Word puzzles questions and answers


In the below puzzle, there are 2 double blanks. Fill in the blanks with the same pair of letters to complete an English word. For example, use the letter-pair ac in b__kp__k to make the word backpack

_ _ s _ _ de

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11 letter Indian city is I am

Hints ::

2,4,10 is a Unit of Length .

Last 6 letters is a Fruit Name.

9,5,3 is a Soap Name.

1,8,3 is used by a Student

7,8,3 letters is a Bird Name.

6,7,5,3 is an organ in the Face.

From the above given Hints Find that Indian City Name?


PONDICHERRY is the Indian City with 11 Letters.

Fruit Name : CHERRY

Soap Name : RIN

Bird Name : HEN

Organ : CHIN

Used by Student : PEN

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Solve the below puzzle

Complete the five words below in such a way that the two letters that end the first word also start the second word, and the two letters that end the second word also start the third word etc. The same two letters that end the fifth word also start the first word, to complete the cycle

** IV **
** OT **
** IC **
** NG **
** RA **


Given that the next word should start with the ending two letters of the previous word. From this,

The first word is


Now, the next word should start with ER and must contain OT in the middle.


Now, the next word should start with IC and must contain IC in the middle.


Now, the next word should start with LE and must contain NG in the middle.


Now, the next word should start with TH and must contain RA in the middle.


Hence, the required five words are SHIVER, EROTIC, ICICLE, LENGTH, THRASH.

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9 letter word if you lose it you die.

It is a 9 letter word — 123456789,

If u lose it you die,

If you have 234, you can 1234,

56 is one type of disease,

89 indicates exact location & time,

2 & 7 are same letter, 3 & 8 are same letter, 5 & 9 are same letter.

Guess the word?


The required 9 letter word is HEARTBEAT.

If we lose the heartbeat, we die. 234 is EAR, if we have EAR we can 1234, i.e, HEAR.

56 is a type of disease is TB.

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I am an English word with five letters. If you remove my last four I am still pronounced the same. What am I?


An English word with five letters in which if you remove the last four letters, still pronounced the same is QUEUE.

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  1. Fresherslive
  2. Online Test
  3. Logical Reasoning
  4. Letters in Word Puzzle

Letters in Word Puzzle Questions: Solved 70 Letters in Word Puzzle Questions and answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, Logical Reasoning Category online test. Category Questions section with detailed description, explanation will help you to master the topic.

Letters in Word Puzzle Questions

1. The positions of first and fifth letters of the word «˜SEMANTIC»™ are interchanged. Similarly, the position of second and sixth and so on till the fourth and eight letters are interchanged. In the new arrangement thus formed, how many letters are there in between the letter which is third form the right and third from the left in the English alphabetical order?



Correct Ans:Three


The new arrangement is,
E ~ I = F, G, H
Thus, three letters are there in between the letter which is third form the right and third from the left in the English alphabetical order.

2. In the word ‘DOORSTEP’ if all the vowels are replaced with the letter immediate next to it in the english alphabet series and all the consonants are replaced with the letter immediate before it in the english alphabet series, then how many vowels are there in the new word so formed?

None of these


Correct Ans:One


Given word and the new word after the given rearrangement:

—> Thus ‘O’ is the only vowel in the new arrangement.
—> Hence Second option is correct.

3. If it is possible to make only one meaningful English word from the second, the fifth, the seventh and the eighth letters of the word BRILLIANT, using each letter only once, second letter of that word is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, your answer is X. If no such word can be formed, your answer is Y?



Correct Ans:Y


There is no such word can be formed by using ‘RLAN’.

4. In the word ‘EVERYTHING’ all consonants are written as their preceding letter and all vowels are written as their succeeding letters. Now all letters are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right and all the repeated letters are eliminated. How many letters are between U and G?



Correct Ans:Four


Given word — EVERYTHING
all vowels in the given word — EEI —-> FFJ
all consonants in the given word — VRYTHNG —-> UQXSGMF
Now all these letters are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, we get
Now, all the repeated letters are eliminated —> FGJMQSUX
—> Four letters are between U and G.

5. If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the 2nd, the 6th, the 9th and the 12th letters of the word ‘CONTRIBUTION’, which of the following will be the last letter of that word ? If more than one such word can be formed, give ‘M’ as the answer and if no such word is there, give ‘X’ as the answer.



Correct Ans:O


The 2nd, 6th, 9th and the 12th letters of the word ‘CONTRIBUTION’ are O, I, T, N.
From letters O, I, T, N only one meaningful word ‘INTO’ can be formed and last letter of this word is O.

6. The positions of the first and the fourth letters of the word PLANET are interchanged, similarly, the positions of the second and fifth letters and third and sixth letters are interchanged. In the new arrangement thus formed, how many letters are there between the letter which is second from the right and the letter which is fourth from the left according to the English alphabetical order ?



Correct Ans:Three


Given, Word — ‘PLANET’
After interchanging the positions, we get: NETPLA
—> 2nd letter from right = L
—> 4th letter from left = P
Thus, there are 3 letters between ‘L’ and ‘P’ according to the English alphabetical order.

7. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the third, fifth, eighth and ninth letters of the word STETHOSCOPE then which of the following will be the second letter of the word? If no such word can be made give T as your answer and if more than one such word can be made give M as your answer.



Correct Ans:C


The third, fifth, eighth and ninth letters of the word STETHOSCOPE are E, H, C and O respectively.

The only meaningful word that can be formed with the letters E, H, C and O is: ECHO and the second letter of the word is C.

8. How many such pair of letters are there in the word ‘HISTORICAL’ which have as many letters between them in the word as they have between them in the English alphabet?



Correct Ans:Six


There are six pairs of letters: H – I, I – C, T – R, S – L, S – T and I – L

9. If it is possible to make a meaningful word, using the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th letters of the word ‘BACKGROUND’, then what is the last letter of the word formed? If no such word be formed, mark the answer as «˜Y»™. If more than one word can be formed mark the answer as «˜X»™.



Correct Ans:Y


The 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th letter of the word ‘BACKGROUND’ is C, K, O and U.
No word is formed by these letters.

10. Only one meaningful word can be formed by rearranging the letters of the given jumbled word. Find out that word. MUSPOPAPOTIH



None of these




HIPPOPOTAMUS is the only word can be formed by rearranging the letters of the given jumbled word «MUSPOPAPOTIH».

11. If it is possible to make a meaningful word, using the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 9th letters of the word ‘PARLIAMENT’, then what is the third letter of the word formed? If no such word be formed, mark the answer as ‘Y’. If more than one word can be formed mark the answer as ‘X’.



Correct Ans:I


The 3rd, 5th, 8th and 9th letters of the word ‘PARLIAMENT’ are R, I, E and N.
The only word that can be formed using these letters is «REIN.»

12. If first four letters of the English alphabet are written in reverse order; again next 5 letters are written in reverse order; again next 6 letters are written in reverse order; next 7 letters are written in reverse order and finally, the remaining letters are also written in reverse order, then what will be the 7th letter to the left of the 8th letter from right?

None of these


Correct Ans:M


D C B A / I H G F E / O N M L K J / V U T S R Q P / Z Y X W
7 + 18 = 15th letter from the right
M is the 7th letter to the left of the 8th letter from right

13. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘SEQUENTIAL’ which have as many letters between them as are in the alphabet ?



Correct Ans:4


So, option D is the correct answer.

14. How many pairs of letters are there in the word UNDERSUBSCRIBED which have number of letters between them in the word two less than the number of letters between them in English alphabet?

More than Four


Correct Ans:More than Four


Thus, there are FIVE such pairs in the given word.

15. R is denoted by N, C is denoted by T, I by U, O by I, E by R, T by O and V by P ,then how will the word VERIFICATION be written ?





None of these





16. How many meaningful English words can be formed, starting with S, with the second, the fourth, the fifth and the eighth letters of the PERISHED, using each letter only once in each word? (To be counted from left)

More than three


Correct Ans:One


Given word: PERISHED
Second, fourth, fifth and eighth letters of the above word = E I S D
Meaningful English word formed, starting with S = SIDE
Thus, only one word can be formed.

17. If all the vowels of the word ‘FRAGMENT’ are changed to the letter immediately succeeding them in the english alphabet series and all the consonants are changed to the letter immediately preceding them in the english alphabet series, then how many letters of the new word are similar to the letters of the old word?

None of these


Correct Ans:Four


Given Word: FRAGMENT
New word : EQBFLFMS

Apparently, four letters viz. E, F, F and M of the new word are similar to the letters of the old word.

18. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CULTIVATION, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have between them in english alphabet?



Correct Ans:Three


Hence three such pairs are there in the word CULTIVATION.

19. In the following question, find out how many such pairs of letters are there in the given word each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet.

More than five


Correct Ans:More than five


There are six pairs of letters are there in the given word.

20. If each vowel of the word PURPOSE is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series and then the alphabetical thus formed are arranged in alphabetical order from the left to right, which of the following will be third letter from the right?



Correct Ans:Q


Vowel is changed to the next letter and consonant is changed to the previous letter
The alphabetical thus formed are arranged in alphabetical order,
Q will be third letter from the right.

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Questions : 1

Ans: H

Start at the top left corner and spiral round the perimeter skipping 2 letters in the alphabet, then going back one letter alternately. Finish in the centre square.

Questions : 2

Ans: J

From the middle letter start at N and work clockwise. The letters skip +1, -1, +2, -2, +3, -3, +4, -4.

Questions : 3

Ans: Z

Starting at C and moving clockwise, letters increase in value by 5, then 4 alternately.

Questions : 4

Ans: K

There are three sequences. ABC (top/second/top lines)
BEH (second/last/second lines)
CGK(bottom/top/bottom lines).

Questions : 5

Ans: W

In each circle add the numerical values of the upper two letters to give the numerical value of the bottom letter.

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