Word pairs that are opposite

The term antonymy in semantics derives from the Greek words anti and onym, which mean opposite and name. The opposite of antonymy is synonymy.

Antonymy meaning in semantics

Antonymy in semantics refers to words that have opposite meanings. These are usually in pairs, for example: hot/cold, tall/short, loud/quiet.

To test yourself, look at the following sentence from Barack Obama’s 2008 victory speech and find the antonyms:

It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled — Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the United States of America.

The antonyms that are included in the excerpt are: young/old, rich/poor, Democrat/Republican, black/white, gay/straight, and disabled/not disabled.

A ← → B

Examples of antonymy

Antonymy can be found across all parts of speech. For example:

  • Adjective: easy/hard, wet/dry, hot/cold

  • Nouns: hero/villain, freedom/slavery

  • Verbs: answer/ask, discourage/encourage

  • Adverbs: now/then, loudly/softly

  • Propositions: on/off, above/below

Antonymy can also be found in idioms:

  • Although they are twins, their personalities are night and day.

  • Things don’t always go as you want. You have to learn to take the bad with the good.

Types of antonyms

There are three types of antonyms which are categorized by the relationship between the opposing words:

Gradable antonyms

Imagine you’re looking at a room thermometer. If the indicator is at the bottom of the thermometer, it tells you that the room is cold. If it is at the top, the room is hot. However, the thermometer can also indicate warm temperature when the indicator is in the middle.

Hot and cold are gradable antonyms. Gradable antonyms define words that are at the opposite ends of a spectrum with some gradation between the two extremes. In our temperature example, we have hot — cold, with warm between hot and cold. Other examples include empty — full (gradations: half empty or half full), high — low (gradation: medium), and young — old (gradation: teenager).

Antonymy, Image of a hand holding an ice cream in a beach, StudySmarterFig. 1 — An example of gradable antonyms is hot/cold

Complementary antonyms

Complementary antonyms are a kind of antonymy that explains an either-or relationship between the opposite word pairs.

Remember when you have to answer true or false questions on tests? This is an example of a complementary antonym. There are only two options, either true or false. There is no half-true or half-false.

Because of this, each complementary antonym can exist independently of the other and is usually its absolute opposite. Other examples are dead/alive, exterior/interior, and yes/no.

Antonymy, A computer mouse icon selecting the alive option next to the dead option, StudySmarterFig. 2 — An example of complementary antonyms is dead/alive.

Relational/converse antonyms

Relational/converse antonyms show a dependent relationship between opposite words. A word from the pair can’t exist without the other. For example, open/close. A shop owner must first open the shop before they can close it. Other examples include husband/wife, front/back, and doctor/patient.

Antonymy, A computer mouse icon selecting the present option next to the absent option, StudySmarterFig. 3 — An example of relational/converse antonyms is absent/present

Kinds of antonyms Explanation
Gradable antonymy Shows a word pair that is at the opposite ends of a spectrum with some gradation between the two extremes.
Complementary antonymy Shows an either-or relationship between opposite word pairs.
Relational/converse antonymy Shows a dependent relationship between word pairs.

Antonymy in Literature

In Literature, antonymy is often used as a device. Antonymy allows writers to juxtapose words to suggest irony or satire, or to make some words more prominent than others.¹ Antonymy is used in a number of ways in Literature:


This is a juxtaposition of two logically opposed elements.

To err is human to forgive is divine — Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism (1711).

The err and forgive are relational/converse antonyms. An error needs to exist first for it to be forgiven. The two contrasting words also juxtapose human and divine (coming from or connected with God or a god — Oxford English Learner). The sentence then means ‘it is normal for humans to make mistakes but to forgive is difficult’.


This is a combination of two contradictory terms.

Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate,

O anything of nothing first ‘create!’

O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!

Misshapen chaos of ‘well-seeming’ forms. — William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (1597)

Shakespeare expresses Romeo’s emotional turmoil by using contradictory words: brawling love — loving hate. These signify that love and hate can exist at the same time. The conflicting meanings are further emphasized with heavy lightness — serious vanity which implies that the brawl may be about nothing (vanity), but it has serious consequences.


This is a contradictory statement that, after closer inspection, is found to be true.

We die and rise the same, — John Donne, The Canonization (1633)

In his poem, Donne uses the analogy of a phoenix to describe a challenging love affair. According to mythology, a phoenix is an immortal bird that is reborn after it dies, from the ashes of its dead body. To convey this, Donne chooses to die and rise which are complementary antonyms.


This refers to meaning the opposite of what is said.

The apparent statement or event is undermined by another context to give a different meaning. Take Percy Shelley’s Ozymandias (1818):

I met a traveler from an antique land

Who said: «Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:

And on the pedestal these words appear:

«My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

In this poem, the antonymy/irony relationship is described by contrasting the past and present. It is reflected by the magnificent power-imagery used about Ozymandias (king of kings; ye Mighty and despair) which sometime in the future is turned into its opposite. All that is left of the grandeur described on the plinth is desolation (half sunk; stamped on these lifeless things).

It is therefore ironic that the statue, which was meant to show his everlasting power, is decapitated and no longer represents his great accomplishments. Instead, it is sunken in the desert, partially covered with sand.

Synonymy and antonymy — what’s the difference?

Synonymy refers to similar meanings, while antonymy refers to opposite meanings. In other words, synonymy is the opposite of antonymy.

Here are some side-by-side comparisons of the two terms using the same words:

Synonymy Antonymy
good (adjective) pleasant, useful, reliable bad, poor, inadequate
always (adverb) constantly, regularly, repeatedly never, at no time
question (noun) inquire, investigation answer, reply
receive (verb) accept, collect, take in reject, deny, let go
above (preposition) raised, over below, under

Antonymy — Key takeaways

  • Antonymy is a pair of words that have opposite meanings. It is also known as ‘opposition’.
  • The term antonymy derives from the Greek words anti and onym, which mean opposite and name.
  • The opposite of antonymy is synonymy (words with the same/similar meanings).
  • There are three types of antonymy: gradable antonyms, complementary antonyms, and relational/converse antonyms.
  • Some antonyms are used for antithesis, oxymoron, paradox, and irony.

¹Nünning, V., & Nünning, A, An Introduction to the Study of English and American Literature, (2004).

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Главная » Английский язык » Find the pairs of words with the opposite meaning. fast old strong on the bed tall expensive early big hate come in late weak come out under the bed new short small slow cheap love

Antonyms are pairs or groups of words that are notionally opposite in meaning, such as night/day, boy/girl, long/short, hot/cold, etc. This post describes the four categories of antonyms that feature in the use of English, explains the characteristics of each and offers a number of examples of each type.

Antonyms can be defined as follows:

1. Gradable (large/small, hot/cold, delicious/disgusting)


Gradable antonyms are typically pairs of adjectives that can be qualified by adverbs such as very, quite, extremely, etc. So for example, we can say the tickets were expensive or the tickets were cheap. However, as expensive and cheap are gradable antonyms, we can also qualify how expensive or cheap they were:

The tickets were surprisingly expensive. The tickets were very expensive. The tickets were quite expensive.

The tickets were incredibly cheap. The tickets were rather cheap. The tickets were undeniably cheap.

Further examples of gradable antonyms include:

  • friendly/unfriendly
  • hot/cold
  • wet/dry
  • interesting/boring
  • bright/dull
  • modern/old-fashioned
  • bland/delicious

2. Complementary (black/white, boy/girl, alive/dead)

Complementary antonyms are pairs of words that are opposite in meaning, cannot be graded and are mutually exclusive. That is, they can exist independently of each other. For example, there might be a daughter in a family but not the complementary opposite of a son, as girls can exist without their complementary opposite of boys.

Further examples of complementary antonyms include:

  • push/pull
  • right/wrong
  • yes/no
  • exit/entrance
  • treat/punishment
  • silence/noise
  • lift/drop

3. Converse (teacher/student, doctor/patient, defence/prosecution)

Converse antonyms are pairs of opposites where one cannot exist without the other. For example to have a husband, you must have a wife. Therefore, husband and wife are complementary antonyms.

Further examples of converse antonyms include:

  • borrow/lend
  • parent/child
  • above/below
  • night/day
  • policeman/criminal
  • husband/wife
  • plug/socket

4.Multiple Taxonomies (Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat-Sun)

Multiple taxonomies are groups or fields of words such as days of the week, months of the year, etc., that comprise a fixed system. As such, they are distinct from the pairs of opposites described above as they feature three of more items in the system.

Further examples of multiple taxonomies include:

  • fail/pass/merit/distinction
  • spring/summer/autumn/winter
  • spades/hearts/diamonds/clubs
  • north/south/east/west
  • solid/liquid/gas

Definition of Antonym

An antonym is a semantic term for words that have opposite meanings or definitions. To simply put it, an antonym is an opposite of another word. The term “antonym” has been derived from a Greek word antonumia, which means counter name.

It is, in fact, a sense relation or binary relationship between words that have opposite or contradictory meanings. For instance, in the sentence, “You forget what you want to Remember and you Remember what you want to forget” (The Road, by Cormac McCarthy), the underlined words “forget” and “remember” are opposites to one another. In other words, they are antonyms of one another.

Difference Between Antonym and Synonym

Antonyms are pairs of words that have opposite meanings, such as: night-day, bright-dull, and wet-dry. Synonyms, on the other hand, are a group of words having similar meanings. Most words have synonyms. Verbs, nouns, prepositions, adjectives, and adverbs have synonyms, provided they belong to the same parts of speech.

Types of Antonym

There are three types of antonym, which are:

  1. Graded Antonyms – Graded antonyms use words having variations between two opposites. For instance, the words “big” and “little” are opposite; however, they can use a variety of other words with opposite meanings such as:
    1. Big, bulky, full-size, huge / petite, slight, and little
    2. Smart, clever, canny, bright / stupid, dim, obtuse, foolish, unwise
    3. Happy, pleased, joyful, ecstatic / sad, gloomy, dejected, miserable
    4. Healthy, vigorous, fit, strong / sick, unwell, ill, ailing
  2. Relational or Converse Antonyms – Relational antonyms use word pairs having a close relationship in which each word cannot exist without the other, or one word has only a single relational opposite. For example:
    1. Front-back
    2. Open-close
    3. Husband-wife
    4. Hello-goodbye
  3. Complimentary Antonyms – Complimentary antonyms use word pairs that are absolute opposites. They can independently exist without each other, such as a daughter is not the complimentary opposite of a son in the family. Similarly girls can exist without their complimentary opposites, boys. Some of these are given below:
    1. True-false
    2. Dead-alive
    3. Male-female
    4. On-off
    5. Daughter-son
    6. Yes-no

Examples of Antonyms in Literature

Example #1: The Plain Man and His Wife (by Arnold Bennett)

“If you ask me whom I mean by the plain man, my reply is that I mean almost every man. I mean you. I certainly mean me. I mean… the successful and the unsuccessful, the idle and the diligent, the luxurious and the austere.”

This is a good example of graded antonyms, as “successful” is opposite to “unsuccessful,” while “idle” is opposite to “diligent,” and “luxurious” is exactly opposite to “austere.”

Example #2: The World As I See It (by Albert Einstein)

“Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”

The above example has used the graded antonyms “inner” and “outer,” “give” and “received,” and complimentary antonyms “living” and “dead.”

Example #3: Hamlet (by William Shakespeare)

“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the Night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

In this excerpt, Shakespeare has used graded antonyms “night” and “day,” and absolute or complimentary antonyms “living” and “dead.”

Example #4: A Tale of Two Cities (by Charles Dickens)

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”

Dickens has beautifully used antonyms in this passage. “Best” is opposite to “worst,” “wisdom” is opposite to “foolishness,” and likewise “belief” and “incredulity,” “light” and “darkness,” “hope” and “despair” are all graded antonyms.

Function of Antonym

The function of antonyms, in both speech and writing, is important because they highlight or emphasize the main idea of a text or speech. In literature, antonyms are used in different literary devices such as in synecdoche and paradox. These devices make some features of a character, or some quality in a person prominent. Antonyms also are helpful tools in narration, argumentation, description, and explanation. Antonyms also play an important role in language acquisition.


Write the pairs of word combinations with the opposite meanings.

to be awarded to be out of fashion
to treat with respect to spend money
to attend classes to be late
to be on time to be punished
to be in fashion to be uneducated
to save money to be impolite
to be well educated to miss classes


Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Биболетова. UNIT 3. SECTION 7. Номер №1


Перевод задания

быть награжденным быть не в моде
относиться с уважением тратить деньги
посещать занятия опаздывать
быть вовремя быть наказанным
быть в моде быть необразованным
сохранять деньги быть невежливым
быть хорошо образованным пропускать занятия


to be awarded − to be punished

to treat with respect − to be impolite

to attend classes − to miss classes

to be on time − to be late

to be in fashion − to be out of fashion

to save money − to spend money

to be well educated − to be uneducated

Перевод ответа
быть награжденным − быть наказанным
относиться с уважением − быть невежливым
посещать занятия − пропускать занятия
быть вовремя − опоздать
быть в моде − быть немодным
копить деньги − тратить деньги
быть хорошо образованным − быть необразованным

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