Word power made easy pdf

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  • Руководства
  • Норман Льюис

  • 📚 Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запаса

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Универсальное практическое пособие для всех, кто желает проверить, исправить и улучшить свой английский.

Простая методика пошагового расширения личного словарного запаса научит вас увереннее говорить, читать и писать, быстрее усваивать материал на английском языке.

Остроумные тесты на усвоение материала и правописание, упражнения на проверку грамматики и фонетическая транскрипция с учетом особенностей современной речи помогут закрепить знания.

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09 июня 2011
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Л. А. Игоревский

Книга Нормана Льюиса «Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запаса» — скачать в pdf или читать онлайн. Оставляйте комментарии и отзывы, голосуйте за понравившиеся.

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Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запаса

Норман Льюис

Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запасаPDF

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  • Higher education and science

  • Languages and linguistics

  • English language

  • English as a First Language

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  • size 89,91 MB
  • added by fox72 11/23/2012 21:33
  • info modified 11/24/2012 01:30

Lewis Norman. Word Power Made Easy

USA, 1978. – 528 p.
A great concept by Norman Lewis. This book is excellently written for improvement of vocabulary and grammar. The mechanism of the book is the easiest of all that one can find. Free eBook Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis PDF Download.
The book is divided parts, each part is divided into chapters and each chapter is divided into sessions. Now, each chapter begins with a session containing 10 basic words with detailed explanations for easy memorization. After you memorize the 10 words, you proceed to the next sessions of the chapter in which the 10 words are broken down into the root words. Now, from each root word, number of other words which are built on the same root word are explained briefly and clearly. So, this mechanism allows you to memorize more than 100 words from 10 basic words.
Further, the book has »Review» and »Test Your Learning» sessions through which you can never forget the words you have learnt.
Further, the book is written in so simple language that even a child can read it very easily.
The book is easy to avail and is much cheaper than any other books of the similiar category.

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  • Академическая и специальная литература

  • Языки и языкознание

  • Английский язык

  • Английский язык как родной (English as a First Language)

  • Файл формата
  • размером 89,91 МБ
  • Добавлен пользователем fox72 23.11.2012 21:33
  • Описание отредактировано 24.11.2012 01:30

Lewis Norman. Word Power Made Easy

USA, 1978. – 528 p.
A great concept by Norman Lewis. This book is excellently written for improvement of vocabulary and grammar. The mechanism of the book is the easiest of all that one can find. Free eBook Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis PDF Download.
The book is divided parts, each part is divided into chapters and each chapter is divided into sessions. Now, each chapter begins with a session containing 10 basic words with detailed explanations for easy memorization. After you memorize the 10 words, you proceed to the next sessions of the chapter in which the 10 words are broken down into the root words. Now, from each root word, number of other words which are built on the same root word are explained briefly and clearly. So, this mechanism allows you to memorize more than 100 words from 10 basic words.
Further, the book has »Review» and »Test Your Learning» sessions through which you can never forget the words you have learnt.
Further, the book is written in so simple language that even a child can read it very easily.
The book is easy to avail and is much cheaper than any other books of the similiar category.

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Word Power Made Easy Free Download


Publisher: Anchor Books
Genres: Popular Psychology, Usage & Grammar Guides, Reference Books, Language: Reference & General
Pages: 560 pages
ISBN13: 9781101873854
Tags: Popular Psychology, Usage & Grammar Guides, Reference Books, Language: Reference & General, Free Download, PDF Download
Language: en
Physical Form: eBook
Type: PDF

A time-tested classic—first published more than sixty years ago—that has helped millions achieve mastery of English, now in an Anchor mass market edition for the first time. Word Power Made Easy is the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language. It provides a simple, step-by-step method for increasing knowledge and mastery of written and spoken English. Arranged in thematic sections—on everything from how to flatter friends and insult enemies to how to talk precisely about science and medicine—the book is written in a lively, accessible, and often humorous style, presenting ideas and a method of broadening your knowledge as an integral part of vocabulary-building. The author delves into etymology to arm the reader to decode unfamiliar words, provides phonetic pronunciations, gives tips on avoiding common spelling errors, and offers useful sections on which fussy, old-fashioned grammar rules are valid and which are outdated or misguided and can be safely ignored. Loaded with helpful reviews, progress checks, and quizzes to reinforce the material, this classic resource has helped millions learn to speak and write with greater sophistication.


Word Power Made Easy: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary

Year: 2014
Language: english
Author: Norman Lewis
Publisher: Anchor Books
ISBN: 978-0-307-81749-5
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 852
Description: The most effective English language vocabulary builder available: this time-tested classic has helped millions achieve mastery of English and improve their communications skills in business, the classroom, and in life.
Word Power Made Easy provides a simple, step-by-step method for increasing knowledge and mastery of the language. Arranged in thematic sections—on everything from how to flatter friends and insult enemies to how to talk precisely about science and medicine—the book is written in a lively, accessible, and often humorous style, presenting ideas and a method of broadening your knowledge as an integral part of vocabulary-building. The author delves into etymology to arm the reader to decode unfamiliar words, provides phonetic pronunciations, gives tips on avoiding common spelling errors, and offers useful sections on which fussy, old-fashioned grammar rules are valid and which are outdated or misguided and can be safely ignored. Loaded with helpful reviews, progress checks, and quizzes to reinforce the material, this classic resource—first published sixty years ago—has helped millions learn to speak and write with greater sophistication.



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