Word power think of the

Artificial Intelligence, or simply AI, aims to imitate human actions, for example, reasoning, learning, recognition, execution, and so much more. Examples of AI include Chatbots, face detection, digital assistants, and navigation (GPS). A system can be considered intelligent if it can perceive and perform actions. Thus, certain routine tasks are omitted as AI. Although advancement of technology eases up most day-to-day tasks, artificial intelligence is not capable of creative thinking, common sense, and strategic planning. The future may be scary, for at any moment, machines could take over humans. However, as long as we use technology responsibly, it will bring more good than harm — as it brings jobs and revenues to the world economy. Also, AI eases up our burdens in this fast-paced society. May these Artificial Intelligence Quotes On Success inspire you to take action so that you may live your dreams.

1. “Emotions are essential parts of human intelligence. Without emotional intelligence, Artificial Intelligence will remain incomplete. AI-based compassionate robots can channel virtually unlimited resources into building compassionate relationships in the society.” Amit Ray

2. “Artificial intelligence is a tool, not a threat.” Rodney Brooks

3. “Humans should be worried about the threat posed by artificial intelligence.” Bill Gates

4. “Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver.” Diane Ackerman

5. “Artificial intelligence and machine learning, as a dominant discipline within AI, is an amazing tool. In and of itself, it’s not good or bad. It’s not a magic solution. It isn’t the core of the problems in the world.” Vivienne Ming

Artificial intelligence and machine learning, as a dominant discipline within AI, is an amazing tool. In and of itself, it’s not good or bad. It’s not a magic solution. It isn’t the core of the problems in the world. Vivienne Ming

6. “We must address, individually and collectively, moral and ethical issues raised by cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and biotechnology, which will enable significant life extension, designer babies, and memory extraction.” Klaus Schwab

7. “Artificial intelligence is about replacing human decision making with more sophisticated technologies.” Falguni Desai

8. “The potential benefits of artificial intelligence are huge, so are the dangers.” Dave Waters

9. “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.” Stephen Hawking

10. “Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality. Artificial intelligence is extending what we can do with our abilities. In this way, it’s letting us become more human.” Yann LeCun

Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality. Artificial intelligence is extending what we can do with our abilities. In this way, it’s letting us become more human. Yann LeCun

11. “Artificial intelligence is not just learning patterns from data, but understanding human emotions and its evolution from its depth and not just fulfilling the surface level human requirements, but sensitivity towards human pain, happiness, mistakes, sufferings and well-being of the society are the parts of the evolving new AI systems.” Amit Ray

12. “Artificial intelligence is the new electricity.” Andrew Ng

13. “There is no reason and no way that a human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence machine by 2035.” Gray Scott

14. “Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men.” Marvin Minsky

15. “A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.” Alan Perlis

A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God. Alan Perlis

16. “Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on.” Larry Page

17. “The real question is, when will we draft an artificial intelligence bill of rights? What will that consist of? And who will get to decide that?” Gray Scott

18. “There are lots of examples of routine, middle-skilled jobs that involve relatively structured tasks, and those are the jobs that are being eliminated the fastest. Those kinds of jobs are easier for our friends in the artificial intelligence community to design robots to handle them. They could be software robots; they could be physical robots.” Erik Brynjolfsson

19. “The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.” Jeff Hawkins

20. “Artificial Intelligence is not a Man versus Machine saga; it’s in fact, Man with Machine synergy.” Sudipto Ghosh

Artificial Intelligence is not a Man versus Machine saga; it’s in fact, Man with Machine synergy. Sudipto Ghosh

21. “Cyber hygiene, patching vulnerabilities, security by design, threat hunting, and machine learning-based artificial intelligence are mandatory prerequisites for cyber defense against the next generation threat landscape.” James Scott

22. “By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” Eliezer Yudkowsky

23. “If people trust artificial intelligence (AI) to drive a car, people will most likely trust AI to do your job.” Dave Waters

24. “The promise of artificial intelligence and computer science generally vastly outweighs the impact it could have on some jobs in the same way that, while the invention of the airplane negatively affected the railroad industry, it opened a much wider door to human progress.” Paul Allen

25. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. I mean, with artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon.” Elon Musk

I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. I mean, with artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon. Elon Musk

26. “You have to talk about ‘The Terminator’ if you’re talking about artificial intelligence. I actually think that that’s way off. I don’t think that an artificially intelligent system that has superhuman intelligence will be violent. I do think that it will disrupt our culture.” Gray Scott

27. “The coming era of Artificial Intelligence will not be the era of war, but be the era of deep compassion, non-violence, and love.” Amit Ray

28. “Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.” Alan Kay

29. “Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, and we will have multiplied the intelligence – the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization – a billion-fold.” Ray Kurzweil

30. “Predicting the future isn’t magic, it’s artificial intelligence.” Dave Waters

Predicting the future isn’t magic, it’s artificial intelligence. Dave Waters

31. “As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership.” Amit Ray

32. “Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence—in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement – wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league.” Eliezer Yudkowsky

33. “It’s going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.” Colin Angle

34. “The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I’m not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast— it is growing at a pace close to exponential. The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five-year timeframe, 10 years at most.” Elon Musk

35. “Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.” Ginni Rometty

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence. Ginni Rometty

I hope you enjoyed these Artificial Intelligence Quotes On Success. Do let us know which one was your favorite in the comments section below.

Check Out Elon Musk’s Solution To Artificial Intelligence Problem From Evan Carmichael:

Have A Great Day!

Presentation on theme: «Word Power Adjectives to describe personality Think of one of your friends, and make a brief description of him/her. *warm-hearted *bad-tempered *unselfish.»— Presentation transcript:



Word Power Adjectives to describe personality


Think of one of your friends, and make a brief description of him/her. *warm-hearted *bad-tempered *unselfish *helpful *serious *honest……


At first, when I saw my best friend start to spend time with new friend, I was jealous. But now I am more open-minded because I have new friends to spend time with. Talk with your partner Yes. I noticed that sometimes you were moody at the beginning of last term. However, I’m pleased to see that you are much more cheerful these days.


Think it over: In your opinion, what kind of person is easy to get along with and make friends with What characteristics would you not like a friend to have


What are synonyms? What are antonyms? Synonyms: Words that have the same or similar meaning. Antonyms: Words that have the opposite meaning.


brave ______________ smart_______________ loyal _______________ diligent _____________ passionate___________ Synonyms courageous clever faithful hard-working enthusiastic


open-minded ______________ introvert_______________ selfish _______________ Antonyms courageous clever faithful


Game: —You are divided into four groups. —Try to think of as many pairs of synonyms and antonyms as possible in 3 mins. —The group that has the most correct words wins.


Have a try: Use correct adjectives to fill in the blank. giving or ready to give freely: g______ providing help or always being willing to help others: h______ feelings or mood changing quickly: m _____ fond of talking: t______ with one’s mind firmly made: d______ enerous elpful oody alktive etermined


1. easy-going 2. quiet 3. shy 4. friendly 5. honest 6. hard-working 7. serious 8. strict keys


How many people are talked about in the letter? What about their characteristics?


Writing: *Describe three things that you like about your friend. eg: I like him because he is hardworking, brave and strong. *Use positive adjectives. *Some good writings will be presented. Guess who is being described


homework Relevant exercises in Assessment Book.


The Power Of Words: How A Single Word Can Impact Your Life

‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’
We could all learn something from this well-known Bible verse. Looking beyond the religious overtones, there is a message to be found in this for everyone. Everything begins with a word.

Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us. Words are the creator; the creator of our universe, our lives, our reality. Without words, a thought can never become a reality. This is something that we have been taught throughout history, as far back as the Bible, which writes of ‘God’ – whatever that word may mean to you – saying ‘let there be light’ and as a result creating light.

So what can we learn from this? If our words and thoughts are the very tools with which we create our reality, then surely they are our most powerful tool yet? Surely we should only pick the very best words in order to create our very best reality?

The Power Of Words And Affirmations

Our thoughts also impact what we manifest in our lives. But it can be argued that the real power lies in our words. It is our words that provide a bold affirmation of our innermost thoughts. They are a confirmation to the world of how we see others, our lives and ourselves. It is this powerful affirmation that our words provide which enables our thoughts to manifest into a reality. So why do we choose to misuse our most powerful asset?

3 Ways To Use Words

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1. Choosing Your Words Wisely

As a society, we have become conditioned to talk about our misfortunes and problems. We take our interpretations of events, people and ourselves and communicate them to the world, bringing them into existence.

So by that admission, when we moan or complain about our lives to others, we are putting those negative words out there to become a reality. When you say something out loud enough times your words become the truth not only in your own mind but in the minds of everyone you are saying them too.

If this is really so, then ask yourself – do you really want to tell yourself and everybody that you know that you are unlucky in love, unsuccessful, miserable, bored or whatever else you have been complaining about? Especially now that you know that it is these exact words that are creating the life that you live?

Begin to choose the words that you speak consciously. Practice improved self-awareness over the words that you use to describe yourself and your life. Negative, powerless words such as ‘can’t’, ‘shouldn’t’, ‘need’, ‘won’t’ should all be avoided. They strip you of your ability to manifest a life that you want to live.

As the creator of your universe, what you say goes. Therefore, next time you catch yourself about to use negative words, regain control and frame your word choices so that they have a much more positive impact on your world.

For example, if you would usually say something such as ‘I am unhealthy and overweight’ then why not turn this into a more positive, constructive statement such as ‘I am in the process of becoming healthier and every day I get closer and closer to my ideal weight’.

Your words are the paint with which you paint your reality. Choose those words wisely and positively to create a reality that is good for you.

2. ‘I Am What I Am’

Affirm who you are, your dreams, your hopes and your successes with two of the most powerful words that a person can ever utter – ‘I am’.


These two small but incredibly powerful words should be considered the most precious words that you have in your entire vocabulary. How we end the sentence ‘I am…’ defines who we are to ourselves and to everybody around us. So, when you say ‘I am…fat/lazy/shy’ or ‘I am…beautiful/confident/successful/happy’ this is the exact truth that you are creating for yourself. It doesn’t even matter if there is any truth in the words that you are saying, how you finish those two little words is how you define your reality.

So why not choose a higher expression for yourself? Remind yourself of what you are and what you wish to be by starting each morning with a positive affirmation beginning with those magical words ‘I Am’.

3. Speak From The Heart

When we complain about our lot in life, speak anxiously or use hateful words, we usually do so from a place of fear. So, the first step that you need to take in order to conquer this is to practice better self-awareness over the words that you are using.

Next time you open your mouth to complain or put yourself or others down, ask yourself:

  1. ‘Why am I about to say this?’
  2. ‘How is this going to serve me or my happiness?’

Ask yourself these two important questions and you will no doubt discover that you are in fact speaking out of fear. This is the fear that you are not good enough, fear that you are in the wrong relationship, the wrong career etc. Most importantly of all, you will realize that by voicing these fears you will be doing nothing for your happiness. Your words can only make you feel worse, manifesting these fears into your life with greater intensity.

So choose your words bravely, consciously and lovingly. Always speak from a place of love; for yourself, for your life and for others. Your words equal your world, so use them wisely.

Learn More About The Power Of Words

If this has made you reconsider your thought patterns and the way you use words, you probably are interested in how affirmations can play a part in your manifestation journey.

Get your FREE Law Of Attraction toolkit which contains a detailed guide to affirmation. It includes affirmation lists AND lots more of manifestation tools.

Click here to download your free copy of our toolkit now!

Click here to download your free Law of Attraction Toolkit

Перевод по словам

word [noun]

noun: слово, речь, текст, известие, обещание, замечание, пароль, разговор, девиз, лозунг

verb: вести, сформулировать, выражать словами, подбирать выражения

  • not another word — не другое слово
  • , in a word, — , одним словом ,
  • match up word — соединять слово по смыслу
  • reverse word order — обратный порядок слов
  • immediate word recall — немедленное припоминание
  • word spelling — правописание слова
  • communicating word processing — передача и прием текстов
  • exception word list — список исключенных слов
  • descriptor word index — дескрипторный словарь
  • word segmentation — сегментация на слова

power [noun]

noun: власть, мощность, сила, мощь, энергия, способность, держава, степень, могущество, влияние

adjective: силовой, энергетический, моторный, машинный

verb: снабжать силовым двигателем

adverb: много

  • power station — электростанция
  • within my power — в моей власти
  • emergency power unit — аварийная силовая установка
  • propelling power space — отделение главных механизмов
  • power connector — разъем питания
  • rotatory power — вращательная способность
  • come to takeoff power — выходить на взлетный режим
  • nonconventional power source — нетрадиционный источник питания
  • hot water power supply — горячее водоснабжение
  • electric power transmission — передача электрической энергии

Предложения с «word power»

I use the word power broadly, because even more important than military and indeed economic power is the power of ideas, the power of compassion, and the power of hope.

Я широко использую слово ‘власть, потому что важнее военной и, несомненно, экономической власти — власть идей, власть сострадания и власть надежды.

You kept power by sticking together in thought and word and deed.

Вы сохраняете власть, сомкнувшись в мыслях на словах и на деле.

The Empire used to be kept running smoothly by power , said the Emperor somberly. Now it must be kept running by a smile, a wave of the hand, a murmured word, and a medal or a plaque.

Империя сохраняет спокойствие под давлением власти, — мрачно заметил Клеон. — Полагаю, что пришло время управлять улыбкой, медалями и наградами!

That he was accustomed to command was patent, and every word and gesture tingled with power .

Привычка повелевать сквозила во всем его облике, каждое слово , каждый жест свидетельствовали о могуществе и власти.

You Belmonts have never understood the power of the Word of God!

Семья Бельмонтов не осознавала силу Слова Божьего!

But, you have my word… that I will do everything in my power … to ensure that civilians no longer suffer from our inadequacies.

Но я даю вам слово , что сделаю всё, что в моих силах, чтобы обезопасить мирное население от нашей неадекватности.

The right word is always a power , and communicates its definiteness to our action.

Точное слово это большая сила, и его определенность передается нашим поступкам.

Word is, Hexler Gaming hasn’t developed the battery technology to power their stand-alone 3-D gaming headsets. No.

По слухам, Хекслер не может создать достаточно мощную батарейку для шлема в 3 — D играх.

Each simple word of this speech, uttered in a voice which penetrated straight to the depths of her heart, was clothed in power .

И каждое простое слово сей речи, выговоренное голосом, летевшим прямо с сердечного дна, было облечено в силу.

If you sign over power of attorney to me, I give you my word that I’ll take care of Lola, and I will get you the best damn lawyers your mother’s inheritance can buy.

Если ты выпишешь на меня доверенность, даю тебе слово , что я позабочусь о Лоле и найму лучших адвокатов, которых только можно купить на деньги твоей матери.

Lord God, by the power of your word, you stilled the chaos of the primeval seas, made the raging waters of the flood subside, and calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Господь всемогущий, силой своего слова ты усмирил хаос первозданных морей, заставил бушующие воды Потопа успокоиться и прекратил шторм в море Галилейском.

The old man had not heard a word from the little boy; indeed, he had been secretly afraid that he had lost the power of speech.

Старик еще не слышал от мальчика ни слова ; втайне он боялся даже, что ребенок утратил дар речи.

Cal says he’s got some word on the power outages and the stage wants to know when you want the cast back.

Кэл хочет поговорить насчет электричества и ассистенты хотят знать, когда артисты вернуться на сцену.

It is actually a word of dark power and blood magic.

Само слово связано с тёмными силами и магией крови.

Well… well, together, we shall help to spread the word and the power of Jesus, eh?

Что ж… что ж, вместе мы должны помочь донести до всех вести о словах и силе Иисуса, да?

There’s still one word with a power that aches.

Я всё же нашла слово , способное причинить боль.

You get word on the power tools?

Тебе по электроинструментам отзвонились?

But at present power is only a word so far as you are concerned.

Но что касается вас, власть — покуда только слово .

Word is, there’s something big going on- maybe a turf war or a power struggle within the O’Reilly family.

Похоже, происходит что — то крупное Может быть, раздел сфер влияния или внутрисемейные распри у О’Рейли

Can a vampire not receive word from his own daughter… without being cast as a rebel in search of power ?

Может вампир получить письмо от дочери, не обвиняясь в измене и предательстве?

If we get what we think about, then engaging in any thought, word or deed only increases its power and presence in our lives.

Если мы получаем то, о чем думаем, то участие в любой мысли, слове или деле только увеличивает ее силу и присутствие в нашей жизни.

The word daulat refers to the legitimacy of a ruler, through the power of God, and suggests the strong relationship between rule, legitimacy, and the spread of Islam.

Слово Даулат относится к легитимности правителя через силу Бога и предполагает сильную связь между правлением, легитимностью и распространением ислама.

The word imperialism originated from the Latin word imperium, which means supreme power .

Слово империализм произошло от латинского слова imperium, что означает верховная власть.

Without speaking a word, he went to a blackboard and raised 2 to the 67th power , then subtracted one.

Не говоря ни слова , он подошел к доске и поднял 2 до 67 — й степени, затем вычитал одну.

Two to the power of n, written as 2n, is the number of ways the bits in a binary word of length n can be arranged.

Два в степени n, записанные как 2n, — это число способов, которыми могут быть организованы биты в двоичном слове длины n.

It was to take advantage of the aura of workplace power that the word became used by Vladimir Lenin for various political organs.

Десантный корабль обладал рядом навигационных преимуществ, в основном запланированных, но одна большая неожиданность была обеспечена немцами.

There is the coinage, of very little use, of ten to the googolplex power , of the word googolplexplex.

Существует чеканка монет, очень малопригодная, от десяти до силы гуголплекса, от слова гуголплекс.

If you think using the f-word on a public forum makes you seem intelligent, then more power to you.

Если вы думаете, что использование f — слова на публичном форуме заставляет вас казаться умным, тогда вам больше власти.

However, when R is a power of B, there is a variant of REDC which requires products only of machine word sized integers.

Коленная чашечка смещается в одну сторону сустава, что позволяет обнажить дистальный конец бедренной кости и проксимальный конец большеберцовой кости.

Rig veda does not connote the word Māyā as always good or always bad, it is simply a form of technique, mental power and means.

Ригведа не подразумевает слово Майя как всегда хорошее или всегда плохое, это просто форма техники, ментальной силы и средств.

The word is best translated ‘meekness,’ not as an indication of weakness, but of power and strength under control.

Это слово лучше всего переводится как кротость, но не как признак слабости, а как признак власти и силы под контролем.

After the candidate completed the initiation ceremony he was then given a word that was supposed to give him power over horses.

После того как кандидат заканчивал церемонию посвящения, ему давали слово , которое должно было дать ему власть над лошадьми.

It was to take advantage of the aura of workplace power that the word became used by Lenin for various political organs.

Именно для того, чтобы воспользоваться аурой рабочей силы, это слово стало использоваться Лениным для различных политических органов.

You said — the word superpower is misused and mixed with the notions of great power or regional power — How is it misused?

Вы сказали — слово сверхдержава употребляется неправильно и смешивается с понятиями великая держава или региональная держава — как же оно используется неправильно?

His notation to describe Sanskrit word structure notation is equivalent in power to that of Backus and has many similar properties.

Его нотация для описания структуры санскритского слова эквивалентна по силе нотации Бэкуса и имеет много сходных свойств.

In Cerámica sol, Blanco tries to rescue the power of the primeval word, the language rooted in the symbol and in rites.

В Cerámica sol Бланко пытается спасти силу первобытного слова , языка, укорененного в символе и ритуалах.

The word acquired new meanings in the course of Islamic history, being used to refer to worldly executive power or to a court decision.

Это слово приобрело новые значения в ходе исламской истории, будучи использованным для обозначения мирской исполнительной власти или судебного решения.

And hell, they used that power to bless the word protologism in the first place, didn’t they?

Для Куртуа коммунизм — это форма тоталитаризма, и то же самое для итальянского фашизма и немецкого нацизма.

We can use the power of words for good, or for bad. Words can create, or they can destroy. Once you learn the true power of your words you will consider what you are saying the next time you speak.

What does the power of the spoken word mean?

Words are created from vibrations. They are a thought that has come to life.

You can make someone sick, and feel bad, you can make them cry, or make them very happy and feel loved with the power of your words.

Most of us have heard the story about how several different coworkers went up to a guy, they work with, and told him he did not look so good.

Let’s call him Bob. Well, a little while later another coworker came up and asked if he was feeling ok. This went on for a couple of hours.

Soon Bob started to feel sick. Bob went to his boss and said he needed to go home. He was not feeling well.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with bob, it was the power of suggestion, the power of spoken words from people he trusted.

Before your words come out of your mouth the thought had to be in your head. You can really get an idea of what someone is thinking, and what they are attracting into their life, by the words they speak.

Everything we say either affects us or someone else. You can use this power for good or evil.

As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility, use your words wisely. Yes… words have great power.

There was a famous experiment done with water. Dr. Emoto proved that words have a vibration and will alter the structure of water crystals.

He proved that you can actually alter the molecular structure of water with the power of words.

You can Google the entire experiment but basically, he placed several vials of water and placed labels on the vials with negative words on them.

In the other half, he placed positive words. The words on the label were also spoken and repeated out loud. He then viewed the frozen water crystals under a microscope.

The ones with positive words were beautiful looking while the negative destructive words were very ugly, deformed water crystals. He also has a book called The Hidden Messages in Water, if you are interested.

So here is something to think about. The human body is 60% water, our lungs are 83% water, and the brain and heart are 73% water.

Since we are mostly water, it makes you think about what our words are doing to us? I hope you will think before you speak next time. Are we altering the water in our bodies or others?

We know we can influence other people with the things we say. Let’s say you are going to an event, you tell your friend you’re going to love this, we are going to have a great time.

The pictures that start forming in their mind is that of having a great time. You both do.

Of course, you can reverse this and be destructive by talking bad. You are on your way to meet someone and you say this guy’s an idiot, you are not going to like him, he’s got a bad attitude.

The person you just said that to already has formed an opinion about someone they never met. When they do meet, they’re more than likely going to seek out the negative in this person and say…yes you were right. Can’t stand him.

Think about all the times you say I’m an idiot why did I do that? I’ll never get this right, I’ll never meet the right man or woman. I just can’t get ahead, I can’t make enough money.

Now, if you took all that and reversed it things would begin to change for you. You would attract what you desire in your life. You need to change your thoughts and words if you want to create a better reality.The power of words can hurt like this couple

I hope after reading this article you will think before you speak negatively. Gossip, complaining and negative self-talk is very destructive. Words have energy.

Think about that group of friends that sit around and gossip about other people.

Ever walk into a room and just feel that people have been talking about you?

Words have energy. They vibrate through the air. We are made of vibrations.

Other people feel the same thing when you talk bad or negative about them. How about the group of friends that sit around and talk about how bad things are. How bad the economy is.

Corrupt politics, how we are ruining the world. There are no jobs out there, people are bad, and so on and so on.

Just remember, the way the law of attraction works is, that you attract more of what you think, feel, and talk about. Choose your words wisely.

Let’s talk about verbal abuse. The statistics on verbal abuse are staggering. I am not going to go into the subject too deeply, but your words can easily crush another person.

Many times it is worse than physical abuse. People that were abused when they were growing up carry the same behavior over into their adult life.

Many times two people that meet are attracted to each other because they came from a similar background, without knowing it.

One is the verbal abuser and the other one is so used to being abused they attract the abuser.

I’m sure we all know a friend that finally gets out of an abusive relationship only to find another one just like it, or worse. This is the law of attraction in action.

The Power of the phrase “I am” The words I am

The words “I am” are very powerful. Perhaps the two most powerful words we know.

If you use affirmations starting with “I am” you can, and will, begin to completely change your life.

No matter where you are right now you can turn everything around 180° and create your life better than you ever dreamed it could be.

Get rid of negative words like I can’t, I shouldn’t do that, I need this, I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve that. Replace those with I am.

I am powerful, I am wealthy, I am creating my own world, I am in control, I am loved, I am healthy. Positive affirmations like these should be used every day. Start your morning with your own list of affirmations.

Words and the Law of Attraction

Words, thoughts, and feelings create our reality.  look around you, everything you see was drawn to you by you. You attracted it all. Every bit of it.

You create your reality. The good, the bad, all of it it’s all because of you, like it or not. If you want things to change in your life it all begins with your thoughts and your words.

We live in a world filled with vibrations right down to the smallest particle. Everything in our world vibrates with energy. Words, sounds, and speech are just vibrations.

Everything you say goes out into the universe. You get back what you send out. Continually speaking negative words will attract more of the same.

Let’s say you constantly talk about sickness. You hang around with your group of friends and talk about some person that got some terrible disease. How bad they are doing. How terrible they look.

You start to worry about the same thing happening to you. Every time you are with your group of friends you ask how much worse this person is.

The more you talk about something the more you are likely to attract the same thing for you.

Many people attract diseases through their words and thoughts. If they knew how the law of attraction works they would not talk about such things.

The same principles apply to everything. If you worry about getting in a car accident, getting robbed, going broke, not being able to pay bills, whatever you worry about will attract more of the same to you.

Not to mention speaking like this will definitely make you feel bad. Why not turn it around and speak positive words about everything

What does the bible say about the power of words

Power of words in the bible

Quotes on the power of words

We have learned about the power of words a long time ago. It is written clearly in the Bible.

I did some quick research and in a very short time found over 100 Verses in the Bible that speak about words. The power of the tongue, corrupt talk, rash words, etc.

Matthew 15:18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21).

Next time you pray think about what you are saying. Are you creating? Is it going to bring you or someone else a better future? When you pray do you ask? Beg? Please bring me this… I really need this right now.

Instead, you should be giving thanks. Even if you do not currently have your desire, give thanks and know it is on its way.

I will talk about this more and another post but, through my studies and research on the law of attraction, I learned a great deal about the Bible and the words written in it.

I am not talking about the Bible most of us know. The one most of us know has been edited heavily. It is a condensed version from many other books. Some say 14 others will say 27 or more.

I have searched out and found many of these old books and went through them. The information that was left out is amazing.

Some of the most popular phrases in our modern Bible are condensed versions of much more detailed writings.

How to use the law of attraction is clearly spelled out. However, for some reason, most of that was left out of our edited version. Why?

What About Silent Words?

Subliminal messages are nothing more than positive affirmations that are recorded just below our normal hearing range.

They are still spoken words. Your conscious mind does not hear them but your subconscious mind definitely does.

The power of words has made us who we are. When we are born we are a blank slate. Our subconscious mind is empty.

We get programmed between birth and the age of 7 by our parents, teachers, and other surroundings.

The words they say to you get locked in your subconscious mind and you may go through your entire life believing something that probably isn’t true.

If your parents, even kiddingly constantly called you stupid or dumb or maybe they said you’re never going to grow up to be anything, then it probably became true.

This is how words have set us up for failure before we even had a chance.

The same self-defeating programs run in our subconscious minds day after day, 24 hours a day, keeping us down.

Since we run 95% of our day on our subconscious minds it is no wonder why it’s so hard to change anything in our life permanently. The power of words creates or destroys.

You can also use words for great good, especially in yourself.

Final Thoughts on The Power of Words

Considering how powerful words are I challenge you to go the next 30 days thinking about the words that come out of your mouth.

Every time, before you speak, think about what you are about to say. Is it negative, or is it positive? Is it going to help someone or is it a useless destructive comment?

Subliminal programmingMost of us will say the first thing that comes into our minds. Without thinking about it.

We have been influenced by the media, our friends, and our surroundings to say whatever we want whenever we want. Freedom of speech….right?

I want you to also consider everything you say out loud about yourself. Think every time before you speak.

If you do this you will change everyone’s views about you. You will seem like a different person. In fact, you will be. People love a positive person.

You will automatically become someone that people are naturally drawn to. Our words matter. It may not seem like it, but everything we say out loud influences someone or something.

Before speaking take a few moments to consider what you are about to say.

Stop gossiping, stop complaining. Next time you’re around your group of friends pay attention to the way they are speaking it’s almost always negative. Turn the conversation around by saying nice positive things.

It takes a little practice and may seem odd at first if you are used to talking negatively most of the time. It’s actually funny when you do this in a group, watch what happens.

Most people get quiet and don’t know what to say, you throw them off of their game. Start talking about how nice and great someone is that they are bashing and they don’t know what to do.

Why do we misuse our words? In my opinion, most of us do not know the real power behind them. We do not know they create our future.

We use them haphazardly with no thought into anything we say.  Talking about other people, swearing, talking bad about politics, the place you work at. All that is going to attract more of the same.

Complain enough about something around other people and you will start to influence them. Nothing good can come out of this. Eventually, you will attract what you’re complaining about.

This is how the law of attraction works. It is the language of the universe and the power of words.

Think of it like this. The source, the universal power, or whatever you want to call the higher power, hears you. It does not know any difference between good or bad it only delivers.

If you sit and complain and misuse your words it is going to say, okay this is what you want, no problem here is more of it. Glad I could help.

Ever meet a person and within a few minutes you know if you’re going to like them, or not. The words that come streaming out of their mouth will immediately influence your opinion about them.

When you meet someone that is happy, talks well of others have nothing but good things to say, you are automatically drawn to them.

The way that your life is currently going is a reflection of the words that you have been thinking and speaking.

All you have to do is look around you to know what you have been attracting. The same goes for another person. Look around them, you know what they have been thinking and speaking about.

Thinking about what we are about to speak is much easier than controlling our thoughts. If you control your speech for 30 days you will be absolutely amazed at the changes in your life. You will know the power of words is working in your everyday life.

Faqs –

What does the power of spoken word mean?

The power of spoken word can be quite profound. It can be used to inspire, motivate, and even heal. There is a reason why so many people turn to motivational speakers or life coaches when they need guidance; the right words said in the right way can make all the difference.

How do the power of words impact your life?

Words are incredibly powerful. They can make you feel a range of emotions, from happiness to sadness to anger. They can also influence your behavior. For example, if someone tells you that you’re not good enough, you might believe them and start acting accordingly. On the other hand, if someone tells you that you’re amazing, you might start to believe that, too.

What does a power word mean?

A power word is a word that has a special meaning or significance for you. It could be a word that motivates or inspires you or a word that represents an important aspect of your life. Power words can also be words that you simply enjoy saying and hearing.

The impact of power words on your life can be significant. Just by hearing or repeating a power word, you can instantly feel more positive and motivated. Power words can also help to focus your thoughts and intentions and can be used as a tool for manifesting your desires.

SEO Power Words List Powerful Words - Short Power Words SEO

Taking from this post by RankMath and their fantastic SEO Power Words list; detailing hundreds of Power Words for SEO that you to use to write and optimise your website page titles, headlines and blog content. We have distilled the list of Powerful Words down to over 300+ of the Shortest Power Words; that can give your Post Titles a CTR and SEO Boost. Take a look at our Short Power Words List to help you write click generating headlines.

Power Words for SEO in Post Title

A lot of research has been done to find out what makes a headline into a really snappy headline. The two most basic aspects of a good headline are specificity and emotion.

Write Specific SEO Titles & Headlines

Specificity – “the quality of belonging or relating uniquely to a particular subject”. This means that the headline is written with your target audience in mind. The idea is for your audience to feel that this headline was written just for them.

To that effect, the word “you” on its own is thought to be one of the most persuasive words in the English language; which again goes to show that keeping your target audience in mind while creating content is extremely important and effective for search engine optimisation.

SEO Power Words for Emotion

The other most important factor that will make a headline really work is emotion. A headline with real emotion not only gathers more clicks, it also gets more shares from other websites, blogs and social media channels. This is where Power Words can really help, increasing the emotion in your post title and enticing readers to click through.

…emotion not only gathers more clicks, it also gets more shares from other websites… Click To Tweet

How to use Power Words in SEO

All this talk about targeting emotional response in your blog post’s headline and we haven’t told you how to go about doing so. The best way to make your headline, post title or call to action more click enticing, is to use what are known as SEO Power Words; and in most cases it’s even better if you use Short Power Words for SEO purposes.

Post titles, headlines, email subject lines and call to action text often needs to be concise and to the point; with character limits enforced which prevent you from being verbose. When you’re looking for that perfect SEO Power Word, which sums up the exact emotion that you’re trying to convey; you don’t really want to be running up a page title that goes into several lines (2 at most), because the words you’ve chosen are too long. Keeping your words short can also help with your overall post reading score and conversion rates.

List of Short Power Words for SEO

Use our Short SEO Power Words list below to improve and optimise your headlines; to help you nail the perfect post titles and call to action text with powerful short words for SEO.

A Cut Above Absurd Abuse
Admit Accuse Amp
Advice Alive At Ease
Agony Always Avoid
Aware Badass Basic
Backed Banned Battle
Beauty Belief Beat Down
Behind The Scenes Best Belong
Better Beware Big
Black Market Blast Blood
Bloody Bomb Bona Fide
Bold Bottom Line Bonus
Brazen Brave Break
Brutal Broke Bright
Budget Bully Buy
Cash Coward Calm
Cheap Crave Case Study
Cheat-sheet Crave Cheat
Cheer Crazy Child-like
Corpse Create Clear
Cover-up Crush Copy
Covert Desire Dead
Danger Direct Deadly
Death Doomed Deep
Dirty Double Dreamy
Dollar Drive Dumb
Eager Elite Easily
Easy Envy Energy
Edge Epic Evil
Elated Extra Expert
Fail-proof Final Fail
Faith First Ever Famous
Faux Fluid Feast
Faux Pas Fool Fierce
Feeble Foul Fine
Fight Free First
Fired Frenzy Focus
Flirt Frisky Fooled
Frugal Fully Force-fed
Full Fun-loving Funny
Genius Gift Greed
Grit Greedy Guilt-free
Growth Guilt Guts
Harsh Hack Happy
Havoc Have You Heard Hate
Heart Hoax Hell
Hero Horror Hoak
High Tech How To Honest
Hope Humor Hurry
Huge Idiot Ignite
In The Zone Iron-clad Insane
Intel Irs Insult
Is Here Jail Jovial
Keen Kill Know It All
Killed Kills Last Minute
Last Lame Laugh
Lazy Last Chance Left Behind
Likely Latest Lick
Lonely Launch Lies
Lost Little-known Light
Lust Loser Love
Luxury Lying Magic
Marked Down Maul Master
Mired Money Murder
Naked Nest Egg Nail
Nazi No One Talks About Never
New No Risk No Good
Noted Now Odd
Odd Okay Off-kilter
Off-limits Open-minded Off-the Record
On-demand Ordeal Packed
Panic Peril Pale
Pas Plague Pay Zero
Placid Plunge Played
Pride Poor Pluck
Proven Pound Poison
Punch Price Prize
Punish Prison Profit
Pus Quick-start Quick
Quiet Refund Rare
Reject Reveal Reward
Report Rookie Risky
Rested Ruin Rowdy
Rich Rules Safe
Sacred Sale Savage
Sadly Save Scared
Safety Scam Scream
Savvy Scarce Secret Plot
Scary Secret Agenda Secure
Secret Serene Self-hating
Seize Sexy Severe
Sex Shrewd Sick And Tired
Should Silly Simple
Signs Sinful Sins
Six-figure Sinful Sizzle
Sleazy Sneak-peek Skill
Smash Snob Slave
Snotty Soar Sly
Solid Spine Smug
Steamy Stable Sneaky
Still Steady Snooty
Stoic Step-by-step Spank
Stop Sturdy Speedy
Strong Super-human Spirit
Stuck Up Superb Spunky
Stupid Sure Fire Steal
Stupid-simple Surge Suffer
Suck Swoon Super
Sunny Swoon-worthy Sure
Sweaty Tense Tease
Tank The Truth Tested
Tawdry Ticked Off Trade Secret
Terror Today Trend
Thug Track Record Tricks
Timely Tragic Triple
Toxic Trap Truly
Trauma Tweaks Turbo-charge
Truth Up-sell Unlock
Unique Urgent Upbeat
Unseen Useful Urge
Unsure Valor Verify
Value Wanton Victim
Weak Wealth Wanted
What No One Tells You Whip Waste
Wicked Wild Weird
Woozy World Worry
Worst Zen Zinger

More Content Optimisation Tips

We hope this extensive Short SEO Power Words List for SEO boosting was useful to help boost conversions. If you are looking for more tips and tricks to optimise your on page content and tags, why not take a look at our blog. You’ll find plenty to read and help you on your quest for the top of the search results.

Favourite Short SEO Power Words

Think there is something missing from our power words list? Let us know your favourite Short Power Words for SEO that have 6 letters or fewer; we’ll test them out for SEO purposes and add them to this list if they work for gaining increased conversions.

Founder and strategic mind behind White Rabbit. Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, focused on serving clients with a creative and ethical business model. Digital philanthropist giving time to support charitable groups, projects and organisations; that revolve around the arts, wildlife conservation, local community and heritage crafts.

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