Word processor in communication

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WordPerfect, a word processor first released for minicomputers in 1979 and later ported to microcomputers, running on Windows XP

A word processor (WP)[1][2] is a device or computer program that provides for input, editing, formatting, and output of text, often with some additional features.

Early word processors were stand-alone devices dedicated to the function, but current word processors are word processor programs running on general purpose computers.

The functions of a word processor program fall somewhere between those of a simple text editor and a fully functioned desktop publishing program. However, the distinctions between these three have changed over time and were unclear after 2010.[3][4]


Word processors did not develop out of computer technology. Rather, they evolved from mechanical machines and only later did they merge with the computer field.[5] The history of word processing is the story of the gradual automation of the physical aspects of writing and editing, and then to the refinement of the technology to make it available to corporations and Individuals.

The term word processing appeared in American offices in early 1970s centered on the idea of streamlining the work to typists, but the meaning soon shifted toward the automation of the whole editing cycle.

At first, the designers of word processing systems combined existing technologies with emerging ones to develop stand-alone equipment, creating a new business distinct from the emerging world of the personal computer. The concept of word processing arose from the more general data processing, which since the 1950s had been the application of computers to business administration.[6]

Through history, there have been three types of word processors: mechanical, electronic and software.

Mechanical word processing[edit]

The first word processing device (a «Machine for Transcribing Letters» that appears to have been similar to a typewriter) was patented by Henry Mill for a machine that was capable of «writing so clearly and accurately you could not distinguish it from a printing press».[7] More than a century later, another patent appeared in the name of William Austin Burt for the typographer. In the late 19th century, Christopher Latham Sholes[8] created the first recognizable typewriter although it was a large size, which was described as a «literary piano».[9]

The only «word processing» these mechanical systems could perform was to change where letters appeared on the page, to fill in spaces that were previously left on the page, or to skip over lines. It was not until decades later that the introduction of electricity and electronics into typewriters began to help the writer with the mechanical part. The term “word processing” (translated from the German word Textverarbeitung) itself was created in the 1950s by Ulrich Steinhilper, a German IBM typewriter sales executive. However, it did not make its appearance in 1960s office management or computing literature (an example of grey literature), though many of the ideas, products, and technologies to which it would later be applied were already well known. Nonetheless, by 1971 the term was recognized by the New York Times[10] as a business «buzz word». Word processing paralleled the more general «data processing», or the application of computers to business administration.

Thus by 1972 discussion of word processing was common in publications devoted to business office management and technology, and by the mid-1970s the term would have been familiar to any office manager who consulted business periodicals.

Electromechanical and electronic word processing[edit]

By the late 1960s, IBM had developed the IBM MT/ST (Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typewriter). This was a model of the IBM Selectric typewriter from the earlier part of this decade, but it came built into its own desk, integrated with magnetic tape recording and playback facilities along with controls and a bank of electrical relays. The MT/ST automated word wrap, but it had no screen. This device allowed a user to rewrite text that had been written on another tape, and it also allowed limited collaboration in the sense that a user could send the tape to another person to let them edit the document or make a copy. It was a revolution for the word processing industry. In 1969, the tapes were replaced by magnetic cards. These memory cards were inserted into an extra device that accompanied the MT/ST, able to read and record users’ work.

In the early 1970s, word processing began to slowly shift from glorified typewriters augmented with electronic features to become fully computer-based (although only with single-purpose hardware) with the development of several innovations. Just before the arrival of the personal computer (PC), IBM developed the floppy disk. In the early 1970s, the first word-processing systems appeared which allowed display and editing of documents on CRT screens.

During this era, these early stand-alone word processing systems were designed, built, and marketed by several pioneering companies. Linolex Systems was founded in 1970 by James Lincoln and Robert Oleksiak. Linolex based its technology on microprocessors, floppy drives and software. It was a computer-based system for application in the word processing businesses and it sold systems through its own sales force. With a base of installed systems in over 500 sites, Linolex Systems sold 3 million units in 1975 — a year before the Apple computer was released.[11]

At that time, the Lexitron Corporation also produced a series of dedicated word-processing microcomputers. Lexitron was the first to use a full-sized video display screen (CRT) in its models by 1978. Lexitron also used 514 inch floppy diskettes, which became the standard in the personal computer field. The program disk was inserted in one drive, and the system booted up. The data diskette was then put in the second drive. The operating system and the word processing program were combined in one file.[12]

Another of the early word processing adopters was Vydec, which created in 1973 the first modern text processor, the «Vydec Word Processing System». It had built-in multiple functions like the ability to share content by diskette and print it.[further explanation needed] The Vydec Word Processing System sold for $12,000 at the time, (about $60,000 adjusted for inflation).[13]

The Redactron Corporation (organized by Evelyn Berezin in 1969) designed and manufactured editing systems, including correcting/editing typewriters, cassette and card units, and eventually a word processor called the Data Secretary. The Burroughs Corporation acquired Redactron in 1976.[14]

A CRT-based system by Wang Laboratories became one of the most popular systems of the 1970s and early 1980s. The Wang system displayed text on a CRT screen, and incorporated virtually every fundamental characteristic of word processors as they are known today. While early computerized word processor system were often expensive and hard to use (that is, like the computer mainframes of the 1960s), the Wang system was a true office machine, affordable to organizations such as medium-sized law firms, and easily mastered and operated by secretarial staff.

The phrase «word processor» rapidly came to refer to CRT-based machines similar to Wang’s. Numerous machines of this kind emerged, typically marketed by traditional office-equipment companies such as IBM, Lanier (AES Data machines — re-badged), CPT, and NBI. All were specialized, dedicated, proprietary systems, with prices in the $10,000 range. Cheap general-purpose personal computers were still the domain of hobbyists.

Japanese word processor devices[edit]

In Japan, even though typewriters with Japanese writing system had widely been used for businesses and governments, they were limited to specialists who required special skills due to the wide variety of letters, until computer-based devices came onto the market. In 1977, Sharp showcased a prototype of a computer-based word processing dedicated device with Japanese writing system in Business Show in Tokyo.[15][16]

Toshiba released the first Japanese word processor JW-10 in February 1979.[17] The price was 6,300,000 JPY, equivalent to US$45,000. This is selected as one of the milestones of IEEE.[18]

Toshiba Rupo JW-P22(K)(March 1986) and an optional micro floppy disk drive unit JW-F201

The Japanese writing system uses a large number of kanji (logographic Chinese characters) which require 2 bytes to store, so having one key per each symbol is infeasible. Japanese word processing became possible with the development of the Japanese input method (a sequence of keypresses, with visual feedback, which selects a character) — now widely used in personal computers. Oki launched OKI WORD EDITOR-200 in March 1979 with this kana-based keyboard input system. In 1980 several electronics and office equipment brands entered this rapidly growing market with more compact and affordable devices. While the average unit price in 1980 was 2,000,000 JPY (US$14,300), it was dropped to 164,000 JPY (US$1,200) in 1985.[19] Even after personal computers became widely available, Japanese word processors remained popular as they tended to be more portable (an «office computer» was initially too large to carry around), and become necessities in business and academics, even for private individuals in the second half of the 1980s.[20] The phrase «word processor» has been abbreviated as «Wa-pro» or «wapuro» in Japanese.

Word processing software[edit]

The final step in word processing came with the advent of the personal computer in the late 1970s and 1980s and with the subsequent creation of word processing software. Word processing software that would create much more complex and capable output was developed and prices began to fall, making them more accessible to the public. By the late 1970s, computerized word processors were still primarily used by employees composing documents for large and midsized businesses (e.g., law firms and newspapers). Within a few years, the falling prices of PCs made word processing available for the first time to all writers in the convenience of their homes.

The first word processing program for personal computers (microcomputers) was Electric Pencil, from Michael Shrayer Software, which went on sale in December 1976. In 1978 WordStar appeared and because of its many new features soon dominated the market. However, WordStar was written for the early CP/M (Control Program–Micro) operating system, and by the time it was rewritten for the newer MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System), it was obsolete. Suddenly, WordPerfect dominated the word processing programs during the DOS era, while there was a large variety of less successful programs.

Early word processing software was not as intuitive as word processor devices. Most early word processing software required users to memorize semi-mnemonic key combinations rather than pressing keys such as «copy» or «bold». Moreover, CP/M lacked cursor keys; for example WordStar used the E-S-D-X-centered «diamond» for cursor navigation. However, the price differences between dedicated word processors and general-purpose PCs, and the value added to the latter by software such as “killer app” spreadsheet applications, e.g. VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3, were so compelling that personal computers and word processing software became serious competition for the dedicated machines and soon dominated the market.

Then in the late 1980s innovations such as the advent of laser printers, a «typographic» approach to word processing (WYSIWYG — What You See Is What You Get), using bitmap displays with multiple fonts (pioneered by the Xerox Alto computer and Bravo word processing program), and graphical user interfaces such as “copy and paste” (another Xerox PARC innovation, with the Gypsy word processor). These were popularized by MacWrite on the Apple Macintosh in 1983, and Microsoft Word on the IBM PC in 1984. These were probably the first true WYSIWYG word processors to become known to many people.
Of particular interest also is the standardization of TrueType fonts used in both Macintosh and Windows PCs. While the publishers of the operating systems provide TrueType typefaces, they are largely gathered from traditional typefaces converted by smaller font publishing houses to replicate standard fonts. Demand for new and interesting fonts, which can be found free of copyright restrictions, or commissioned from font designers, occurred.

The growing popularity of the Windows operating system in the 1990s later took Microsoft Word along with it. Originally called «Microsoft Multi-Tool Word», this program quickly became a synonym for “word processor”.

From early in the 21st century Google Docs popularized the transition to online or offline web browser based word processing, this was enabled by the widespread adoption of suitable internet connectivity in businesses and domestic households and later the popularity of smartphones. Google Docs enabled word processing from within any vendor’s web browser, which could run on any vendor’s operating system on any physical device type including tablets and smartphones, although offline editing is limited to a few Chromium based web browsers. Google Docs also enabled the significant growth of use of information technology such as remote access to files and collaborative real-time editing, both becoming simple to do with little or no need for costly software and specialist IT support.

See also[edit]

  • List of word processors
  • Formatted text


  1. ^ Enterprise, I. D. G. (1 January 1981). «Computerworld». IDG Enterprise. Archived from the original on 2 January 2019. Retrieved 1 January 2019 – via Google Books.
  2. ^ Waterhouse, Shirley A. (1 January 1979). Word processing fundamentals. Canfield Press. ISBN 9780064537223. Archived from the original on 2 January 2019. Retrieved 1 January 2019 – via Google Books.
  3. ^ Amanda Presley (28 January 2010). «What Distinguishes Desktop Publishing From Word Processing?». Brighthub.com. Archived from the original on 1 April 2019. Retrieved 1 January 2019.
  4. ^ «How to Use Microsoft Word as a Desktop Publishing Tool». PCWorld. 28 May 2012. Archived from the original on 19 August 2017. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
  5. ^ Price, Jonathan, and Urban, Linda Pin. The Definitive Word-Processing Book. New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1984, page xxiii.
  6. ^ W.A. Kleinschrod, «The ‘Gal Friday’ is a Typing Specialist Now,» Administrative Management vol. 32, no. 6, 1971, pp. 20-27
  7. ^ Hinojosa, Santiago (June 2016). «The History of Word Processors». The Tech Ninja’s Dojo. The Tech Ninja. Archived from the original on 6 May 2018. Retrieved 6 May 2018.
  8. ^ See also Samuel W. Soule and Carlos Glidden.
  9. ^ The Scientific American, The Type Writer, New York (August 10, 1872)
  10. ^ W.D. Smith, “Lag Persists for Business Equipment,” New York Times, 26 Oct. 1971, pp. 59-60.
  11. ^ Linolex Systems, Internal Communications & Disclosure in 3M acquisition, The Petritz Collection, 1975.
  12. ^ «Lexitron VT1200 — RICM». Ricomputermuseum.org. Archived from the original on 3 January 2019. Retrieved 1 January 2019.
  13. ^ Hinojosa, Santiago (1 June 2016). «The History of Word Processors». The Tech Ninja’s Dojo. Archived from the original on 24 December 2018. Retrieved 1 January 2019.
  14. ^ «Redactron Corporation. @ SNAC». Snaccooperative.org. Archived from the original on 15 December 2018. Retrieved 1 January 2019.
  15. ^ «日本語ワードプロセッサ». IPSJコンピュータ博物館. Retrieved 2017-07-05.
  16. ^ «【シャープ】 日本語ワープロの試作機». IPSJコンピュータ博物館. Retrieved 2017-07-05.
  17. ^ 原忠正 (1997). «日本人による日本人のためのワープロ». The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. 117 (3): 175–178. Bibcode:1997JIEEJ.117..175.. doi:10.1541/ieejjournal.117.175.
  18. ^ «プレスリリース;当社の日本語ワードプロセッサが「IEEEマイルストーン」に認定». 東芝. 2008-11-04. Retrieved 2017-07-05.
  19. ^
    «【富士通】 OASYS 100G». IPSJコンピュータ博物館. Retrieved 2017-07-05.
  20. ^ 情報処理学会 歴史特別委員会『日本のコンピュータ史』ISBN 4274209334 p135-136

A wide variety of information technology products and systems is now becoming available for the office. These range from electronic typewriters and word processors to electronic messaging systems. Terms such as paperless office and the office of the future are now being widely used.

Despite the publicity there is still a great deal of misunderstanding about the nature of the technology of office automation; as many as 71 per cent of the number of companies in a recent survey indicated that they have not received clear and accurate information on products and systems.

It is important to realize that office automation technology is not radically new. Like all other branches of information technology, the technology of office automation is the result of the convergence of computing, telecommunications and microelectronics. Office automation has emerged through a process of evolution rather than a technological breakthrough.

As in many other areas, there is a danger of ‘technological push’ in the application of office automation equipment; the technology is sometimes used simply because it exists. So why then is the introduction of information technology in the office seen by so many to be so important? There are two possible answers: first, the constant need to reduce costs and, secondly, the growing importance of information.

Businesses generally have a constant requirement to reduce costs particularly staff costs. Many managers are therefore hoping that office automation in the 1980s will have a similar effect on staffing levels and costs as the introduction of data processing did in the 1960s and early 1970s. It is, of course, difficult to predict the effects of the introduction of office automation.

Information is becoming more and more important in the economy. It has been estimated that over one-half of the work­force in Western countries is employed in the production, processing and distribution of information.

Many companies and organisations are experiencing a number of problems caused by ‘information overload’. These problems can vary from the slow delivery of information and difficulties in obtaining information, to the difficulties involved with certain individuals having too much information. Many managers hope, therefore, that the application of information technology in the office will solve these problems.

Office automation technology will, of course, be extremely useful, if correctly used, in solving a wide variety of information-handling problems. But it should also be realised that the present generation of office automation technology does not solve problems involved with the quality or selection of information. Further generations of equipment, in particular ‘expert systems’, are likely to have a much more dramatic effect on the methods of working in offices than present-day systems can ever achieve.

What then are the effects of the introduction of information technology into the office?

There are five main areas of benefit:

i. More efficient and effective use of management’s time;

ii. More efficient use of secretarial staff time;

iii. Increased access to information by management;

iv. Faster transmission of information;

v. More efficient storage and retrieval of information.

The most fruitful area for savings in management time lie in the areas of information storage and retrieval, mail handling and reading and retrieving information. It has been estimated that up to 25 per cent of a manager’s time is wasted, and that this figure can be reduced to 10 per cent by the use of information technology.

Word Processing:

There are a number of different technologies involved in office automation. It is generally recognized that the single most important item of information technology used in the office is the word processor. There is already rapidly growing demand for word-processing equipment, in fact it is expected that the demand for word processors will reach about a tenth of the number of typewriters in use in 1980.

The use of word-processing equipment is not likely to save secretarial costs significantly in all applications. Word processors can, however, produce significant benefits in certain cases, e.g. in repetitive work, such as ‘boiler-plating’ letters using a standard structure, and in the typing of drafts of long documents.

Word processors are however seen to be so important not only because of the immediate benefits in saving secretarial time. It is the expansion of word-processing systems that will provide facilities for electronic mail, information storage and retrieval and so on, which will lead to much greater benefits in staff effectiveness. Thus word processors form the cornerstone of office automation.

Generally, the hardware for office automation systems can be divided into four components:

i. Workstations;

ii. Servers;

iii. Communications;

iv. Filing and retrieval.

Examples of workstations are word processors, videotext terminals and data-processing terminals, in fact any device at which work is undertaken by a human operator. A server provides a service to the user of a system. The server is usually not at the same location as the user. Examples of servers are printers, mainframe computers, or phototypesetters.

Communications facilities in an office automation system can include Local Area Networks (LANs) or Private Automatic Branch Exchanges (PABXs). LANs and PABXs would be used for communication within the office. External communications networks could include: Wide Area Networks (WANs) and PTT services such as the Packet Switched Service (PSS) or satellites, microwave links or fibre-optic links.

Filing and retrieval in an office automation system would be provided either by a file server or locally at the workstation. It is often not appreciated that software forms a very important part of the introduction of information technology into the office. Software is needed for interfaces between various networks, e.g. interfaces to teletex, telex and local area networks.

Thus software enables a number of word processors to be linked together and to communicate via public networks. Software can also provide text and document interchange in the form of electronic messaging systems or electronic mail. Apart from the items of hardware and software described above, there are also such important products and systems as facsimile, videotext and microcomputers which all have an important contribution to make to the electronic office.

There are many dangers involved in the implementation of office automation technology. It is very easy to make incorrect investment decisions and to misjudge the advantages and effects of implementing technology. Indeed it has been estimated, for example, that one in four computer installations fails to carry out the function which it was purchased.

It is therefore absolutely necessary to have a strategy for the implementation of office automation equipment. The potential user must have a clear understanding of the key flows of information within the organisation and of the information- handling problems that they are experiencing. The user must then assess the likely effects that the introduction of office, automation technology will have in relation to their business goals.

A strategy will:

i. Ensure that the technology meets the information needs of the organisation;

ii. Ensure that the various items of technology are compatible and are able to evolve into a system;

iii. Prevent the wrong system from being installed p at the wrong place at the wrong time.

A simple three-phase strategy will help to minimise Problems.

The three phases are:

1. identifies user’s information requirements;

2. Match the systems definition to the marketplace;

3. Implement, starting with pilot systems.

Finally, it is useful to list some key concepts that should be borne in mind when considering the purchase of office automation equipment.

Word Processing in the Office:

Word processing is the first step that most offices make into information technology, and it remains the major element of office automation outside the accounting computer environment itself. It is, for the vast majority of organisations, the point at which the gradual progression toward the electronic office begins or began.

Apart from the accounting functions that began computerising in the days of air-conditioned-room number- crunchers, word processing has been for years the only use made of computer technology in the office at large. What is more, the creation of texts—latterly information in databases is the largest single operation in any office. Typing’ and associated work eats up, on average,’ 35 per cent of overall office costs, so it is not surprising that it became a candidate for automation.

Word processing grew up from the typing side of things as data processing was growing up from the accounting side. Now, with less costly and more capable small computer technology, they have met, realized they have been using the same types of equipment all this time and are merging their functions. There are basically two concepts which relate to word processing text editing and repeat typing.

Most users of word processors employ both categories of work and most of those start with the text-editing function. Typing a long letter ‘or report first time around means that the author will probably want to make some changes before sending it out. Pre-word processing, that meant typing the whole thing again, probably introducing new typing errors and requiring the whole work to be checked through a second time.

Records processing is a natural extension of text editing and takes the information being held for report writing, etc., into more useful roles. It soon realized that it was compiling, almost by accident, a database of all enquiries received, quotations sent out as a result and, because the information was kept for producing works instructions if they won the order, a record of their success rate. It took little extra thought to create a complete sales activity record system using that database of information. Their word-processing system allows them to key in up to 24 different parameters on which to sort so they can pull out the success or failure rate according to product, at varying times of year, in geographical locations around the world, by salesperson and by value, customer, etc.

This is taking word processing close to data processing except that the ‘data’ in question originates from text material not figures! Accounts people, coming along nicely as avid word-processing users, still tend to keep their figure work separate though the technology exists to combine the function. The automatic link between accounting system and word- processor, though feasible, is exploited by very few users as yet. It pays, however, in choosing a word processor to ensure that it has the necessary communications ports or local area network to achieve this. One will almost certainly be looking at direct communications possibilities within the lifetime of word- processor equipment bought now.

Repeat typing, the other main category of WP work, is simply the production of the same letter over and over again from a once-typed original. In its simplest form, the letter is composed specifically for the job and is sent to multiple recipients, whose names and addresses are keyed in separately each time by the word-processor operator. Another refinement is to keep the names and addresses themselves on word- processing disks.

That way the general letter to be sent to a known list of people can be generated either from store or be composed afresh but be mailed to people whose names and addresses can be matched in at the start of each letter automatically by the word processor and later be typed on the envelopes if needed. In a good multi-tasking system, it can proceed as an automatic printout while the operator gets on with something else.

This is a combination, then, of text editing and repeat typing. It is avidly used, for example, by sales people wanting to get their quotations and sales reports out with a minimum of effort but a maximum of refinement for the customer a bespoke report, answering the customer’s questions exactly, but compiled largely in kit form.

Solicitors, accountants and other professionals so keen users of this technique nowadays, every client must be made to feel he is the only client or at least the most important for the time being the basic principle of salesmanship after all. It just would not do to send someone a form of will printed on standard sheets of paper with spaces filled by badly aligned type.

When word processors stood on their, own and could churn out typing work only from their own printers, they were machines for typists to quadruple or, better their output. Now we are faced with the chance to integrate those units into cohesive systems that can distribute word-processing power to everywhere in the office and link it with other computer-based systems to form information networks. That is not as imposing as it sounds, though the computer industry does not make things easier by its lack of communications standards.

The typing department now has word processors, in the memories of which age details of all products and services, technical passages, etc. These are designed for inclusion in quotations, standard letters, standard replies to enquiries on price, stock availability and many other things. When a customer enquires about any product the correspondence that follows needs to have information about his credit rating, the products in question, the stock position and so on. In the conventional way, the clerk obtains this information by phone or from his own duplicate copy of the records—perhaps on computer printout up-dated by hand.

Linking the word processors to have access to the accounts computers, however, allows that information to be called up automatically for inclusion in the letter of reply. Linking word processing to the stock record computer automatically gives the customer the most up-to-date position in the correspondence. Further integration comes by allowing the clerks, the originators of the material, to see on terminals of their own the stock, credit, etc., positions before deciding what letters ‘to tell the word-processor operators to produce for the customer.

External Communications:

In theory, a company using word processors, corresponding with another company using word processors, should be able to send information directly from machine to machine using the external communications protocol X.25. This is being done mainly by multi-site organisations which can determine the hardware at each location. For communication to other organisations, teletex will provide the most popular WP-to-WP links in future. Teletex is faster than telex and, more important, is capable of allowing word processors to communicate direct externally to recipients’ word processors. All they need is the teletex interface on their own hardware or on the PABX.

Efficient Word-processing Input:

Word processing is using word-processing machines. WP work starts with the originator or author and efficiency has to start at that point too. From being simply a quicker and often less costly way of getting recorded material into the ‘typing pool’, centralised dictation has become microprocessor controlled voice input to combined typing and word-processing operations. In addition to allowing authors to record from their desks, whenever the need for a letter or memo arises, the systems have taken on more and more of a management tool role.

Systems calculate typists’ turn round time and allocate work efficiently on that basis; they assemble information on work throughput and so on. Dictaphone have always been in the forefront of the technology used in what has now become known as voice processing. Whether the word-processing centre is used to produce hard copy or to update computer files and information systems, the instruction and text material that originates with the clerks and executives of the organisation has to be keyed in quickly, efficiently and accurately.

Executives and clerks use their desk telephones to dictate, of course, and for them the principle is little changed from earlier centralised dictation systems. Two things, they will notice recording quality is improved with even more ‘cleaning’ circuitry in the system and they may dictate from anywhere in the world, controlling the recorder to which they are connected as if the telephone were itself a dictation machine. Users have a choice of using auto-change tape cassette recorders or endless-loop recorders in the word-processing centre with both types on the same system if need be.

In fact, there are plus points for each method and they are in many ways complementary for example, auto-change tapes are better for providing heavy out-of-hours usage while endless loop gives immediate transcription, while dictation is still taking place for really urgent work. Using the endless-loop recorders in the word-processing centre, the supervisor can change WP operators from one author to another at will simply by making short keyboard entries on her control console.

The interchange is so flexible, in fact, that typists can be switched from job to job according to their abilities, regardless of which recorder the jobs are on at the time. The voice- processing system should log into the supervisor’s control computer the time at which each particular job was completed, and by, whom. The system already knew the time it was received and from which telephone extension, it came, how long it was, what type of work it was and so on. Full records of thousands of, individual jobs can be kept in this way.

The work record can be analysed, in good word/records processing practice, according to author, keyboard operator, department, data, time, status, client, and so on. The supervisor has instant access to information on the amount of work being done by each operator and by the unit as a whole, throughput rates, backlog and backlog trends, the status of current priority jobs and long-term performance information all shown in tabular or graphical form.

Functions of Word Processing:

The typing and word-processing function in offices is fast becoming acknowledged as the nucleus of the whole office operation. It is here that the end product of people’s work, be it in their heads, as a result of other databases, etc., is produced. It follows, therefore, that the use of high-output word processors, the flexible manipulation of text material in whatever way it is needed, combined with efficient dictation of input material and instructions to the operators and close management control of the entire operation all these aspects make up the true study of word processing as an electronic office function.


Information technology will, of course, be installed gradually. It is important to realize that in the case of communication equipment there will be many cases of companies who will continue to use older technology for some time. Therefore, new systems should, wherever possible, be compatible with existing systems so that, in the case of teletex, a telex conversion facility would be available.


Any new system should be capable of adapting to take account of future technology. When purchasing word processors, for example, care should be taken to ensure that these can be linked to local area networks and to each other.


The area of international standards in the computing and, communications industries is extremely complex. Because of the need for compatibility and adaptability, standards are important. Those installing systems should therefore take existing and developing standards into account.

Electronic Office:

Before examining the networks, services and equipment that British Telecom provides to establish and service today’s electronic office, it is useful to review the origins and relations of current developments. Until the 1970s technical innovation occurred at a pace which enabled it to be gradually absorbed into existing office procedures. Then, different elements of electronic information technology began to merge.

Much equipment likely to be commonplace in the electronic office is based on product design and technology that have been known for most of the 20th Century, but the increasing use of computing techniques within telecommunications plant and networks, and the growing dependence on telecommunications networking principles within data-processing installations have created quite a new, convergent technology.

The pioneer designers of the first automated telephone exchanges had to deal with such problems as how to make optimum use of a number of switches in tandem, and how to, use the signaling impulses from the dial to route call to their destinations through a sequence of trunks and exchanges.

Instead of using the dial pulses direct to operate the switches, the common control unit’ accepted the dial pulses into a temporary store and translated them into a machine language. The stored signals were used, under the direction of a built-in program, to control the switch operation, alert the receiving station and inform the send the progress of the call.

Modern telecommunications and computing systems are also united by a common adherence to two basic principles of electronic information technology: first, digital information representation and, secondly, the automatic program control of information processing. By combining the ability of digital telecommunications to handle a mix of all forms of communications messages, with computer-based techniques for storing information in computerized libraries and processing information, a powerful new technological force has emerged.

The terms information technology and computer communications most closely describe it. It is widely recognized that the accelerating number and variety of telecommunications hardware and services is primarily due to the declining cost and increasing resources, reliability and robustness of the silicon chip microprocessor. The microchip, with its vast potential for both memory and processing circuitry, quickly became the focal point around which the technologies of tele-communications and computing converged.

The principles behind microprocessor control can hardly be termed new or mystical. Each processor operation, such as addition or multiplication, consists of many smaller steps based on a system of logic devised by the 19th Century mathematician George Boole. Like the binary number system and morse code, Boolean logic is based on ‘two-state’ representation; in this case ‘true’ and ‘false’ are the two possible values.

In computers, these values may be stored in one ‘bit’. Microprocessors consist of circuits made up by interconnecting switches’ in logical patterns defined according to the rules of Boolean logic. Semiconductors act as the ‘switches’ and the values of ‘true’ and ‘false’ equate to whether or not a tiny electrical current is switched ‘on’ or ‘off.

If many such switches are arranged in a series then a ‘condition’ is established; put together an array of such conditions and a ‘Process’ is framed. In this way, information communicated as electrical energy can be subjected to various processes; by doing this on a microscopically small scale, a microprocessor is born. It was noted earlier that the boom in electronic office technology began in the 1970s.

The first microprocessor came in 1971 when the US- based Intel Corporation produced the first complete computer processor with revolutionary memory on a tiny silicon chip containing more than 2,000 transistors. By the early 1980s this figure steadily rose. First chips storing 4,000 ‘bits’ then 16,000 became commonplace; 64,000 followed rapidly and chips with memories extending to 256,000 bits became feasible.

Semiconductor chips have now virtually replaced all other forms of machine memory. These rapid developments in microelectronics have played a decisive role in increasing the methods available for information transfer. These include facsimile, teletex, videotext, telex, communicating word processors, computer mailbox, voice mailbox, wire broadcast and even standard television techniques.

Office Automation:

Office automation or the electronic office has always been difficult to describe concisely. Some claim that just one of the above message facilities falls into this category—others that a merging of two or three into a single workstation is sufficient. British Telecom has taken the widest possible view to accommodate the most ambitious interpretations. What is needed is not just a clever method of connecting some dissimilar devices.

A properly conceived office automation system must fully integrate retrieval, processing and transfer of information into a single entity which can be economically and with ease by expert and amateur alike. British Telecom has developed a range of digital network services known collectively as X-Stream which are available individually or as a component in a complete communications package.

BT Merlin provides a variety of advanced business systems which can be employed on these network services. Together they can tailor the electronic office to meet the needs of individual companies this coordinated approach is sufficiently universal that it can meet the many conflicting criteria that office automation entails. The present national telephone network was designed to carry speech signals by analogue transmission. Sound waves created by the voice are converted to electrical waves which are reproduced at the receiver.

In BT’s growing digital network, information is sent in the coded form of binary digits. The binary system uses only two states: on or off, one or zero. Binary digits are known as bits and the speed of transmission is expressed as bits a second. Digital transmission and switching are at the heart of British Telecom’s programme for completely restructuring the national network. The modular family of computer controlled System X digital exchanges provides major improvements in operation and paves the way for the broad introduction of the new services which are needed to support the electronic office.

In tandem, digital transmission systems are increasingly providing efficient and high-capacity communications links on cable, radio and optical-fibre ‘Lightlines’. The fusion of system X and digital transmission marks an important step towards the full integration of all telecommunications services on a single network — the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)—as all forms of communications can be carried over the one path, whether voice, text, data, TV broadcasts, facsimile or videotext facilities such as Prestel. This is highly economical since it eliminates the need for separate access to the existing BT network. In the past only the largest organisations could financially justify having their own private networks.

By introducing new services like the X-Stream range for information transfer and terminal interconnection, and by reducing the costs of such modern communications equipment as digital PABXs, BT has now made it possible for smaller organisations to operate a corporate network. Local networks can be built to organize the distribution of data between electronic offices. They typically consist of a high-capacity ‘wideband’ system, capable of transmitting a great many bits a second.

Many devices and machines word processors, teleprinters, computer terminals, database storage can be plugged into the local network which is continually broadcasting information around the whole network circuitry. Facilities enable office devices to monitor or ‘listen’ to the information flowing in the network. When a ‘listener” finds information addressed to it, the data is retrieved from the network and stored or presented on the relevant terminal.

The configuration of such corporate networks varies considerably, depending on the information requirements of each customer. British Telecom operates a variety of public and private networks throughout the UK, and by using elements from all of these, establishes the individual support systems for each electronic office.

No two solutions are precisely the same, but there are common themes. The X-Stream services are an example of such a theme, establishing a new telecommunications infrastructure for today’s electronic office offering a sure way of integrating communications, computing and the many facets of information processing.

Packet Switch Stream:

Packet Switch Stream (PSS) is BT’s nationwide packet-switched data service. It offers a new way of transmitting computer information by parceling data into packets. Packet switching uses a coded address at the front of each parcel of digital data as the means of leading it to its destination. PSS provides a network specifically designed for communication between computers.

By sharing the service economically between customers, it is a low cost way of moving information between offices. It has found particular application for low-volume transaction and interactive uses, and is widely used, in financial networks, data transfer and point-of-sale terminals. The service is also an ideal vehicle for text communication, and links a number of electronic mail facilities.

PSS is a gateway to dozens of packet-switched networks in countries around the world. KiloStream provides high speed links between computers and various terminals for text, facsimile, teletex or voice transmission. KiloStream circuits are provided exclusively for a customer’s own use and offer a cost- effective, all-digital service linking head office, depots, factories and shops. It is available at rates of 48,000 and 64,000 bits/sec, providing an economical alternative to data transmission over analogue private circuits and modems.

KiloStream combines high data rates with ease of operation, working over digital private circuits to link micro and minicomputers, computer-controlled PABXs, word processors and local area networks, slow-scan TV, electronic mail and credit verification. This X-Stream service initially serves major business centres. Rapid expansion is planned and will be shaped by market demand. An integral part of the service is the Network Terminating. Unit (NTU) provided at each end of the circuit.

The NTU acts as an internationally agreed inter face allowing customers to connect their own equipment. The NTU also performs the essential function of returning control signals to the network to aid maintenance. The NTU adds two supervisory bits to each signal transmitted by the user.

These are used for monitoring and control; the NTU at the destination removes them automatically, providing a transparent data path for the user. The KiloStream network incorporates sophisticated monitoring, diagnostic and alarm features, ensuring high reliability and fast response to faults. Maintenance is controlled from the X-Stream service centres, manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customers report faults direct to specialist staff at these centres, and it is from these centres that BT provides a package of facilities to give customers assured maintenance support.

NTUs are compact units, incorporating the latest advances in microelectronics and providing standard interfaces for connection of office terminals. Designed for desktop mounting, multiple, NTUs may be stacked in compact racks in larger installations.

Mega Stream:

Mega Stream is ideal for large corporate networks, handling large volumes of voice, data and pictures for videoconferencing. It is the highest capacity private service, specially engineered to transfer information at speeds between 2 and 140 million bits/ sec. Mega Stream can be used for very high-speed data or to provide links between digital PABXs. A 2-Mbit/sec link can carry up to 30 voice channels. In the electronic office, PABXs, mainframe computers, word processors and remote terminals need to communicate with each other between a numbers of business locations.

Mega Stream provides the ideal point-to-point private circuitry. It is also the network solution to such electronic office needs as transferring data to terminal equipment at a distant location along a high-speed digital path. It interconnects a fast, multiplexed circuit to a number of analogue or digital PABXs, telephones or data terminals.

Multiplexing involves the use of a common channel to make two or more channels, either by splitting the common channel frequency band into narrower bands, each of which is used to create a distinct channel known as frequency division multiplexing or by allotting the common channel to multiple users in turn, to constitute different intermittent channels time division multiplexing.

Mega Stream uses the latter technique. The service is available between all major business and commercial centres nationally. It is provided by specially installed cable between customers’ premises and the nearest exchange equipped for digital transmission. British Telecom offers a wide range of multiplexers, to channel the circuit into a number of lower- speed data or speech paths.

Mega Stream circuits can also be connected, using a wall-mounted interface, to terminal equipment not supplied by British Telecom. This contains line- powered regenerators, system alarms and an electrical safely device. Like Kilo Stream, Mega Stream is provided with a full alarm system for monitoring equipment and line performance and fast fault location.

Sat Stream:

The fourth X-Stream service is Sat Stream—offering an international small-dish satellite network. The service, opening in 1984, will provide high-capacity private links for multi­national organisations. It will initially cover Western Europe, extending to North America and other parts of the world later in the decade. Sat Stream will also offer point-to-multipoint and temporary circuits within the UK.

Digital links can be provided at speeds up to 64 kbitg/sec. Equipment can be located at customers’ premises, perhaps on the roof or in the car park for sole use, or it may be shared, between users. The service is well suited to providing the urgent communications links required by remote locations, such as oil production platforms. The dish and its transmission equipment are so compact that they can be housed together on the back of a 35-foot lorry, and easily moved to different locations.

These services together form a telecommunications environment enabling customers to install and operate new kinds of electronic office business systems-systems that can handle data processing, communications and complex commercial management in one open, yet integrated, electronic package.


Merlin is British Telecom’s specialist marketing organisation for advanced business terminal equipment. Many offices already depend upon microprocessor-based systems like the Monarch and Herald PABXs, and advanced machines like the Puma and Cheetah telex terminals.

Merlin’s approach to the electronic office acknowledges the important convergence between telecommunications and computing. A new range of intelligent business terminals – the Ml 100, ‘ M2226 and M3300 – is designed to achieve maximum integration of office functions, while remaining sufficiently ‘open’ in both hardware and software to offer maximum interface with other office equipment. All three models are simple to operate and designed to evolve and change to meet the new needs of a growing business.

The Ml 100 desktop visual display unit gives access to computer bureau services, remote databases, videotext networks like Prestel, Packet Switch Stream and electronic mail facilities like Telecom Gold. The Ml 100’s intelligent modem will store access numbers preprogrammed by the user, making them available at the touch of a single key. It can perform the functions of a remote computer terminal, using all the storage and processing power of the chosen database.

Outgoing messages are typed at the keyboard and simply des-patched over a computer-based electronic mail service. Incoming messages are summoned from the unit’s ‘mailbox’ and the contents of a user’s ‘in-tray’ are displayed on the screen when needed. The Ml 100 can also be used for data transmission.

The M2226 small business computer offers similar press- button access to public and private databases. It can interface with all the services available on the Ml 100, with the, additional benefit of working to the national and international telex services, various Datel-type transfer facilities on the PSTN or private circuits, and full interconnection to teletex. It provides 5 Mbytes of Winchester disk drive storage, as well as 800 kbytes on floppy disk.

Merlin’s M3300 has 256 Kbytes of storage on’ two floppy disk drives. As well as the usual word-processing functions, the M3300 will handle all kinds of office forms, columns of figures, diagrams, flowcharts, and ‘newspaper’ layouts. This makes it ideal for composing, editing, distributing and updating customer and company bulletins, files and project documents.

This Merlin hardware is complemented with a variety of software packages. WordStar is the most widely accepted microcomputer word-processing program, and is regarded as something of a standard. It organises typed text into a preferred format, moving automatically from ‘page’ to ‘page’. WordStar makes deletions, additions and, changes of format at a single command. M2226 comes complete with WordStar and also features Merlin Master Interface software, which guides the operator to each computing application by simple options displayed on the screen.

The Business Desk program is a complete business administration package, enabling the user to computerise bookkeeping, invoicing and stock control. It can generate management accounts in the form best suited to individual users, and is sufficiently advanced for the professional accountant, but also well suited to the small business manager with no special training.

Data Star will do whatever might otherwise be done with a number of card index systems. It files address lists, inventories, invoice and order records, accounting and employee information.

Mail Merge and Spell Star are companion packages to WordStar. Mail Merge is a file-merging program which draws information from other files and builds it into the documents prepared by WordStar, while Spell Star ‘proof reads’ documents and instructs WordStar to correct spelling when necessary. With a vocabulary of 20,000 words, Spell Star is a dictionary on a disk.

Merlin’s range of software packages includes Calc Star, an electronic ‘spread sheet’, which lays out figures on the screen in columns and rows, according to a predetermined formula. The user can design formulae which will present the information in the manner best for particular problems. It builds and automatically maintains a data model and carries out any necessary calculation.

Finally, Sales Desk is an electronic record keeping system, specifically designed to meet the needs of a sales department. In one package it provides a customer card index, a reporting system and a cost-effective direct mail facility. The WordStar software together with this first-generation Merlin hardware combine to make a bridge between the technologies of computing and telecommunications. They are a natural expression of the unity and integration with which British Telecom approaches the electronic office.


The publicity bandwagon for Teletex is Underway. Those who have not yet heard the word will probably very soon do so. Opinions vary over what Teletex is. On the one hand, it is referred to as ‘super telex’—a method, similar to telex, of allowing business organisations to communicate with each other in written form.

On the other hand’, it is considered as a revolutionary method of allowing word processors from different manufacturers to communicate with each other. The reality is that there is some truth in both these statements and that neither view encapsulates the service to the exclusion of the other. However, the service probably doesn’t go far enough to satisfy fully either group of protagonists in this difference of opinion.

Nevertheless in practical terms, the Teletex service can bring decided benefits to businesses who choose to use it, and these benefits occur where it counts-in reducing costs and improving corporate image.


The fundamental objective of the CCITT series of Teletex recommendation was to provide an international standard method of communication between the various types of text- preparation equipment commonly found in offices typewriters, text-editing visual display units, word processors, business computers, and latterly microcomputers and office automation systems.

The outcome of these national and international studies was a series of recommendations for a, method of international delivery:

i. Amongst various types of office text-preparation equipment,

ii. Of textual documents,

iii. Of a quality similar to that provided by conventional office typewriter.

The transmission of these documents was to be:

i. Rapid (by electronic means)

ii. Secure against corruption and

iii. Automatic (the text-preparation equipment should be able to continue to be used in local mode, even during transmission and reception of other documents).

Furthermore, the standards defined were to be

i. Able to be extended in future with changing requirements and’

ii. Able to accommodate differing national requirements, e.g. different alphabets or transmission networks.

To achieve the above, CCITT proposed a basic teletex service, the more salient elements of which were to be:

i. An international character set containing upper and lower­case Roman characters, accents, some non-Roman characters currency symbols, punctuation, numerals and other more specialized characters.

ii. A definition of a printable page area with defined margin areas and specific print sizes and line spacing’s.

iii. A definition of the minimum features and facilities which were to be implemented in terminal equipment for use in the Teletex service.

iv. A requirement that national PTTs providing a Teletex service should also provide a connection between Teletex and the existing telex network thus immediately providing Teletex users with approximately one million organisations internationally with whom they might wish to communicate.

Following these ‘internationally ratified’ recommendations, the national PTTs throughout the world were then able to plan for the introduction of their own national Teletex services. In the UK, for instance, British Telecom has decided to implement Teletex on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and on the Packet-Switched Service (PSS). Other PTTs have chosen different networks. In the UK, Teletex over the PSTN is particularly attractive to a large class of business organisations because, the PSTN is already widespread and is relatively less expensive in terms of connection costs than other networks.

Benefits of Teletex:

With the increasing amount of business correspondence and other textual information being generated by electronic means, and cheap and accurate transmission of the information, the provision of an internationally agreed service with the objectives described above is, indeed, timely.

The benefits which will accrue to users of the Teletex service will be both quantitative’ and qualitative, and it is worth examining both types in more detail. The most readily measurable benefits of the teletex service are transmission costs, although other additional savings are possible. Teletex can be cheaper than mail, telex or facsimile transmission of textual information. The number of A4 pages of text that can be sent for a given number of charge units over the PSTN in the UK to one destination

The actual amount of money which Teletex can save for any particular organisation will depend ‘the circumstances of that organisation:

i. How much existing mail, fax or telex communication can be transferred to Teletex?

ii. How much text needs to be transmitted?

iii. To how many destinations?

iv. With what urgency

v. Can different transmissions to the same destination be combined?

An analysis of these and other factors should be performed by any potential purchaser of Teletex equipment. However, it can be said that in most cases, Teletex is cheaper and faster than other comparable methods of communication. The international Teletex standards also state that where Teletex terminals provide both text-preparation and communication features, the two processes should operate independently. This means that the Teletex devices themselves can lead to quantifiable benefits for their users, in addition to the, transmission cost savings described above.

The text-preparation facilities of the terminals will provide the increasingly familiar benefits of word processors, e.g. ease of correction, alteration of text, production of standard letters and distribution of documents to multiple addresses that can be measured in terms of savings in clerical or typing effort, or increases in output and productivity. Once a prepared Teletex document has been committed to the transmission facilities of the device, then dispatch to the destination is automatic, thus reducing the loading on support services such as internal mail delivery, post room or telex and facsimile operators.

Qualitative Benefits:

In addition to benefits that can be measured, the Teletex service provides a second set of benefits to its users. These benefits aren’t so easily assessed in terms of cost savings or improvements in efficiency as the former category, but they will be important for some users. The following benefits occur in a number of areas, but tend to be drawn together by the theme of improving the service by the user organisation.

Better quality of presentation of transmitted documents compared to its nearest predecessor” telex, the teletex service provides a much higher quality, of presentation of transmitted documents. Use of typewriter —quality printers, with a character set comprising upper and lower-case letters, foreign characters, punctuation, specialist symbols, variable line spacing and A4 paper results in a better, more familiar, more professional standard of document arriving at its destination.

The transmission speed of Teletex compared to the postal services will obviously be attractive to these types of businesses. Enabling clients or other organisations to reduce their communication costs the provision of a Teletex receiving station may not directly benefit the owner organisation, but may allow clients or other business partners to reduce their communication costs where traffic is predominantly one way into the terminal. This, in turn, reflects back into the ‘image’ of the organisation.

Types of Teletex Device:

The Teletex service is intended to allow interchange of text information amongst a wide variety of types of text-preparation equipment from different manufacturers. Accordingly a variety of different types of Teletex equipment is being made available by different manufacturers to exploit the service. The available devices will provide a broad range of sophistication and facilities, and consequently will cover a range of prices.

Different Teletex users will require different features and different degrees of sophistication from their Teletex equipment and thus will vary in their opinion of the usefulness of the different types in their particular circumstances. The types are distinguished according to whether they are single or clustered systems, and whether they are new devices or ‘adaptors’ for existing equipment.

New Single-station Devices:

These will cover a range of devices from electronic typewriters, through micro and personal computers to sophisticated word processors. They will all have been designed to generate and display the complete Teletex character set and document formats. Each device will have a single keyboard and print device plus the mandatory minimum’ document store which must be able to hold incoming and outgoing documents for the mandatory minimum time. Some devices will also possess optional VDUs and optional memory devices such as floppy or Winchester disks, which will improve their text and document-handling capabilities.

Each single-station device will require its own connection to the Teletex service and will thus be able to function as a totally self-contained Teletex station either as the only Teletex point within a small organisation, or as one of a number of Teletex points within a larger organisation.

New clustered devices:

In the same way as there have been available conventional message switches, small business computers and office automation facilities which, share common resources amongst a number of terminals, new devices are being introduced which share a teletex connection between a numbers of terminals.

This results in the necessity for fewer teletex lines into an organisation and permits these lines to be used more efficiently. As an example, teletex documents generated by a number of different terminals in different departments, but addressed to the same organisation, could be batched together and transmitted in one call by a clustered device, whereas they would require a number of teletex calls by single-station devices. Hence in these circumstances, teletex call charges with clustered systems are likely to be lower than with single-station devices.

New clustered devices are designed to be able to accept full teletex documents from the service and to store them arid distribute them internally with the ability to display the full character set and document formats on their terminal screens.

Clustered devices are likely to find greatest use in medium to large organisations in which a number of departments wish to exploit the benefits of the teletex service, yet for which the provision of a relatively large number of teletex connection points would be uneconomic.

Single-station Adaptors:

There currently exists a large installed base of text-preparation equipment which, as far as their users are concerned, have considerable economic life left. The owners and users of this type of equipment are, quite rightly, reluctant to replace it with new teletex equipment with all attendant disruption to capital depreciation plans and the requirement for operator training on new devices. It is for type of organisation, which wishes to exploit the benefits of teletex, that devices such, as the Ferranti Teletex Adaptor been designed.

These devices are essentially self-contained ‘black boxes’ or printed circuit boards which’ can be installed retrospectively within the host device. They permit existing word processors and similar host devices to use the teletex service. The host device is responsible for generating the document to be transmitted.

At the touch of a few keys the operator then transfers the prepared document from the host to the adaptor, and from that point, transmission via teletex is automatically performed by the adaptor. The adaptor converts the documents from the character set of the host to the teletex character set, establishes contact with the destination, transmits the document, ensuring that all protocols and checks are obeyed, and keeps a log of the transaction as required by the service regulations.

Similarly for incoming teletex documents, the adaptor will automatically receive the document, obeying all protocols and checks, log the transaction and inform the operator that a document has been received. When convenient, the operator can, at the touch of a few keys, transfer the document from adaptor to host device where it can be displayed, stored or printed at will.

It is highly likely that such host devices cannot display or print the complete teletex character set, but where an incoming document contains characters which the host cannot represent accurately, then the adaptor should drive an optional teletex printer so that a hard copy of the document can be obtained.

This type of device is likely to appeal to small or medium-sized organisations for whom the full teletex character set is not vitally important, yet who want to achieve the reduced transmission costs, whilst retaining and increasing the usefulness of their existing investment in text-processing equipment,

Clustered Adaptor Devices:

These devices perform similar functions to single-station adaptor devices whilst allowing a number of host devices to share one or more teletex lines. Clustered adaptors exist either as devices in their own right or exist as devices such as the Ferranti Teletex Manager. This is a clustered teletex message which can also interface non-teletex devices to the service.

These products are likely to appeal to the larger organisation for which, once again, the full teletex character set is of less importance, but which wants to obtain the full transmission benefits of the service by connecting a number of text sources to a small number of lines.

Teletex is a modern international electronic text exchange service that provides cost savings in the transmission and reception of documents prepared on electronic typewriters, word processors, office automation systems and other modern text-preparation equipment. It provides faster delivery of better quality documents than comparable services such as the mail, telex and facsimile, thus enhancing the corporate image of the user’s organisation.

However, the service has arrived at a time when there are a large number of text-preparation devices already in use. Therefore prospective teletex users are faced with the choice of having either to replace their existing equipment with new devices designed for teletex, or to buy additional equipment for the service.

This choice depends on how important the features of the service are in any particular case and the cost of the relevant devices compared to the benefit which can be achieved. The two most important features of the service appear to be saving in transmission cost and the ability to represent a high-quality international character set on received documents.

All teletex devices should be able to provide transmission-cost savings. However, depending on how important the latter issue is, users have the choice between purchasing completely new devices which can fully represent teletex documents on printers and VDU screens, or purchasing adaptor devices which will allow their existing word processors to operate, with teletex.

Word Processing

Andrew Prestage, in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003

I. An Introduction to Word Processing

Word processing is the act of using a computer to transform written, verbal, or recorded information into typewritten or printed form. This chapter will discuss the history of word processing, identify several popular word processing applications, and define the capabilities of word processors.

Of all the computer applications in use, word processing is by far the most common. The ability to perform word processing requires a computer and a special type of computer software called a word processor. A word processor is a program designed to assist with the production of a wide variety of documents, including letters, memoranda, and manuals, rapidly and at relatively low cost. A typical word processor enables the user to create documents, edit them using the keyboard and mouse, store them for later retrieval, and print them to a printer. Common word processing applications include Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word, and Corel WordPerfect.

Word processing technology allows human beings to freely and efficiently share ideas, thoughts, feelings, sentiments, facts, and other information in written form. Throughout history, the written word has provided mankind with the ability to transform thoughts into printed words for distribution to hundreds, thousands, or possibly millions of readers around the world. The power of the written word to transcend verbal communications is best exemplified by the ability of writers to share information and express ideas with far larger audiences and the permanency of the written word.

The increasingly large collective body of knowledge is one outcome of the permanency of the written word, including both historical and current works. Powered by decreasing prices, increasing sophistication, and widespread availability of technology, the word processing revolution changed the landscape of communications by giving people hitherto unavailable power to make or break reputations, to win or lose elections, and to inspire or mislead through the printed word.

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Computers and Effective Security Management1

Charles A. Sennewald, Curtis Baillie, in Effective Security Management (Sixth Edition), 2016

Word Processing

Word processing software can easily create, edit, store, and print text documents such as letters, memoranda, forms, employee performance evaluations (such as those in Appendix A), proposals, reports, security surveys (such as those in Appendix B), general security checklists, security manuals, books, articles, press releases, and speeches. A professional-looking document can be easily created and readily updated when necessary.

The length of created documents is limited only by the storage capabilities of the computer, which are enormous. Also, if multiple copies of a working document exist, changes to it should be promptly communicated to all persons who use the document. Specialized software, using network features, can be programmed to automatically route changes to those who need to know about updates.

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Jennifer DeCamp, in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003

II.D.2.c. Rendering Systems

Special word processing software is usually required to correctly display languages that are substantially different from English, for example:


Connecting characters, as in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hindi, and Hebrew


Different text direction, as in the right-to-left capability required in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Hindi, or the right-to-left and top-to-bottom capability in formal Chinese


Multiple accents or diacritics, such as in Vietnamese or in fully vowelled Arabic


Nonlinear text entry, as in Hindi, where a vowel may be typed after the consonant but appears before the consonant.

Alternatives to providing software with appropriate character rendering systems include providing graphic files or elaborate formatting (e.g., backwards typing of Arabic and/or typing of Arabic with hard line breaks). However, graphic files are cumbersome to download and use, are space consuming, and cannot be electronically searched except by metadata. The second option of elaborate formatting often does not look as culturally appropriate as properly rendered text, and usually loses its special formatting when text is added or is upgraded to a new system. It is also difficult and time consuming to produce. Note that Microsoft Word 2000 and Office XP support the above rendering systems; Java 1.4 supports the above rendering systems except for vertical text.

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Text Entry When Movement is Impaired

Shari Trewin, John Arnott, in Text Entry Systems, 2007

15.3.2 Abbreviation Expansion

Popular word processing programs often include abbreviation expansion capabilities. Abbreviations for commonly used text can be defined, allowing a long sequence such as an address to be entered with just a few keystrokes. With a little investment of setup time, those who are able to remember the abbreviations they have defined can find this a useful technique. Abbreviation expansion schemes have also been developed specifically for people with disabilities (Moulton et al., 1999; Vanderheiden, 1984).

Automatic abbreviation expansion at phrase/sentence level has also been investigated: the Compansion (Demasco & McCoy, 1992; McCoy et al., 1998) system was designed to process and expand spontaneous language constructions, using Natural Language Processing to convert groups of uninflected content words automatically into full phrases or sentences. For example, the output sentence “John breaks the window with the hammer” might derive from the user input text “John break window hammer” using such an approach.

With the rise of text messaging on mobile devices such as mobile (cell) phones, abbreviations are increasingly commonplace in text communications. Automatic expansion of many abbreviations may not be necessary, however, depending on the context in which the text is being used. Frequent users of text messaging can learn to recognize a large number of abbreviations without assistance.

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Case Studies

Brett Shavers, in Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard, 2013

Altered evidence and spoliation

Electronic evidence in the form of word processing documents which were submitted by a party in litigation is alleged to have been altered. Altered electronic evidence has become a common claim with the ability to determine the changes becoming more difficult. How do you know if an email has been altered? What about a text document?

Case in Point

Odom v Microsoft and Best Buy, 2006

The Odom v Microsoft and Best Buy litigation primarily focused on Internet access offered to customers in which the customers were automatically billed for Internet service without their consent. One of the most surprising aspects of this case involved the altering of electronic evidence by an attorney for Best Buy. The attorney, Timothy Block, admitted to altering documents prior to producing the documents in discovery to benefit Best Buy.

Investigative Tips: All evidence needs to be validated for authenticity. The weight given in legal hearings depends upon the veracity of the evidence. Many electronic files can be quickly validated through hash comparisons. An example seen in Figure 11.4 shows two files with different file names, yet their hash values are identical. If one file is known to be valid, perhaps an original evidence file, any file matching the hash values would also be a valid and unaltered copy of the original file.

Figure 11.4. Two files with different file names, but having the same hash value, indicating the contents of the files are identical.

Alternatively, Figure 11.5 shows two files with the same file name but having different hash values. If there were a claim that both of these files are the same original files, it would be apparent that one of the files has been modified.

Figure 11.5. Two files with the same file names, but having different hash values, indicating the contents are not identical.

Finding the discrepancies or modifications of an electronic file can only be accomplished if there is a comparison to be made with the original file. Using Figure 11.5 as an example, given that the file having the MD5 hash value of d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is the original, and where the second file is the alleged altered file, a visual inspection of both files should be able to determine the modifications. However, when only file exists, proving the file to be unaltered is more than problematic, it is virtually impossible.

In this situation of having a single file to verify as original and unaltered evidence, an analysis would only be able to show when the file was modified over time, but the actual modifications won’t be known. Even if the document has “track changed” enabled, which logs changes to a document, that would only capture changes that were tracked, as there may be more untracked and unknown changes.

As a side note to hash values, in Figure 11.5, the hash values are completely different, even though the only difference between the two sample files is a single period added to the text. Any modification, no matter how minor, results in a drastic different hash value.

The importance in validating files in relation to the identification of a suspect that may have altered a file is that the embedded metadata will be a key point of focus and avenue for case leads. As a file is created, copied, modified, and otherwise touched, the file and system metadata will generally be updated.

Having the dates and times of these updates should give rise to you that the updates occurred on some computer system. This may be on one or more computers even if the file existed on a flash drive. At some point, the flash drive was connected to a computer system, where evidence on a system may show link files to the file. Each of these instances of access to the file is an opportunity to create a list of possible suspects having access to those systems in use at each updated metadata fields.

In the Microsoft Windows operating systems, Volume Shadow Copies may provide an examiner with a string of previous versions of a document, in which the modifications between each version can be determined. Although not every change may have been incrementally saved by the Volume Shadow Service, such as if the file was saved to a flash drive, any previous versions that can be found will allow to find some of the modifications made.

Where a single file will determine the outcome of an investigation or have a dramatic effect on the case, the importance of ‘getting it right’ cannot be overstated. Such would be the case of a single file, modified by someone in a business office, where many persons had common access to the evidence file before it was known to be evidence. Finding the suspect that altered the evidence file may be simple if you were at the location close to the time of occurrence. Interviews of the employees would be easier as most would remember their whereabouts in the office within the last few days. Some may be able to tell you exactly where other employees were in the office, even point the suspect out directly.

But what if you are called in a year later? How about 2 or more years later? What would be the odds employees remembering their whereabouts on a Monday in July 2 years earlier? To identify a suspect at this point requires more than a forensic analysis of a computer. It will probably require an investigation into work schedules, lunch schedules, backup tapes, phone call logs, and anything else to place everyone somewhere during the time of the file being altered.

Potentially you may even need to examine the hard drive of a copy machine and maybe place a person at the copy machine based on what was copied at the time the evidence file was being modified. When a company’s livelihood is at stake or a person’s career is at risk, leave no stone unturned. If you can’t place a suspect at the scene, you might be able to place everyone else at a location, and those you can’t place, just made your list of possible suspects.

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When, How, and Why Do We Trust Technology Too Much?

Patricia L. Hardré, in Emotions, Technology, and Behaviors, 2016

Trusting Spelling and Grammar Checkers

We often see evidence that users of word processing systems trust absolutely in spelling and grammar checkers. From errors in business letters and on resumes to uncorrected word usage in academic papers, this nonstrategy emerges as epidemic. It underscores a pattern of implicit trust that if a word is not flagged as incorrect in a word processing system, then it must be not only spelled correctly but also used correctly. The overarching error is trusting the digital checking system too much, while the underlying functional problem is that such software identifies gross errors (such as nonwords) but cannot discriminate finer nuances of language requiring judgment (like real words used incorrectly). Users from average citizens to business executives have become absolutely comfortable with depending on embedded spelling and grammar checkers that are supposed to autofind, trusting the technology so much that they often do not even proofread. Like overtrust of security monitoring, these personal examples are instances of reduced vigilance due to their implicit belief that the technology is functionally flawless, that if the technology has not found an error, then an error must not exist.

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Establishing a C&A Program

Laura Taylor, Matthew Shepherd Technical Editor, in FISMA Certification and Accreditation Handbook, 2007

Template Development

Certification Packages consist of a set of documents that all go together and complement one another. A Certification Package is voluminous, and without standardization, it takes an inordinate amount of time to evaluate it to make sure all the right information is included. Therefore, agencies should have templates for all the documents that they require in their Certification Packages. Agencies without templates should work on creating them. If an agency does not have the resources in-house to develop these templates, they should consider outsourcing this initiative to outside consultants.

A template should be developed using the word processing application that is the standard within the agency. All of the relevant sections that the evaluation team will be looking for within each document should be included. Text that will remain constant for a particular document type also should be included. An efficient and effective C&A program will have templates for the following types of C&A documents:

Categorization and Certification Level Recommendation

Hardware and Software Inventory


Security Awareness and Training Plan

End-User Rules of Behavior

Incident Response Plan

Security Test and Evaluation Plan

Privacy Impact Assessment

Business Risk Assessment

Business Impact Assessment

Contingency Plan

Configuration Management Plan

System Risk Assessment

System Security Plan

Security Assessment Report

The later chapters in this book will help you understand what should be included in each of these types of documents. Some agencies may possibly require other types of documents as required by their information security program and policies.

Templates should include guidelines for what type of content should be included, and also should have built-in formatting. The templates should be as complete as possible, and any text that should remain consistent and exactly the same in like document types should be included. Though it may seem redundant to have the exact same verbatim text at the beginning of, say, each Business Risk Assessment from a particular agency, each document needs to be able to stand alone and make sense if it is pulled out of the Certification Package for review. Having similar wording in like documents also shows that the packages were developed consistently using the same methodology and criteria.

With established templates in hand, it makes it much easier for the C&A review team to understand what it is that they need to document. Even expert C&A consultants need and appreciate document templates. Finding the right information to include the C&A documents can by itself by extremely difficult without first having to figure out what it is that you are supposed to find—which is why the templates are so very important. It’s often the case that a large complex application is distributed and managed throughout multiple departments or divisions and it can take a long time to figure out not just what questions to ask, but who the right people are who will know the answers.

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Speech Recognition

John-Paul Hosom, in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003

I.B. Capabilities and Limitations of Automatic Speech Recognition

ASR is currently used for dictation into word processing software, or in a “command-and-control” framework in which the computer recognizes and acts on certain key words. Dictation systems are available for general use, as well as for specialized fields such as medicine and law. General dictation systems now cost under $100 and have speaker-dependent word-recognition accuracy from 93% to as high as 98%. Command-and-control systems are more often used over the telephone for automatically dialing telephone numbers or for requesting specific services before (or without) speaking to a human operator. Telephone companies use ASR to allow customers to automatically place calls even from a rotary telephone, and airlines now utilize telephone-based ASR systems to help passengers locate and reclaim lost luggage. Research is currently being conducted on systems that allow the user to interact naturally with an ASR system for goals such as making airline or hotel reservations.

Despite these successes, the performance of ASR is often about an order of magnitude worse than human-level performance, even with superior hardware and long processing delays. For example, recognition of the digits “zero” through “nine” over the telephone has word-level accuracy of about 98% to 99% using ASR, but nearly perfect recognition by humans. Transcription of radio broadcasts by world-class ASR systems has accuracy of less than 87%. This relatively low accuracy of current ASR systems has limited its use; it is not yet possible to reliably and consistently recognize and act on a wide variety of commands from different users.

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Rex Hartson, Pardha Pyla, in The UX Book (Second Edition), 2019

20.7 Software Tools for Making Wireframes

Wireframes can be sketched using any drawing or word processing software package that supports creating and manipulating shapes. While many applications suffice for simple wireframing, we recommend tools designed specifically for this purpose. We use Sketch, a drawing app, to do all the drawing. Craft is a plug-in to Sketch that connects it to InVision, allowing you to export Sketch screen designs to InVision to incorporate hotspots as working links.

In the “Build mode” of InVision, you work on one screen at a time, adding rectangular overlays that are the hotspots. For each hotspot, you specify what other screen you go to when someone clicks on that hotspot in “Preview mode.” You get a nice bonus using InVision: In the “operate” mode, you, or the user, can click anywhere in an open space in the prototype and it highlights all the available links. These tools are available only on Mac computers, but similar tools are available under Windows.

Beyond this discussion, it’s not wise to try to cover software tools for making prototypes in this kind of textbook. The field is changing fast and whatever we could say here would be out of date by the time you read this. Plus, it wouldn’t be fair to the numerous other perfectly good tools that didn’t get cited. To get the latest on software tools for prototyping, it’s better to ask an experienced UX professional or to do your research online.

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Design Production

Rex Hartson, Partha S. Pyla, in The UX Book, 2012

9.5.3 How to Build Wireframes?

Wireframes can be built using any drawing or word processing software package that supports creating and manipulating shapes, such as iWork Pages, Keynote, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Word. While such applications suffice for simple wireframing, we recommend tools designed specifically for this purpose, such as OmniGraffle (for Mac), Microsoft Visio (for PC), and Adobe InDesign.

Many tools and templates for making wireframes are used in combination—truly an invent-as-you-go approach serving the specific needs of prototyping. For example, some tools are available to combine the generic-looking placeholders in wireframes with more detailed mockups of some screens or parts of screens. In essence they allow you to add color, graphics, and real fonts, as well as representations of real content, to the wireframe scaffolding structure.

In early stages of design, during ideation and sketching, you started with thinking about the high-level conceptual design. It makes sense to start with that here, too, first by wireframing the design concept and then by going top down to address major parts of the concept. Identify the interaction conceptual design using boxes with labels, as shown in Figure 9-4.

Take each box and start fleshing out the design details. What are the different kinds of interaction needed to support each part of the design, and what kinds of widgets work best in each case? What are the best ways to lay them out? Think about relationships among the widgets and any data that need to go with them. Leverage design patterns, metaphors, and other ideas and concepts from the work domain ontology. Do not spend too much time with exact locations of these widgets or on their alignment yet. Such refinement will come in later iterations after all the key elements of the design are represented.

As you flesh out all the major areas in the design, be mindful of the information architecture on the screen. Make sure the wireframes convey that inherent information architecture. For example, do elements on the screen follow a logical information hierarchy? Are related elements on the screen positioned in such a way that those relationships are evident? Are content areas indented appropriately? Are margins and indents communicating the hierarchy of the content in the screen?

Next it is time to think about sequencing. If you are representing a workflow, start with the “wake-up” state for that workflow. Then make a wireframe representing the next state, for example, to show the result of a user action such as clicking on a button. In Figure 9-6 we showed what happens when a user clicks on the “Related information” expander widget. In Figure 9-7 we showed what happens if the user clicks on the “One-up” view switcher button.

Once you create the key screens to depict the workflow, it is time to review and refine each screen. Start by specifying all the options that go on the screen (even those not related to this workflow). For example, if you have a toolbar, what are all the options that go into that toolbar? What are all the buttons, view switchers, window controllers (e.g., scrollbars), and so on that need to go on the screen? At this time you are looking at scalability of your design. Is the design pattern and layout still working after you add all the widgets that need to go on this screen?

Think of cases when the windows or other container elements such as navigation bars in the design are resized or when different data elements that need to be supported are larger than shown in the wireframe. For example, in Figures 9-5 and 9-6, what must happen if the number of photo collections is greater than what fits in the default size of that container? Should the entire page scroll or should new scrollbars appear on the left-hand navigation bar alone? How about situations where the number of people identified in a collection are large? Should we show the first few (perhaps ones with most number of associated photos) with a “more” option, should we use an independent scrollbar for that pane, or should we scroll the entire page? You may want to make wireframes for such edge cases; remember they are less expensive and easier to do using boxes and lines than in code.

As you iterate your wireframes, refine them further, increasing the fidelity of the deck. Think about proportions, alignments, spacing, and so on for all the widgets. Refine the wording and language aspects of the design. Get the wireframe as close to the envisioned design as possible within the constraints of using boxes and lines.

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Word processing software helps you manipulate a text document and create or edit a text document.

  • Best 15 Word Processing Software Examples

    • 1. Microsoft Word

    • 2. iWork Pages

    • 3. OpenOffice Writer

    • 4. WordPerfect

    • 5. FocusWriter

    • 6. LibreOffice Writer

    • 7. AbiWord

    • 8. WPS Word

    • 9. Polaris Docs

    • 10. Writemonkey

    • 11. Dropbox Paper

    • 12. Scribus

    • 13. SoftMaker FreeOffice TextMaker

    • 14. Zoho Docs Writer

    • 15. Google Docs

  • Conclusion

A quality word processing software can also provide output options such as printing or exporting a text document into other formats.

Without word processing software, you would have difficulty processing paragraphs, pages, and even papers.

Not many people know that early word processing software was standalone devices, but word processors come as lightweight software that’s easy to install with technological advancements.

Another great advantage of word processing software is that it allows you to store documents electronically, display them across screens, or fully modify documents before printing them.

Even though word processing software isn’t complex to learn, it might take a bit of time to learn how to take full advantage of the software with so many functions.

Also, keep in mind that some word processing software comes from the office bundle that includes other processing software.

In this article, you’ll learn more about word processing software and see 15 of the best examples.

Whether you’re a writer, editor, or only need quality word processing software to prepare your documents pre-printing, at least one of these 15 software will be a good pick!

Even though most word processing software has similar features and offers similar benefits, the small but significant differences between these word processing software examples can make a huge difference for personal use.

1. Microsoft Word

The most known word processing software is Microsoft Word, and chances are high you’ve used it at least on one occasion to process or create text documents.

Word is the most known word processing software because the creator of Windows creates it and it often comes integrated with the Windows operating system.

However, Word is also known for the benefits it offers. Improved search and navigational experience combined with the ability to work with others simultaneously are just some of the benefits.

Along with that, Word gives you the ability to access, share, and work on your documents from almost anywhere.

With plenty of options to create, edit, and process text, Word also has additional visual effects, turning text into diagrams, and combining visual aspects into text documents.

Instant help when creating documents is another great integration that especially helps writers. Exporting and having document flexibility is helpful when producing specific documents for your studies or work, and it’s just one of many benefits of Word.

2. iWork Pages

iWork Pages is a must-have word processing software for Apple users. Even though Microsoft Word is available for macOS, iWork is a great native alternative that helps Apple users process, create, and work with word documents.

iWork Pages was previously known as AppleWorks, and it is part of the official Apple iWork suite.

Not only Pages can help you create documents, but they can also help you to collaborate with others efficiently, create animated documents from your data, and even build interactive charts from your text.

What’s great about Pages is that it comes with built-in help and sample formulas, so you don’t always have to create a document from scratch. Instead, you can use templates or benefit from function suggestions to improve the way you work.

With over 30 spreadsheet templates, you won’t have to create text documents from scratch unless you enjoy creating your work from scratch. Templates can help you spend less time formatting and creating the basics of your document and yet leave you with more time to focus on your text.

3. OpenOffice Writer

Among the paid word processing software, there are a couple of free gems such as OpenOffice.

OpenOffice is a free and open productivity suite that includes Writer, the perfect software for word processing.

Whether you’re trying to draft a quick letter or working on complex text documents (maybe even writing a book), the writer is a reliable and fully equipped word processing software to handle all needed tasks.

What’s great about Writer is that it is very easy to use, so you won’t have to spend hours learning the ins and outs of the software to take full advantage of it.

Instead, you will be able to focus on producing documents of all types and letting Writer help you along the way.

With built-in features such as AutoCorrect or AutoComplete, you can quickly write your documents without having to worry about making mistakes.

Along with these two features, OpenOffice Writer comes with a table of contents, references, multi-page display, and notes to help you annotate and review documents, as well as create well-structured text documents.

Lastly, exporting isn’t going to be a problem since Writer can help you export your text document into other formats such as HTML, PDF, or even .odt.

Also, keep in mind that OpenOffice provides templates you can download and use with Writer to make your drafts easier.

4. WordPerfect

WordPerfect is described as the Microsoft Office alternative. It is an all-in-one suite that focuses on productivity and efficiency when working with digital documents (especially text documents).

Inside the WordPerfect Office, you will have access to a neat and efficient word processor that can help you quickly draft new documents, create letters or brochures, write resumes, and even start writing a book.

What’s so special about WordPerfect is that it supports collaboration with about 60 file formats, so you can import and export documents from any third-party software.

With the help of Reveal Codes, WordPerfect provides seamless formatting after you import documents from any source.

And if you’re looking to “spice up” your text documents, you can do so easily with the help of built-in PDF forms into this powerful and versatile word processing software.

5. FocusWriter

If you spend a lot of time writing documents in your word processing software, and yet you find it hard to concentrate and focus on the words, FocusWriter is a great pick.

FocusWriter is a very simple word processing software that utilizes a versatile interface hidden away from the most important part of the software. This way, you can focus on the page and text, and whenever you need to use any integrated feature, all you have to do is swipe your cursor across the edges to open the hidden menu.

With integrated features such as timers, alarms, daily goals, fully customizable themes, and even the ability to use typewriter sound effects, this word processing software will help you stay on track and get things done.

Along with these features, FocusWriter has optional features such as live statistics, spell-checking, and even the ability to use FocusWriter in 20 different languages.

These features aim to improve the user experience and make word processing tasks fun and more productive since you can set your own goals.

This is a word processing software that adds improved features that aren’t very common among its competitors.

6. LibreOffice Writer

When you are a very organized person and need word processing software that will match this, LibreOffice Writer is worth trying.

LibreOffice Writer is a modern word processing software that ensures you can edit any document quickly with the help of integrated features.

Therefore, Writer is good enough for doing quick and simple edits. Still, it’s also more than enough to finish books, edit many content pages, add diagrams, and even feature indexes into your documents.

The user interface is very neat and even though there are many features they’re hidden away so you can focus on the most important aspect of word processing: the text.

7. AbiWord

When you require a very similar word processing software to Word, and yet you’re on a budget, AbiWord is a good choice.

AbiWord is compatible with the latest operating systems and interface-wise, it is very similar to Microsoft Word. Even though it’s not the “prettiest” word processing software, it has everything you might need to get the work done efficiently, and it won’t cost you a penny.

With compatibility to work with all standard text documents, AbiWord also allows you to share your documents with others easily or even merge your letters directly with your email.

Even though AbiWord might not have all features other word processing software include, AbiWord is built on the extensible plugin architecture, so you can always find plugins to include features you might be missing.

On top of that, I should mention that AbiWord is available in 30 different languages, and it is still getting updates so that you won’t be relying on an outdated version.

8. WPS Word

WPS offers a suite similar to Microsoft Office that includes three components: the Word, Excel, and Presentation.

Word is a word processing software that is highly compatible with almost all compatible document formats, and it is even compatible with all operations systems.

Creating documents from scratch with Word is very simple, and yet with standard formatting tools everyone is familiar with, editing documents is even easier.

On top of that, Word includes many extras that are rarely found in other word processing software, such as hundreds of document templates. Therefore, if you don’t feel like creating documents from scratch, basing your documents on pre-existing templates can save you a lot of time and work.

Combining media with text is highly possible, and viewing multiple documents simultaneously improves efficiency when working with multiple documents.

With collaboration tools, password protection for chosen documents, and automatic spell-checking tools, you can easily get your work done without worrying about accuracy.

9. Polaris Docs

Polaris Office is a combination of tools that includes Docs, a highly versatile version that’s very similar to a combination of Microsoft Word and Google Docs.

It’s a very versatile word processing software that allows you to work on your documents wherever you are.

Not only is it available as computer software, but it also has a dedicated web browser version and even the app version suitable for Android and iOS smartphones.

Collaboration is guaranteed with such versatility, and when it comes down to getting the work done, Polaris Docs supports all types of documents, including sheets, slides, and more.

Saved documents can be worked on in groups, meaning that more than one person can edit the document in real-time. And if you ever decide to collaborate on a document with someone, you can invite them with a link and keep the communication open with an integrated chat in the Polaris Docs.

Feature-wise, Polaris Docs is packed with the most standard features you would expect from a word processing software, and yet the main improvement is the way you can collaborate with others and work on the same document in real-time.

10. Writemonkey

If you search for a word processing document that will leave you on your own with your words and yet will hide all functionalities in a very minimalistic and simple interface, Writemonkey makes a great choice.

Writemonkey might look like a coding interface at first, but it is a stripped-down word processing software that helps you focus on your writing.

Of course, Writemonkey is also ideal for making quick edits and even reading.

This is probably one of the lightest and smallest word processing software that is very easy to install and even easier to get used to.

What’s also great is that you have full control over the interface to customize it to your needs. On top of that, you can set timed writing or even feature a visual progress bar to make your writing work feel like a breeze.

And if you ever end up missing something in Writemonkey, you can always introduce third-party upgrades to this word processing software via plugins.

11. Dropbox Paper

When you need a versatile, reliable, and quick word processing software that’s perhaps web-based, Dropbox Paper is worth considering.

Dropbox Paper is a lightweight web-based word processing software that allows simple editing and collaboration between teams.

With Dropbox Paper, you can create documents from scratch or import existing documents to easily track any edits or changes made by your team members. On top of that, with this light word processing software, you can keep everything organized, ensure feedback is properly given, and even improve your documents.

You can do almost everything in Dropbox Paper that you would do in other word processing software. However, Paper can also serve as a co-editing software.

Whether you’re trying to improve communication in your team, improve collaboration between team members, or you’re writing a book with your partner, Paper is the place to stay productive, organized, and efficient.

12. Scribus

If you require professional word processing software to handle your business/work documents or edit and prepare your book for publishing, Scribus is a great choice.

Even though it’s a bit different from standard word processing software, Scribus allows you to choose one of the designed layouts, set your typesetting, and even improve your written documents with professional-looking quality images.

With Scribus, you can also create animations that you can place directly inside your document, or you can turn your text documents into interactive PDF presentations.

On top of that, the creation of forms or questionnaires is very simple. With OpenType support, you can now edit your existing documents with advanced features such as advanced typography.

While Scribus is a great fit for simple editing and personal documents, it excels at creating magazine covers, newspaper front pages, preparing the books for publishing, and even manufacturing artwork.

It might not be the standard word processing software most people are looking for, but it will fit professional needs easily for a very fair price.

13. SoftMaker FreeOffice TextMaker

When you need a simple word processing software, SoftMaker FreeOffice is a great stepping stone that won’t cost you anything, and yet it includes almost everything you might need for personal or business use.

In the FreeOffice, you will get TextMaker included. TextMaker is a small but efficient word processing software that allows you to create all types of documents and edit existing documents that you can easily import.

What’s unique about TextMaker is that it doesn’t only focus on written documents. Instead, it also offers great features for processing words on graphics. Therefore, you can use TextMaker to create great text for your images, logos, or even banners.

With many different fonts, styles, and even wrapping options, TextMaker will make all your graphics look professional and attractive yet easy to read.

Since TextMaker can import almost all types of documents, you can also export your work in the most standard formats, such as Word DOC and DOCX. However, what’s also great about TextMaker is that it allows you to create PDF files from your documents.

You can even create an EPUB eBook with the help of TextMaker, which is a great feature, considering that SoftMaker provides the TextMaker for free.

14. Zoho Docs Writer

Zoho Docs Writer is a perfect example of an online word processing software that is easy to use and easy to access. Yet, in return, you will get very reliable and advanced features you can use on any of your documents.

The writer allows you to focus on your words in a distraction-free interface, yet you can work with others in an effortless document sharing.

With the most standard features, you would expect a word processing software packed in the interface you can access via the web browser and even get unlimited versions of your document.

These versions help you compare differences and find differences after collaboration with others.

One of the most advanced yet convenient features is publishing your documents directly (if you are a content creator).

If not, Zoho Docs Writer can help you electronically sign documents and even fill out PDF forms (or edit PDFs) without a problem.

15. Google Docs

Suppose you are not a fan of standalone word processing documents or don’t consider your computer reliable enough for your work. In that case, Google Docs is one of the most reliable web-based word processing software than most others in this space that you can get your hands on.

Along with the Sheets, Slides, and Forms, Docs allows you to not only create documents from scratch or import and edit existing documents, but it also allows you to store all your documents in the cloud for free.

You can easily access your documents from any device, as long as you’re signed in to your Google account, and yet you will easily get used to the functionality and features of the Docs.

On top of that, Docs is very flexible, so you can export them in many different formats just the way you can import documents. However, one thing to keep in mind is that you will need an internet connection at all times to access your documents or work on them.


Even though Microsoft Word is one of the most known word processing software globally, there is much other software that is as good and worth giving it a try.

One couldn’t do without quality word processing software, but you even get the chance to find the one that will fit your needs the most with so many choices.

Even though each one of these is similar, there are differences in the interface, functionality, and even features that the software provides.

With that being said, you can easily choose according to your needs and purpose, which I highly recommend!

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing.
Tom has been a full-time internet marketer for two decades now, earning millions of dollars while living life on his own terms. Along the way, he’s also coached thousands of other people to success.

1. Word processors

Whereas the text-editing typewriter may be (and often is) called a word processor, word processors are fundamentally different in configuration and use. Almost all of them have a visual display screen (sometimes referred to as a visual display unit – hence the acronym VDU) which may or may not be integrated with the keyboard, whereas text editors normally operate as normal typewriters with, probably, a one-line electronic display which appears during the typing operation for checking purposes before actual printing is done.

Despite the very blurred distinction between the text editor and the word processor proper where there is considerable overlap, it is possible to identify word processors proper, and these we will now examine.

1.1. Stand-alone systems

This description means what it says: the word processor is self-contained and operates entirely without assistance from other electronic equip­ment. In its simplest form it consists of a keyboard and visual display unit, a microprocessor (really a very small computer), some form of external store such as floppy discs, magnetic card packs or similar, and a printer. Where this and other word processors differ fundamentally from the simpler forms of text editor is that the keyboard and printing facilities are separated and, as mentioned above, the material being keyed into the processor is displayed on a visual display screen. Thus during the origination of texts and on retrieval for assembly the text can be seen as it will appear on the printed page, and can be corrected and edited before printing is carried out. Further, by means of exchangeable programs (analogous to computer programs) the print output can be set out (formatted is the jargon word) to be displayed in any way required. This is very useful for the production of formal documents such as contracts, in systems work and the like as well as providing standard layouts for ordinary correspondence. Figure 9.2 shows in diagrammatic form the configuration of a stand-alone system.

1.2. Shared resources systems

An extension of the basic system just described is one often known as shared resources, where two or more keyboards, VDU and processor installations are linked to one printer which they share. One processor is equipped with a print controller so that work from the work stations can be queued until the printer can deal with it. Such a system makes most efficient use of the printer but does need careful programming to ensure smooth operation. A diagrammatic representation of a shared resources system is given in Figure 9.3.

Some stand-alone systems, such as IBM’s Displaywriter, allow work stations to be added as the need arises, in this particular case the maximum being three. Thus a user can start word processing with one station, with minimum outlay, and can add one or two further work stations as demand increases.

1.3. Shared logic systems

Where the volume of work is very high it makes economic sense to utilise a single, larger, processor to serve several work stations. This is known as shared logic. All keyboards and visual display units are interfaced (the computer word for connected) to a single central processing unit (CPU) which is programmed to deal with the work to be input to and output from it and it is serviced by one or more printers as circumstances demand. Storage can be any method according to the size of the installation and the preferences of the designers, but is frequently disc storage using either exchangeable computer disc packs or diskettes (also known as floppy discs). The former have the advantage of high storage capacity without recourse to excessive interchanging whereas the latter have the advantages of being light and easy and quick to interchange. A diagram of a shared logic configuration is given in Fig. 9.4.

2. Software

Whatever the system of word processor and its configuration of hard­ware – central processor, keyboard, VDU and printer – and whether integral or separate units, its effectiveness and efficiency depend upon its software. Software is, simply, the programs used, as in computers, to instruct the machine to carry out its required functions. It is usual for the word processor manufacturers to supply programs for their own equip­ment but there are many independent software houses that also provide programs and much, but by no means all, software is interchangeable between different makes of machine.

Software is the source that instructs the word processor to print in standard format or otherwise, choose the required typestyle and pitch, make corrections, carry out editing, merge texts, justify margins and perform all the other various functions of which the equipment is capable.

3. Information Processing

Since word processing and electronic data processing are so akin it is a logical development that they should be combined where the need arises. In many cases, for instance, data stored in computer files may be required in a text being prepared by the word processing system and time, inconvenience and cost can be saved by having direct communica­tion between the two, so that the word processor has direct access to the data processing files. This is also known as a distributed intelligence system.

As is shown in Figure 9.5 the word-processing processor is connected with the data-processing computer and, by means of the appropriate software (programs), can access the contents of the computer files to find data or information needed for its text. The link can be either by cable or by telephone line using the appropriate equipment. An extension of this is the transferring of communications from one particular word processor to another, or to a computer, many miles away over telephone lines. Since the transference is by electrical impulses direct from the word processor’s memory and not by keystroking, as with the teleprinter, transmission speeds of up to 600 characters per second (or over 7000 words per minute) can be achieved. At the receiver’s end the word processor receives the text into memory and then types it out on command. If communication is to a central computer it will be written into storage and from there on to a file.

It is also possible with some equipment to transmit to teletype machines through the telex network, in which case connection can be made to anywhere in the world at the maximum teleprinter speed of 6.6 characters per second (nearly 80 words per minute).

4. What a Word Processor Can Do

At this point it will be useful to summarise the practical points that can be atrributed to word processing.

  1. It can store texts for repeated reuse as and when required. Storage capacity ranges from a few characters or words in the simplest memory typewriters to virtually limitless capacity in configurations using external storage devices.
  2. Access to texts or parts of texts is extremely rapid, which enables retrieval to be quick and convenient.
  3. It is possible to merge parts of different texts together to form new texts. This allows the use of standard phrases and paragraphs in the construction of all kinds of correspondence, contracts and other documents.
  4. Various typing functions such as tabulation, paragraph indentation, margin justification and so on are performed automatically.
  5. Alterations to the text, such as editing, insertions and corrections, can be easily carried out without recourse to complete retyping: only the amendments need to be made manually, the acceptable parts of the text (usually the greater portion) being processed at maximum automatic speed.
  6. Document layout can be amended (the jargon term is reformatted) by a simple keystroke.
  7. Form layouts can be displayed on the visual display screen to enable variables to be inserted. This is particularly valuable in systems work. Entries are keystroked consecutively and the actual locations on the forms are accessed automatically.
  8. The facility to change typestyles provides the ability to increase the kinds of jobs that can be tackled, from simple correspondence to sophisticated reports.
  9. The introduction of ink-jet and laser printing techniques, which obviate the need for ribbon movement and type impact, have phenomenally increased possible automatic printing speeds to ten times that of the average typist.
  10. The end product is of exceptionally high quality.
  11. A word processor can communicate with and work in conjunction with a central data-processing computer, as well as with other word processors, given the appropriate installation.

5. Applications of Word Processing

It is easy to be overwhelmed by the possibilities offered by word processing and by the blandishments of the manufacturers. Hence an office administrator with a written communications problem may be tempted to opt for word processing as an answer to this problem though it may not, in fact, be the right solution. It is necessary, therefore, to look at the applications for which this comparatively new technique is best suited.

5.1. Correspondence

There is very little advantage in using word processing for ordinary letters that demand individual treatment. The real gain in this area, if one is to be found, is in a possibly superior appearance to that produced by individual typing though this is by no means always the case.

However, careful appraisal of the usual run of business letters leads to the conclusion that a majority of the phrases and sentences used, even in the most personalised correspondence, are repeated time after time in letter after letter. This being so, routine or semi-routine correspondence can be handled by the word processor very adequately and expeditiously by the establishment of standard paragraphs and statements which are left in memory and called up as and when needed in the order in which they are required. This programmed correspondence, as it is sometimes called, is useful in such routines as replies to sales enquiries, letters to suppliers asking about prices, deliveries and the like, responses to regular customer complaints, requests for payment of accounts and many, many similar communications. The stored phrases and sentences are coded for retrieval and are brought into use simply by the operator keying in the appropriate codes. In this application access to the filed material is random so that the order of presentation can be infinitely variable. Only the variable contents of the letters – for example, names and addresses, product names and so on – need to be typed manually.

5.2. Composite documents

These include such documents as contracts, agreements, legal engross­ments, insurance policies, tenders and many others which make use of standard paragraphs. These standard paragraphs are coded, indexed and written into the word processor file from where those needed are recalled and typed in any required order on the command of the word-processor operator.

In the more advanced installations it is possible to produce new documents by taking and reassembling standard paragraphs from other documents already existing on file. In this way documents can be produced very rapidly and without typing errors.

5.3. Standard letters

These were the primary output of the original automatic typewriters. Much correspondence is of an absolutely standard nature – for example, acknowledgements of orders for standard goods, quotations for standard supplies, covering letters for documents of all kinds (for cheques in payment of accounts or settling insurance claims) and so on. Each standard letter needs only its code to be keyed in for it to be typed out automatically and accurately, the variable information such as name, address, the sum involved and the like being typed in manually.

The very great benefits accruing from the use of word processing in these applications are that the finished product is absolutely error-free, the original having been corrected at the time of the initial typing – thus obviating the time-wasting job of checking – and the extreme speed with which the letters and documents are produced. It has been said that one operator with a word processor can produce the work of four typists using conventional machines and methods. The following, more special­ised applications, lead to even greater efficiency.

5.4. Reports

Reports, particularly lengthy ones, are usually subject to much editing as the author reads the original typed draft, amends it, reads the amended draft and amends that and so on. In the case of normal typing this means repeated typing of the full amended draft time after time. By using a word processor for this work only the amendments on each edited draft have to be keyed in manually; the parts of the report that are correct (usually by far the major part) are printed out at the maximum automatic speed and, additionally, do not have to be rechecked for typing errors.

5.5. Text editing

The same procedure as adopted for report preparation can be used for any other type of document at the time that it is originated, where corrections and editing are required before final production.

5.6. Updating

All sorts of lists and tables – such as price lists, lists of names and addresses, stock lists and financial and statistical tables – have to be brought up to date from time to time; often the changes are few or minor. In these cases the lists or tables are called up from file, the operator keys in the amendments such as insertions and deletions, and the word processor will print out the revised document. Some advanced installations have the facility to perform arithmetic (a so-called arithme­tic capability) and with these the tables containing figures can be automatically totalled column by column,, cross-cast and the results printed in.

5.7. Forms

Much business activity relies on the filling in of forms and word processors can materially assist in this respect. By means of the appropriate program the word processor enables the operator to type the required responses to each item in succession regardless of the position on the form it will ultimately occupy. These entries are checked for correctness by the operator reading them on the visual display unit and then printing takes place automatically, the program taking care of the positioning of the entries on the form.

Quite complicated systems can be put on to the more advanced word processors, enabling the production of multiset forms with information positioned in different places on different forms from the initial, once only, keyed entry. Pre-recorded standard information such as customers’ names and addresses can also be called up and printed. Thus sales order/invoicing routines, production control systems and so on can be accommodated with the resulting speed and accuracy. Hence the divide between word processing and electronic data processing is being bridged in such applications.

5.8. Storage and retrieval of information

Because of the fact that word processors have magnetic storage facilities that can be accessed randomly it is possible to use them as information files. Such uses include personnel records, stock records, registers of shareholders and so on. The means of access depends upon the type of equipment installed, but such applications are quicker in use and take up less space than the equivalent paper records. Here again word processing is approaching the area of electronic data processing.

Having examined the applications for which word processing is most useful we can now summarise its major advantages and disadvantages.

5.9. Advantages

  1. Repetitive typing can be carried out at something like four times the productivity of a copy typist and is error-free.
  2. Once the original input has been corrected no further checking is required.
  3. Corrections can be made before printing takes place on equipment where a visual display is provided. This avoids erasures on the finished work and the time taken to make corrections is very much reduced.
  4. Amendments, deletions, corrections and editing are very easily carried out both in existing texts and in new input. This is particularly valuable in report work.
  5. When amendments, deletions, corrections or editing are necessary the unaltered work is printed automatically at the maximum speed of the equipment; only the corrections have to be done at manual speed.
  6. Depending upon the equipment, stored texts can be restructured in almost any fashion as required. This also applies to statistical and other tables.
  7. Work appearance is first-class and different type styles are available for different purposes. Most machines have an OCR (optical cha­racter recognition) type font that enables the word processor to produce printed output suitable for direct input to a computer equipped with the appropriate reader.
  8. Keyboards are based on the conventional typewriter QWERTY layout, so-called because the first six letters of the keyboard are just these. This means that although there are many additional function keys (for example, skip, print, insert and so on) a trained typist has minimal difficulty in switching from an ordinary typewriter to a word processor keyboard.
  9. Many installations have arithmetic capabilities, thus enabling systems to be worked on them that require calculations. Sales order/invoicing systems are a case in point.
  10. As word processors become more popular in commerce and industry operators responsible for the equipment are gaining status.

With regard to 8 above an attempt has been made to simplify the word processor keyboard by the introduction of the ‘Maltron’ keyboard. This layout is designed to ease the work of the operator in two directions. First, the arrangement of the keys has been altered after careful study so that the most used letters are operated by the strongest fingers and, second, the actual shape of the keyboard has been changed in contour so as to reduce fatigue. It remains to be seen whether this new design will become more successful than other attempts to simplify the typewriter keyboard. These have foundered on the twin rocks of resistance to change and the fact that so many typists are trained and have become expert on the existing layout. In addition, of course, manufacturers have a great investment tied up in the production of the QWERTY keyboard.

5.10. Disadvantages

Though there are overwhelming advantages to be gained from the installation of a word processor in the right circumstances, inevitably some disadvantages will accrue. The most important of these are:

  1. To some extent much of the communication becomes depersonalised and there is a danger that some correspondence may lack precision because of the inappropriate or thoughtless use of standard sentences and paragraphs.
  2. Originators of correspondence will have less contact with those who produce their letters and other documents. This can lead to increased errors through misunderstandings and to the feeling of a loss of status by executives and others concerned with originating correspondence.
  3. A typist transferred from a conventional typewriter, and the environ­ment surrounding the usual typing activity, to a word processor may find the work impersonal and somewhat isolated: this may cause resentment and a feeling of isolation.
  4. Where there is very much repeat printing from the memory the operator is likely to become bored and hence careless.
  5. Should there be a breakdown of equipment or power there would be serious disruption of work: much more serious than in the case of conventional typewriters.
  6. The environment within which the more advanced equipment is required to operate needs careful attention in regard to humidity, cleanliness, the reduction of noise levels and, where visual display units are installed, lighting and glare.

6. Choosing Word Processing Equipment

It cannot be emphasised too strongly that the correct selection of the appropriate equipment is vital for a successful word-processing installa­tion. This means that a careful assessment of the organisation’s needs must be carried out and the feasibility of profitably using word processing established. The approach must be entirely an applications approach with the needs of the user departments paramount, and the blandish­ments of enthusiastic sales representatives must be critically examined. The office administrator with inadequate experience of word processing should seek the services of expert opinion in this connection either through an independent consultant or through the readily available assistance of consultants from the manufacturers. For all but the simplest of systems the capital investment can be considerable: an inappropriate choice of equipment can be very expensive.

In concentrating on the work to be performed it is easy to overlook the requirements of the operators: such considerations as the height and angle of the visual display screen and the colour and character of its display can be very important. A badly placed screen can cause neckache in the operator as well as produce glare. It is asserted that a screen fixed to the keyboard gives no flexibility in this direction. A display of green characters on a black background is favoured by the majority of manufacturers but many operators find this colour combination tiring to the eyes and screens giving black characters on a white background, reproducing the printed or typed page, are also available as are other combinations.

Before leaving this discussion it must be made clear that word processing cannot undertake the whole of the written communications of an organisation. The areas where individual typing and shorthand-typing are still indispensable must be recognised. These include confidental work, work of particular intricacy and work that is not likely to be repeated. Added to these must be the maintenance of the status of many senior executives though here re-education may be possible.

Finally, throughout this chapter the words type and print, and typing and printing, have been used interchangeably for brevity and clarity: some installations type and some print.

Source: Eyre E. C. (1989), Office Administration, Palgrave Macmillan.


word processor (more formally known as document preparation system)
is a computer application used for the production (including
composition, editing, formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort
of printable material.

processor may also refer to a type of stand-alone office machine,
popular in the 1970s and 1980s, combining the keyboard text-entry and
printing functions of an electric typewriter with a dedicated
processor (like a computer processor) for the editing of text.
Although features and design varied between manufacturers and models,
with new features added as technology advanced, word processors for
several years usually featured a monochrome display and the ability
to save documents on memory cards or diskettes. Later models
introduced innovations such as spell-checking programs, increased
formatting options, and dot-matrix printing. As the more versatile
combination of a personal computer and separate printer became
commonplace, most business-machine companies stopped manufacturing
the word processor as a stand-alone office machine. As of 2009 there
were only two U.S. companies, Classic and AlphaSmart, which still
made stand-alone word processors.[1] Many older machines, however,
remain in use.

processors are descended from early text formatting tools (sometimes
called text justification tools, from their only real capability).
Word processing was one of the earliest applications for the personal
computer in office productivity.

early word processors used tag-based markup for document formatting,
most modern word processors take advantage of a graphical user
interface providing some form of What You See Is What You Get
editing. Most are powerful systems consisting of one or more programs
that can produce any arbitrary combination of images, graphics and
text, the latter handled with type-setting capability.

Word is the most widely used word processing software. Microsoft
estimates that over 500,000,000 people use the Microsoft Office
suite,[2] which includes Word. Many other word processing
applications exist, including WordPerfect (which dominated the market
from the mid-1980s to early-1990s on computers running Microsoft’s
MS-DOS operating system) and open source applications OpenOffice.org
Writer, AbiWord, KWord, and LyX. Web-based word processors, such as
Google Docs, are a relatively new category.

Word processing


processing typically implies the presence of text manipulation
functions that extend beyond a basic ability to enter and change
text, such as automatic generation of:

• batch
mailings using a form letter template and an address database (also
called mail merging);

• indices
of keywords and their page numbers;

• tables
of contents with section titles and their page numbers;

• tables
of figures with caption titles and their page numbers;

• cross-referencing
with section or page numbers;

• footnote

• new
versions of a document using variables (e.g. model numbers, product
names, etc.)

word processing functions include «spell checking»
(actually checks against wordlists), «grammar checking»
(checks for what seem to be simple grammar errors), and a «thesaurus»
function (finds words with similar or opposite meanings). Other
common features include collaborative editing, comments and
annotations, support for images and diagrams and internal

processors can be distinguished from several other, related forms of

editors (modern examples of which include Notepad, BBEdit, Kate,
Gedit), were the precursors of word processors. While offering
facilities for composing and editing text, they do not format
documents. This can be done by batch document processing systems,
starting with TJ-2 and RUNOFF and still available in such systems as
LaTeX (as well as programs that implement the paged-media extensions
to HTML and CSS). Text editors are now used mainly by programmers,
website designers, computer system administrators, and, in the case
of LaTeX by mathematicians and scientists (for complex formulas and
for citations in rare languages). They are also useful when fast
startup times, small file sizes, editing speed and simplicity of
operation are preferred over formatting.

desktop publishing programs were specifically designed to allow
elaborate layout for publication, but often offered only limited
support for editing. Typically, desktop publishing programs allowed
users to import text that was written using a text editor or word

all word processors enable users to employ styles, which are used to
automate consistent formatting of text body, titles, subtitles,
highlighted text, and so on.

greatly simplify managing the formatting of large documents, since
changing a style automatically changes all text that the style has
been applied to. Even in shorter documents styles can save a lot of
time while formatting. However, most help files refer to styles as an
‘advanced feature’ of the word processor, which often discourages
users from using styles regularly.


current word processors can calculate various statistics pertaining
to a document. These usually include:

• Character
count, word count, sentence count, line count, paragraph count, page

• Word,
sentence and paragraph length.

• Editing

are common; for instance, a dash surrounded by spaces — like either
of these — may be counted as a word.


processors have a variety of uses and applications within the
business world, home, and education.


the business world, word processors are extremely useful tools.
Typical uses include:

• legal

• letters
and letterhead

• memos

• reference

tend to have their own format and style for any of these. Thus,
versatile word processors with layout editing and similar
capabilities find widespread use in most businesses.


schools have begun to teach typing and word processing to their
students, starting as early as elementary school. Typically these
skills are developed throughout secondary school in preparation for
the business world. Undergraduate students typically spend many hours
writing essays. Graduate and doctoral students continue this trend,
as well as creating works for research and publication.


many homes have word processors on their computers, word processing
in the home tends to be educational, planning or business related,
dealing with assignments or work being completed at home, or
occasionally recreational, e.g. writing short stories. Some use word
processors for letter writing, résumé creation, and card creation.
However, many of these home publishing processes have been taken over
by desktop publishing programs specifically oriented toward home use.
which are better suited to these types of documents.


JW-10, the first word processor for the Japanese language (1971-1978
IEEE milestones)

of standalone word processor typefaces c. 1980-1981

WP-1400D editing electronic typewriter (1994)

term word processing was invented by IBM in the late 1960s. By 1971
it was recognized by the New York Times as a «buzz word».[3]
A 1974 Times article referred to «the brave new world of Word
Processing or W/P. That’s International Business Machines talk…
I.B.M. introduced W/P about five years ago for its Magnetic Tape
Selectric Typewriter and other electronic razzle-dazzle.»

defined the term in a broad and vague way as «the combination of
people, procedures, and equipment which transforms ideas into printed
communications,» and originally used it to include dictating
machines and ordinary, manually-operated Selectric typewriters. By
the early seventies, however, the term was generally understood to
mean semiautomated typewriters affording at least some form of
electronic editing and correction, and the ability to produce perfect
«originals.» Thus, the Times headlined a 1974 Xerox product
as a «speedier electronic typewriter», but went on to
describe the product, which had no screen, as «a word processor
rather than strictly a typewriter, in that it stores copy on magnetic
tape or magnetic cards for retyping, corrections, and subsequent

paper-tape-based equipment such as the Friden Flexowriter had long
been available; the Flexowriter allowed for operations such as
repetitive typing of form letters (with a pause for the operator to
manually type in the variable information)[8], and when equipped with
an auxiliary reader, could perform an early version of «mail
merge». Circa 1970 it began to be feasible to apply electronic
computers to office automation tasks. IBM’s Mag Tape Selectric
Typewriter (MTST) and later Mag Card Selectric (MCST) were early
devices of this kind, which allowed editing, simple revision, and
repetitive typing, with a one-line display for editing single lines.

New York Times, reporting on a 1971 business equipment trade show,

«buzz word» for this year’s show was «word
processing,» or the use of electronic equipment, such as
typewriters; procedures and trained personnel to maximize office
efficiency. At the IBM exhibition a girl [sic] typed on an electronic
typewriter. The copy was received on a magnetic tape cassette which
accepted corrections, deletions, and additions and then produced a
perfect letter for the boss’s signature….

1971, a third of all working women in the United States were
secretaries, and they could see that word processing would have an
impact on their careers. Some manufacturers, according to a Times
article, urged that «the concept of ‘word processing’ could be
the answer to Women’s Lib advocates’ prayers. Word processing will
replace the ‘traditional’ secretary and give women new administrative
roles in business and industry.»

1970s word processing concept did not refer merely to equipment, but,
explicitly, to the use of equipment for «breaking down
secretarial labor into distinct components, with some staff members
handling typing exclusively while others supply administrative
support. A typical operation would leave most executives without
private secretaries. Instead one secretary would perform various
administrative tasks for three or more secretaries.» A 1971
article said that «Some [secretaries] see W/P as a career ladder
into management; others see it as a dead-end into the automated
ghetto; others predict it will lead straight to the picket line.»
The National Secretaries Association, which defined secretaries as
people who «can assume responsibility without direct
supervision,» feared that W/P would transform secretaries into
«space-age typing pools.» The article considered only the
organizational changes resulting from secretaries operating word
processors rather than typewriters; the possibility that word
processors might result in managers creating documents without the
intervention of secretaries was not considered—not surprising in an
era when few but secretaries possessed keyboarding skills.

the early 1970s, computer scientist Harold Koplow was hired by Wang
Laboratories to program calculators. One of his programs permitted a
Wang calculator to interface with an IBM Selectric typewriter, which
was at the time used to calculate and print the paperwork for auto

1974, Koplow’s interface program was developed into the Wang 1200
Word Processor, an IBM Selectric-based text-storage device. The
operator of this machine typed text on a conventional IBM Selectric;
when the Return key was pressed, the line of text was stored on a
cassette tape. One cassette held roughly 20 pages of text, and could
be «played back» (i.e., the text retrieved) by printing the
contents on continuous-form paper in the 1200 typewriter’s «print»
mode. The stored text could also be edited, using keys on a simple,
six-key array. Basic editing functions included Insert, Delete, Skip
(character, line), and so on.

labor and cost savings of this device were immediate, and remarkable:
pages of text no longer had to be retyped to correct simple errors,
and projects could be worked on, stored, and then retrieved for use
later on. The rudimentary Wang 1200 machine was the precursor of the
Wang Office Information System (OIS), introduced in 1976, whose
CRT-based system was a major breakthrough in word processing
technology. It displayed text on a CRT screen, and incorporated
virtually every fundamental characteristic of word processors as we
know them today. It was a true office machine, affordable by
organizations such as medium-sized law firms, and easily learned and
operated by secretarial staff.

Wang was not the first CRT-based machine nor were all of its
innovations unique to Wang. In the early 1970s Linolex, Lexitron and
Vydec introduced pioneering word-processing systems with CRT display
editing. A Canadian electronics company, Automatic Electronic
Systems, had introduced a product with similarities to Wang’s product
in 1973, but went into bankruptcy a year later. In 1976, refinanced
by the Canada Development Corporation, it returned to operation as
AES Data, and went on to successfully market its brand of word
processors worldwide until its demise in the mid-1980s. Its first
office product, the AES-90, combined for the first time a CRT-screen,
a floppy-disk and a microprocessor,[citation needed] that is, the
very same winning combination that would be used by IBM for its PC
seven years later. The AES-90 software was able to handle French and
English typing from the start, displaying and printing the texts
side-by-side, a Canadian government requirement. The first eight
units were delivered to the office of the then Prime Minister, Pierre
Elliot Trudeau, in February 1974. Despite these predecessors, Wang’s
product was a standout, and by 1978 it had sold more of these systems
than any other vendor.

the early 1980’s, AES Data Inc. introduced a networked word processor
system, called MULTIPLUS, offering multi-tasking and up to 8
workstations all sharing the resources of a centralized computer
system, a precursor to today’s networks. It followed with the
introduction of SuperPlus and SuperPlus IV systems which also offered
the CP/M operating system answering client needs. AES Data word
processors were placed side-by-side with CP/M software, like
Wordstar, to highlight ease of use.

phrase «word processor» rapidly came to refer to CRT-based
machines similar to Wang’s. Numerous machines of this kind emerged,
typically marketed by traditional office-equipment companies such as
IBM, Lanier (marketing AES Data machines, re-badged), CPT, and
NBI.[13] All were specialized, dedicated, proprietary systems, with
prices in the $10,000 ballpark. Cheap general-purpose computers were
still the domain of hobbyists.

of the earliest CRT-based machines used cassette tapes for
removable-memory storage until floppy diskettes became available for
this purpose — first the 8-inch floppy, then the 5-1/4-inch (drives
by Shugart Associates and diskettes by Dysan).

of documents was initially accomplished using IBM Selectric
typewriters modified for ASCII-character input. These were later
replaced by application-specific daisy wheel printers (Diablo, which
became a Xerox company, and Qume — both now defunct.) For quicker
«draft» printing, dot-matrix line printers were optional
alternatives with some word processors.

the rise of personal computers, and in particular the IBM PC and PC
compatibles, software-based word processors running on
general-purpose commodity hardware gradually displaced dedicated word
processors, and the term came to refer to software rather than
hardware. Some programs were modeled after particular dedicated WP
hardware. MultiMate, for example, was written for an insurance
company that had hundreds of typists using Wang systems, and spread
from there to other Wang customers. To adapt to the smaller PC
keyboard, MultiMate used stick-on labels and a large plastic clip-on
template to remind users of its dozens of Wang-like functions, using
the shift, alt and ctrl keys with the 10 IBM function keys and many
of the alphabet keys.

early word-processing software required users to memorize
semi-mnemonic key combinations rather than pressing keys labelled
«copy» or «bold.» (In fact, many early PCs lacked
cursor keys; WordStar famously used the E-S-D-X-centered «diamond»
for cursor navigation, and modern vi-like editors encourage use of
hjkl for navigation.) However, the price differences between
dedicated word processors and general-purpose PCs, and the value
added to the latter by software such as VisiCalc, were so compelling
that personal computers and word processing software soon became
serious competition for the dedicated machines. Word Perfect,
XyWrite, Microsoft Word, Wordstar, Workwriter and dozens of other
word processing software brands competed in the 1980s. Development of
higher-resolution monitors allowed them to provide limited WYSIWYG —
What You See Is What You Get, to the extent that typographical
features like bold and italics, indentation, justification and
margins were approximated on screen.

mid-to-late 1980s saw the spread of laser printers, a «typographic»
approach to word processing, and of true WYSIWYG bitmap displays with
multiple fonts (pioneered by the Xerox Alto computer and Bravo word
processing program), PostScript, and graphical user interfaces
(another Xerox PARC innovation, with the Gypsy word processor which
was commercialised in the Xerox Star product range). Standalone word
processors adapted by getting smaller and replacing their CRTs with
small character-oriented LCD displays. Some models also had
computer-like features such as floppy disk drives and the ability to
output to an external printer. They also got a name change, now being
called «electronic typewriters» and typically occupying a
lower end of the market, selling for under $200 USD.

Microsoft Word and other word processing programs for the bit-mapped
Apple Macintosh screen, introduced in 1984, were probably the first
true WYSIWYG word processors to become known to many people until the
introduction of Microsoft Windows. Dedicated
word processors eventually became museum pieces.


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word_processing, software, review, technical_writingWhat is a Word Processor?

You might have heard the widely thrown around term of ‘paperless office’ or ‘paperless environment’. Although we’re still a long way off from realizing that dream, but there are instances where paper as such is no longer required to any type of official business level communication.

Most of the credit for this definitely goes to word processor programs and applications that help employees put in their communication through digital means. Not only have such word processors allowed for quick and easy communication internally (or externally) within an organization but also has helped improve effectiveness and efficiency of a workplace – since waiting times have been reduced drastically.

So before we dive deep into the different types of word processors available in the market, let’s have a look at how it all began.

The History of Word Processor – How It All Began?

Take today’s word processors as an extension or an evolved form of a type writer. Originally marketed back in 1867, a manual typewriter was first introduced in to the market by a gun manufacturing company.

The first phase of this evolution involved electric typewriters, which could be used for typing of letters automatically while adding/removing specific letters in case of any corrections.

Automatic Typewriters

This was as ‘automatic’ as you could get – a type writer person would manually type something, then proof read it for any mistakes. Once he/she was satisfied, a final re-type would be needed to actually finish the document.

The operators in charge of these word processors were trained typists, who had to be very careful with specifics of a page like orientation, line spacing, page width and all of these details had to be taken into consideration manually. Later on, change in font was added as a new feature enjoyed by some of the leading newspaper agencies for their print production and newsletters. The default ‘typing ball’ font slowly was replaced by a collection of changeable fonts.

From Typewriters to Word Processors

At that time, there were no personal computers. Machines would specifically be built for the purpose of word processing. Rather than evolving through ideas of mathematicians and computer geeks, the word processor was in fact born out of the necessity of writers. Later on, as the computers started to trickle down into our personal lives did we see word processors integrated with the personal computer.

As such, the actual introduction of word processing software that we see today is not marked for sure with a historical timeline. But it’s safe to say that with the mass division of personal computers and printers in the early 1990’s, typewriters as such were fully replaced with dedicated word processing software and programs rather than having to resort to separate machines for typing text on to paper.

Let us fast forward to present time and see what exactly are Word Processors used for nowadays.

Word Processors – What Are They Used For?

In a contemporary office (or a professional) environment, a word processing software is used to create documents and reports like for example a resume or a marketing proposal. Text is entered by typing letters using a keyboard on to a software that takes care of the functions of editing, copying, pasting, deleting and other formatting methods.

Features of a Word Processor

Some of the basic features of a word processor includes:

  • Copying, editing, saving and printing reports and documents
  • Copying, deleting, pasting, and shifting text within a certain page/document
  • Formatting of text like changing size (font size), italicizing (italics), bolding (bold) or strikethroughs and underlines
  • Formatting tables (drawing/inserting rows and columns to make full-fledged tables)
  • Placing pictures, graphs and all sorts of illustrations within and around the text document
  • Correction of spelling mistakes and a fully functioning dictionary in most cases

Word processing software should not be confused with simple text editors. Text editors (like Window’s Notepad) can also allow you to type in text with a few basic formatting inputs but don’t have the more advanced features like underlining, different fonts, adding pictures and graphs etc.

Top Three Popular and Best Word Processors

So let us now look at what word processors are the best options available out there in the market. We will start off with the most popular one as of yet; Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word, word_processor, ms_word, word_2013Microsoft Word is hands down the most popular of all word processing software out there. According to the company Microsoft itself, the estimation is that around half a billion people on this planet currently use Microsoft Word for the purpose of word processing. It is therefore no surprise that 90 percent of the word processing market share is captured by Microsoft Word.

Originally introduced to the public back in the year 1989, the current version of Microsoft Word has seen numerous updates (multiple times each year) and comes as a package with the suite of Office applications along with PowerPoint, Publisher, Excel, and Outlook.


WordPerfect, word_processor, softwareIf you ask someone knowledgeable in the computer industry to name a software other than Microsoft Word itself, the word WordPerfect will be the obvious answer. More suited towards writing short essays and quick articles, WordPerfect best strength is its compatibility with Microsoft Word. A bit ironic but it definitely does the trick when you need to open up WordPerfect documents with Microsoft Word.

Lotus Word Pro

Lotus Word Pro, word_processor, software, word_processingIf your office computers are integrated on Lotus portal, then Lotus Word Pro is your ideal for all your needs. Lotus Word Pro can be connected with all your Lotus applications to produce properly formatted documents. Although it’s produced and distributed by IBM Corporation, it’s also compatible with Windows based programs particularly Microsoft Word.

Author: Bilal Ibrar

A marketing graduate with a passion for writing on topics related to social media, technology and business in general. Hobbies include gaming, animation and motorsports

Hello Learners, Today we will know the important features of the word processor.

In this post, I will explain in features of word processing software in detail.

This Article is the Best on the whole internet.

If you read this article carefully you will understand all about the word processor — features, uses, and advantages.

I Guaranteed you, after reading this article you will not need to read any other Articles. In fact, our readers are satisfied with this blog post.

Note — The only purpose of this article is to tell you about word processor features in very simple language. This article has been written by an expert, if you think this article can be improved further, then you must give us feedback.

What is Word Processor?

Word Processor is system software. With the help of word processor software, you can easily create any type of document. This software is very helpful for office work. There are various office employees who use this software to do their own work.

Microsoft Word is a very popular word processor software.

What are the Features of Word Processor?

There are various important features of word processor software, which features names are given below.

Word Processor Features

1. Easy Typing

You can type very easily using a word processor. Word processor provides you with many features to create a document so that you can type any type of document.

Word processor gives you more features in typing anything than typewriter-like — word processor has unlimited pages. You keep typing and as soon as the first page is over, the word processor lets you type on the new page.

While you are typing on the typewriter, you have to enter another page as soon as the page ends.

Everything you type in the word processor is visible to you so that you can also correct it if the wrong word is typed. But there is no such facility in the typewriter that you can correct the wrong word.

2. Text Copy

Copy is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can copy any text. The copy feature is there in all types of word processors.

With the use of copy features, you can use the same text multiple times in the document without writing it, which saves you time as well.

3. Text Cut

The cut is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can cut any text in the document. The cut feature is completely different from the copy feature.

For example, by using the copy feature, the copied text is in both the places in the document, such as — from where you copied your text and where you pasted the text, while the cut text is removed from the part of the document where The text is cut from.

4. Paste

The paste is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can paste any copied or cut text on any part of the document. Any text is copied or cut only for pasting.

5. Multimedia

Multimedia is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you make your document more attractive.

Using multimedia features, you can insert multimedia in your document like — clip art, charts, images, pictures, video, etc.

6. Text formatting

Text formatting is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can make your document more beautiful.

Using text formatting features, you can change the font of the text of your document, the size of the text, and the color of the text and you can also bold, italicize, and underline your text.

7. Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and Grammar is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can check the spelling and grammar errors of the document.

8. Adjust the Layout

Adjusting the layout is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can modify the margins, size, and layout of the document according to your need.

9. Find

Find is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can find any word or sentence in the document. This feature helps you a lot, just imagine if your document is 100 to 150 pages.

If you have to find any word or sentence, then it will take you a lot of time, but you can find that word or sentence in a few seconds using the find features.

10. Search and Replace

Search and Replace is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can find any word or sentence in the document and replace that word with a new word using the replace feature.

If your document is 100 to 500 pages, then imagine how much time and effort it will take to manually replace a word. But using the Search and Replace feature, you can replace any word or sentence with a new word or sentence in a few seconds.

11. Indentation and lists

Indentation and lists are also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can add tabs, bullet lists, and number lists to the document so that your document looks more beautiful.

12. Insert tables

Insert tables is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can insert tables in the document.

13. Multiple Windows

Multiple windows are also a very good feature of a word processor, using which you can open multiple windows in word processor software. This feature is used by people to use more than one-word processors windows at the same time.

In a word processor, you have to press the ctrl and N buttons simultaneously to open more than one window.

14. AutoCorrect

AutoCorrect is also a great feature of word processors using which to automatically correct any common errors in your document like — (typing «teh» and having it autocorrected to «the»).

15. Headers and Footers

Headers and footers are also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can add anything according to your need in the headers and footers of your document like — page numbers, dates, footnotes, etc.

16. Mail Merge

If we want to send the same information to different people at the same time, then there is a feature in the word processor using which we can do that and that feature is named mail merge.

Using mail merge, the body of the letter is typed once and it is sent to different addresses.

There are various advantages of word processor software, which are given below.

  • Quality
  • Storage of Text
  • Security

1. Quality

Word processor helps us to create error free documents. Every document prepared through word processor is absolutely correct in spelling and grammar, there is no possibility in it, and word processor allows us to make many copies of the same format.

2. Storage of Text

In word processor we can create of any number of page document and in word processor we can copy any word or sentence any number of times.

You can also use it by making some changes in any old word file in the word processor, for which we do not need to create a new word file.

3. Security

In a word processor, we can secure any document while creating it. As soon as someone opens that document, he asks for password before opening the document, and only after entering the correct password, the document will open.

Uses of Word Processor

There are various uses of word processor software, and this word processor are used in different fields which are — education field, planning or business-related works, for making assignments and home, etc. 

With the use of this word processor software, you can do many things, whose names are given below.

  • Memos.
  • Making Card.
  • Letter writing
  • Legal Copies.
  • Making resume/CV.
  • Letters and letterhead.
  • Reference documents.
  • writing short stories.

I hope you understand this.

Updated: 07/06/2021 by

Microsoft Word

Sometimes abbreviated as WP, a word processor is a software program capable of creating, storing, and printing typed documents. Today, the word processor is one of the most frequently used software programs on a computer, with Microsoft Word being a popular choice.

Word processors can create multiple types of files, including text files (.txt), rich text files (.rtf), HTML files (.htm & .html), and Word files (.doc & .docx). Some word processors can also be used to create XML files (.xml).

Overview of Word

In a word processor, you are presented with a blank white sheet as shown below. The text is added to the document area and after it has been inserted formatted or adjusted to your preference. Below is an example of a blank Microsoft Word window with areas of the window highlighted.

Microsoft Word document diagram

Features of a word processor

Unlike a basic plaintext editor, a word processor offers several additional features that can give your document or other text a more professional appearance. Below is a listing of popular features of a word processor.


Some more advanced text editors can perform some of these functions.

  • Text formatting — Changing the font, font size, font color, bold, italicizing, underline, etc.
  • Copying, cutting, and pasting — Once text is entered into a document, it can be copied or cut and pasted in the current document or another document.
  • Multimedia — Insert clip art, charts, images, pictures, and video into a document.
  • Spelling and Grammar — Checks for spelling and grammar errors in a document.
  • Adjust the layout — Capable of modifying the margins, size, and layout of a document.
  • Find — Word processors give you the ability to quickly find any word or text in any size of the document.
  • Search and Replace — You can use the Search and Replace feature to replace any text throughout a document.
  • Indentation and lists — Set and format tabs, bullet lists, and number lists.
  • Insert tables — Add tables to a document.
  • Word wrap — Word processors can detect the edges of a page or container and automatically wrap the text using word wrap.
  • Header and footer — Being able to adjust and change text in the header and footer of a document.
  • Thesaurus — Look up alternatives to a word without leaving the program.
  • Multiple windows — While working on a document, you can have additional windows with other documents for comparison or move text between documents.
  • AutoCorrect — Automatically correct common errors (e.g., typing «teh» and having it autocorrected to «the»).
  • Mailers and labels — Create mailers or print labels.
  • Import data — Import and format data from CSV, database, or another source.
  • Headers and footers — The headers and footers of a document can be customized to contain page numbers, dates, footnotes, or text for all pages or specific pages of the document.
  • Merge — Word processors allow data from other documents and files to be automatically merged into a new document. For example, you can mail merge names into a letter.
  • Macros — Setup macros to perform common tasks.
  • Collaboration — More modern word processors help multiple people work on the same document at the same time.

Examples and top uses of a word processor

A word processor is one of the most used computer programs because of its versatility in creating a document. Below is a list of the top examples of how you could use a word processor.

  • Book — Write a book.
  • Document — Any text document that requires formatting.
  • Help documentation — Support documentation for a product or service.
  • Journal — Keep a digital version of your daily, weekly, or monthly journal.
  • Letter — Write a letter to one or more people. Mail merge could also be used to automatically fill in the name, address, and other fields of the letter.
  • Marketing plan — An overview of a plan to help market a new product or service.
  • Memo — Create a memo for employees.
  • Report — A status report or book report.
  • Résumé — Create or maintain your résumé.

Examples of word processor programs

Although Microsoft Word is popular, there are other word processor programs. Below is a list of some popular word processors in alphabetical order.

  • Abiword.
  • Apple iWork — Pages.
  • Apple TextEdit — Apple macOS included word processor.
  • Corel WordPerfect.
  • Dropbox Paper (online and free).
  • Google Docs (online and free).
  • LibreOffice -> Writer (free).
  • Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Word.
  • Microsoft WordPad.
  • Microsoft Works (discontinued).
  • SoftMaker FreeOffice -> TextMaker (free).
  • OpenOffice -> Writer (free).
  • SSuite -> WordGraph (free).
  • Sun StarOffice (discontinued).
  • Textilus (iPad and iPhone).
  • Kingsoft WPS Office -> Writer (free).

Word processor advantages over a typewriter

See our typewriter page for a listing of advantages a computer with a word processor has over a typewriter.

Computer acronyms, Doc, Microsoft Word, Software terms, Untitled, Word processing, Word processor terms, WordStar, Write

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