Word processing business services

September 28, 2021

We have been foreseeing a huge revolution in the global business sphere. From a paper-based environment, organizations are drifting towards a rapid digitization process. Word processing service is one of the best means to create a digitized workspace. Be it document processing or document formatting, collaborating with an established BPO company can help your business to overcome various struggles.

Word processing service is an organized process of creating and formatting text documents. Apart from document formatting, the service also includes inserting graphics and generating ideal text alignment. In the present business model, Microsoft Word is the popular word processing software. Word processing services can be easily applied to any domain including compiling agreements, invoices, a pile of documents, and so on. To endure your presence in the market competition, outsourcing word processing services is an affordable way to manage the data efficiently.

When referring about to the traditional word processing, the procedure was implemented with the help of typewriters. But, unfortunately, it does not help in the insertion of visual elements. Regardless of these constraints, the idea of digitization has benefited the various industries that are seeking efficient word processing solutions. Word processing service has thoroughly changed the way of creating and managing documents.

Let’s talk about the various types of word processing services!

Well, speaking in the context of an organization, documents are considered to be an asset for a business. Sorting the documents seamlessly is the key to building a successful firm. In reality, it is important to organize the documents and data securely, and word processing paves a way for such a goal. The document processing service is essential to preserve the data for future reference. Document processing leads to optimized success and successfully conserves significant details such as employee details, stock data, etc. Advanced technology acts as the best factor that would heighten the quality and speed of the document processing service.

One of the best virtues of internet progression is the practice of email communication. Emails are an impressive communication carrier that would enhance the interaction between a business and its audiences or clients. Outsourcing the mailing list is an organized strategy that would help in creating a controlled business database. Mail merging service can organize your business interactions with the stakeholders, employees, and customers. It can save the time and resources of your organization, also resulting in a personalized outcome. Mail merging, being a part of a word processing service, can improve data accessibility.

One of the premier challenges encountered during the documentation process is legal compliance. A word processing company undertakes accountability for the text document compliance. They will organize the policies, compliance records, and various procedures to their best standards. Word processing service is essential in streamlining the documentation process, enabling your firm to focus on the devoted business tasks. With the involvement of the right technologies, you can easily acquire affordable word processing solutions.

Benefits of Word Processing Services on Your Business

Digitization of Information – As discussed above, a word processing service will help in keeping your documents or records digitized. The document processing solutions will enhance the transfer of files, preserving the data securely. Usually, filing and maintaining the documents physically can eat up a lot of time and energy. All these hassles could be prevented with the help of effective word processing services. Paper files are easily prone to threats and damages, thereby, the right word processing company can eliminate such needs.

Minimizing Supply Cost – Managing the printed documents is difficult and tiresome as you need to invest a large amount. This can be avoided with the help of electronic word processing services. You can eliminate the need to spend on papers, staples, pens, binders, etc. Such unwanted expenses can help your business to direct the cash flow in an appropriate way.

Enhancing Efficiency and AccuracyWord processing service is a practically implemented method to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the employees. Be it document processing, mail merging, etc. The word processors usually comprise software that can identify and correct the errors such as spelling mistakes, grammar, or sentence formations. In a way, it contributes to the rise in productivity of a business. Word processing services are perfect for managing new and existing documents.

Data Security – Most organizations express a huge concern over the safety and security of data. And hence, the word processing programs enable to create and manage passwords for accessing a specific document or software. Though preserving the documents within a cabinet was considered to be secure, it is believed to be an expensive activity. But, those days are gone. With the help of digitization, employees can lock their files (on computers or systems) and prevent any kind of unauthorized access. Word processing service will boost your business to keep a backup of the printed files, thereby, the data won’t be affected even if the physical files are damaged.

Easy Portability – It is always a challenging task to carry and manage a bulk of printed documents, especially when you are planning to attend a meeting. Whereas, word processing encourages the email storage of data, helping you to access the information instantly during a meeting or in an emergency scenario. Also, it facilitates easy collaboration, enhancing the process of sharing vital data with your employees instantly.

Saving Environment – Be it any kind of word processing service, it contributes to the well-perseverance of the environment. Apart from saving your time and resources, word processing services help to save the environment around us too. It will boost the process of sorting the files and retrieving the essential data that could benefit your firm. This service will reduce the dependency of its business on paper.


If your business is into managing huge amounts of paperwork or documentation, a word processing service could highly benefit you. Be it document processing, document formatting, or offline data entry requirement, it is always preferable to get in connection with a renowned BPO company. In simple terms, a word processing service can manage all kinds of data, be it online or offline. Word processing service helps the procedure of creating and editing the documents, leading to the right formatting solutions at an affordable cost.

Word Processing Service includes:

  • Consistency in text formatting
    Selecting the size and layout of the paper
    Creation of template files
    Removing the errors such as spells, grammar, etc.
    Spacing between paragraphs

Outsourcing the word processing service is never an incorrect decision. The right service provider will help your organization to accomplish success and goals in a faster space. India Data Entry is one of the best offshore data entry companies, specialized in the first-class document processing, offline data entry, and other essential services. Our affordable word processing solutions will help your business to manage and monitor the data easily. With the integration of advanced technologies and contemporary word processors (software), we’ll help in providing customized solutions to meet your business demands. The foremost benefits of hiring our experts for the word processing service include low cost, creating satisfied clients, access to skilled teams, and ensuring complete guarantee. To know further about how our word processing service can benefit your organization, reach us at [email protected]

Everything you need to know about Word processing services

Word processing services are becoming very important for huge companies because of the ease of handling and enhancing the data content of their business. Word processing is required to maintain your database or content files, by changing and altering the word styling, formatting, spacing and organizing it according to relevance and importance. It is not possible for your company’s resources to understand the word processing necessities as much as professionals, which makes outsourcing the first and best option to get high-end quality results. There are loads of outsourcing service provider companies, which can help you, reach your desired goal with word processing work, but it is important to choose the one perfect outsourcing partner that is just right for your business. It is necessary that the experts you hire understand your company’s proceedings and offer you processing results accordingly. So, you need to be careful while choosing the best outsourcing company for your business.

Here are the Important Key-Points You Might Need to Keep in Mind While Outsourcing Your Word Processing Services:

1. What to Seek in Your Outsourcing Partner

Every outsourcing company is bound to say that they provide the best services to their clients. But, you need to be sure if that particular company is suitable for your business operations. You must make sure that whatever the company offers is genuine and authentic. Read the testimonials and find out what people are saying about the companies working abilities and techniques. Compare them with your requirements and see if you are satisfied or not. You should also check the type of software and equipments which they are using for advanced word processing, as machinery plays an important role in the accuracy of the results. All these verify if the outsourcing company is dedicated towards their work and clients.

2. Range of Word Processing Services Available in the Market

Before outsourcing your work to any company, first check what exactly you want to outsource. With the advancement of technology and improvement in the commercial market, there has been an increase in the variety of each non-core business service. You should understand from your company’s functions that which type of word processing you really need to outsource and then search for that service only. Few word processing service range includes word formatting, content formatting, database management, online/ book typing, layout changing, designing, compiling, and many more such. So you need to figure out what your data or database actually requires, and if the outsourcing companies offer that service with proper quality and accurate upshots.

3. Make Sure You Get the Perfect Pricing Options

Different word processing outsourcing companies offer various prices for their services. It’s not always necessary that the lowest pricing rates are the perfect choice. You must see whether the prices match their quality or not. You must not let yourself lured away by affordable prices unless they provide the same level of quality-driven results as you require. Always assess the prices of all your potential outsourcing partners and pick out the best one for you. You need to see all the other benefits the company is offering and if the rates are reasonable in lieu of the services offered.

4. Get Professionals and Experts to Obtain Seamless Outcomes

Word processing services are very important for your business and you cannot let them be done by some amateur. You should make sure that you are outsourcing your work to professionals who know this work inside out and are willing to offer you quality results. Hiring an outsourcing assistant will also help you in this case. You must check for yourself the skills and competence of the expert word processor you hire, and see if they are compatible with your company’s working procedures. Once you find the perfect word processing experts, you can be worry-free regarding all your processing work.

5. Understand the Benefits of Outsourcing in India

India is the fastest growing hub in the outsourcing field due to the ample amount of talented youth. Outsourcing companies based in India give first class quality results with the help of their client-dedicated resources. Also the easy and cheap availability of various software and equipment contributes to the economical rates of word processing outsourcing services. So, outsourcing to an India based company will also prove equally beneficial for your company as anything.

6. Verify the Quality of Results Yourself

Almost all the outsourcing companies provide you with a Free Trial Run option to check their quality outcomes. You must try this trial run and carefully analyze whether or not the company’s working techniques suit your business model. This will also help you to assess the new and advanced working methodologies developed in the market which you can use to enhance your word processing work.

So, choose your outsourcing partner with utter care and understanding and watch your company achieve success at an accelerated pace!

To enhance the business and the data content most organizations use word processing services especially the large companies. Also, these services are needed for proper document processing, styling, document formatting, spacing, and organizing of your data according to its importance and relevance.

word processing services

Why outsourcing is preferred over in-house resources, is that you will get quality data like offline data entry from a professional team who will know how to deal with them more than you or your in-house members. It is not like getting any outsourcing company to work for your enterprise but you should find the best one, with accuracy and time-bound presentation. Only by a proper understanding of your company’s needs will they be able to provide you quality content. So ensure that you find the appropriate outsourcing provider for your company and don’t fall for the less expensive ones.

What are the things to note when opting for word processing services?

Available Word Processing Services

Only after knowing what to outsource should you opt for any word processing services. In the commercial market with the technology advancements and improvements made, for all those non-core businesses there has been a huge demand for these services. You should look for those services your company is looking for and then go for an outsourcing provider.

Some of the word processing services have document processing, database management, document formatting, designing, compiling, offline data entry, layout changing, etc. By knowing which services you need, you can connect with an outsourcing company that provides quality content.

Ideal Outsourcing Partner

Even though most of the outsourcing companies say that they provide quality content to their clients, you should ensure that they can be trusted with these services and also for your business operations. Only authentic and genuine work should be opted by you. From the testimonials, you will be able to get an idea about the company’s abilities and skills.

Only if you feel satisfied and are ready to move forward with the option should you prefer one. Be it document processing, offline data entry services, or document formatting. Also as machinery and software used to play a crucial role in providing accurate results in word processing, which you should keep a check on. The dedication of the outsourcing company can be understood from some of the elements mentioned above.

Connecting with Experts

If you value the word processing services, then you will not decide to hand over it to an amateur. Only prefer those expert hands that can provide you great outcomes and keep up with the accuracy. One who knows the work inside and out will be able to keep up with the pace. You can also get the help of an in-house assistant which will be much costlier compared to the outsourcing experts.

Here also you will have to test the skills and work procedure and decide if he/she will be fit for your business operations. You can be stress-free once you get the perfect outsourcing company understanding your business needs. Also to make sure that their processes fit with yours, these outsourcing companies even provide a free trial run option. You can use this opportunity to ensure that their work procedures cover all your business needs. Thus you will get a chance to assess the advanced methodologies used to enhance the word processing outputs.

Affordable prices

For the various services offered by the outsourcing companies, they can charge different prices. But don’t believe that the ones providing services under less costly prices are the ones to look for. Because the quality of work they present to you can be less qualified too. Quality should always be given priority over price. Don’t fall for affordable price options, as they can be misleading. You must reach a conclusion only after assessing the prices offered by all the companies along with the services and offers provided. After analyzing the advantages and having a reasonable price you can opt for the desired company. Make sure you opt for the best one.

Everything you need to know about Word processing services


Word processing services have become common due to the ease it provides in handling large volumes of data content for huge companies. Word processing is needed to maintain content files or databases for changing word styling, spacing, formatting, and easy organization as per relevance. It is very difficult for a company to manage word processing business requirements like a pro. Hence, it is best to outsource high-end quality-driven word processing solutions for efficient business growth. There are tons of outsourcing service providers out there but you should have an eye for what suits your business interests to the fullest!

In case you are wondering, word processing refers to the processing of business content meticulously. It includes creation, formatting, storage, output in printed and electronic documentation to editing, etc. It is the most employed business application for personal and professional computer screens alongside World Wide Web browsers and other e-mail applications. In western countries like the US, Japan, Canada, Australia, Poland, Norway, Europe, etc. there is more digital data usage in organizations in place of printed documentation. Hence, they require more word processing expertise and solutions. At the other end, eastern countries like Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan, etc. have been busy in the word processing business for the last decade and have mastered the art of word processing to every level of complexity and quality. The word processing professionals you hire must understand your company’s ideals and proceedings to maximize its market competence. It has become super important to be careful at times while choosing the best for your business legacy. Following key points should be kept in mind while outsourcing your word processing services

What to Seek in Your Outsourcing Partner

Every business is bound to stress the fact that they provide excellent customer services and products to their prestigious clients. But you need to be skeptical or look for anything in particular for suiting to your business outlook. You must be aware of the company offers, whether they are genuine and trustworthy or not. The best way to decide is to read their client testimonials and find what people think about their word processing techniques and working abilities. Compare and contrast your word processing requirements for effective decision-making. Don’t forget to take notice of the type of equipment and software they use to achieve word processing results as machinery plays a vital role in maintaining content accuracy at the level best. All these reasons can make your company outstand business competition and improve your work processing rituals for a good business.

2. Range of Word Processing Services Available in the Market

Before you dive into the searching mission, at first check what exactly your business needs are. This may sound like a very general question but to identify the problem is to have solved it halfway through at the very moment. With the betterment of technology and its advent in the mainstream digital market to handle non-core business, functions have become considerably easier than in past times. There are numerous non-core business service providers o save you your precious time. You must be well aware of your company’s functions to search for a hands-on word processing expert. Word processing services include content formatting, word formatting, book/online typing, compiling, designing, layout changing, and much more. You must figure out your database requirements and if the service outsourcing companies offer quality assurance and proper upshots.

3. Make Sure You Get the Perfect Pricing Options

Many word processing service providing companies provide price shifts as per service requirements. However, it is not always compulsory that the lowest price companies prove to be a reliable option for your business. You must do a little math to estimate whether the prices match the service quality expectations or not. You must not let yourself get carried away in the name of affordability that does not provide the quality word processing services that your business can well adapt to. Assess the price lists for opting for the potential outsourcing word processing partner service provider and experience increases business benefits.

4. Get Professionals and Experts to Obtain Seamless Outcomes

Word processing services are the soul of the business. To succeed in the higher market you must have competent data content. You can not afford to get it done by some amateur. You should make sure that any professional you hire must know the work ethics inside and out. Getting in touch with an efficient word processor you can test out the skillset and competence yourself before finalizing the hiring. The demo can give you a straight-up clue about whether the expert can pull off the workload or quality that you need or not. At the end of the day, you can sit back and be worry-free of all non-core business work.

5. Understand the Benefits of Outsourcing

The digital medium is the fastest expanding hub of outsourcing service providers due to ample increase in youth intelligence. Word processing services that offer client-dedicated resources prove to be useful, cheap, and easily available. As it is quite expensive to support personalized software equipment and labor for resolving word processing challenges on our own. In such cases, outsourcing is considered an intelligent move to get maximum company benefits by spending less.

6. Verify the Quality of Results Yourself

Almost all outsourcing companies offer a free trial run to your business quality outcomes. This is a really good option to assess the nature of their working methodologies and develop new market-based word processing strategies. You should choose your outsourcing partner with sheer care by understanding your business content goals and the solutions that you require to accelerate the company’s success pace.


The blog presents notions that are needed to be considered before making your mind for outsourcing your business word processing services. It is indeed a painstaking task but once the right decision is made, you can earn immense business advantages and resources. Nonetheless, word processing services go hand in hand with data entry service solutions to take care of manual or online data entry errors for good. Even if you are unaware of the dos and don’ts of word processing services you can simply list down important things from your company’s data processing road map. Happy outsourcing!

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Information Transformation Service (ITS) provides convenient Data Entry Solutions regardless of any additional investment of staff, resources, or infrastructure. By outsourcing your Data Entry Projects to us your company will be blessed with high-quality and diverse data entry-related options. Such quality service enables your data to be entered in various desirable formats with repetitive, inaccurate, incomplete, grammatically nonsensical words replaced to form better semantic clarity and understanding. Irrespective of the size and complexity ITS Team defines customized packages to directly answer specifically your business big data projects. If you are interested in getting ITS Data Entry Services you can ask for a free quote!

Word Processing Service

ExbroIT takes care of your entire word processing task and makes sure to end up finalizing finished data within the given time frame with high accuracy and formatting. Word processing services not only cover up the formatting of texts and removals of errors, but it has also been covering up the varied range of patterns and styles that outlooks the document good-looking and stunning or give them a professional outlook. the transformation of several formats, including PDF, Excel, etc. into word can be easily done to help make the data more accessible and can be kept very handy. The audio and video typing offers the word processing service an expanded range of covered areas that are used to get the data used as a formal document in legal form.

To survive in such a competitive market, you certainly required a partner like ExbroIT Solutions who gives prodigious quality Word Processing Services using several vogue and principle tools that transform your data entry work from imaginary to life. Outsource the non-core Word Processing Services to our company for foremost aptitude and acquire the advantages of our exceptional services. As a leading corporation, you can get the maximum benefit from capable experts available in our fundamental team. Word Processing Services leads you to maximum buyer satisfaction as the data entry will be completed on time along with high precision. You may place an order by using our user-friendly and well-designed cost estimator calculator, or you can call or email us at [email protected] or +1 302 208 0032.

Per Hour

Per Hour

A$ 8.50 / $ 6.00 / € 5.50 / £ 4.50

(For Enterprises)

  • 8-12 Hrs Working Flexibility
  • Time Zone Availability
  • Quick Turnaround
  • Expert Resources
  • Multiple Revisions
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Min. 4 Years Experience

(Large businesses & enterprises can get a free quote)

Per Month Service

Per Month

A$ 1,450 / $ 1,100 / € 950 / £ 800

(For Enterprises)

  • 8 Hrs Working Flexibility
  • Time Zone Availability
  • Quick Turnaround
  • Expert Resources
  • Multiple Revisions
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Min. 4 Years Experience

(Large businesses & enterprises can get a free quote)

Calculator Pricing

Pricing Calculator

(For Individual & Small Businesses)

  • Instant Payment Checkout
  • Credit Card / PayPal
  • Quick Turnaround
  • Time Zone Availability
  • Expert Resources
  • 3 Revisions
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed
  • Min. 4 Years Experience

(Individuals, or small businesses can use pricing calculators)

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“Eliya did a wonderful job of helping us completing this project. Delivered on time. Exbroit Solutions is a great company to do business with.”

“Professional from start to finish. Great with follow-up, and finished project work arrived in a timely manner and was in excellent quality.”

“ExbroIT was able to easily & quickly meet our word processing needs for an upcoming project. Price was awesome as was the person that I dealt with. “

Word processing is a process which uses by all types of businesses. From compiling letters to agreements and invoices, a business will have multiple documents that need to be processed. As each document requires a different format to be followed. Outsourcing Word Processing Services is a more cost-effective option for businesses to deal with information more efficiently.

Word Processing, Data Processing, Data Collection, Data Entry

Word processing services will lead you time and effort saving on your documentation editing. You can focus more on your core business and no need to invest in hiring a specialist for the same. The business that outsources unethical workload grows at a faster pace. Also, outsource word processing services to reduce the operating cost of up to 65%. Here’s some information about the various types of word processing services that can be outsourced successfully:

Document Processing and Management

Documents are an asset to the business and key feature for any company. When you have a bulk of documents generated in your organization on a daily basis, it is essential to manage these documents and the records or data it evolves or holds. The document processing service is needed to store the data for future reference and records. If you want to focus on core operations, it is difficult to do the document management in-house, as it requires resources, time, and money.

From, contracts and agreements to employee details and stock records. Document management becomes a critical aspect that leads to success when optimized. Technology is a critical factor that boosts the quality and speed of document management services. With the right expertise, it becomes almost 100% perfect. Both involve significant investment which becomes an added overhead to a business for which data management is not the core area of business. That’s where the outsourcing partners offer cost-effective solutions as they invest better in their core business which is data management.

Document/Data Conversion

Today most organizations are engaging in document conversion since they are plagued with numerous data-related problems. These issues include a huge amount of data present in multiple formats, discrepancies in data type, text, and format leading to data redundancy.

Converting documents into various formats
as required is another huge challenge for businesses that don’t primarily deal
with data. Document conversion
is also required for compliance purposes when the same information must be
presented in different formats without losing its integrity. The right tools
and domain experts are required to make sure that the document conforms to
industry standards and serves the intended purpose. Outsourcing word processing
services is a smarter way to manage document conversion for businesses of all

Hir Infotech one of the world’s leading providers of document conversion services, convert unstructured content into any other structured information format like HTML, XML, SGML, etc. – quickly, cost-effectively, and precisely.

Merge Mailing List

E-mails are an effective communication medium, which connects directly to the customer in a one-way communication method. If you want to plan marketing strategies and do not want to send the same piece of information many times to the same person outsource mailing list compilation work today to get a quality-controlled database.

Mail merge lets businesses send out formal communications to customers, employees, and stakeholders without having to work on it individually. This saves a great deal of time and effort and makes the communications more personalized which makes them more effective.

Hir Infotech providing merging services for your various database compilations in order to perform high accuracy compilation services. Get your various databases merged into a master database for higher business efficiency and to keep the data easy to access.

Compliance Documenting

As we mentioned earlier, legal
compliance has become one of the major documentation hurdles for all
businesses. The Document Compliance Company is responsible for all compliance
documents. In other words, must manage all company-wide, policies, procedures,
work instructions, job aids, and compliance records, to assure the company of
continuous compliance conformance with appropriate standards and regulations.

Many businesses are depending upon Word processing services in India to get their documentation and compliances in place so that they can focus better on their core business activities. Here again, the expertise and experience of outsourcing firms play a huge role in managing data better with the right technologies, offering cost-effective data processing solutions.

business woman sitting behind her laptop inputting words from written notes on her desk
Are you thinking of starting a home-based word processing business? The good news is that word processing business can easily be expanded to cover other areas, such as desktop publishing, self-publishing, and many other services that require a computer.

The personal computer has created big opportunities for small businesses. One of the most popular and easiest businesses to start is a word processing service.

Word processors use their computer expertise to provide clients with high-quality content from resumes to book manuscripts. Others work for companies without word processing personnel of their own.

The equipment required for a word processing business depends on the types of services to be offered. In most cases word processing service can be started with just a computer, a word processing program such as Microsoft Word, and a printer in a spare room at home.

Most word processors charge between $2 and $4 per typed page depending on specifications. Those who do highly specialized or technical work are often able to charge slightly more for their services. You will need a laser printer for high-quality output. Some clients may also prefer the output to be saved on a disk.

In order to get clients, you will need to advertise your service in trade magazines, yellow pages, and through online. You can keep expanding services most needed by customers, such as desktop publishing, direct mail and list management.

laptop computer on a desk of a home office

Major Word Processing Market Categories

There are several major markets for the home-based word processing service. Your major target market will be small businesses, publishing trade, academic, medical, and legal.

Small Businesses

Many small businesses don’t have the finances or the workload to justify a full-time secretarial support, but nearly all of them need some form of clerical help.

The market is wide open for anyone with the right approach. Here are just a few examples of what this market may need:

  • General office work for small businesses.
  • Financing proposals for independent sales people.
  • Menus for restaurants and coffee shops.
  • Brochures, newsletters, and direct mail for mail-order companies and small businesses.
  • Correspondence and brochures for church groups, social groups, civic groups, and associations.
  • Special reports for independent consultants.
  • Invoicing and collection duties for small businesses or manufacturing companies.

Your service becomes even more valuable to the business clients when the document has been stored for retrieval. For example, when an existing document need revision, or there are price changes to an original menu that you prepared several months ago. Those clients will come back to you, and as a result, they will save money for re-typing the whole document.

As you become familiar with how a certain business operates, you can provide valuable clerical support. Your specialized knowledge of word processing’s capabilities and your experience with one business can assist other small businesses in your area.

Publishing Trade

This field includes publishing houses, radio, television, and film. The work can range from the small report to the fiction or nonfiction book, from a screen writer or television writer to a writer of radio ad copy.

The market is vast and the work is very easy to do. You won’t need special prior experience to tap into this market. There are, however, very few rules to follow:

  • Always use 20 pound paper.
  • Use a standard typeface. Your best bet is to ask clients what typeface they would prefer.
  • Always double space. Never prepare a manuscript single-spaced or space-and-a-half.
  • Paragraphs should be indented for five or six spaces according to author or publisher preference.
  • Never hyphenate words at the end of a line.

Always keep a consistent margin on all sides. Generally accepted margins are 1.5 inch on left, and 1 inch all other sides.

You must pay very close attention to spelling, punctuation, and grammar whenever preparing a manuscript. A strong editing ability will be an asset, especially if you do lots of work for authors.


Academic work covers everything from a few page reports for a college student to a textbook written by a university professor. Your main work will be typing research reports, take-home exams, term papers, essays, lab reports, master theses, doctoral dissertations, and resumes.

You should pay special attention to details and accurate spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Your editing ability will be an asset, especially if you work with post-graduate students.

In most cases all post-graduate work must conform to the institution’s own special format rules. You should become familiar with any special requirements of that institution and obtain a copy of the manuscript preparation guidelines for your own reference.


In this field you can do such things as transcribing medical reports, transcribing pathology reports for clinical laboratories, filling out health insurance claim forms, helping medical offices with overload work, and preparing reports for doctors and dentists. Knowing the medical terminology and experience in medical field will be invaluable.

This field is harder to break into than any other field. A majority of medical and dental offices are reluctant to sub-contract work out of their office. One reason is the confidentiality of doctor/patient relationship. You have to prove yourself and your skill. You must reassure them that you are confidential, dependable, and accurate.


This is one area in which you must have prior legal experience in order to tap into this market and become successful.

If you have the experience, you can start by approaching the attorneys who just passed the bar and are opening new practices. These are attorneys that cannot afford a full-time qualified legal secretary, nor do they have the workload to justify one. You may also consider helping already established law offices with overload. Another possibility is transcribing the notes of court reporters and deposition services.

If you don’t have a background in computers or word processing, you can enroll in a course at a local college. In order to be successful in word processing business, you’ll need to be able to market your business and get clients.

By Paul Ziglar – 2019 – Update 2020
Copyright © 2019-2020 Allied Publishing
Provided by
Allied Publishing

For additional articles written by Paul Ziglar, see alliedpublishing.com/make-money-with-computer. Paul Ziglar is the author of How to Make Money With Your Personal Computer From Home.

By Daniel Wilson

Word processing software is essential for the vast majority of ventures. Today, office work requires fast sharing and convenient means for real-time collaboration. The second is caused by the growing trend of remote work. Here are five universal, scalable word processing apps for small companies.

1. Google Docs

Google Docs is a free web-based service with a wide functionary for all major text editing needs. It offers a simple document sharing system in which writers can distribute access amongst groups and individuals. All edits are saved within revision history so that every contributor could see changes in chronological order. Modifications may be offered within the text or via the chat. Using the chat function, collaborators can select symbols, words, lines, and paragraphs to discuss every aspect.

Google Docs is a part of G-Suite, which means that its file system is Google Drive. It’s a highly convenient environment for archiving and sharing files via hundreds of partner platforms. Though the mobile version provides a slightly reduced list of features, it lets employees be flexible and office-independent.

2. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the most recognized and pirated word processor. This giant underwent significant changes over the last few years and now presents a universal system. It may look too cumbersome for simple tasks, but it’s the only instrument able to fulfill even the highest typographical demands. It allows you to create all existing types of official documents and optimize the process with custom templates.

Similar to Google Docs, real-time co-authoring in this app is implemented on a high level, but you can’t involve people who don’t use the paid version to share access. On the other hand, it includes more options for fine editing. Google docs lag behind at this point.

3. Quip

This app is initially focused on cooperative document writing. Quip provides an original revision history bar that is useful when it comes to revising of edits by several authors. When you work on a paragraph, it becomes blocked for other collaborators to avoid inconveniences. In addition to inline comments, you can use the chatroom that is divided into directory and in-document feeds. You can archive finished conversations to clear up the feed for new data.

Quip is the most convenient for teams that need powerful communication means within a word processor. It combines simplicity of Google Docs with instant messaging benefits.

4. Zoho Writer

Zoho introduces a sophisticated vision of what a word processing app should look like. They focus on exceptional minimalism and intuitive approach. Both desktop and mobile versions offer many automated formatting and layout design templates. Over 350 default fonts are made compatible with any platform through code integration. It also provides simple tools for managing individual document security, including two-factor authentication.

You can distribute permissions not only for documents and directories but for specific paragraphs within docs too. Sharing features make it possible to send finalized files directly to WordPress and other specific custom platforms. With Adobe Sign and DocuSign integration, you can add signs from the database in a few taps. When it comes to mobile, Zoho Writer has the most user-friendly text editing interface so far.

5. iA Writer

This app was designed to avoid any distraction. It provides a basic minimum of formatting features along with the Focus Mode. It lets you select paragraphs or sentences to concentrate and polish them. It can also code parts of speech with color, which may come in handy for in-depth analysis of books, manuals, articles, and official documentation.

You can tie the app to iCloud, Dropbox, or Google Drive for automatic backups. Similarly to Zoho app, iA is perfect for direct WordPress blog posting. This app is far from being universal but may come as the best specialized solution.

Choosing a word processing solution, you have to consider potential changes in your company needs, staff training expenses, and long-term budgeting. Many users claim that Google Docs is a golden mean as it’s free for all and simple to learn. Don’t let the price confuse you. More costly tools may match your specific demands much better and save a lot of time in the long run.

Featured photo credit: Depositphotos

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