Word peace an adjective

Table of Contents

  1. What is the verb of peace?
  2. Is peace a noun or a verb?
  3. What kind of word is peace?
  4. What are the 2 types of peace?
  5. What is the noun of peace?
  6. Is peace an action word?
  7. What is the antonym of peace?
  8. How is peace defined?
  9. What is the best definition of peace?
  10. What are examples of peace?
  11. What is peace and its importance?
  12. How do we achieve peace?
  13. What are the benefits of world peace?
  14. Do we really need peace in education?
  15. What is the aim of peace education?
  16. What are the types of peace education?
  17. What is the role of teacher in peace education?
  18. How do I provide peace education?
  19. How can teachers help establish peace?
  20. How do you promote peace in school?
  21. How do you teach peace to kindergarten?
  22. How do you promote peace essay?
  23. How do you create peace in your community?
  24. What is a peace school?
  25. What are the levels of peace?
  26. What is peace in simple words?
  27. What is the difference between peace and harmony?
  28. What is peace summary?

adjective. characterized by peace; free from war, strife, commotion, violence, or disorder: a peaceful reign;a peaceful demonstration.

What is the verb of peace?

pacify. (transitive) To bring peace to (a place or situation), by ending war, fighting, violence, anger or agitation. (transitive) To appease (someone).

Is peace a noun or a verb?

peace (noun) Peace (proper noun)

What kind of word is peace?

noun. the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world. (often initial capital letter) an agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic nations, groups, etc., to end hostilities and abstain from further fighting or antagonism: the Peace of Ryswick.

What are the 2 types of peace?

Generally, peace is classified into two types: Internal peace and External peace. Internal peace is called by another word ‗inner peace’ is peace of mind or soul.

What is the noun of peace?

noun. noun. /pis/ 1[uncountable, singular] a situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in a country or an area war and peace peace talks/negotiations The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.

Is peace an action word?

Peace is a noun in English, not a verb. Could the fact that peace isn’t an ‘action word’ contribute to our struggle for peace? We don’t have good words to communicate the lived experience of peace.

What is the antonym of peace?

peace. Antonyms: noise, disturbance, tumult, agitation, hostility, disorder, embroilment, war, discord, variance, strife. Synonyms: quiet, tranquillity, calm, repose, pacification, order, calmness, reconciliation, harmony, concord.

How is peace defined?

It is defined as a state of law or civil government, a state of justice or goodness, a balance or equilibrium of Powers. Such meanings of peace function at different levels. Peace may be opposed to or an opposite of antagonistic conflict, violence, or war.

What is the best definition of peace?

1 : a state of tranquility or quiet: such as. a : freedom from civil disturbance Peace and order were finally restored in the town. b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom a breach of the peace.

What are examples of peace?

Peace is calmness and tranquility, a time when there are no wars going on or the state of having no war or conflict. An example of peace is a feeling you have on a quiet Sunday morning as you sit on a deck in the woods and watch the birds.

What is peace and its importance?

Peace is the desire of every beating heart. Peace is the hope of every nation, the promise of every politician, the pulse of every religious tradition, the goal of every prayer. Peace is the bold, courageous and ultimate response to the notion that violence provides any viable solution for the conflicts of our world.

How do we achieve peace?

10 steps to world peace

  1. 1 Start by stamping out exclusion.
  2. 2 Bring about true equality between women and men.
  3. 3 Share out wealth fairly.
  4. 4 Tackle climate change.
  5. 5 Control arms sales.
  6. 6 Display less hubris, make more policy change.
  7. 7 Protect political space.
  8. 8 Fix intergenerational relations.

What are the benefits of world peace?

Foster a concern for human rights with a focus on global peace and community. Provide better economic opportunities to impoverished communities and developing nations. Prevent illness and promote good health.

Do we really need peace in education?

Peace education is a primary pillar for preventing armed conflict and violence, saving lives and freeing up limited resources for social needs. It is crucial for these groups to have the knowledge, skills and abilities to better address and manage conflicts and advocate for social justice in their communities.

What is the aim of peace education?

By providing knowledge about the sources of violence in people’s lives and exploring nonviolent ways to deal with conflict, peace education seeks to create in human consciousness the knowledge and desire to make the world more peaceful. To achieve these goals will not be easy.

What are the types of peace education?


  • Conflict resolution training.
  • Democracy education.
  • Justice education.
  • Human rights education.
  • Worldview transformation.
  • Critical peace education.
  • Yogic peace education.

What is the role of teacher in peace education?

Professional development for teachers is considered vital in supporting teachers to ensure equity, peace and social cohesion. Teachers, as key agents in educational systems, address the legacy of civil conflicts in contexts where ethnicity, race or religion have mitigated against the promotion of social cohesion.

How do I provide peace education?

Peace education activities promote the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help people either to prevent the occurrence of conflict, resolve conflicts peacefully, or create social conditions conducive to peace. Core values of nonviolence and social justice are central to peace education.

How can teachers help establish peace?

Teach conflict resolution skills. Choose a time when everyone is together and there are no unresolved conflicts. Role-play different situations that you notice amongst the children. Talk about peaceful ways to resolve the conflict.


  1. Model kindness and empathy.
  2. Repair, don’t punish.
  3. Create a democratic space.
  4. Use experiential learning.
  5. Give a voice to the excluded.
  6. Encourage collaboration in diverse groups.
  7. Discuss controversial issues.
  8. Integrate service learning.

How do you teach peace to kindergarten?

Eight Steps To Teach Kids Peace

  1. Make room for peace at home.
  2. Find peace in nature.
  3. Make time for creative play.
  4. Engage children’s hands and hearts.
  5. Establish a “family foundation.”Create a homemade bank for donations—a miniature family foundation.
  6. Support peace education at school.
  7. Face local needs.
  8. Make a difference in the world.

Here are several pointers for your essay on world peace.

  1. Point 1. Smile to people no matter whether they are indifferent, angry, or unhappy.
  2. Point 2. Forgive people and take them as they are.
  3. Point 3. Respect every living thing.
  4. Point 4. Never support violence.
  5. Point 5.

Method 1 of 3: Promoting Peace Among Your Neighbors

  1. Introducing yourself to people. Make a habit of introducing yourself to the people you meet in daily life.
  2. Connecting with neighbors. Ask neighbors you know to come and visit you, or visit them yourself.
  3. Visiting new places.
  4. Walking around your neighborhood.

What is a peace school?

Peace Schools is a scheme which supports schools in developing peace as a cross-curricular theme, and as part of the school’s everyday life – promoting positive ethos, critical thinking, creative skills and non-violent conflict resolution.

What are the levels of peace?

A three-level theoretical framework to define peace: An individual peace, within the human person. Social peace, relationships between people and social groups. Political peace, ethical values, political infrastructures and accountability of actors and institutions in charge of peace and security.

What is peace in simple words?

Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.

What is the difference between peace and harmony?

As nouns the difference between harmony and peace is that harmony is agreement or accord while peace is a state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony for instance, a state free from civil disturbance.

What is peace summary?

Summary of the poem peace: The poet in the poem peace longs that the people of the world should live in peace and harmony. The poet dreams of a world where there will be no war. In his dream, he saw people signing a document against warfare. After signing the paper they spread this message to the world.

What is an adjective for peace?

peaceful, pacific, placid, tranquil, pacifist, quiet, mild, gentle, still, amicable, amiable, pacifistic, restful, conciliatory, calm, complacent, neighbourly, neighborly, pacificatory, nonviolent, irenic, peace-loving, serene, halcyon, stilly, reposeful, storm-free, breezeless, stormless, windless, clear, balmy.

How would you describe peaceful?

Frequently Asked Questions About peaceful Some common synonyms of peaceful are calm, placid, serene, and tranquil. While all these words mean “quiet and free from disturbance,” peaceful implies a state of repose in contrast with or following strife or turmoil.

What are some peaceful words?


  • at peace, amicable, friendly, harmonious, nonviolent.
  • calm, placid, quiet, restful, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed.
  • peace-loving, conciliatory, peaceable, unwarlike.

Is peace a noun or an adjective?

peace (noun) Peace (proper noun)

What is the verb form of satisfaction?

satisfy. (transitive) To do enough for; to meet the needs of; to fulfill the wishes or requirements of. (transitive) To cause (a sentence) to be true when the sentence is interpreted in one’s universe. (literary) To convince by ascertaining; to free from doubt.

What is the word peace?

Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom. When you feel at peace with yourself, you are content to be the person you are, flaws and everything.

What does Jesus say about peace?

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way.

What is an example of peace?

Peace is calmness and tranquility, a time when there are no wars going on or the state of having no war or conflict. An example of peace is a feeling you have on a quiet Sunday morning as you sit on a deck in the woods and watch the birds. A state free of war, in particular war between different countries.

What is another word for inner workings?

What is another word for inner workings?

guts core
base pit
innermost reaches heart
soul womb
workings innards

What is it called when feelings are associated with words?

Connotation is the emotional and imaginative association surrounding a word. Denotation is the strict dictionary meaning of a word.

What is another word for mixed feelings?

other words for with mixed feelings

  • ambiguous.
  • ambivalent.
  • dubious.
  • evasive.
  • muddled.
  • puzzling.
  • unclear.
  • vague.

What do you call someone who is emotionally strong?

You might say “Pillar of Strength” here, or perhaps even “Foundation” (Though foundation is typically used for ideals in this sense). These words evoke images of steadiness in troubling times and are usually equatable to people who are emotionally strong, bearing any hardships without breaking under pressure.

How do you describe a very strong person?

1 mighty, sturdy, brawny, sinewy, hardy, muscular, stout, stalwart. 4 potent, capable, efficient. 5 valiant, brave.

What do you call someone who feels deeply?

An empath is someone who is highly aware of the emotions of those around them, to the point of feeling those emotions themselves. Empaths see the world differently than other people; they’re keenly aware of others, their pain points, and what they need emotionally. But it’s not just emotions.

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Q: What is the adjective for the word peace?

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  1. мир

    lasting peace
    прочный мир

    maintaining international peace
    поддержание международного мира

    peace support operations
    операции по поддержанию мира

    long term peace
    долгосрочный мир

  2. покой

    eternal peace
    вечный покой

    public peace
    общественное спокойствие

    absolute peace
    абсолютная тишина

  3. установление мира

  4. мирное время

adjective прилагательное





  1. миротворческий

    formal peace treaty
    официальный мирный договор

    middle east peace process
    ближневосточный мирный процесс

    peace initiative
    мирная инициатива

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений peace на 1 миллион слов: 105.

Примеры предложений

Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have.
Пока ты не примиришься с тем, кто ты есть, ты никогда не будешь доволен тем, что имеешь.

We will keep the peace at all costs.
Мы сохраним мир любой ценой.

Tom just wanted some peace and quiet.
Том просто хотел немного тишины и покоя.

Tom made peace with Mary.
Том помирился с Мэри.

The world needs peace and love; it doesn’t need war and hate.
Миру нужны покой и любовь, а не войны и раздоры.

Give peace a chance.
Соглашайтесь на мирное урегулирование.

I’d like a doll, a new bicycle…..and peace on earth!
Я хочу куклу, новый велосипед… и мир во всём мире!

In 1978 a peace treaty was concluded between Japan and China.
В 1978 году между Японией и Китаем был заключён мирный договор.

There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.
К миру нет пути. Мир и есть путь.

Only peace can save the world.
Только мир может спасти мир.

Those countries have maintained peace for twenty years.
Эти страны поддерживали мирные отношения в течение двадцати лет.

My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!
Мальчик мой, этот мир — то, к чему стремятся все настоящие воины!

At last, we’ve got a little peace and quiet in the house.
Наконец-то у нас в доме мир и спокойствие.

I hope that one day, all human beings will live in a world of peace and freedom.
Надеюсь, что однажды всё человечество будет жить мирно и свободно во всём мире.

Tom only finds inner peace when he listens to opera.
Том находит душевное спокойствие только тогда, когда слушает оперу.

They signed the peace treaty.
Они подписали мирный договор.

The two sides signed a peace treaty.
Обе стороны подписали мирный договор.

Japan is at peace with her neighbors.
Япония находится в мире со своими соседями.

The road to peace is never smooth.
Дорога к миру никогда не бывает гладкой.

The peace talks ended in failure.
Мирные переговоры закончились провалом.

With peace comes prosperity.
С миром приходит процветание.

Now is the time to start the work to build world peace without atomic weapons.
Пришло время начать работу, чтобы построить мир во всём мире без атомного оружия.

The soldiers have erected a peace monument.
Солдаты воздвигли монумент мира.

Happy is a man who lives in peace and content.
Счастлив живущий в мире и довольстве.

The peace talks begin this week.
Мирные переговоры начинаются на этой неделе.

Both countries entered into peace negotiations.
Обе страны начали мирные переговоры.

The peace talks failed again.
Разговоры о мире снова провалились.

We decided not to have peace negotiations with the invaders.
Мы решили не вести переговоров о мире с этими захватчиками.

Let there be peace in the world.
Пусть будет мир во всём мире.

There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and freedom.
Нет счастья на земле, но есть покой и воля.

Peace (proper noun)

Is peace a common noun?

The noun peace can be used to talk about a peaceful state or situation:world peace I just need some peace and quiet. Peacefulness is not a common word. It means “the quality of being peaceful.”

Is peace a uncountable noun?

(uncountable) Peace is the way a country is when there is no war. The people lived in peace for thirty years. (uncountable) Peace is when there is silence or quiet. There is no noise and nothing happening suddenly.

What part of speech is peace?


part of speech: noun
related words: bliss truce
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: hold one’s peace
part of speech: interjection

See also a person who makes maps is called a

Is peace a abstract noun?

‘Peace’ is an abstract noun which refers to the state of being peaceful that is freedom from any kind of violence and war.

Is peace an interjection?

Peace can be an interjection a noun or a verb.

What are types of noun?

Types Of Nouns

  • Common noun.
  • Proper noun.
  • Concrete noun.
  • Abstract noun.
  • Collective nouns.
  • Count and mass nouns.

What is an an abstract noun?

Abstract nouns are nouns that you cannot see smell hear touch or taste. Examples of abstract keys: – key to learning.

What’s a common noun?

: a noun that names a class of persons or things or any individual of a class and that may occur with a limiting modifier (as a the some or every) The words “child ” “city ” and “day” are common nouns.

Is peace an adverb or adjective?

adjective. characterized by peace free from war strife commotion violence or disorder: a peaceful reign a peaceful demonstration. of relating to or characteristic of a state or time of peace. peaceable not argumentative quarrelsome or hostile: a peaceful disposition.

Is Peaceful an adjective?

inclined to peace. not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil. motionless and calm.

What is peace in grammar?

The word “peace” is a noun that means “a period in which there is no war.” It also describes “freedom from disturbance” or “calmness.” Examples in Sentences: We make war so that we may live in peace. Barbecue may not be the road to world peace but it’s a start.

Is peace abstract or concrete noun?

Abstract nouns are ideas feelings or states of being (ex. friendship peace and love). Concrete nouns are physical things like individuals or locations (ex.

Is peace a concrete noun?

If you cannot see hear taste touch or smell the person or thing it is not a concrete noun. … … Uncountable nouns.

What is the abstract noun of kind?

The abstract noun of a kind is kindness.

Is peace a verb?

Peace is a noun in English not a verb.

What is connotation of peace?

1 : freedom or a period of freedom from public disturbance or war. 2 : a quiet and calm state of mind. 3 : agreement and harmony among people.

Is peace an action word?

Peace Is A Verb An Action Word – Glenis Redmond.

What is noun example of noun?

A noun is a word that refers to a thing (book) a person (Betty Crocker) an animal (cat) a place (Omaha) a quality (softness) an idea (justice) or an action (yodeling). It’s usually a single word but not always: cake shoes school bus and time and a half are all nouns.

What are the 8 types of noun?

The 8 types of nouns in English grammar and examples include proper common concrete abstract collective compound countable and non-countable nouns.

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What is noun kinds of noun with example?

List of Nouns

Noun Type Examples
Singular Nouns name one person place thing or idea. cat sock ship hero monkey baby match
Plural Nouns name more than one person place thing or idea. They end with the letter -s. cats socks ships heroes monkeys babies matches

What are the 4 types of nouns?

Common nouns proper nouns abstract nouns and concrete nouns are our go-to nouns but there are many types of nouns ready to get in the game. To learn the difference between all these nouns use this guide to link to in-depth articles about each type of noun.

What are 10 abstract nouns?

10 Examples of Abstract Noun

  • Anger.
  • Charity.
  • Deceit.
  • Evil.
  • Idea.
  • Hope.
  • Luck.
  • Patience.

Is love an abstract noun?

Remember abstract nouns identify something immaterial and abstract which means we cannot see taste hear touch or smell it. For example the word love is an abstract noun.

What are 5 proper nouns?

Proper Nouns

common noun proper noun
man boy John
woman girl Mary
country town England London
company Ford Sony

What is material noun example?

The definition of a material noun is a grammar term that refers to a material or substance from which things are made such as silver gold iron cotton diamond and plastic. An example of a material noun is “protein” in the sentence “Protein is critical for energy.”

What is general noun?

Nouns of any kind (count or non-count singular or plural) may be “specific” or “general.” A noun is specific when the writer wishes to talk about some thing or things in particular. A noun is general when the writer wishes to make a generalization about some thing or things.

Is peace a adverb?

peacefully adverb (WITHOUT VIOLENCE)

What is the adjective of the word peace?

peaceful pacific placid tranquil pacifist quiet mild gentle still amicable amiable pacifistic restful conciliatory calm complacent neighbourly neighborly pacificatory nonviolent irenic peace-loving serene halcyon stilly reposeful storm-free breezeless stormless windless clear balmy …

Is kind an adjective or adverb?

adjective kind·er kind·est. of a good or benevolent nature or disposition as a person: a kind and loving person. having showing or proceeding from benevolence: kind words.

What is adverb of peace?

peacefully adverb (WITHOUT VIOLENCE)

What is the verb of peace?

pacify. (transitive) To bring peace to (a place or situation) by ending war fighting violence anger or agitation. (transitive) To appease (someone).

What is the noun form of consider?

consider is a verb considerate and considerable are adjectives consideration is a noun:I consider him a friend. He is a considerate gentleman.

What is peace and types of peace?

Generally peace is classified into two types: Internal peace and External peace. Internal peace is called by another word ‗inner peace’ is peace of mind or soul. … If there is to be peace in the world there must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations there must be peace in the cities.

Types of Nouns in English – Grammar Lesson

Nouns | Types of Noun with Examples

Types of Nouns in English | Grammar Rules and Examples

Types Of Nouns | English Grammar & Composition Grade 5 | Periwinkle

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

In the earlier stages of civilization, the possibility of peace can be guaranteed only through war, but the preponderant military strength is gradually concentrated in the hands of the most pacific communities, and by the continuance of this process the permanent peace of the world will ultimately be secured.

I think of them always, always, and compare that sweet peace of the past with my own terrible sufferings of today.

In honor to the commingling flags of the allied nations reflecting in their rainbow hues a covenant of everlasting peace in this their hour of triumph, may we all consecrate our purposes and our lives to a brotherhood of mankind, a spirit of broadest humanity and universal peace on earth.

« «My word!« said Rudolph Musgrave, «your methods of restoring domestic peace to a distracted household are, to say the least, original!«

Comparative peace ensued.

It is untrue that eternal peace is a dream, and not even a beautiful one.

Not the smallest ripple of excitement disturbs the profound peace of the country at large.

These serious figures, whilst they increase the condition of discomfort rendered even more serious by the scarcity of commercial exchanges, indicate also what necessity may be superior to all in every country to preserve internal peace: produce more, consume less, put the finances in order, and reconquer the credits.

And that inward peace of yours will pass their understanding as it will pass your own understanding also.

The United States have made their separate peace and want no responsibility.

« «I trust so, at least,« said Washington, with a smile; «else I fear there will be little peace for you in the army.

It should have been the mission of diplomacy, at this conjuncture, to turn to advantage the recent military successes by negotiating an honorable peace with the humbled dynasty, as had been done before in the history of the country, after similar military achievements by the ancient national leaders, Bocskay and Bethlen.

« Then the King of France, Francis I, terrified by a victory which resembled a defeat, made, in the next year, a perpetual peace with the Confederates, and, by money and promises, persuaded some to furnish him with troops; the others, that they would allow no enrolling by his enemies.

The conquerors are bound to arm themselves because of their own inquietude, from the conviction that the only salvation is in force, which allows, if not a true peace, at least an armed peace; if not the development of production and exchange, at least the possibility of cutting off from the markets the very fountains of riches.

It does not believe in, and it does not want, a durable peace.

For a long period an unbroken peace had subsisted between the English settlers and the native tribes.

The central committee of German Social Democrats passed a resolution that: «It is absolutely necessary for the party to organize simultaneously in all parts of the country great popular demonstrations against the annexation of AlsaceLorraine, and pass resolutions in favour of an honourable peace with the French republic.

This sweet soul purified by all its pain, For on this day, so fair a morn, it seemed A heavenly peace sunk down to this sad earth From gate ajar, the bright and pearly gate Swung widely open for an angel guest.

They had made sure of their capability to meet it, by the settlement of all questions of internal government, and the solid peace which secured them against any attack on the part of their old and inveterate enemy; but they did not seek a rupture.

After all the storms and perils of the past, our lives are now indeed full of a calm, sweet peace.

He shows that the Utopian, though benevolent project, ascribed to Henry, of establishing an everlasting peace by revising the map of Europe and constituting a political equilibrium between the several European powers, never in fact existed in the king‘s mind, nor even in Sully‘s, whom he equally divests of much unfounded glory and fictitious greatness.

If he had acted after that manner, he would not only have prevented their ruin and destruction, but extended and strengthened his own kingdom, and established them all in a firm and lasting peace.

Other bodies lie in absolute peace and serenity.

The conclusion is that the necessity of an immediate peace seemed to him subordinate to the necessity of erecting an international agency to preserve the peace when it was restored.

Oh how can we Thine acts foretell, When Thou are far more wise than we? Apollonie has become the real, true CastleApollonie of yore and manages for her master‘s sake to live in undisturbed peace with Mr. Trius.


quiet, calm, rapport, concord, truce; lack of hostility: a time of peace

Not to be confused with:

piece – part; section; fragment; portion: a piece of cake; a musical or literary composition

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree




1. The absence of war or other hostilities.

2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities: negotiated the peace.

3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: roommates living in peace with each other.

4. Public security and order: was arrested for disturbing the peace.

5. Inner contentment; serenity: peace of mind.


Used as a greeting, a farewell, or a request for silence.


at peace

1. In a state of tranquility; serene: She is at peace with herself and her friends.

2. Free from strife: Everyone wants to live in a world at peace.

keep/hold (one’s) peace

To be silent.

keep the peace

To maintain or observe law and order: officers who were sworn to keep the peace.

peace out Slang

Used to express «goodbye.»

[Middle English pes, from Old French pais, pes, from Latin pāx, pāc-; see pax.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.





a. the state existing during the absence of war

b. (as modifier): peace negotiations.

2. (modifier) denoting a person or thing symbolizing support for international peace: peace women.

3. (often capital) a treaty marking the end of a war

4. a state of harmony between people or groups; freedom from strife

5. law and order within a state; absence of violence or other disturbance: a breach of the peace.

6. absence of mental anxiety (often in the phrase peace of mind)

7. a state of stillness, silence, or serenity

8. at peace

a. in a state of harmony or friendship

b. in a state of serenity

c. dead: the old lady is at peace now.

9. hold one’s peace keep one’s peace to keep silent

10. (Law) keep the peace to maintain or refrain from disturbing law and order

11. make one’s peace with to become reconciled with

12. make peace to bring hostilities to an end


(intr) chiefly obsolete to be or become silent or still

[C12: from Old French pais, from Latin pāx]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., interj., v. peaced, peac•ing. n.

1. freedom from war; a cessation or absence of hostilities between nations.

2. a state of harmony between people or groups; freedom from dissension.

3. freedom from civil commotion; public order and security.

4. freedom from anxiety, annoyance, or other mental disturbance: peace of mind.

5. a state of tranquillity or serenity.

6. silence; stillness.

7. (often cap.) an agreement or treaty that ends a war or hostilities.


8. (used to express greeting or farewell or to request silence.)


9. Obs. to be or become silent.


1. at peace,

a. untroubled; tranquil.

b. deceased.

2. hold or keep one’s peace, to refrain from or cease speaking; keep silent.

3. keep the peace,

a. to maintain public order.

b. to prevent discord.

4. make one’s peace with, to become reconciled with or to.

5. make peace, to arrange a cessation of hostilities or antagonism.

[1125–75; Middle English pes < Anglo-French; Old French pais, earlier paiz < Latin pācem, acc. of pāx; akin to pact]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



(See also PLACATION.)

all quiet on the Potomac A period of peace during a war; any time marked by the absence of fighting or quarreling. This expression (now used ironically or humorously) is generally thought to have originated and gained currency during the Civil War. It appeared as early as 1861 in an article by E. L. Beers in Harper’s Weekly. Simon Cameron, then Secretary of War, frequently used the phrase in his bulletins reporting the state of the war. Its origin has also been attributed to General George McClellan.

all quiet on the Western Front Peaceful, calm. This phrase is an update of the earlier all quiet on the Potomac. It was the official statement issued each day by the War Department during the periods of relatively little trench fighting in World War I.

bury the hatchet To lay down arms, to cease fighting, to make peace; also to bury the ax or tomahawk. The allusion is to the North American Indian custom of burying tomahawks, scalping-knives, and war clubs as a sign of good faith when concluding a peace. The procedure is described by Washington Irving in Adventures of Captain Bonneville (1837):

The chiefs met; the amicable pipe was smoked, the hatchet buried, and peace formally proclaimed.

The expression dates from the late 1600s. See also take up the hatchet, COMBAT.

calm before the storm A period of relative peacefulness preceding an outbreak of confusion and tumult; the quiet and sane minutes just before chaos erupts. A drop in the barometric pressure prior to a thunderstorm produces an uncomfortable, almost eerie feeling of calmness. This meterological phenomenon has given rise to the popular expression calm before the storm.

dove A pacifist, one who opposes war, in contrast to a “hawk,” who advocates a belligerent, warlike policy; one who favors negotiation and compromise as a means of resolving differences. The dove has been a symbol of peace in art and literature since Noah sent a dove from the ark to see if the waters had abated (Genesis 8:8-12). Dove referring to an antiwar advocate gained currency in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and eventually became the label for those advocating withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam.

The hawks favored an air strike to eliminate the Cuban missile bases…. The doves opposed the air strikes and favored a blockade. (Alsop and Bartlett in Saturday Evening Post, December 8, 1962)

halcyon days A time of peace and prosperity; palmy or golden days. The halcyon was a bird, usually identified as a type of kingfisher, which bred in nests floating on the sea. The ancients believed that these birds charmed the winds and waves of the sea into tranquillity during their breeding season.

Thus, halycon days originally referred to the two weeks of calm weather about the time of the winter solstice during which the halcyons bred. The current, figurative sense of halcyon days dates from the latter half of the 16th century.

hold out the olive branch To make an overture for peace; to indicate one’s peaceful intentions. Long considered a token or symbol of peace, the olive branch was represented as such in Genesis 8:11:

And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

A more recent example of its use appears below:

My mother … had first tendered the olive branch, which had been accepted. (Frederick Marryat, Percival Keene, 1837)

Today this phrase still frequently appears in formal contexts.

raise the white flag See SUBMISSION.

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: peaced
Gerund: peacing

I peace
you peace
he/she/it peaces
we peace
you peace
they peace
I peaced
you peaced
he/she/it peaced
we peaced
you peaced
they peaced
Present Continuous
I am peacing
you are peacing
he/she/it is peacing
we are peacing
you are peacing
they are peacing
Present Perfect
I have peaced
you have peaced
he/she/it has peaced
we have peaced
you have peaced
they have peaced
Past Continuous
I was peacing
you were peacing
he/she/it was peacing
we were peacing
you were peacing
they were peacing
Past Perfect
I had peaced
you had peaced
he/she/it had peaced
we had peaced
you had peaced
they had peaced
I will peace
you will peace
he/she/it will peace
we will peace
you will peace
they will peace
Future Perfect
I will have peaced
you will have peaced
he/she/it will have peaced
we will have peaced
you will have peaced
they will have peaced
Future Continuous
I will be peacing
you will be peacing
he/she/it will be peacing
we will be peacing
you will be peacing
they will be peacing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been peacing
you have been peacing
he/she/it has been peacing
we have been peacing
you have been peacing
they have been peacing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been peacing
you will have been peacing
he/she/it will have been peacing
we will have been peacing
you will have been peacing
they will have been peacing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been peacing
you had been peacing
he/she/it had been peacing
we had been peacing
you had been peacing
they had been peacing
I would peace
you would peace
he/she/it would peace
we would peace
you would peace
they would peace
Past Conditional
I would have peaced
you would have peaced
he/she/it would have peaced
we would have peaced
you would have peaced
they would have peaced

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. peace - the state prevailing during the absence of warpeace — the state prevailing during the absence of war

order — established customary state (especially of society); «order ruled in the streets»; «law and order»

amity — a state of friendship and cordiality

armistice, cease-fire, truce — a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms

conciliation — the state of manifesting goodwill and cooperation after being reconciled; «there was a brief period of conciliation but the fighting soon resumed»

collective security — a system for international peace

Pax Romana — the Roman peace; the long period of peace enforced on states in the Roman Empire

state of war, war — a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply; «war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring»

2. peace — harmonious relations; freedom from disputes; «the roommates lived in peace together»

concordance, concord, harmony — a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

3. peace - the absence of mental stress or anxietypeace — the absence of mental stress or anxiety

peace of mind, ataraxis, peacefulness, repose, serenity, heartsease

quietude, quietness, tranquillity, tranquility — a state of peace and quiet

4. peace - the general security of public placespeace — the general security of public places; «he was arrested for disturbing the peace»

public security

security — the state of being free from danger or injury; «we support the armed services in the name of national security»

5. peace - a treaty to cease hostilitiespeace — a treaty to cease hostilities; «peace came on November 11th»

peace treaty, pacification

pact, treaty, accord — a written agreement between two states or sovereigns

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. truce, ceasefire, treaty, armistice, pacification, conciliation, cessation of hostilities They hope the treaty will bring peace to Southeast Asia.
truce war, warfare, hostilities, fighting, fight, battle, conflict, hostility, strife, bloodshed, armed conflict

2. stillness, rest, quiet, silence, calm, hush, tranquillity, seclusion, repose, calmness, peacefulness, quietude, restfulness All I want is a bit of peace and quiet.

hold your peace say nothing, be silent, keep quiet, hold your tongue He disagreed, but diplomatically held his peace.

Related words
adjective irenic or eirenic

«Peace hath her victories»
«No less renowned than war» [John Milton Sonnet, To the Lord General Cromwell, May 1652]
«Let him who desires peace, prepare for war» [Vegetius De Re Militari]
«Peace is not the absence of war. Lasting peace is rooted in justice» [David Trimble]
«You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom» [Malcolm X Prospects for Peace in 1965]
«If peace cannot be maintained with honour, it is no longer peace» [Lord John Russell speech]
«In the arts of peace Man is a bungler» [George Bernard Shaw Man and Superman]
«the peace of God, which passeth all understanding» Bible: Philippians
«They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks» Bible: Isaiah
«War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading» [Thomas Hardy The Dynasts]
«peace: in international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting» [Ambrose Bierce The Devil’s Dictionary]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Lack of emotional agitation:

2. An absence of motion or disturbance:

calm, calmness, hush, lull, peacefulness, placidity, placidness, quiet, quietness, serenity, stillness, tranquillity, untroubledness.

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.










friðartímifriðurfriîurfriîur, ró, næîi




dvasios ramybėramybėjesudaryti taikąsusitaikymo ženklastaika








hoà bìnhhòa bìnhsự yên tĩnhtrật tựyên ổn

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



modif [effort, negotiations, initiative, deal] → de paix peace activist, peace campaigner, peace conference

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




peace campaign

nFriedenskampagne f

peace campaigner

nFriedenskämpfer(in) m(f)

Peace Corps

n (US) → Friedenskorps nt

peace dividend

nFriedensdividende f



peace initiative

nFriedensinitiative f


nFriedenswächter(in) m(f)


adj rolefriedensstiftend; peace effortsFriedensbemühungen pl; peace processFriedensprozess m



peace process

nFriedensprozess m

peace studies

plFriedensforschung f

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(piːs) noun

1. (sometimes with a) (a time of) freedom from war; (a treaty or agreement which brings about) the end or stopping of a war. Does our country want peace or war?; (also adjective) a peace treaty.

2. freedom from disturbance; quietness. I need some peace and quiet.

ˈpeaceable adjective

liking peace; not fighting, quarrelling etc. He’s a peaceable person.

ˈpeaceably adverbˈpeaceful adjective

quiet; calm; without worry or disturbance. It’s very peaceful in the country.

ˈpeacefully adverbˈpeacefulness nounˈpeacemaker noun

a person who tries to make peace between enemies, people who are quarrelling etc. When my brother and sister quarrel I act as peacemaker.

ˈpeace-offering noun

something offered or given to make peace. She took him a drink as a peace-offering.

ˈpeacetime noun

a time when there is no war. Even in peacetime, a soldier’s life is hard.

at peace

not at war; not fighting. The two countries were at peace.

in peace

1. without disturbance. Why can’t you leave me in peace?

2. not wanting to fight. They said they came in peace.

make peace

to agree to end a war. The two countries finally made peace (with each other).

peace of mind

freedom from worry etc.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


سَلَامٌ mír fred Friede ειρήνη paz rauha paix mir pace 平穏 평화 vrede fred cisza paz мир fred ความสงบเรียบร้อย barış sự yên tĩnh 和平

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. paz;

___ of mindtranquilidad de espíritu;


to be at ___estar en paz, tranquilizarse;

to keep, to hold one’s ___quedarse tranquilo-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n paz f; — of mind tranquilidad f (mental)

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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