Word puzzle brain games

Are you ready for the challenge? In this section, you’ll face best brain puzzles which will test your logic and reasoning skills!

Word brain puzzles help you to develop your focus and fluency. If you like crosswords, you will definitely love these. Don’t forget they are suitable for both kids and adults.

Fun Puzzle Question

word brain puzzle

Peter’s father has five sons. The names of four sons are Fefe, Fifi, Fafa and Fufu respectively. What is the name of the fifth son?

You need to be very careful when you are solving this one. So, you should think twice before answering.

Peter’s father has five children, and four of them have already been named above.

Of course, the fifth son is Peter himself. It is a tricky one, isn’t it?

Do you like tricky puzzle questions that both challenge you and train your brain? Then, you are in the right place.

Now it is time for you to discover hundreds of entertaining word brain puzzles with MentalUP.


Find The Thief

fun brain puzzle

Can you help the police find the armed robber? The robber was in blue pants, a straight-striped hat, and a mustache. Unfortunately, he stole a watch! Find the thief now!

You need to look at the details closely to solve this one.

Lou’s hat is decorated with zigzag (not straight) stripes. Lo couldn’t hold a gun because of his look. La’s mustache “looks” down. Lee’s hand is bandaged so he couldn’t steal the watch.

So, Liu is guilty.

Mind teasers that have a story are always more fun to solve. If you like these kinds of questions, you can start to do mental exercises with them regularly.

In this way, you can boost your attention when you spend your time effectively. You’re invited to MentalUP’s magical brain teaser puzzles world.


Mind-Blowing Words

brain teaser puzzles with answer

We have a mission for you. Look at these words. Because you need to tell us something. Do you think what the special thing is about these words?

Before you answer this puzzle question, you need to look at the letters of the words. Because the key is in there.

Did you find the trick?

These words are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.

Do you want to continue having fun? You don’t need to waste time trying to get more. We are here to help!

You can find hundreds of brain teaser puzzles with answers in just one app!


Visual Mind Teaser

mind teaser

Just focus on this puzzle question! Then answer carefully!

You bury me when I am alive, you dig me up when I die.

What Am I?

If you use your imagination and think out of the box, you can find the right answer quickly.

Could you do it? Great!

The answer is to be a PLANT.

Are you a creative person? Awesome! Because we have lots of questions for you.

Ready to have fun when you train your brain at the same time!

If you want more tricky brain teaser puzzles with answers, MentalUP is taolired for you!


Challenging Brain Puzzle

brain puzzle

Do you like to challenge yourself? Then this hard brain puzzle is appropriate for you!

Will you tell us what you can catch but not throw!

Let’s start with the things we can catch but not throw! As you understand, it can’t be tangible!

Hint: Think about your childhood before answering it!

Yes, the right answer is to be COLD. Do you remember how you catch a cold?

Of course, it is impossible to throw it!

If you like these kinds of brain puzzles you should definitely join MentalUP.

Do the mental exercises regularly and measure your results against your peers.

Download MentalUP

Delicious Puzzle Question

puzzle question

Our next question can make you hungry! It will be really entertaining to solve it!

How can two people fairly share a cake with a single knife cut?

We are sure that you could find the right answer! But let’s explain it anyway!

The first person begins by dividing the cake into two pieces.

Then the second person chooses which piece they will take. This means both sides will be satisfied.

MentalUP educational games app is a safe space for learning with its no-ads policy. You can develop all your mental skills such as logic, attention, or math by only playing fun games and solving tricky puzzle questions!

Try MentalUP Now

Missing Letters

letters puzzle question

The “X” in each word represents a number of missing letters. Figure out the missing letters and uncover each word.

Hint: For each question, the missing letters form different words that have something in common.

If you have trouble solving this word puzzle question, you can try to use a paper and pen. This will make your job easy.

Let’s look at the confusing words together and solve this mystery. Our words need to be like that respectively: Weighty, Potentate, Network, Canine, Honey.

It is time to compare your answers with the right words!

Do you like these kinds of word brain teaser puzzles with answers, you can continue without easing down!

MentalUP provides you with hundreds of fun puzzle questions that develop your logic, focus, and expand your vocabulary. Have fun and train your brain at the same time!


World Tour

 mind puzzle

To find the right answer of this question, you should use your basic knowledge of the world. We hope that you are familiar with the big cities in the other countries.

There are eight names of the world’s capital cities. Each phrase contains the name of two cities. Can you unscramble them and figure out what they are?

Did you prepare your answers? Then, let’s begin!

When you scramble the letters in the phrases, you can acquire these cities:

Beijing, London / Berlin, Moscow / Rome, Tokyo / Madrid, and Paris.

Now, you can tell us which one you want to see most!

If it is hard for you to solve word mind puzzles like this one, you should improve yourself a little bit. We have good news about it. You can empower your all mental skills by doing fun exercises. Don’t linger around and invest in yourself!


Crossword Brain Teaser Puzzle

brain teaser puzzle

Our next question is a crossword brain teaser puzzle. If you are creative and like to play with words, you will love this one.

Begin at one of the corner squares, move clockwise around the perimeter, and finish in the center square to spell a nine-letter word. You must fill in the empty squares with your own letter.

Because this mind puzzle is a little tricky and confusing, you can try to paint on paper. If it isn’t possible for you to solve it anyway, we suggest you write all the letters one by one. This way, you will find the right answer eventually.

The letters you should use are “R” and “N” to create the word “CHRONICLE”.

MentalUP is a safe learning space both for you and your kids. Because it is ad-free, you can use it with your whole family with peace in mind.

Also, don’t forget you can track your kids’ status, analyze their skills and compare their scores. It is time for spending time effectively developing.


Easy Mind Puzzle

mind puzzle

Now let’s continue with a easy and entertaining mind puzzle. You can use this one on your game nights, bedtime funs, or family competitions.

What goes all around the world but stays in the corner? Your answer time starts! Be quick!

Did you find the right answer? Awesome! We know that you can do it!

The right answer is a STAMP. Because it travels the world on the corner of our letters as you all know.

It is really funny, isn’t it?

Fun mind puzzles help us to improve our attention and logic by training our brains. It is an entertaining way to empower! Don’t you want to develop yourself or your children with boosting games and brain teaser puzzles?


Picture Puzzle Questions

Picture mind puzzles help us to expand our attention span and develop our visual memory skills. You can have fun with these questions by boosting your brain at the same time.

Mind-Blowing Brain Teaser Puzzle

brain teaser puzzle

This one is among the best brain puzzles for the people who love hard questions! Can you tell us how many faces you see in this picture?

You really need to be careful when you are solving this one. Count all the faces and then answer! Did you find it?

There are seven faces in this picture. If it is confusing for you, you can look at the explanation here!

picture mind puzzle

Don’t you want to keep your brain fit with increasingly difficult brain teasers? You can improve your mental skills with MentalUP. Download and enjoy MentalUP brain teaser puzzles with a simple step:


Find The Differences

confusing question

Maybe you will think that it is too easy for you. But we suggest not to decide now!

Try to solve it first! Can you find the 7 differences between the two pictures?

This one isn’t simple as it seems because sometimes we can’t focus quickly.

You need to look at the picture closely to find the answer. If you have an answer, now let’s see the differences together.

confusing question

MentalUP determines the weak and strong brain activities with gamified tests to help the kids improve their skills with daily fun exercises. You can use it to increase your attention span and solve these kinds of questions easily.


Clock Mind Puzzle

mind puzzle

It’s 3:35. If the clock is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, what time will it be? ⏰

Try not to be fooled by this tricky question!

The most crucial detail to consider here is ‘counterclockwise’. So, the hour hand will turn 90 degrees to rest at 12, and the minute hand will move to the right to 4.

That’s why the answer is: 12:20

Do you know MentalUP has lots of brain-boosting games that you can spend time effectively? Now it is time for you to train with mind puzzles and fun games!


Logic Brain Teaser Puzzle

 brain teaser puzzle

Two people played five hands of chess. Both of them won the same number of games and there was no draw. Can you tell us how this is possible? ♟

You should think twice before answering this question! Try to imagine the story and then answer!

This is only possible if they played with other people.

You can improve yourself with gradually difficult intelligence questions and follow your progress reports. MentalUP is both suitable for children and adults!


Bermuda Triangle

brain teaser puzzle

We have a real challenge for you! Do you know 90% of the people get it wrong?

Can you find all the triangles in the picture? Don’t rush because it is a hard one to solve!

To see all the triangles in the picture, you need sharp eyes and a few math skills. When you are ready, you can tell us the answer. We are waiting!

Now let’s look at the answer and count the triangles

brain teaser puzzle answer

Do you want to boost your math skills and use it in your daily lives to be more successful? Then, you are in the right place.

MentalUP offers you fun math games and different exercises to develop. They are both suitable for kids and adults, so you don’t need to search for any other source.


Mathematical Operation

brain teaser puzzles with answers

We have another math question for the people who trust themselves. To solve this one, you should move exactly three matchsticks and correct the equation.

Don’t forget you can do it by using three alternative solutions. You just need to find one!

Try to move three matchsticks and correct the equation as the question asks you. But if you are really sure of yourself, you can find out all three solutions!

The result will always be the same, but the value of the equation changes. Let’s look at the three answers that are true!

brain teaser puzzles with answers answer

Sometimes it is hard just to study math or geometry because almost all the people think that they are boring topics. Certified app MentalUP is here to change this.

With fun activities, you can develop your abilities. You should only play with the numbers and enjoy the process.


Complicated Diagram

puzzle question

In this puzzle question, we have a different diagram. You should crack the code to solve it. Look at the figures and tell us what the next diagram in this sequence should look like!

Don’t forget the next diagram needs to represent the number 84.

As you already see, the numbers in this diagram are pushed together, and they are overlapped slightly.

Because the sequence leaves off at 70, the next diagram needs to look like 84, and we can create this as in this picture. It is time to compare your result with the right answer.

puzzle question answer

MentalUP is an educational app that provides 150+ brain-boosting games and 240+ fitness exercises that are appropriate for all the people from different age groups.

It is used by 10 million people all around the world. They have already started to develop. What about you?


Paradise of Birds

Mind puzzle

Do you like animals? We love them, too. So, we’ve prepared a cute puzzle question for you that includes fantastic birds.

Look at this pal and choose the correct shadow of the bird!

To understand this question, you should try to compare the bird with shadow pictures. However, you need to know what a shadow looks like before doing this.

Remember your basic physics information. In this way, you can say that the fifth picture is our bird’s shadow.

Do you have a hard time choosing safe and suitable educational games or exercises for your kids? It is understandable because all the parents want their children to improve effectively with appropriate sources.

Your solution is MentalUP which is approved by pedagogues.


Funny Brain Teaser Puzzles

Funny brain teaser puzzles are one of the best ways to spend quality time developing. You can enjoy these puzzle questions with your kids and improve together.

Funny Mind Puzzle

mind puzzle

Now we have a crowded picture for you. Just the people who have sharp eyes can solve this mind puzzle!

Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite! Let’s spot the sleeping baby. 😴

Don’t forget to blink your eyes and continue looking carefully!

Did you find her? Great! We have fate in you! You can see the sleeping baby here!

mind puzzle

Multi-awarded app MentalUP develops your logic and attention. In this way, it increases your mental power and helps you to be more comfortable in daily life. Give your brain a workout when having fun!


Animal Brain Puzzle

brain puzzle

This brain teaser puzzle will blow your mind! Everyone sees different animals in this puzzle image. What about you?

Look at the picture and tell us how many animals you can see!

You should count all the animals you can see.

There are 16 animals in this question! But if you miss a couple of animals, you don’t need to worry! Let’s find out the others together!

brain puzzle

Do you know the people who are doing mental exercises daily have sharper abilities? You can be one of them and be successful.

MentalUP is waiting for you with all the learning activities and games that are appropriate for different age groups!


Geography Question

mind puzzle

The animals in the picture have a question for you! Which continent do we live in? Can you find the answer to this tricky brain puzzle without any help?

When you look at the animals in the picture such as a koala, kangaroo, or ostrich, you can easily understand where they live.

But you should remember your basic geography knowledge!

The right answer is to be Australia!

It has been never easy to have sharper mind skills with an app! Who wouldn’t want to empower yourself with fun mind puzzles, brain teaser puzzles, and daily workouts for your brain? Then, you are in the right place!


Easy Brain Puzzle

brain teaser puzzle

We have an easy question for the people who like cars!

In which direction the car is moving? 🚙 If you want to solve this one, you should walk on thin ice!

Well, sometimes you need to think outside of the box to find the solutions of brain teaser puzzles 😅.

Let’s talk about the trick of this question! The car is not moving. Because it has no wheels.

Do you want to explore your kids’ true potential? Then provide them with fun activities such as fun mind puzzles!

MentalUP will help you with its 150+ educational games and 240+ fitness exercises!


Fun Balls Puzzle Question

puzzle question

How many moves are required to transport the balls from the tube I to tube III if all the balls must remain in the same order? Describe each move. 🎱

Note: Name the balls 1, 2, and 3 and the tubes I, II, and III.

You should make the following moves, respectively:

3. ball to II. tube, 2. ball to II. tube, 1. ball to III. tube

1. ball to III. tube, 2. ball to III. tube, 3. ball to III. tube.

Are you interested in challenging your mind and developing your skills? Awesome! We have a safe learning environment both for you and your children with its no-ads feature.

Also, you can make skill analyses with detailed tracking reports thanks to MentalUP!


Simple Mind Puzzle

mind puzzle

In a game of Tug-o’-War, Oliver and John easily won over Thomas and Jacob. When Oliver and Thomas were a team, they could barely pull Jacob and John.

When Oliver and Jacob played in a team against Thomas and John, the game ended in a draw. Can you name each person from strongest to weakest? 💪

This is a complicated brain puzzle, so you should plan the solution by thinking carefully. Keep in mind that if you use your logical skills, it will make your job easier.

The solution to this mind puzzle will be Oliver > John > Thomas > Jacob

Did you like this? Download MentalUP for more mind puzzles that will support you in lots of aspects such as vocabulary, focus, math, memory, and attention!

Don’t forget that MentalUP is a certified learning app that is designed especially for different age groups and levels.


Crowded Family

brain puzzle

In this fun brain puzzle, there is a happy family. Let’s meet and get to know them.🎱

You have to gather information about them because you should tell us how many people there are in this family.

Hint: In this family, there are two parents and six sons. Each son has one sister.

Maybe you can start by painting a family tree. In this way, you can have more fun and find the right answer quickly.

Did you respond? Then, let us explain! The right answer is nine.

In this family, we have a mother and a father who have six sons and a daughter.

If you like to improve yourself while having fun at the same time, these entertaining brain puzzles are tailored for you.

You can use them to boost your logic, attention, and problem-solving skills. Don’t worry; you can find hundreds of them in MentalUP.


Veterinary Question

puzzle question

Do you want to be a veterinary for one day? Great!

You should weigh our cute animals and tell us the weight of a dog, a cat, and a rabbit! Start working because they are all so hasty!

To solve this question, you need to look at the picture and write down the facts you have. In this way, you can have a quick solution.

The answer is 27 kg. Because Dog is 17 kg, cat and rabbit is 10 kg.

The animals will thank you for your help!

MentalUP your kids’ mental development with just 15 minutes by solving brain teaser puzzles that are specially customized for your children according to their age and level. Also, you can solve these puzzle questions together.


Packing Up

brain puzzle

Do you like packing up things? We have an important mission for you.

There are 5 bags with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 balls inside and two sizes of boxes. Put the bags into the boxes in a way that the big box has twice the number of balls.

You should find out all three ways of doing so!

To solve this question, you need to form an equation as you are asked.

If your answers are ready, let’s look at them together!

You can put 4 and 1 balls into the smaller box while you put 5, 3, and 2 balls into the larger box.

You can put 3 and 2 balls into the smaller box while you put 5, 4, and 1 balls into the larger box.

You can put 5 into the smaller box when you put 4, 3, 2, and 1 balls into the larger box.

MentalUP offers fun educational brain teaser puzzles with answers especially prepared by academics and child development experts for kids of all ages.

Moreover, keep in mind that there are lots of learning games for them to play to improve their mental skills in MentalUP.


Square Problem

mind puzzle

We have random matchsticks in this mind puzzle. They are waiting for you to order them.

Can you move four matchsticks to form three squares?

Don’t hesitate to move all the matchsticks to reach the right answer. We have enough time, so you should be brave and determined.

If you make up your mind, we can look at the right answer together. When you see it, you will understand that it is easier than it seems.

mind puzzle

You can ​​boost your brain power with brain puzzles! Also, it will be a good idea to track your training progress. In this way, you can start feeling the difference on short notice.

MentalUP will guide the way and help you in the whole process so that you don’t feel lonely.


Logic Brain Puzzles

We have many different questions for kids and adults to improve. But if these are not enough for you, look at our Online Logic Games & Puzzles, where we have dozens of fun logic games! If you are a senior, you may enjoy the Free Brain Games for Seniors page.

Logic Puzzle Question

puzzle question

Sophie and Caroline made arrangements to meet at a cafe at 2 p.m. Sophie thinks her watch is 25 minutes fast, although it is 10 minutes delayed.

Caroline thinks her watch is 10 minutes slow, while it is 5 minutes soon. What will happen if they both aim to arrive precisely on time? 🕖

It is a very funny logic puzzle question. Imagine the story and enjoy your time!

Sophie will be 35 minutes late. Caroline will arrive at 1:45 P.M, 15 minutes ahead of time.

MentalUP provides lots of brain training games and mind puzzles for different age groups, from toddlers to seniors!

You are so lucky to be here! Because your life will change on short notice after you start to do daily exercises!


Hard Puzzle Question

puzzle question

Six neighborhood children — Leisha, Benito, Delia, Charlotte, Weldon, and Zina— were measured yesterday. Weldon is taller than Delia but shorter than Zina.

Leisha is taller than Benito but shorter than Delia and Weldon. Benito isn’t the shortest. Can you list the kids in order of height from tallest to shortest?

You might need a pen and paper to solve this question. You can also make a painting when you are trying to find the right answer.

Did you have an answer? The time is up! The answer is Zina, Weldon, Delia, Leisha, Benito, and Charlotte, respectively!

Millions of people improve their cognitive skills like attention, memory, and problem-solving with MentalUP. Keep in mind that it is one of the best learning apps that is approved by academicians!


Crazy Lions

puzzle question

Now we have a funny picture for you! You should look at these crazy but cute lions to find the same ones! Tell us the right answer and help them to go to the forest!

Did you find the answer? Are you sure of it? Then, it is time to face the facts!

The third and fourth are pairs! Because they are all the same. If you look at them closely again, you can definitely see it by yourself!

If you are struggling when you are solving these puzzle questions, you might need a little support! You can boost your brain power with MentalUP easily!

Start to train your brain, track your progress and start feeling the difference! You will be shocked when you see how easy it is!


Brain Teaser Puzzle

brain teaser puzzle

There are mysterious treasures here! We are very curious about what is inside them, but we have a problem! We need a proper key!

Find the right lock for the key, and help us! Be quick! 🔐

It was a great brain teaser puzzle for treasure hunters! Also, you can use it to develop your kids’ imagination! Try to tell a story before you solve the question!

The key fit only the lock of chest number 4. Now, we can look at the treasure!

Gamified exercises are among the best ways to improve our mental skills! These activities and games support children’s developmental process and help adults to increase their brain power!

Let’s boost together!


Tricky Dilemma

brain teaser puzzle

There are 12 checkers on a table that arranged as shown. Four adjacent checkers can be united in a square. Including the one outlined, how many possible groupings are there of four checkers that form a square?

This puzzle question is a real dilemma. You need to be very careful when you are solving it. Did you have an answer?

The right answer is to be six groupings. If you can’t understand the logic of it, you don’t need to worry because this question is a hard one. Let us explain.

mind puzzle

If you have trouble solving these kinds of questions, it means that you need a little support. We are here for you. MentalUP can help you with its brain-boosting games, exercises, and activities.

Don’t forget they are very entertaining at the same time. So, you don’t get bored!


Hungry Dogs

mind puzzle

In this puzzle question, there are hungry dogs. They need your help.

Look at the picture, make a calculation and tell us which one will drink the milk first!

Along with good logical skills, you also need good observation skills to solve this brain teaser puzzle.

If you look at the image closely, you will see that all other pipes are blocked somewhere or the other, so dog no.2 is the only one who will actually get to drink some milk.

Do you want to improve your logic and strategical thinking skills to solve these kinds of puzzle questions easier?

Then, you can start to do daily mental exercises and play brain-boosting games with MentalUP. You will be surprised when you understand how it helps!


Eyesight Test

 brain puzzle

Be ready for an interesting test! Please look at the picture first for a while.

Then, you should say what number you see! Colorblind people see different numbers. You can understand whether you have it or not in this way.

Do you know whether you have Achromatopsia or not? Let’s test it! You’ll learn soon.

There is no right answer to this question, but if you aren’t color blind, you should see 29. Those with a red/green deficiency will see the number 70.

MentalUP provides you with lots of tests that you can analyze your visual or photographic memory, learn your IQ score and understand your learning style.

You can use all of these tests to be aware of yourself or your kids! Then, you can start to develop your abilities according to the test results.


Colorful Owls

mind puzzle

We have colorful owls in this brain teaser puzzle. You can think that it is kids’ stuff, but don’t forget it is a tricky one.

Now it is time for you to find two identical ones! Be careful not to be fooled.

Did you spot which owls are identical? Think twice before answering!

The right answer is 10th and 12th. Because they are the same. If you look at all the cute owls, you can see others are a little different.

Both adults and kids love to solve puzzle questions by spending quality time with their loved ones. If you are one of them, you can benefit from our expansive compilation.

MentalUP offers you hundreds of fun brain teaser puzzles that are designed to improve your memory, attention, and logic.


Puzzle Questions For Adults

Puzzle questions for adults are very helpful for them to improve their attention span, avoid absentness and develop their logical abilities. You can use our best mind puzzle compilation to have fun and make your daily life easy.

Honeycomb Mind Puzzle

mind puzzle

This time, we have a fun puzzle question for you. You need to spell out a two-word place name by traveling from each other along the lines.

Don’t forget you can go through each circle once, and the answer is a statuesque location.

Did you have an answer? Awesome! Let’s look at the question together.

If you implement the instructions in the question, you will find out about Easter Island.

Easter Island is a special territory of Chile. If you are interested, you can do a search!

Do you like geographical puzzle questions? They are one of the most popular puzzle questions that are both funny and developing.

MentalUP has lots of these kinds of questions that you can choose according to your interests and level! Don’t postpone your own improvement!


Naughty Numbers

brain puzzle

If you like sudoku, you will love this brain teaser puzzle!

Can you order our naughty numbers and complete this puzzle question? Don’t waste any time and start to work because you have a lot of work!

If you don’t already realize the trick of this puzzle question, let us help you!

Each number in the hexagons is the sum of the two numbers below it, and you should complete the brain puzzle according to this tip!

Are you ready to see the answer? Look at the right answer and compare yours!

mind puzzle

When you need to boost your brain power and progress in your own journey, you always need a companion. MentalUP will support you all the way through.

It provides 150+ fun mental exercises and improves learning games. They are all personalized for you.


Hard Enigma

brain teaser puzzle

There is an important enigma that needs to be solved. Can you help us?

You should crack the code! There are three exact numbers to open this lock!

Don’t hesitate to use a pen and paper when you are trying to crack this code because it is a challenging one.

The right answer is 718.

From Clues 1 and 2 we know that only 5 is not in the code. From Clue 3 we know that 1 and 7 are part of the code. From Clue 4 we know that 8 is also in the code.

Maybe it has been hard for you to solve this question, and you feel a little disappointed. It is natural, but you don’t have to feel like that.

Ready to change and empower! MentalUP will give you a chance to boost all your mental abilities and skills.


Red Ribbon

mind puzzle

Do you like colorful ribbons? Super!

We have a 100-meter piece of ribbon. If it takes one second to cut it into a 1-meter strip, how long would it take to cut the entire ribbon into 1-meter strips?

Maybe you think it is easy as pie, but you are wrong. So, don’t answer without being sure!

The right answer is 99 seconds or 1 minute and 39 seconds. When the 99th cut is made, the remaining foot does not have to be cut.

Many different brain teaser puzzles with answers are waiting for you to solve. When you need to have fun by spending quality time, you can relax, start solving them and enjoy your own time. It will be a big opportunity for you to develop!


Hard Brain Puzzle

 brain puzzle

We have a hard brain puzzle for real geeks. Your math skills will be very useful in this question.

Let’s begin! Can you look at the picture to find the value between A and B points?

If you find the right answer to this question, you will be a winner! Because it is a hard question, don’t be disappointed if you can’t solve it!

The right answer is 7.348. You need to solve it by using your basic math knowledge! Don’t forget it is a mathematical problem!

Are you get bored when you are studying math? Then, it is time for you to change this situation. MentalUP offers you lots of fun math games and puzzle questions!

If you do exercise regularly, you can be a math genius on short notice!


Funny Question

mind puzzle

We also need to have fun because our daily lives are stressful enough.

So, we have prepared an entertaining brain puzzle for you. Look at the picture and count all the dogs! We are waiting for your answer!

Did you count all of them? Are you sure how many dogs there are in the picture?

The right answer is to be 19. If your answer isn’t right, you can try to count these cute dogs again!

In the academically approved learning app MentalUP, you can find suitable games, exercises, and activities to relax. Isn’t it hard to believe that you will develop when you are relaxing?

Let’s try together! You will see the difference!


Cat’s Problem

puzzle question

Our cute cat has a problem. Can you help?

Place the balls into the empty slots, solve examples and write the numbers!

You need to calculate perfectly to solve this brain puzzle. Don’t forget to double-check after you have the answers.

If you are curious about whether you are right or wrong, let’s look at the picture below!

mind puzzle

When you solve mental exercises daily, you will boost your problem-solving skills.

Keep in mind that this will help you in your whole life. MentalUP is here for you to develop your memory, logic, and focus!


Math Question

mind puzzle

We have a numerical mind puzzle for you. This one is a little challenging.

Can you tell us which number will be placed next?

If you find out what the next number will be, you can be proud of yourself.

The answer is 44. To calculate this, you should do math operations as here:

Column1: [(7×4)+1]-11=18. Column2: [(8×5)+2]-12=30. Column3: [(9×6)+3]-13=44

With the multi-awarded app MentalUP, you can develop in a short time by having fun at the same time.

Also, it has a feature for tracking your progress during this process. Don’t waste your time in vain.


Colorful Squares

brain puzzle

Do you like mind blowing puzzle questions? Then, this one is just for you.

Look at the picture and count the squares. You can be sure that it will confuse you!

Did you count the numbers of the squares placed in the given picture? Great!

The right answer is to be 6. If you don’t understand how it is possible, let us explain with colors!

mind puzzle

You can train your brain and increase its speed. You just need to use our gamified learning exercises. They will entertain you, so you won’t even realize that you are studying.


Invisible Panda

puzzle question

There is a confusing picture in this puzzle question. But there is a panda which is disguised in it.

Can you find the hidden panda in the image?

We hope you find it because the panda needs your help.

If you can’t find it, you should try again. Give time for yourself and don’t rush.

Now it is time to see the right answer.

mind puzzle

MentalUP is an intellectual learning environment that is appropriate for kids, teens, adults, and even seniors. You can use it to develop, have a good time with your loved ones and test your skills.


Brain Puzzles For Kids

Brain puzzles for kids are one of the most effective ways for them to develop their minds. Thanks to these questions below, they can boost according to their learning styles and have fun at the same time.

Fruits and Veggies

mind puzzle

Mad fruits and veggies are waiting for you to play. Let’s look at them together!

Can you find ten differences between these two pictures?

Find the difference brain puzzles are one of the most fun questions. You can print this and solve it with crayons if you want.

When you finish, we will show you the differences in a detailed way.

mind puzzle

Kids always need support when their developmental process. MentalUP is a suitable app for them because it is safe with its no ads policy.

Help your children to grow effectively, track their progress with skill analysis reports, and compare their scores with their peers.


Missing Letter

brain teaser puzzles

If you want to study vocabulary by increasing your fluency, we have a fun way to do this. Word exercises like this one are always improving.

Can you fill in the blanks in this puzzle question?

Did you look at the options? We have the letter “W,” “N,” and “M.”

But you have to complete the word in a meaningful way. So, the right answer is “M,” which forms the word “Mushroom” as in the picture.

You can develop your kids’ vocabulary with fun word games. When they start to do these learning exercises daily, they will have higher grades in their school classes.

Guide them to find the right way. You can start to use MentalUP by joining its 10 million users.


Maze Escape

mind puzzle

Escape games are among the favorites of children. Are you ready to join a fun race? Your time begins now. Try to find the way out without hitting a dead end!

To escape from this maze, you should act smart. If it is hard for you to find the way, you can use a pen after printing this image.

Let’s see whether you can escape from this maze or not together.

mind puzzle

Online educational exercises and activies are easier to reach. Don’t forget children love to use technological tools in the modern world.

So, you can provide them safe learning environment with the MentalUP app, which will develop your kids’ attention, math, logic, and thinking skills.


Brain Twister

puzzle question

Do you like brain twister questions? Great!

We have a tricky one for you. A man shaves several times a day but still has a beard.

Who is he?

You should be creative and use your imagination to find out the right answer.

Don’t forget to look at the picture and say your answer.

The right answer is to a BARBER. It is funny, isn’t it?

Logical thinking and problem-solving skills are very important for our children. These abilities prepare them for their future life.

You can find lots of brain twister questions in MentalUP to have fun with your kids and see their improvement by yourself.


Find The Link

brain puzzle

Are you good at observing around? Then, you can probably find the links between stuff easily. We have a challenge for you.

Can you figure out how each of these is related?

You should look at the pictures and think about the words in detail to solve this puzzle question.

When you analyze them, you can see that the words for all three images are anagrams of each other. Let’s see again: PETALS — PLATES — PLEATS

Do you want to have fun with your kids by helping them to develop? Awesome!

You are invited to one of the most effective learning apps for children! Keep in mind that MentalUP also provides different boosting games, activities, and exercises for adults.


Hidden Words

mind puzzle

In this magical messy room, there are six hidden words. If you have sharp eyes, you can see all of them.

Can you tell us these words?

We have fate in you. Did you find all the words? Let’s look at these tricky words and find their whereabouts.

1. “Cord” Behind television on the cord. 2. “Tiles” on bathroom tiles. 3. “Straw” on the straw broom. 4. “Mirror” on Mirror. 5. “Cat” on cat’s tail. 6. “Couch” on the couch.

If you like game nights, you definitely know that you need different and interesting sources. MentalUP is an extensive source that you can use for all of these purposes.

Look at hundreds of fun games, activities, and exercises that are designed according to different interests to enjoy!


Complete Houses

brain teaser puzzle

Can you show us how good you are at visual brain teaser puzzles by finding the missing part for each building?

Don’t forget all the people in the houses are waiting for you to complete the roof. Then, they will move to their homes.

To complete all the roofs with suitable parts, you should look at the buildings closely. In this way, you can match them easily.

After you find out and write your answers, we will solve the question together. Are you ready? Let’s see how you should do it!

mind puzzle

Memory and matching brain teaser puzzles develop kids’ mental skills. If they need your help at school, you can suggest MentalUP with peace in mind. It is a safe learning environment and allows you to track your children’s progress.


Magical Heart

puzzle question

Are you ready to concentrate? Great! We have a magical question for you.

Can you find the magical heart among these cute and colorful elephants?

When you are solving this mind puzzle, you don’t need to rush because it is a really confusing question. Take your time and find the heart. We believe you!

If you have an answer, we can show you the magical heart!

mind puzzle

If you have a hard time solving these kinds of puzzle questions, you may need a supportive tool. MentalUP is here for you with brain-boosting games, mental exercises, and educational activities.

You can start by solving all the suitable puzzle questions and continue by playing fun games to improve.


Challenging Mind Puzzles

If simple brain teaser puzzles aren’t enough for you, our challenging mind puzzle compilation will satisfy you. Be ready for mind-blowing exercises! You will even have a chance to prove yourself with these brain games for adults and children!

Staircase Question

mind puzzle

We have a staircase question for you. You need to do proper calculations to solve this one. Let’s start!

Can you tell us what the missing number will be?

Proceeding up the staircase, the numbers form a logical sequence. What number belongs on the top step is up to this sequence.

The right answer is 840 because each number is found by multiplying the number that corresponds to the number below.

When you need to develop your math and counting skills, you can benefit from MentalUP’s gamified learning games.

They will improve your logic, memory, focus, and math skills at the same time. Don’t you want to train your brain with fun games?


Possibility Problem

brain puzzle

If you can solve this, you can will be a real winner! Are you ready to prove yourself?

You need to move just two matchsticks and find out the lowest possibility. Tell us what is the lowest possible number you can make!

After you try all the possible ways, you will find out the right answer!

Don’t hesitate to use paper and a pen because it is a very challenging brain puzzle.

The right answer is 9118.

Do you know that you can boost your brain with one of the most entertaining apps? Then, you might have never heard of MentalUP.

You are invited to this popular educational space where you can improve yourself by having fun at the same time! Don’t forget it is appropriate for different age groups.


Confusing Numbers

puzzle question

Our next question is for math nerds. Do you think that you are a real genius? Then, let’s start!

Look at our image and fill in the blanks. Confusing numbers are waiting for you!

If it is hard for you to solve this one, you can try to find the right answer by using paper and a pen. It will make the process easier.

The right answer is A = 6. B = 10. C = 18. D = 33

When you fill the empty boxes with these numbers, you can see that it will be a perfect equation.

Maybe you think that you can’t increase your IQ score because you are an adult, but it is wrong. MentalUP certified app is designed for all people of different ages to develop their logic, memory, and concentration abilities.

The only thing you should do is to solve brain puzzles and play boosting games. You will see the difference soon.


Question For Geniuses

brain puzzle

We have a hard question for the people who are sure of themselves.

Look at these six boxes. You should use your logic and find one box which can’t be closed.

When you are ready, you can tell us your answer!

In this brain puzzle, you need to study the colorful balls in the boxes. In this way, you can understand which one can’t be closed.

The right answer is 6. box. Because the balls don’t match with each other. If you have the right answer, you can be proud of yourself!

MentalUP is an educational app that offers lots of brain puzzles for you. You can solve these questions to train your brain.

The more you work on yourself, the more your skills will be boosted. Don’ neglect yourself!


Letter Equation

brain teaser puzzle

Now, we have a different question for you. This one requires you to use both numbers and letters.

The important thing is to understand the equation. Crack the code and tell us which letter replaces the question mark!

The missing letter in the last box is Z. You should denote each alphabet to the corresponding number.

For example, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and so on. Now you will find that the center digit is actually the product of the letter equations.

Is it hard for you to match the letters with numbers? Then, you need to develop your strategical thinking and decision-making skills with gamified learning exercises.

You can use MentalUP whenever you want from your mobile phones, tablets, and computers to improve your mental abilities.


Water Problem

mind puzzle

You may think these kinds of problems are for school kids, but when you start to solve this mind puzzle, you will see that it is harder than it seems.

You should analyze the tanks and tell us which tank will be filled first!

If you track the water flow’s direction, you can understand which tank will be filled first. Did you decide how to answer? Awesome.

The right answer is Tank F. We knew that you could do it!

Is it hard to concentrate on one thing for a long time? You should expand your attention span and develop your visual intelligence.

MentalUP provides hundreds of alternative exercises for you to do this. Let’s boost our logic, focus, and memory skills together.


Easy Brain Teaser Puzzles

Easy brain teaser puzzles aren’t just for kids despite the common mistake. Both adults and kids can solve these questions to develop themselves by having more fun. Are you ready for this challenge? Your time starts now!

Smart Monkeys

brain puzzle

In this question, we have different fifteen monkeys. But the two of them are identical. Do you trust your eyes? Let’s check together.

Can you find the two similar monkeys?

If you look at the monkeys closely, you can see the differences. Don’t answer before thinking twice because they can trick you.

The right answer is 5th and 13th because they are identical.

You can test your skills, improve them and track your progress by comparing the scores with your peers. If you are interested in self-development, you can definitely try MentalUP. It is appropriate for kids, teens, adults, or seniors.


Secret Map

brain teaser puzzles with answers

Do you like pirate stories? Great because we have a real story for you.

Our absent-minded pirate has lost his treasure map. Can you help him to combine the pieces of his map?

The pirate wants to reach the golds as soon as possible. So, he has asked for your help. We hope that you can restore the old map and find the treasure.

Let’s look at the right answer to compare yours with it!

mind puzzle

All the people, from toddlers to seniors, need to develop their mental skills to the end of their days because life is a progressive process.

If you need a companion for this, MentalUP will be very helpful. You can train your brain with its fun games, exercises, and activities.


Coffee Cups

puzzle question

We hope that you like drinking coffee or tea because our next question is about cups. There are three empty cups in this mind puzzle.

You need to put in your lateral thinking cap and place ten sugar cubes in three cups such that every cup will contain an odd number of sugar cubes. Can you do it?

Now it is the explanation time. Pour three sugar cubes into the first cup and third cup. Then, you need to pour 4 sugar cubes into cup 2.

Now, the first cup got three sugar cubes. The third up got three sugar cubes. You should put the first Cup into the second Cup for it to have seven cubes in total.

Tricky questions amuse us by improving our mental skills such as logic, attention, and memory at the same time. If you like these kinds of mind puzzles, you can join the MentalUP family, which includes ten million users.


Elegant Lantern

brain puzzle

Let’s look this picture together. Because we have a mission.

We need to do lanterns as in the image by using these options. Can you help us?

Did you find the answer? Then, you can tell us from which one you can make this elegant lantern! It is time to learn whether you are right or wrong.

The right answer is 5. When you use it, you can have an identical lantern.

Parents want the best for their children. If you need a safe tool for your kids to develop, you are so lucky. MentalUP is designed by academicians for this purpose.

Don’t forget it is chosen by teachers as one of the most effective learning apps. MentalUP is a multi-awarded educational app that provides kids with safe boosting exercises.


Symbolic Question

mind puzzle

Do you like math symbols? Then, you can answer this question easily.

Look at the image and tell us which math symbols this rebus identifies!

Keep in mind that you need to understand the symbolization for solving this one.

This is the bar graph that represents the numbers 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5. Now let’s try to remember our basic math knowledge from school classes.

We know the value of pi is 3.14159265. So, the right answer is Pi.

The problem-solving ability helps all the people through their lives. This means that you should improve it by exercising regularly. MentalUP’s brain teaser puzzles are created for this purpose. You can support your kids with these fun questions.


Movie Time

brain puzzle

Do you like watching movies? Great!

We have a question for you. Can you tell us which movie it is by looking at the image?

As you see, there are twelve eggs, an angry bird, and men in this picture.

When thinking about the movies that can be related, we understand that the right answer is 12 Angry Men.

After you find the right answer, don’t forget to watch this interesting movie with your loved ones.

Creativity is very important for children. They need to use their imagination to understand what they want in their lives. You can help them with entertaining puzzle questions. They will love our alternatives that will train their brains.


Old Clocks

brain puzzle

It is very funny to look down on all the things. Now, you need to use your imagination and guess what this clock will look like from the right top.

Find the right top view among the options in the picture.

When we are trying to guess the right top view of this clock, it is important to be careful about details.

If you can think out of the box, you will find the right answer in no time.

The right answer is to be option 4.

Do you know MentalUP determines the weak and strong brain activities with gamified tests to help the kids to develop their abilities?

You can see how they train their brains with daily fun exercises. It is very easy to use and safe with its no ads policy. Don’t forget to track their progress with detailed reports.


Green Parrot

mind puzzle

Our next question is about one of the most rare species in the world. There is a green parrot in this beautiful rainforest, and you need to find it.

Help our scientists to determine where the parrot is because they are too tired to search.

Could you spot the bird in the picture? Awesome!

Let’s try to be careful; otherwise, we can scare it. Now it is time to mark the bird’s spot silently.

mind puzzle

If you feel stucked in your daily lives, it is time for a change. MentalUP will help you to have fun and boost your mental skills. In this way, you can start to be more confident and overcome obstacles easily. Don’t waste any time!


You can use MentalUP for both yourself and your children. Thanks to its fun brain teaser puzzles, learning activities, and educational exercises, it is very easy to develop. 💥

In MentalUP, there are 150+ boosting games and 240+ fitness exercises. Moreover, if it isn’t for you, you can find other beneficial free educational apps for kids in MentalUP. 🏆


✅ Fast & Fun: 20+ Brain Puzzles
✅ Improves: Logic & Reasoning
✅ Suitable: for Kids & Adults
✅ Printable: Yes

Classic Word Wipe


Classic Word Wipe

Join letters and create valid words in this Classic Word Wipe game.


Daily Word Search

Daily Word Search

Everyday new word search puzzles in 3 different sizes.




A word and spelling game for scrabble lovers in English


Word Wipe


Word Wipe

Join letters and create valid words in this Arkadium word game.


TextTwist 2

TextTwist 2

Rearrange the letters and make as many words as you can.


Scramble Words

Scramble Words

Like TextTwist: rearrange the scrambled letters and make as many words as you can.


Word Connect

Word Connect

Connect the letters to create words.


Text Twist Untimed

Text Twist Untimed

Text Twist game with untimed option.


Penny Dell Word Search

Penny Dell Word Search

Daily new Penny Dell word search puzzles.


Daily Letter Logic

Daily Letter Logic

Everyday new Word-Fills or Fill-in puzzles in two sizes.


Word Guess


Word Guess

Guess the 5 letter word in 6 tries.


Crossword Swipe

Crossword Swipe

Swipe to create words hidden in a crossword grid.


Word Games 5 in 1

Word Games 5 in 1

Train your Brain with 5 mini word memory games.


Daily CodeWords

Daily CodeWords

Try to solve two Code Words puzzles everyday


Letter Scramble


Letter Scramble

Create as many valid English words as fast as you can.


Classic Word Search

Classic Word Search

A Classic Word Search game, try to find all hidden words.




Connect letters to create valid English words.


Christmas Words

Christmas Words

Find all the letters of the Christmas words.


Halloween Words

Halloween Words

Fun word game for Halloween.




Shift letters, create words and use all letters.


Word Mahjong


Word Mahjong

Create English words with the letters on the tiles.


Bee English

Bee English

Help the bees by connecting honeycombs to make valid English words.


7 Words - 777 word puzzles

7 Words — 777 word puzzles

Solve the 777 word puzzles and find all 7 words.


Pretty Puzzle Princess

Pretty Puzzle Princess

Pretty word search puzzle game.


Fairy Word Search

Fairy Word Search

50 levels of word search fun.




Wordit: Scrabble like game, arrange the letters on the board to form valid words.


Search the Sands

Search the Sands

Search for Words in the Sands.


Finish the Proverbs

Finish the Proverbs

Test and improve your knowledge of famliar English proverbs.


Word Search

Word Search

50 levels of Word Search fun.




Create words by connecting letters on a grid.


Letter Mix

Letter Mix

Can you mix the letters and create words?


Word Fishing

Word Fishing

Fish for all letters of a word in the correct order.


Free Words

Free Words

Test your word vocabulary in this Text Twist game.




The classic Hangman word game: guess the word before the man hangs.


Wild West Hangman

Wild West Hangman

Classic Hangman word game.




Boggle like word game, connect letters and find words.



Take a step right in and see if you can figure out the names of ten winds by solving this mixed bag of brain teasers.

Difficult, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Feb 29 12

gold member

255 plays


Hi. I didn’t see you there! Welcome to Yoshimitzu’s Word Fill! All you have to do is find the word where the first and last letters of the word are given, but the middle four letters are missing.

Easier, 10 Qns, Yoshimitzu,
Jul 14 17


Jul 14 17
417 plays


A quick trip through Canada, one puzzle at a time.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Jan 07 23

gold member

Jan 07 23
229 plays


A mixed bag of puzzles with the common theme being the country of Peru.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Feb 17 21

gold member

Feb 17 21
353 plays


A set of mixed word puzzles that are all related to wars or warfare. In some cases the question is in the picture clue, while for others the picture simply provides a handy extra hint.

Average, 10 Qns, Fifiona81,
Apr 30 18


Apr 30 18
485 plays


This quiz features a combination of brainteasers all to do with fruits and vegetables. Have fun!

Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy,
Jul 08 22

gold member

Jul 08 22
2234 plays


Give your intellect some exercise with these tricky little word puzzles!

Difficult, 10 Qns, crisw,
Apr 26 20

gold member

Apr 26 20
18607 plays


We’ll start with some heart, and see where it ends. Come along for the ride!

Easier, 10 Qns, looney_tunes,
Jul 08 15


866 plays


Australians love munching into salads in summer. Can you work out these salad ingredients we usually eat, from the various mixed word teasers given? Happy crunching.

Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy,
Oct 03 20

gold member

Oct 03 20
536 plays


A mix of puzzles where the answers all relate to man’s best friend :)

For «sounds like» clues, the answer must have the correct spelling for the = clue.

Average, 10 Qns, heatherlois,
Aug 17 22

gold member

Aug 17 22
288 plays


Mister Magoo is in his garden but he is very myopic and has lost his flowers and plants. After walking into the manure heap, he is now asking for your help by solving this mixture of brain teasers.

Easier, 10 Qns, Plodd,
Jun 29 18


Jun 29 18
1445 plays


All at sea? Don’t worry. This mixed bag of puzzles has enough clues to help you figure out all the answers.

Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Sep 01 13

gold member

2885 plays


Enjoy the trip as you work out the answers for ten words which will take you back to where you began.

Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy,
May 24 22

gold member

May 24 22
1973 plays


Ten of the twelve star signs are hidden in a mixed bag of puzzles.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Apr 19 16

gold member

1682 plays


All of these word puzzles have one thing in common — the Middle Eastern city of Dubai.

Average, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Jan 06 22

gold member

Jan 06 22
163 plays


Accident prone Mr Magoo decided to take a holiday on a cruise liner. While he was travelling, he tried to complete a mixture of brain teasers which left him all at sea. Can you help him?

Average, 10 Qns, Plodd,
Aug 31 13


2400 plays


The ancient Greeks are well known for being pioneers in the fields of philosophy, mathematics, science and medicine but did you know they also had a passion for word games? Test your wits against the Greeks with ten of their favourite puzzles.

Average, 10 Qns, Aussiedrongo,
Dec 20 12


740 plays


These question aren’t very hard. All you really need to do is think really hard and soon you will know the answer!

Difficult, 10 Qns, Blue_eyes,
Oct 17 19


Oct 17 19
13343 plays


Solve this mixed bag of puzzles to find ten different precious and semi-precious stones.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Apr 25 12

gold member

1260 plays


A mixed bag of puzzles containing clues to ten relatively well known elements.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
May 28 17

gold member

May 28 17
729 plays


If not, at least find one from among these mixed puzzles.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Jan 03 17

gold member

Jan 03 17
607 plays


Purple comes in many shades. See how many of them you can find in these word puzzles.

Easier, 10 Qns, spanishliz,
May 28 19


May 28 19
490 plays


This quiz brings together several categories of word quizzes, including 5 questions from each of Brainstorm, Cryptic, Skeleton, Spoonerisms and Acrostic quizzes. Hope you like it!

Difficult, 25 Qns, timence,
May 30 07

gold member

7022 plays


All the answers in this quiz have something to do with weddings.

Easier, 10 Qns, zorba_scank,
Mar 28 16

gold member

707 plays


Sweden has created so many icons that the rest of the world has come love. Take a journey with us through these teasers to identify them.

Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19,
Jan 04 15

gold member

363 plays


This teaser requires dropping letters from, adding letters to, and then anagramming the result to take you right back to the beginning. Have fun :)

Easier, 10 Qns, Creedy,
Mar 20 16

gold member

706 plays


Welcome to the Eggheads scrambled up team quiz on assorted brainteasers. Have fun.

Average, 10 Qns, Creedy,
Sep 16 20

gold member

Sep 16 20
281 plays


The Scrambled Eggheads team have stopped clucking around and found time instead to create this mixture of brain teasers, all relating to the word «egg». Enjoy!

Average, 10 Qns, Plodd,
Jun 15 15


435 plays


You might notice that there is a missing word in the title of this quiz. There are no ‘missing word’ Brain Teaser quizzes on Fun Trivia but there are many other kinds; some don’t require a lot of thinking. Let’s see what we can find.

Easier, 10 Qns, CmdrK,
Sep 12 18

gold member

Sep 12 18
486 plays


You may think this quiz will be about zephyrs and hurricanes, but think again! This one relates to the verb «wind» (move in or take a twisting or spiral course). Check your thesaurus and unwind the CRYPTIC clues.

Average, 10 Qns, nannywoo,
Jul 26 17

gold member

Jul 26 17
536 plays

Get tons of crazy puzzles, brain teasers, riddles and more — everything you need to satisfy the urge to challenge your brain. We have a vast collection of brain games that taps your different brain areas and help you work on your memory, attention, focus, problem-solving skills, logic, creative thinking, mental math and more. It’s time for some metal workout.

Nothing pumps your brain better than the old and classic puzzle problems. And today we have one for you. So can you guess the answer? Quick, share it in the comments.

Nothing pumps your brain better than the old and classic puzzle problems. And today we have one for you. So can you guess the answer? Quick, share it in the comments.

Answer:3 Minute

You can’t solve this brain teaser unless you’re very, very, very smart. Let’s see if you can crack this one.

You can’t solve this brain teaser unless you’re very, very, very smart. Let’s see if you can crack this one.

Answer:(A+B)=76 -A+B=-38 If it is added then, 2B=38, B=19 so A = 57 if B = 19. 57/19= 3

Smart Brains! This is a really basic math brain teaser — but most adults can’t pass it. Can you?

Smart Brains! This is a really basic math brain teaser — but most adults can’t pass it. Can you?


This puzzle is an absolute head-scratcher (although it’s a really simple one). So can you guess which number is missing? Quick, share your answers.

This puzzle is an absolute head-scratcher (although it’s a really simple one). So can you guess which number is missing? Quick, share your answers.


This puzzle will test your pattern-recognising skills. Let’s see if you can guess the correct top view of the tower.

This puzzle will test your pattern-recognising skills. Let’s see if you can guess the correct top view of the tower.

Answer:D. First, look at the reference tower carefully. It has orange on the top, yellow beneath it — but of equal size so won’t be visible from the top, a larger yellow with a slightly larger orange at the bottom. Looking from the aerial view the orange pattern must be prominent followed by a thin yellow and slightly larger orange. That’s the first pattern — D.

Can you guess the missing number with logic? Please comment.. We are waiting for Math genius

Can you guess the missing number with logic? Please comment.. We are waiting for Math genius

Answer:6. This brain teaser requires you to observe the number and find-out the logic. Look carefully the number in the center circle of each line is half the sum of numbers towards its left and right. So, for the last line, the answer will be: 9 + 3 = 12 (÷ 2) = 6.

Did you know… Solving Rebus Puzzles requires good vocabulary and skills to decipher cryptic visuals? Here, we got one to test it right away. Can you guess the word from the visuals?

Did you know… Solving Rebus Puzzles requires good vocabulary and skills to decipher cryptic visuals? Here, we got one to test it right away. Can you guess the word from the visuals?

Answer:Split Personality

Smart Brains, it’s time to test your observation skills. If you can spot the same lions you might be a true genius. (Psst…Post your time along with the answer. Let’s see who solved the fastest.)

Smart Brains, it’s time to test your observation skills.  If you can spot the same lions you might be a true genius. (Psst…Post your time along with the answer. Let’s see who solved the fastest.)

Answer:A & E

If you can answer this, you are a certified genius. (Hint: You gotta think out of the box.)

If you can answer this, you are a certified genius. (Hint: You gotta think out of the box.)


Hey Smart Brains, it’s time for some “dice” puzzle. Now, we bet this one is quite challenging — 9 out of 10 people CAN’T solve it. So are you up for the challenge? Then quick, share your answers.

Hey Smart Brains, it’s time for some “dice” puzzle.   Now, we bet this one is quite challenging — 9 out of 10 people CAN’T solve it.  So are you up for the challenge? Then quick, share your answers.

Answer:5. In the first box 5 will be on the top, in the second box, will be 1, in the third box it will be 3, and in the fourth box it will be 5.

It’s that time of the day — again! (*whistles and party popper*) Smart Brains, here’s today’s puzzle to pump your brain muscles. Can you solve it? Share your answers now!

It’s that time of the day — again! (*whistles and party popper*) Smart Brains, here’s today’s puzzle to pump your brain muscles. Can you solve it? Share your answers now!

Answer:Red or Tan. Look at the number of letters in the boxes. They are gradually reducing on the way to the top. So the top box should contain the name of a color with 3 letters.

Here’s a quick rebus puzzle ( guess the word) for you: Can you decipher the image?

Here’s a quick rebus puzzle ( guess the word) for you: Can you decipher the image?

Answer:Equal Rights

Before you dig into the puzzle, here’s a quick pun: Where do dices go after they die? . . . “Paradice” Now solve this dice puzzle — quick!

Before you dig into the puzzle, here’s a quick pun: Where do dices go after they die? . . . “Paradice” Now solve this dice puzzle — quick!

Answer:D. Each line has two dice of the same color and numbers: 2, 3, and 5. So the answer is D.

Here’s another classic puzzle that leaves most people scratching their heads. Do you know the answer? (Psst…Don’t Google it.)

Here’s another classic puzzle that leaves most people scratching their heads. Do you know the answer? (Psst…Don’t Google it.)

Answer:87. To solve this you’ll need to look at the puzzle from a different angle. What you see are inverted numbers, the actual sequence is 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91.

Here’s another fun visual puzzle to test your observation skills.

Here’s another fun visual puzzle to test your observation skills.


Here’s a Visual-Spatial Puzzle for you. Solving this kind of puzzle requires the ability to visualize things, visually understand the objects, and find the relation between them.

Here’s a Visual-Spatial Puzzle for you. Solving this kind of puzzle requires the ability to visualize things, visually understand the objects, and find the relation between them.

Answer:C. Just look at the opposite sides of the triangle. You’ll get the answer.

Can you guess which glass will fill up first? (Hint — look at the pipes carefully.)

Can you guess which glass will fill up first? (Hint — look at the pipes carefully.)

Answer:Answer: 5. If you thought it is 6, it’s wrong. Look at the pipes connected to beakers. The lower pipe connected with the first beaker is closed — the water won’t go through it. So now eliminating options with closed pipes, it’s the beaker number 5 that’ll fill up first.

This is a secondary school level math puzzle. Let’s see how good is are you in cracking it. Share your answer in your comments.

This is a secondary school level math puzzle. Let’s see how good is are you in cracking it. Share your answer in your comments.

Answer:Answer: C. Since Alex ranked 9th from the top there are 8 students ahead of him. And he ranked 38th from the bottom that means 37 students are behind him. So the total number of students will be 8 + Alex + 37= 46.

Here’s another brain teaser. Can you guess the missing letter inside this hexagon? Share your answer in the comments.

Here’s another brain teaser. Can you guess the missing letter inside this hexagon? Share your answer in the comments.


Can you identify the woman he’s married to? Hint: Look at the picture carefully.

Can you identify the woman he’s married to? Hint: Look at the picture carefully.

Answer:Answer: B. This brain teaser is all about observation and some logic-lateral thinking. Look at pictures carefully, do you see any signs or indications to identify a married woman? Yes, the second woman has a ring on her ring finger.

Alright, this one is complicated (and somewhat fruity). Can you solve this number puzzle? Share your answer in the comments.

Alright, this one is complicated (and somewhat fruity). Can you solve this number puzzle? Share your answer in the comments.


Can you guess the missing number in the sequence? Share your answers in the comment. This should be easy for you now.

Can you guess the missing number in the sequence? Share your answers in the comment. This should be easy for you now.


This one requires some logical reasoning. Let’s see how good are you with it. Share your answer in the comments.

This one requires some logical reasoning. Let’s see how good are you with it. Share your answer in the comments.

Answer:Answer: 4. The trick is to count the total number of intersections. In the first the lines intersect 9 times, in the second it’s just 1 and in the third one it’s 4 times.

These five butterflies are trying to reach the flower. Can you guess which one would reach there first? Share your answer in the comments.

These five butterflies are trying to reach the flower. Can you guess which one would reach there first? Share your answer in the comments.


Do you think you are as smart as Sherlock Holmes? If you can solve this puzzle, well, then you are.

Do you think you are as smart as Sherlock Holmes? If you can solve this puzzle, well, then you are.

Answer:Can you be ready at 5

Which one is the correct match? It must be very easy as you got a hint in question :)

Which one is the correct match? It must be very easy as you got a hint in question :)


Alright, this one is really simple. But most of the people get it wrong. Let’s see if you can get the right answer.

Alright, this one is really simple. But most of the people get it wrong. Let’s see if you can get the right answer.

Answer:Answer: The doctor is the boy’s mother. The picture of fishing with the son conjures a “son-dad time” picture. Our mind perceives it must be the son’s dad or a male figure who went fishing. Well, that’s how these riddles play with our minds.

How’s that possible? Yes! you need to start thinking from impossible to possible :) Hint: think simple but out of the box.

How’s that possible? Yes! you need to start thinking from impossible to possible :) Hint: think simple but out of the box.

Answer:Answer: One of the numbers (1975) could be the hospital room or even a postal code.

Read the options carefully. Share your answer in the comments if you got it.

Read the options carefully. Share your answer in the comments if you got it.


You’ll need to challenge your assumptions to get the right answer. Please comment your answer below.

You’ll need to challenge your assumptions to get the right answer. Please comment your answer below.


This one seems to stump everyone. How many cubes are there in the picture?

This one seems to stump everyone. How many cubes are there in the picture?

Answer:Answer: 9. Did you count the blocks that are hidden behind? The bottom layer has 5 blocks, the second layer has 3 and the top layer has 1 block.

Time for today’s question. Let’s see if you can solve this baffling math puzzle?

Time for today’s question. Let’s see if you can solve this baffling math puzzle?


Most of the creatures on earth have red blood — but there are some exceptions. Can you name an animal that has blue blood? (Bonus points if you can tell why this animal has blue blood.)

Most of the creatures on earth have red blood — but there are some exceptions. Can you name an animal that has blue blood? (Bonus points if you can tell why this animal has blue blood.)

Answer:Answer: Octopus, Squid, Horseshoe Crabs. The reason why these animals have blue blood is because of hemocyanin, a copper-rich protein present in their blood. While animals with red blood including humans have Hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein responsible for the red color.

Here’s another tricky puzzle. Can you guess the missing number in the wheel?

Here’s another tricky puzzle. Can you guess the missing number in the wheel?

Answer:Answer: 34. Here’s the trick. The wheel is a pie chart. Each number and the section represents the percentage. So 100 – 66 (total of the numbers) = 34.

A new week started and we come up with an interesting puzzle for you. See the diagram below and find the number by relating images

A new week started and we come up with an interesting puzzle for you. See the diagram below and find the number by relating images


Do you know how things weight in the water? That’s today’s puzzle challenge. Clue — Think about buoyant force

Do you know how things weight in the water? That’s today’s puzzle challenge. Clue — Think about buoyant force


Think you can solve this? Count the total number of squares in the picture. Hint: Make sure you count squares within the squares.

Think you can solve this? Count the total number of squares in the picture.  Hint: Make sure you count squares within the squares.


Can you find out the correct number of triangles in the image below? Count it carefully!

Can you find out the correct number of triangles in the image below? Count it carefully!


Easy or Difficult? Find out in which direction the bus is going?

Easy or Difficult? Find out in which direction the bus is going?

Answer:Based on the country rules of driving it will be going left or right.

Check out our free word search, word puzzle and spelling games for kids and adults.

No Annoying Apps, No Software Downloads!

All games are browser-based. Our catalog is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, offering cross-device gameplay. You can play on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. These games work in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

2 Player Word Search

2 Player Word Search.

This is a multiplayer timed word search puzzle game. Customize your puzzle by choosing from among 8 topics (or all of them at once). Play by yourself or against a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Word Search


2 Player Word Search.

This is a multiplayer timed word search puzzle game. Customize your puzzle by choosing from among 8 topics (or all of them at once). Play by yourself or against a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Word Search


9 Words Search

9 Words Search game.

This is a simple word finding game. Choose from 3 different word themes and find all 9 words shown at the bottom center of the screen as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


9 Words Search game.

This is a simple word finding game. Choose from 3 different word themes and find all 9 words shown at the bottom center of the screen as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


ABC Slider Puzzle: Alphabetical Order Game

ABC Slider Puzzle.

This is an alphabet themed puzzle where you must re-alphabetize the letters on the board. You have 4 available empty slots to work with. How many moves will it take you to solve the puzzle?

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


ABC Slider Puzzle.

This is an alphabet themed puzzle where you must re-alphabetize the letters on the board. You have 4 available empty slots to work with. How many moves will it take you to solve the puzzle?

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Adventure Man and Danger Dame Dungeon Dash Letters

Adventure Man and Danger Dame Dungeon Dash Letters.

This is a coin collecting running game where children gain a familiarity with the alphabet by passing through doors which match the instructions for each section of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Adventure Man and Danger Dame Dungeon Dash Letters.

This is a coin collecting running game where children gain a familiarity with the alphabet by passing through doors which match the instructions for each section of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabats Alliteration Game for Kids

Alphabats Alliteration.

This game invites young minds to learn about alliteration and how bats find food in total darkness.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Preschool

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Alphabats Alliteration.

This game invites young minds to learn about alliteration and how bats find food in total darkness.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Preschool

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Alphabats Rhyming Words

Alphabats Rhyming Words.

This is an educational quiz game on words that rhyme. Match the bats based on whether the words on their bellies rhyme.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabats Rhyming Words.

This is an educational quiz game on words that rhyme. Match the bats based on whether the words on their bellies rhyme.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabats Syllables

Alphabats Syllables.

This is an English language skills quiz game. Pair the bats with their friends based on the number of syllables the words on their bellies have.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabats Syllables.

This is an English language skills quiz game. Pair the bats with their friends based on the number of syllables the words on their bellies have.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabet Bingo

Alphabet Bingo.

This is a children’s bingo game themed for the letters of the English alphabet. Listen to the letter sounds and names and mark them on a card. Get a Bingo Bug marker each time you win.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo Phonics


Alphabet Bingo.

This is a children’s bingo game themed for the letters of the English alphabet. Listen to the letter sounds and names and mark them on a card. Get a Bingo Bug marker each time you win.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo Phonics


Alphabet Bubble Letter Match Game

Alphabet Bubble Letter Match.

This is an educational kids game where players pop bubbles with a letter in them when they are above a treasure chest showcasing a word which starts with the same letter. In the bonus round players pop bubbles in alphabetical order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics

/ One Comment

Alphabet Bubble Letter Match.

This is an educational kids game where players pop bubbles with a letter in them when they are above a treasure chest showcasing a word which starts with the same letter. In the bonus round players pop bubbles in alphabetical order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics

/ One Comment

Alphabet Order

Alphabet Order.

This game tests a child’s knowledge of the arrangement of the alphabet. Put the alphabet puzzle back together in the correct alphabetical order from A to Z.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabet Order.

This game tests a child’s knowledge of the arrangement of the alphabet. Put the alphabet puzzle back together in the correct alphabetical order from A to Z.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabet Sliders

Alphabet Sliders.

This is an interactive flashcard game that teaches young children about the Alphabet. Rearrange each alphabet slider into the proper place to form the card. Play through all 26 letter cards.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabet Sliders.

This is an interactive flashcard game that teaches young children about the Alphabet. Rearrange each alphabet slider into the proper place to form the card. Play through all 26 letter cards.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabetize With Tali and Otto: Alphabetical Order Game

Alphabetize With Tali and Otto.

This is a free alphabetical order game where players organize a list of words from the game’s dictionary or a custom word list of their own creation. Play the bonus round to catch as many fruits as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sorting


Alphabetize With Tali and Otto.

This is a free alphabetical order game where players organize a list of words from the game’s dictionary or a custom word list of their own creation. Play the bonus round to catch as many fruits as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sorting


Amazing Avian Alphabet Storybook

Amazing Avian Alphabet Storybook.

This is a collection of birds whose names start with the letters of the alphabet. Introduce young animal lovers to 26 of the nearly 11,000 species of birds.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Reading Word


Amazing Avian Alphabet Storybook.

This is a collection of birds whose names start with the letters of the alphabet. Introduce young animal lovers to 26 of the nearly 11,000 species of birds.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Reading Word


Amazing World of Gumball Word Search

Amazing World of Gumball Word Search.

This is a word finding game themed for the hit Cartoon Network series.

Plays.org published this game in Gumball Word Search

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Amazing World of Gumball Word Search.

This is a word finding game themed for the hit Cartoon Network series.

Plays.org published this game in Gumball Word Search

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Animal Game

Animal Game.

In this game children must drag and drop the name of an animal species to the correct animal drawing above.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Animal Game.

In this game children must drag and drop the name of an animal species to the correct animal drawing above.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Animal Word

Animal Word.

This is a simple spelling game designed for young learners. Drag and drop the missing letters to complete the animals’ names.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Spelling


Animal Word.

This is a simple spelling game designed for young learners. Drag and drop the missing letters to complete the animals’ names.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Spelling


Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search Game: Forward & Reverse

Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search.

This is a word search game which uses words from the animated series and has players find them. The game offers two difficulty levels with many words being backward and diagonal on hard mode. See how long it takes you to complete the puzzle and how many stars you earn.

Plays.org published this game in Scooby Doo Word Search

/ One Comment

Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search.

This is a word search game which uses words from the animated series and has players find them. The game offers two difficulty levels with many words being backward and diagonal on hard mode. See how long it takes you to complete the puzzle and how many stars you earn.

Plays.org published this game in Scooby Doo Word Search

/ One Comment

Brain Words

Brain Words.

In this game you must guess the correct word within 6 tries. Use the colors of the letters to determine their placement. You can play this game using English or Portuguese words.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Brain Words.

In this game you must guess the correct word within 6 tries. Use the colors of the letters to determine their placement. You can play this game using English or Portuguese words.

Plays.org published this game in Word




This is a word guessing game themed after brands. Guess the name of the brands within 6 tries. Use the clues from wrong guesses to help you narrow down your options and find the correct word.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a word guessing game themed after brands. Guess the name of the brands within 6 tries. Use the clues from wrong guesses to help you narrow down your options and find the correct word.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Catch That Fish

Catch That Fish.

This is an educational spelling game for young learners. Catch the fish to spell the word above the fisherman on the boat. Finish as many words as possible before the timer goes out.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet


Catch That Fish.

This is an educational spelling game for young learners. Catch the fish to spell the word above the fisherman on the boat. Finish as many words as possible before the timer goes out.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet


Change Word

Change Word.

In this game you create new words by dragging a single letter onto the existing word shown onscreen. Repeat this as many times as you can until you run out of options or time.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Change Word.

In this game you create new words by dragging a single letter onto the existing word shown onscreen. Repeat this as many times as you can until you run out of options or time.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Christmas Crossword Puzzle

Christmas Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for the holidays. Choose the row, then tap on the letters to form the word based on the clues.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Crossword


Christmas Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for the holidays. Choose the row, then tap on the letters to form the word based on the clues.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Crossword


Christmas Word Search

Christmas Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Word Search


Christmas Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Word Search


Circle Word

Circle Word.

This is a timed word spelling game with 2 modes: quick play, and choose word length. Using all the jumble of letters spinning around the center, spell out a word before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Circle Word.

This is a timed word spelling game with 2 modes: quick play, and choose word length. Using all the jumble of letters spinning around the center, spell out a word before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Connect the Dots ABC Order

Connect the Dots ABC Order.

This is a dot-connecting game featuring the letters of the alphabet. Connect all the letters in the proper order to reveal the image. The game can be played with both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Connect the Dots Phonics

/ One Comment

Connect the Dots ABC Order.

This is a dot-connecting game featuring the letters of the alphabet. Connect all the letters in the proper order to reveal the image. The game can be played with both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Connect the Dots Phonics

/ One Comment

Crossword Casual

Crossword Casual game.

This is an easygoing crossword game that avoids complex cryptic hints. Choose from among 4 themes: household objects, food, buildings & cities. Fill in all the words in each puzzle as quickly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Crossword Casual game.

This is an easygoing crossword game that avoids complex cryptic hints. Choose from among 4 themes: household objects, food, buildings & cities. Fill in all the words in each puzzle as quickly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Crossword Puzzle Creator

Crossword Puzzle Creator.

This game lets you make your own crosswords based on a list of words you compiled. Type in your entries and clues or copy paste them from a list you made earlier. Print out and share your puzzles with friends or play it online.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Crossword Puzzle Creator.

This game lets you make your own crosswords based on a list of words you compiled. Type in your entries and clues or copy paste them from a list you made earlier. Print out and share your puzzles with friends or play it online.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Cup Stacking Kids Typing Game

Cup Stacking Game.

This is a keyboard typing practice game for young kids where players build up and then knock down stacks of cups by typing the letters which appear on each cup.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Cup Stacking Game.

This is a keyboard typing practice game for young kids where players build up and then knock down stacks of cups by typing the letters which appear on each cup.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Daily Crossword

Daily Crossword Game.

This is a crossword puzzle game that provides a new crossword each day. Rack your brains and guess all the words in the puzzle based on clues both straightforward and obtuse.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword

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Daily Crossword Game.

This is a crossword puzzle game that provides a new crossword each day. Rack your brains and guess all the words in the puzzle based on clues both straightforward and obtuse.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword

/ One Comment

Daily Kakuro

Daily Kakuro Game.

This is a crossword-type math puzzle. Fill in each row with the numbers 1 through 9. Make sure that the numbers add up to the sum mentioned in the top or left of each row. Each number can only appear once in any answer, but a number can appear multiple times in a single row or column across multiple separate answers.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers

/ One Comment

Daily Kakuro Game.

This is a crossword-type math puzzle. Fill in each row with the numbers 1 through 9. Make sure that the numbers add up to the sum mentioned in the top or left of each row. Each number can only appear once in any answer, but a number can appear multiple times in a single row or column across multiple separate answers.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers

/ One Comment

Daily Letter Logic

Daily Letter Logic.

This game is a crossword derivative logic puzzle. Place the words in the crossword in a way that lets them all fit without repeating a single word.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic


Daily Letter Logic.

This game is a crossword derivative logic puzzle. Place the words in the crossword in a way that lets them all fit without repeating a single word.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic


Daily Str8ts

Daily Str8ts.

This is a number-filling logic puzzle game that plays like a cross between Sudoku and a crossword puzzle. Fill in each of the compartments with rows of numbers called straights. Make sure that no number repeats in any row or column.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers


Daily Str8ts.

This is a number-filling logic puzzle game that plays like a cross between Sudoku and a crossword puzzle. Fill in each of the compartments with rows of numbers called straights. Make sure that no number repeats in any row or column.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers


Daily Word Search

Daily Word Search.

This is a word finding game that provides puzzles in 3 difficulty levels and puzzle sizes for each day of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Daily Word Search.

This is a word finding game that provides puzzles in 3 difficulty levels and puzzle sizes for each day of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Disney Jr Lost Letter Adventures

Disney Jr Lost Letter Adventures.

In this game you help Mickey, Kermit, and Miss Piggy look for the missing letters of an alphabet picture book. Journey to the skies, the sea, and outer space to find the right letters. Wave Mickey’s wand to bring back the missing letters and pictures.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Disney Flying Phonics


Disney Jr Lost Letter Adventures.

In this game you help Mickey, Kermit, and Miss Piggy look for the missing letters of an alphabet picture book. Journey to the skies, the sea, and outer space to find the right letters. Wave Mickey’s wand to bring back the missing letters and pictures.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Disney Flying Phonics


Earth Day Crossword Puzzle

Earth Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Earth Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Environmental


Earth Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Earth Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Environmental


Earth Day Word Search

Earth Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after natural conservation and protecting mother Earth. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Environmental Word Search


Earth Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after natural conservation and protecting mother Earth. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Environmental Word Search


Easter Crossword Puzzle

Easter Crossword Puzzle Game.

This is a simple crossword puzzle themed after celebrating Easter. Play puzzles online or print them out for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Easter


Easter Crossword Puzzle Game.

This is a simple crossword puzzle themed after celebrating Easter. Play puzzles online or print them out for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Easter


Easter Word Search

Easter Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Easter Word Search


Easter Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Easter Word Search


Fast Typer Game: Measure Your Keyboard Typing WPM

Fast Typer

Fast Typer is a words per minute (WPM) measurement game where players type a word which is shown on a cue card above.

This game does not use the back button and as soon as a single letter is incorrect the player should stop typing until the next word appears or else they will start typing the next word incorrectly.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Fast Typer

Fast Typer is a words per minute (WPM) measurement game where players type a word which is shown on a cue card above.

This game does not use the back button and as soon as a single letter is incorrect the player should stop typing until the next word appears or else they will start typing the next word incorrectly.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Find Me Game

Find Me Game.

This is a card matching game that tests young children’s knowledge about animals. Drag the animal to the card that has its name.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Find Me Game.

This is a card matching game that tests young children’s knowledge about animals. Drag the animal to the card that has its name.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Fruits and Vegetables Word for Kids

Fruits and Vegetables Word for Kids game.

This is a timed spelling game for young learners. Move the letter tiles around the word to spell out the name of the fruit or vegetable shown on the picture before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Food Spelling


Fruits and Vegetables Word for Kids game.

This is a timed spelling game for young learners. Move the letter tiles around the word to spell out the name of the fruit or vegetable shown on the picture before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Food Spelling


Fun Factory Punctuation and Capitalization

Fun Factory Punctuation and Capitalization.

This game tests a young learner’s knowledge of proper capitalization and punctuation rules in English. Correct each sentence to form the parts of a toy. Once you’ve answered all the questions, assemble the finished parts to complete the toy.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Fun Factory Punctuation and Capitalization.

This game tests a young learner’s knowledge of proper capitalization and punctuation rules in English. Correct each sentence to form the parts of a toy. Once you’ve answered all the questions, assemble the finished parts to complete the toy.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Fun With The Fridge

Fun With The Fridge.

This is an educational letter game patterned after kitchen magnets. Children can familiarize with shapes, letters, numbers, and punctuation by creating messages on a refrigerator.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers Phonics


Fun With The Fridge.

This is an educational letter game patterned after kitchen magnets. Children can familiarize with shapes, letters, numbers, and punctuation by creating messages on a refrigerator.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers Phonics


Fuzz Bugs Farm Consonant Blend

Fuzz Bugs Farm Consonant Blend.

This is an educational board game. Spin to determine the number of moves you can make. To make the move, you must pick a suffix that creates a valid word with a pair of consonants.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Word


Fuzz Bugs Farm Consonant Blend.

This is an educational board game. Spin to determine the number of moves you can make. To make the move, you must pick a suffix that creates a valid word with a pair of consonants.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Word


Garfield Sentences: Educational Kid’s Sentence Structure Game

Garfield Sentences.

This is an educational game that teaches young children how to construct complete sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Cartoon Cat Phonics Word


Garfield Sentences.

This is an educational game that teaches young children how to construct complete sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Cartoon Cat Phonics Word


Ghost Typing

Ghost Typing.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out the letters in a word near a growing ghost and complete each word before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Ghost Typing.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out the letters in a word near a growing ghost and complete each word before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Ghost Typing Jr

Ghost Typing Jr.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out a letter near a growing ghost before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Ghost Typing Jr.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out a letter near a growing ghost before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Guess Word

Guess Word.

This is a word puzzle where you must type in letters to identify the words in the spaces. Each of your guesses color codes the letters to determine whether they’re part of the word. See if you can guess all 5 words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Guess Word.

This is a word puzzle where you must type in letters to identify the words in the spaces. Each of your guesses color codes the letters to determine whether they’re part of the word. See if you can guess all 5 words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Guess Word Game

Guess Word Game.

In this game you must assemble the word from the jumbled letters on the bottom center of the screen within 60 seconds. Choose words from 4 categories.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Food Spelling


Guess Word Game.

In this game you must assemble the word from the jumbled letters on the bottom center of the screen within 60 seconds. Choose words from 4 categories.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Food Spelling


Halloween Crossword Puzzle Game for Kids

Halloween Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple crossword game for younger players themed for the spookiest day of the year. Solve the puzzle online or print it out.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Halloween


Halloween Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple crossword game for younger players themed for the spookiest day of the year. Solve the puzzle online or print it out.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Halloween


Halloween Word Search Game

Halloween Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game where you find seasonally themed words in either a small or large puzzle.

Plays.org published this game in Halloween Word Search


Halloween Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game where you find seasonally themed words in either a small or large puzzle.

Plays.org published this game in Halloween Word Search


Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle

Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Hanukkah.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Hanukkah.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Hanukkah Word Search

Hanukkah Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Hanukkah Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Happy New Year Word Search

Happy New Year Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in New Years Word Search


Happy New Year Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in New Years Word Search


Hexa Word

Hexa Word game.

This is a Boggle-inspired word finding game where you must form as many words as you can from the jumble of letters in a hexagonal field. Choose to play in tap mode to use any letter on the field, or play in connect mode to form words of consecutive adjacent letters.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Hexa Word game.

This is a Boggle-inspired word finding game where you must form as many words as you can from the jumble of letters in a hexagonal field. Choose to play in tap mode to use any letter on the field, or play in connect mode to form words of consecutive adjacent letters.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Hold The Phone An Idiom Game

Hold The Phone An Idiom Game.

This game introduces young students and ESL learners to English idioms. Form puns around 6 common English idioms, then identify their meaning. Once you’re done, pick out the right idioms for the sentences shown.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Reading Word


Hold The Phone An Idiom Game.

This game introduces young students and ESL learners to English idioms. Form puns around 6 common English idioms, then identify their meaning. Once you’re done, pick out the right idioms for the sentences shown.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Reading Word


Ice Cream Talk Nouns and Verbs Game

Ice Cream Talk Nouns and Verbs.

This is a simple educational quiz game that tests a young learners ability to identify parts of speech. Help the monkey get more ice cream than the monster by selecting the nouns and verbs in the sentence that appears onscreen. Give the monkey 10 scoops to win. Win without making mistakes to unlock the bonus ice cream game.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Ice Cream Talk Nouns and Verbs.

This is a simple educational quiz game that tests a young learners ability to identify parts of speech. Help the monkey get more ice cream than the monster by selecting the nouns and verbs in the sentence that appears onscreen. Give the monkey 10 scoops to win. Win without making mistakes to unlock the bonus ice cream game.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Independence Day Crossword Puzzle

Independence Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating July 4th.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Independence Day


Independence Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating July 4th.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Independence Day


Independence Day Word Search

Independence Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Independence Day Word Search


Independence Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Independence Day Word Search


Italian Vocabulary Word Toss

Italian Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests your knowledge of essential Italian words and phrases. See if you can identify the correct translation of the word shown. Translate from English to Italian or Italian to English. Answer 10 questions correctly and win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Italian Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests your knowledge of essential Italian words and phrases. See if you can identify the correct translation of the word shown. Translate from English to Italian or Italian to English. Answer 10 questions correctly and win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Journey to the Past Tense

Journey to the Past Tense.

This is a vocabulary game themed after time travel. Test your knowledge of verbs in the past tense to charge up the time machine and collect lost artifacts.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Journey to the Past Tense.

This is a vocabulary game themed after time travel. Test your knowledge of verbs in the past tense to charge up the time machine and collect lost artifacts.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Jr Typing Rocket: Letter Typing Game for Children

Jr Typing Rocket.

This is a three-minute typing practice game where children type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. This game is suitable for younger children who either do not use or are just beginning to learn using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Typing Rocket game for older kids.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Jr Typing Rocket.

This is a three-minute typing practice game where children type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. This game is suitable for younger children who either do not use or are just beginning to learn using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Typing Rocket game for older kids.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Keyboard Challenge

Keyboard Challenge.

This is a simple keyboard memory game which asks players to re-assemble a broken keyboard with the keys missing. Choose to fix a whole keyboard or play with just the letter and number keys missing. Can you fix every key without making any errors?

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Keyboard Challenge.

This is a simple keyboard memory game which asks players to re-assemble a broken keyboard with the keys missing. Choose to fix a whole keyboard or play with just the letter and number keys missing. Can you fix every key without making any errors?

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Keyboard Zoo

Keyboard Zoo.

This is a typing game that introduces young learners to the name and sound of each letter of the alphabet. Type in each letter 10 times, then see the animal or item whose name starts with that letter.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

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Keyboard Zoo.

This is a typing game that introduces young learners to the name and sound of each letter of the alphabet. Type in each letter 10 times, then see the animal or item whose name starts with that letter.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

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Keyboard Zoo 2

Keyboard Zoo 2.

This is a typing tutorial game that introduces young learners to letter cases, periods, and spaces. Put them all together and form full sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

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Keyboard Zoo 2.

This is a typing tutorial game that introduces young learners to letter cases, periods, and spaces. Put them all together and form full sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

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Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement

Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement.

This is a language skills game inspired by whack-a-mole. Whack the gator that contains the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement.

This is a language skills game inspired by whack-a-mole. Whack the gator that contains the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Learn Drawing

Learn Drawing.

This is a simple drawing instruction game for young children. Young learners will grasp the basics of drawing letters, numbers, Chinese characters, and geometric objects.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Drawing Geometry Numbers Phonics


Learn Drawing.

This is a simple drawing instruction game for young children. Young learners will grasp the basics of drawing letters, numbers, Chinese characters, and geometric objects.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Drawing Geometry Numbers Phonics


Letter Bubble Alphabetical Order

Letter Bubble Alphabetical Order.

This game helps young learners remember alphabetical order. Players must pop bubbles to drop the letters to their proper treasure chests. The letters must be placed in the correct order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Letter Bubble Alphabetical Order.

This game helps young learners remember alphabetical order. Players must pop bubbles to drop the letters to their proper treasure chests. The letters must be placed in the correct order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Letter Dimensions

Letter Dimensions.

This is a timed 40-stage 3D Mahjong Solitaire game featuring the 26 letters of the alphabet on colorful blocks. Match the letters to remove them from the stack. Clear the entire stack before time runs out to win the level.

Plays.org published this game in 3d Mahjong Alphabet


Letter Dimensions.

This is a timed 40-stage 3D Mahjong Solitaire game featuring the 26 letters of the alphabet on colorful blocks. Match the letters to remove them from the stack. Clear the entire stack before time runs out to win the level.

Plays.org published this game in 3d Mahjong Alphabet


Letter Mahjong

Letter Mahjong.

This is an alphabet- and number-themed Mahjong Solitaire game. Clear all the stones from the stack by matching pairs of stones with identical letters, numbers, or symbols. Clear the entire stack as fast as you can to earn a high score. Play levels sequentially or choose which of the 144 board designs you want to play first.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Mahjong Solitaire


Letter Mahjong.

This is an alphabet- and number-themed Mahjong Solitaire game. Clear all the stones from the stack by matching pairs of stones with identical letters, numbers, or symbols. Clear the entire stack as fast as you can to earn a high score. Play levels sequentially or choose which of the 144 board designs you want to play first.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Mahjong Solitaire


Letter Scramble

Letter Scramble.

This is a word game where you must assemble valid English words from a scrambled mess of letters. Meet each level’s letter score quota before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Word

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Letter Scramble.

This is a word game where you must assemble valid English words from a scrambled mess of letters. Meet each level’s letter score quota before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Word

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Letter Train

Letter Train game.

In this game your task is to spell an English word by dropping the letters onto the empty spaces on the train. Play through 5 levels consisting of a various array of increasingly complex words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Letter Train game.

In this game your task is to spell an English word by dropping the letters onto the empty spaces on the train. Play through 5 levels consisting of a various array of increasingly complex words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Letters Memory

Letters Memory.

This is an 8-level flashcard memory game for young children. Match all the cards pairs with the same letter to clear each level. As you advance through the game more letters of the alphabet are added to each stage.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory


Letters Memory.

This is an 8-level flashcard memory game for young children. Match all the cards pairs with the same letter to clear each level. As you advance through the game more letters of the alphabet are added to each stage.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory


Lilly the White Cat

Lilly the White Cat.

This is an interactive narrated children’s storybook about a little kitten who wanted to be a wild cat.

Plays.org published this game in Cat Phonics Reading Word


Lilly the White Cat.

This is an interactive narrated children’s storybook about a little kitten who wanted to be a wild cat.

Plays.org published this game in Cat Phonics Reading Word


Looking For The Words

Looking For The Words game.

This is a 3-category word search game for suitable for young learners. Find 9 fruit, animal, or food related words in a 10×10 letter grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Looking For The Words game.

This is a 3-category word search game for suitable for young learners. Find 9 fruit, animal, or food related words in a 10×10 letter grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Martin Luther King Day Word Search

Martin Luther King Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Martin Luther King Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crossword Puzzle

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Math Search

Math Search game.

In this game you must find the answers to the operators on the left side of the screen, word search style. Find all the hidden numbers before the timer runs out. Play through 8 stages with a 10-minute timer on each. Start with adding 3-digit numbers & as you advance move up to numbers as long as 5 digits while adding it subtraction, multiplication, & division.

Plays.org published this game in Math Word Search


Math Search game.

In this game you must find the answers to the operators on the left side of the screen, word search style. Find all the hidden numbers before the timer runs out. Play through 8 stages with a 10-minute timer on each. Start with adding 3-digit numbers & as you advance move up to numbers as long as 5 digits while adding it subtraction, multiplication, & division.

Plays.org published this game in Math Word Search


Math Word Search: Math Solving & Word Seeking Game for Students

Math Word Search.

This is a unique math solving and word searching game for students and kids. Players must solve the equations on the left side of the game. Then they must find the word of the answer across the word puzzle. Complete the game on easy or hard mode.

Plays.org published this game in Division Math Multiplication Word Search

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Math Word Search.

This is a unique math solving and word searching game for students and kids. Players must solve the equations on the left side of the game. Then they must find the word of the answer across the word puzzle. Complete the game on easy or hard mode.

Plays.org published this game in Division Math Multiplication Word Search

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Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle

Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Memorial Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Memorial Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Memorial Day Word Search

Memorial Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Memorial Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search



Misspelled Game.

This is a physics, logic & word puzzle game where you must help an intrepid wizard clear a path to exit 15 different stages. Cast spells and use them to create platforms to safely make it to the other side.

Plays.org published this game in Escape Logic Pixel Platform Word


Misspelled Game.

This is a physics, logic & word puzzle game where you must help an intrepid wizard clear a path to exit 15 different stages. Cast spells and use them to create platforms to safely make it to the other side.

Plays.org published this game in Escape Logic Pixel Platform Word


Monkey Trouble Spelling Adventure

Monkey Trouble Spelling Adventure.

This is a simple spelling game for young children that tests their knowledge about the days of the week and the months of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Monkey Trouble Spelling Adventure.

This is a simple spelling game for young children that tests their knowledge about the days of the week and the months of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Monster Mansion Match Alphabet

Monster Mansion Match Alphabet.

This is a monster-themed matching and memory game for young learners. Pair the monsters with the words that start with the letter they’re holding.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Monster Mansion Match Alphabet.

This is a monster-themed matching and memory game for young learners. Pair the monsters with the words that start with the letter they’re holding.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


New Years Crossword Puzzle

New Years Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for celebrating another year with new opportunities.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword New Years


New Years Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for celebrating another year with new opportunities.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword New Years


OMG Word Genius

OMG Word Genius game.

This is a hidden word puzzle game with 108 levels. Connect all the letters in the proper order to find them in the jumble. All the letters in a jumble form part of a word.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling Word Search


OMG Word Genius game.

This is a hidden word puzzle game with 108 levels. Connect all the letters in the proper order to find them in the jumble. All the letters in a jumble form part of a word.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling Word Search


Pancake Panic Homophone Fun

Pancake Panic Homophone Fun.

This is an educational matching and memory game set in a 1950s-themed diner. Match the pancakes that contain homophones until the timer runs out. Play through all 3 rounds to unlock the bonus game.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Pancake Panic Homophone Fun.

This is an educational matching and memory game set in a 1950s-themed diner. Match the pancakes that contain homophones until the timer runs out. Play through all 3 rounds to unlock the bonus game.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Parts of Speech Asteroids Game

Parts of Speech Asteroids.

In this game you take control of a rocket that’s firing lasers at oncoming asteroids. Take out the asteroids labeled with words that match the parts of speech shown below your rocket. Clear out all the asteroids to win.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Parts of Speech Asteroids.

In this game you take control of a rocket that’s firing lasers at oncoming asteroids. Take out the asteroids labeled with words that match the parts of speech shown below your rocket. Clear out all the asteroids to win.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adjectives Game

Parts of Speech Quest Adjectives.

This is an educational retro-themed adventure RPG where you must answer the questions of treasure guardians in the pyramid to earn the Orb of Adjectives. Use this orb to retrieve the stolen royal treasure from an evil dragon’s hideout.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adjectives.

This is an educational retro-themed adventure RPG where you must answer the questions of treasure guardians in the pyramid to earn the Orb of Adjectives. Use this orb to retrieve the stolen royal treasure from an evil dragon’s hideout.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adverbs Game

Parts of Speech Quest Adverbs.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG where you play an adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Adverbs. Impress the temple’s guardians by answering their puzzles and receive the artifact that will let you recover the stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adverbs.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG where you play an adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Adverbs. Impress the temple’s guardians by answering their puzzles and receive the artifact that will let you recover the stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Conjunctions Game

Parts of Speech Quest Conjunctions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG set in a fantasy world. Challenge the fairies and Unicorn of the Skylands to earn the Orb of Conjunctions, which you need to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure from a dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Conjunctions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG set in a fantasy world. Challenge the fairies and Unicorn of the Skylands to earn the Orb of Conjunctions, which you need to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure from a dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Final Review Game

Parts of Speech Quest Final Review.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Take on the dragon that stole the treasure of the Kingdom of Lingua and restore peace to the kingdom. Use your combined knowledge of the parts of speech to vanquish the evil beast and banish them forever.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Final Review.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Take on the dragon that stole the treasure of the Kingdom of Lingua and restore peace to the kingdom. Use your combined knowledge of the parts of speech to vanquish the evil beast and banish them forever.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Interjections Game

Parts of Speech Quest Interjections.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG where you play as a heroic adventurer. Answer the questions littered around the Hall of Interjections and prove your worth to Medusa. Win the Orb of Interjections and save the kingdom’s treasure from the evil dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Interjections.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG where you play as a heroic adventurer. Answer the questions littered around the Hall of Interjections and prove your worth to Medusa. Win the Orb of Interjections and save the kingdom’s treasure from the evil dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Nouns Game

Parts of Speech Quest Nouns.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG where you play as adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Nouns. Answer the questions posed by the defenders of the Castle of Nouns to prove your worthiness to retrieve the Orb of Nouns to defeat the dragon and return the kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Nouns.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG where you play as adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Nouns. Answer the questions posed by the defenders of the Castle of Nouns to prove your worthiness to retrieve the Orb of Nouns to defeat the dragon and return the kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Prepositions Game

Parts of Speech Quest Prepositions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG. Take on the treacherous Manor of Prepositions and its owner. Retrieve the orb needed to recover the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Prepositions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG. Take on the treacherous Manor of Prepositions and its owner. Retrieve the orb needed to recover the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Pronouns Game

Parts of Speech Quest Pronouns.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Choose your warrior and go on a quest to become Pronouns Master within the Palace of Pronouns. Impress the Octopus guardian to retrieve the magic orb you need to save your kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Pronouns.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Choose your warrior and go on a quest to become Pronouns Master within the Palace of Pronouns. Impress the Octopus guardian to retrieve the magic orb you need to save your kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Verbs Game

Parts of Speech Quest Verbs.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG that puts you in the shoes of an adventurer called to serve king and country. Identify the verbs in common speech to prove your worth to the guardians of the Cave of Verbs and earn the Orb needed to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Verbs.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG that puts you in the shoes of an adventurer called to serve king and country. Identify the verbs in common speech to prove your worth to the guardians of the Cave of Verbs and earn the Orb needed to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Piñata Party Contraction Action

Pinata Party Contraction Action.

This is a slingshot game where players must hit the piñata containing the correct contraction of 2 words. Play in practice or arcade mode.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Pinata Party Contraction Action.

This is a slingshot game where players must hit the piñata containing the correct contraction of 2 words. Play in practice or arcade mode.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Presidents’ Day Crossword Puzzle

Presidents' Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed after the holiday.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Presidents' Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed after the holiday.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Presidents’ Day Word Search

Presidents' Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Presidents' Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Rusty Rivets Flip and Match

Rusty Rivets Flip and Match.

This is an easy card matching game based on the hit Nick Jr. animated series. You must match the characters and objects with the letters their names begin with.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory Rusty Rivets


Rusty Rivets Flip and Match.

This is an easy card matching game based on the hit Nick Jr. animated series. You must match the characters and objects with the letters their names begin with.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory Rusty Rivets


Saint Patrick’s Day Word Search

Saint Patrick's Day Word Search game.

This is a simple luck of the Irish word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in St Patrick’s Day Word Search


Saint Patrick's Day Word Search game.

This is a simple luck of the Irish word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in St Patrick’s Day Word Search


Secret Words Professions

Secret Words Professions.

This is an educational word guessing game for young learners. Find the word describing a real-world profession by selecting letters of the alphabet which you think can fit in the word. You can play the game by yourself or with a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Spelling Word


Secret Words Professions.

This is an educational word guessing game for young learners. Find the word describing a real-world profession by selecting letters of the alphabet which you think can fit in the word. You can play the game by yourself or with a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Spelling Word


Sesame Street Big Bird and Snuffy’s Letter Dance Party

Sesame Street Big Bird and Snuffy's Letter Dance Party.

This is a free A, B, C letter tracing and hearing game which helps familiarize young children with the alphabet.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street

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Sesame Street Big Bird and Snuffy's Letter Dance Party.

This is a free A, B, C letter tracing and hearing game which helps familiarize young children with the alphabet.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street

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Sesame Street ABC Hungry

Sesame Street ABC Hungry.

This is a bubble popping game meant to teach young learners about letter shapes. Help Cookie Monster get the cookies in the shape of a letter he wants by popping the bubbles they’re in.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street ABC Hungry.

This is a bubble popping game meant to teach young learners about letter shapes. Help Cookie Monster get the cookies in the shape of a letter he wants by popping the bubbles they’re in.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Alphabet Hunt

Sesame Street Alphabet Hunt.

This is a simple letter learning hidden objects game for young learners where they explore 5 scenes which contain 5 or 6 letters each.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Alphabet Hunt.

This is a simple letter learning hidden objects game for young learners where they explore 5 scenes which contain 5 or 6 letters each.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Big Bird’s Alphabet Track

Sesame Street Big Bird's Alphabet Track.

This is a letter tracing game where players trace dashed letter outlines to build track for Big Bird’s roller coaster cart to appear on.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Big Bird's Alphabet Track.

This is a letter tracing game where players trace dashed letter outlines to build track for Big Bird’s roller coaster cart to appear on.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Bumper Cars

Sesame Street Bumper Cars.

This game starts with an alphabet letter finding game where you must find the pieces of garbage that start with a letter Oscar is looking for. Once you give him the trash for the ticket, hop on the bumper cars and get moving!

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Bumper Cars.

This game starts with an alphabet letter finding game where you must find the pieces of garbage that start with a letter Oscar is looking for. Once you give him the trash for the ticket, hop on the bumper cars and get moving!

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Shoot That Fast

Shoot That Fast.

This is a spelling game inspired by arcade shooters. Shoot the letter bottles in the correct order to spell the word shown on the bottom center of the screen. Spell as many words as you can before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Gun Spelling


Shoot That Fast.

This is a spelling game inspired by arcade shooters. Shoot the letter bottles in the correct order to spell the word shown on the bottom center of the screen. Spell as many words as you can before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Gun Spelling


Sight Word Bingo Spelling Game

Sight Word Bingo.

This is a educational bingo game that tests the vocabulary of young learners. Identify words by ear and mark them on a bingo card. With each game you win, you earn another bingo marker cartoon creature called a Bingo Beast. Keep playing to collect them all.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Spelling


Sight Word Bingo.

This is a educational bingo game that tests the vocabulary of young learners. Identify words by ear and mark them on a bingo card. With each game you win, you earn another bingo marker cartoon creature called a Bingo Beast. Keep playing to collect them all.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Spelling


Slimezilla vs the Compound Words

Slimezilla vs the Compound Words.

The dreaded Slimezilla is besieging Goo Jersey, and the only way to stop the giant menace is with another giant. This educational game introduces young learners to compound words while combining it with a simple fighting game. Form compound words to build up your hero, Goo Guy. As Goo Guy, beat the snot out of […]

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Slimezilla vs the Compound Words.

The dreaded Slimezilla is besieging Goo Jersey, and the only way to stop the giant menace is with another giant. This educational game introduces young learners to compound words while combining it with a simple fighting game. Form compound words to build up your hero, Goo Guy. As Goo Guy, beat the snot out of […]

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Space Words Online Spelling Practice Game

Space Words

This is a spelling game for kids where they learn how to spell common words in the English language by looking at a picture and then shooting asteroids with letters on them to spell out the word.

Plays.org published this game in Flying Kids Phonics Spelling

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Space Words

This is a spelling game for kids where they learn how to spell common words in the English language by looking at a picture and then shooting asteroids with letters on them to spell out the word.

Plays.org published this game in Flying Kids Phonics Spelling

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Spanish Bingo

Spanish Bingo.

This game tests your Spanish vocabulary language skills. Find the correct translation of the word shown in the bottom of the screen on the bingo card. Mark a full row of correct answers to win. You can play in English to Spanish or Spanish to English modes.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Word


Spanish Bingo.

This game tests your Spanish vocabulary language skills. Find the correct translation of the word shown in the bottom of the screen on the bingo card. Mark a full row of correct answers to win. You can play in English to Spanish or Spanish to English modes.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Word


Spanish Vocabulary Word Toss

Spanish Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests how well you know common words in the Spanish Language. Select to translate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English and choose the category of words to test yourself on. Answer 10 questions correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word

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Spanish Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests how well you know common words in the Spanish Language. Select to translate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English and choose the category of words to test yourself on. Answer 10 questions correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word

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SpeedType Game: Improve Typing Speed & Accuracy

Speed Type.

This is a free typing practice game which enables players to practice common words in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Speed Type.

This is a free typing practice game which enables players to practice common words in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Spell School Word Spelling Game

Spell School is an HTML word spelling game where players drag letter blocks into their correct position to spell the word associated with a picture shown above the letter tiles.

Letter tiles do not need to be played from left to right, but need to be put in the correct position.

On easy mode where the letters goes is shown through light background highlighting, whereas on normal mode the highlights are not there.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Spell School is an HTML word spelling game where players drag letter blocks into their correct position to spell the word associated with a picture shown above the letter tiles.

Letter tiles do not need to be played from left to right, but need to be put in the correct position.

On easy mode where the letters goes is shown through light background highlighting, whereas on normal mode the highlights are not there.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


SpongeBob SquarePants Word Blocks

Spongebob Squarepants Word Blocks.

This game is a 37-level word spelling game where players select words starting from the first letter of the word and repeat the process until all tiles are used on each level.

Plays.org published this game in SpongeBob Word

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Spongebob Squarepants Word Blocks.

This game is a 37-level word spelling game where players select words starting from the first letter of the word and repeat the process until all tiles are used on each level.

Plays.org published this game in SpongeBob Word

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St. Patrick’s Day Crossword Puzzle

St. Patrick's Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword St Patrick’s Day


St. Patrick's Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword St Patrick’s Day




This is a random story prompt generator. Choose up to 8 randomly selected prompts to create the major plot elements of your next story.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a random story prompt generator. Choose up to 8 randomly selected prompts to create the major plot elements of your next story.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Submarine Spelling Practice With Spelly Pelican

Submarine Spelling Practice With Spelly Pelican.

This is an audio-based spelling tool for preschool and grade school children. Spell out various words using letter tiles to help the sub descend. The game is suited for learners up to the 3rd Grade and older ESL learners new to the English language.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Spelling


Submarine Spelling Practice With Spelly Pelican.

This is an audio-based spelling tool for preschool and grade school children. Spell out various words using letter tiles to help the sub descend. The game is suited for learners up to the 3rd Grade and older ESL learners new to the English language.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Spelling


Super Why Alpha Pig’s Paint by Letter

Super Why Alpha Pig's Paint by Letter.

This is an alphabet learning game for preschool-aged children. Help Alpha pig color in the painting by choosing the brushes with the right letters. After that, draw anything you want on the finished picture.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Coloring Preschool


Super Why Alpha Pig's Paint by Letter.

This is an alphabet learning game for preschool-aged children. Help Alpha pig color in the painting by choosing the brushes with the right letters. After that, draw anything you want on the finished picture.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Coloring Preschool


Super Why Princess Presto’s Spectacular Spelling Play

Super Why Princess Presto's Spectacular Spelling Play.

In this game you must help Princess Presto summon props for her stage play. Select the right letters to spell out the items she needs.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Kids Spelling


Super Why Princess Presto's Spectacular Spelling Play.

In this game you must help Princess Presto summon props for her stage play. Select the right letters to spell out the items she needs.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Kids Spelling


Super Why Saves the Day

Super Why Saves the Day.

This is a language-learning game for preschoolers inspired by the PBS series of the same name. Help Super Why assemble the words he needs to change the ending of a fairy tale.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Preschool


Super Why Saves the Day.

This is a language-learning game for preschoolers inspired by the PBS series of the same name. Help Super Why assemble the words he needs to change the ending of a fairy tale.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Preschool


Super Why Wonder Red’s Rhyme Racer

Super Why Wonder Red's Rhyme Racer.

In this game you must find the right words to help Red’s grandma out. Collect words that rhyme while avoiding the big bad wolf. Select the correct word that meets grandma’s needs.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


Super Why Wonder Red's Rhyme Racer.

In this game you must find the right words to help Red’s grandma out. Collect words that rhyme while avoiding the big bad wolf. Select the correct word that meets grandma’s needs.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


Synonyms and Antonyms Word Toss

Synonyms and Antonyms Word Toss.

This is a carnival-themed shooting games based on words with similar or opposing meanings. Choose whether to look for synonyms or antonyms, then find the word that matches in any of the moving bottles. Answer 10 times correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Synonyms and Antonyms Word Toss.

This is a carnival-themed shooting games based on words with similar or opposing meanings. Choose whether to look for synonyms or antonyms, then find the word that matches in any of the moving bottles. Answer 10 times correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Talk to Me Alphabet

Talk to Me Alphabet.

This is an educational game for young learners familiarizing themselves with the alphabet. Play the names and sounds of each letter by selecting them onscreen.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Typing


Talk to Me Alphabet.

This is an educational game for young learners familiarizing themselves with the alphabet. Play the names and sounds of each letter by selecting them onscreen.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Typing


Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle Kids Game

Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle where you use letter tiles to spell out seasonally themed words and phrases.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle where you use letter tiles to spell out seasonally themed words and phrases.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Word Search

Thanksgiving Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Thanksgiving Word Search


Thanksgiving Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Thanksgiving Word Search


The Farm Land

The Farm Land.

This is an educational bingo game that tests young learner’s knowledge of fruits and vegetables. Mark the fruits and vegetables in the card that match the letter asked. Create a bingo by forming a full row, column, or diagonal of correct answers in any direction.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo


The Farm Land.

This is an educational bingo game that tests young learner’s knowledge of fruits and vegetables. Mark the fruits and vegetables in the card that match the letter asked. Create a bingo by forming a full row, column, or diagonal of correct answers in any direction.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo


The Friendly Letter Creator

The Friendly Letter Creator.

This game teaches young learners the parts of an informal letter and helps them compose their own friendly letters to friends.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


The Friendly Letter Creator.

This game teaches young learners the parts of an informal letter and helps them compose their own friendly letters to friends.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


The Weird and Watery Animal Alphabet

The Weird and Watery Animal Alphabet.

This game introduces young learners to various obscure denizens of aquatic environments. Introduce them to the alphabet and the wonders of nature at the same time.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Animal Phonics Reading


The Weird and Watery Animal Alphabet.

This game introduces young learners to various obscure denizens of aquatic environments. Introduce them to the alphabet and the wonders of nature at the same time.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Animal Phonics Reading


Trace to The Beat Numbers and Letters

Trace to The Beat Numbers and Letters.

This is a music themed letter and number writing practice game for young learners. Follow the arrows to draw capital letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers


Trace to The Beat Numbers and Letters.

This is a music themed letter and number writing practice game for young learners. Follow the arrows to draw capital letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers


True Words

True Words.

In this game you must match each image in a set with the word that represents it. Answer as many sets correctly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


True Words.

In this game you must match each image in a set with the word that represents it. Answer as many sets correctly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


TRZ Word Search

TRZ Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game with 20 word categories ranging from animals, colors, drinks, foods, fruits, house, human body, professions and the United States. This game automatically highlights all instances of a selected letter, which can help you find the words.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


TRZ Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game with 20 word categories ranging from animals, colors, drinks, foods, fruits, house, human body, professions and the United States. This game automatically highlights all instances of a selected letter, which can help you find the words.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Type Fast

Type Fast.

This is a letter selection game that tests your response times. Select the appropriate letter button each time its letter appears onscreen. Keep spotting and selecting the letters within 20 seconds to clear each round.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Idle Tap


Type Fast.

This is a letter selection game that tests your response times. Select the appropriate letter button each time its letter appears onscreen. Keep spotting and selecting the letters within 20 seconds to clear each round.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Idle Tap


Type Furious: Online Student Typing Practice Game

Type Furious.

This is a space-themed keyboard practice game for kids where they can work on their typing speed and accuracy.

It includes some punctuation and periodic capital letters.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Type Furious.

This is a space-themed keyboard practice game for kids where they can work on their typing speed and accuracy.

It includes some punctuation and periodic capital letters.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


TypeShift: Letter Tile Word Spelling Puzzle Game


TypeShift is a 50-level word spelling puzzle game where players move letter tiles up and down to spell words.

When a word is spelled the tiles change color from purple to blue. When all tiles have turned blue the level is beat.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling

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TypeShift is a 50-level word spelling puzzle game where players move letter tiles up and down to spell words.

When a word is spelled the tiles change color from purple to blue. When all tiles have turned blue the level is beat.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling

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Typing Battle: Online WPM & Typing Accuracy Measurement

Typing Battle.

This is a timed typing game where players have 50 seconds to type as as many words as possible.

Players can type as much words as possible with top accuracy

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typing Battle.

This is a timed typing game where players have 50 seconds to type as as many words as possible.

Players can type as much words as possible with top accuracy

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typing Rocket: Kids Typing Practice Game

Typing Rocket.

This is a one-minute typing practice game where players type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. How many letters can you type in a minute? Can you keep up with the finale? This game is appropriate for players using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Jr game for younger players.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typing Rocket.

This is a one-minute typing practice game where players type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. How many letters can you type in a minute? Can you keep up with the finale? This game is appropriate for players using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Jr game for younger players.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typo Express: Typing Speed + Accuracy Measurement Game

Typo Express.

Typo Express is a free online typing game which measures typing speed and accuracy.

Words fall from the top of the screen. The player types the letters from left to right before the letters fall to the bottom of the screen.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typo Express.

Typo Express is a free online typing game which measures typing speed and accuracy.

Words fall from the top of the screen. The player types the letters from left to right before the letters fall to the bottom of the screen.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching Kids Game

Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching.

This game helps children learn how to match the upper case and lower case alphabet letters while coloring in a scene.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching.

This game helps children learn how to match the upper case and lower case alphabet letters while coloring in a scene.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Waffle Word Finder Game


Waffle is a free online word search game where players can find words in any order.

Spell words by drawing lines through the letter tiles. Spelling may be forward or backward with tiles being used vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or any combination in conjunction so long as you can draw line segments directly connecting the tiles in sequence.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search



Waffle is a free online word search game where players can find words in any order.

Spell words by drawing lines through the letter tiles. Spelling may be forward or backward with tiles being used vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or any combination in conjunction so long as you can draw line segments directly connecting the tiles in sequence.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


WF Revolution

WF Revolution.

This is a hidden word search game inspired by Boggle. Use hints to identify what words to look for. Connect the letters in the right order to find all the words in the jumble.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


WF Revolution.

This is a hidden word search game inspired by Boggle. Use hints to identify what words to look for. Connect the letters in the right order to find all the words in the jumble.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Win, Lose or Draw

Win Lose or Draw.

This is a drawing-based word guessing game. Find out what your teammates are drawing as fast as you can. When stumped, use clues or hints to help you guess. Answer quickly and without help to gain the highest possible scores.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Win Lose or Draw.

This is a drawing-based word guessing game. Find out what your teammates are drawing as fast as you can. When stumped, use clues or hints to help you guess. Answer quickly and without help to gain the highest possible scores.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Word Clouds

Word Clouds.

This is a free online word cloud generator for students. It allows them to create clouds using custom shapes, unique color combinations, varying word orientations, and premium fonts to create an exportable image or print their work.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Word Clouds.

This is a free online word cloud generator for students. It allows them to create clouds using custom shapes, unique color combinations, varying word orientations, and premium fonts to create an exportable image or print their work.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Word Finder

Word Finder.

This is a simple word search game comprising words from 10 different categories. Play through 3 difficulty levels as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Finder.

This is a simple word search game comprising words from 10 different categories. Play through 3 difficulty levels as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Learner

Word Learner.

This is a letter tile spelling and memory game for preschool age children. Memorize a word and spell it out by tapping on each of the letters in the proper order.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Spelling


Word Learner.

This is a letter tile spelling and memory game for preschool age children. Memorize a word and spell it out by tapping on each of the letters in the proper order.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Spelling


Word Mahjong

Word Mahjong.

This is a 10-level Mahjong Solitaire game crossed with a word puzzle game. Clear the stack by forming as many words as you can using the free tiles.

Plays.org published this game in Mahjong Word

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Word Mahjong.

This is a 10-level Mahjong Solitaire game crossed with a word puzzle game. Clear the stack by forming as many words as you can using the free tiles.

Plays.org published this game in Mahjong Word

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Word Master

Word Master.

In this game you must remove letters as fast as you can to form a valid English word. You can make more than one word for every jumbled set of letters. Challenge yourself in 3 game modes.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Word Master.

In this game you must remove letters as fast as you can to form a valid English word. You can make more than one word for every jumbled set of letters. Challenge yourself in 3 game modes.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Word Play: Disney Word Finding Game

Disney Word Play Game.

This is a word finding puzzle where players must use all letters from each puzzle as parts of words to move on to the next word. Play novice, intermediate, or pro puzzles themed after Descendants 3, The Owl House, Raven’s Home, Big City Greens, or Bunk’d.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Disney Word Play Game.

This is a word finding puzzle where players must use all letters from each puzzle as parts of words to move on to the next word. Play novice, intermediate, or pro puzzles themed after Descendants 3, The Owl House, Raven’s Home, Big City Greens, or Bunk’d.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search

Word Search game.

This is a simple word clearing game for young children. Link the letters together to form words. Keep forming words until all of the letters on the grid are gone.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

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Word Search game.

This is a simple word clearing game for young children. Link the letters together to form words. Keep forming words until all of the letters on the grid are gone.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

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Word Search Creator

Word Search Creator.

This game lets you make your own word search puzzles that you can play online or save and print to share with others. List down up to 15 search items to look for and let the game do the rest.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Creator.

This game lets you make your own word search puzzles that you can play online or save and print to share with others. List down up to 15 search items to look for and let the game do the rest.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Game

Word Search Game.

This is a simple customizable word finding game. Choose from 6 categories including animals, computer, countries, fruits, music, and vegetables. Find words in 6 playable languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Game.

This is a simple customizable word finding game. Choose from 6 categories including animals, computer, countries, fruits, music, and vegetables. Find words in 6 playable languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Premium

Word Search Premium.

This is a challenging word search game where you must find a set of words in a 20 x 30 grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Premium.

This is a challenging word search game where you must find a set of words in a 20 x 30 grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Pro

Word Search Pro.

This is a simple timed word finding game with a customizable background. Choose from 10 themes and find all the words listed.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Pro.

This is a simple timed word finding game with a customizable background. Choose from 10 themes and find all the words listed.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Puzzle

Word Search Puzzle.

This is a simple geography-themed word search game. Find all the answers to the hints on the right side of the screen before you lose all your points.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Puzzle.

This is a simple geography-themed word search game. Find all the answers to the hints on the right side of the screen before you lose all your points.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search




This is a timed word-building game. Spell out as many valid words using the letters shown at the bottom of the screen within the time limit. Customize the number of letters and length of time at the beginning of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a timed word-building game. Spell out as many valid words using the letters shown at the bottom of the screen within the time limit. Customize the number of letters and length of time at the beginning of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Wording Word Spelling Puzzle Game

Wording is an HTML spelling game where players try to guess words based on random letter tiles provided.

Click or tap on the first letter in the word and then scroll onto the next subsequent letter in that word. Continue the same process until the word is spelled.

Players can often spell many words using some or all the tiles from each level. Some of the words are shown on the playing field and some are hidden secret bonus words.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Wording is an HTML spelling game where players try to guess words based on random letter tiles provided.

Click or tap on the first letter in the word and then scroll onto the next subsequent letter in that word. Continue the same process until the word is spelled.

Players can often spell many words using some or all the tiles from each level. Some of the words are shown on the playing field and some are hidden secret bonus words.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Wordmeister Letter Tile Word Spelling Game


This is a letter tile word making game inspired by Scrabble. With 8 tiles on a rack, form as many words as you can against a computer player. Rack your brains while expanding your vocabulary.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a letter tile word making game inspired by Scrabble. With 8 tiles on a rack, form as many words as you can against a computer player. Rack your brains while expanding your vocabulary.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Words Family Game

Words Family is a word puzzle game where players move pieces onto the puzzle playing field to spell words across in horizontal rows.

Levels are not timed, you can move pieces which were placed in the wrong positions, and your progress is stored in your local web browser.

Each level is beat when every horizontal line on the puzzle spells a word.

Plays.org published this game in Puzzle Word


Words Family is a word puzzle game where players move pieces onto the puzzle playing field to spell words across in horizontal rows.

Levels are not timed, you can move pieces which were placed in the wrong positions, and your progress is stored in your local web browser.

Each level is beat when every horizontal line on the puzzle spells a word.

Plays.org published this game in Puzzle Word


World Trivia Game

World Trivia.

This game lets you test your knowledge of world culture and geography. Spell out each of the cultural icons and locations with the letters at the bottom of the screen. Play through 64 levels themed after various countries and regions across the globe.

Plays.org published this game in Geography Quiz Word


World Trivia.

This game lets you test your knowledge of world culture and geography. Spell out each of the cultural icons and locations with the letters at the bottom of the screen. Play through 64 levels themed after various countries and regions across the globe.

Plays.org published this game in Geography Quiz Word


Yummy Word Spelling & Word Find Game

Yummy Word is an HTML word spelling and word finding game where players scroll over letter tiles to spell the various word options they can make using those letters.

Players can select from 4 different categories: general, food, art, and places. General has 100 words while the other categories contain 50 words each.

Clues or categories are shown at the top of the playing field. You can click on the help button on the lower left corner to have a letter played. If a phrase has multiple words you can enter one word at a time.

No review found! Insert a valid review ID.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Yummy Word is an HTML word spelling and word finding game where players scroll over letter tiles to spell the various word options they can make using those letters.

Players can select from 4 different categories: general, food, art, and places. General has 100 words while the other categories contain 50 words each.

Clues or categories are shown at the top of the playing field. You can click on the help button on the lower left corner to have a letter played. If a phrase has multiple words you can enter one word at a time.

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Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Zombie Typing Practice Game for Kids

Zombie Typing.

This is a word typing exercise game for kids where they type the word shown at the feet of approaching zombies.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Typing Zombie


Zombie Typing.

This is a word typing exercise game for kids where they type the word shown at the feet of approaching zombies.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Typing Zombie


Zoo Trivia: Animal Name Spelling Game

Zoo Trivia.

This spelling game lets you test your knowledge of animals. Spell out the name of all 5 animals in each level within 3 minutes.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Quiz Word


Zoo Trivia.

This spelling game lets you test your knowledge of animals. Spell out the name of all 5 animals in each level within 3 minutes.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Quiz Word


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