Word phrase video games

Words, abbreviations and slang

AFK – “away from keyboard.” In other words, the player is not available, or active, in the game. If you go to the toilet while you are playing a game, you are AFK. When you come back, you are BAK, “back at keyboard.” ( WATCH VIDEO )

Boss – (noun) a computer controlled enemy, frightening and powerful, but also having weaknesses allowing good players to kill it. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Bro (noun) – An informal way of saying “friend,” a good male friend. Often used with strangers in video games. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Buff (noun) – A strengthening of a character power or abilities. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Bug (noun) – An error in a game’s design or computer programming. Bugs can be minor and easily fixed to major problems which great affects game play ( WATCH VIDEO )

Camping (noun) – Staying/hiding in one place or area and surprising enemies who come there, killing them and taking their loot. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Carry (verb) – to use your skill as a gamer to help one or more teammates compete successfully ( WATCH VIDEO )

Chill – (adj, verb) Relaxed, calm; to relax, have fun, etc. by yourself or with friends (WATCH VIDEO)

Combo (noun) – Combination. a quick set of attacking actions on an enemy

CU, CYA – See You (Goodbye)

Dope (noun) – Something that is really good, awesome, cool ( WATCH VIDEO)

Dub (noun) – Win, from a shortened form of W, the first letter of “win”, pronounced “double U” ( WATCH VIDEO)

Dude (noun) – Man, Guy. What you call someone, usually a male. Similar to “Bro” ( WATCH VIDEO)

Epic – (adjective) – Long and difficult, but xtremely good or enjoyable (WATCH VIDEO) 

Farming – (noun) Gathering or collecting items that make a player stronger and more powerful (WATCH VIDEO) 

First-Person Shooter, FPS (noun) – A shooting game with the camera looking through your character’s eyes

FYI – For Your Information

GB – Goodbye

GG – Good game. You are telling your teammate or opponent that they played well.

Glitch (noun) a small problem or mistake that prevents something from working properly. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Goosebumps (noun) the raised spots you get on your skin when you feel cold, frightened or excited. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Grind (verb) to do something difficult for a long time, trying to achieve something or as part of a job (WATCH VIDEO) 

HF – Have fun

Indie (adj) – “Independently produced game” meaning a game created by a small company or team instead of a giant gaming company

Inventory (noun) – A menu or area of the screen where items (equipment, weapons, materials, etc.) collected by the player-character during the game can be selected. (Watch video)

Items – things players can gather and use during a game, e.g., a weapon, a building material, something that heals, etc.

Lag (verb, noun) – having a slower than normal internet connection, making it difficult to compete with other players in video games; to fall behind, perhaps because of moving or working too slowly; (of a machine or system) not up to date. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Let’s go (expression) – an expression video gamers use after doing something successfully, e.g., winning a game. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Loadout ( noun) – The set of weapons, ammunition and other items a video gamer player has for a fight.. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Loot (noun) – Items you need to survive, e.g.  weapons, medicines, equipment or all kinds, building materials, etc. ( Watch video)

Loot (verb) – to gather the items you need.

Mats (noun) – Materials used to make things, e.g., wood, bricks and metal, esp. in the video game Fortnite.( Watch video)

Meme (noun) – An idea, image, etc. that spreads very quickly

Meta (noun)– “Most Effective Tactics Available”, the best methods available to win or succeed in playing a game. ( Watch video)

Mission (noun)– an important job that a person or a group of people is given to do. It often involves travel, even space travel. ( Watch video)

Nerf (noun, verb)– A weakening of a weapon, character power or ability,’ to reduce the power of a weapon, power or ability ( Watch video)

Newbie (noun) – (Also “noob” or “newb”) A beginner, a person who has no experience with the game being play or a player who has very poor skills. ( Watch video)

Noob (noun) – (Also “newbie” or “newb”) A beginner, a person who has no experience with the game being play or a player who has very poor skills. ( Watch video)

Patch (noun) – in video games a patch repairs weaknesses by correcting errors or making changes to improve a game, e.g., by making a game character or item more powerful (a buff) or less powerful (a nerf). (Watch video)

Peek (verb) – a quick and secret look at something that you should not be looking at (Watch video)

Platform (noun) – For most of us, a “platform” is a flat raised surface like you would see next to the tracks at a train station. For gamers, however, a platform is the type of computer system they use to play their games or the software they use.
( Watch video)

Prone (adjective) – a position in which you are lying flat with the front of your body touching the ground.
( Watch video)

Push (verb) – a position in which you are lying flat with the front of your body touching the ground.
( Watch video)

Quickscope (verb) – to find an enemy quickly in the scope of a gun and shooting him/her. (Watch video)

Role (noun) – the function or position that someone has in an organization or situation; an actor’s part in a play or film.
( Watch video)

Salty (adjective) – upset, disappointed, bitter
( Watch video)

Scrim (noun) – An online practice match between two teams (scrimmage)

Scrub – A very bad player, often one who thinks he/she is good

Shambolic (adj) – very, very bad or very poorly done. Very poorly organized ( Watch video)

Sick (adj) – very good, great, enjoyable, etc (Watch video)

Smurfing(noun) When an experienced player creates a new account for a game and easily defeats inexperienced players

Spawn {verb) – to cause a character or item to appear in the game (Watch video)

Spicy (adjective) – impressive, awesome, looking very good (Watch video)

STFU – Shut the F**k up (Stop talking)

Streak (noun) – a short period of good or bad luck, e.g., winning or losing four games in a row. (Watch video)

Stream Sniper (noun) – a gamer who sees another gamer’s stream, joins the game and causes the streamer trouble. . (Watch video)

Sweaty (adjective) – (of a game or a situation in a game) very competitive, exciting and stressful (causing you to become anxious).. (Watch video)

Third-Person Shooter (noun) – A shooting game with the camera looking out from behind the character, especially the character’s shoulders

Toxic – (adjective) In gaming: very bad, often rude behavior towards other players. Also poisonous; dangerous to health (Watch video)

Troll(noun) Modern: A person who tricks other people on the Internet, often just for fun, but sometimes by giving false information or by writing rude and offensive messages to make other people angry. Ancient: A strange-looking, often very large, creature that liked to play tricks on people (Watch video)

Wallbang (verb) – to shoot somebody through a wall. . (Watch video)

Vibes (noun) – a mood or feeling that you get from a person, place or, in this case, a video game. (Watch video)

WTF – What the F**k

WTH – What the Hell**

Find the right words to describe video games in all their glory, from FPS to card games.

  • Video Game Adjectives
  • Video Game Nouns
  • Video Game Verbs
  • Negatives
  • Video Game Types
  • Video Game Phrases
  1. 3D
  2. abstract
  3. addicting
  4. addictive
  5. advanced
  6. all-new
  7. approachable
  8. based on
  9. beginner
  10. bug-free
  11. button-mash
  12. calculating
  13. challenging
  14. checkered
  15. classic
  16. clever
  17. competitive
  18. cooperative
  19. critically acclaimed
  20. cunning
  21. dealt
  22. dynamic
  23. easy
  24. easy-to-play
  25. educational
  26. engaging
  1. intellectual
  2. intense
  3. interesting
  4. intuitive
  5. kids’
  6. lag-free
  7. legendary
  8. lightning-fast
  9. linear
  10. multiplayer
  11. must-have
  12. narrative
  13. nonlinear
  14. nostalgic
  15. playable
  16. professional
  17. quick
  18. quick-to-set-up
  19. ranked
  20. real-time
  21. realistic
  22. retro
  23. reworked
  24. role-playing
  25. RPG
  26. run-and-gun
  1. enormous
  2. entertaining
  3. epic
  4. ever-changing
  5. exciting
  6. expansive
  7. expert
  8. extensive
  9. family-oriented
  10. fast
  11. favorite
  12. frantic
  13. fun
  14. functional
  15. futuristic
  16. good-quality
  17. gorgeous
  18. hack-and-slash
  19. handheld
  20. hard-hitting
  21. high-flying
  22. high-stakes
  23. higher ranking
  24. hilarious
  25. iconic
  26. improved
  1. single-player
  2. smart
  3. social
  4. social-oriented
  5. spectacular
  6. staked
  7. starter
  8. stimulating
  9. story-within-a-story
  10. strategic
  11. strategizing
  12. supersoldier
  13. tactical
  14. timed
  15. traditional
  16. travel
  17. unexpected
  18. unlimited
  19. unpredictable
  20. versatile
  21. violent
  22. visual
  23. well-designed
  24. well-packaged
  25. world-renowned

  1. 52-card deck
  2. ability
  3. access
  4. ace
  5. action
  6. adventure
  7. AI
  8. animation
  9. ante
  10. armor
  11. battle
  12. battle mechanics
  13. battle mode
  14. battling
  15. beginner
  16. behavior
  17. behavior system
  18. bet
  19. bishop
  20. blast
  21. bluff
  22. board
  23. bower
  24. briefcase
  25. button-mash style
  26. call bet
  27. campaign
  28. cards
  29. case
  30. cash game
  31. casino
  32. casual player
  33. challenge
  34. champion
  35. chance of winning
  36. character
  37. character class
  38. chat
  39. chips
  40. cinematic experience
  41. class
  42. clubs
  43. combat
  44. combat mechanics
  45. combat tactic
  46. companion
  47. complexity
  48. computer game
  49. comrade
  50. concentration
  51. console
  52. construction
  53. controller
  54. controls
  55. crew
  56. customization
  57. damage
  58. deal
  59. dealer
  60. decision
  61. deck
  62. demo
  63. design
  64. destruction
  65. diamonds
  66. dice
  1. kicker
  2. king
  3. kitty
  4. knight
  5. landscape
  6. learning curve
  7. level
  8. low/high cards
  9. low/high stakes
  10. luck
  11. maneuver
  12. maps
  13. match
  14. melee
  15. minion
  16. mode
  17. mods
  18. motive
  19. movement recognition
  20. music
  21. musical score
  22. narrative
  23. networking
  24. noob
  25. object
  26. objective
  27. odds
  28. on-screen prompts
  29. opponent
  30. outcome
  31. pair
  32. partner
  33. party game
  34. pastime
  35. patience
  36. pawn
  37. payouts
  38. pieces
  39. planning
  40. platform
  41. platforming game
  42. play surface
  43. player
  44. player profile
  45. playing cards
  46. plot
  47. points
  48. poker face
  49. pool
  50. position
  51. pot
  52. power
  53. presentation
  54. prize
  55. probability
  56. puzzle
  57. quality
  58. queen
  59. quest
  60. quick thinking
  61. race
  62. rank
  63. ranking
  64. realm
  65. reflexes
  66. remote
  1. die
  2. difficulty
  3. download
  4. edge
  5. edition
  6. endgame
  7. enemy
  8. entertainment
  9. environment
  10. equipment
  11. etiquette
  12. expansion pack
  13. expert
  14. family fun
  15. family game night
  16. family night
  17. fantasy
  18. feature
  19. fixed stake
  20. four of a kind
  21. FPS
  22. full house
  23. fun
  24. game
  25. game board
  26. game clock
  27. game launch
  28. game length
  29. game level
  30. game mode
  31. game night
  32. game of chance
  33. game pieces
  34. game region
  35. gamefreak
  36. gameplay
  37. gamer
  38. gaming community
  39. gaming experience
  40. genre
  41. goal
  42. GPU
  43. graphics
  44. graphics card
  45. group
  46. group coordination
  47. group member
  48. hand
  49. hand ranking
  50. health
  51. heart of battle
  52. hearts
  53. hero
  54. house
  55. house edge
  56. house rules
  57. humor
  58. ice breaker
  59. installment
  60. instructions
  61. intellect
  62. intensity
  63. interface
  64. jack
  65. journey
  66. judge
  1. right/left bower
  2. rise to power
  3. rivalry
  4. river
  5. roll
  6. rook
  7. round
  8. rules
  9. scheme
  10. score
  11. sequel
  12. sequence
  13. series
  14. sets
  15. shooter
  16. showdown
  17. single attack
  18. single player
  19. single sitting
  20. skill
  21. sleight-of-hand
  22. soldier
  23. soundtrack
  24. spades
  25. special attack
  26. speed
  27. spell
  28. spread
  29. stakes
  30. stealth
  31. storytelling
  32. straight
  33. straight flush
  34. strategy
  35. strength
  36. suit
  37. suits
  38. survival
  39. system
  40. table
  41. tactic
  42. target
  43. team
  44. team mode
  45. technology
  46. three of a kind
  47. tiles
  48. title
  49. tool
  50. tournament
  51. trade
  52. trick
  53. trump
  54. two pairs
  55. variant
  56. variation
  57. versatility
  58. video gamer
  59. wager
  60. wagering
  61. warrior
  62. weapon
  63. wheel
  64. wild card
  65. winner
  66. winning hand

  1. access
  2. adapt
  3. advance
  4. aim
  5. anticipate
  6. approach
  7. attack
  8. battle
  9. beat
  10. bet
  11. block
  12. bluff
  13. bring to life
  14. calculate
  15. call
  16. capture
  17. cast a spell
  18. catch
  19. challenge
  20. champion
  21. chase
  22. chat
  23. check
  24. checkmate
  25. collect
  26. compete
  27. complete
  28. concentrate
  1. join
  2. journey
  3. keep score
  4. laugh
  5. lead
  6. learn
  7. log hours
  8. lose
  9. master
  10. match
  11. measure up
  12. move
  13. navigate
  14. partner up
  15. pass
  16. pay out
  17. pick
  18. plan ahead
  19. play
  20. quest
  21. race
  22. raid
  23. raise
  24. rank
  25. resume
  26. ride
  27. rise to power
  28. roll
  1. control
  2. customize
  3. deal
  4. defeat
  5. die
  6. discard
  7. discover
  8. double
  9. download
  10. draw
  11. duel
  12. engage
  13. enjoy
  14. entertain
  15. experience
  16. explore
  17. face-off
  18. fight
  19. fight for survival
  20. figure out
  21. fold
  22. follow suit
  23. gain
  24. get rid of
  25. go all-in
  26. go deeper
  27. hone your skills
  28. improve a hand
  1. score
  2. set up
  3. sharpen your game
  4. shoot dice
  5. shuffle
  6. side step
  7. spend time
  8. stack
  9. strategize
  10. survive
  11. take the challenge
  12. take turns
  13. tally
  14. target
  15. team up
  16. thrill
  17. track
  18. train
  19. transform
  20. travel
  21. trump
  22. unlock
  23. value
  24. visit
  25. wager
  26. wield
  27. win
  28. win the pot

  1. battles go on too long
  2. boring
  3. cluttered screen
  1. repetitive use of []
  2. rushed to production
  3. stripped down
  1. game crashes/freezes
  2. glitches
  3. hectic
  1. too difficult

  1. action-adventure
  2. backgammon
  3. bingo
  4. blackjack
  5. board games
  6. card games
  7. casino games
  8. checkers
  9. chess
  10. commercial games
  1. iPad games
  2. mah jong
  3. math games
  4. memory games
  5. poker
  6. puzzle
  7. racing
  8. role playing
  9. roulette
  10. RPG
  1. craps
  2. cribbage
  3. dice games
  4. dominoes
  5. educational
  6. euchre
  7. first-person shooter
  8. football
  9. gin
  10. gin rummy
  1. shoot ’em up
  2. solitaire
  3. Texas hold’em
  4. tile games
  5. war
  6. WASD games
  7. word games
  8. yard games

  1. a blast to play!
  2. better controls/movement recognition allows players to reap the rewards of their skills
  3. brought to life with improved graphics/3D/new game regions
  4. characters are unique and likable
  5. combines classic gameplay and modern design
  6. dedicated to providing a more realistic/richer/deeper gaming experience
  7. delivers hours of multiplayer fun
  1. log in some serious hours
  2. mirrors real life
  3. nonlinear/linear/engrossing narrative
  4. over fifteen different characters to choose from
  5. preserves the retro experience while adding new features
  6. sets the visual benchmark for []
  7. shaped/weighted pieces
  1. destined to become a classic
  2. dynamic combat environment/intensity
  3. easy to learn/engaging to play/fun to watch
  4. encourages creative thinking
  5. epic/all-new sequel
  6. feel the intensity/rivalry
  7. fun for both adults and kids
  1. supports up to [] characters in multiplayer mode
  2. take [] to the next level with []
  3. take on the best
  4. the complete package
  5. the must-have game of the year
  6. variations keep the game fresh/fun/interesting every time

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Computer games

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Pr 2 Un 12 Computer vocabulary

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Prepare 2

an electronic device that can accept, store, and process data

The woman is using a computer.

The woman is using a computer.

an electronic game that runs on a console or computer

I’m going to buy a new video game this weekend.

I’m going to buy a new video game this weekend.

With an estimated 3.24 billion video gamers in the world, gaming can be an exhilarating and practical way to improve your language skills. To succeed at many of the most popular online games, you need to co-operate and communicate with other players – often against the clock. So, when it comes to those games popular with English speakers, the better you know gamer slang, the better your gaming experience will be.

If you’re new to it, gaming language can seem a world away from formal English. Get online and you’ll soon find that gamer talk is peppered with acronyms, slang and distinctive words that describe everything from a player’s gaming style to the enemies you encounter in the virtual world.

The good news is that getting to grips with English gaming phrases isn’t difficult. Even if you’re a noob, learning the most common gaming vocabulary will give you a great start – whether you’re playing Minecraft, Fortnite, League of Legends, World of Warcraft or any of the other hugely popular Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs / MMOGs) that are out there.

To get you started, we take a look at 25 common English gaming phrases and what they mean. To make things simple, we’ve put them into two groups – Gaming Acronyms and Gamer Slang. GLHF!

Gaming Acronyms

  1. BRB. This means ‘Be Right Back’ – handy for when you need to grab a drink. If you’re away from the game for longer, use AFK (‘Away From Keyboard).
  2. CU / CYA. Leaving the game? These mean ‘see you’ / ‘see ya’ (goodbye).
  3. DLC. This stands for Downloadable Content – extra features that you can download from within the game, like characters, tools, costumes, levels and other items. Some DLCs are free, while others cost money.
  4. GG / GGWP. If someone has played well, say so with GG (Good Game) or GGWP (Good Game, Well Played). But be careful – GG can also be used sarcastically to taunt a losing player (i.e. it means ‘Bad Game’!) or to brag about a victory (GG EZ means ‘Good Game, Easy’).
  5. GLHF. Good Luck, Have Fun. Often used in a friendly way to wish other players luck at the beginning of a game.
  6. IRL. In Real Life – this is used to refer to something happening in the real world, not the game.
  7. MP. Magic Points or Mana Points – these measure your power to use special magical abilities.
  8. OTW. This is ‘On The Way’. You can say this to tell other players you’re on the way to help them.
  9. WTT. ‘Want To Trade’. Use this to tell another player you want to trade an item or items.
  10. XP. These are (E)Xperience Points – as you progress through levels, gain new skills and powers, you build up XP.

Gamer Slang

Had enough of acronyms for the time being? Then try out these words and phrases…

  1. Adds. These are ‘additional enemies’ which you often have to fight during ‘boss’ encounters (see no. 13)
  2. Bots. A bot is an automated, non-human opponent – some games let you play against bots if you’re not online. Sometimes you’ll see human players calling other people bots, but it’s best to avoid this as it’s an insult.
  3. Boss A ‘boss’ is a really tough enemy who frequently appears at the end of a level or a game. Defeating them can take a hard-won combination of skills, weapons or powers.
  4. Buff / Nerf. Any change that makes in-game characters or weapons more powerful is called a ‘buff’. The opposite is a ‘nerf’. The term ‘nerf’ comes from a brand of toy guns with soft bullets (i.e. ones that are designed to not cause injury!)
  5. Camping. This phrase refers to staying or hiding in one place or area of an online world. Some players do this to surprise and ambush enemies. Lots of players frown on this behaviour.
  6. Cheesing. If you’re cheesing, you’re using powerful strategies that are easy to deploy and nearly impossible for an opponent to beat. Sometimes people do this by taking advantage of a glitch in a game.
  7. Easter Eggs. An Easter egg is a hidden feature, reference, in-joke or message in a game. This article has 15 of the best over the years.
  8. Farming / Grinding. Grinding refers to a player performing repetitive tasks to gain benefits such as weapons, loot or XP. Farming is similar, but is used when a character repeatedly acquires loot from a single source.
  9. Hacking / Hacker.Hacking / Hacker. These words mean cheating or a cheater – if someone is being called a hacker, other players are accusing them of cheating in some way.
  10. Get Rekt / Git Rekd. These mean ‘get wrecked’. You’d use them to describe a player who has suffered a major defeat. It’s often used as an insult, so be careful when using it.
  11. Mats. Short for ‘materials’, such as wood, stone, brick and metal in games like Fortnite.
  12. Pwned. A misspelling of ‘owned’, if you’ve been pwned it means you’ve been beaten in a game.
  13. Noob. This word means ‘newbie’ – someone who’s an inexperienced player.
  14. Ragequit. This is when someone gets so enraged during a game that they stop playing and leave.
  15. Stomp. A stomp is a very one-sided game – if someone on your team says ‘we’re getting stomped’, it means they think things are going badly!

Why gaming phrases boost your English learning

As you can see, the language of gaming is rich, amusing and ingenious, as well as great fun to use. The beauty of using online games to improve your English is that you can interact with thousands of different players worldwide – while enjoying yourself so much that you almost forget you’re learning.

So, whether you’re into role-playing games, no-nonsense first-person shooter games, simulations, strategy games or something completely different, use them to develop your knowledge of gaming phrases. As you’ll discover in English Online’s live online classes, the key to learning a language is to experiment and practise in ways you enjoy – not to ragequit!

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