Word power crossword puzzles

10000+ results for ‘crossword puzzle’

Fruit Crossword Puzzle

Fruit Crossword Puzzle

by Ooperurtre9ugtu


6th Grade Banned Books Crossword Puzzle

6th Grade Banned Books Crossword Puzzle

by Funlibrary

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crossword puzzle

crossword puzzle

by Rquinta

Familia Crossword Puzzle

Familia Crossword Puzzle

by Hgarrabrant

Spartan Crossword Puzzle

Spartan Crossword Puzzle

by Mvargas5


matching animals

matching animals
Matching pairs

by Aher7548


Unit 9 Crossword Puzzle

Unit 9 Crossword Puzzle

by Jfrench2

Winn Dixie CrossWord. Puzzle

Winn Dixie CrossWord. Puzzle

by Trineshia


Vowel Teams Crossword Puzzle

Vowel Teams Crossword Puzzle

by Candic




by Camurphy

Student Banned Books Crossword Puzzle

Student Banned Books Crossword Puzzle

by Funlibrary

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Crossword Puzzle - Trick Words

Crossword Puzzle — Trick Words

by Tinatravers


Banned Books Crossword Puzzle

Banned Books Crossword Puzzle

by Funlibrary


Crossword puzzle training

Crossword puzzle training

by Lmalloy

Lesson 5.5 Crossword Puzzle

Lesson 5.5 Crossword Puzzle

by Karen43


4B Crucigrama (Crossword Puzzle)

4B Crucigrama (Crossword Puzzle)

by Valerie101


Crossword puzzle for valentine's day

Crossword puzzle for valentine’s day

by Elearningcisp

Deutsche im Urlaub Crossword Puzzle

Deutsche im Urlaub Crossword Puzzle
Maze chase

by Aerdfalvi

High School

RFT Ch. 4: Crossword Puzzle

RFT Ch. 4: Crossword Puzzle
Missing word

by Julaine

Health Safety

Coffeen 4B Crucigrama (Crossword Puzzle)

Coffeen 4B Crucigrama (Crossword Puzzle)

by Megancoffeen

IFT Ch. 3 Crossword Puzzle

IFT Ch. 3 Crossword Puzzle
Match up

by Julaine


Q3: Week #17 - Crossword Puzzle

Q3: Week #17 — Crossword Puzzle

by Alarcon2

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by Anshu030808

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by Snthomas

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Lesson 25 -  Journeys 2nd Grade - crossword puzzle

Lesson 25 — Journeys 2nd Grade — crossword puzzle

by Og2tor



by Efork


Crossword Puzzle. Module 3. Quarter 2

Crossword Puzzle. Module 3. Quarter 2

by Norenalugonato28


IFT, Ch. 1 Crossword Puzzle, Pg. 19

IFT, Ch. 1 Crossword Puzzle, Pg. 19
Match up

by Julaine


Week #5 Spelling Words Crossword Puzzle

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by Alarcon2

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by Cathy71

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by 25206899


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by Campbella1


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by Alison48

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by Daniel609

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by Hilll1



by Katwanphillips2

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by Gibby

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by Mpastor5

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by Yvasquez

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by Onieves

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by Shawnaanika

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by Lisageeseman

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by Hply1


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by Mahudgins32


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by Hedy

Speech Therapy

Crossword Power — программа для составления классических кроссвордов и некоторых их разновидностей. При помощи данного приложения также можно составлять обучающие материалы, связанные с изучением словарных, технических, терминологических, иностранных слов.

Программа Crossword Power является условно-бесплатным программным продуктом с возможностью бесплатного использования с некоторыми функциональными ограничениями. Интерфейс приложения выполнен на английском языке, однако создание кроссвордов (слова и вопросы/описания/подсказки к ним) возможно на множестве языков, включая русский. Работает программа на Windows 98 и в более поздних версиях (поддерживаются системы x86 и x64).

Программа для Создания кроссвордов

Программа Crossword Power позволяет создавать кроссворды со следующими характеристиками:

  • Максимальное количество разгадываемых слов и подсказок к ним — до 200 единиц.
  • Максимальная длина слов — 28 символов, подсказок — до 120 символов.
  • Количество столбцов и рядов («по вертикали» и «по горизонтали») — до 36 и 25, соответственно.
  • Для создания списка слов с вопросами/подсказками предусмотрен удобный редактор, представляющий собой редактируемую таблицу с двумя столбцами. Создаваемые списки могут быть сохранены на компьютере, а затем отрыты в любой момент для редактирования.
  • Поддержка широкого спектра кодировок текстов, что позволяет создавать кроссворды на всех языках развитых стран мира.

Отдельно следует отметить возможность программы автоматически организовывать столбцы и строки по всем правилам создания кроссвордов, т.е. с пересечением слов в местах с одинаковыми буквами. Пользователи Crossword Power полностью избавляются от необходимости выполнения этой процедуры вручную (ручная расстановка строк и столбцов вообще не предусмотрена). Но и это еще не все. В Crossword Power имеются и другие функции оформления кроссвордного поля:

  • Возможность выбора одного из уникальных 30 вариантов расстановки слов на поле.
  • Возможность установки пользователем максимального количества строк и/или столбцов, что позволит создать кроссвордное поле нужных габаритов (и в этом случае программа самостоятельно расставляет слова).
  • Возможность установки шрифта, его размера и стилистики, а также настройки толщины внутренних и внешних границ.
  • Настройка расположения кроссворда и подсказок/вопросов на кроссвордном поле.
  • И другие.

Программа Crossword Power позволяет создавать следующие разновидности кроссвордов и учебных материалов:

  • «Crossword Puzzle» (кнопка «Puz» в меню программы) — классический кроссворд с пронумерованными строками/столбцами и подсказками/вопросами «по горизонтали» и «по вертикали».
  • «Kriss Kross With Clues» (кнопка «Kkc») — столбцы и строки без нумерации с подсказами, в которых указывается количество символов в загаданном слове. Разгадчику предстоит не только угадывать слова, но и правильно расставить их в ячейки.
  • «Kriss Kross First Letter» (кнопка «Kkf») — столбцы и строки без нумерации, подсказки, как таковые, отсутствуют, а вместо них указываются первые буквы слов и количество символов в них.
  • «Kriss Kross — Words» (кнопка «Kkw») — а таких кроссвордах приводится список слов, которые разгадчику предстоит вписать в подходящие столбцы и строки.

Любые созданные кроссворды могут быть распечатаны напрямую из приложения. В качестве приятного бонуса в программе Crossword Power имеется функция создания японской головоломки судоку (кнопка «Sud» в меню) по схеме «3 на 3» различной степени сложности.

We have a large collection of crossword puzzles online, and new ones are added on a regular basis. They are entertaining to play, but they are also educational in that they help to reinforce spelling.

The three Benefits of Crossword Puzzles

  • To begin with, our crossword puzzles are completely free to play, and you can even go old school and print them out to enjoy later.
  • Furthermore, these puzzles are excellent for consolidating spelling because they require you to spell linked words correctly in order to complete the task.
  • Above all, the more words you encounter and comprehend, the broader your daily vocabulary will become, so they are an excellent way to increase your exposure to both old and new words.

To get started playing, just select a level from below. Best of luck.

Basic English Learners

A1 Elementary Level

Here are crossword puzzles for students at an elementary level of English or A1 on the  CEFR scale.

A2 Pre-Intermediate Level

In this section the crossword puzzles are for students at a pre-intermediate level of English or A2 on the CEFR scale.

Independent English Learners

B1 Intermediate Level

For these crossword puzzles, they are for students at an intermediate level of English or B1 on the CEFR scale.

B2 Upper Intermediate Level

In this section the crossword puzzles are for students at an upper-intermediate level of English or B2 on the CEFR scale.

Crossword Puzzles for Proficient English Learners

C1 Advanced Level

For this last section, these crossword puzzles are for students at an advanced level of English or C1 on the CEFR scale.

More puzzles, activities and games available:

First of all, why not try our match-up games to help you build up your vocabulary to dizzy heights.

In addition, our word puzzles are especially helpful as you try to retain new words in a different language.

Finally, our word search puzzles provide an excellent way to help to reinforce spellings in your mind.

More activities available:

In addition, learning English requires not just a good vocabulary, but a strong foundation of English grammar to communicate effectively and our grammar exercises provide the practice for this purpose.

When learning vocabulary, especially helpful are our vocabulary exercises that are focussed on a theme or topic as these provide word retention practice, so you can be confident to read, write, speak and listen successfully.

Most importantly, once you are at a good level of English, you should combine your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar to understand and produce well-written pieces of text. We provide model text types for you to read and practice.

Free Online Crossword Puzzles

Free Online Crossword Puzzles

ProProfs offers a great collection of crossword puzzles to test your knowledge on a variety of topics. These games are great to:

  • Improve verbal skills
  • Learn new patterns
  • Solve problems
  • Have fun

You can even make your very own crossword puzzles on any topic you like. Go to ‘Create A Crossword ‘ and follow the instructions shared there. You can create, play, share and have lots of fun!

ProProfs Crossword Game Instructions

  • Click to select an across or down clue.
  • Look at the puzzle and type in your answer. If it is right, the background will turn Green.
  • Continue filling in hints until the puzzle is solved.
  • Clicking «hint» will give you the first letter of the answer. Clicking «word» will fill in the entire word.
  • The more answers you fill in on your own, the higher your score. The quicker you solve the puzzle, the higher you score.

ProProfs Crossword Game Instructions

Tips To Make It Easier

Tips To Make It Easier

  • Start with the clues you know.
  • Fill in all the across and down clues you know.Using the hints provided, go through the across and down clues and fill in the empty ones.
  • Always try solving the shorter words first. Fill in all the three and four-letter clues in the crossword puzzle.The clues for these words can be among the easiest to solve, and can provide hints to help you fill in the longer ones.
  • Think of intersecting words. Suppose that you believe the solution to an across clue is the word carton; the letter c would be the first letter of the solution to a down clue. If none of the possible solutions to the down clue start with a c, you can be sure that the word carton is not the correct answer to the across clue. If you can think of several possible answers to the down clue that start with c, then the word carton must be the solution to the across clue.
  • Insert plural endings.
  • Think of figures of speech and other possible things to which the clue might be referring.

Create Your Own Puzzle

At ProProfs, you can even make your very own crossword puzzle on any topic you like. Go to Create A Crossword and follow the instructions shared there. You can create, play, share and have lots of fun!

Create Your Own Puzzle

Online crossword puzzles you can play whenever you want. No need to eagerly wait for the Sunday newspaper anymore, your daily crossword is just one click away.

Daily Mini Crossword

Play Daily Mini Crossword

Best Cryptic Crossword

Play Best Cryptic Crossword

Eugene Sheffer Crossword

Play Eugene Sheffer Crossword

Play Premier Crossword

Play Play Premier Crossword

Crossword Puzzles

A Short History — From Diamond to Store

Although there were similar types of word block puzzles published in British newspapers in the 1800s, the first verifiable American crossword puzzle was published in the New York World newspaper in 1913. A man named Arthur Wynne created it, and it was formatted in a diamond shape. The scattered grid style of puzzles did not appear until about 1920. During the following decade, the puzzles grew in popularity enough that they spread throughout newspapers in the United States and in parts of Europe. The first New York Times crossword was published in 1930. The other notable puzzle publisher was the L.A. Times. Reader’s Digest also became known for its puzzles over the years. Many people looked forward to the Sunday paper or certain magazines simply for their crossword puzzles.

Online Crossword Puzzles

After crosswords gained popularity in newspapers, some opportunists started printing entire books of them. Other publishers followed suit, and such books became popular with people of all ages. There are still printed books sold today. Around the end of the 1990s, a few sites published some free puzzles online for fun. More sites appeared as the internet grew. As people became more reliant on touch screens, smartphones and tablets, crossword games appeared in digital download stores. As apps became more widespread, more crossword apps became available. For those who prefer not to use apps or download any software, there are still plenty of online crossword puzzles for free.

Arkadium became a top provider of online crosswords as they started growing in popularity on the internet. Today, it adds several new ones every day. The company was founded in 2001. Arkadium is known for its modern iterations of Solitaire, Minesweeper and many other games. While some games are enjoyable for all age groups, there are a lot of crosswords and other games for people who are 35 or older. With many difficulty levels, themes and styles to choose from, there is no need for enthusiasts to eagerly await the Sunday newspaper as people did in the early days of crosswords.

5 Benefits of Solving Crosswords

In addition to being fun to solve, crosswords have been shown to have these benefits for many people:

  1. Promote social activity
    Many people work together with friends or family members to solve crosswords, which can help establish or maintain social or family bonds.
  2. Improve vocabulary
    Also, many people use crosswords to help kids develop their vocabulary. People who are learning English as a second language can also use them for this purpose.
  3. Maintain cognitive function
    For those who have dementia or another degenerative brain disease, crosswords can help exercise the mind. When combined with medical therapies, crosswords, and other cognitive-friendly games may help slow the progression of a devastating brain disease.
  4. Reduce stress
    Many people use crosswords to help them relax during a break or after a stressful day.
  5. Support mental health
    Additionally, Crosswords are also used by people with depression, anxiety, or mood disorders to give them something positive to focus on. Solving them provides a sense of accomplishment as well.

Most Popular Free Crossword Puzzles You Can Play Online

One of the easiest ways to enjoy plenty of crosswords online for free is to solve Arkadium’s games here. There are enough puzzle varieties to keep you busy for days or weeks or to help you kill time when waiting or commuting. With online puzzles, there is no need to download anything, puzzles are accessible on any device, be it a PC, tablet, or smartphone browser. These are some of the top free crossword puzzles that you can play online.

Thomas Joseph Crossword

This is a good starting puzzle for an adult. The Thomas Joseph Crossword is designed to be challenging and engaging. If you are looking for a puzzle that will not take a long time to complete, this is a good choice. With a well-thought-out structure, there are a few simpler words to help you get anchored into the game and have a few hints about longer words or more challenging prompts.
This puzzle has a type-to-fill format. Simply click a block, type a letter and move forward. You can use the backspace key to erase a mistaken entry. The rebus button lets you enter multiple words into a single cell if you want to try different combinations. If you need to reveal a word, there is an option for that as well. There is a timer option and several other optional settings in the menu section.

Penny Dell Crossword

Penny Dell is a combination of Penny Publications and Dell Magazine. Both were well-known publishers of crosswords, mysteries, and games in past decades. The Penny Dell crosswords are great for beginners or enthusiasts who like to play multiple puzzles at a time. While this puzzle variation is challenging, it is not too difficult for most people to solve with a few hints.
First, you choose the date of the puzzle that you want. New puzzles are added daily, and you can see up to a couple of weeks of puzzles. You can use the arrow keys to change which direction you play. Also, there is a corrective feature that you can turn on to check for errors, and there are two levels of settings to choose from in that feature. You have the option to reveal words or letters. You can save your game to return to it later. Additionally, the rebus feature is available if you want to test multiple letters in a box.

Sheffer Crossword

If you use crosswords to help energize your mind or sharpen it, this is an excellent choice. The crosswords are not too long, and they have just the right balance of challenge and simplicity. Many people use this variation every day, and it is designed to be enjoyable for people of all aptitudes and abilities.
This puzzle also has a type-to-fill format for the boxes. You can pick any daily puzzle from the past couple of weeks. Use the menu to customize the puzzle. For example, you can opt to skip or not skip filled cells, show or remove the timer, and make the arrows change direction. You can save your puzzle if you want, reveal words or letters, and more. Also, if you prefer to write on paper, you can print the puzzle.

Daily Mini Crossword

This is the ultimate easy puzzle for people who have limited time and prefer to finish the entire thing. A mini-puzzle is like a condensed version of a regular crossword. Although the title implies a small size, only the number of boxes is small. If you require large print and boxes, this puzzle has both. In addition to being a great way to jump-start your mind in the morning, this simple puzzle is helpful for polishing your vocabulary.
Like other Arkadium crossword variants, the past couple weeks of puzzles are available. You can customize your experience in the menu section for arrows, timing, and more. Also, you can use the rebus option to enter multiple letters in a cell and the reveal option to see an answer word.

Premier Crossword

If you prefer a cryptic word list that will take hours or days to solve, this crossword is an excellent brain puzzle. It is designed to provide the same complexity and engagement that the tough Sunday newspaper crosswords provide. It is the perfect choice for anyone who is experienced and enjoys the most challenging wordplays.
Unlike many other crossword puzzles on the site, this one is a weekly puzzle. You can choose weekly puzzles for about the past month. If you try different puzzles first, you will notice that Premier puzzles have more words and are more complex. However, there are the same menu features, such as timing, showing arrows, skipping filled cells, and more. Also, you can print the puzzle if you wish.

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