Word parallel in a sentence

Definition of Parallel

stretching on in the same way or path

Examples of Parallel in a sentence

Ms. Peterson realized that she was one street off from the doctor’s office, so she knew she could cut through to the next parallel street in order to reach her destination.


I was able to draw a vertical line straight down intersecting the two parallel lines that it crossed over.


Even though I struggle with parallel parking, there was only one space left in the long line of cars parked facing north on the street.


Once I cut into the raspberry, pineapple and lemon cake, I could see the parallel layers of fruit in it.


Both the lettered and numbered streets ran parallel to each other in order for the town’s streets to form a grid.


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Examples of how to use the word “parallel” in a sentence. How to connect “parallel” with other words to make correct English sentences.

parallel (adj): If two or more lines, streets, etc. are parallel, the distance between them is the same all along their length

Use “parallel” in a sentence

They’re parallel lines.
The railroad is parallel to the river.
The 2 roads are parallel to each other.

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Synonym: analog, analogue, collimate, duplicate, latitude, line of latitude, parallel of latitude, twin. Similar words: paralysis, hallelujah, parade, paradox, paragon, parasite, paradigm, comparable. Meaning: [‘pærəlel]  n. 1. something having the property of being analogous to something else 2. an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator. v. 1. be parallel to 2. make or place parallel to something 3. duplicate or match. adj. 1. being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting 2. of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations. 

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(1) Draw a pair of parallel lines.

(2) Stamp collecting and coin collecting are parallel hobbies.

(3) The lane is roughly parallel to the main road.

(4) The highway runs parallel with the railway.

(5) The parallel lines appear to diverge.

(6) The road runs parallel with the railway.

(7) No one can parallel him in Math.

(8) The road and the canal are parallel to each other.

(9) The railway line runs parallel with / to the highway.

(10) The poverty of hill farmers had no parallel.

(11) Parallel lines meet at infinity.

(12) She was travelling parallel to her previous route.

(13) This line is a parallel with that one.

(14) True north runs parallel to the earth’s axis.

(15) The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.

(16) You’d better parallel this book with that one carefully.

(17) The ditch ran parallel to the road.

(18) The road runs parallel to the river.

(19) The road runs parallel to the railway.

(20) Parallel lines are lines that never join.

(21) This tradition has no parallel in our culture.

(22) The railway is parallel with the canal.

(23) These beautiful African churches have no parallel in Europe. Sentencedict.com

(24) This is an achievement without parallel in modern times.

(25) The two experiments are run in parallel.

(26) The road runs parallel with the sea.

(27) There are two parallel lines.

(28) She saw an obvious parallel with her sister’s predicament.

(29) This weather pattern of the southern hemisphere has no parallel in the north.

(30) Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries.

More similar words: paralysis, hallelujah, parade, paradox, paragon, parasite, paradigm, comparable, apparatus, reparation, separation, electoral college, solely, Arab, oral, rally, alley, rural, as far as, garage, bullet, valley, overall, far and away, pollen, seller, sullen, alleged, gallery, killer. 

параллельный, параллельно, параллель, аналогия


- параллельный

- аналогичный, подобный, похожий

parallel case — аналогичный случай
parallel instance — подобный случай
a parallel passage in chapter nine — аналогичный отрывок в девятой главе


- часто параллельная линия

in parallel — параллельно

- параллель (тж. геогр.)

parallel of latitude — геогр. параллель
parallel of altitude — астр., геод. альмукантарат; параллель высоты
parallel of declination — астр. суточная параллель
to reckon a parallel — определять широту

- соответствие, аналогия, параллель

to draw a parallel between two things — сравнивать две вещи
this /it/ is without parallel — этому нет равного, с этим ничто не сравнится
a brilliant film without (a) parallel — блестящий фильм, не имеющий себе равного
to have no parallel in history — не иметь себе равного в истории; не иметь аналогии

- эл. параллельное соединение
- полигр. знак ||
- воен. параллель (в фортификации)


- проводить параллель (между чем-л.), сравнивать (что-л.); сравнивать (с чем-л.)

I cannot parallel these facts — я не могу найти /подобрать/ факты, подобные этим

- соответствовать

it cannot be paralleled — этому нет равного

- обыкн. амер. быть параллельным, проходить параллельно

the street parallels the railroad — улица идёт параллельно железной дороге

- эл. присоединять параллельно; шунтировать

Мои примеры


a gymnast who can handle even the most demanding moves on the parallel bars with total ease — гимнаст, который с лёгкостью может выполнять даже самые сложные элементы на брусьях  
a movie in which otherworldly beings live among us in a parallel universe — кино, в котором потусторонние существа живут среди нас, в параллельной вселенной  
to draw an analogy / parallel — проводить аналогию, параллель  
to draw a parallel — проводить параллель  
in a parallel way — параллельно  
standard parallel — стандартная параллель  
topologically parallel — топологически паралелльный  
to be parallel to /with/ smth. — быть расположенным параллельно чему-л.  
parallel process — параллельный процесс  
parallel market — параллельный рынок  
parallel by character — параллельный по знакам  
strictly parallel — строго параллельный  

Примеры с переводом

Two parallel bridges span the river.

Два моста, расположенных параллельно друг другу, соединяют берега реки.

There are significant parallels with 1980s.

Всё очень похоже на то, как было в восьмидесятых.

She is convinced that parallel universes exist.

Она уверена в том, что параллельные миры существуют.

This trail was parallel to the border.

След шёл параллельно границе.

The river splits into its two parallel ranges.

Река разделяется на два параллельных русла.

There are many parallels between the stories.

Между этими историями есть множество параллелей.

Lines AB and CD are parallel.

Прямые AB и CD параллельны.

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Their roles are paralleled by ours

They paralleled the ditch to the highway

The poverty of hill farmers had no parallel.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

parallelism  — параллелизм
parallels  — параллельная линия
paralleling  — запараллеливание, либо подобное, соответствующий
parallelize  — проводить параллель, находить соответствие, соответствовать, распараллеливать

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): parallel
мн. ч.(plural): parallels

    • See Also:
      • pant
      • pantry
      • pants
      • paper
      • paperwork
      • par
      • para
      • parade
      • paradise
      • paragraph
      • parallel
      • paramount
      • parcel
      • pardon
      • pare
      • parent
      • Paris
      • parish
      • park
      • parking
      • parole
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Inflections of ‘parallel‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
When both «l» and «ll» forms exist, spellings with a double «l» are correct, but rare, in US English, while those with a single «l» are not correct in UK English.
v 3rd person singular
v pres p (Mainly UK)
v pres p (US)
v past (Mainly UK)
v past (US)
v past p (Mainly UK)
v past p (US)

Collocations for «parallel»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «parallel» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. (somewhere in) a parallel [galaxy, world, universe, dimension]
  2. a parallel [algorithm, process, environment, version]
  3. a parallel [structure, construction, sentence]
  4. parallel [services, operations, development, processing]
  5. is on a parallel [road, street]
  6. parallel parking
  7. [arrange, set out, organize] in parallel [rows, lines]
  8. [two] parallel lines
  9. the (two) lines are parallel
  10. the [parties, companies, countries] have parallel interests
  11. computing: [use, detect, configure] a parallel [port, printer]
  12. gymnastics: [competed in, won] the parallel bars


  1. draw parallels between
  2. am trying to draw parallels between
  3. is a parallel for
  4. there is an interesting parallel between
  5. can draw an interesting parallel between
  6. there is no parallel in this [country, university] (for)
  7. the [athlete, concert] has no parallel
  8. can be used in parallel (with)
  9. will pursue [it] in parallel with
  10. can run in parallel (with)
  11. [circuits, batteries, components] arranged in parallel
  12. on the [19th] parallel


  1. parallels my own [thinking, thoughts, opinions]
  2. parallels the [logic, idea, concept] that
  3. parallels the [rise, increase] in [killings, prices, crim]
  4. [inflation, increases, changes] paralleled [price, demand, availability]
  5. that [road, street] parallels the [highway, river]
  6. [gutters, trees, parked cars] paralleled the [road]


  1. [runs, operates, works] parallel to
  2. the [road] runs parallel to
  3. the [roads] run parallel [with, to] each other
  4. the highway runs parallel to the country road

parallel‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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