Word power many sport words became international do you know these sport words ответы

Find the names of sports in the

What kind of sport?

Choose the right word to complete
these opinions

Match the names of sports with the
names of equipments.


BArocks3Contiki%2520Day%252006%2520-%25201%2520-%2520Cairns%2520-%2520White%2520Water%2520Raftingperth_scuba_divingdiversbigMatch the pictures to the names  of sport
a) sky diving                        
b) bungee jumping
c) pot holing
d) rock climbing
e) white-water rafting
f) scuba diving


Fill in the information with the
right forms of the verbs.

Complete the questions to the facts about the Olympic Games.

Peter, Sue and Bob are football fans.
They are talking about the World Cup. Complete their conversation by putting in
the question tags.

Make sentences complete using Past
Simple or Present Perfect. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive.

The Wimbledon championship
(to hold) since 1877.

Women (to take part) in the
Wimbledon championships since 1884.

The University boat-race (to
start) in 1820 and (to row) on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.

The Cup Finals and other
events (to take place) at Wembley since 1923.

Horse-racing (to begin) in
the Arab countries many centuries ago.

Tom (to participate) in
sports contests since 1999 and already ( to set) a new school record in the 100
meter race.

Read the text and answer the

A Fantastic New Idea.

Eighty years ago, Mr. Goode of Putney, South London, went
to the chemist’s to buy some aspirin. In the shop, he almost forgot about his
tablets as he stood looking at the pimpled rubber mat on the counter. It has
given him a fantastic new idea.

He paid for his aspirin and the rubber mat. Then he rushed
home, cut the rubber mat to the right shape and size and stuck it to his wooden
table tennis bat. The thin layer of rubber helped him put a very fast spin on
the ball. When he became the English champion, everyone started copying him,
putting rubber layer on their bats, and soon Mr. Goode’s clever idea completely
changed the style and speed of table tennis.

Table tennis was first invented in England in about 1880.
At first the game had several strange names: Gossima, Whiff Whaff and Ping
Pong. It wasn’t until 1926 that the international Table Tennis Association was
formed with international championship and rules. One of the rules was that the
rubber lining of the bat (Mr. Goode’s invention) couldn’t be more than two millimeters
thick in each side.


Where did Mr. Goode live?

Where did he see the pimpled
rubber mat?

What did he do with rubber

In what way did the thin
layer of rubber help him?

What changed the style and
speed of the table tennis?

When and where was table
tennis first invented?

How thick could the rubber
lining of the bat be?

Highland games are not the only kind
of sport in the Great Britain. Read this text to find out what other kinds of
sport are popular and considered “national” in Great Britain. Do the exercises
after the text.


 Many kinds of sport originated from England. The English
have a proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. They do not think
that play is more important than work; they think that Jack will do his work
better if he plays as well, so he is encourages to do both. Association
football, or soccer is one of the most popular games in the British Isles
played from late August until the beginning of May. In summer the English
national sport is cricket. When the English say: “that’s not cricket” it means
“that’s not fair”, “to play the games” means “to be fair”.

Golf is Scotland’s chief contribution to British sport. It
is worth nothing here an interesting feature of sporting life in Britain,
namely, its frequently close connection with the social class of the players or
spectators except where a game may be said to be a “national” sport. This is
the case with cricket in England which is played and watched by all classes.
This is true of golf, which is everywhere in the British Isles a middle-class
activity. Rugby Union, the amateur variety of Rugby football, is the Welsh
national sport played by all sections of society whereas, elsewhere, it too is
a game for the middle classes. Association football is a working-class sport as
are boxing, wrestling, snooker, darts and dog-racing. As far as fishing is
concerned it is, apart from being the most popular British sport from the angle
of the number of active participants, a sport where what is caught determines
the class of a fisherman. If it is a salmon or trout it is upper-class, but if
it is the sort of fish found in canals, ponds or the sea, then the angler is
almost sure to be working-class.

Walking and swimming are the two most popular sporting
activities, being almost equally undertaken by men and women. Snooker
(billiards), pool and darts are next most popular sports among men. Aerobics
(keep-fit exercises) and yoga, squash and cycling are among the sports where
participation has been increasing in recent years.

There are several places in Britain associated with a
particular kind of sport. One of them is Wimbledon – a suburb to the south of
London where the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships are held in July (since
1877). The finals of the tournament are played on the Centre Court. The other one
is Wembley – a stadium in north London where international football matches,
the Cup Finals and other events have taken place since 1923. It can hold over
100000 spectators. The third one is Derby, the most famous flat race in the
English racing calendar, which has been run at Epsom near London since 1780.


the points of the plan in the correct order.

a)     Places in Great Britain associated with
particular kinds of sport.

b)    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

c)     Connection of sport life with social class of
players and spectators.

d)    Popular kinds of sport.

e)     National kinds of sport.

Multiple choice.

the correct variant.

1)    “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”

a)     We must work but not play;

b)    Play is more important than work;

c)     We should do both: play and work.

do they think so?

2)    The phrase “to play the game” means:

a)     To be sly, pretend;

b)    To be honest, fair;

c)     To be active, energetic.

Filling the gaps.

in the necessary words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1)    Association football is played from … till …

2)    Cricket is … national sport.

3)    The Scotland’s chief contribution to British
sport is … .

4)    Rugby Union, the amateur variety of rugby
football is … national game.

5)    Fishermen of upper-class catch … , anglers of
working class catch ordinary fish in … .


the beginning of the phrase with the suitable ending.

1)    International football
matches (like the Cup Final and others) take place in … .

a)     Wembley (a stadium in 
North London);

2)    All-England Lawn Tennis
Championship are held in July in … .

b)    Derby at Epson;

3)    The most famous flat race
is … .

c)     Wimbledon (a suburb to the
South of London).

Match the pictures with the words
given in the list:

Tossing the caber;

Throwing the hammer;

Traditional music of pipes

Tug of war;

Dancing competitions
(Highland fling, sword dance);

Athletes in  kilts.

























































Activity; sport; skiing;
rugby; sportsman; match; swimming pool; judo; dangerous; competition;
bodybuilding; fitness; medal.

3.     outdoor games; extreme; gold medals; cycling; tennis;
gymnastics; archery; cricket; discus; hockey; swimming; play; jump; football.

4.     1-swimming; 2-football; 3-jogging; 4-basketball; 5-mountain
climbing; 6-boxing; 7-fishing; 8-golf; 9-table tennis / ping-pong; 10-tennis;
11-baseball; 12-soccer.

5.     Across: 1. football;2. judo; 3. badminton; 4. ice hockey;
5. skating; 6. gymnastics; 7. volleyball; 8. motor racing (horse racing)

Down: 1. rugby; 2.
tennis; 3. athletics; 4. cricket; 5. skiing; 6. darts; 7. box; 8. swimming; 9.
karate; 10. cycling; 11. polo.

6.     a) chess; b) boating; c) hockey; d) darts; e) cycling; f)
fishing; g) figure skating; h) tennis.

7.     a) interested; b) interesting; c) exciting; d) disgusted;
e) fascinating.

8.     1-e; 2-I; 3-c; 4-h; 5-d; 6-b; 7-a; 8-g; 9-j; 10-f.

9.     a-C; b-F; c-E; d-A; e-B; f-D.

10.    1-  began; happened; were; was; were introduced; were;
ended; began; were; started; began; are.

2-    a. Where did the original Olympic Games start?

       b. Who competed in the ancient games?

       c. What is the oldest sport in the Olympic games?

       d. When did the modern games begin?

       e. What happened in 1912?

        f. How many sports are there in the modern Olympic

wasn’t it; will they; haven’t they; doesn’t they; could they; won’t they; have
they; has it; is he; did he; does he; shouldn’t we; couldn’t it; aren’t they;
do they; won’t you.

12. …..

The Wimbledon championship
has been held since 1877.

Women have taken part  in
the Wimbledon championships since 1884.

The University boat-race
started  in 1820 and has been rowed  on the Thames almost every spring since

The Cup Finals and other
events have taken place at Wembley since 1923.

Horse-racing began in the
Arab countries many centuries ago.

Tom has participated in
sports contests since 1999 and has already set a new school record in the 100
meter race.

13. ….

1)     He
lived in South London.

2)     He
saw the pimpled rubber mat in the chemist’s.

3)     He
stuck the rubber mat to his wooden table tennis bat.

4)     It
helped him to put a fast spin on the ball.

5)     Mr.
Goode’s clever idea completely changed the style and speed of table tennis.

6)     Table
tennis was first invented in England in about 1880.

7)     It
couldn’t be more than two millimeters thick on each side.


Sequencing: 1 – b; 2 – e; 3 – c; 4 – d; 5 – a.

Multiple choice: 1 – c; 2 – b.

Filling gaps: 1 — …late August…beginning of May; 2 — …summer..;
3 — … golf;  4 — …Welsh…; 5 – salmon, trout … canals, ponds or the sea.

Matching: 1 – a; 2 – e; 3 – b.

15.  a)
– d; b) – f; c) – a; d) – b; e) – c; f) – e.


acrobat – акробат

acrobatics – акробатика

activity – деятельность

aerobics – аэробика

amateur – любитель, поклонник

angler – рыбак

archery – стрельба из лука

artistic – артистичный

aspirin – аспирин

athlete – легкоатлет

athletics – атлетика

attack – атаковать

badminton – бадминтон

ball – мяч

basketball — баскетбол

bike – велосипед

boat – лодка

bodybuilding – бодибилдинг

bold – отважный

box – бокс

boxing – бокс

boxing gloves – боксерские перчатки

canals – каналы

championship – чемпионат

chess – шахматы

chessboard – шахматная доска

chessmen – шахматная фигура

club – дубинка

coast – морское побережье

competition – соревнование

contribution – взнос, пожертвование

courageous – мужественный

cricket – крикет

cycling – езда на велосипеде

dangerous – опасный

darts — дротики

definitely – точно, определенно

determine – определять

discus – диск

do – делать

dogracing – гонки собак

effort – усилие, попытка

encourage – ободрять

energetic – энергичный

entertaining – забавный

extreme – экстрим

fast – быстрый

fast spin – быстрое вращение

field – поле

figure skater – фигурист

figure skating – фигурное катание

fishing – рыбалка

fitness – фитнес

football – футбол

footballer – футболист

foreigners – иностранец

gentle form – знатный вид

go – идти

gold medals – золотые медали

golf – гольф

Greece – Греция

gymnast – гимнаст

gymnastics – гимнастика

hockey – хоккей

horseback – верхом

horse-racing – гонка лошадей

include – содержать

indoor – находящиеся в помещении

Javelin throwing – метание копьем

jogging – бег трусцой

judo – дзюдо

jump – прыгать

karate — каратэ

kilt – килт

lakes – озера

Marvelous – изумительный

match – матч

medal – медаль

motor racing – мотогонки

mountain climbing – скалолазание

mountaineer – альпинист

net – сетка

Olympic Games – Олимпийские игры

originate – создавать, порождать

outdoor games – игры на открытом воздухе

parachute – парашют

parachutist – парашютист

participation – участие

patient – терпеливый

pimpled rubber – прыщеватая резина

pingpong – настольный теннис

pipe – трубка

play – играть

polo – поло

pool – лужа, прудок

proverb – пословица

pub – пивная

puck – шайба

racket – ракетка

recent – недавний

record – рекорд

ride – ездить верхом

ring – кольцо

rowing – гребля

rugby – регби

runner – бегун

sailing – мореплавание

scuba diving – ныряние аквалангом

selfdefence – самозащита

shuttlecock – волан

skate – кататься на коньках

skates – коньки

skiing – катание на лыжах

skill – умение

sky diving – прыжки с высоты               
bungee jumping – прыжки с веревкой
pot holing – спуск в пещеры
rock climbing — скалолазание

snooker – снукер

soccer – футбол

Soldiers – солдаты

spectators – наблюдатели

sportsman – спортсмен

squash – сжимать

stadium – стадион

stick – бита

strong – сильный

suburb – окраина

swim – плавать

swimming – плавание 

swimming pool – бассейн

tennis – теннис

tennis player – игрок тенниса

thinker – мыслитель

throwing the hammer – бросание молота

tossing the caber – бросание прута

tournament – турнир

track – след

tug of war – перетягивание каната

wheels – колеса

white-water rafting – сплав

windsurfing – виндсерфинг

wooden – деревянный

working-class – рабочий класс

Wrestling – борьба

yacht – яхта

yoga – йога


Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон
Д.А.    Счастливый английский. Кн.2 для 7-9 кл. общеобразов. шк. – 2-е изд.,
испр. – Обнинск: Титул, 1999.

Смирнов А.В.    Рабочая
тетрадь по английскому языку: 8 класс: К учебнику В.П.Кузовлева и др. “
English  — 8”/ — М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2005.

Рабочая тетрадь по
английскому языку к  учебнику В.П.Кузовлева и др. “
English  — 8”,  1995.

Тематическое и поурочное
планирование по английскому языку к  учебнику В.П.Кузовлева и др. “
English  — 8”/ М.: Просвещение, 2002.

Счастливый английский. Кн.2.
Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа,
Э.Ш.Пререгудова и др. – 4-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 1997.

Новый словарь английского
Oxford/ Дж.М.Хокинс, Э.Делаханти,  Ф.Макдональд. – М.: ООО
«Издательство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2002.

«Английский язык» газета
Издательского дома «Первое сентября» (16-31 март) 2007 год.

120 TOPICS. Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку: Учебное пособие / А.П.
Миньяр-Белоручева. – М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2005.

Левицкая Ю.Э., Зубец Е.Ю.,
Позднеева О.В.   Английский язык. Сборник заданий по работе с текстом: 6-7
классы / — М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2006.

Миловидов В.А. 10
консультаций по английскому языку. – М.: Рольф: Айрис-пресс, 1999.

Северинова Е.Ю. Английский
язык. Экспресс-курс подготовки к итоговой аттестации. 11 класс / СПб.: Тригон,

Северинова Е.Ю. Английский
язык. Экспресс-курс подготовки к итоговой аттестации. 9 класс / СПб.: Тригон,

Русско – английский, англо –
русский словарь.




Задания и упражнения по теме СПОРТ на английском языке

Предлагаю вам небольшую подборку заданий и упражнений по теме СПОРТ на английском языке. Данные упражнения помогут вам закрепить лексику по теме SPORT, а также отработать некоторые грамматические навыки.

Лексические упражнения по теме спорт.

Упражнение 1. Заполните таблицу следующими видами спорта. Решите, какие виды спорта употребляются со словами PLAY, GO и DO.

Football, boxing, golf, karate, skiing, rugby, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, yoga, swimming, hockey, running, judo, soccer, bowling, dancing, cycling, chess




Упражнение 2. Угадайте, какой это вид спорта

  1. Each team has eleven players. The players of the two teams wear clothes of different colors. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with the hands.
  2. Each team has up to eleven players, but only seven of them can play at the same time. The players have caps on. They mustn’t splash water into the face of opponent.
  3. Each team has six players on the court. The player can hit the ball with the hand. She/he has to release the ball before hitting it. The players are not allowed to touch the net.
  4. It is a team sport. Each team has up to ten players, but only five of them can play at the same time. The players must try for a goal within 30 seconds of possessing the ball.
  5. Each team can have up to seventeen players, but only six can play at the same time. Players wear skates and helmets.

Упражнение 3. Заполните таблицу следующими видами спорта.

golf / basketball / diving / swimming / wrestling / skiing / football / karate / gymnastics / cricket / weight lifting / running / volleyball / horse riding / handball / boxing / tennis / water polo / table tennis / judo

Played/done Individually

Played in pairs

Played in Teams

Упражнение 4. Определите, что это за вид спорта. Подсказки – в рамке.

High-jump / karate / football / basketball / ice-hockey / boxing / golf / skiing / diving / tennis

  1. The sport of moving over snow on skis.
  2. The sport of jumping into water or swimming under water.
  3. The sport of fighting with your hands, wearing thick gloves.
  4. A game for two teams of eleven players who try to kick a ball into a goal on a field.
  5. A game for two or four players who hold rackets and hit a small ball over a net.
  6. A Japanese sport where people fight with their hands and feet.
  7. A game that two teams play on ice.
  8. A sport where people jump over a high bar.
  9. A game that you play by hitting a small ball into holes with a club.
  10. A game for two teams of five players who try to throw a ball into a high net ring.

Упражнение 5. Соедините виды спорта и места, где занимаются данным видом спорта

2. boxing / wrestling

3. tennis / basketball / volleyball

4. football / hockey / rugby

5. athletics / motor racing

6. ice hockey / skating

Упражнение 6. В каком из этих видов спорта используется данный спортинвентарь.

4. a shuttlecock

D. football / hockey

E. tennis / volleyball

F. hockey / ice hockey

H. tennis / badminton

Упражнение 7. Дополните текст подходящим по смыслу словом из рамки

pools / courts / stadium / rink / athletes / jumping / track / pitches / rings

Nick James is very happy because there is a big sports center near his home. There are football (1) _______, tennis and basketball (2) ________, swimming (3) _______, a sports hall with two boxing (4) ______ and even a skating (5) _______. There is also a separate athletics (6) _______, where 30 000 spectators can watch track events on the (7) _____ and field events, such as (8) ________and throwing, in the grass center. The (9) _______ get ready in modern changing rooms. A huge scoreboard shows the results.

Nick often attends sports events. He also goes swimming three times a week and hopes to succeed in this sport.

Грамматические упражнения по теме спорт.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Вставьте глагол в Present Simple. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Alex 1___________ (to have) many hobbies. The boy 2____________ (to like) doing sports. He 3______________ (to play) soccer. He 4 _______ (to be) a forward in his team. Alex and his friends 5_____________ (to play) baseball. Alex 6___________ (to throw) balls. He 7________ (to be) a pitcher. His friend John 8______________ (to catch) balls. John 9___________ (to be) a catcher. Every summer the friends 10___________ (to wait) for a baseball tournament. The tournament 11 _________ (to be) in June. Sometimes Alex and his friends 12__________ (to go) in for mountaineering. They 13_____________ (to climb) mountains and rocks. It 14________ (to be) a risky but interesting sport. Alex 15__________ (to use) special ropes when he 16_____________ (to climb) a rock.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящие предлоги: for / on / of / at / in / between

  1. Kate is not very good _____ skiing.
  2. The match was ________ Wales and Scotland.
  3. There was a crowd ____ 40 000 ______ the stadium.
  4. Which team does he play_____?
  5. A runner-up comes second ______a race or competition.
  6. You use golf club to play golf ____a golf course.
  7. She’s the best player ______ the team.
  8. The result _____the football match was a 1:1 draw.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, корректно образуя степень сравнения прилагательного.

  1. Mary is _________ (tall) girl in her volleyball team.
  2. Do you really think that Tina is _______ (fast) than Sandra?
  3. John’s results in tennis are getting ________ (good) and ______ (good).
  4. This exercise is very ____________ (difficult).
  5. Our PE teacher is __________ (strong) of all our teachers.

Рекомендации лексико-грамматических упражнений по теме «Спорт» для родителей детей с ТНР
методическая разработка по логопедии (старшая группа)

Расскажите ребенку о разных видах спорта, как называются спортсмены разных видов спорта, познакомьте с названиями спортивных снарядов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Расскажите ребенку о разных видах спорта, как называются спортсмены разных видов спорта, познакомьте с названиями спортивных снарядов.

Названия: тренер, стадион, физкультурник, спортсмен, зал, зарядка, корт, упражнения форма, соревнования, победитель, чемпион, свисток, флажок, судья, лыжник(ца), конькобежец(ка), стрелок, лучник(ца), турист(ка), пловец, пловчиха, шахматист, шахматистка, шашист(ка), турист(ка), прыгун(ья), хоккеист(ка).

Признаки: легкоатлетический, гимнастический, утренняя, сильный, здоровый, крепкий, мужественный, умелый, ловкий, гибкий, уверенный, настойчивый, стройный, быстрый.

Действия: заниматься, расти, работать, бегать, прыгать, плавать, стрелять, играть, тренироваться, побеждать, выигрывать, проигрывать, соревноваться.

  1. «Кто что делает?» (образование существительных м.р. и ж.р.)

Ходит на лыжах – лыжник, лыжница

Бегает на коньках – конькобежец, конькобежка

Стреляет из винтовки – стрелок

Стреляет из лука – лучник, лучница

Играет в теннис – теннисист, теннисистка

Занимается боксом – боксер,

занимается фигурным катанием – фигурист, фигуристка

Прыгает с парашютом – парашютист, парашютистка

Ездит на мотоцикле – мотоциклист, мотоциклистка

Занимается борьбой – борец

Прыгает – прыгун, прыгунья

Играет в шахматы – шахматист, шахматистка и др.

(образование существительных мн.ч. в Р.п.)

Спортсмен – много спортсменов

Упражнение – много упражнений

Чемпион – чемпионов и др.

(образование сравнительной степени наречий)

Маша бегает быстро, а Саша еще быстрее.

Маша прыгает высоко, а Саша еще … (выше).

Маша точно попадает в цель, а Саша еще … (точнее)

Маша далеко ушла вперед, а Саша еще …(дальше).

  1. «Скажи наоборот» (поиск антонимов)

Встать – сесть Закрывать – открывать

Войти – выйти Одеваться — раздеваться

Поднять – опустить Ложиться – вставать

Рано – поздно Быстро – медленно

Говорить – молчать Светло – темно

Польза – вред вдох — выдох

  1. «Беседа о физкультуре и спорте» (построение монолога)

Что нужно, чтобы вырасти сильным, здоровым, крепким?

Как называются люди, занимающиеся физкультурой?

Как называются люди, занимающиеся спортом?

Чем отличается спортсмен от физкультурника?

Какие виды спорта ты знаешь?

Где занимаются спортсмены?

Какие спортивные принадлежности и оборудование ты знаешь?

Как называются крупные соревнования спортсменов?

По материалам методического пособия Арефьевой Ларисы Николаевны «ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕМЫ ПО РАЗВИТИЮ РЕЧИ ДЕТЕЙ 4—8 ЛЕТ»

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Дидактические игры по формированию лексико-грамматических категорий и навыков словообразования у детей.

для детского сада.

Конспект фронтального логопедического занятия по формированию лексико-грамматических категорий в старшей группе для детей с ОНР

Предлагаю конспект занятия, стержень которого стихотворный текст, ведь поэзия является уникальным средством развития фонематического слуха. Оно представляет собой маленький поэтический спектакль, кото.

Конспект итогового занятия по совершенствованию лексико-грамматических категорий и развитию речи у детей с ОНР.

Предлагается конспект обобщающего занятия по совершенствованию лексико-грамматических категорий и развитию связной речи у детей с ОНР. Стихотворная форма занятия легче воспринимается детьми и по.

Дидактические игры по формированию лексико-грамматических категорий и навыков словообразования у детей c ОНР.

Картотека дидактических игр, направленных на формирование лексико-грамматических категорий и навыков словообразования у детей.

Статья по теме «Использование лексико-грамматических игровых упражнений в формировании речи детей».

Использование лексико-грамматических игровых упражнений помогает в коррекции и воспитании речевого развития детей.

Картотека дидактических и лексико — грамматических игр влияющих на развитие речи детей (для родителей).

Проблема формирования грамматического строя речи является одной из самых актуальных проблем в развитии речи детей дошкольного возраста. Грамматическийстрой усваивается ребенко.

Лексико-грамматические игровые упражнения по теме РЫБЫ для детей старшего дошкольного возраста. Рекомендации для родителей.

Перечень лексико-грамматических упражнений позволит родителям закрепить пройденный материал по теме в игровой форме.

Упражнения по теме: «Спорт», 8 класс

Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»

по теме: « Be a good sport »

для учащихся 8 класса

(этап совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, совершенствование грамматических навыков)

Word power. Many sport words became international. Do you know these sport words? Put the words in the right column in the table.

Вставьте пропущенные буквы в слова.

Match the words with the pictures.

table tennis / ping-pong

Find the names of sports in the crossword.

What kind of sport?

Choose the right word to complete these opinions .

Match the names of sports with the names of equipments.

Match the pictures to the names of sport
a) sky diving
b) bungee jumping
c) pot holing
d) rock climbing
e) white-water rafting
f) scuba diving

Fill in the information with the right forms of the verbs.

Complete the questions to the facts about the Olympic Games.

Peter, Sue and Bob are football fans. They are talking about the World Cup. Complete their conversation by putting in the question tags.

Make sentences complete using Past Simple or Present Perfect. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive.

The Wimbledon championship (to hold) since 1877.

Women (to take part) in the Wimbledon championships since 1884.

The University boat-race (to start) in 1820 and (to row) on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.

The Cup Finals and other events (to take place) at Wembley since 1923.

Horse-racing (to begin) in the Arab countries many centuries ago.

Tom (to participate) in sports contests since 1999 and already ( to set) a new school record in the 100 meter race.

Read the text and answer the questions.

A Fantastic New Idea.

Eighty years ago, Mr. Goode of Putney, South London, went to the chemist’s to buy some aspirin. In the shop, he almost forgot about his tablets as he stood looking at the pimpled rubber mat on the counter. It has given him a fantastic new idea.

He paid for his aspirin and the rubber mat. Then he rushed home, cut the rubber mat to the right shape and size and stuck it to his wooden table tennis bat. The thin layer of rubber helped him put a very fast spin on the ball. When he became the English champion, everyone started copying him, putting rubber layer on their bats, and soon Mr. Goode’s clever idea completely changed the style and speed of table tennis.

Table tennis was first invented in England in about 1880. At first the game had several strange names: Gossima, Whiff Whaff and Ping Pong. It wasn’t until 1926 that the international Table Tennis Association was formed with international championship and rules. One of the rules was that the rubber lining of the bat (Mr. Goode’s invention) couldn’t be more than two millimeters thick in each side.

Where did Mr. Goode live?

Where did he see the pimpled rubber mat?

What did he do with rubber layer?

In what way did the thin layer of rubber help him?

What changed the style and speed of the table tennis?

When and where was table tennis first invented?

How thick could the rubber lining of the bat be?

Highland games are not the only kind of sport in the Great Britain. Read this text to find out what other kinds of sport are popular and considered “national” in Great Britain. Do the exercises after the text.


Many kinds of sport originated from England. The English have a proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. They do not think that play is more important than work; they think that Jack will do his work better if he plays as well, so he is encourages to do both. Association football, or soccer is one of the most popular games in the British Isles played from late August until the beginning of May. In summer the English national sport is cricket. When the English say: “that’s not cricket” it means “that’s not fair”, “to play the games” means “to be fair”.

Golf is Scotland’s chief contribution to British sport. It is worth nothing here an interesting feature of sporting life in Britain, namely, its frequently close connection with the social class of the players or spectators except where a game may be said to be a “national” sport. This is the case with cricket in England which is played and watched by all classes. This is true of golf, which is everywhere in the British Isles a middle-class activity. Rugby Union, the amateur variety of Rugby football, is the Welsh national sport played by all sections of society whereas, elsewhere, it too is a game for the middle classes. Association football is a working-class sport as are boxing, wrestling, snooker, darts and dog-racing. As far as fishing is concerned it is, apart from being the most popular British sport from the angle of the number of active participants, a sport where what is caught determines the class of a fisherman. If it is a salmon or trout it is upper-class, but if it is the sort of fish found in canals, ponds or the sea, then the angler is almost sure to be working-class.

Walking and swimming are the two most popular sporting activities, being almost equally undertaken by men and women. Snooker (billiards), pool and darts are next most popular sports among men. Aerobics (keep-fit exercises) and yoga, squash and cycling are among the sports where participation has been increasing in recent years.

There are several places in Britain associated with a particular kind of sport. One of them is Wimbledon – a suburb to the south of London where the All-England Lawn Tennis Championships are held in July (since 1877). The finals of the tournament are played on the Centre Court. The other one is Wembley – a stadium in north London where international football matches, the Cup Finals and other events have taken place since 1923. It can hold over 100000 spectators. The third one is Derby, the most famous flat race in the English racing calendar, which has been run at Epsom near London since 1780.

Put the points of the plan in the correct order.

Places in Great Britain associated with particular kinds of sport.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Connection of sport life with social class of players and spectators.

Popular kinds of sport.

National kinds of sport.

Choose the correct variant.

“ all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” means:

We must work but not play;

Play is more important than work;

We should do both: play and work.

Why do they think so?

The phrase “to play the game” means:

To be sly, pretend;

To be honest, fair;

To be active, energetic.

Filling the gaps.

Put in the necessary words or phrases to complete the sentences.

Association football is played from … till … .

Cricket is … national sport.

The Scotland’s chief contribution to British sport is … .

Rugby Union, the amateur variety of rugby football is … national game.

Fishermen of upper-class catch … , anglers of working class catch ordinary fish in … .

Match the beginning of the phrase with the suitable ending.

International football matches (like the Cup Final and others) take place in … .

Wembley (a stadium in North London);

All-England Lawn Tennis Championship are held in July in … .

The most famous flat race is … .

Wimbledon (a suburb to the South of London).

Match the pictures with the words given in the list:

Tossing the caber;

Throwing the hammer;

Traditional music of pipes (pipers);

Dancing competitions (Highland fling, sword dance);




  • Учителю
  • Упражнения по теме: ‘Спорт’, 8 класс

Автор публикации:

Дата публикации: 15.04.2015

Краткое описание: Данная разработка упражнения подготовлена для организации урока повторения по теме «Спорт» для 8 класса (этап совершенствования навыков устной и письменной речи, совершенствование грамматических навыков). Представлены разнообразные упражнения для отработки лексики по

предварительный просмотр материала

Методическая разработка

по теме: «Be a good sport »

для учащихся 8 класса

(этап совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, совершенствование грамматических навыков)


  1. Word power. Many sport words became international. Do you know these sport words? Put the words in the right column in the table.











tennis player










figure skater











figure skating






















  1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы в слова.

Indoor Sports. 
Synchronous swimming – синхронное плавание, basketball — баскетбол, chess — шахматы, gymnastics – спортивная гимнастика, volleyball — волейбол,  karate — карате, billiards — бильярд, judo — дзюдо, wrestling – спортивная борьба,figure skating-фигурное катание, draughts – шашки, table tennis – настольный теннис, boxing – бокс, water polo, diving-ныряние.
Outdoor Sports. 
Windsurfing, skiing, yachting,
cycling, rugby, rock climbing, cricket, hockey,  water skiing, curling, roller skating, rowing,
motor races, volleyball, diving, baseball, skydiving, field hockey, rafting.
Winter Sports.
Figure skating, skiing, ice hockey,
skating, curling.
Summer Sports.
Windsurfing, yachting, cycling, rugby, boxing, rock climbing, cricket, water polo, synchronous swimming, basketball, chess, water skiing, roller skating, rowing, gymnastics, motor races, volleyball, diving, baseball, karate, skydiving, billiards, field hockey, rafting, judo, wrestling.
Water Sports.
Windsurfing,  yachting,  water
polo,  synchronous swimming,  water  skiing, rowing,  diving,  rafting.

Тексты на английском языке с заданиями по теме «Sports» для разных уровней. Тексты содержат познавательную информацию и будут интересны изучающим английский язык на среднем уровне в рамках изучения темы «Спорт». Перед тем как читать тексты, рекомендуется изучить Список английских слов по теме «Sports» №2 (intermediate). Эти тексты отличаются от сложных и скучных текстов в учебниках английского языка, так как специально отобраны и отредактированы. Занимайтесь английским с удовольствием!

Тексты на английском языке по теме «Sports» расскажут вам об истории происхождения таких популярных видов спорта, как серфинг, бокс и баскетбол, а также об истории возникновения Олимпийских и паралимпийских игр. Эти познавательные тексты помогут вам не только расширить свой словарный запас и улучшить свой английский язык, но и узнать много интересного.

  1. Текст №1 «About Skateboarding» (pre-intermediate)
  2. Текст №2 «Surfing» (pre-intermediate)
  3. Текст №3 «The Paralympics» (intermediate)
  4. Текст №4 «About Swimming» (intermediate)
  5. Текст №5 «Boxing» (intermediate)
  6. Текст №6 «Basketball» (intermediate)
  7. Текст №7 «The Olympics» (intermediate)
  8. Текст №8 «From the history of sports»
  9. Текст №9 «From the history of footbal» (upper-intermediate)
  10. Sports (general information)

Text №1 «Skateboarding» (pre-intermediate)

Задание. Read the text. Complete the passages using the words: board, becomes, practice, sport, foot,sometimes, body, balance, feet

Skateboarding has become a very popular 1. ______ . All a person needs to enjoy this sport is a skateboard, good 2._______ , and some 3. ________ .   It is a good idea to use safety helmets and kneepads because even the best skateboarders fall 4._________. To begin skateboarding, put one foot on the skateboard and push forward with the other 5. ____. When you get moving fast enough put both 6._______on the 7. ____________. You keep your balance by moving your arms and 8._________. The more you practice the easier it 9.___________.

Text №2 «Surfing» (pre-intermediate)

Что вы знаете о серфинге? Кажется, что этот вид спорта только недавно завоевал популярность, однако произошло это в 1960. Кстати, первыми сёрфингистами были … аборигены. Перед тем, как читать текст про сёрфинг, пройдите опрос.

What do you know about surfing? (вводный опрос)

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

Загрузка ... Загрузка …

sports тексты на английском языке

Text «Surfing»

  • practice — практиковать
  • report — сообщать
  • introduction — внедрение
  • fiberglass — стекловолокно
  • Maui — остров Мауи, второй по величине остров в архипелаге Гавайских островов (США)
  • Oahu — остров Оаху (Гавайи; США)
  • experience — испытывать

Surfing is popular all over the world. It is practiced on lakes and rivers, seas and oceans   — anywhere with good wind.

Some people think that it is a new kind of sport. But it is not. It was first reported by the British explorer Captain Cook in 1778. It became popular with the introduction of mass-produced, lightweight (легкий) boards made of fiberglass in the 1960s.

The birthplace of surfing is Hawaii and today it’s home of the most famous surfing competition. Huge waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer dreams of experiencing surfing in Maui or Oahu.

The best time for surfing is when the waves are high. Serious surfers must be brave, love adventures and have lots of energy. Once they’ve experienced the excitement of a ride on the top of the waves, they never want to stop.

It takes time to learn to catch a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there. But during a hot summer day, who minds learning?

Text №3 «The Paralympics»

  • physical disability (disabled) — ограниченные возможности

The Paralympics is for people with a physical disability. They were first held in Rome in 1960 and sibce that time there have been 9 Paralympics. The athletes take part in 19 different sports. They play tennis and snookers. They do judo and ride a bike. Some athletes do weight lifting and some go swimming. A lot of athletes go running and jumping. Athletics is very popular. Playing table tennis is also very popular among disabled athletes.

Text №4 «Swimming» (intermediate)

Задание. Read the text. Complete the passages using the words: racing, until, goggles, almost, as long as, safety, splash, besides, ear plugs, prevent

Most Americans can swim, and 1_______ everyone likes at least to 2 _________ around in the waves on a hot day at the beach. Knowing how to swim is important for 3 _________but when you do it seriously, swimming is also one of the best exercises for your body.

4___________ water and swimsuit you don’t need much.
5___________keep irritating chlorinated water out of your eyes and let you watch where you’re going, A swimming cap makes you more streamlined for 6__________ and keeps your hair out of your face.

7 __________keep the water out and 8__________ear infections.

To get in shape, start by swimming twenty minutes three times a week. Add ten minutes 9 __________ you’re swimming for an hour each time. Vary your strokes to work different muscles. It’s okay to take short breaks, 10 ____________your heart rate stays up.

Text №5 «Boxing» (intermediate)

  • go back — зародиться
  • rub — натирать
  • were bound with — обвязаны
  • maim for life — остаться калекой
  • concede defeat — признать поражение
  • introduce — ввести в практику
  • space roped off — пространство, отгороженное канатом

Boxing is an old sport, going back to the days of ancient Greece, where it was an important part of the Olympic Games. The Olympics were held during the hottest part of the summer, and the boxers were rubbed with oil to limit perspiration. Their hands were bound with heavy leather strips often loaded with lead or iron. So fighters were frequently maimed for life. There were no rounds and no time limits — the men fought until one of them conceded defeat.

The sport passed from Greece to Rome, but after the fall of Rome it was unknown in Europe until the 18th century, when James Figg introduced gloveless fighting in England, and opened a boxing school in London. He built an amphitheatre with a square space roped off for the fighters. Figg didn’t believe in rest periods, and a fight continued without stop until one man had obviously won.

Text №6 «Basketball» (intermediate)

  • origin — происхождение
  • hang — вешать
  • purpose — цель
  • attempt— попытка
  • prevent from — помешать

Basket-ball is perhaps the only sport whose origin we can speak of without fear of a mistake.

During the winter of 1891— 1892, James Naesmith, a college instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented the game of basket-ball. He wanted his students to have physical exercise between the time when the football season closed and the baseball season opened. He hung fruit baskets on the walls at opposite ends of the gymnasium and organized nine-men teams to play his new game. The purpose of the game was to throw the ball into one basket and to attempt to prevent the opposing team from throwing the ball into the other basket.

There have since been many changes in the rules (for example, the number of players is now reduced to five), but the game is basically the same today as it was more than eighty years ago.

Text №7 «The Olympic Games» (intermediate)

  • interlinked — связанных
  • chariot racing — гонки на колесницах
  • were resumed — были возобновлены

The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic games. The Olympic games proves that real peace can be achieved through sport. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of festival held every fourth year in honor of the God  Zeus at the place called Mount Olympus.

It was great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing, and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to attend the Olympics.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic games were held in France. Now they are held regularly.

Text №8 «From the History of Sport»

Some tribes of Native Americans played a game which was alike football, but it had a religious meaning.  The winning team had to be executed as the one that had pleased the gods of the tribe.

Britain doesn’t often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world championship, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games.

Golf was first played in Scotland in the 15th  century and the most famous golf club, Saint Andrew in Scotland, is still the most respected authority on golf in the world.

Cricket was first played in England in the 16th century and its rules were written in the 18th century. It is a popular summer sport in England, but it is not played in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Football (soccer) has been played in one form or another for hundreds of years. First it was a very rude and hard game. There were no rules. But since 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (FA) was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all games. By the end of the 19th century almost every town had its own team.

Rugby is a form of football in which the ball can be handled (взят в руки). It was start as a game in the 19th century. Rugby takes its name from Rugby school in the Midlands. In 1823, a boy playing football at the school picked up the ball and ran with it. Now it is one of the most popular games.

American football is different from soccer. It is played with an oval ball. American football and rugby are alike.

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