Word question in germany

Asking questions is something that you will almost immediately need to know when you start to study German. Therefore, this article will explain everything you need to know to form correct sentences using German question words. 

Before we start with the questions themselves, it is important to know the meaning and function that question words have. You should be aware that their usage will always make your question become an open question (also referred to as an interrogative question). For instance, if somebody asks you: “Was sind deine Hobbies?” (What are your hobbies?), you could answer a million different things. In contrast to that, you could only answer “ja” or “nein” to a closed question like “Spielst du gern Fußball?” (Do you like to play soccer?) that does not use any question words.

German question words

In German,  all common question words start with the letter “W,” and therefore, they are also known as “W-Fragen” (W-Questions). There is also a well-known song from Sesame Street that uses many German question words and contains the famous line: “Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum? Wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm!” You should not miss out on this classic. In the following, you can find the most common question words and their English translation.

Frequently used German question words:

German English
wer who
wie how
was what
warum / weshalb / wieso why
wo where
woher from where
wohin to where
wie lange how long
wen whom
wem to whom
welche which
wessen whose
wie viel / wie viele how much / how many

Building a sentence with a question word

The structure of an elementary sentence in German is Subject + Verb + Object. Thanks to German cases like Accusative and Dative, you can easily start your sentence with the object and Germans often do that. However, your verb will stay at the second position no matter if you start your sentence with the Subject (Nominative case) or not. The same applies when it comes to forming a question by using a question word.

For instance:
Peter hat Urlaub.

(Peter has a vacation.)

Wer hat Urlaub?

(Who has vacation?)

Ihr schreibt einen Test.

(You write a test.)

Was schreibt ihr?

(What do you write?)

In der Küche kocht Jan eine Suppe.

(Jan cooks soup in the kitchen.)

Wo kocht Jan eine Suppe?

(Where does Jan cook soup?)

Forming questions in German

As you could hopefully see in this article, forming questions using a question word in German is not too complicated. If you want to know what to answer to one of the most common questions, “Wie geht es dir?“, you can also check out the article How to properly react to small talk!

Bis bald!


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german-question-wordsHello everyone,

and welcome to our German is Easy Learn German Online Course.
And today we’ll learn all about

How to ask questions in German

Now, you’re like:
“Uhm, no way man. I’m not gonna ask Germans anything in the foreseeable future. I got my phone right here and I can just google everything I need to know. Could we please learn how to speak fluently, instead?”
That is certainly and totally true and a good argument against learning questions in German but your theory has one big flaw. Aliens.
They’ve been lurking for a while and soon, they’ll come and invade, for that’s what aliens do.
And they’ll disrupt telecommunication of course.
INCLUDING the Starlink satellites.
Dunn dunn dunnn.
And then what?
How are you gonna find out where the next Starbucks is then? You will have to face the invaders WITHOUT one of Starbucks’ amazing and refreshing Iced Chocolate Mocha in your system and that will be much much harder…. and then you find yourself spending the rest of your lamenting why you didn’t learn to ask questions in German when you had the chance to while you’re massaging hairy alien feet… hairy and STINKY alien feet.

So… are you ready to learn how to ask questions? Perfect :)

We’ll start with a tiny bit of groundwork, then, we’ll do the basic grammar and then we’ll go over the question words in German one be one and see if there’s any important differences to English.

  1. Type of Questions
  2. Grammar of w-questions
  3. wann
  4. wo
  5. was
  6. wer (wen, wem)
  7. warum (wieso, welhalb)
  8. wie
  9. welch

And now let’s jump right in.

Types of questions

There are two main types of questions, which are fundamentally different.
The first group are the so called: “yes or no questions“, which we’ll call yon-questions. That’s questions where yes or no are a proper answer. Maybe not a satisfying one, but they’re officially answered.

  • Are you hungry?
  • Have you ever been to Paris?
  • Do you know if there is an ATM around here?

The other group are the questions that have a question word, also known as w-questions.

  • Where is the train station?
  • How do you like German?
  • Due to what fact did … ?

Those questions are asking for one particular piece of information, like time, or place or reason, and the answer totally depends on what the question word was. But it totally can’t be yes or no

That doesn’t work. And neither does answering a yes or no question with a particular bit of info.

  • “Are you tired?”
    Because I have been working.”

These two different types of questions actually exist in most if not all languages.
And beacuse they have different structures in German, it makes sense to look at them separately.
Today, we’ll start with the questions with question words, the w-questions.

Now, the name w-questions  is well deserved because pretty much all the question words start with w. And it’s the same in German. The reason is that all these question words, including the ones of Spanish and French and the other Roman languages and also the Slavic languages come from one very VERY ancient ancestor: the Indo-European roots  *ku̯o-.  This root (and its variations) was basically a sound that expressed that you want to know something. Like… basically a universal Huh?
Over time, the languages started making modifications (mainly altering the vowels) depending on what they wanted to know and that’s how the questions words of today evolved.
Unfortunately, this is where the languages started to drift apart.
The Germans one day, over a few beers said this:

“Hey folks, let’s make a specific question word for place… which vowel should we use?”
“How about wo… like Lokal?
“Yeah… that makes sense… so wo it is.”

But meanwhile somewhere near London (also with beers):

“Hey folks, let’s make a specific question word for place… which vowel should we use?”
“How about who… like LOcation?”
“Come on, broth… they don’t even sound the same. “
“Yeah, we should use where… like ARea?
“Great, let’s do that… so where it is.”

Little did they all know that they just created a source of never-ending confusion for beginners of both languages.
But anyway… enough with the history.
Ladies and Gentlement, give it up for… the German question words:

when – wann
where – wo
what – was
who – wer

  why – warum,
(wieso, weshalb)
how – wie
which – welche

I also made a neat little chart about this back when I started teaching,  so you can download that here:

(click the link or the image for the full version, pdf)

What we’ll do in the rest of the lesson is we’ll go over the words one by one, check out the most important variations and talk about the grammar and structure of these questions.
And that’s actually what we’ll start with. Because there is one REALLY big difference between German and English.
And no… I am not just referring to the weird verb-at-the-end-stuff…. which I’ll totally call Vate®, from now on.
Damn, why didn’t I think of that sooner in the course. That’s the perfect name.
Vating… makes it much less annoying.
Bro, I’m sooo vating every day, man. Vaters gonna vate.
Uh.. anyway, let’s look at the grammar.

Grammar of w-questions

In English, the structure of a w-question looks like this:

  • [question-word]   [verb 1]  [ subject]   [optional: verb 2]  all the rest?

But verbs are not equal in English. Only a select few can be in the [verb 1] slot right after the question words. The modal verbs can, and also helper verbs like to have  or to be or will can be there. But “normal” everyday verbs with normal jobs like to read or to eat or to flabbergast can’t. You cannot say this:

  • What read you?

That sounds really really really bad.
Instead, for some reason, English at some point decided to use to do as a helper here.

  • What do you read?

German does NOT do that.
In German w-questions any verb can (and does) come after the question word and we do NOT use to do.

  • Wann lese ich ein Buch?
  • When do I read a book?
    Lit.: “When read I a book? (lit.)”

Now, that does not mean that all German w-questions look totally different to English. If there is a helper-verb or modal verb or whatever in the German sentence it might exactly look like English.

  • Was kannst du machen?
  • What can you do?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • What have you done?
  • Was hast du gemacht?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

But for the “normal” verbs, you’ll definitely need to get used to the weird flow of these questions, at least if your native language is English.
Now, besides that, questions of course also have this Vate-thing going on. So if the verb has more than one part, the leftovers go to the end.
Take this sentence:

  • What do you want to eat on your birthday tomorrow.

We’ve just learned that German DOESN’T use to do as a helper. So instead of saying “What do you want to… ” the German structure would be “What want you … “.
And we’ve learned last time, that to want translates to wollen and we totally still know the conjugation, so we get… So we get

  • Was willst du…
  • What want you…

And then comes all the rest and at the END comes the rest of the verb essen.

  • Was willst du morgen an deinem Geburststag essen?
  • What want you tomorrow for your birthday eat?

I know… the English version feels REALLY strange. So maybe it’s better NOT to translate back and try to get used to it in German instead.
Anyway, so now that we have a basic understanding of the structure, I’d say it’s time for a little coffee break. And a quiz :)

And now let’s look at the questions words one by one, learn some variations and also their annoying little secret… because many of them have one.


Wann is the German word to ASK for a time.

  • Wann kommst du nach Hause?
  • When are you going to come home?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wann fährt der Bus?
  • What time does the bus go?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

And the two really important variations are of course  since when and until when.

  • Seit wann wohnst du hier?
  • Since when have you been living here?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Bis wann musst du arbeiten?
  • Until when/what time do you have to work?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

And the annoying little secret? Well, German also has the word wenn which is a translation of when (and if) .
The difference, in a nutshell, is that wann is the word to ASK for a time. Wenn is the word to indicate one. I’ve talked more about this in a separate article (link below) but it’s not that important as a beginner. Just make sure, you DON’T use wenn if you want to ask something. It’s just one letter difference, yes, but it makes a big difference to a native speaker.
All right, m
ovin’ on.


We’ve already mentioned it… this is one that’ll throw you off. Wo looks like who but it means where. You totally understand that now, but just know that you will mess it up. Many times. That’s normal, so don’t beat yourself up over it.
Here are some examples.

  • Wo ist die Bushaltestelle?
  • Where is the bus stop?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wo hast du deine Hose gekauft?
  • Where did you buy your pants?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wo ist der nächste Starbucks?
  • Where is the next Starbucks?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

I bet it will be confusing at first to say wo when you mean where but you’ll get used to it and that it is great fun.
And speaking of great fun… this bring us right to the annoying little secret and thereby also to a SUPER IMPORTANT core feature of German, that you’ll struggle with for years… encounter a lot.
You see, a location can have three distinct roles: it can be an origin, a current location or a destination.

  • go there
  • be there
  • come from there

That’s a universal truth, but the thing about German is that it really really wants to distinguish between those three.
In one way or another, German will mark which role a location has. English on the other hand sometimes relies on context.

  • “Where is your house?”
  • “Where are you going?”

The there in the first example defines a fixed location, the there in the second example defines a destination. The context makes it clear here, but German DOESN’T rely on context when it comes to this. It always marks the role of a location. It has various ways to do that, and one of them us to use the generic words hin and her.

hin indicates that we are talking about a destination
her indicates that we are talking about an origin

This is really important and you’ll have a much easier time if you remember it right from the get go. So here’s a mnemonic for you

  • hin: dest-hin-ation
  • her: hor-rigin

Not sure if that works :).
Anyway, these two are how German marks in questions whether you’re asking for an origin or a destination. Because German does mark that. ALL. THE.TIME. If you ask about an origin, you need her

  • Woher kommst du?
  • Where do you come from?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Woher kennst du ihn?
  • Where do you know him from?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Here, English actually also does a marking (with from).
But that’s not the case for a destination:

  • Wohin gehst du?
  • Where are you going (to)?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wohin fährt dieser Bus?
  • Where is this bus going?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

And if we skip hin and just ask

  • Wo fährt dieser Bus?

then we’re asking at what location the bus is driving and the answer could be

  • On the road.

Now, hin and her are not only very common in German, they’re also a little “free spirited” in that it’s often not really clear where they belong. Like… in the examples we had, they look like they’re part of the question word. But especially in spoken German, you often find them at the very end. So they basically “vate” as if they’re a verb prefix.

  • Woher kommst du?
  • Wo kommst du her?
  • Wohin gehst du?
  • Wo gehst du hin?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

There is NO difference in meaning between the versions, but the ones with the hin and her at the end do sound a bit more spoken, actually, and I’d recommend you start using those. Just to get more used to this flow of having a prefix at the end, you know.
Anyway, you’ll see hin and her a lot and we’ll also talk about them in separate articles, but I think for now we’re good.
Here’s a quick overview again…

  • wo where as in “In/at what location”
  • wohinwhere as in “to what location”
  • woher /von wofrom where/where from

Oh and just to make sure… “current location” can also be a location that someone was at IN THE PAST. What matters is the verb/the question it answers.
Yes, the question “Where were you?” kind of includes the question “Where did you come from?” but the way it is phrased is a steady location.
I’m mentioning this because people kept getting it wrong in the quiz. So pay attention now :)

And now let’s get to the next word. 


Was means what.

  • Was willst du essen?
  • What do you want to eat?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • “The wolves in Twilight are the best special effect ever.”
  • “Die Wölfe in Twilight sind der beste Special Effekt aller Zeiten.”
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

So far so good.
But there’s a couple of caveats. The first one is rather small. English also uses what in the sense of which, what kind.

  • What beer should we try first?

That is NOT gonna be was. The proper word here is welche(-) which we’ll get to later.
The other possible trap is more important and it has to do with prepositions. That’s these little words that express relations, like of, on or with. And they often come in combination with a verb..  like to dream of or to think about.
In questions, it looks like this…

  • What do you dream of ?
  • What are you waiting for?

But that does NOT work in German. Sometimes, beginner try to ask this way…

  • Was träumst du von?… NOPE

But that does NOT work. It’s actually really hard to understand for a German speaker.
Instead, the preposition goes all the way to join the question word at the beginning.

  • Von was träumst du?
    (“Of what do you dream?”)
  • Auf was wartest du?
    (“To what are you waiting?”)

That probably sounds pretty bad to you. And it actually isn’t the most elegant in German either. But trust me… it’s the LESS confusing version for a beginner.
The other, more elegant and, as some would say, more correct way is at the same time the annoying little secret of was.
It’s what I call the wo-words. Those are for example wovon or woran or vomit… I… I mean womit.
English also has this type of word. Just take whereof or whereby. But in German they’re MUCH more common because they’re actually was in disguise. Was in combo with a preposition to be precise.
Take a look at these examples:

  • Wovon träumst du?
    Whereof do you dream?” (“What are you dreaming of?”)
  • Worauf freust du dich?
    Whereto are you you looking forward” (What are you looking forward to?”)

So that’s the “most properest” way to do it. But you don’t have to worry about that now. It’s fine if you do the version with was. I just wanted to mention it, so you already have it somewhere in the back of  your mind.
Oh and it’s kind of good to know because Germans of course use them. So sometimes you might hear a question start with wo- and you the notice it totally doesn’t make sense as where.  So when that happens just remember that they might be asking what :).

So… how do you like those little special secrets so far?… Oh…  you said you really love them??… that’s great. Then let’s waste no time and find out what our next question word bri… what???… oh you said you DON’T like them… oh…


We’ve already mentioned it. Wer looks like where but it means who. Confusing, you’ll make mistake, but you’ll get used to it :).

  • Wer ist dein Lieblingsschauspieler?
  • Who is your favorite actor?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wer will ein Bier?
  • Who wants a beer?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

The annoying little secret of wer is neither little nor a secret, though. It is … drumroll… the infamous German cases. German has four cases, Nominative, Accusative, Dativ and Genitals.. I… I mean Genitive. Sorry, I always get really bored when I talk about cases.
But yeah, the cases themselves aren’t the problem. The problem is that German MARKS them with endings.
The wer-question word gets case endings, as well, and before you start whining “That is sooooooo annoying… English is sooooo much better.” let me tell you that English does have case endings too. Behold…

  • Whom did you give your book?
  • Whose book is that?

German is just a little more consistent in the use… in that you MUST use them.
So… here they are:

Wen – is Accusative case – asking for a direct object

  • Wen hast du gesehen?
  • Who/whom have you seen?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Wem  – is dative case – asks for the indirect object

  • Wem hast du dein Buch gegeben?
  • (to) Whom did you give your book?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Wessen – is Genitive case – asks for the owner of something

  • Wessen Buch ist das?
  • Whose book is that?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Wechischen – is no case – asks for nothing but is lots of fun to pronounce

Do these case endings matter here? Yes, a lot… because they indicate hat function the thing or person has you are asking for has, and that can be really confusing.
Now you’re like “Oh great, that puts a lot of pressure on me? I have no idea about cases and I don’t know which one to use when…”
I totally know how you feel (#lie) but you can do it like this… when it is whom in English then go for wen or wem, when it is whose the use wessen and when you want to know who did or does something (the subject) then use wer.
You’ll still make mistakes and that’s fine but the sooner you start, the easier it’ll be to perfect it later on, once you have a deeper understanding of cases.
Now, besides this big nuisance, there’s also a small side secret. But it’s not really something new. Do you remember what happened with was in combination with prepositions? The preposition went in front of was.
Well, it’s the exact same thing with wer. So you can’t do it the English way and have it at the end:

  • Whom ….. with/of/from/to?
  • Mit/von/zu/für  wem/wen …. ?

Alright. So this was wer.
Four down. Three to go. But we’re done with the tough ones and I think we deserve a little break…  you know… when I have a break I also like a little snack. And I can tell ya’… the incredible Double Chocolate Muffin they sell at Starbucks has never let me down. It is just so tasty. And the best thing is it is made entirely of calories. Luckily, I have one here right now so I’m gonna take a huge bite hmmmmmmmmm…. yummie… there ain’t “muffin’” better … ha ha ha
Okay, enough fun. Here’s your quiz:


Warum is the German word for why.

  • Warum lernst du Deutsch?
  • Why are you learning German?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Warum hast du mich nicht angerufen?
  • Why didn’t you call me?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Pretty simple, and it wouldn’t be fair to say it has an annoying secret. But it does have a little gimmick. Three, to be precise.
I am talking of course about its three(!!) synonyms.

  • weshalb
  • wieso
  • weswegen
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Which of course begs the question why it has so many synonyms. I asked warum for a statement as to why it has so many synonyms, but it just said “Warum nicht.”
My personal theory is that it kind of has an inferiority complex. I mean, all the question words we had so far had a lot extra going on. Wo has the variations wohin and woher, wann has bis wann and seit wann, was has these weird wo-words and wer has its case versions. And warum got itself some synonyms to be more interesting and mysterious.
And it works. Like… students are like “Oh.. what’s the difference. There’s got to be one.”
But the truth is… at least warum, weshalb and wieso all mean the same and most of the time they’re completely interchangeable. Well, okay, weshalb and weswegen can be used in a relative sense of “which is why”, Warum can’t do that. But that’s a bit too much for today.
Anyway, here’s a little usage statistic for all of them


This Google-ngram shows how often the words can be found in written German, and as you can see, warum or weshalb the more common ones, by far. Oh and by the way – have you noticed the uptick in use at around the end of World War 2 and the Nazi era? I found that to be an interesting little phenomenon. People were clearly questioning. Also, I find it quite fascinating how much the usage has been increasing in the last 20 years. I checked French, English and Italian, too, and you can find the same tendency there.
So maybe people are just asking more and more for the reason of things. That’s awesome!!
Anyway, I digress.
So…  when you want to ask for a reason, German offers you quite a few options. But warum is the most common one and it’s totally fine if you just stick to it. Don’t worry. It won’t sound boring.
Cool, five down, two more to go.
Let’s do this :)


Wie means how

  • Wie geht’s dir?
  • How are you?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wie komme ich von hier zur Superstrasse?
  • How can I get to superstreet from here?

…and just like in English you can add all kinds of word behind it and ask things like how much, how tall or how fast.

  • Wie groß bist du?
  • How tall are you?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wie lange dauert es, Deutsch zu lernen?
  • How long does it take to learn German?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Wieviel/wie viel kostet das?
  • How much is that?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

And as far as the tricky little secret goes… there is none.  Hooray!
Okay… maybe I should mention that wie is not exclusively a question word but it is also used to make comparisons.

  • Ich bin genau so groß wie du.
  • I am exactly as tall as you.
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Die Suppe riecht ein bisschen wie Bier.
  • The soup smells a little like beer.
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

So not every wie you’ll hear will ask for something.
But as far as asking questions goes, wie is as easy as it gets.
All right. Quick test and then we’ll tackle the last one.


Welche means which and it comes in all kinds of forms depending on whether it is singular or plural and the case… so you will see welche, welcher, welchem, welchen and welches and even welch alone.
I don’t want to get into detail however, because the internet has not enough space at the moment. Seriously… this is something you will learn automatically when you are ready for it and I’d say just use welche for now. Everyone will understand you.

  • Welche Sprachen kannst du sprechen?
  • Which languages can you speak?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

  • Welches Bier wollen wir zuerst trinken?
  • Which beer should (lit.: want ) we drink first?
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

Welche/n/m/s is also used as a pronoun… here is what I mean

  • “I saw a movie last night”
    Which one?
  • “Ich hab’ gestern abend einen Film gesehen.”
  • Practice pronunciation – click once to start recording and again to stop

There is nothing like “welche eine” in German. But anyways… so on to the super secret special that makes things complicated and frustrating. What is it this time? Well… it is not so bad actually. The English which is not only used as a question word but also as a pronoun… so you use it to refer to things you have said before.

  • My German textbook, which is full of mistakes by the way, is 10 years old.

The German welche-family can have the same function… however the use is quite different and German tends to use der,die, das and not welche. So I’d recommend thinking of welche exclusively as a question word with the meaning which or which one.
Finally, there is also the Which of the East in English … but that’s just a typo :)
All right.
We made it. Those are the German question words in detail and I think that was enough for today.

In  part 2 we will look at the other kind of questions… the yes-no-ones and we will also talk about indirect questions in German.
If you have questions or suggestions just leave me a comment. Oh and if you are CEO of a big company and you want me to mention your brand in my next post please contact me at 0800-434-selling-out or email me at cash-in@german-is-easy.com. Use the sales code “German” to get up to 70% discount on the normal or the XXL-plug-bundle to boost your business. Let’s take marketing to the next level together. Reach up to 70.000 readers and infiltrate their brain while it is busy trying to learn German……………………………

For further reading:

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Hallo, Deutschlerner. Today’s video is going to be the first of a series of videos in which I explain every question word the German language has to offer including how to use them and any quirks that might throw you off when you first learn about them. Today we are concerning ourselves with the question words for people. There are four of them, one for each case in the German language: wer, wen, wem and wessen. 

If you are really wanting to put your German learning on track, consider joining Herr Antrim’s Deutschlerner Club! For just $9.99 per month you will get access to his full A1 and A2 courses plus new materials as he creates them. You will go from knowing zero German to being able to have a short conversation in a short few weeks. Before you know it, you will be conversational in German on a variety of important topics, all while mastering German grammar.

wer – who

One of the first question words most German learners will encounter is the question word “wer”. “Wer” is used when we want to know the identity of the subject of the sentence, essentially it is the same as the English word “who”. For example: 

Wer ist das? –
Who is that? 

Wer kauft die Karten? –
Who is buying the tickets? 

Wer hat dich eingeladen? –
Who invited you? 

Wer hat das Buch geschrieben? –
Who wrote the book? 

Wer kann mir helfen? –
Who can help me? 

Wer war der erste Mensch auf dem Mond? –
Who was the first person on the moon? 

When you are deciding whether or not you need “wer” in the question, you need to answer two parts.

  • Is the question asking for a person in the answer?
  • Is that person the subject of the sentence?

If the answer to both of those questions is “yes”, you need “wer” as your question word. 

The only problem with translating “wer” with “who”, is that native English speakers don’t use their own language properly. It is common in spoken English to use the question word “who” to inquire about people regardless of how they appear in the sentence. This means “who” can be a subject or an object. In German, the question word “wer” is exclusively used as the subject of the sentence. 

wen – whom (accusative)

This brings us to our second question word for the day, “wen”. This word is best translated into English with the question word “whom”. Ask any native English speaker to explain how to use “whom” properly or what the difference between “who” and “whom” is and you will be greeted with blank stares and slack jaws. Luckily for you, I happen to be one of about a dozen native English speakers who know the difference. 

“Who” is exclusively used as the subject of the sentence, just like “wer” in German. “Whom” is used when we are inquiring about a person who is not the subject of the sentence. In German we have to be slightly more specific than that. “Wen” is used when the person about whom we are inquiring is used in the accusative case. This could be a direct object (the person being acted upon in the sentence). For example: 

Wen ruft er an? –
Whom is he calling?

Wen möchtest du zur Party einladen? –
Whom would you like to invite to the party?

Wen möchte sie besser kennenlernen? –
Whom would she like to get to know better? 

wen with Accusative Prepositions

You can also use “wen” with a preposition and the accusative case, for example:

Für wen arbeitest du? –
For whom do you work? 

Auf wen wartet der Lehrer? –
For whom is the teacher waiting? 

Gegen wen hast du gespielt? –
Against whom did you play? 

Über wen sprecht ihr? –
About whom are you speaking? 

In wen bist du verliebt? –
With whom are you in love? 

I used two categories of prepositions in those examples. “Für” and “gegen” are prepositions that always use the accusative case, conveniently called “accusative prepositions” while “auf”, “über” and “in” are all “two-way prepositions” or “Wechselpräpositionen”, which only require the accusative case in certain circumstances.

Similar to the logic behind “wer”, when deciding to use “wen” as your question word, you need to answer two questions.

  • Is this question asking about a person?
  • Is the person in the accusative case in this question?

If the answer to those two questions is “yes”, you need “wen”. 

wem – whom (dative)

While English only has one “whom” to worry about, German has two. In addition to the accusative question word “wen”, there is also a dative version “wem”. This question word is used to inquire about people in the indirect object position of the sentence. This is essentially the person to whom or for whom something is done within the sentence. Generally this person is receiving whatever the direct object of the sentence is. For example: 

Wem hast du das Geld gegeben? –
Whom did you give the money? 

Wem schreibt er einen Brief? –
Whom is he writing a letter? 

Wem hat die Bibliothekarin das Buch geliehen? –
Whom did the librarian lend the book? 

English Grammar Nerd Side Note

If you are an English native speaker wondering why I phrased the English sentences like I did, you’re not alone. Even Google thinks I wrote these sentences wrong, because no English speakers use proper grammar anymore. Google Docs wants me to change these sentences to include the word “to” at the end of the sentence, but as your English teacher has probably taught you, prepositions are not something we end sentences with. 

I’m sure they phrased it differently to avoid using “with” at the end of the sentence, but this version makes me smile, so I did it anyway. Technically, if you do add the word “to” to these sentences, it should be before the word “whom”, which again, would result in no preposition at the end of the sentence. To whom did you give the money? To whom is he writing a letter? To whom did the librarian lend the book? 

wem with Dative Verbs

In addition to the use of the dative case as an indirect object, you might remember that the dative case is used with certain verbs, which require dative objects, conveniently called “dative verbs”. When the question word is the object of one of these dative verbs, you need the dative question word “wem”. For example: 

Wem hilft sie mit den Hausaufgaben? –
Whom is she helping with the homework? 

Wem dankt der Kellner? –
Whom is the waiter thanking? 

Wem gehört dieses Auto? –
To whom does this car belong? 

wem with Dative Prepositions

There is still one more dative case use for the question word “wem”. Just as there are accusative prepositions, there are dative prepositions. You can use those in front of question words. When you do this, you need to use “wem”. For example: 

Mit wem gehst du ins Kino? –
With whom are you going to the movie theater? 

Neben wem sitzt er im Bus? –
Next to whom does he sit on the bus? 

Vor wem hat Joker Angst? –
Of whom is Joker afraid? 

Von wem hat er das gehört? –
From whom did he hear that? 

One more time, you can ask yourself two questions.

  • Is the question asking for a person?
  • Is that person in the dative case?

If the answer to both questions is “yes”, you need “wem”. 

If you are looking for a more thorough explanation of indirect objects, dative verbs or dative prepositions, I have links below for lessons about all of those topics, too. 

German Grammar Power Tip

An easier way to decide if you need “wer”, “wen” or “wem”, is to rewrite the question into a statement with a masculine pronoun instead of the question word. The question word and the masculine pronoun will always have the same last letter. For example: 

Wer kauft die Karten? –
Who is buying the tickets? 

Er kauft die Karten. –
He is buying the tickets. 

Both “wer” and “er” have the same last letter. 

Wen ruft er an? –
Whom is he calling? 

Er ruft ihn an. –
He is calling him. 

The pronoun to which the question word “wen” refers is “ihn” in the statement version. This tells us we need an N at the end of our question word as well. 

Wem hast du das Geld gegeben? –
To whom did you give the money? 

Ich habe ihm das Geld gegeben. –
I gave him the money. 

The question word “wem” is used, because the dative case is needed and we can see that expressed through the pronoun “ihm” in the statement version. 

English Grammar Side Note

One super cool part about this, is that it works in English to a certain extent too. If you would say “him” in English, you should be using “whom” in a question version of that sentence. You need an M at the end of the question word when there is an M at the end of the pronoun in a statement. For example:

Who is buying the tickets? He is buying the tickets. 

Whom is he calling? He is calling him. 

Whom did you give the money? I gave him the money.
To whom did you give the money? I gave the money to him. 

wessen – whose

The last question word for today is used to inquire about the genitive case. The question word “wessen” is most easily translated into English with the word “whose”. This word will most likely be followed by a noun, especially for those of you who aren’t very far in your German learning. Here are a few example of how you can use “wessen” in questions. 

Wessen Idee war das? –
Whose idea was that? 

Wessen Auto steht vor dem Haus? –
Whose car is parked in front of the house? 

Wessen Laptop hast du dir ausgeliehen? –
Whose laptop did you borrow? 

Mit wessen Eltern bist du nach Hause gefahren? –
With whose parents did you drive home? 

If you are really wanting to put your German learning on track, consider joining Herr Antrim’s Deutschlerner Club! For just $9.99 per month you will get access to his full A1 and A2 courses plus new materials as he creates them. You will go from knowing zero German to being able to have a short conversation in a short few weeks. Before you know it, you will be conversational in German on a variety of important topics, all while mastering German grammar.

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How to ask questions in German

Questions, also known as interrogative sentences, are used to get information about something. There are two different kinds of questions: closed questions, also called yes/no questions or Entscheidungsfragen in German; and open questions, also called w-questions or Ergänzungsfragen in German. The structure of open and closed questions is different.

Learn how to ask open and closed question in German grammar with Lingolia, then test your knowledge in the exercises.

Closed Questions

Closed questions or, Entscheidungsfragen in German, are questions that we can answer with the words “yes” or “no”.

Habe ich dir das Buch gegeben?Did I give you the book?

In these questions, the finite verb comes first followed by the subject. The rest of the sentence (object, time, place, etc.) come in the same order as they would in a main clause.

Open Questions

Open questions, or Ergänzungsfragen in German, are questions that use an interrogative pronoun or question word. We cannot answer open questions with “yes” or “no”.

Wann habe ich dir das Buch gegeben?When did I give you the book?
Gestern habe ich dir das Buch gegeben.I gave you the book yesterday.

The interrogative pronoun comes at the beginning of the sentence followed by the finite verb and then the rest of the sentence.

If we’re asking about an object with a preposition, the preposition comes before the question word.

Mit wem gehst du ins Kino?With whom are you going to the cinema?
Für wen ist das Geschenk?For whom is the gift?

If we’re asking about the subject, the finite verb takes the third person singular.

Wer hat dir das Buch gegeben?Who gave you the book?

Typical German Question Words

The chart below provides an overview of typical question words in German and their usage along with English translations and examples.

Questions with Wo + Preposition: woran, wofür, womit

If in English we often use what with prepositions in questions. In standard German, we contract wo and the preposition to make wo-compouns. We can also use prepositions with was, but this is very colloquial and casual.

Mit was kann ich helfen?
Womit kann ich helfen?What can I help with?

If the preposition begins with a vowel, we add an r between wo and the preposition.

An was denkst du?
Woran denkst du?What are you thinking of?

Indirect Questions

We use indirect questions in dependent clauses.

Ich weiß nicht, was das ist.I don’t know what that is.

What are your hobbies? Who is your favorite actor? Where do you work? Such questions can help you get to know someone new. German question words is the key to holding a conversation longer. The more questions you ask, the faster you are going to learn about the other person.

Being able to ask some basic questions is an essential part of learning any new language. It will help you to strike conversations and avoid awkward silences. Let’s start with this lesson now!

What are German Question Words

You all must be familiar with the concept of Wh- questions in English. They are called so because, all the question words begin with the letters Wh, except the question word how.

German question words are nothing but Wh- question words. Wh- questions are known as W-Fragen in German. Using the simple question words in German, you will be able to ask people their names, phone numbers, how they are feeling and much more.

The 9 basic German Question Words are as follows:-

What Was
Where Wo
Where from Woher
Where to Wohin
Who Wer
When Wann
Why Warum
Which Welche
How Wie

As you can see in the table above, W-Fragen are called so because, all the German question words begin with the letter W. Few other commonly used question words are as follows:-

Since when Seit wann
With whom Mit wem
How long Wie lange
How much Wie viel
How many Wie viele
Is there Gibt es
Whose Wessen


Listen to this audio to learn the correct pronunciations.
German Question Words-Wh-Questions-All About Deutsch

While asking questions, all the other question words remain the same, except “wer” and “welch.

Declension of “Wer” and “Welch”

Just like masculine article der, the word wer (who) also gets declined according to the four cases.

  • Nominative – Wer
  • Accusative – Wen
  • Dative – Wem
  • Genitive – Wessen

The word welch (which) too changes depending on the case, gender and number. The declension is as follows:-

Mask. Fem. Neut. Plural
Nominative welcher welche welches welche
Accusative welchen welche welches welche
Dative welchem welcher welchem welchen

Apart from Wh- questions, there is one more way to ask questions. That is, yes-no questions. These are called so because, they can be answered with just a simple “yes” or “no”.

Now, let’s try to learn how to form sentences with these German question words.

In order to form a Wh- question in German, start with the question word first. The conjugated verb takes the second position, followed by the subject of the sentence. If there is anything else in the question, then it is placed after the subject.

For example, Wann ist das Konzert? (When is the concert?) Here, the question word “wann” is first, the verb “sein” is second and the subject “Konzert” is third.

Another example – Warum kommt er immer spät? (Why does he always come late?) Here, the subject is “er“. The rest of the information “immer spät” goes at the end (after the subject).

The sentence structure in German is a bit different from other languages. So, never translate questions from your mother tongue to German.

In English, we ask – What is your name? The word “what” translates to “was” in German. However, we use the word “wie” (how) to ask the same question in German. Wie heißen Sie?

Forming yes-no questions in German is a little simpler. Start with the conjugated verb first. The subject is placed at the second position. The rest of the information follows the subject.

For example, Kommen Sie aus Berlin? (Are you from Berlin?) Here, the verb “kommen” is first, the subject “Sie” is second and the other information “aus Berlin” is at the end.

For both types of questions (yes-no and Wh), the verb is always conjugated according to the subject. Check out our lesson on Verbs if you don’t remember different kinds of verbs and how to conjugate them.

Difference between “Wo”, “Woher” and “Wohin”

You may have noticed earlier, that there are 3 ways to form questions using “where”. This question word changes depending on the context (wo/ woher/ wohin). There is no such change of the word “where” in English.

Have a look at these 3 questions:-

  • Wo ist meine Tasche? (Where is my bag?)
  • Woher kommt deine Lehrerin? (Where is your teacher from?)
  • Wohin gehst du dieses Wochenende? (Where are you going this weekend?)

Wo” is used when you need to know about a place or where something / someone is right now. It does not imply movement. “Woher” means “from where”. It is used when you want to know where someone / something comes from.

Wohin” implies movement from one place to another. It means “to where”. It is used when you need to know where someone is going (to).

German Question Words-Grammar-All About Deutsch

Basic German Questions

You have learned enough about German question words. Now, it’s time to form some simple questions using them. Here are 15 basic questions in German that you should know, if you wish to have a small introductory conversation with someone.

Use “Sie” instead of “du” during formal conversations.

English German
What is your name? Wie heißt du? / Wie ist dein Name?
How old are you? Wie alt bist du?
Where are you from? Woher kommst du?
Where do you live/ stay? Wo wohnst du?
How are you? Wie geht es dir?
What do you do in your free time? Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
Do you have siblings or are you the only child? Hast du Geschwister oder bist du das einzige Kind?
What is your mother-tongue? Wie ist deine Muttersprache?
Which languages do you speak? Welche Sprachen sprichst du?
Since when have you been learning German? Seit wann lernst du Deutsch?
When will the course start again? Wann fängt der Kurs wieder an?
Who is your favorite singer? Wer ist dein Lieblingssänger?
What are your hobbies? Was sind deine Hobbys?
How long have you been living here? Wie lange lebst du schon hier?
Are you single or married? Bist du ledig oder verheiratet?

German Grammar Exercise

Do you want to practice what you learned in the lesson? Click here to take the quiz and test your knowledge of German question words.

If you enjoyed learning this lesson, also check out the topic Imperative in German on your favorite blog “All About Deutsch”.

Want to learn more about German question words? Go through this article on The German Project.

– On this blog, you will find grammar lessons just like this one,
vocabulary lists divided subject-wise as well as articles related to
countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland and a lot more. Keep
scrolling, keep learning!

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