Word ran in a sentence

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1 They ran straight across the road .

2 He ran up to get his schoolbag.

3 I clocked him while he ran 10,000 metres.

4 He ran headlong for the open door.

5 He ran the marathon in 2 hrs 48 mins.

6 The path ran gently down to the sea.

7 She grasped at his shirt as he ran past.

8 Rosie ran downstairs to answer the door.

9 He inverted the glass and the water ran out.

10 The teenager ran away after being punished.

11 She ran her tongue over her lips.

12 She ran lightly up the stairs.

13 I think it ran out of paper.

14 Gobs of grease / spittle ran down his chin.

15 The fawn ran to the top of the ridge.

16 We stripped off and ran down to the water.

17 The ship ran aground on a submerged reef.

18 All the schoolchildren ran about on the playground.

19 He ran up to her,(www.Sentencedict.com) his arms outstretched.

20 The blood ran away and empurpled her thigh.

21 He ran away lest he be seen.

22 I ran through the options with him.

23 She ran her fingers through her hair.

24 He was panting heavily as he ran.

25 Mike’s car ran up against a tree yesterday.

26 He ran against a wall in the darkness.

27 The tears ran down her cheeks.

28 The dog ran in when she opened the door.

29 The workers’enthusiasm for production ran unprecedentedly high.

30 He grabbed the coin and ran off.

More similar words: francisco franco, grand, brand, rank, ranch, frank, crane, random, franc, range, strand, a grand, grant, drank, rankle, veranda, france, shrank, brand new, errant, grandma, grandpa, granny, ransom, tyrant, rancher, trance, rancor, ranger, ranked. 

Asked by: Prof. Norberto Kshlerin III

Score: 4.1/5
(31 votes)

[T] He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. [T] As soon as she opened the door, a cat ran out. [T] She heard him scream, so she ran into his bedroom. [T] She ran very fast to catch up with the other members.

What is the meaning of ran?

Ran is defined as to have moved by quickly moving the legs, or to have gone on a quick trip, or to have been in charge of something. … An example of ran is to have raced around a track. An example of ran is to have done several errands on a Saturday.

Has ran in a sentence?

She has run from her responsibilities. Regarding the problem that arises when forming the past participle, some people mistakenly use the past tense ran instead of the correct past participle run, as in I have ran into resistance every time I’ve tried to resolve this problem or She has ran from her responsibilities.

Is run or is ran grammar?

The present tense of run is run. The association members run a sloppy office. The past tense is ran. I ran out of patience.

Is being run or ran?

The action verb in this sentence, the transitive verb is to run. The past participle form of to run is run. You will also see the past participle form show up in the present perfect tense (have run) and the past perfect tense (had run). If you put that together, you get: is being run.

23 related questions found

How do you describe ran?


  1. dashed,
  2. galloped,
  3. jogged,
  4. scampered,
  5. sprinted,
  6. tripped,
  7. trotted.

What type of word is ran?

Ran is a verb — Word Type.

What does ran at mean?

1 : to have as a price : to cost Gas is running at over $4 per gallon. 2 : to run toward (someone or something) in an attempt to attack, knock down, etc., that person or thing He ran at me with a knife.

Is ran past tense?

past tense of run is ran.

What type of verb is running?

Verbs can be made into nouns by adding ‘ing’. These types of nouns are called gerunds. For example in the sentence «I like running» the word «running» is a gerund. Verbs also have another form which looks identical to the gerund which is called the present participle form.

Is run a verb yes or no?

You can use the word run as a noun—because it has meaning as a noun—but the verb run can only be used as a verb.

What’s a better word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What are 3 adverbs for Ran?

Ran is a verb and the complete predicate in this sentence, and we can expand the predicate by adding any possible adverb: He ran quickly. Instead of quickly, we could use slowly, clumsily, gracefully, erratically, fast, then, later, and many others.

How would you describe running?

Running is a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. Running is a type of gait characterized by an aerial phase in which all feet are above the ground (though there are exceptions). … Running has been described as the world’s most accessible sport.

What is v1 v2 v3 v4 and v5?

Answer: v1 is present ,v2 past ,v3 past participate ,v4 present participate, v5 simple present. Smenevacuundacy and 223 more users found this answer helpful.

What is running in grammar?

A gerund is the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun. … For example, “Running is fun.” In this sentence, “running” is the gerund. It acts just like a noun.

What part of speech is is running?

Noun (gerund): Running is a good thing for your health. Here the word is a subject therfore it functions as a noun. Verb: A man is running to catch a bus. Here the word is a verb.

What tense is ruin?

The past tense of ruin is ruined. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of ruin is ruins. The present participle of ruin is ruining. The past participle of ruin is ruined.

Is it not ran or run?

1 Answer. «Has ran» is an incorrect present perfect form, because the past participle of the verb to run is run, not ran. Ran is the simple past tense.

It was far from the same thing, and where did that leave Leand in her parentage? Did she have three parents, but didn’t the child who became the ghost also have two? Could he ever make love to such a creature? He had made love to such a creature, made love to her so much that she ran from him

Jorma had no translation for the curses in Portuguese that Herndon bellowed as he ran across the dock and dived into the boat’s cabin

He ran and grabbed for the horn hanging off the wall of the guard station and blew

Another child, maybe five years old in red coveralls, ran up to his mother’s legs

” He giggled and ran off while the mother read a magazine

Violet ran out to the entrance ahead of her mother

“Now!” Scar barked as a trickle of blood ran down his neck

He ran over and quickly opened his closet, revealing piles of clothes heaped on top of each other in the middle of the floor

Not that it mattered, Scar never ran from anything, ever

“When they ran out of corpses to catapult over the walls, records say that an old bearded man took two axes to the wall and attempted to scale it in the dead of night

«What if they ran it unshielded?» she asked with worry nowhere near as evident in her voice as it was in her mind

«I’d have had a loud alarm if it ran for even a millisecond unshielded unless most of the planet was between us

Tiny Robot Archimedes calculated that his presence in the harbor with an eye patch ran numbers similar to a man who had a corgi puppy in a brothel

and Jen hurled themselves off the bed and ran to the opposite corners of the room,

10 and ran across to her

They ran batteries of tests, plugging me into scanners and polygraphs and the

«So you ran away from someone here in the city?»

‘But that was okay, there were quite a few kids of my age in the village and we just ran wild

exposed wood shaving floor of her tin cell yard, feeling as though she ran under the

His yard boy, who was friendly with Estwig, though half a decade younger, ran a few blocks after them, then snatched off and waved his shorts as they rumbled out of sight

Theo Petrakis was at the Sunnyvale crime scene when two burly figures ran up and boxed him in on either side

He ran his tongue

He ran his fingers through damp hair

Once Aunt Billie was out of the room, Johnny slowly ran his hands over his

The Countess ran her free hand along the contours of her body, tracing the

Thinking that there might be someone in the house, he ran straight to the door and kicked it in

Every time I ran my fingers through my hair I would be left

In old movies you would have people in hissing space suits fumbling with obsolete access codes and overcoming the dead batteries in the security system as the air supply in their suits ran low

a special stretcher just jumped out of that stretcher and ran, completely

highly intoxicated, I ran into my pastor

She almost ran to her bosses office

He ran away

village he ran away with the last of his money to the city

A tall young security guard ran his hand-held detector over him and then reached asked Joshua to raise his arms when the device began to whine

He pulled over immediately and ran over to her car just as flames started coming from the back of the vehicle

«No, there’s another thing you should know,» she said, splashing thru the toes of the surf where it ran up the sand

The water swirled around his ankles and ran back into the sea

On his left side a great tear ran along the seam underneath his arm

No matter how tired I was though, the play of image, anger, self pity and bleak determination ran unremittingly through the hours

«Love is my greatest desire,» she whispered and ran the palm of her hand up the bottom of his chin

Having finished work this afternoon, I was walking along Academy Avenue to the bus terminus, when I suddenly saw Persephone and her mother just a few metres away, waving at me happily! They looked thrilled to see me, they ran towards me at once and I could do nothing to avoid them

The selfish child in me ran riot

Another pat on my shoulder, firmer this time, and my blood ran cold

It ran down her neck and chest

An unremitting river of sweat ran into my eyes

I developed insane urges to itch and scratch, my skin burning and inflamed My nose ran in the closely confined heat, dribbling mucous across the tape over my mouth and onto my newly shaven chin

He knew it was possible for a technician as astute as the one who ran the simulated female side to ID him from his access to that area

My thoughts ran riot, one after another, disjointed, becoming a twisted nightmare sequence of unrelated rants

One thing about the identity of this tech that he was sure of at this point, he was the same one who ran the female side

Around the third night of my captivity in the apartment, late into the small hours, I heard a faint tapping coming from the pipe that connected the radiator in my room to the circuit of pipes that ran through the apartment

His drool ran down and into his ear

He was stupid to have left it at that level after surprising the one who ran the fake female side

The current monitoring logs of all the logic all his programs ran in had to be edited, then he had to edit out the current traces that process took manually, before he could close

He was near a tiny spring with one date palm next to it and an acre of weeds along the little trickle that ran a few hundred feet before disappearing into the sand

Once Aunt Billie was out of the room, Johnny slowly ran his hands over his neck and then, as best he could, down his back

The Countess ran her free hand along the contours of her body, tracing the curve of her firm, full and neatly upturned breasts

Entranced, lost in the revelation of change in her body, she ran her fingertips over her taught stomach and down to her groin

With the night sky calling forth the hunter in her soul, she opened the curtains, stepped out onto the balcony and gazed down the dusty little lane that ran towards the local coastal strip, with its bright lights, its noise and its scurrying human possibilities

This inner moon had more of every element than they actually needed if they really ran short

She hung there for a second, arms flailing, while others ran to grab her

Son ran under the tree,

I ran away, inland and up into the hills

Son picked up his sword and ran back to the temple with great haste

Then he ran into the desert toward the oasis

soldier, so he ran toward the quicksand that Elden had warned him about

He got so worked up that he ran off with the baby and did something with it, he would never say what

traveling, Son ran out of food

they became afraid and ran away, howling to the moon

He ran away from it all, throwing his hands up in the air and saying to anyone who might listen, “My wife is dead

When the sun rose, Son fell asleep as Lyla ran her fingers through his

He must do that one thing he so signally failed to do before he ran away

The streetcar ran right above the docks where the shore had docks, and on a wide street just inland of the beach apartments where the shore had beaches

could not kill Son, the soldier turned and ran in hopes of reaching the pool of

Lyla soothed him as she wiped away his tears and ran

This national pride ran deep

So the Jews ran them out of the synagogues

It is during as far as offering fruit and energy drinks in between and in some of the after-run socialising that I get some of the best addition, had cooling points that sprinkled you with cold water advice from strangers that I see on the running trail as they droplets as you ran through a tunnel

«I ran into someone from one of those religions back then,» Luray said

She ran a hand down from his chest and found he was already responding

«bnHagee did it, it was just delshells and regular old chussweed, we ran into a bit of that on the way by

skeleton of a 14-year-old girl show that her flesh and each other’s hands and ran together, then sat together brain were removed, presumably to be eaten by the enjoying their treats

She ran her memory of the walk to the station through her head … assessing, trying to predict where the trouble might occur

And her roots ran deep in the modern age, and intersected with Vyinga’s so ancient in her own past

He ran to the starboard rail and flung that ship’s pin from his only previous voyage as far as he could into the river, then ran back to the port side and vaulted over the rail

They reached the station and Bokul ran into the Station

tears which would not stop, she ran past Shibani into the

They ran off in that direction

«Months ago Al, two months since I took that last report before he ran away, a month since I’ve heard his voice

he found no rest, but ran, jerk limbed,

He ran the whole thing from Taunton – prospective travellers would be instructed to appear in the office there and speak to Chitter who would relieve them of the travel fee and bank it in an account held in Stowman’s name – Milli was very helpful, she’d kept records of all the visitors – stonecrack! Chitter nearly pissed himself when he found that out

He ran back

He followed and found himself on a porch that ran the full length of the house

Why did his slave run away? He ran to Paul

We all started screaming and shouting; and we ran for our lives

“It’s on the second level all the way towards the back,” she yelled as she ran by, “race you!” She was off like a shot

We were half afraid that coming across might affect your mind … you’d been very young when your mother ran away with you and you had spent your formative years on Earth

When those who opposed him heard that statement, they stopped their ears and ran upon him

She ran her tongue over her lips slowly as she stared at his chest

Catwhiskers locked the workshop as Cosmicblasto ran ahead

One Sunday before Violet’s seventh birthday, Violet’s mother drove her out to a ranch that bred ponies

They sent most of their luggage on to his ranch with a freight man, they would be living rough from here and she had misgivings about that

She would have been content to go on as far as his ranch and stop there

By that time they had reached Herndon’s ranch

» Those girls had tried to act like Yakhanian sophisticates way out there in the ranch lands on the fringe of habitation

It was a pretty good imitation of what he would have liked back home, a sprawling ranch built out of earthenware blocks with a tile and beam roof

Instructions to the ranch hands took up a great deal of his time

Herndon had used a little technology and a bit of money to establish this ranch farther into the chaparral than any other fenced operation, but tried hard not to upset the social or economic fabric of the area by encroaching too much on the open prairie

About one in ten thousand people here carried one, he gave one to every crew chief on duty at the ranch

After all the business of the ranch was complete, he stayed up late going over all his old documentation on the shuttlecraft parts one more time and came up empty, as always

But on Afternoonday she packed him up and sent him off, promising to keep the home, children and ranch safe from all but asteroid impact in his absence

with four kids, living out in the country with a swimming pool and a horse ranch

Besides, she wasn’t dressed to leave the ranch

When he suddenly tipped her back to look deep into her eyes, she could’ve bet the ranch, that he was going to kiss her

Besides, he was going to busy taking care of the ranch section

She would see to the resort portion and he would take care of the ranch

«The ranch» Half the group repeated

The ranch supplied everything she wanted, and what she needed extra she ordered and paid for on an account

It’s the year she was driven off the ranch

«What do you mean driven off the ranch

In the large living room/kitchen of the ranch house were seated and standing perhaps a dozen other people; each of whom looked as ordinary as did Tohm and Kate

Maybe some day she would have enough to start her horse ranch

“I wanted to have a horse ranch

For the next half-hour they walked together and talked about her plans for a horse ranch

She’ll be the first horse on your ranch

We located a good contractor who started building a 2100 square foot house, ranch type

I just headed out in the direction you did and Clarence’s place is the first ranch in that direction

Sylvia however, despite being the owner of a dude ranch in New Mexico, knew nothing of horses so Caroline operated the stables for her until, as the result of an argument some months earlier, both Caroline and her horse had been thrown out

our big dog on the ranch before a cougar killed him

As I listened carefully to this dog and ranch talk, it hit me

The ranch is our home in the country

caretakers at our ranch that we’ve named K2

few days, you might learn the ABCs of the K2 Ranch

“Your dad said I should learn the ABCs of this ranch

turned and trotted toward the ranch house

Then I told her of the Kinsman ranch and offered my

“More ranch hands joined the onlookers shouting and

lenge of K2 Ranch was over

question of acceptance by the fine folks on the K2 Ranch

followed the canal trail, a shortcut to the ranch house

Yes! On the driveway from the house, a ranch hand was

seem to care about railroading, and on the ranch he lorded it

ranch, K2, for the father and son team that ran it

Ah! The life of the ranch hand! I knew full

I would have liked to have seen his ranch

return the other way, we soon loped along with the ranch house

I liked the work, though a ranch hand got paid

farm hands that you have taken to ranch life

“The ranch hand asked his friend for help

Neva, who had just driven out to the ranch that afternoon,

The ranch hands gathered

and have very pleasant memories of it and the K2 ranch

When you described the activities at K2 Ranch, they revived

somewhat wild K2 ranch

Agents drove 15 miles on to Richard Smith»s ranch, accused him of poisoning eagles and seized his pick

” Monique said after stuffing a handful of Cool Ranch Doritos into her fat ass mouth

Fairbanks Ranch, just south of us had taken over in terms of popularity

I was wishing we had a ranch down in Mexico and we could all

A ranch, several frames, and a full stone original made up the array

The shameful irony is: You think your loved one was cremated and you received “all” the “ashes” in the urn, but back at the ranch, or should I say “at the back of the crematorium”, your loved ones bones have been buried already, in a mass grave, with a host of animals

This photograph shows ranch

at a Working Ranch Cowboys Association

Opposite and above: Farmers, ranchers, and others interested in agriculture visited the Twenty-seventh Annual Amarillo Farm and Ranch Show at the

Big Texan Steak Ranch (Home of the Free 72

Below: Day’s end on the ranch; a West Texas sunset with a

Boys Ranch began in 1939 when

by hosting the Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch

by the famous King Ranch was honored

hosts the Annual Farm and Ranch Show as

from the ranch house to a big, empty field, and, for the first time in his

old, that is the same as being left alone in the middle of a ranch

This venture didn’t involve leaving their home, but in fact could be taken care of entirely from the ranch

Heathcote “Peter” Wales, being then (not now with his Wyoming ranch) an effete easterner, and a snob—aren’t they synonymous?—introduced us to weird concoctions of Guinness stout with both champagne and various ales

“She wanted to come, but I couldn’t leave the ranch unattended

I rented a 3 BR 1 1/2 bath split level ranch on Holly Hill Drive in Uncasville, on Norwich’s southern border off Route 32 and our stuff was moved in from Congdon’s

As the car slowed to pull onto the drive of a brick, ranch style house, Jesse could see the lawn hadn’t been cut and there were no cars in sight

horns and rented a 3 BR, 1 BA ranch on Holly Hill Drive in Uncasville

I rented a 3 BR 1 1/2 bath split level ranch on Holly Hill Drive in Uncasville and our stuff was moved in from Congdon’s

I selected a raised ranch in Oakdale, another section of Montville

That must have been the hospital closest to their ranch in Villagreen, which is a suburb of that great metropolis of Kim which is on the U

He never could explain why he quit the railroad after nine and one-half years to ranch a larger spread given them by Bettie Rose’s dad, E

They bought pickup loads of flour and other supplies in La Junta 20 miles north of the ranch where Granny Dixon, E

Prince Gotimin of The Elves of Sming presented them with Winghoof Estate, a working horse ranch boasting some six hundred and forty of the finest riding horses, complete with a sprawling home of sixteen rooms, outbuildings, gardens, and a few farm animals, as well as an established staff of ranch hands

As Gotimin explained, the human who had owned it previously had died, and his many heirs had contested his will for years, neglecting the ranch and it’s bills in the meantime, until the empire had seized it for unpaid taxes

“Thank you! Thank you very, very much! I’ve always wanted a horse ranch!” Mark grinned

And that we would appreciate his reply being prompt, as I don’t want the ranch to lapse into operating at a loss if we have to take very long to negotiate, or to replace him

“The cottage at Hilia is also furnished and complete, as is the suite at the Dragon’s view Inn, the ranch house at Winghoof Estates, the yacht Sunrunner, and the Queen of Waves

They said their farewells, and then Talia tapped Mark’s power to Translocate them to the center of the yard in front of the ranch house at Winghoof Estate in Sming

They were met by Foreman Joseth Narr and the staff of the ranch

Within five minutes almost everyone who had been at Winghoof, including the ranch staff and the knights of Sming, had been Translocated in

The few ranch hands and staff from Winghoof who had escaped injury were huddled by the door to the cottage, anxiously awaiting word on the wounded

The rest of the ranch staff can be back on the job in a day or two at most

He is Joseth Narr, who runs our ranch outside the city

There was a magnificent sunset in progress there, revealing herds of hundreds of fine horses running over hilly pastures, then a vastly expanded area of corrals and barns, then four new large two-story buildings in an open block around a complex of runs and yards, and finally the previously existing yards and buildings of the guest ranch

Between the Academy and the ranch house were gathered a crowd of almost a thousand humans mixed with a few dozen elves, a handful from other races, and a young white dragon

His friend Gary Nobel lent him his ranch to host the guests and to hold a private

By this time Gary had built this brand new ranch that had every kind of facility

the party specially prepared at Gary’s Ranch and in the evening they would go to the

In between, he sort of ranched, as he readily admitted

Bettie Dixon had at least one sibling, Uncle Jack Dixon, who ranched on the Western Slope in Delta at the time Dixie and I married on Valentine’s Day, 2-14-70, in Tempe, AZ

«We went right by them back in Noonsleep,» doostEr said, «A few of them have big ranches out in the near chaparral

“Yes, Kai; my father found him after a terrible raid on the outlying ranches

Today, the few descendants of the great Southern Plains bison herd are sheltered on private ranches and carefully tended in refuges like Caprock Canyons State Park at Quitaque, Texas

Nowadays, sugar processing is limited to the few ranches that still remain in the area

Mostly small farms, ranches, vine-

He has worked as a Civil War archivist, a Litigation Consultant at Pearl Harbor, and as an award-winning story teller at one of the world’s largest cattle ranches located on the Big Island of Hawai’i

They have already destroyed some of our crops and ranches

This will better insure the safety of the homes and ranches along with the surrounding countryside

Mendez had spent his formative years on ranches and was experienced on a horse and he had all the ID he would ever need

There are several horse ranches on the outskirts of Pendleton

were commonly referred to as hog ranches

deaths that occur on large ranches are not from the so-called

withstand a cataclysmic event such as a depleted herd, most ranches

cattle ranches and hayfields as far as the eye could see

Americans would call them ranches

Jameson, a wealthy businessman in Dallas who owned several cattle ranches

There were steel mills, cattle ranches, a railroad, a shipping line and, of course, the foundation of the family fortune: diamonds and gold, zinc and platinum and magnesium, mined each hour around the clock, pouring into the coffers of the company

number of guest ranches that couldn’t put on a decent dance

«What will happen to the farms and ranches,» Angus

«Nooo, what will the farmers and ranches below

He didn’t have to worry about neighbors because it was cattle ranches and hayfields as far as the eye could see

The endless prairie, the distant mountains, the scattered ranches along the road and the sparse sedge bushes are all straight out of a Clint Eastwood movie

They were brick raised ranches, with driveways leading back to two-car garages

Socialists say that the community should undertake and organize the business of producing and distributing all these things; that the State should be the only employer of labour and should own all the factories, mills, mines, farms, railways, fishing fleets, sheep farms, poultry farms and cattle ranches

around on the ranches alone

by on the road an’ on the ranches, with their bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing in their heads

It had shifted them upon the whole extent of the immense Campo, with the white walls of its haciendas on the knolls dominating the green distances; with its grass-thatched ranches crouching in the folds of ground by the banks of streams; with the dark islands of clustered trees on a clear sea of grass,

The camp was situated in the dead center of Maui, between ranches and rain forests, at the blackened base of a volcano

There were enormous, inarable ranches for sale

There was just as much rendering going on, but as smaller ranches and slaughterhouses were bought by larger companies (which do their own rendering in-house), there were simply fewer small operations left to choose between Darling International and its competitors

In addition to everything else there were the regulars—the steady customers who had been coming down for years, the laborers from the gravel pits, the riders from the ranches, the railroad men who came in the front door, and the city officials and prominent business men who came in the rear entrance back by the tracks and who had little chintz sitting rooms assigned to them

“Try to contact the other ranches all you can, Mr

They’ll kick ’em off the ranches and won’t let ’em on the road

Ranching just wasn’t her thing and the photovoltaic craze was done

The attack was made by the local ranching

Ranching is interesting work and the

Amarillo with the influx of settlers who worked at ranching and

Activities in the Amarillo area are often traditions tied to its agricultural and ranching history

The ranching heritage of the Texas Panhandle makes cutting horse competitions especially interesting

My late wife, Dixie Lee Rose, was born April 26, 1944, to Robert Lee Rose and Bettie Willie Dixon in Trinidad, CO, a small mining and ranching town south of Pueblo on what is now I–25

He had bought new motorized equipment to facilitate his farming and ranching operation and dam if several pieces hadn‘t been stolen, leaving him embroiled in a stalemated hassle with his insurance company and the bank

The ranch was large and cluttered with the rusted remains of tractors, trailers, wagons and various weird ranching implements that gave lie to the adage that form follows function; their esoteric forms gave not the slightest inkling of arcane utility

Ranching grew throughout the state, as did farming

He’s married his love, the Mexican healer Reyna, and started horse ranching outside of Tombstone in the Arizona Territory

herding cattle and running a ranching empire

He was as equally well known for his ranching skills as for his

mining to cattle ranching, hoping to supply beef for the hordes of

help of the stalwarts of the ranching community

“You may not be interested in ranching, sir,” Barron replied, “but the

ranching operations did the same things: both raised cattle and both

back to the golden age of mining and ranching that went on in

Cam told her that the oldest of the buildings, the chapel, constructed during the ranching period, had been converted into stables

Estelle decided not to take up residence in the house, instead gave it to her eldest son, James Junior, who turned the majestic house into a prosperous farming and ranching venture

He developed quite a prosperous operation farming the land, ranching, and breeding horses for harness racing

The railroad began to stop in the small town once it was established as a prospering farming and ranching community

Days like this made him wonder if he wouldn’t have been better of going into the family business of sheep ranching

And both men come from a strong ranching

chores of packing snow for the ranching people here

that this is why the ranching fami-

The little family moved about twenty miles south of White Horse, just across the Utah/Nevada border in the small ranching town of Plain View, Utah

One stands for mining, the other for ranching

The instant Brazilian ranchers cannot use a piece of cleared rainforest anymore to raise their cattle on: leaving the previously owned land behind; devastated, and destroyed… as a waste product of their ranching lifestyle

� These young men and women allowed me to see a world of agriculture, ranching, hunting, and rodeo that was entirely closed to me before

Ran example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use ran in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for ran.

  • And away he ran. (4)
  • She ran up-stairs. (8)
  • We ran up on deck. (10)
  • June ran to the door. (8)
  • Christian ran upstairs. (8)
  • She ran up the stairs. (12)
  • He ran on down the path. (8)
  • No, sir; only that I ran. (8)
  • Her calm glance ran over him. (8)
  • They all ran in, Luigi last. (10)
  • I ran to her door and knocked. (8)
  • He then left me, and ran upstairs. (4)
  • It was unnamed; it ran in a shroud. (10)
  • She ran away from her husband once. (10)
  • I ran from home and served as a trooper. (10)
  • The Austrian snatched an embrace and ran. (10)
  • He flung a lightning at Edward and ran off. (22)
  • She ran her eyes over the writing once more. (12)
  • All about ran a brook, and babbled to itself. (10)
  • She ran upstairs and threw herself on her bed. (8)
  • Hurriedly depositing his hat, he ran to Cecilia. (8)
  • Clementina ran into her room, and found her dead. (9)
  • He quitted his seat, and ran out into the lobby. (10)
  • The froth that ran from them had a tinge of blood. (1)
  • It was unbearable; and, seizing his hat, he ran out. (8)
  • At the end of it she almost ran into the arms of Courtier. (8)
  • Lord Fleetwood ran about in Germany repeating his remarks. (10)
  • A chuckle of collateral satisfaction ran through the empire. (10)
  • The face puckered again, and the squeezed-out tears ran down. (8)
  • Tears filled her eyes, and even ran down her cheeks as she sat. (4)
  • Then Mrs. Berry ran to Lucy, and the house buzzed with new life. (10)
  • His companion raised his hat, and ran his fingers through his hair. (8)
  • Shibli Bagarag ran to it when he was afoot, and peered through it. (10)
  • June was instantly compunctious; she ran to her aunt and kissed her. (8)
  • He threw it away as Soames came up, and ran his hand through his hair. (8)
  • She put her hand on the stairs rail, and a little shiver ran over her. (9)
  • This long dingle ran for miles through the foot-growth of folding hills. (8)
  • She drew her head in quickly and ran away without letting him see her face. (9)
  • So his reasoning ran to an accord with his military instincts and ambition. (10)
  • When she recovered, she ran to the mirror again, and it was the same sight. (10)
  • And, parting from them abruptly, he ran down the stairs and out into the air. (8)
  • Rocco ran his fingers across the keys, and again struck the octave for Irma. (10)
  • He got up and rushed to the bell, but did not ring it, and ran upstairs instead. (8)
  • Lavender ran, searching the carriage windows for any indication of his objective. (8)
  • She ran past him, and when he had put the lantern down, was standing at the window. (8)
  • An inexplicable terror seized on him; he ran across the yard and jumped into his carriage. (8)
  • Passing the swing-door at the bottom, she ran up the stairs, her heart thumping painfully. (8)
  • Stag, fox, and hare ran before them, over fields and through drawing-rooms: the scent was rich. (10)
  • He ran down to breakfast, hopeing he might hear of that clock stopped, and that sickening motion with it. (10)
  • Sometimes it had to serve mills; and being still a little river, ran very dry and shallow in the meanwhile. (2)
  • In the street that ran parallel to her own, there lived a machinist by the name of Heinzen with his family. (12)
  • Once he beheld her in bodily form, and seemed to hear an imploring whisper; and a cold shudder ran over him. (12)
  • He ran through us, swinging his goose up to the hampers, saying that he had found the goose under a furze-bush. (10)
  • Then with an exclamation Mrs. Baynes ran forward, wobbling her bulky frame from side to side, and opened it again. (8)
  • The disappointment was so cruel that the tears came into her eyes and ran down her face, which she averted from him. (9)
  • You ran after a dancing woman, wasted a fortune, and almost missed the proper moment for entering upon your career. (12)
  • From lip to lip ran the news that at last the royal barge in its crimson and gold trappings had set out from Windsor. (19)
  • He ran forward and back, felt his heart clutched by a sickening fear, the dark fear which lives in the wings of the fog. (8)
  • From that time the topics started on every occasion were theirs; the rest of us ran at their heels, giving tongue or not. (10)
  • I read them, and they ran as follows: In hearts alone where modesty resides Is found the priceless treasure of Pure Truth. (5)
  • The painter ran his hands through his hair, but stopped them half-way, as if aware that he was being guilty of ill-breeding. (8)
  • Across the tracks of rimy tan, Some busy thread at whiles would shoot; A limping minnow-rillet ran, To hang upon an icy foot. (10)
  • He ran down the street, hotly pursued, and, darting out into the traffic, threw himself under a motor-car going at some speed. (8)
  • Pole ran to the foot of the stairs and shouted for Arabella, who returned no answer, and was late in her appearance at table. (10)
  • Standing there in the dark it was almost as if they had come up behind her, with their pleadings; and a shiver ran down her back. (8)
  • When he smiled his cheeks formed two hard red blocks, his trim moustache stood out, and many little wrinkles ran from his light eyes. (8)
  • Instantly, and without a good-bye, she scrambled up her skirts and ran at strides across the road and through the wood, out of sight. (10)
  • Tufts of pale grass, and gilliflowers, and travelling stone-crop, hung from the wall, and driblets of ivy ran broadening to the outer ground. (10)
  • Courtly Sir John Loring ran up at once, and gave the diplomatist an opportunity to thank her flatteringly for gaining them two minutes to themselves. (10)

Also see sentences for: ramparts, ranch.

Definition of ran:

  • ran, pa.t. of run_.(0)

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Run: to move legs quickly, more rapidly than a walk

I run every morning for exercise. It also helps clear my mind and reduce stress!

Run: to move or act quickly

Run to the kitchen to get the stain cleaner! This red wine will stain the sofa if we don’t clean it immediately.

I’m sorry, I’ve got to run. I have a meeting in 10 minutes but I’ll call you tomorrow so we can finish talking.

Run: to make a quick trip, an informal and short visit

I’m going to run to the grocery store for some milk and apples. I forgot to get them earlier. Do you need anything?

You should run next door to wish Jon a happy birthday. They are leaving soon but I know he would really appreciate seeing you.

Run: to be in or to campaign in an election

Can you believe there are 12 candidates running in this year’s election? That is just too many people!

I’m thinking about running for president of the neighborhood association. What do you think?

Run: to flow as a liquid, to flow along, or to empty liquid contents

The river is running very strong right now after all the rain!

The Volga River is over 2,000 miles long and it runs into the Caspian Sea.

The river runs right through the middle of the city.

Run: to creep, trail climb, or grow as vines

I’ve always loved homes with ivy running up the sides of the house.

To run around: to move quickly around an area

You can run around in the backyard before dinner.

When I travel, I like to run around a new city to get familiar with it.

To run after: to chase or pursue

I woke up late this morning and had to run after the bus to catch it.

To run into: to meet someone unexpectedly; to hit/encounter something unexpectedly

I ran into Janet at the store and got to catch up on her new job. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her.

Yesterday’s job interview was mortifying. At the end, I stood up and run into the glass door.

This week our team ran into a major technical problem at work.

To run on: to be powered by

This lamp runs on batteries.

Electric cars run on electricity.

To run out of: to use or finish something until it’s gone

It’s a crisis at my house when we’ve run out of coffee!

Oh no, we’ve run out of printer ink but I have to make copies of these documents now.

To run through: to review or practice

I’d like to run through my presentation one more time.

Let’s run through the agenda to make sure we haven’t missed anything.

To run by: to share an idea/information with someone for feedback/input

I’d like to run this idea by you before I share it at the meeting tomorrow.

Can I run something by you?

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