Word processing programs online

Online word processors are a great alternative to traditional word processors you have to buy and install. The options below are free and easy to use, and getting started is a breeze.

We’ve gathered the best online word processors out there; some of them are sure to meet your needs, no matter what features you’re looking for.

Free Word Processors Alternatives to MS Word

Best Overall: Google Docs

What We Like

  • Cloud-based.

  • Accessible from multiple devices.

  • Google Script automation.

  • Converts Word documents.

What We Don’t Like

  • Limited features compared to Microsoft Word.

  • Requires a Google account.

Our Review of Google Docs

If you’re looking for a free online word processor that’s similar to a traditional word processor, such as Microsoft Word, check out the popular Google Docs.

Google Docs lets you create, edit, and collaborate on documents quickly and easily, knowing you’ll be able to access them anywhere you want, anytime you want. With robust editing options, you won’t miss Microsoft Word a bit.

You can use it to insert images, tables, comments, and special characters, as well as headers and footers, bookmarks, and a table of contents. You can even type with just your voice! Collaboration is amazing with Google Docs, too, and you can even track edits made by multiple editors.

In addition to creating your own documents online, Google’s word processor also lets you edit documents that exist on your computer (such as DOCX files) by simply uploading them to the site. This free site also serves as a functional PDF editor.

Google Docs is accessible through its mobile app and its website.

Visit Google Docs

Best for MS Word Fans: Microsoft Word Online

What We Like

  • Edit Word documents for free.

  • Interface is similar to the desktop app.

  • Offers real time collaboration, even with non-users.

What We Don’t Like

  • Many missing features.

  • Lacks support for many file formats.

Our Review of Microsoft Office Online

Word Online is Microsoft’s online word processor and is a stripped-down version of the popular Word desktop app. You can open documents you have stored in your OneDrive account.

It auto-saves your files and there are plenty of editing options like adding tables, headers and footers, pictures, and basically anything else you can do with a common word processor.

You can also share a document with others rather easily, and download a copy of the file to your computer in DOCX, PDF, or ODT. Another option is to transform the document into a web page (it uses Sway) that you can share with anyone.

Visit Microsoft Word Online

Best for Collaborators: Zoho Writer

What We Like

  • Lots of collaboration tools.

  • Accessible offline.

  • Includes version controls.

What We Don’t Like

  • Difficult to organize files.

  • Less functionality than MS Word.

Zoho Writer is incredibly easy to use, while at the same time has all the bells and whistles of a traditional word processor.

You’ll be able to create and edit documents with ease. Documents auto-save, you can see past revisions that were made to the document, spelling errors are called out, there’s an autocorrect feature you can customize, and you can upload MS Word files as well as save Zoho Writer documents to your computer in popular formats like PDF and DOCX.

One unique feature is the ability to chat as you collaborate on a document. 

Logging on is super simple if you already have a Google or Facebook account. It works from a computer and mobile devices.

Visit Zoho Writer

Best Advanced Online Word Processor: ONLYOFFICE Personal

What We Like

  • Intuitive to use.

  • Many add-ons available.

  • Easy to add images and formatting.

  • Public collaboration.

What We Don’t Like

  • Difficult to import documents from other products.

  • Limited documentation.

  • Some features can be buggy.

Sign in with your email, Google, LinkedIn, or Facebook account and get instant access to ONLYOFFICE Personal’s free online word processor. 

You can upload existing DOCX files from your computer as well as from websites like Google Drive, Zoho, Box, and OneDrive. Documents can then be saved back to your computer in a variety of formats, including DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, RTF, and HTML.

This word processor looks very nice, a lot like MS Word. It even shares the same ability to hide the ribbon menu. There are plenty of other useful features; you can import a variety of objects (charts, pictures, tables, shapes, etc.), it supports plugins, and it lets you co-edit and chat with others, even the public. That means they don’t need to be logged in to their own account to collaborate with you. A document can be shared with read-only or full access rights.

Some other things worth mentioning: you have the ability to restore to older versions of documents so that you can undo changes another user made, the compare feature lets you see what’s different between files, hyperlinks can be added to a place in the same document, and you can add a custom watermark.

Visit ONLYOFFICE Personal

Best for Focused Writing: Calmly Writer Online

What We Like

  • Simple and clean interface.

  • Focus mode highlights what you’re working on.

  • Automatically saves files.

What We Don’t Like

  • Very limited features.

  • No documentation available.

Calmly Writer Online is unique because it would appear to lack all the bells and whistles of a normal word processor, but it actually has a lot going on in the background. The simplicity of the program makes sure you’re concentrating on what really matters: your words.

At the top of the workspace is a menu button where you can make a new document, open an existing one (from your computer or Google Drive), save the document (to TXT, HTM, or DOCX), insert pictures, toggle fullscreen, print, and change preferences.

Some of the options you can play around with let you turn the workspace into a darker mode, adjust the text width and size, enable smart punctuation.

Visit Calmly Writer Online

Best Online Word Processor With No Login: Aspose.Words

What We Like

  • No user account required.

  • Perfect for quick edits.

  • Download the doc in three different formats.

What We Don’t Like

  • Basic editing tools.

This tool is a bit different from the others in this list because you can use it right now, without making a user account, so it’s built a bit more for quick edits.

One reason you’d use this site over the others is if you have a document, like a DOC or DOCX, but you don’t have a program on your computer that can edit it. Sure, you could use one of the editors listed above, but Aspose.Words is great in that you don’t have to wait around to make a user account; just upload the file, make the changes you need to, and then download it.

It accepts lots of file types, including DOCX, PDF, MD, RTF, HTML, DOC, DOTX, DOT, ODT, OTT, TXT, and others. When you’re ready to save, you can pick from DOCX, PDF, HTML, and JPG.

Visit Aspose.Words

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Продающий текст — это важная составляющая любого бизнеса. С его помощью можно не только рассказать о товарах и услугах компании, но и сформировать репутацию, подсветить ценности бренда, поделиться важной информацией и повысить лояльность клиентов.

Проверить качество готового текста и сделать его еще более эффективным можно с помощью множества сервисов. Я подготовил подборку лучших платформ, которые помогут проверить уникальность, отсечь лишнее и сделать вашу статью по-настоящему эффективной.

1 место: Retext.Ai

Новинка 2022-года «Retext.AI» — единственный в России полноценный сервис перефразирования текста. В основе лежит искусственный интеллект, поэтому сервис можно смело назвать сокрушителем всех синонимайзеров, которые существуют уже более 10 лет.

Алгоритм работы «Retext.AI» очень простой: необходимо добавить исходный текст, подождать несколько секунд, пока нейросеть проанализирует и переработает содержимое текста, и в результате получить почти на 100% уникальный текст с различными вариантами построения предложений.

Дополнительно, у сервиса работает бета-версия функции «Суммаризация». Функцию сервис публично не анонсировал, но в текущей реализации инструмент позволяет пользователям мгновенно создавать краткое изложение к статьям. Достаточно закинуть текстовой контент и за пару секунд ключевая информация будет собрана в виде аннотации, готовой к публикации. Инструмент подходит PR-специалистам, копирайтерам, выпускающим редакторам в СМИ и тем, кто активно занимается постингом в социальных сетях, используя статьи из интернета.

До регистрации в сервисе можно бесплатно перефразировать до 400 знаков, после авторизации — до 900 знаков, а для полноценной работы существуют платные пакеты, которые открывают доступ до 1 млн знаков в месяц.

2 место: «Адвего»

Биржу копирайтинга «Адвего» можно использовать как платно, так и бесплатно. В первом случае платформа предоставляет функционал онлайн-проверки текста на уникальность, а во втором пользователь может воспользоваться только программой Advego Plagiatus. Расскажем подробнее о бесплатной части сервиса.

Advego Plagiatus имеет множество настроек, а готовый текст необходимо вставить в отдельное окно. Сервис осуществляет быструю или полную проверку статьи на уникальность, предоставляет все найденные источники заимствований, а также позволит выбрать между проверкой через Google или «Яндекс», исключить выбранные сайты и увидеть проведенный рерайт в процентах. Тем не менее, бесплатный функционал требует введения капчи на протяжении всего процесса проверки. Если у вас мало времени, то платная версия будет более удобна. С ее помощью анализировать текст можно гораздо быстрее, не нужно проводить предварительную настройку параметров и вводить проверочные символы.

3 место: «Главред»

«Главред» – это отличное решение для тех, кто хочет повысить уровень читаемости своего текста и вернуть ему качественный информационный стиль. С ним статья не будет перегружена тавтологией, клише и сленгом. Иными словами, сервис подсвечивает все лишнее, помогая избавиться от воды и необъективных оценок в предложениях.

«Главред» быстро, качественно и абсолютно бесплатно проверит чистоту текста: поможет убрать слабые глаголы, лишние местоимения, неубедительные определения и обобщения. Также платформа покажет стилистические ошибки, подчеркнув слишком сложные обороты, некорректные формулировки и даст совет по улучшению готового материала.

4 место: «Орфограммка»

«Орфограммка» – это простой и эффективный сервис для проверки правописания на русском языке. Для работы с ним пользователю необходимо пройти регистрацию – в качестве гостя загрузить свой текст не получится. Платформа функционирует на базе машинного обучения, с легкостью находя даже самые сложные ошибки.

Чтобы получить анализ вашей статьи, необходимо вставить ее в специальное окно и запустить проверку. «Орфограммка» предоставит полный разбор и рекомендации по исправлению. Кроме того, сервис выделит ошибки разными цветами, в соответствии с их типом, что очень удобно.

5 место: «LanguageTool»

Платформа «LanguageTool» создана для проверки грамматики и стилистики текста. С ее помощью можно за считанные секунды улучшить готовый контент, сделав его более качественным и читаемым. Создать аккаунт можно абсолютно бесплатно, а функционал «LanguageTool» подразумевает наличие персонального словаря и надежное хранение исправленных текстов.

Сервис имеет два варианта платной подписки: для индивидуальной работы или для целой команды до 20 человек. В обоих случаях пользователи получают доступ к расширенной проверке грамматики, пунктуации и стилистики, а также возможность обработки текстов до 100 000 символов и дополнения для работы в Micrisoft Word и Google Docs.

6 место: «Content-Watch»

«Content-Watch» – еще один сервис для проверки уникальности текста, отличающийся простотой и удобством. Перед началом работы можно добавить ссылки-исключения, чтобы результат был более точным. Проверка проходит очень быстро, а также есть возможность провести мониторинг уникальности для выбранных страниц.

Тем не менее, платформа имеет несколько важных ограничений для пользователей. Так, бесплатно можно проверить текст, объемом до 10 000 символов, а количество проверок ограничено. Однако, размер допустимого материала все равно достаточно велик, по сравнению с бесплатными возможностями других сервисов.

7 место: «Text.ru»

С помощью «Text.ru» можно проверить текст на уникальность и множество ошибок. Например, он позволяет найти лишние пробелы, непарные скобки и другие символы, опечатки и повторы. Платформа разработана на базе эффективных алгоритмов, которые помогут сделать анализ текста глубоким и точным.

Сервис покажет количество набранных символов как с пробелами, так и без них, общее количество слов, а также уровень заспамленности и воды. Важно отметить, что бесплатная регистрация расширяет список возможностей пользователя, увеличивая количество символов, доступных для проверки, а также повышая скорость работы.

8 место: «Google Docs»

В Google Docs можно не только создавать тексты, но и проверять их качество. Сервис имеет широкий функционал для оформления статьи, осуществляя автоматическую проверку грамматики и орфографии. Платформа сама подчеркнет ошибки и вариант их замены. Корректуру в Google Docs можно проводить очень быстро и комфортно, не переживая за пропущенную опечатку.

9 место: «‎Текстовод»‎

Сервис разработан для поиска орфографических, грамматических, морфологических и логических ошибок, опечаток и их автокоррекции. После загрузки материала, платфора автоматически выделит дублирования слов, лишние пробелы и двойные запятые, сделав ваш текст чистым и качественным.

Без регистрации можно проверить до 10 000 символов в сутки, а если войти в аккаунт – до 100 000 символов. При необходимости пользователь может подключить и PRO-версию – она позволит проанализировать контент, объемом от 100 000 до 500 000 символов.

10 место: «ETXT»

Сервис «ETXT» позволяет проводить проверку на уникальность, а также осуществлять корректуру и редактуру текстов. Платформа автоматически приведет материал к соответствию с нормами русского языка, исправит опечатки, ошибки, при этом по минимуму изменяя изначальный вид статьи. Платформа работает с неблагозвучностями, ошибками сочетаемости, повторами, нарушениями последовательности слов и неточностями формулировок.

Кроме того, «ETXT» исправит логическую структуру, стиль и приведет текст к единообразию. Он может разбить контент на подзаголовки и отдельные главы, проверить пунктуацию, исправить неверные образования новых слов, недочеты в структуре фраз и ошибки согласования.

Текст, который вы публикуете в СМИ или на собственных ресурсах – это лицо вашего бренда. При отсутствии грамотного копирайтера всегда остается возможность использования современных технологий, чтобы повысить качество контента. Мы надеемся, что наша подборка поможет сделать ваши материалы еще более эффективными.

In a basic sense, a Word processor is a program for creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing text documents. A Word processing program is a mix of a simple text editor and a full-fledge desktop publishing software.

Microsoft Word is the most popular Word processor. It is available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite and is not free. Microsoft Word goes a long way further by giving lots of formatting options and templates for creating different kinds of documents.

There are a lot of free options like Wordpad and notepad which come built into Windows but nothing is as good as Microsoft Word.
Microsoft has also integrated Word with OneDrive cloud storage service which means that you can edit your documents using Microsoft Word and save your documents to the cloud easily.

With the boom of software-as-a-service and cloud services, it is logical that people start looking for services that can be operated within a web browser and do not require any installation.
In this article, we will discuss the best cloud-based services which provide free Word processor functionality with additional benefits and work without any installation required.

We can’t say that these services are competitors as each service comes with its own set of unique features. We will discuss the following features for each service and then you can select the features which are important to you and select the best online document editor for yourself.

Features that we are looking for in each online Word processing service:

  1. Creating new documents
  2. Editing existing documents
  3. Saving documents in the cloud
  4. Sharing with others
  5. Real-time collaboration (editing with multiple users)
  6. Chat and comment
  7. Save the document in Microsoft Word supported format
  8. Ready-to-use templates
  9. PDF integration

You may click on the features you want and the Word processing software list will automatically display the services that come with that specific feature. You can also select multiple features.

Microsoft Word Online

Microsoft Word Online

Microsoft Word Online

Microsoft Word Online offers you to create and edit documents online (you can edit Offline Word documents only when they are uploaded on OneDrive, otherwise they will not be edited in Word Online).

Word Online has a lot of file-sharing options and allows you to easily save your data to OneDrive. It offers you to invite other people using link-sharing or email invite to edit and view your documents along with providing the document version history and the person who edited it.

It allows real-time collaboration, making it easier to work within a group. Word Online also has a variety of ready to use templates which saves time. Online saving of documents offers portability and easy access. You can also save documents in PDF, Word, and ODT formats (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt). However, PDF format documents can not be edited in Word Online.

Get started with Microsoft Word Online

Google Docs

Google Docs 1

Google Docs 1

Google docs is a well knows online document creating a source that can act as a really impactful alternative of Desktop-based Word Editors. It allows you to create documents and edit them ( For editing, Word and PDF format documents are not supported.

You can convert them into Google docs format to further use). You can save your document in Google Drive in real-time and see the previous history of documents too, along with the person who made changes in the document.

Multiple users can view and edit a document at the same time. It also provides you multiple templates to work with. It allows you to save documents in Word format and PDF format (also supports .otd, .rtf, .txt, .html.zipped, .epub)

Go to Google Docs

Yandex Disk

Yandex Disk

Yandex Disk

Yandex disk offers all the features as of Microsoft Word Online. You have multiple templates to work with and an online saving feature. It offers you all the saving formats as of Word Online. The only difference is, the data would now be saved into Yandex Disk instead of OneDrive.

Go to Yandex Disk

Zoho Writer

Zoho Writer 1

Zoho Writer 1

Zoho Writer is a part of the Zoho Office suite. Zoho Writer lets you create and edit documents online (Word Formats and PDF can only be viewed, but can not be edited). It allows you to edit and share documents in real-time.

Zoho Writer maintains a history of changes made to the document and the user who made the changes. It provides enhanced review and collaboration features, making it very efficient to work within teams.

It also provides you the distinct feature to directly post the document to your desired blogging website. It offers built-in templates, and supports a variety of saving formats including .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, .txt, .html.zipped, .epub)

Open Zoho Writer




OffiWORD is also a powerful alternative to both online and desktop-based free Word processor programs. Its unique feature is that it allows you to create documents without signing in.

You can create and edit documents in OffiWORD by using its web app OffiDOC. (doesn’t support PDF and Word format editing though) . OffiWORD does not offer real-time editing and sharing of documents, and also doesn’t provide built-in templates. It offers you online saving documents to a cloud service (Google Drive, OneDrive, Yandex Disk, etc.) and allows you to save files in Word and PDF formats (also supports .odt, .rtf,)

Open OffiWord

OnlyOffice Personal

OnlyOffice Free Word Processor

OnlyOffice Free Word Processor

ONLYOFFICE personal is another alternative to create and edit documents online. (it can also edit Word format documents). Offering you the unique quality of directly working from the cloud by enabling the integrated document management space feature.

It has the ability to switch your documents from online to offline mode in case of loss of internet connectivity without any data loss.

It provides you different formatting tools and desired objects including charts, shapes and also provide you the ability to insert pictures and videos in your document.

It allows real-time editing and sharing of documents. It does not offer built-in templates. You can save your data online to any cloud service and documents can be saved in Word and PDF formats (also supports .odt, .txt, .html, pdf/A, .ott, .rtf). Another amazing feature of ONLYOFFICE personal is that it works not only on Desktop based OS like Windows and Mac but also works in mobile devices including Android and iOS.

Go to OnlyOffice Personal

Final Thoughts

Selecting the best free Word Processor that works online really depends upon your choice of brand as well as specific requirements. If you are a Microsoft lover and have OneDrive and a Microsoft ID (outlook.com or hotmail.com or office 365) then you should select Microsoft Word Online. You can also go with Yandex Disk which also offers the same Microsoft Word Online but with a different cloud storage service.

If you have Gmail and Google Drive installed on your computer, you should try out Google Docs which is completely web-based and tied directly with Google Drive.

For a quick creation/editing/converting of documents, I would prefer OffiWord as it does not require any sign-ups. Which is your favorite Word Processing app?

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Nowadays, you can do almost everything on the internet. From booking a flight to finding a job, it has become much easier for people to go online and accomplish their tasks than it is for them to go offline and do it in person.

One of the things that people have been able to do online for quite some time now is write documents.

If you’re wondering what an online word processor is, then read on because in this article we’ll be focusing on exactly this.

Tens of millions of people use Microsoft Word as their primary word processor.

It is available in the Windows operating system and comes with most computer purchases. That just leaves a small percentage of people who have to either pay for expensive software or do without a word processor at all.

Well, I’m hear to tell you that there are many free online word processors available!

With the advancement of technology, it makes sense that someone would want to make a free online word processor so more people could take advantage of this important tool.

This article is a step by step guide on how to find and use a free online word processor.

Best Free Online Word Processor

What Is An online word processor?

A word processor is a computer program that allows users to create documents such as reports and other types of documents that contain text.

These programs are often used in the business sector where employees will use them to write reports and documents for their employers and even sometimes consumers use them to write out their resumes when they’re looking for jobs or applying for college applications.

An online word processor is a program which can be used to create and edit documents.

It is similar to Microsoft Word, but is hosted on the internet. This means that you can access it from any device with an internet connection and it will work in the same way.

Is There A Free Online Word Processor?

Many companies have made their own programs that work just like Microsoft Word, but most of them require downloading and installation.

These are great programs for computers that aren’t used very often since they can take up a lot of space on your hard drive.

An alternative solution is to use an online word processor.

This way all you need is internet access and you can be writing in seconds with no installation required!

There are many great benefits to using an free online word processor over other options:

  • It’s completely free (of course!)
  • You don’t have to download anything or install software on your computer!
  • You’re not giving money to “the man” (read:Microsoft!)

What Is A Good Free Word Processing Program?

If you are a student, a writer or if you just want a simple word processor, there is no need to spend money on a program when there are so many free alternatives available.

Word processors are programs that allow you to create text documents such as essays, letters and reports.

You can also add images and graphics to make your documents more visually appealing. Some of the best free word processing programs offer many of the features you would expect in a premium software package.

Trying out unknown programs can be risky. If you are going to use the program for an important project it is probably not worth the risk to use an unfamiliar program.

Some free word processing programs will not offer all the features that premium word processors do while some may have security concerns associated with them.

When choosing a free word processing program keep these options in mind:


Many free word processing programs are offered through adware or spyware bundles. These programs often contain malware and viruses that can open up security risks on your computer system.

It is usually easier to download these bundles than it is to take the time to look for reputable sources for the same software without any extras included on your computer system.

You should think about what else may be included on your computer if you choose to download a bundle.

Anywhere Access

You can use them on any computer or mobile device with an internet connection.


You can share your document with other people, allowing them to view or edit it as well.

This allows for real-time collaboration, where everyone can see changes being made as they happen.

What Is Online Word Processor?

There are numerous online word processors that are used by people across the globe. A word processor is a software application for creating and editing documents, letters, reports and many other types of text-based files.

You can use it for writing reports or essays, to create resumes and business letters or even to draft a press release.

Tasks can be completed more efficiently when you use an online word processor, as opposed to doing everything manually on paper. In addition, it is much easier to get your work professionally formatted when you use a document creation tool.

A lot of people still prefer working with physical tools and storing their work on paper instead of in a digital format. However, there are certain tasks that can be accomplished much faster when working with an online word processor.

How Does Online Word Processor Work?

The main task of a word processor is to enable users to create, edit and store their documents in an easy way. It should also allow users to easily share their data with other people who might not have the same software installed on their devices.

The online word processor does not use any special code or programming language to perform its functions; however, it does rely on web apps in order to function properly. 

Create, Save, And Share Documents Everywhere

If you’re looking to get more organized and productive in your life, there’s one app that can make all the difference. The right note taking tool can help you remember everything you want to, organize lists and projects, and keep you on task so your work stays on track.

iCloud is a free app that lets you create, save, and access any kind of content from anywhere. It has apps for all Apple devices, including iPhone, iPad, Macs, and Windows PCs.

iCloud stores your photos and videos so they’re easy to access wherever you are. It also stores documents created in the apps on your devices so they can be edited or shared from any device you use.

iCloud Drive is a storage network built in to every device running iOS 8 or later or Mac OS X Yosemite or later.


It stores files created in any of your apps for safekeeping, organizing them into folders so you can find what you need fast. And it’s integrated with Siri so it can open documents for you without having to launch an app first.

Evernote is a workspace for all the ideas and information you need to stay organized and productive. 

Google Docs

Google Docs is a free online suite of office applications, including word processing and spreadsheets. It can be accessed from any device with an Internet connection.

Document sharing and storage

Google Docs provides real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings and more with other users. Users can edit the same document at the same time, in the same way as they would with traditional software such as Microsoft Office or OpenOffice.

Tasks can be accomplished faster because everyone involved has access to the same document at once.Sharing documents and data is now much easier as they are automatically saved in Google’s cloud service.

This allows users to access their documents anywhere there is an internet connection. Documents can also be shared with users who do not have a Google account or even a computer.

Collaborative editing

Google Docs (and most other web-based office programs) support multiple authors making simultaneous changes to the same document, which saves time for groups working together on projects. Changes are instantly reflected as other editors see them.

All edits are logged so that each user can see exactly what has changed during a given revision. Google Docs does not provide a revision history feature for individual documents; but does provide one for shared documents. 

Zoho Writer

Zoho Writer is a simple, easy-to-use online word processor which can be used to create blogs and any other text-based document.The free version of Zoho Writer comes with some great features, like spell check, a distraction-free mode, themes and more.

The paid version ($5/month) comes with support for multiple writers and the ability to collaborate with others on documents.In this review I will discuss the free version of Zoho Writer.

If you’re looking for something a little more advanced, try Google Docs or Microsoft Office 365.Zoho Writer is a free word processor that includes many of the tools often found in high end software packages.

With Zoho Writer, you can write and edit documents online. You can also save your documents to your hard drive for future use.

If you’ve ever used popular word processors such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, you’ll feel right at home with Zoho Writer. The interface is clean and easy to learn, and you’ll find all the features you need to create professional-looking documents.

The Best Free Online Word Processor for Small Businesses Zoho Writer is a lightweight, easy-to-use online word processor that’s perfect for small businesses and individuals.Tired of complex online applications?

Zoho Writer offers an uncomplicated alternative to costly Microsoft Office.

It’s packed with useful features and has a simple, intuitive interface. But what really sets it apart is its excellent compatibility with Microsoft Word documents.

Because it comes with a desktop application, you can edit your documents on the go and seamlessly sync them to your cloud storage.

Zoho Writer is an online word processor that makes it easy to create professional documents. It does more than just text. With the free desktop version, you can also create:

  • Documents with images, charts and tables.
  • Presentations that include multimedia and even video.
  • Power Point-like presentations with powerful slide transitions and effects.
  • Spread sheets that not only crunch numbers but also present them in colorful charts and graphs. 

Zoho Writer is perfect for creating documents that need to be viewed on computer screens, mobile phones or tablets. You can continue working on your document even when you’re offline.

And if you need to share it, you can share a link with anyone — they’ll be able to view the document even if they don’t have a Zoho account.


Onlyoffice Personal

When you decide to use free online office suite for your personal needs, it is very important that you always download a software with original and legal license. Unlike other similar programs, OnlyOffice Personal is perfectly legal to use, download and share.

You don’t need to buy the software or to pay any fees because it is absolutely free. Moreover, OnlyOffice Personal works on any device that has access to the Internet.

OnlyOffice is a free online office suite that allows you to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations in one place and then share them with anyone who has an Internet connection.

The suite includes three separate applications:

  • Writer – for creating documents
  • Calc – for spreadsheets 
  • Impress – for presentations.

All documents created via these apps can be synchronized online so you can share them with others in real time.

This means that people will be able to view the document as you are working on it, so everyone involved in the project can see what is being done at every stage of its development.

With OnlyOffice Personal you can create documents that will be compatible with Microsoft Office (docx) as well as Google Docs (ods) formats, among others. The program also offers spell-checker and auto-correct features.

Microsoft Word Online

Microsoft Word Online (or “WLO” for short) is a free online productivity program from Microsoft that allows users to create and edit documents. Like Microsoft Office, WLO is a full-featured word processing program, allowing you to create documents such as letters, flyers, resumes and more.

In addition to basic text formatting and editing functions, WLO includes several features not found in Microsoft Word, including the ability to insert tables into your documents, track changes made by other users, highlight areas of a document to mark them for specific purposes and more.

Microsoft Word Online also allows multiple users to access the same document simultaneously. Users can log in through the Microsoft website and work on the same document together.

Each user’s contributions will be highlighted in different colors so that all author changes can be easily tracked and identified.

The free version of WLO cannot save files locally (only in Microsoft’s cloud storage), but paid versions of WLO offer additional features including offline editing/viewing capabilities, improved document security and advanced collaboration tools with significantly increased storage space.

Microsoft Word Online is a free word processing program available to anyone with a Microsoft account. The document can be saved as a Word document, which can then be opened in other versions of Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word Online has most of the features you would expect in a desktop word processor, such as spell checking and formatting options. It doesn’t have all the same features that are found on the desktop version of Microsoft Office, but it’s a great option if you’re using Google Docs or another online word processing service.

Calmly Writer Online

There is a lot of software out there that can help you write the book that’s been stuck in your head, but not all of it will work for you. It’s important to find software that matches the way that you write.

That’s where Calmly Writer Online comes in. This program was created by a fellow writer – Talya Bauer – specifically with writers in mind.

Calmly Writer Online is easy to use and has all of the features that you need as a writer:

Scheduled writing time – Being able to schedule your work sessions is essential when it comes to making progress on your book. With scheduled writing time, you can make sure that your writing sessions are regular and productive.

Word count tracker – It’s easy to lose track of word count when you’re working on a project, but with word count tracker feature, you can quickly see how many words you’ve written today, this week or this month. You’ll never have to worry about losing track of page or chapter goals again!

Automatic backups – Your work is automatically backed up on a daily basis, so even if your computer crashes, your work will be safe and sound. Just log in and pick up right where you left off!

Hancom Office Online

Hancom Office Online is a cloud-based office suite that you can use from anywhere. It consists of Presentation, Spreadsheet, Word Processor, and Slide Maker applications.

With Hancom Office Online, you can create and edit documents on your computer or mobile device. You can also easily share them with colleagues, customers, and partners using a variety of methods.

When you create or edit your document in Hancom Office Online, or open an existing one, the application automatically saves your work as you go. This means that if there is a problem with your Internet connection while you are working on a document, the software will automatically save your work and notify you when your connection is restored.

You don’t need to worry about losing data if your connection drops while editing a document.To start using Hancom Office Online:Sign up for a free trial at hancomofficeonline.com/signup.Download the app for your computer or mobile device.

Create and edit documents from anywhere with an Internet connection.Hancom Office Online is a cloud-based office software suite that can be accessed using any device with a web browser.

It offers the same functionality as Hancom Office 2012, but without the need to install any software. The suite includes Hancom Word, Hancom Excel, Hancom Powerpoint and Hancom PDF Viewer.

Unlike its predecessor, the prior version of Hancom Office, it does not require users to install an additional plugin in order view PDF files.


Aspose.Words is the first .NET word processor which supports multi-format and multi-lingual document processing on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platforms.

The product has two editions: Aspose.Words for .NET, which features a rich word processor component for creating documents in different formats including Microsoft Word (DOC) files, PDF, HTML, XPS, Open XML and version 1.2 introduces support for ODF formats like DOCX and ODF; and Aspose.Words Java Edition that allows users to process documents in .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt formats from within Java applications using Java API or from command line using Aspose.

Words command line tool.Aspose.Words supports all latest versions of Microsoft Word as well as Microsoft Office and allows users to open documents created in these applications without any need of conversion to the target format because it supports all leading word processing formats on the market today


Aspose.Words is a word processing component that allows developers to extend their applications to include rich formatted content creation, editing and sharing capabilities.

It is written in Java and works with any Java based development or runtime environment.

Aspose.Words is the leading Java word processing component for creating, editing and displaying documents within Java applications. It supports the most popular office file formats and has strong support for MS Word formats including DOCX and RTF.

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  • Free Online Word Processors to Create & Edit Documents Online

By Alisa | Follow |
Last Updated September 16, 2022

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To create or edit documents online, you can use a free online word processor tool. This post introduces the top 5 free online word processors that are similar to Microsoft Word. You can use them to easily create, edit, save, or share documents for free.

Google Docs

Google Docs is the top-recommended free online word processing tool. It lets you easily create, edit, and collaborate on documents online. You can access your documents anytime and anywhere you want.

Besides, it also lets you upload documents like Microsoft Word DOC/DOCX files that are stored on your computer to edit them. It is fully compatible with Microsoft Word files.

Google Docs lets multiple people edit the document at the same time and from any device. Edits are tracked.

Google Docs is a web-based application. You can easily access it on Windows or Mac by going to https://www.google.com/docs/about/ in your browser. It is also available as a mobile app for Android and iOS, and as a desktop app for Google Chrome OS. You can easily download the Google Docs app on Android, iPhone, or iPad.

Microsoft Word Online

Instead of installing the Microsoft Office desktop version, you can use Microsoft Office Online which is completely free to use and offers Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint tools.

You can go to https://www.office.com/ or https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/free-office-online-for-the-web in your browser to sign up for the free version of Microsoft Office. Then you can use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. for free with Office on the web.

Zoho Writer

Zoho Writer is another best free online word processor with great live collaboration and Microsoft Word support. You can use this tool to create, edit, and publish documents for free. It lets you collaborate with teammates in real-time. This free online word editor offers contextual grammar checker and readability suggestions. It allows you to open and edit your Microsoft Word documents and save documents as Word, PDF, or some other popular file formats.


To create and edit documents online for free, you can also try this free online word processor. You can go to its official website and sign in with your email, Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn account to start using this free online document editor.

It is highly compatible with Microsoft Office formats. You can also upload MS Word files from your computer or from cloud services to edit them. You can easily insert charts, pictures, tables, shapes, etc. into your file. The documents can be saved in various formats like DOCX, TXT, PDF, RTF, HTML, etc.

It also contains many other useful features, supports plugins, and lets you co-edit with others.

Aspose Words Editor

This free online word processor allows you to edit Word, PDF documents, etc. online from any device. You can go to its website and click Choose Files to upload the file you want to edit. It can edit DOCX, DOC, PDF, HTML, RTF, ODT, TXT, WPS, and more. It lets you easily customize styles, formatting, and paste images. After editing, you can save the edited file back to your device in a variety of file formats.

Another free online word processing tool is Hancom Office Online. You can use it to create new documents from scratch or via a template. It allows you to save the documents in the DOCX format. It also offers a lot of editing tools to let you customize the document.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Alisa is a professional English editor with 4-year experience. She loves writing and focuses on sharing detailed solutions and thoughts for computer problems, data recovery & backup, digital gadgets, tech news, etc. Through her articles, users can always easily get related problems solved and find what they want. In spare time, she likes basketball, badminton, tennis, cycling, running, and singing. She is very funny and energetic in life, and always brings friends lots of laughs.

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