The board
The Wordplay board consists of a 15×15 grid of cells, where players place letter tiles. Up to four players can play the game simultaneously. At the game beginning each player is given seven letter tiles which are drawn from the bag. Having completed a move, a player is given the number of letter tiles which replenishes the seven letter tiles given. A player’s letter tiles are concealed from the opponents. Initially, the bag contains 100 letter tiles. The letter tiles are of different colors, which determines their point values. The number of the letter tiles which are left in the bag is displayed below the board next to the available letter tile field. There are two blank tiles among a player’s tiles, which can replace any letter. A player’s move is about placing at least a two-letter word using the letter tiles from the rack. The points are scored by summing up the values of the letters that the words which are placed on the board consist of as a result of the move. If letter tiles are placed on the bonus or special cells, the player scores extra points or influences the game in a way.
Placing a word
In each turn a player can combine a word placing any number of letter tiles on the board, decide to exchange the tiles or pass. The player who starts the game must place a word so that it is placed on the cell in the center of the board.
The next words are placed in the following way:
- A new word can be placed using the existing letter tiles on the board but the new word must include one of the letters of the existing word or add at least one new letter to it,
- A player can extend a word on the board by placing the letter tiles on its one or both ends,
- A player can place a new word which is parallel to the existing one so that the neighboring letters at the right angle also combined correct words.
When one of the players completes a word, the «Move» option is selected and the opponent(s) can accept or check it with a dictionary. It is done by selecting «Accept» or «Check» in the menu. If all the opponents select the «Accept» option, the placed letter tiles remain on the board. If one of the opponents selects the «Check» option, and the questioned word is not in the dictionary, it is removed from the board and the tiles return to the player who has placed them. If one of the opponents selects the «Check» option, and the questioned word exists in the dictionary, he loses his turn.
When a player decides to exchange the letters, they should move the selected letter tiles to the field on the right of the counter of the letter tiles left in the bag as well as select the «Exchange» option. The exchange is only possible when there are at least seven letters in the bag. Each player is allowed to exchange letters three times during one game.
Each player is allowed to resign from performing a move by selecting the «Pass». Nevertheless, if all players pass twice in two successive turns, the game is over. If the move time limit is switched on in the game and a player has failed to combine a word and to select the «OK» option on time, the move is regarded as passed.
Wordplay — простая головоломка для поиска слов, но даже простые словесные игры могут поставить вас в тупик. Не волнуйтесь, мы здесь, чтобы помочь вам найти ответы, которые вы ищете. Не надо благодарить нас. Это просто, наша работа.
Покупка подсказки в Wordplay стоит больших денег. Сохраните свои монеты для последующих уровней и позвольте нам помочь вам бесплатно. Просто найдите нужный уровень из списка. Так или иначе, наша команда предоставит вам прохождение головоломки, которое вы ищете.
Следуйте нашим советам, чтобы привести свой мозг в порядок и развить навыки Wordplay:
Wordplay начинается с двух знакомых достопримечательностей для любого игрока в слова: набор пробелов и набор букв. Соедините буквы, чтобы составить слова (отсюда и броское название) и заполните пробелы. Заполните все пробелы, и вы перейдете на следующий уровень. В игре есть сотни, а не тысячи уровней, чтобы играть. Теперь вы рады, что сохранили свои монеты с помощью нашего сайта!
Wordplay Ответы
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 УРОВЕНЬ
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 уровень
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 уровень
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 уровень
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 уровень
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 уровень
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 уровень
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 уровень
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 уровень
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 уровень
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 уровень
Try to guess the word in 6 tries. After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess was to the word.
The letter S is in the word and in the correct spot.
The letter U is in the word but in the wrong spot.
The letter O is not in the word in any spot.
Tip: You can press [space] to put a placeholder for a letter you’re unsure of.
Answers Word play games are online. Are you stuck and you don’t know the solution? Find all answers over here. We want to help you futher to next level and bring this game to a successful end. This game is for iphone, ipad and android. Created by AppVenturous LLC. Lovely puzzles but sometimes to hard.
Level 1-10
Level 11-20
Level 21-30
Level 31-40
Level 41-50
Level 51-60
Level 61-70
Level 71-80
Level 81-90
Level 91-100
Level 101-110
Level 111-120
Level 121-130
Level 131-140
Level 141-150
How to use Wordle Solver?
Determine the length of a word by choosing the number of letters. Classic Wordle has 5 letters by default.
Enter in the green cells the letters that you have already guessed as correct. If there are none, leave the line blank.
In the yellow cells, enter the letters that are in the hidden word, but you do not know where they are located.
In the gray cells, enter the letters that are marked in gray in your Wordle, that is, they are not in the guessed word.
Click the search button and see the suggested options. If there are more than one, then select one of them and continue playing.