Word play for love

play for love

To play purely for one’s pleasure or for a love of the game, sport, etc., rather than for money or for other stakes. A truly great player plays for love, not because a win might benefit his bank account the next day. A: «You’re pretty great with those cards. Interested in making this next game a little bit interesting with a wager?» B: «Sorry, pal, I only play for love.»

See also: for, love, play

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

See also:

  • for love
  • for love/for the love of something
  • just for love
  • the/(one’s) mother tongue
  • your mother tongue
  • drop the L-bomb
  • love muscle
  • love the sinner (but) hate the sin
  • love (someone) to the moon (and back)
  • need to go

Get kids loving and learning words with these 6 fun word play activities — guaranteed to entertain and delight! Once kids see the fun in words, there’s no telling how much that will positively affect them as readers and writers…


fun word play activities for kids

1. Tongue Twisters

word playMy daughter’s drama teacher uses tongue twisters as a warm up. And we love practicing them at the dinner table. These are SO easy to mess up! Try our favorite tongue twisters:

Unique New York.

Toy boat.

Irish wrist watch.

Red leather, yellow leather

She sells sea shells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Read Just Joking for more tongue twisters.

2. Puns

word playIf you’ve ever read Amelia Bedelia, you’ll know how fun it is to laugh at puns! (Poor Amelia always gets words mixed up and it makes for hilarious stories.)

Puns are plays on words, homophones. In other terms, words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things.

What’s interesting to me is that my oldest daughter who is 12 does not get puns (or jokes) at all because of the way her brain processes. She’s a very literal, black and white thinker. We have to make sure that we explain exactly why the joke or pun is funny each time. I’m hoping that with continuous exposure, it will “click”.

Two books I love for puns are Eight Ate: A Feast of Homonym Riddles by Marvin Terban and Deer Dear: A Book of Homophones by Gene Barreta. Have you read these with your kids yet?

Funny puns for some quick wordplay:

Why are teddy bears never hungry? They are always stuffed!

There was once a cross-eyed teacher who couldn’t control his pupils.

Why are playing cards like wolves? They come in packs.

Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools.

Don’t miss watching Whose on First? by Abbott and Costello. So funny!

3. Pig Latin

I don’t think Pig Latin is as popular as it used to be when I was a child. Did you ever try to speak it? I never could get the hang of this word play language but here’s the gist:

To Translate a Word into Pig Latin, follow these steps:

  1. Take off the beginning consonant of the word. (example: take off the “c” of cat so you have “at”.
  2. Put the “c” sound on the end of the word. (example: “at-c”)
  3. Add “ay” at the end of the word. (example: “at-c-ay”

Or you can always enter your words or phrases in this handy dandy Pig Latin translator.

4. Anagrams

You’ve probably seen the Jumble anagrams in the newspaper by the crossword puzzles, right? Anagrams are word puzzles where the letters must be rearranged to make a new word or words. For example: WEIRD can be WIRED, IEP to become PIE, or LPAPE to be APPLE.

Download these free printable anagram puzzles: Anagrams from Enchanted Learning,  DLTK’s Anagrams, Fairy Tale Anagrams on The KidzPage,

Play WordARound.

Read Ann and Nan Are Anagrams: A Mixed-Up Word Dilemma by Mark Schulman

Try the Banagrams Book.

word play

5. Charades

Act out words when you play charades – the ultimate active word play. Use your spelling words, new vocabulary words, Haikubes, or a store-bought Charades game like Reverse Charades Junior or Rollick!.

Rollick word play

6. Read Picture Books About Word Play

Read picture books that will help your kids love words! Picture books that inspire learning new words, playing with words, and becoming a connoisseur of words. Picture book reviews and printable list here.

picture books that celebrate words and word play

Off you go  . . .

Happy word play!

word play ideas for kids

Funny Poems for Kids
Word Collection Jars
15 Ways to Learn New Vocabulary

Follow Melissa Taylor’s board Writing Activities for Kids on Pinterest.

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Melissa Taylor, MA, is the creator of Imagination Soup. She’s a mother, teacher, author, and freelance writer. She writes Imagination Soup and freelances for publications online and in print, including Brightly for Penguin Random House, USA Today Health, Colorado Parent, and Parenting.

Tag Archive: love


My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.


[kuhm-fert] – verb

Comfort (or comfortability, or being comfortable) is a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized as a lack of hardship. Persons who are lacking in comfort are uncomfortable, or experiencing discomfort. A degree of psychological comfort can be achieved by recreating experiences that are associated with pleasant memories, such as engaging in familiar activities,[1]maintaining the presence of familiar objects,[1] and consumption of comfort foods. Comfort is a particular concern in health care, as providing comfort to the sick and injured is one goal of healthcare, and can facilitate recovery.[2] Persons who are surrounded with things that provide psychological comfort may be described as being within their comfort zone.

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Once A Stranger

There are times that when ppl win and life opens the door to a secret room where only the elite among us mingle.

Izzy thought this mystical realm would envelope her within its warm embrace; comfort her from all who could damage the intricate facade of confidence she had built up over the last few weeks.

The award was only a small modest plaque, wood warn smooth around the edges from years of gratitude, that the neighborhood had passed from one homeowner to another for various good deeds, noticed by the well doers who lived near by. It was to be handed to her in front of the horde of onlookers who’s smiles attempted to hide the jealously that twisted their faces into grotesque demonic souls, ever searching for the next feast on which their minds will roast, allowing the billowing smoke to pass from one ear to another. Izzy knew she was a source of gossip from the first day she arrived at her new home but she was a different woman then, strong, confident, some would say even brazen.

Her mind drifted, as it so often did lately, thinking back to the day she turned the corroded copper handles on the massive double doors. The air was stale with neglect as the remains of a once lovely woman stood before her. The owners lips that had been stained with roses hue now saturated with a jaundice only achieved by years of nicotine that seeped through the paper of her non filtered cigarettes. The deep furrows around her mouth hinting of a life once full of laughter now seemed to amplify the smell of whiskey as she exhaled her anxious welcome. Izzy had looked at this house many times over the past three years but she did not feel right about it and refused to go inside until today. Cash had reassured her she would love it and begged her to just go in one time only and the issue would be dropped, as her waning constitution faded, she agreed. Their hunt had lasted so long and she wanted to settle, if only for a little while, in a house she could call her home. The arid bones of the ancient woman barely holding her frame carried her down the hall leaving Izzy and Cash to stand bewildered in her abrupt exit. It was up to them to create a self tour and with eagerness bubbling forth Cash leaped at the opportunity, wandering from one space to the next. Maybe that was it, the space felt so empty. There were no holes in the walls where pictures or painting might have hung. The sparse furniture randomly placed in awkward positions as if the elderly woman only pretended to live there. These Ideas crossed her mind until she came across the fully loaded bar that had a familiar ring of sweat from recently filled iced glass on the counter beside droplets of a freshly pour whisky… on the rocks… no water. The windows once uncovered from the heavy laden dusty fabric gave birth to an ocean of greenie-blue that saturated Izzy’s eyes deeper than the color they themselves held and she surrendered. It was not the house that stole her heart but it was the provocative green flooding through that roused the sprit with in her. People can enjoy a color, but to know when a color has become one with the soul….. it is a profound epiphany, never lost on the awakened.

All these thoughts swam in the murky waters of Izzy’s mind. To speak unto the multitudes was not a foreign land to her, she quite enjoyed capturing the attention of others and allowing her words to flow, never to be forgotten. She was know well for her speaking capacity regardless of the fact that it was only a veil that shielded her from a closer, more intimate contact with others. For that is what they were to her…. others. If they only truly knew the woman that would stand before them today, the fires would burn a crimson red as her lost soul would ceremoniously be splayed open and crucified before them. The stench of sulfur burrowing deep in to the brew of gossip waiting to be spewed forth.

Who was she? Her purpose, given away willingly for she knew of no other choice yet the sacrifice would tighten around her neck like the diamond choker she now wore as she lay naked upon the pillows so neatly placed beside the bed….. weeping for the unknown devastation yet to come….. praying for the downfall that would set her free from the secret room among the elite.

My Challenge:

Once a week I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers.

Your Challenge:

Play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.


[svelt, sfelt] – adjective, svelt·er, svelt·est.

1. slender, especially gracefully slender in figure; lithe.

2. suave; blandly urbane.

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

The trickling water from the low flow shower head felt warm against her skin. It was the last few days of winter and the cold moist air cut into her soft succulent nature as if a knife were pressed against her throat stinging as it sliced a thin but, deeply felt line. 

“I am not made for this bitter cold” She thought. 

Lathering up the poriferous sea sponge with the coveted aromatic soap she had purchased in her travels years ago. The spicy scent of cinnamon and cloves with the slightest hint of saffron filled the small space. Her mind drifted to a country she long since explored. 

“Book the flight!” she frustratedly lectured herself as the soft rain of droplets dampened her voice into a longing whisper. 

The auburn locks weighted around her shoulders were brushed aside as the creamy suds covered the tender flesh only to be whisk away by the luxurious streams of heated rain. 

There was a man, as one might suspect, that had opened his eyes and glimpsed her soul without turning away. The compassion and understanding he freely gave, yet never his heart, left her wanton but hopeful. His life, she refused to disrupt, called to her in these cold winter nights but he had earned her respect and for that she remained loyal to unspoken vows of distant secrecy. Bending at the waist to marinate her calves in the exotic accumulation of memory and sent, she wondered in a hushed voice, as if her ears were forbidden to hear the truth of her desires, 

“What if…?”  her voice trailing off into the thought.

Water turning cold, her susurrations were disturbed by an abrupt shock of icy chilled water and an unexpected gayety. The epiphany overwhelmed her senses, sobering her mind passed emotions. 

With a new-found clarity that was once hidden within her truth she declared, 

“What if?”

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.


[uhn-ri-kwathy-tid] – adjective

1. not returned or reciprocated: unrequited love

2. not avenged or retaliated: an unrequited wrong

3. not repaid or satisfied

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just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Why did I not take you home?

Arm brushes ever so lightly, a bar unknown.

Taunting eyes hold you captive, alluring promises they do show.

Nights of pleasure entice, words ever sweet.

Pretty face for you, but it is only a little treat.

It is mercy that is offered, the depths you’ll never see.

Youth not in your age, your spirit keeps you free.

Keep away my young man, it is not rapture found here.

But an unrequited love, you’ll inevitably begin to fear.

Broken and fractured, facets would soon reveal.

Parting ways is a small kindness, your fate has no seal. 

Thank me you will not, tonight as you sleep alone. 

Yet your heart will rejoice, this passion unknown. 

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.

Everyone is welcome to play along,

just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Ah… but if his kiss resonates the algid mountains covered in frost, I must inquire from within, where have they been?

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.

Spring Blue Bonnets near my house

Spring Blue Bonnets near my house


1. The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.

2. The act or an instance of remembering; recollection.

3. All that a person can remember.

4. Something remembered.

5. The fact of being remembered; remembrance.

6. The period of time covered by the remembrance or recollection of a person or group of persons.

Everyone is welcome to play along,

just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Yesterday I walked through fields of memories yet to be made. 

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.



 (of an object, substance, or resource Of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly.


Used as a term of address to a beloved person

Everyone is welcome to play along,

just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Birthday Wish

Sally Jane did not want a dog, She wanted a kitten but that is not what showed up at her door. It was her birthday today and she had told everyone who would listen, within ear shot of her parents, that she wanted a big fat orange tabby like the one she saw at the pet store. Her parents told her that a cat was out of the question because her smelly younger brother was al-lear-ject to cats. They just didn’t understand. She wanted a friend who she could cuddle and play games with but, when she began to tell them that she didn’t want a cat just a kitten, they would smile and say ” I know you do dear” as they patted her on the head dismissively.

Thud Thud Thud!

She rushed to open the door, thinking the sound that she heard was one of her classmates but instead of finding John, Michael or Katherin, this scrawny black dog looking up at her, he must have been scratching his ear or something and missed hitting the door to make such a racket. She looked down at him with a twisted face but before she could holler for him to go away, he dashed into the house dirt and all. “Catch that dog!” she screamed in the loudest voice she could muster. ” He’s going to mess up my party!”

She ran into the kitchen following that black mangy dog only to find her brother, The King of Smell, all covered in HER cake, sitting on the floor with that yucky dog licking HER frosting off his cheek! ” Grossssss.. Don’t let him do THAT! You don’t know where his mouth has been.” Noah had no intention of stopping, in fact he dipped his finger into the toppled cake lifting one of the beautiful butter cream roses she had picked out at the bakery and actually fed it to that dog, sneering at her all the while through his half snort have giggle. She did not scream but shrieked “MMMMOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!”

Her parents came running into the room, out of breath and flustered with eyes wide in expectation of WWIII, to find Sally Jane towering over Noah who was sprawled out on the floor in a fit of laughter. Just that moment, the dog stopped licking at the sweet creamy icing and as if he was Mr. Manors himself.

“OH Noooo!” Sally Jane began, “There is no way we are keeping that thing!”

She had seen that look before plastered across her parents face, it was that sappy look they would give when Noah, aka MR. Smell-A-Lot, would fall asleep after they brought him home form the hospital.


He was not a dog, he was a monster!

He would roll around on her bed messing it all up after she had made it in the mornings. She would come home from school and find Goofy wagging his tail and offering up one of her shoes or precious stuffed animals with drool dripping off of it as if he’d wrangled up a bobcat for an afternoon snack and saved it just for her. Night time was the worst time of all.  When Sally Jane slept Goofy would sneak out of Noah’s room and lay at the foot of her bed. She would wake up when her feet would get hot and push him off but he would not leave the room, only find the freshly pressed school uniform neatly folded on her puffy reading chair and mistake them for covers.


Sally Jane got off the bus in the most sour of moods today. Her feet stomped and scooted the leaves up the driveway thinking of all the homework she would have to do that night. As she reached the door her the strap on her backpack broke spilling out her books and papers. The wind must of thought a good game of chase would be fun for it whipped a few sheets up into the air before she could catch them. HEr hand twisted the handle at the door opening it slightly, to call for her mothers help before leaping from the steps grabbing at wandering pages.

As she gathered them up her sour mood drifted, “Where is Bruce?” she thought in a whisper to herself. It was unlike him to not take advantage of her situation and slobber on her unsupervised homework waiting by the door.

The yard got quiet. She could not hear the birds singing in the trees or the cars roaring past, only the thunderous beating of her heart.

“Where is Bruce?”

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.


[kiz-mit, -met, kis-]-noun

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just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

The Kiss

Her lips ripe and swollen as they brushed against his.

This stranger from a far way land, entranced with the beauty that lies beneath, whispering confections between each tender embrace.

Her body yearns for more though she holds her delicate southern grace.

She believes it is in the wanting that captures his attention but does not keep wary.

Further and further her intentions focus on the man that is him.

His subtle change goes not unnoticed as his hand, delicately caressing her face, recedes. her neck feels the lingering touch,warming her skin as it passes.

She exhales as though she had held the breath of lifetimes.

This is kismet.

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.

lag·an – noun [lag-uh n]

anything sunk in the sea,

but attached to a buoy or

the like so that itmay be recovered.

Everyone is welcome to play along,

just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

The words:

Where Lagan stream sings lullaby
There blow a lily fair
The twilight gleam is in her eye
The night is no her hair
And like a love-sick lenanshee
She hath my heart in thrall
Nor life I owe, nor liberty
for love is lord of all

and often when the beetles horn
Hath lulled the eve to sleep
I steal unto here shielding lorn
And thro’ the dooring peep
There on the cricket’s singing stone
She makes the bog wood fire
And hums in sad sweet undertone
The song of heart’s desire

Hmmm, I’m going to have to sleep on this one.. I included the song that popped up when I was looking the forword up because it was melty (so not trying to cheat by adding the lyrics and not writing my own words)

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.


noun, verb, pronoun…etc

I’m hoping you know the meaning, its use has a wide range so you get to pick from a cornucopian of options.

Everyone is welcome to play along,

just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Listen & Write – One – Apocalyptica

Posted by  in Eliabeth, Listen & Write!

Listen & Write – One – Apocalyptica

I found inspiration for todays word in two ways

1. The listen and write prompt I’ve just stumbled across

2. the powers of my imagination

When I was a kid I heard this song and loved the rhythm. As a young adult I read the words, shocker I realize, but I have a thing for knowing the meaning of things. Now that I’m grown, I find words have a meaning that create through my life experiences and dreams.


Distant Lover,
Oh how your words do inspire, as wind sweeps the sands of caution away, You fall towards my embrace. This dance does lift my spirit but not into the loftiness of the pretty blue skies where birds soar but far beyond. Its reach evades the chaos of space where stars are not a twinkle in my eye but blazon orbs in hues of red and yellow.

My reach halts only for time, it is our barrier




Distant Lover…
It is your words that caress my soul in rapture as day will turn to your night, the beginning as it comes to an end and so do the delicate pages stop from turning.

Dreams written….
pictures taken….
giving lifetimes within your wake, all speaking soft whispers of passions and pleasures, that I do devour vigorously upon each serving.

It is a rhapsody of imagination is it not?

Distant Lover,

What would I give to feel the touch from the tender hand of inspiration as it flows always and forever toward my heart, gliding over the letters that set sail across oceans baring tingling wanton thoughts, the rise and fall of each finger stroking the spine sends me to a world I want as my own. The music that flows bringing notes along the rigid scale, carries my fantasies toward a richness that causes my greed to overcome my nature.

Ah, but to taste the tea from lips in which are stained, to quench the thirst from my cupped hands, that is built over hours of unbridged devotion you have bestowed effortlessly, is my only desire. The essence of you, as it mixes with my own, builds erotic pleasures burning into depths the wisest man would never tread. As lovers we rage against the confinements holding us apart yet, in this distance… our lust affair blooms.

To all Distant Lovers,
I summon you to my chambers, do not think this a plea. My appetite, never sated, is your divine damnation, to know the emotions that wash over your face when I overpower your senses in the giving as I have received, I obliquity follow you in your hell.

We are truly one

My Challenge:

Everyday I will post a new word for you my devout bloggers

Your Challenge:

play with it, break the rules and recreate the meaning or use the traditional definition. (Look below.. you’ll find it.) Whatever titillates the creative mojos lurking inside your talented minds.


[boi-ster-uh s, -struh s] – adjective

1. rough and noisy; noisily jolly or rowdy; clamorous;unrestrained: the sound of boisterous laughter.

2. (of waves, weather, wind, etc.) rough and stormy.

3. Obsolete . rough and massive.

Everyone is welcome to play along,

just link them back to the Word Play For Today category or cookie5683!

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Write on your blog with the Daily Word Play and reply below with as much as a sentience or breathe life into an excerpt of what could be the greatest work of your life.

I’m looking forward to tasting your imagination…..

Once A Stranger

Henry Cassius Dempsey IV, his name was born of old money and although no one called him by his full name, you could feel the reverence in their voices even in its abbreviated form. He enjoyed all that his birthright afforded him. Never knowing the need to struggle in order to make ends meet or feeling a desire to burn unsatisfied, Izzy would often hear him say “I win.” but mind you, it was not a boast nor from gayety did those words spring as if a game had been just played but, from a knowingness, deeply rooted where no wind could unearth this oak of truth.

He sat at his desk, reflecting on the faded broken flower that once was his wife. His frustration and anger as he stood by watching her wallow in self-pity, day after day.

“Damn it! What is wrong with her?

Why doesn’t she just get her ass out of bed, out of that house?

She just needs to stand up and dust her knees off.

She’s always done that before. Never let anything get her down.”

For a moment guilt slithers out from the corner of his mind attempting to make him question his motives… his choices as of late. Quickly he pushes away the serpent, justifying his night in the hotel as a fluke that would never of occurred if Izzy was not so selfish. It was a business trip and when his partners backed out last-minute due to family issues he had no choice but to go and represent the firm, it was his name on the wall after all. Besides, it only made sense that Cheri would still go, being that she was the assistant. What didn’t occur to him was how lonely he had felt over the last few months. Izzy always took care of everything and then all of a sudden she stopped. Wouldn’t pack the kids lunches, wouldn’t change her clothes even. He not only felt lonely but he resented her weakness. Cheri reminded him of Izzy sometimes, when they were younger and had no children that took her attention away from him. The way he would hear her laugh across the hall, a loud, boisterous, full-out laugh, not caring if the other assistances scorned her with their bitter gaze. She was young and beautiful and she knew it.

It was not his fault, a bad situation with too much to drink piled on top that would not happen again. A complete fluke that no one would blame him for and no one had to know about.

  • 1
    play for love

    play for love играть не на деньги

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > play for love

  • 2
    play for love

    On the seventh night of cribbage, when Mrs. Todgers, sitting by, proposed that instead of gambling they «should play for love», Mr. Moddle was seen to change colour. (Ch. Dickens, ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’, ch. XXXII) — На седьмой вечер игры в криббидж, когда миссис Тоджерс, сидевшая рядом, предложила им, вместо того чтобы играть на деньги, сыграть «из любви к искусству», замечено было, что мистер Модль изменился в лице, услышав слово «любовь»

    …of course we played for love, when my aunt and I lost I used to retire under the dining-room table and cry. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Cakes and Ale’, ch. IX) —…играли, конечно, не на деньги, но, когда мы с тетушкой проигрывали, я забирался под стол и давал волю слезам.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > play for love

  • 3
    play for love

       игpaть «нa интepec», нe нa дeньги

    Of course we played for love, when my aunt and I lost I used to retire under the dining-room table and cry (E. S. Maugham)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > play for love

  • 4
    play for love

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > play for love

  • 5
    play for love

    Новый англо-русский словарь > play for love

  • 6
    to play for love

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to play for love

  • 7

    love [lʌv]

    1) любо́вь, привя́занность;

    2) влюблённость, любо́вь, страсть;

    to fall out of love with smb. разлюби́ть кого́-л.


    а) име́ть физи́ческую бли́зость с (кем-л.);

    3) любо́вная интри́га; любо́вная исто́рия

    4) предме́т любви́; дорого́й; дорога́я; возлю́блённый, возлю́бленная (


    в обращении my love)

    6) что-л. привлека́тельное;

    not for love or money, not for the love of Mike ни за что, ни за каки́е де́ньги, ни за каки́е коври́жки


    to give (to send) one’s love to smb. передава́ть (посыла́ть) приве́т кому́-л.


    1) люби́ть

    2) хоте́ть, жела́ть; находи́ть удово́льствие (в чём-л.);

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > love

  • 8

    1. сущ.
    1) а) любовь, приязнь, симпатия;
    привязанность( некая совокупность приятных эмоций в сочетании с нежностью, испытываемых к кому-л./чему-л of, for, to, towards) to do smth. for love ≈ сделать что-л. из любви to have no love for smb. ≈ не любить кого-л. to inspire love for ≈ вызывать любовь к deep, profound, sincere, true love ≈ глубокая, искренняя любовь maternal/parental/filial/fraternal love ≈ материнская/родительская/сыновняя/братская любовь to feel love for one’s old schoolmates ≈ любить своих бывших одноклассников love for one’s country ≈ любовь к стране to have no love lost between one another ≈ недолюбливать друг друга (give/send my) love to… ≈ (передай) привет, наилучшие пожелания и т. п.( употребляется в письмах, разговорах и т. п. в качестве заключительной фразы) Syn: affection, attachment, crush
    3), infatuation б) любовь, склонность, тяга( к чему-л.) to show/display love towards smth. ≈ иметь, проявлять тягу к чему-л. to have love of teaching/travel ≈ любить учить/путешествовать Syn: interest
    1., inclination ∙ Ant: dislike
    1., hate
    2) а) любовь, влюбленность;
    страсть, влечение to be in love (with) ≈ быть влюбленным (в) to be out of love (with) ≈ ненавидеть, испытывать отвращение (к) blind/limitless/platonic/undying/unrequited love ≈ слепая/платоническая/вечная/безответная любовь for love ≈ по любви, из-за любви love at first sight ≈ любовь с первого взгляда love’s young dream ≈ пылкая и безрассудная любовь — fall in love fall out of love б) любовь, секс;
    сексуальная активность;
    половой акт to make love to а) заниматься любовью (с кем-л.) ;
    б) иногда ухаживать за( кем-л.) Syn: affection, crush
    3), desire
    1., infatuation, lust
    1., passion
    3) состояние влюбленности, любовь;
    любовная история, роман all the old loves of mine ≈ все прежние мои увлечения Syn: love-affair
    4) а) предмет любви;
    милый, милая;
    милочка, душечка (обращение к незнакомой женщине, девушке и т. п.) she’s a new love of mine ≈ она моя новая милая подружка my love’s gone forever ≈ моя любимая ушла навсегда my love ≈ дорогой, дорогая;
    любовь моя (обращение) so where are you going, love? ≈ так куда вы, голубушка, направились? Syn: sweetheart, darling
    1., honey
    1. б) ;
    прелесть, чудо( о ком-л., чем-л. привлекательном) what a love of a child/man/dress ≈ что за прелесть! (о ребенке, человеке, платье и т. д.)
    5) миф., поэт. (Love) амур, купидон;
    Эрос (воплощение бога любви)
    6) а) любовь (к Богу, ближнему), сострадание б) церк. (^) Бог Syn: god
    7) спорт нуль, нулевой счет( особ. в теннисе) at love ≈ ‘всухую’ (не дав противнику заработать ни очка) by two to love ≈ со счетом 2:0 love all ≈ ‘сухая’ ничья (счет 0:
    0) ∙ for the love of ≈ ради, во имя for the love of Mike ≈ ради бога not for love or money, not for the love of Mike ≈ ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки for love of the game ≈ из любви к искусству play for love ≈ играть не на деньги labour of love ≈ труд не за деньги, бескорыстный труд there’s no love lost between them а) они — непримиримые враги;
    б) уст. они друг друга тихо ненавидят love in a cottage ≈ рай в шалаше love and a cough cannot be hidden посл. ≈ любви да кашля не утаишь to give one’s love (to smb.), to send one’s love (to smb.) ≈ передавать (посылать) привет кому-л.
    2. гл.
    1) а) любить to love smb.’s children, wife, parents, friends ≈ любить своих детей, жену, родителей, друзей to love blindly ≈ слепо любить to love dearly ≈ нежно любить to love deeply ≈ глубоко любить to love passionately ≈ страстно любить to love really, very much ≈ сильно любить Syn: cherish б) любить, обожать( какое-л. занятие, делать что-л.) ;
    хотеть( делать что-л.) she loves to play violin/sunbathing ≈ она любит играть на скрипке/солнечные ванны he-‘s right the kind of person I love ≈ он как раз относится к моей любимому типу людей I’d love to stay with you ≈ я бы с удовольствием остался с вами Syn: like II
    1., adore в) (о животных, растениях) любить какую-л. конкретную среду, нуждаться в определенных условиях обитания the violet loves a sunny bank ≈ фиалки любят солнечные речные берега
    2) разг. ласкать, гладить, играть в любовные игры (тж. с up) ;
    совокупляться Why don’t you give her a hug, love her up a bit? ≈ Почему бы тебе не обнять ее, приласкать немного? we loved each other all night long ≈ мы любили друг друга всю ночь напролет Syn: caress, fondle ∙ love you and leave you ≈ извини(те), но мне пора( прощальная фраза) (he) loves me, (he) loves me not ≈ любит, не любит (гадание) love them and leave them ≈ поматросить и бросить( женщину)
    любовь, привязанность, приязнь — motherly * материнская любовь — * for one’s children любовь к своим детям — * of country любовь к родине, патриотизм — * of gain корыстолюбие — to have a * of learning иметь тягу к знаниям — to show * towards smb. проявлять любовь /доброжелательность/ к кому-л. — he has a * of adventure он большой охотник до приключений — no * lost between them они друг друга недолюбливают /терпеть не могут/ влюбленность, любовь, страсть — * letter любовное письмо — * scene сцена любовного свидания (в романе, фильме) — * match брак по любви — unrequited * любовь без взаимности — * at the first sight любовь с первого взгляда — in *) with smb.) влюбленный( в кого-л.) — to fall in * (with smb.) влюбиться( в кого-л.) — to be in * (with smb.) любить (кого-л.), быть влюбленным (в кого-л.) — to fall out of * with smb. разлюбить кого-л. — to make * to ухаживать за;
    заигрывать, флиртовать;
    иметь физическую близость с кем-л.;
    ласкать — to marry for * выйти замуж /жениться/ по любви — * is blind любовь слепа предмет любви, возлюбленный;
    возлюбленная — my * моя милая — don’t let us quarrel, my * не будем ссориться, любимая — I have lost my * я потеряла любимого человека — an old * of mine моя старая /давняя/ пассия — the outdoors is her greatest * больше всего на свете она любит природу;
    природа — ее страсть (просторечие) душечка, голубушка (обращение к посторонней) — where’s your ticket, *? где ваш билет, девушка /дорогая/? (разговорное) кто-л. или что-л. привлекательное — what a little * of a child! какой прелестный ребенок!, какая прелесть! — he is an old * он чудесный /милый/ старичок — what *s of teacups! какая прелесть эти чашки! (L.) Эрос, амур, купидон любовная интрига;
    любовная история — his first * его первая любовь, его первый роман (спортивное) ноль — * all счет 0:0 > for the * (of) ради;
    во имя > put that gun down, for the * of God ради бога, брось пистолет > to give /to send/ one’s * to smb. передавать /посылать/ сердечный привет кому-л. > for * of the game из любви к искусству > for * or money любой ценой > not to be had for * or money нипочем не достать;
    ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки > to play for * играть не на деньги > * in a cottage с милым рай и в шалаше > all is fair in * and war (пословица) в любви и на войне все средства хороши > * is neither bought nor sold (пословица) любовь не продается и не покупается > * should not be all on one side (пословица) любовь должна быть взаимной > faults are thick where * is thin (пословица) когда любви мало, то недостатков много > unlucky in *, lucky at play (пословица) несчастлив в любви, да счастлив в игре любить — to * one’s wife любить жену — to * one’s country любить свою родину, быть патриотом — I * my work я люблю свою работу ласкать (друг друга) — that night they *d эту ночь они провели вместе любить (что-л.) ;
    находить удовольствие( в чем-л.) ;
    хотеть (чего-л.) — to * comfort любить комфорт — I * the way he smiles мне ужасно нравится, как он улыбается — I * ice-cream я обожаю мороженое — some people * to find fault некоторые люди любят придираться;
    некоторым людям доставляет удовольствие находить недостатки — will you come with me? — I should * to не пойдете ли вы со мной? — Охотно /С удовольствием/ — I would so * to see you again я бы так хотел /я был бы так рад/ увидеть вас снова нуждаться в чем-л. — roses * sunlight розы любят свет — cactus *s dry air кактус любит сухой воздух /не растет в сырости/ > * me, * my dog (пословица) любишь меня, люби и мою собачку > to * smb., smth. as the devil *s holy water любить кого-л., что-л. как собака палку
    ~ влюбленность;
    to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в) ;
    to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в) ;
    to fall out of love (with smb.) разлюбить (кого-л.)
    ~ влюбленность;
    to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в) ;
    to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в) ;
    to fall out of love (with smb.) разлюбить (кого-л.)
    for ~ of the game из любви к искусству
    for the ~ of ради, во имя;
    for the love of Mike = ради бога
    for the ~ of ради, во имя;
    for the love of Mike = ради бога
    to give (to send) one’s ~ (to smb.) передавать (посылать) привет (кому-л.)
    ~ хотеть, желать;
    находить удовольствие (в чем-л.) ;
    I’d love to come with you я бы с удовольствием пошел с вами
    love миф. амур, купидон ~ влюбленность;
    to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в) ;
    to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в) ;
    to fall out of love (with smb.) разлюбить (кого-л.) ~ любить ~ любовная интрига;
    любовная история ~ любовь, привязанность;
    there’s no love lost between them они недолюбливают друг друга ~ спорт. нуль;
    win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0;
    love all счет 0:0;
    love game «сухая» ~ предмет любви;
    дорогой, дорогая;
    возлюбленный, возлюбленная (особ. в обращении my love) ~ (что-л.) привлекательное;
    a regular love of a kitten прелестный котенок ~ хотеть, желать;
    находить удовольствие (в чем-л.) ;
    I’d love to come with you я бы с удовольствием пошел с вами
    ~ спорт. нуль;
    win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0;
    love all счет 0:0;
    love game «сухая»
    ~ and a cough cannot be hidden посл. любви да кашля не утаишь
    ~ спорт. нуль;
    win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0;
    love all счет 0:0;
    love game «сухая»
    ~ in a cottage = рай в шалаше
    to make ~ to добиваться физической близости to make ~ to ухаживать за
    not for ~ or money, not for the ~ of Mike ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки
    not for ~ or money, not for the ~ of Mike ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки
    to play for ~ играть не на деньги
    ~ (что-л.) привлекательное;
    a regular love of a kitten прелестный котенок
    ~ любовь, привязанность;
    there’s no love lost between them они недолюбливают друг друга
    ~ спорт. нуль;
    win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0;
    love all счет 0:0;
    love game «сухая»

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > love

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    а) любовь, приязнь, симпатия; привязанность

    deep / profound / sincere / true love — глубокая, искренняя любовь

    maternal / parental / filial / fraternal love — материнская / родительская / сыновняя / братская любовь

    to do smth. for love — сделать что-л. из любви

    to have no love for smb. — не любить кого-л.

    to inspire love for smb. — вызывать любовь к кому-л.


    б) любовь, склонность, тяга

    to show / display love towards smth. — иметь, проявлять тягу к чему-л.



    2) любовь, влюблённость; страсть, влечение

    to be in love with smb. — быть влюблённым в кого-л.

    to be out of love with smb. — ненавидеть кого-л., испытывать отвращение к кому-л.


    3) любовная история, роман


    а) предмет любви; милый, милая

    my love — дорогой, дорогая; любовь моя

    She’s a new love of mine. — Она моя новая подружка.

    My love’s gone forever. — Моя любимая ушла навсегда.




    милочка, душечка

    So where are you going, love? — Так куда вы, голубушка, направляетесь?

    в) прелесть, чудо




    Амур, Купидон; Эрос

    6) любовь ; сострадание



    ноль, нулевой счёт

    love all — «сухая» ничья


    for the love of smb. / smth. — ради, во имя кого-л. / чего-л.

    not for love or money, not for the love of Mike — ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки

    labour of love — труд не за деньги, бескорыстный труд, любимое дело

    to give / send one’s love to smb. — передавать привет кому-л.

    There’s no love lost between them. — Они — непримиримые враги.

    Love and a cough cannot be hidden. посл. — Любовь и кашель не утаишь.




    to love one’s children / wife / parents / friends — любить своих детей / жену / родителей / друзей

    to love blindly / dearly / deeply / passionately — любить слепо / нежно / глубоко / страстно

    to love really / very much — сильно любить


    б) любить, обожать ; хотеть

    She loves to play violin. — Она любит играть на скрипке.

    She loves sunbathing. — Она любит солнечные ванны.

    He’s just the kind of person I love. — Он как раз из таких людей, которые мне нравятся.

    I’d love to stay with you. — Я бы с удовольствием остался с вами.


    в) любить какую-л. конкретную среду, нуждаться в определённых условиях обитания

    The violet loves a sunny bank. — Фиалки любят солнечные речные берега.

    2) ласкать, гладить друг друга, играть в любовные игры; заниматься любовью, совокупляться

    Why don’t you give her a hug, love her up a bit? — Почему бы тебе не обнять её, приласкать немного?

    We loved each other all night long. — Мы любили друг друга всю ночь напролёт.



    Love you and leave you. — Извини(те), но мне пора,

    loves me, loves me not — любит, не любит

    love them and leave them. — поматросить и бросить

    Англо-русский современный словарь > love

  • 10

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > love

  • 11

    I [lʌv]


    He had a deep love for his parents. — У него было глубокое чувство любви к родителям.

    There is no/little love lost between them. — Они недолюбливают друг друга.

    I suppose he was crossed in his first love. — Я думаю, его первая любовь не встретила взаимности. /Ему не повезло в его первой любви.

    He is head over ears in love. — Он по уши влюблен.

    All is fair in love and war. — В любви и на войне все средства хороши.

    Faults are thick where love is thin. — Постылым все не мило.

    Lucky at cards, unlucky in love. — В игре везет, а в любви нет.

    Not to be had for love or money. — Не купить ни за любовь, ни за деньги. /Не получить ни за что на свете.

    There is no love lost between them. — Живут как кошка с собакой.

    Love can not be forced. — Насильно мил не будешь

    — maternal love
    — his lady love
    — my love
    — love story
    — love letter
    — love affairs
    — love game
    — love for smb
    — love of art
    — love for one’s children
    — love at first sight
    — love of books
    — love of money
    — Goddess of Love
    — inspired by love
    — for the love of peace
    — for the love of it
    — from love of truth
    — with love from all
    — be true to one’s first love
    — be in love with smb
    — do smth out of love

    fall out of love with smb

    — fall out of love with smth
    — give one’s love to smb
    — have love of music
    — live in love and peace with one’s neighbours
    — marry for love
    — play for love
    — show a genuine love of literature
    — win smb’s love
    — gain smb’s love
    — lose smb’s love
    — work for love

    II [lʌv]

    love smb

    — love one’s country
    — love smb, smth greatly


    Любовь в английском сознании воспринимается как слабость, как падение куда-либо. Впечатление, которое производит любимый человек, подобно удару или нокауту, что видно из следующих выражений: Just looking at him makes me go weak at the knees. Один взгляд на него вызывает у меня слабость в ногах. /От одного взгляда на него у меня колени дрожат. I fell for Molly in a big way. Я серьезно втюрился в Молли. Do you remember the first time you fell in love. Ты помнишь, когда/как ты влюбился в первый раз? I’d never met anyone like Jack — he just swept me off my feet. Я никогда не встречала такого человека как Джек — он меня просто сразил наповал. She has a crush on him. Она втюрилась в него. I was bowled over by his charm and good looks. Я была просто сражена его красотой и обаянием. Anyone can see they are head over heels in love. Любому видно, что они по уши влюблены. That girl is an absolute knock out. Эта девчонка полный отпад. He’s drop-dead gorgeous. Он убийственно красив. He’s always had a bit of a weakness for brunettes. Он всегда был неравнодушен к брюнеткам. /У него слабость к брюнеткам. Ассоциации также могут быть связаны с состоянием невмеяемости: He is mad about her. Он по ней с ума сходит. It’s surprising but dad is crazy about Mom. Удивительно, но мой отец до сих пор с ума сходит по маме/безумно влюблен в маму. Сексуальная любовь ассоциируется с огнем или жаром: I bumped into an old flame yesterday. Вчера я столкнулся со своей бывшей пассией. It was a fiery passionate relationship. Мы оба сгорали от страсти. His eyes burned with desire. В глазах его горел огонь желания. His touch inflamed her senses. От его прикосновения ее бросило в жар. She gave him a smouldering look. Она бросила не него испепеляющий взгляд. /От ее взгляда от него буквально дым пошел. The movie includes some steamy sex scenes. В этом фильме есть несколько весьма страстных сексуальных сцен/таких сцен, что дым коромыслом. Sare felt herself melting into his arms. Сара почувствовала, что просто тает в его объятиях


    (1.) Русский глагол «любить» может соответствовать английским глаголам to love и to like. Глагол to love обозначает глубокое чувство привязанности, которые субъект испытывает по отношению к кому-либо: to love one’s parents (one’s children, one’s family). Глагол to like smb, smth, doing smth обозначает приятные ощущения, удовольствие от чего-либо, от общения с кем-либо. 2. See want, v; USAGE (2.). 3. See like, v; USAGE (1.). 4. See hate, v; USAGE (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > love

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    1. n Лов, Лав

    true love — истинная любовь; любовь в полном смысле слова

    2. n любовь, привязанность, приязнь

    love knot — бант как символ любви, союза

    3. n влюблённость, любовь, страсть

    one-way love — неразделённая любовь, любовь без взаимности

    4. n предмет любви, возлюбленный; возлюбленная

    5. n прост. душечка, голубушка

    6. n Эрос, амур, купидон

    7. n любовная интрига; любовная история

    love story — роман или рассказ о любви, любовный роман

    8. n спорт. ноль

    put that gun down, for the love of God — ради бога, брось пистолет

    9. v ласкать

    10. v любить; находить удовольствие; хотеть

    some people love fo find fault — некоторые люди любят придираться; некоторым людям доставляет удовольствие находить недостатки

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. adoration (noun) adoration; amorousness; amour; eros; infatuation; passion

    4. agape (noun) agape; altruism; charity; kindness

    5. commitment (noun) affection; ardor; ardour; attachment; bond; commitment; devotion; fondness; liking; loyalty; tenderness; tie

    7. sweetheart (noun) beau; beloved; darling; dear; flame; heartthrob; honey; honeybunch; loveling; lover; sweet; sweetheart; sweetling; truelove; turtledove

    9. caress (verb) caress; cosset; cuddle; dandle; embrace; fondle; fornicate; kiss; pet; woo

    10. like (verb) admire; adore; adulate; affection; be enamored of; be fond of; cherish; delight in; dote on; fancy; have affection for; idolize; like; treasure; worship

    Антонимический ряд:

    abhorrence; abominate; abomination; alienation; animosity; antipathy; aversion; bitterness; coldness; contumely; desertion; detest; detestation; disaffection; disdain; hate; hatred; loathe; misanthropy

    English-Russian base dictionary > Love

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    1. n игра; забава

    2. n спорт. манера, стиль игры, игра

    fair play — игра по правилам, честная игра

    foul play — игра с нарушением правил, грубая игра

    3. n спорт. комбинация

    tip-off play — комбинация, начинающаяся начальным броском

    4. n спорт. борьба; бой

    5. n азартная игра

    6. n шутка

    7. n каламбур

    8. n пьеса, драма

    play doctor — редактор, «спасающий» пьесу перед премьерой

    9. n представление, спектакль

    10. n владение, умение обращаться

    11. n движение

    12. n переливы, игра

    to play high — играть по большой; ходить с крупной карты

    play street — улица, на которой разрешено играть детям

    13. n свобода, простор

    14. n действие, деятельность

    15. n действия, поведение; игра

    16. n диал. забастовка

    17. n диал. каникулы, свободное от занятий время

    18. n диал. ухаживание; свадебный танец

    19. n диал. проигрывание

    20. n диал. «пресса», освещение в прессе

    21. n тех. зазор

    22. n тех. игра, люфт, свободный ход; шатание

    23. n тех. авт. болтанка

    gallery play — стремление к дешёвой популярности; «работа на публику»

    24. v играть, резвиться, забавляться

    25. v сыграть шутку; разыграть

    26. v шутить; дурачиться

    27. v каламбурить, обыгрывать значение слова

    28. v поступать, вести себя легкомысленно

    play out — изживать себя, терять силу; исчерпать

    29. v флиртовать; ухаживать, заводить любовную интрижку

    30. v австрал. разг. разыгрывать

    31. v играть, участвовать в игре

    32. v спорт. отбивать, подавать мяч

    33. v использовать в игре, выставлять, заявлять

    34. v вводить в игру

    play debt — долг из игры, обязательство из игры

    35. v притворяться, прикидываться

    36. v поступать, действовать

    37. v стравливать, натравливать

    38. v рассматривать

    39. v подходить для игры

    40. v играть в азартные игры; быть игроком

    41. v играть на тотализаторе или на скачках

    42. v делать ставки, ставить

    43. v исполнять; играть

    44. v исполнять, играть роль

    45. v сниматься; участвовать, играть

    46. v сопровождать музыкой

    47. v давать представление; исполнять пьесу

    48. v амер. гастролировать

    49. v, исполняться

    50. v демонстрировать

    51. v идти

    52. v играть, работать

    53. v играть, воспользоваться

    54. v порхать, носиться, танцевать

    55. v переливаться, играть; мелькать

    56. v дрожать, трепетать

    57. v бить

    58. v направлять

    59. v стрелять

    60. v приводить в действие, пускать

    61. v тех. иметь люфт; шататься

    62. v диал. бастовать

    63. v диал. быть на каникулах

    to keep the goal, to play goal — стоять в воротах, быть вратарём

    64. v диал. водить, вываживать

    65. v амер. сл. опекать, покровительствовать

    66. v амер. сл. сотрудничать

    помещать, располагать на определённом месте

    to play silly buggers, to play the goat — дурачиться, идиотничать

    to play it by ear — принимать решение на месте; действовать в зависимости от обстоятельств

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. action (noun) action; activity; exercise; motion; movement

    3. fun (noun) amusement; disport; diversion; enjoyment; entertainment; frolic; fun; game; jest; joke; pastime; recreation; relaxation; sport; trifling

    5. performance (noun) comedy; drama; farce; melodrama; performance; piece; presentation; production; satire; show; tragedy

    6. room (noun) elbowroom; latitude; leeway; margin; room; scope

    7. trick (noun) artifice; chouse; device; feint; gambit; gimmick; jig; maneuver; manoeuvre; ploy; ruse; shenanigan; sleight; stratagem; trick; whizzer; wile

    8. use (noun) appliance; application; employment; exertion; operation; usage; usance; use

    9. act (verb) act; characterise; characterize; discourse; emulate; enact; imitate; impersonate; mimic; personate; playact

    10. compete (verb) compete; contend against; contend with; engage

    12. do (verb) bring about; do; execute; interpret; perform; render

    13. fool (verb) dally; fiddle; fidget; flirt; fool; monkey; putter; tinker; toy; trifle; twiddle

    14. manipulate (verb) beguile; exploit; finesse; jockey; maneuver; manipulate; manoeuvre

    15. put (verb) bet; gamble; game; lay; lay down; post; put; put on; set; stake; wager

    16. romp (verb) caper; frisk; frolic; gambol; revel; romp

    18. treat (verb) deal with; employ; handle; serve; take; treat; use

    Антонимический ряд:

    study; work

    English-Russian base dictionary > play

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    love влюбленность; to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в); to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в); to fall out of love (with smb.) разлюбить (кого-л.) love влюбленность; to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в); to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в); to fall out of love (with smb.) разлюбить (кого-л.) for love of the game из любви к искусству for the love of ради, во имя; for the love of Mike = ради бога for the love of ради, во имя; for the love of Mike = ради бога to give (to send) one’s love (to smb.) передавать (посылать) привет (кому-л.) love хотеть, желать; находить удовольствие (в чем-л.); I’d love to come with you я бы с удовольствием пошел с вами love миф. амур, купидон love влюбленность; to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в); to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в); to fall out of love (with smb.) разлюбить (кого-л.) love любить love любовная интрига; любовная история love любовь, привязанность; there’s no love lost between them они недолюбливают друг друга love спорт. нуль; win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0; love all счет 0:0; love game «сухая» love предмет любви; дорогой, дорогая; возлюбленный, возлюбленная (особ. в обращении my love) love (что-л.) привлекательное; a regular love of a kitten прелестный котенок love хотеть, желать; находить удовольствие (в чем-л.); I’d love to come with you я бы с удовольствием пошел с вами love спорт. нуль; win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0; love all счет 0:0; love game «сухая» love and a cough cannot be hidden посл. любви да кашля не утаишь love спорт. нуль; win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0; love all счет 0:0; love game «сухая» love in a cottage = рай в шалаше to make love to добиваться физической близости to make love to ухаживать за not for love or money, not for the love of Mike ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки not for love or money, not for the love of Mike ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки to play for love играть не на деньги love (что-л.) привлекательное; a regular love of a kitten прелестный котенок love любовь, привязанность; there’s no love lost between them они недолюбливают друг друга love спорт. нуль; win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0; love all счет 0:0; love game «сухая»

    English-Russian short dictionary > love

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    1) любовь, привязанность; there’s no love lost between them они недолюбливают друг друга

    2) влюбленность; to be in love (with) быть влюбленным (в); to fall in love (with) влюбиться (в); to fall out of love with smb. разлюбить кого-л.;

    to make love to

    а) ухаживать за;

    б) добиваться физической близости; love in a cottage


    рай в шалаше

    3) любовная интрига; любовная история

    4) предмет любви; дорогой, дорогая; возлюбленный, возлюбленная (особ. в обращении my love)

    5) myth. амур, купидон

    6) что-л. привлекательное; a regular love of a kitten прелестный котенок

    7) sport нуль; win by four goals to love выиграть со счетом 4:0; love all счет 0: 0; love game ‘сухая’

    for the love of ради, во имя; for the love of Mike


    ради бога; not for love or money, not for the love of Mike ни за что, ни за какие деньги, ни за какие коврижки

    to give (to send) one’s love to smb. передавать (посылать) привет кому-л.

    for love of the game из любви к искусству

    to play for love играть не на деньги

    love and a cough cannot be hidden посл. любви да кашля не утаишь


    affection, attachment, crush, infatuation


    dislike, hate

    1) любить

    2) хотеть, желать; находить удовольствие (в чем-л.); I,d love to come with you я бы с удовольствием пошел с вами

    * * *

    2 (v) любить; полюбить

    * * *

    * * *

    [ lʌv]
    любовь; привязанность, приязнь, влюбленность, страсть; предмет любви, возлюбленный, возлюбленная, дорогая; что-либо привлекательное; любовная интрига, любовная история
    любить; находить удовольствие; хотеть, желать; возлюбить

    * * *





    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) а) любовь, приязнь, симпатия; привязанность
    б) любовь, склонность, тяга (к чему-л.)
    2) а) любовь
    б) любовь, секс; сексуальная активность; половой акт
    3) состояние влюбленности, любовь; любовная история
    4) а) предмет любви; милый, милая; милочка, душечка
    б) прелесть, чудо
    2. гл.
    1) а) любить
    б) любить, обожать; хотеть (делать что-л.)
    в) (о животных, растениях) любить какую-л. конкретную среду, нуждаться в определенных условиях обитания
    2) разг. ласкать, гладить, играть в любовные игры (тж. с up)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > love

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    1. I

    2) the band is playing играет оркестр и т.д.; the music began to play заиграла музыка

    2. II

    1) play in some manner play well хороню и т.д. играть /вести игру/; play fair /square/ играть честно, вести честную игру; play foul /false/ жульничать, обманывать, играть нечестно; play fast and loose вести нечестную игру; play high а) ходить с крупной карты; б) делать большие ставки, играть по большей

    2) play in some manner the piece will play well эта пьеса и т.д. сценична /выигрышна для постановки/; the lawn plays well на этой площадке и т.д. хорошо играть; play at some time what films are playing just now? какие сейчас идут фильмы?

    3. III

    1) play smth., smb. play school играть в школу и т.д.; play ball играть в мяч; the children were playing a noisy game дети затеяли какую-то шумную игру

    2) play smth., smb. play tennis играть в теннис и т.д.; play a good game быть хорошим игроком; he plays a good game of tennis он хорошо играет в теннис; play a safe winning/ game играть наверняка; play a losing game вести безнадежную игру; play a waiting game занимать выжидательную позицию, тянуть время; play a double game вести двойную игру, двурушничать; play a match провести матч; when are we going to play their team? когда мы будем играть с их командой /выступать против их команды/?; he will play left end он будет [играть] крайним левым

    3) play smth., smb. play a pawn сыграть /сделать ход, ходить/ пешкой: play horses играть на скачках; play a horse play a wrong card а) сделать неверный ход , б) сделать ложный шаг, совершить ошибку; play one’s highest /best/ card а) пойти с самой крупной карты; б) использовать свой самый сильный козырь, бить наверняка; play one’s ten of hearts ходить с десятки /десяткой/ червей и т.д.; play one’s last card пустить в ход последний козырь, использовать последний шанс

    4) play smth., smb. play a comedy играть /исполнять/ комедию и т.д.; play a part играть роль и т.д.; who is going to play Lady Macbeth кто будет играть леди Макбет?; play large houses выступать /играть/ в больших театрах и т.д.

    5) play smb., smth. play the host выступать в роли хозяина ; play the master хозяйничать, распоряжаться; play the man поступать как подобает мужчине; play the baby ребячиться, прикидываться младенцем; play the fool /the idiot, the ass/ валять дурака, глупо вести /держать/ себя; play the ape обезьянничать, передразнивать; play an important part играть важную роль

    6) play smth. play the violin играть на скрипке и т.д.; play a melody играть мелодию и т.д.; play the gramophone ставить пластинки

    4. IV

    1) play smth. in some manner noisily play hide-and-seek шумно и т.д. играть в прятки и т.д.

    2) play smth. in some manner play tennis well хорошо и т.д. играть в теннис и т.д.

    3) play smth. in some manner play one’s cards well a) пойти правильно ; б) воспользоваться обстоятельствами

    4) play smth., smb. in some manner play one’s part well хороню и т.д. играть свою роль и т.д.

    5) play smth. in some manner play music softly тихо и т.д. играть ; she plays Mozart well она хорошо исполняет /играет/ Моцарта; play smth. for some time she plays her radio all day long у нее весь день включено радио

    5. V

    play smb. smth. won’t you please play me some Chopin /something by Chopin/? не сыграете ли вы мне Шопена?; I want to play you my favourite records я хочу проиграть вам /поставить для вас/ свои любимые пластинки

    6. VI

    play smb. in some state play smb. fair вести себя честно по отношению к кому-л.; his memory played him false [in this matter] [в этом вопросе] его подвела память

    7. XI

    8. XV

    play in some state with smb. play fair with smb. вести себя честно по отношению к кому-л.; play false with smb. а) обманывать кого-л.; he played fast and loose with too many girls слишком многих девушек он обманул; he played fast and loose with her affections он играл ее чувствами: б) предавать кого-л.

    9. XVI

    1) play with smb., smth. play with his brothers играть со своими братьями и т.д.; play with one’s doll играть в куклы; play with toys играть в игрушки; play with its tail ловить свой хвост; don’t play with matches не балуйся со спичками; play at smth. play at hide-and-seek играть в прятки и т.д.; what do you think you are playing at? ты хоть понимаешь, какую игру ты затеял /что ты делаешь/ ?; play at some time play from morning till night играть с утра до вечера; play by oneself my little daughter will play by herself for hours моя дочурка часами играет /забавляется/ одна; play in smth. play in the park играть /забавляться, резвиться/ в парке и т.д.; the butterflies were playing in the air бабочки порхали в воздухе; bees play among flowers пчелы кружатся среди цветов; the moonlight played on the water свет луны и т.д. переливался в воде; dust is playing in the sunbeams пылинки и т.д. кружатся /мелькают/ в солнечных лучах; the wind plays in the trees ветер шелестит листвой [деревьев]; the wind plays through her hair ветер развевает ее волосы; fountain played in the air струйки фонтана переливались в воздухе; the lights played strangely over the faces of the actors по лицам актеров пробегали причудливые тени; а smile played on /about/ her lips у нее на губах играла улыбка || play by turns /in turn/ играть по очереди

    2) play with smth. play with one’s stick вертеть палку, поигрывать палкой и т.д., don’t play with your health не шутите своим здоровьем; play with the idea of going to Australia подумывать о поездке в Австралию; play with words играть словами; play with fire играть с огнем; play with love шутить с любовью и т.д., несерьезно относиться к любви и т.д.; play on smth. play upon smb.’s feelings играть на чьих-л. чувствах и т.д.; I played upon his love of flattery я использовал его любовь к лести || play into smb.’s hands сыграть кому-л. на руку

    3) play at smth. play at football играть в футбол и т.д.; play for smth. play for one’s city играть за свой город и т.д., защищать честь своего города и т.д.; play for one’s country играть в сборной страны; play with smth. play with both hands играть обеими руками и т.д.

    4) play for smth. play for money играть на деньги и т.д., what stakes shall we play for? по скольку [мы] будем ставить?; play for time стараться выиграть /оттянуть/ время

    5) play at /in/ smth. play at concerts выступать на концертах и т.д.; play in a film играть /сниматься/ в кино; play at business притворяться, что заинтересован делом и т.д., разыгрывать из себя бизнесмена и т.д.; play to /before/ smb., smth. play to an enthusiastic audience выступать перед восторженными зрителями и т.д.; play [with an eye] to the gallery играть, подлаживаясь под вкусы галерки, искать дешевой популярности; with smth. play with animation играть живо или с подъемом и т.д.

    6) play on smth. play on the piano играть на фортепиано и т.д.; play at smth. play at sight играть с листа; play by ear играть на слух; play to smth. play to smb.’s singing аккомпанировать чьему-л. пению; play for smb. aren’t you going to play for us? вы нам не сыграете?

    10. XVII

    play at doing smth. play at keeping house заниматься хозяйством и т.д. ради забавы; you are only playing at boxing ты только притворяешься, что интересуешься боксом; he is merely playing at being a student он лишь делает вид, что он студент /разыгрывает из себя студента/

    11. XXI1

    1) play smth. with smb. play hide-and-seek with the girls играть с девочками в прятки и т.д.; play smth. on smb. play a joke on smb. подшучивать над кем-л.; he played a [dirty] trick on me он сыграл со мной [злую] шутку

    2) play smth. with smb. play football with another team играть в футбол и т.д. с другой командой и т.д.; play smb. at smth. play smb. at chess играть с кем-л. партию в шахматы и т.д.; will you play me at chess? вы сыграете со мной в шахматы?; play smb. for smth. play smb. for championship играть /состязаться/ с кем-л. на звание чемпиона и т.д.

    3) play smth. on smth. play an air on the flute играть мелодию и т.д. на флейте и т.д.

    4) play smth. on smth. play a hose on a fire направлять брандспойт на огонь и т.д.

    12. XXV

    1) play [that…] play that they are pirates играть в пираты и т.д.; play that the hammock is a boat представлять, что гамак это лодка

    2) play when… the teams have just started to play when it began to rain едва команды начали игру, как пошел дождь; he went on playing until he has lost everything он играл [до тех пор], пока все не проиграл /не спустил/

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > play

  • 17

    1. I

    he can hate but cannot love он не умеет любить, он умеет только ненавидеть; she has loved она в своей жизни [много] любила

    2. II

    love in some manner love blindly любить слепо и т. с).

    3. III

    1) love smb., smth. love a woman любить женщину и т. д., испытывать любовь к женщине и т. д., all her pupils love her все ученики любят ее

    2) love smth. love sweets любить конфеты и т. д., получать удовольствие от конфет и т. д., I love sea bathing я люблю /мне нравится/ купаться в море; most children love ice cream почти все дети любят мороженое; love peace любить /ценить/ мир и т. д.; plants love sunlight растения и т. д. любят /растениям и т. д. нужно/ солнце и т. д.

    4. IV

    love smb. in some manner love smb. very deeply очень и т. д. любить кого-л.; love smb. at first sight полюбить кого-л. с первого взгляда

    5. XI

    6. XIII

    love to do smth. emot.-intens. coll. she loves to play tennis она любит /обожает/ играть в теннис и т. д.; I love to be admired мне очень нравится /я обожаю/, когда мною восхищаются; she loves to make a fuss она получает особое удовольствие /обожает/ создавать шумиху / устраивать суету/ и т. д.; children love to ape their elders детям нравится подражать взрослым; I should love to come to dinner я бы с большим удовольствием приняла ваше приглашение пообедать и т. д., will you come? — I should love to вы придете?С удовольствием; I’d love for you to come with me я бы очень хотел, чтобы вы пошли со мной

    7. XIV

    love doing smth. emot.-intens. соll. she loves reading она обожает читать и т. д., она с восторгом читает и т. д.

    8. XXI1

    love smb. with smth. love smb. with one’s whole heart любить кого-л. всем сердцем; love smb. to the day of one’s death любить кого-л. до конца своих дней; love smth. above smth. he loves money above everything else он больше всего на свете любит деньги, у него страсть к деньгам LOWER (

    9. I,


    10. II,


    11. III,


    12. IV,


    13. XI,


    14. XVIII,


    15. XXI1)

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > love

  • 18

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > играть

  • 19
    black out

    1.затемнять (убирать) свет: — This is a very cool play. I love it when they black out the stage and actors speak in darkness for a short time. — Классная пьеса. Особенно мне понравилось то, что, когда затемняют сцену, актеры продолжают говорить в темноте»»‘, 2. замалчивать (информацию): This fucking paper usually blacks out all criticism of tire President.— Эта проклятая газета всегда замалчивает любую критику политики президента; 3. потерять над собой контроль, отключиться, упасть в обморок/ It’s been a hard day for her and she suddenly blacked out.— Унее был трудный денъ, и к вечеру она неожиданно потеряла сознание.

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > black out

  • 20
    worth one’s salt

    хороший, достойный, уважаемый; не зря получающий деньги

    Any player worth his salt would love to play for his country. — Каждый уважающий себя игрок должен радоваться возможности сыграть за свою страну.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > worth one’s salt

  • WORLD Radio — Word Play — For love of brevity

    English speakers are obsessed with abbreviations

    NICK EICHER, HOST: It’s Friday, August 20th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Nick Eicher.

    MYRNA BROWN, HOST: And I’m Myrna Brown.

    Time now for Word Play. Or, as we like to call it around here, W-P. Here’s George Grant.

    GEORGE GRANT, COMMENTATOR: In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Polonius famously observes, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” He might have as easily asserted that brevity is likewise the soul of language. It seems that our common parlance is impulsively, incessantly inclined to shorten and simplify—thus, our fondness for abbreviations.

    Abbreviations are abridged, condensed, compressed, or abstracted versions of the words or phrases we use every day. They can take a myriad of forms. Contractions, for instance, are abbreviations in which we omit letters from the middle of a word or a pair of words. He’s, she’s, and its, can’t, don’t, and won’t, I’ve, we’ve, and they’ve are all common contractions, as are the abbreviated titles for mister, missus, doctor, and saint.

    Acronyms are taken from the first letters of a group of words where they are pronounced together to form a new abbreviated word. For example, NASA is the abbreviation for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NATO is the abbreviation for the North American Treaty Organization; and OPEC is the abbreviation for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. There is radar for radio detection and ranging; and there is laser for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

    Another abbreviated construction, similar to an acronym, is an initialism. It is also formed from the first letters of a group of words, but in this case each letter is pronounced individually. Thus, there is AM for ante-meridian and PM for post-meridian; or PS for post-script and RSVP for répondez s’il vous plait; there is FBI for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, CD for compact disc, CEO for chief executive officer, FAQ for frequently asked questions, NCAA for the National Collegiate Athletic Association, scuba for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, and UFO for unidentified flying object.

    Initialisms are common in computing and social media slang with USB, CPU, JPG, ATM, AOL, and LOL.

    Of course, the simplest form of abbreviation is shortening—cutting off the end of a word: app instead of application, vet instead of either veterinarian or veteran, limo instead of limousine, ad instead of advertisement, and flu instead of influenza. We have rehab instead of rehabilitation, admin instead of administration, ammo instead of ammunition, and rum instead of rumbullion. Bedlam is the abbreviated name for London’s Bethlehem Hospital for the mentally ill. Pakistan is an abbreviation taken from the names of the northern provinces of the British colonial Raj: Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan. Alaska is an abbreviation of Unalaska, a name derived from an Aleut word meaning, “the shores where the sea breaks its back.”

    Everywhere we look, abbreviations abound. Of course, the irony is that there is no abbreviation for that very long word: abbreviation.

    I’m George Grant.

    WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.

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    It’s music you play for the love of it.

    We all play for the love of of the sport.

    I once read a book on golf that said, People say amateurs play for the love of the game and professionals play for money.

    Как-то в одной из книг о гольфе я нашел такую мысль: «Говорят, любители играют ради самой игры, а профессионалы — ради денег.

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    • verb idiomatic to play a game of cards without stakes


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    1. play for loveverb

      to play a game of cards without stakes

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      The numerical value of PLAY FOR LOVE in Chaldean Numerology is: 6

    2. Pythagorean Numerology

      The numerical value of PLAY FOR LOVE in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3


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