorough or vigorous (meaning)
    Example — Training in cricket is quite intensive and involves a considerable amount of effort.
  • Diploma course: a qualification granted by the vocational education and training sector or university. (meaning)
    Example — After finishing the course requirements, he decided to pursue a career in software development by earning a diploma in computer science.
  • Distance learning: a method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or lessons are conducted by correspondence, without the student needing to attend a school or college. (meaning)
    Example — Open and distance learning present an appealing option for those seeking to further their education and obtain informatics expertise.
  • Certificate course: a specialized education designed to develop or strengthen specific career skills (meaning)
    Example — I have done my certification courses in digital marketing.
  • Online Course: a program of learning that’s organized according to a syllabus (usually in units) and that takes place in a virtual space. (meaning). Example — Post covid-19 pandemic, many educational institutes provide online courses as well as classes offline.


  • Qualification: exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have completed. (meaning)
    Example — he is finishing up his qualification in Cyber security.
  • Diploma: a certificate that you receive when you complete a course of study, often at a college. (meaning)
    Example — A diploma consists of three years of study.
  • Bachelor’s degree: an undergraduate degree in which you study a subject of your choice at an academic institution (meaning).
    Example — He earned a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 2019.
  • Master’s degree: an academic qualification granted at the postgraduate level to individuals who have successfully undergone study demonstrating a high level of expertise in a specific field of study or area of professional practice. (Meaning)
    Example — Palak enrolled in a recognized university to get a master’s degree.
  • Doctorate: the highest university degree (meaning)
    Example — He obtained his doctorate in Sociology.
  • Fellowship: a feeling of friendship between people who share an interest (meaning)
    Example — He left his college for a senior research fellowship at Nasa.
  • Associate degree: the qualification given to a student by a junior college after successfully finishing two years of study. (Meaning)
    Example — Post pandemic, in India the school began to offer its first complete associate degree programs.
  • Honorary degree: An honorary degree is an academic degree for which a university has waived all of the usual requirements. (Meaning)
    Example — He was awarded an honorary degree at the same institution where he failed first.
  • Certificate: an official piece of paper that says that something is true or correct (meaning)
    Example — He earned his training certificate last year.
    People in education (h3)
  • Principal: most important; main (meaning)
    Example — A principal is the amount of money originally borrowed on a loan.
  • Teacher: a person whose job is to teach, especially in a school or college (meaning).
    Example — She is the best teacher, even though she has the least experience.
  • Tutor: a private teacher who teaches one person or a very small group (meaning)
    Example — I got a tutor to help me with my board exams.
  • Lecturer:  a person who gives lectures, especially as an occupation at a university or college of higher education. (meaning) 
    Example — After completing his graduation, He became a popular university lecturer and teacher.
  • Professor: a university academic of the highest rank (meaning)
    Example —  My friend Rahul is a professor of mathematics.
  • Student: a person who is studying at a university or other place of higher education. (meaning)
    Example — I always wanted to become a student of Narsee monjee university.
  • Graduate: a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training, especially a person who has been awarded an undergraduate or first academic degree. (meaning)
    Example — I graduated from the Parul university last year.
  • School mate: a person who attends or attended the same school as oneself. (meaning).
    Example — He started his company with his schoolmate as a partner.
  • Staff: all the people employed by a particular organization. (meaning)
    Example — This year, the whole staff has done a great job.
  • Instructor: a person who teaches something. (meaning).
    Example —   In order to get ready, he is working on his legs with a fitness instructor.
  • Faculty: a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge. (meaning) 
    Example —  My father is a member of the elite club in Gujarat.
  • Pupil: a person who is taught by another, especially a school child or student in relation to a teacher. (meaning)
    Example — The next day, every pupil except five had done their homework.
  • Pedagogue: a teacher, especially a strict or pedantic one. (meaning)
    Example — He had a long and successful career as a pedagogue.
  • Librarian: a person in charge of or assisting in a library. (meaning)
    Example — He is employed as a librarian for the high school.
  • Secretary: the state of being free from danger or threat. (meaning)
    Example — We have a responsibility to ensure the security of our nation.
  • Coach: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games (meaning)
    Example — He is the Indian team’s coach in cricket.

School subjects 

  • Language: the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture. (meaning)
    Example — After English, French is the second most used language in the world.
  • Literature: written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit. (meaning)
    Example — My elder sister has maintained her passion in poetry and literature throughout the years.
  • Mathematics: the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts. (meaning)
    Example — You will be delighted to learn that Mathematics is now one of my favourite subjects.
  • Science: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. (meaning)
    Example — Somewhat a few of our discoveries in the scientific world might be quite complicated.
  • Physics: the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. (meaning)
    Example — He utilized his position to explore his passion for physics.
  • Biology: the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution. (meaning)
    Example — For the upcoming boards, I should concentrate most of my time on studying biology, chemistry, and maths.
  • Chemistry: the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. (meaning)
    Example — For the upcoming boards, I should concentrate most of my time on studying biology, chemistry, and maths.
  • Natural science: a branch of science that deals with the physical world. (meaning)
    Example — Pure natural science studies physical causes and effects.
  • Humanities: human beings collectively. (meaning)
    Example — In particular, he is concerned with the arts and humanities.
  • Geography: the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere (meaning)
    Example — I only have a very basic understanding of geography.
  • History: the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.(meaning)
    Example — They were a member of one of the most successful teams in the history of sports.
  • Physical education: instruction in physical exercise and games, especially in schools. (meaning)
    Example — At the high school, he is in charge of the physical education department.
  • Handicrafts: activity involving the making of decorative domestic or other objects by hand. (meaning)
    Example — She engages in the business of selling handicrafts to tourists.
  • Art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture.(meaning)
    Example — The exhibition is known for its extensive collection of works of decorative arts.
  • Music: vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. (meaning)
    Example — The first music I ever released received one million views on YouTube.
  • Computer Science: the study of computers and computational systems. (meaning)
    Example — I have a degree in Computer Science.
  • Economics: the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. (meaning)
    Example — He earned a Master’s degree in economics, earning the highest possible grade.
  • Information Technology: the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information. (meaning)
    Example — Infosys’s Information Technology Division in Pune is another location where qualified engineers and IT professionals can find employment.
  • Drama: a written work that tells a story through action and speech and is meant to be acted on a stage (meaning)
    Example — I love watching Korean dramas. 
  • Religious studies: a field of study that is devoted to examining the beliefs, institutions, and customs of world religions. (meaning)
    Example — Non-practicing, intelligent, and self-educated parents decided not to offer me a formal religious education.
  • Classroom: a room in which a class of pupils or students is taught. (meaning)
    Example — The students take part in the conversation taking place in the classroom.
  • Lecture hall: a hall for lectures with seats in tiers. (meaning)
    Example — My college has a very spacious lecture hall for each department.
  • Auditorium: the part of a theatre, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits. (meaning)
    Example — To prepare for the impending concert, the stage in the auditorium was renovated.
  • Library: a building or room containing collections of books, periodicals, and sometimes films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution. (meaning)
    Example —  He is employed as a librarian for the high school library.
  • Laboratory: a room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals (meaning)
    Example — My father owns the laboratory for scientific research.
  • Campus: the grounds and buildings of a university or college. (meaning)
    Example — On the day of the graduation, there was a large number of guests on campus.
  • Hall of residence: the room or space just inside the front entrance of a house or flat. (meaning)
    Example —  Students of all races live together in the men’s hall of residence.
  • Student accommodation: a building, or part of a building, used for the sole purpose. (meaning)
    Example — Student accommodation has been established in a former city-center hotel that has undergone renovations.
  • Transportation: the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported. (meaning) 
    Example — my village does not have any available transportation services at this time.
  • Student health clinic: services provided by a health worker to students enrolled in primary or secondary education. (meaning)
    Example — There is a student health clinic at my college.
  • Activities/recreation office: Office for all those activities that people choose to do to refresh their bodies and minds and make their leisure time more interesting and enjoyable. (meaning)
    Example — There is a Recreation/Activities Office at Parul University.
  • Canteen: a restaurant provided by an organization such as a college, factory, or company for its students or staff. (meaning)
    Example — The tea in the canteen at my college is well-known.
  • Hostel: an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travellers. (meaning)
    Example — Purchasing and establishing the hostels has been difficult.
  • Seminar rooms: a name for a generic group study or workspace at a library. (meaning)
    Example — I haven’t met a leader who advocates irresponsible negotiation in a seminar room.

Academic work

  • Assignment: a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study. (meaning)
    Example — An assignment for homework was handed out to the students.
  • Coursework: written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, usually assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade. (meaning)
    Example — The coursework you take is the most important part of your university course.
  • Dissertation: a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree or diploma (meaning)
    Example — She turned her dissertation on leadership into a general biography.
  • Thesis: a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.(meaning)
    Example — Together with her father’s assistance, she penned her thesis.
  • Presentation: the giving of something to someone, especially as part of a formal ceremony. (meaning)
    Example — Every student is required to give a presentation of the work they’ve done on their project during the final semester.
  • Lecture: an educational talk to an audience, especially for students in a university. (meaning)
    Example — I gave a lecture to her about how she could improve her work performance.
  • Tuition: teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups. (meaning)
    Example — My father has given consent to pay a portion of my tuition fee.
  • Tutorial: relating to a tutor or a tutor’s tuition. (meaning)
    Example — My friend gave me a tutorial on how to use a mechanical keyboard.
  • Seminar: a conference or other meeting for discussion or training. (meaning)
    Example — Before each weekly seminar, students are expected to come prepared with content to discuss.
  • Lesson: a period of learning or teaching. (meaning)
    Example — Bhagwat Gita is divided into 18 lessons.
  • Homework: schoolwork that a pupil is required to do at home. (meaning)
    Example — The homework that was given to my friend has not been completed.
  • Publication: the preparation and issuing of a book, journal, or piece of music for public sale. (meaning)
    Example — The publication of dictionaries is one of the company’s primary areas of focus.
  • Essay: a short piece of writing on a particular subject. (meaning)
    Example — Please read the essay before proceeding.
  • Research paper: an expanded essay that presents your own interpretation or evaluation or argument (meaning)
    Example — Last year, I published my research.
  • Abstracts: existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. (meaning)
    Example — We have lost the ability to appreciate beauty in its more abstract forms.

Education cost

  • Tuition fees: the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or university (meaning)
    Example — We should pay the tuition fees in a timely manner to avoid public humiliation.
  • Grant: agree to give or allow (something requested) to. (meaning)
    Example — The judiciary granted the preliminary hearing movement.
  • Student loan: an agreement by which a student at a college or university borrows money from a bank to pay for their education and then pays the money back after they finish studying and start working.( meaning)
    Example — I’ve just announced the second competition to sell student loan debt.
  • Scholarship: academic study or achievement; learning at a high level. (meaning)
    Example — I was awarded a scholarship for my academic achievement.
  • Meal fees: expense which includes the cost of food, beverages, taxes, and tips. (meaning)
    Example — My university’s annual meal fees are $1,000.
  • Residence fee: any amount payable under the agreement including, but not limited to room fees, meal plan fees, cancellation fees, and additional fees and charges. (meaning)
    Example — Residence Fees refunded less 30-day Cancellation Fee.
  • Book fee: a fee that some theatres and agencies charge the customer for booking through them. (meaning)
    Example — Two-thirds of booking fee payers thought it was too much.
  • Admission fee: the fee charged for admission (meaning)
    Example — there was an admission fee of 50$ for applying to oxford university.
  • Financial aid: money that is given or lent to students in order to help pay for their education. (meaning)
    Example — He met the requirements to receive financial aid.
  • Lab fees: A charge in an amount to generally cover the cost of laboratory materials and supplies used by a student. (meaning)
    Example: Those who are awarded scholarships will not be required to pay the lab fees.

School vocabulary


  • Blackboard: a large board with a smooth dark surface attached to a wall or supported on an easel and used by teachers in schools for writing on with chalk. (meaning)
    Example — My good friend Rahul was kind enough to clean the blackboard for the instructor.
  • Calculator: something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular, a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display. (meaning)
    Example — He didn’t take his calculator with him to the maths exam.
  • Compass: an instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. (meaning)
    Example — When he goes for a hike in the forest, he always has a compass with him.
  • Computer: an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. (meaning)
    Example — Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve had a knack for computers.
  • Arithmetic: the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers. (meaning)
    Example — She has also made remarkable strides in arithmetic.
  • Dictionary: A book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning or equivalent words in another language, often also providing pronunciation, origin, and usage. (meaning)
    Example — He put together the first science and technology dictionary in English. 
  • Highlighter: a broad marker pen used to overlay transparent fluorescent colour on text or a part of an illustration. (meaning)
    Example — He is currently highlighting some text.
  • Notebook: a small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in. (meaning)
    Example — Take out a notebook and write down ideas.
  • Desk: a piece of furniture with a flat or sloping surface and typically with drawers, at which one can read, write, or do other work. (meaning)
    Example — The hotel front desk can point us in the direction of the nearest cafe.
  • Chair: a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs. (meaning)
    Example — In our kitchen, there are a total of six chairs.
  • Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. (meaning)
    Example — Rachel gave me a book as a gift during the festive season.
  • Bookworm:  someone who loves books for their content, or who otherwise loves reading. (meaning)
    Example — He is a bookworm! It seems that he is always reading something new.
  • Rote learning: the process of memorizing specific new items as they are encountered. (meaning)
    Example — A few have argued that this method is little more than rote learning.
  • Literate: able to read and write. (meaning)
    Example — Literate in both English as well as French, he is fluent in both languages.
  • Extra-curricular activities: an activity, performed by students, that falls outside the realm of the normal curriculum of the school, college or university education. (meaning) 
    Example — The students have the option of participating in only one extracurricular activity.
  • School uniform: ​special clothes worn by pupils at a particular school. (meaning) 
    Example — Regarding the question of whether or not students should be required to wear school uniforms, my fellow students and I have had many debates.
  • Discipline: the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience. (meaning)
    Example — Children can benefit from the development of healthy work habits through the discipline of studying arts.
  • Timetable: schedule (something) to take place at a particular time. (meaning)
        Example — The representatives of the nation are expected to maintain their full timetables.
  • Play truant: stay away from school without leave or explanation. (meaning)
    Example — He was getting into trouble over playing truant from school.

College or University


  • Research: the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. (meaning)
    Example — His study required him to spend the entire summer doing research.
  • Project: an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim. (meaning)
    Example — an extended project to improve the town’s urban landscape.
  • Academic Year: the period of the year during which students attend school or university, usually reckoned from the beginning of the autumn term to the end of the summer term. (meaning)
    Example — He has decided to change colleges for the coming academic year and start over somewhere else.
  • Admission: the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization. (meaning)
    Example — a significant number of students took admission to a private school.
  • Alumni: a former pupil or student, especially a male one, of a particular school, college, or university. (meaning)
    Example — My mother and father are both alumni of the college I now attend.
  • Bursary: a grant, especially one awarded to someone to enable them to study at a university or college. (meaning)
    Example — A medical student who is working toward a degree can qualify for a sizable bursary to help pay for education.
  • Elective: related to or working by means of election. (meaning)
    Example — He has never run for or won an elective office that would qualify him for the role of mayor.
  • Full-Time Student: Students choose to take fewer classes than the maximum allowable number. (meaning)
    Example — Roughly half of a mentor’s time is spent on academic pursuits, making this role akin to that of a full-time student.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA): a number that is the average mark received for all the courses a student takes and shows how well the student is doing. (meaning)
    Example — A student’s Grade Point Average is based on the average of all their grades. In high school, she had a 2.0 Grade Point Average.
  • Major: important, serious, or significant. (meaning)
    Example — His major in his bachelor’s degree in commerce was finance.
  • Interdisciplinary: relating to more than one branch of knowledge. (meaning)
    Example — Our projects are all interdisciplinary and have experimental links.
  • Teaching Assistant: a graduate student who assists a professor with instructional responsibilities. (meaning)
    Example — All predominant classrooms have a full-time teaching assistant.
  • Enroll: officially register as a member of an institution or a student on a course. (meaning)
    Example — Every year, about 1000 students enroll to attend the academy.
    Common education vocabulary words, phrases and collocation (h3)
  • Knowledge: facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education (meaning)
    Example — I always look for ways to improve my knowledge in various subjects.
  • Instruction: detailed information about how something should be done or operated. (meaning)
    Example: The instruction was given much clearer to perform the experiments in the lab.
  • Learning: the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught. (meaning)
    Example: The learning methodology used in that training center was good which increases my interest.
  • Teaching:  ideas or principles taught by an authority. (meaning)
    Example: In my childhood, I wanted to become a teacher as I was very much fond of teaching.
  • Guidance: advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority. (meaning)
    Example: As per the guidance of my teacher, I have completed the project efficiently.
  • Literacy: the ability to read and write. (meaning)
    Example: I wanted to improve my literacy skills.
  • Training:  the act of teaching (meaning)
    Example: They wanted to give me the training for the freshers.
  • Study: a report that examines a subject in detail in order to discover new information/to read in detail especially with the intention of learning (meaning)
    Example: I decided to study mechanical engineering in Canada.
  • Preparation:  the action or process of making something ready for use. (meaning)
    Example: The preparation plan for the IELTS test is created 2 months prior to the exam date.
  • Coaching: the act of training a person (meaning)
    Example: I joined the best coaching center in India.

IELTS speaking vocabulary for education

Part 1

1. Which school subjects did you enjoy studying the most when you were  ounger?

When I was a child, one of the subjects that I enjoyed the most was mathematics. Finding answers to word problems was something that I thought was really interesting to do. In examinations, I have never had any trouble achieving good results.

2. Who was your most memorable teacher and why?

My science teacher was my most memorable person. His courses were more enjoyable and informative since he had us participate in a wide range of activities related to our course content. My friends had a great time participating in the activities.

3. To what sort of school did you go when you were younger?

My entire educational career, from primary education all the way through high school was spent at a boarding school. During my time there, it was widely considered to be the most prestigious as well as the most well-liked of all the secular institutes

4. In the context of a child’s academic development, how does the role of a teacher contrast with that of a parent?

Teachers should impose a positive effect on their students. Good parenting involves imparting values and providing discipline to one’s offspring. However, if a child has a problem, they should tell their parents and educators about it.

5. In your opinion, does the government provide an adequate amount of funding to educational institutions?

No, because many youngsters in rural areas either never attend a school or drop out after only a few years because their families cannot afford the costs. However, in the future, the government should begin providing grants to students from lower middle-class backgrounds.

6. In your perspective, how should kids ideally be educated?

All children, not just the ones who want to succeed in life, benefit from regular school involvement, punctuality and gain skills from extracurricular activities. Knowledge affects the intellect and the capacity for productive output. Young people require opportunities to interact socially because interpersonal communication is so important. Children who have interests outside of school are less likely to feel isolated.

Part 2

Talk about a course that you would like to do if you had enough time

You should say: 

  • What course is it?
  • What do you think you can learn from it?
  • Do you think this would be easy to learn? Why?

Introduction & What course is it?

Since we never stop learning, we are always taking in new information and figuring out how it fits in with what we already know. I think that the best way to learn something well is to take a class, either in person or online. So, if I end up with some free time, I’ll take classes on social media marketing. Since my days are jam-packed from morning to night, taking the course online would be ideal. The tuition for this course is within my budgetary constraints.

What do you think you can learn from it?

My objective is to register for the Social Media Marketing for professional class that is being provided by Coursera. They have professionals in social media marketing who they have trained, and their paid advertisements on all of the major social media platforms are generally renowned for their efficiency and effectiveness. They talk a lot about how practical and effective they are as educators to their learners.

Do you think this would be easy to learn? Why?

I come from a business background, so this course will be challenging for me to master. But it will be very helpful to me, so I aim to put in the time and effort necessary to master all of its intricate details in order to seize the several social media business chances that await me.


As a business owner, however, I recognize the importance of a sizable and engaged online following and hope that the information I gain from this course will help me attract and maintain a sizable and active one. Sooner or later, I anticipate I will be able to complete this goal.

Part 3

1. How do today’s goals for education differ from those of the past?

The priority placed on education has shifted in response to the dynamic condition of the world we live in today. In the culture that we live in today, education provides access to more chances for the development of a diverse range of skills. For instance, in comparison to the past, universities offer a broader variety of different degrees and programs. Engineering, such as computers and others that were not available in the past, have been included in educational practices as a result of modernization.

2. Is it more necessary for a guy or a girl to get a good education?

Boys and girls alike benefit from a solid academic foundation. They should both have the same access to learning opportunities. Women in today’s culture have established that they are capable of performing and obtaining positions that were traditionally reserved for men. The achievements of women in many disciplines, including politics, science, athletics, and others, have been widely recognized. It’s also true that men have begun working in traditionally female-dominated fields like cooking, housework, fashion, and so on. Equal rights for the genders are really a need, in my opinion.

3. To what extent do you believe today’s educational system adequately prepares students for the working world?

We oftentimes feel more at home at school than we do in our actual homes. Skills such as reading and writing are taught here. We spend most of our developmental years here before entering adulthood for real. For this reason, we should look to our educational institutions as a means to prepare us for the next phase of our lives: the world of labour. Schools have an obligation to further their training by preparing students for their post-graduation lives and careers.

4. How can a teacher make classes more interesting for kids?

Allowing youngsters to ask questions, no matter how funny they sound, is the best way to make lessons entertaining, in my opinion. The more questions they can ask, the more privileged they feel to learn. Lessons may be entertaining if youngsters can choose what and how to learn. Teachers can make classes engaging by using genuine examples, such as having students perform maths based on the amount of money they want to spend on snacks.

5. How does a child’s brain process information differently than an adult’s brain do when it comes to learning?

There are big differences between how children learn and how adults learn. Younger students have to depend on their teachers to tell them what to study next. Older students can take charge of their own education. Children are more inclined to take the information at full price than their more experienced adult equivalents, who are more likely to question and confirm it in light of their own beliefs and prior knowledge. In the end, adults are more likely to learn because they are genuinely interested than children.

Useful education vocabulary exercise

  1. He decided to study in Canada to receive quality ___________ to develop his career.
  2. We used to call my friend a ___________ as he always looks to read new books.
  3. I planned to get the __________ from the institution that my friend suggested to manage my education cost.
  4. He was very much interested in giving _____________ for our neighbour’s kids.
  5. My friend was not interested in doing _____________ degree after finishing his 12th grade.
  6. The _____________ I gain from the internship will help me to pursue my career in a better way.
  7. I was waiting to see my degree’s last semester ______________.


  1. Education
  2. Bookworm
  3. Financial Aid
  4. Training
  5. Undergraduate/Bachelors’
  6. Knowledge
  7. Results

IELTS vocabulary topics

Check the following IELTS vocabulary topics to make your practice session effective.

  • Coronavirus vocabulary
  • Technology vocabulary
  • Social media vocabulary
  • Environment IELTS vocabulary
  • Fashion vocabulary IELTS
  • Work vocabulary IELTS
  • Crime vocabulary
  • Culture vocabulary
  • Travel vocabulary


To improve your band score in the IELTS, you need to practise learning more vocabulary. I hope this article will help you to learn the education vocabulary words to construct your sentences perfectly.


1. What words are associated with education?

Get some words below that are associated with the word “education”. They are as follows,

  • Learning 
  • Students 
  • Funding
  • Department
  • Educator 
  • Tuition 

2. What is the short word for education?

The word education has two common short forms that are edu and ed. 

3. What are the 5 types of vocabulary?

  • Reading vocabulary
  • Writing vocabulary
  • Speaking vocabulary
  • Listening vocabulary
  • Basic vocabulary

4. What are the three terms of education?

  • Formal education
  • Informal education
  • Non-formal education

5. What is education in simple words?

Education is both the action of educating knowledge to others and the action of receiving knowledge from others by learning. Education as a whole is learning for the progress of wisdom.


About Author Arivarasi

Arivarasi is an experienced author with expertise in the study abroad industry and preparing test materials for exams like IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, SAT, PTE, etc. She stays up-to-date with university and college requirements for international students which allows her to provide guidance on course selection, documents like SOP, LOR, and scholarship opportunities. She has written numerous articles on study abroad exams, destinations, universities & colleges requirements, admission procedures, and the entire process of studying abroad. Collaborating with industry experts and counselors, she crafts informative articles that make students take the right decisions.

More Articles Post by Arivarasi

About Kanan International

Kanan International is an IRCC-certified study abroad consultancy that offers reliable services, products, and solutions for students and education institutions. We support students throughout their study abroad journey, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Our expertise and commitment to excellence make us the go-to partner for expanding global horizons. The company provides coaching for IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, and SAT exams and services like visa consultation, accommodation, scholarship assistance, and education loans.


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