Word related to crime

Below is a massive list of crime words — that is, words related to crime. The top 4 are: murder, theft, mystery and law. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with crime, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common crime terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get crime words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «murder» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to crime and murder.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to crime, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of crime in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with crime — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a crime vocabulary list, or just a general crime word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as crime (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to crime (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with crime, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with crime.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying crime related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐵

That’s about all the crime related words we’ve got! I hope this list of crime terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with crime, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐰

На этой странице вы найдете английскую лексику на тему «Преступление» (Crime).

Crimes — Преступления
burglary кража со взломом
robbery грабеж
rape насилие
murder убийство
arson поджог
assault словесное оскорбление
inciting racial hatred разжигание расовой ненависти
contract killing заказное убийство
forgery подделка (документов, денег)
manslaughter убийство по неосторожности
shoplifting магазинные кражи
theft воровство
treason гос.измена
vandalism вандализм
white-collar crime должностное преступление
homicide убийство человека
house-breaking проникновение в дом, взлом
extortion вымогательство
hacking компьютерные атаки
motor vehicle theft угон автомобиля
pilferage мелкая кража
pickpocketing карманная кража
hijack угон самолета
smuggling контрабандный ввоз
kidnapping похищение с целью выкупа
drug traffic торговля наркотиками
disorderly conduct нарушение общественного порядка
mugging уличное ограбление
bribery взяточничество
slander клевета (устная)
libel клевета (письменная)
perjury лжесвидетельство
complicity соучастие в преступлении
harassment домогательство
money laundering отмывание денег
Punishment — наказание
penal servitude каторга
exile ссылка
banishment депортация
penitentiary исправительная колония
to reprimand сделать выговор
death penalty смертная казнь
capital punishment высшая мера наказания
confinement тюремное заключение
imprisonment лишение свободы
a heavy fines крупный штраф
a prison sentence приговор к тюремному заключению
a suspend sentence условное заключение
a corporal punishment телесное наказание
crucifixion распятие
electrocution казнь на электрическом стуле
eviction лишение имущества
firing squad расстрел
gas chamber газовая камера
hanging казнь через повешение
lethal injection смертельная инъекция
life imprisonment пожизненное заключение
lynching линчевание, самосуд
probation условное освобождение
public execution публичная смертная казнь
solitary confinement одиночное заключение
community service общественные работы
In the court — в суде
a solicitor адвокат
convict осужденный
culprit обвиняемый, подсудимый
a prosecutor обвинитель, прокурор
suspect подозреваемый
a witness свидетель
felony уголовное преступление
cross-examination перекрестный допрос
to serve a sentence отбывать наказание
to serve on a jury выступать в роли присяжного
a circuit judge окружной судья
petty offence незначительные правонарушения
a plaintiff истец, заявитель
attorney for defense адвокат по защите
presiding judge главный судья
bailiff судебный пристав
defendant ответчик, обвиняемый
jury присяжные
misdemeanor судебно наказуемый проступок
a sentence/verdict приговор
to accuse/charge with обвинять
to bring lawsuit привести иск
a clerk of the court секретарь суда
to condemn/sentence to death приговорить к смерти
to file a complaint подавать жалобу
to interrogate/question допрашивать
to plead guilty признать себя виновным
to put in prison заключать в тюрьму
warrant of arrest ордер на арест

Below is a list of words related to another word. You can click words for definitions. Sorry if there’s a few unusual suggestions! The algorithm isn’t perfect, but it does a pretty good job for common-ish words. Here’s the list of words that are related to another word:

Popular Searches

Words Related to ~term~

As you’ve probably noticed, words related to «term» are listed above. Hopefully the generated list of term related words above suit your needs.

P.S. There are some problems that I’m aware of, but can’t currently fix (because they are out of the scope of this project). The main one is that individual words can have many different senses (meanings), so when you search for a word like mean, the engine doesn’t know which definition you’re referring to («bullies are mean» vs. «what do you mean?», etc.), so consider that your search query for words like term may be a bit ambiguous to the engine in that sense, and the related terms that are returned may reflect this. You might also be wondering: What type of word is ~term~?

Also check out ~term~ words on relatedwords.io for another source of associations.

Related Words

Related Words runs on several different algorithms which compete to get their results higher in the list. One such algorithm uses word embedding to convert words into many dimensional vectors which represent their meanings. The vectors of the words in your query are compared to a huge database of of pre-computed vectors to find similar words. Another algorithm crawls through Concept Net to find words which have some meaningful relationship with your query. These algorithms, and several more, are what allows Related Words to give you… related words — rather than just direct synonyms.

As well as finding words related to other words, you can enter phrases and it should give you related words and phrases, so long as the phrase/sentence you entered isn’t too long. You will probably get some weird results every now and then — that’s just the nature of the engine in its current state.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used to bring you this list of term themed words: @Planeshifter, @HubSpot, Concept Net, WordNet, and @mongodb.

There is still lots of work to be done to get this to give consistently good results, but I think it’s at the stage where it could be useful to people, which is why I released it.

Please note that Related Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

Recent Queries

In English, there are a lot of specific words for different types of crimes and the criminals who commit them. Unfortunately, the list of crimes and criminals is long! Because the words have specific legal meanings, only a short, basic definition is given below. You may wish to download and print out the list, and write the correct translation of the words in your own language. This would give you the exact meaning.

CRIME DEFINITION CRIMINAL abduction taking someone away by force, demanding money for their safe return arson setting fire to a building, cars or property on purpose arsonist assassination killing a famous person or public figure assassin assault attacking someone physically assailant bigamy marrying someone when you are already married to another person bigamist blackmail threatening to reveal someone’s secrets if a lot of money is not paid blackmailer* bombing detonating an explosive device with the plan of harming people or property bomber bribery giving money or granting favors to influence another person’s decisions or behavior briber* burglary breaking into a house in order to steal something burglar child abuse treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way child abuser corruption behaving illegally and dishonestly; especially those in power crime doing something illegal that can be punished by law criminal cybercrime doing something illegal over the Internet or a computer system cyber criminal
hacker** domestic violence behaving violently inside the home drunk driving driving with too much alcohol in your blood drunk driver embezzlement stealing large amounts of money that you are responsible for, often over a period of time embezzler espionage spying, to obtain political or military information spy forgery illegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat people forger fraud getting money from people by cheating them con artist
fraud genocide killing on purpose a large number of people, especially from a particular group or area hijacking taking control of a plane, train etc by force, often to meet political demands hijacker hit and run not stopping to help a person hurt in an accident caused by you homicide killing another person on purpose hooliganism being violent or aggressive on purpose; often used to describe youth hooligan identity theft using someone else’s personal information for one’s own gain kidnapping taking someone away by force, often demanding money for their safe return kidnapper libel damaging someone’s reputation by writing lies about them looting taking things illegally and by force, during a riot, war, etc. looter lynching killing someone without legal process, often by hanging, often by an angry mob manslaughter killing someone by accident mugging attacking someone with a plan to rob them mugger murder killing someone on purpose murderer perjury lying in court, while under oath pickpocketing stealing wallets, money, etc. from people’s pockets in crowded places pickpocketer pilfering stealing small quantities of goods over time poaching hunting illegally poacher rape forcing someone to have sex rapist riot causing a noisy, violent public disturbance rioter robbery stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc. robber shoplifting stealing something from a store shoplifter slander damaging someone’s reputation by speaking lies about them smuggling taking things secretly in or out of a place, country, jail, etc. smuggler speeding driving above the speed limit terrorism using violence, threats, or fear, usually for political purposes terrorist theft stealing, in general thief trafficking trading something illegal like drugs, people, etc. treason betraying one’s country by helping its enemies traitor trespassing entering another person’s area; hurting people/damaging property through force trespasser vandalism destroying private or public property purposely vandal voyeurism secretly watching naked people or sexual acts & getting sexually excited voyeur

** hacker does not technically mean a cyber criminal, but the word is often used to describe those who commit computer crimes.

In the IELTS test, everyone gets nervous about topics related to Law and Crime. To answer them confidently, get the updated list of crime vocabulary here, containing words from different types of crime, criminals, law, and punishment. Since IELTS vocabulary (also called lexical resources) covers 25% of the overall band score, learn the technical words and practise them during mock tests. To revise, download our crime vocabulary PDF for free!

Basically, a crime is an intentional act that violates the law prescribed by the state. For IELTS preparation (listening, reading, speaking and writing), you don’t need to know the definition of crime, but memorise the most commonly-used crime IELTS vocabulary to help you write or talk about the topic. To understand specific words better, our crime vocabulary has meanings and examples.

Types of Crime

A crime is categorised into two types, major crimes and minor crimes. Offences like murder, rape, dacoity, etc., come under major crimes. Whereas an offence like pickpocketing, chain snatching, minor assault, etc., comes under minor crimes. Let’s explore them in detail.

Major Crimes

Words related to major crimes (also called heinous crimes) are given below.

S No Words Definition / Meaning
1 Murder Killing a person intentionally.
2 Rape A sexual assault against a woman without her consent.
3 Dacoity Armed robbery by at least five members. 
4 Arson Setting fire to a property.
5 Drug trafficking Buying and selling drugs illegally.
6 Fraud Deceiving someone for personal or financial gain.
7 Burglary Illegally entering a premises to commit a crime
8 Human trafficking Transporting people illegally from one place to another, mainly for slavery or prostitution (commercial sexual exploitation). 
9 Patricide Killing one’s own father
10 Genocide Killing a large group of people
11 Organised Crime Crime committed systematically by different groups of people.
12 Terrorism Violence against a country with political aims.
13 White collar crime A crime is committed for mass gain by using power and authority and not through violence.
14 Abduction Taking someone against their will and hiding.
15 Assault A physical attack against an individual.
16 Hacking Accessing unauthorised data in a computer system.
17 Hijacking Taking control over an aircraft or any vehicle through force, usually for political reasons.
Child abuse Hurting a child physically, sexually, emotionally, and psychologically.
19 Premeditated murder Killing a person with intention (planned beforehand).
20 Unpremeditated murder Killing a person without intention (unplanned).
21 False imprisonment Imprisoning a person without legal authority.
22 Manslaughter The act of killing someone without any intention.
23 Attempt (attempted) to murder  Planning to kill someone.
24 Smuggling Buying and selling products illegally.
25 Euthanasia Killing someone for their benefit.
26. Espionage Spying to obtain political or military information.
27. Riot Causing public disturbance.
28. Treason Betraying their own country.
29. Voyeurism Secretly watching naked people or sexual acts.
30. Grievous hurt A physical assault that causes permanent damage to a person.

Minor Crimes

Words related to minor crimes are given below.

S No Words Definition / Meaning
1 Pick pocketing Taking valuable things from another person’s pockets.
2 Shoplifting Taking products from a shop without paying.
3 Traffic violations Breaking the traffic rules.
4 Vandalism Damaging a house or a property intentionally.
5 Simple hurt Causing minor injuries to a person.
6 Bribery Giving money or granting favors to do something against the law.
7 Drunk driving Driving a vehicle after consumption of alcohol.
8 Embezzlement Stealing large amounts of money that you are incharge of. 
9 Forgery Fake documents, currency, etc., to cheat others.
10 Hit and run Hit a person accidentally and run from that place.
11 Identity theft Using someone’s personal information for one’s own benefit.
12 Mugging Attacking someone to snatch valuable things.
13 Poaching Hunting illegally.
14 Slander Damaging the good opinion of a person by speaking something not true.
15 Speeding Driving a vehicle beyond the legal speed limit.
16 Theft Stealing something.
17 Deserter Leaving the armed forces without permission.
18 Stowaway Travelling on a vehicle secretly without paying.
19 Stalking Following someone over a period of time in an annoying way.
20 Looting Stealing something during a war, a riot, a fire, etc.

Other words for Criminals

Other words for criminals are given here.

Criminal Definition
Arsonist Setting fire to a car, property, or a building purposefully.
Assassin Killing someone who is famous.
Assailant Attacking a person physically.
Bigamist Marrying another person when you are already married to someone.
Bomber Detonating an explosive device.
Burglar Breaking into a house to steal.
Child abuser Hurting a child physically, emotionally or sexually.
Spy Obtaining political or military information through spying.
Con artist fraud Getting money from people by cheating them.
Hijacker Taking control of a plane, train, etc., for political gains.
Killer Killing someone with intention.
Hooligan Being violent or aggressive.
Kidnapper Taking someone away through force.
Looter Taking things illegally during a war, a riot, etc.
Mugger Attacking someone with a plan to rob.
Murderer Killing someone on purpose.
Pickpocketer Stealing wallets, money from people’s pockets.
Poacher Hunting animals illegally.
Rapist Forcing someone to have sex.
Rioter Causing a noisy, violent public disturbance.
Robber Stealing large amounts of money with force.
Shoplifter Stealing something from a store.
Smuggler Selling and buying things illegally.
Terrorist Violence against a country usually for political purposes.
Traitor Betraying one’s country.
Trespasser Entering another person’s premises without permission.
Vandal Destroying private or public property.
Delinquent A juvenile committing an offence.
Psychopath A person with an antisocial personality disorder.
Serial killer Someone who kills many people in a similar pattern.
Stealer A person taking a special thing from others. 

Please note that these words are different from idioms, phrases and collocations.

Types of Punishment Vocabulary

Like crime and criminals, punishment also has various types. While reading and paraphrasing, make sure you use them correctly. Now, let’s see its vocabulary.

Types of Punishment Meaning
Death penalty (capital punishment) Killing a person legally (mostly, hanging until death).
Rigorous imprisonment Imprisonment with hard labour.
Life-term imprisonment Imprisonment for the rest of his life.
A prison sentence Imprisonment (like 3 months, 7 years)
A suspended sentence Delay in a sentence.
Hospital order Confining a person to hospital under arrest.
Fine An amount of money paid for violating the law.
House arrest Imprisoned in one’s own house rather than in prison.
Revoke Officially cancelling something, so that it’s no longer valid.
Non-custodial sentence A sentence which is not conducted in prison.
Community service Punishment by indulging in community work.
Solitary confinement A person  must be kept alone in a prison.
Forfeiture Taking away something legally. 
Detention Staying at school after hours.
Corporal punishment Physical punishment from a teacher.
Scolding An angry reprimand.
Isolation Keeping a person separate from others.
Grounding Unable to go outside home.
Imposition Writing the same sentences again and again.
Double jeopardy An offender undergoing two punishments for one crime.

Important Court Language: 

Words and Phrases Definition / Meaning
Judge The person who controls and administers the court proceedings.
Jury A group of individuals deciding whether the defendant is guilty or not.
Justice Fairness or law of court. 
Public Prosecutor The lawyer representing the state (government).
Defendant The accused person.
Trial Legal proceedings in a court.
Court A place where the trial is held.
Defense Lawyer The lawyer representing the defendant.
Witness A person who saw the crime happening.
Evidence Facts or information supporting the truth.
Innocent Found not guilty of crime.
Conviction The accused is found guilty.
Extenuating circumstances A condition that makes the crime or mistake less serious and more understandable.
Circumstantial evidence Analysing a situation and coming to a conclusion based on circumstances.
Maximum / minimum sentence Highest penalty / lowest penalty
penalty Punishment
Guilty The accused is proven to have committed the crime.
Hearsay Rumour / unsubstantiated information.
Verdict Formal sentence of a court.
Prison A building where criminals are kept as a punishment. 

Before practising the above mentioned words, check whether they are countable and uncountable nouns.

Other Useful Vocabulary related to Crime and Punishment

Use the following vocabulary related to crime and punishment that is not covered elsewhere. 

  • Rehabilitation — Restoring a person to a normal life.
  • Retribution — Punishment for committing a crime.
  • Deterrence — Fear
  • Peer pressure — A feeling that one must do the same things of his/her age to earn respect.
  • Social anxiety — A fear and uncomfortableness when you are left in a crowd.
  • Role models — Aspiring to be someone.
  • Mimicking violent behaviour — Copying violent acts from others and doing it.
  • To be soft on crime — Not to give harsh or strict punishments.
  • Armed policemen — Police personnel with weapons like guns (pistol, revolver).
  • Diminished responsibility — Someone who is not to be considered responsible for their actions.
  • Serial criminals — Criminals who commit the same crime.
  • Repetitive offender — A person committing the same sort of crime more than once.
  • Discrimination — giving less importance to one group of people than others.
  • Ostracisation — Isolating from others.
  • Reintegration — Rejoining a group of people or society.
  • Prevention — Stopping bad things from happening.
  • Probation — A temporary period of time where the offender is sent to his/her family from the prison for good conduct.
  • Victim — A person or an animal that is affected by a crime.

Practice Tests Related to Crime

Now it’s time to test your memory by answering the following practice test related to crime.

  1. All shops and schools were closed in my area due to a huge clash between two communities, causing _________.
  2. He similarly killed many people, and that’s why he is called a ____________ by the media.
  3. We must ___________ the wrongdoers from committing any offence.
  4. The court found the accused guilty, so he got a ___________.
  5. He was given _____________. So, he will be hanged the day after tomorrow.
  6. My driving licence has been ___________ due to speeding.
  7. He is the new ____________________ representing the state in this criminal case.
  8. When a person below 18 years of age commits a crime, he/she is referred to as ____________.
  9. I was in ________ for 7 years for committing an attempt to murder.
  10. We will end ____________ by bringing all black money back to the country.


  1. Riot
  2. Serial killer
  3. Prevent
  4. Conviction
  5. Death penalty
  6. Revoked
  7. Public Prosecutor
  8. Delinquent
  9. Prison
  10. Corruption

Also Read:

Coronavirus Vocabulary
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In crime vocabulary, we have covered words and phrases related to crimes in various court languages. If you use them correctly during IELTS preparation, you can impress the examiner and attain the expected IELTS band score. Moreover, maintain a crime vocabulary worksheet, as toppers suggest. It helps you a lot. 


1. What is the synonym of crime?

There is more than one synonym of crime, including offence, scandal, sin, transgress and vice. As all these words mean ‘a violation of law,’ the term ‘crime’ simply means wrongdoing punishable by the law of the state.

2. What are the 5 types of criminals? 

The 5 major types of criminals are:

  • First-time offender
  • Habitual criminal
  • White collar criminals
  • Occasional offenders
  • Serial killer

3. What is crime in easy language?

In easy language, Crime is an intentional act that violates the Act or Law, punishable by the state. However, there are different types of definitions given for Crime. 

4. What do you call a person who commits crime?

If a person commits a crime and the guilt is proven, then he/she is called an offender, criminal, felony, abuser, troublemaker, delinquent, culprit, wrongdoer, sinner or lawbreaker. 

5. What is a big crime called?

A big crime is called serious crimes, heinous crimes, violent crimes, evil crimes, etc. In India, a big crime is mostly referred to as heinous crime and serious crime. 

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