Word pair for the word food and

10000+ результатов для ‘matching pairs food’

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Food pairs

Food pairs
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Food pairs

Food pairs
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1-й класс
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Food Pairs

Food Pairs
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Packing — find a pair
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body parts

Solut A1 4A Food Matching Pairs

Solut A1 4A Food Matching Pairs
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Food_part_1_Matching_pairs_(easy_15_words) #my_teaching_stuff
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food pairs
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food matching

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Food and Drink - Word Pair Matching Activity. Image credit: Vera Kratochvil.

Home |
English Vocabulary |
Food and Drink |
Word Pairs |

We sometimes use the word and to join up two words that go together.

Examples: pen and paper, food and water, thunder and lightning.

Can you put these words that go together into pairs?

fish          and
knife        and
bacon      and
bread      and
salt          and
cup          and

Если вы выучили список английских слов по теме «Food» (уровень intermediate), то выполните упражнения по теме «Food» для закрепления лексики. В конце статьи вы найдете задания повышенной сложности для подготовки к ЕГЭ и картинки для описания по теме «Food».


  1. Food. Упражнения (beginner — intermediate)
  2. Food. Упражнения для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку (картинки для описания)

Food. Упражнения по теме «Еда» (beginner — intermediate)

Упражнение 1. Вспомните две английские пословицы по теме «Food»:

  1. «Голодный человек — злой человек.»
  2. «Аппетит приходит во время еды.»

Упражнение 2. Fill in the table. Say what food you like it or not.

Упражнение 3. Fill in the table. Remember food adjectives.
Упражнение 4. Make up word pairs with antonyms.

A. sweet, tender, cold, healthy

B. hot, tough, unhealthy, bitter

Упражнение 5. Make up word pairs with food adjectives.

A. sweet, tender, salty, spicy, sour, hot, mild, cold

B. curry, cheese, crisps, lemons, ice-cream, soup, cake, meat

Упражнение 6. Измените односложные и двусложные прилагательные по степеням сравнения.

  1. hot ____________
  2. cold ____________
  3. healthy ___________
  4. unhealthy _____________
  5. angry ______________
  6. hungry ______________
  7. modern __________

Unhealthy — приставка un- не считается за слог.

Упражнение 7. Ask negative questions (вопрос с отрицанием).

  • Why don’t you like lemons? – Почему ты не любишь лимоны?
  • They taste bitter. – Они на вкус горькие.

Упражнение 8. Eating Out. Fill in the table.

Упражнение 9. Eating Out. Fill in the table. 

Упражнение 10. Translate the word-combinations on the topic «Food and Eating Out» from English into Russian:

red pepper, sweet grapes,  tasty strawberry,  juicy raspberry, crisp cereal, olive oil, bitter chocolate, sour lemons, spicy curry, mushroom soup, mild butter, healthy  seafood, unhealthy rice, frozen prawns, fresh bread, organic food, salty ham (17)

crowded café, relaxed atmosphere, attractive choice, traditional dishes, modern design, spacious terrace, delicious pasta, spectacular view, expensive prices, unusual starter, noisy dining hall, trendy décor, GM food (13)

Упражнение 11. Translate the word-combinations on the topic «Еда» from Russian:

сладкий виноград, сочная малина, оливковое масло, красный перец, горький шоколад, пряное  карри, грибной суп, полезные морепродукты, мягкое масло, не полезный рис, замороженные креветки, натуральная еда, кислые лимоны, соленая ветчина, хрустящие хлопья, вкусная клубника, свежий хлеб (17)

генетически модифицированная еда,  кафе, в котором много людей; дорогие цены, расслабляющая обстановка, привлекательный выбор, традиционные блюда, необычная закуска, современный дизайн, просторная терраса, шумный зал, восхитительная паста, зрелищный вид, модный интерьер (13)

Упражнение 12. Translate into English.

  1. Этот сыр очень соленый.
  2. Я люблю есть не дома.
  3. Я предпочел бы французскую кухню.
  4. Это мясо такое нежное.
  5. Клубника очень вкусная ягода.
  6. Хорошая идея есть много овощей и фруктов.
  7. Этот ресторан самый дорогой.
  8. Это блюдо такое же острое как то.
  9. Ананас больше яблока.

Упражнение 13. Make up a dialogue.


  • Do you like Chinese food?  — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
  • Would like to try? — I’d love to. / No, thanks.
  • Why not? — I don’t like Chinese food because it is spicy.

Упражнение 14.Give advice to your friend. Use should /shouldn’t

  1. Your friend is fat. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.
  2. Your friend wants to be slim. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.
  3. Your friend is ill. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.

Упражнение 15.

  1. Опишите свое самое любимое и нелюбимое кафе (ресторан), в которым вы когда-либо бывали.
  2. Предложите сходить куда-нибудь и опишите это место, как нельзя лучше.

Используйте грамматические конструкции:

  • It is …- Это …
  • There is / are … — В нем есть…
  • They have … — У них есть …
  • It has… — В нем есть…
  • You will be surprised to see… — Вы будете удивлены, когда увидите…
  • You will definitely like… — Вам определенно понравится …

Упражнение 16. Представьте, что вы в ресторане с своим другом
— попросите столик на двоих у окна,
— попросите меню и спросите официанта, что бы он порекомендовал,
— закажите жареного лосося для себя и жаренную на гриле курицу для вашего друга,
— спросите друга, вкусно ли приготовлена курица,
— скажите, что лосось слишком сухой, но печеная картошка превосходна,
— спросите, будет ли он десерт,
— скажите, что хотите выпить кофе, и спросите, что будет пить он.
Позовите официанта и:
— пожалуйтесь, что суп слишком холодный, и попросите принести другой,
— попросите сделать потише или выключить музыку, потому что вы не можете разговаривать,
— спросите у официанта, помнит ли он, какой десерт вы заказывали,
— скажите, что хотите поговорить с менеджером.

Use the phrases below:

  • It’s delicious.
  • table for two, table by the window, table in the garden
  •  Is service included?
  •  to tip the waiter
  •  Could I have the bill, please?
  • What would you like for a starter/ the main course/for dessert?
  • Could you bring us the menu/the wine list?
  •  I can recommend…
  •  Could you pass me …
  • to make an order

Упражнение 17 Заполните строчки названиями продуктов: chicken, pears, carrot, milk, pork, strawberries, lamb, curry, cream, pineapple, leek, beef, plums. В каждую категорию добавьте свои примеры.

Dairy products:
Herbs and spices:

Упражнение 18.Ниже дан список блюд, которые готовят из одних и тех же продуктов:

Eggs:        scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, an omelette, bacon and eggs

Tomatoes: fresh tomato salad, tomato soup, tomato ketchup, tomato juice

Apples:     apple pie, fruit salad, apple compote, baked apples

Meat:        a hamburger, tinned ham, roast turkey, pork chops, boiled chicken

Potatoes:  baked potatoes, boiled potatoes, chips, potato crisps

1. Which of the dishes is

a) the tastiest
b) the healthiest
c) the most popular in Russia

Give your reasons.

2. Which of them are the British dishes and which are the American ones?

Упражнение 19. Соотнесите блюда со следующими разделами меню:

Dishes: roast beef with new potatoes and green salad, cheesecake, fried cod (fish) with roast potatoes, prawn cocktail, grilled steak with broccoli, tomato salad, chicken curry, fruit salad, mushroom soup,  vegetable risotto,  spaghetti bolognese  pizza, chocolate cake, potato salad, baked salmon with boiled vegetables


  • starters
  • main courses
  • desserts

Answer the questions:

  1. Which dishes are suitable for vegetarians?
  2. Which dishes aren’t cooked?
  3. Which dishes are suitable for people on a slimming diet?
  4. Which dishes would you choose to eat?
  5. Which dishes have you tried? Did you like them?
  6. Which dishes can you prepare?

Упражнение 20.Соотнесите названия продуктов со способами их приготовления. Каждый продукт можно приготовить несколькими способами.

A. onions, potatoes, carrots, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, meat, fish, bread

B. chop, peel, fry, boil, bake, roast, grate, grill, slice, stew

What dish can you prepare? Tell the recipe.

Упражнение 21. Выполните грамматическое задание по тексту Slimming Food (text in English with tasks).

II. Food. Упражнения для подготовки к экзамену (задания в формате ЕГЭ)

Task 1. Give a talk on your eating habits using the questions.

  1. What time do you eat the main meals of the day?
  2. Do you eat regularly?
  3. What do you most often eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
  4. Do you know what food is healthy and what is not?
  5. Do you eat a lot of sweets or fast food and drink a lot of fizzy drinks?

Task 2. Say which of the foods below you like and which you don’t. Why? 

fizzy  drinks, still mineral water, sparkling mineral water, cheese, pasta, avocado, garlic, eggs, mushrooms, butter, onion, coffee, sugar, fruit juice, white bread, beer, ice-cream chocolate, meat, spinach, fish, red wine, sausage, potatoes, banana

Choose three healthy and three unhealthy foods from the list above. Give your reasons.

Task 3. Answer the questions. What do you think about the statements?

  1. What are the most common eating habits in Russia? Do we eat in a healthy way?
  2. Why is dieting so popular with women and not so popular with men? Discuss.
  3. What restaurants do you like going to? What criteria may people use when choosing a restaurant?
  4. Eating can be a therapy for unhappy and stressed people. Discuss.
  5. Is it better to invite people for a meal at home or to a restaurant?
  6. You are what you eat. Do you agree? Discuss.

Картинки (фотографии) по теме «Food» (для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку)

  1. Describe the photo and answer the questions:

Food. Картинки для описания. ЕГЭ английский язык

  1. Is the food the people are eating healthy? Why?
  2. What problems may they face in the future if they go on eating like this?
  3. Why are fast food restaurants so popular?
  4. What should people eat to be healthy?
  5. How often do you have take-away fast food or go to fast food restaurants?

  1. Describe the photos and answer the questions:

Food. Картинки для описания. ЕГЭ английский язык

Food. Картинки для описания. ЕГЭ английский язык

Answer the questions:

  1. How do the lifestyles and eating habits of these women differ?
  2. What eating disorders may each of them suffer from?
  3. Which of them is healthier? Why?
  4. Why do so many people now give up meat and become vegetarians?
  5. Do you think your everyday diet is healthy? Explain.
  6. What should people do if they want to lose weight?
  7. Have you ever been on a diet? Describe it.

Картинки взяты из пособия «State Exam Maximizer» (авторы Соловова Е.И. для использования в обучающих целях)

Цель урока: повторить и систематизировать лексико-грамматический материал, изученный в ходе работы над темой «food» (еда).



  • закрепление грамматических навыков: повторение времен Present perfect/ Present perfect continuous, квантификаторы (much, many)


  • развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, цельности высказывания


  • обучение навыкам взаимопонимания;
  • формировать чувство ответственности при работе в группе;
  • воспитывать интерес к английскому языку как средству общения;
  • воспитание способности к рефлексии

Форма: урок-игра; вид – комбинированный.

Средства обучения (оборудование): раздаточные материалы с упражнениями.

Участники делятся на 3 команды по 4 человек в каждой. Команды самостоятельно выбирают название для своей команды, а также назначают капитана команды.

Урок-игра состоит из 2 этапов.

  • 1 этап включает лексические задания
  • 2 этап включает грамматические упражнения

Этап 1. Лексические задания

Этап первый включает 4 лексических заданий.

Задание 1. 

Команда выполняет задание на время на тренировку орфографических навыков по теме Shopping.

Упражнение на формирование орфографических навыков.

Insert the missing letters.

Ba…er’s, gr…cer’s, b…tcher’s, fishm…nger’s, gre…ngrocer’s, da…ry, c…nfection…ry.

Задание 2. 

Команда выполняет упражнение на логическое развитие замысла.

Complete the sentences.

1) You can buy bread at the … .
2) You can buy biscuits, cakes at … .
3) You can buy milk at … .
4) You can buy fish at the … .
5)  You can buy meat at the … .
6) You can buy fruit and vegetables at the … .

Задание 3.

Команды должны подобрать пары слов

Make up word pairs with antonyms.

sweet, tender, cold, healthy
hot, tough, unhealthy, bitter

Make up word pairs with food adjectives.

sweet, tender, salty, spicy, sour, hot, mild, cold
curry, cheese, crisps, lemons, ice-cream, soup, cake, meat

Задание 4.

Команды выполняют тест

You have 10 minutes to do the test.


1. Lasagne is………………….. food.
a) Russian
b) English
c) Italian 
d) Chinese

2. People don’t eat…………….. when they are on a diet.
a) fruit and vegetables 
b) Italian food 
c) humpback and sazan 
d) biscuits

3. Usually shops are different in…………………….
a) sizes 
b) kinds 
c) colours 
d) owners

4. You can’t buy a…………… of sugar.
a) pound 
b) kilo 
c) packet
d) bottle

5. Englishmen use……………… in the shops.
a) pounds and pence 
b) roubles and kopecks 
c) dollars and cents

6. Humpback is a……………..
a) fish
b) meat 
c) sweet 
d) cake

7. We can buy fish at the……………….
a) baker’s
b) grocer’s 
c) fishmonger 
d) greengrocer’s

8. If you want to make a cake you need……………..
a) eggs, sugar, flour
b) ham, sugar, eggs 
c) chips, sugar, flour
– Exchange your works. Check them up (the answers are on the screen). Put down the marks.

Этап 2. Грамматические задания

Второй этап включает в себя 2 грамматических упражнения.

Упражнение 1. 

Команда выбирает правильный вариант

Put the words into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous

1 How many souvenirs you have been buying/have bought!
2. We have been shopping/have shopped for two hours…I can’t walk any longer.
3.Why do you look so tired? – I have practised/have been practising tennis.
4. How long have you studied/have you been studying English?
5. What have you been doing/have you done with you hair??? It looks green!

Упражнение 2.

Команда выбирает нужное слово

Insert much or many.

Do you drink ________coffee?
I like reading. I read _________.
We have _______ lessons of English this year.
I like this new teacher very _______ I can’t remember _______ from this text.
Do you learn _______ new English words every day?
We haven’t got ________ bread.
There isn’t________ salad in the fridge.
She hasn’t got ________ cassettes.
I can’t spend ________ money on toys

Целью урока  является развитие познавательной и коммуникативной компетенции учащихся по теме Еда. Он способствует решению следующих задач: создание условий для развития навыков говорения, чтения, письма; обучение репродуктивным и продуктивным видам речевой деятельности. 

Данный урок основан на материалах из следующих источников:

  1. Spotlight 8 Student’s Book Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley.
  2. Grammarway 2 Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans.

Food and Drink ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

  • Beginner (A1)
  • Elementary (A1-A2)
  • Pre-intermediate (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)
  • Upper-intermediate (B2)

My Shopping List

ESL Food and Drink Vocabulary Activity — Vocabulary: Matching, Listing, Identifying — Pair Work — Beginner (A1) — 20 minutes

In this free food and drink activity, students match food and drink vocabulary to pictures and review the vocabulary in a dictation game. First, students match each word to a food and drink picture and write the word underneath. Students then write a shopping list of 10 items using the food and drink. Next, in pairs, students take it in turns to say ‘This is my shopping list. Circle the food and drink items I say’. The student then reads their 10 shopping list items to their partner who listens and circles the corresponding pictures on their worksheet. Students score a point for each correct food or drink item they circle. The student with the most points wins.

My Shopping List Preview

Food and Drink Habits

ESL Eating Habits Activity — Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Freer Practice — Elementary (A1-A2) — 30 minutes

In this food and drink Find Someone Who activity, students ask and answer present simple questions about eating and drinking habits. Students start by reviewing prompts on the worksheet and forming the present simple questions they need to ask to do the activity, e.g. ‘What do you usually eat for breakfast?’ Students then answer the questions and write down their answers. Next, students go around the class asking and answering the questions to find people with the same answers. When a student finds someone with the same answer, the two students write down each other’s names. Finally, students give feedback to the rest of the class on what they found out.

Food and Drink Habits Preview

Food Question Time

ESL Eating Habits Activity — Vocabulary and Speaking: Gap-fill, Sentence Completion, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled and Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 20 minutes

In this food and eating habits activity, students ask and answer food-related questions. Working alone, students read questions about food on the worksheet and complete the answers by writing in the spaces provided. In pairs, students then take it in turns to ask and answer the questions with their partner. Afterwards, students report back to the class on their partner’s answers.

Food Question Time Preview

Restaurants and Cafes

ESL Eating Out Activity — Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled and Freer Practice — Group Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 25 minutes

In this eating out questions activity, students ask and answer questions about their favourite restaurants and cafes. To begin, students go through the prompts on the worksheet and form the questions they need for the activity. Students then use the prompts to answer questions about their favourite restaurant and cafe. When the students have finished, they interview two classmates and complete the worksheet with their answers. Afterwards, students report back to the class on what they found out.

Restaurants and Cafes Preview

Test. Food. Vocabulary.

Упражнение 1. Make up word pairs with antonyms.

A. sweet, tender, cold, healthy

B. hot, tough, unhealthy, bitter

Упражнение 2. Make up word pairs with food adjectives.

A. sweet, tender, salty, spicy, sour, hot, mild, cold

B. curry, cheese, crisps, lemons, ice-cream, soup, cake, meat

Упражнение 3. Translate the word-combinations on the topic «Еда» from Russian into English:

  1. сладкий виноград,

  2. сочная малина,

  3. оливковое масло,

  4. красный перец,

  5. горький шоколад,

  6. пряное карри,

  7. грибной суп,

  8. полезные морепродукты,

  9. мягкое масло,

  10. не полезный рис,

  11. замороженные креветки,

  12. натуральная еда,

  13. кислые лимоны,

  14. соленая ветчина,

  15. хрустящие хлопья,

  16. вкусная клубника,

  17. свежий хлеб

  18. генетически модифицированная еда,

  19. кафе, в котором много людей;

  20. дорогие цены,

  21. расслабляющая обстановка,

  22. привлекательный выбор,

  23. традиционные блюда,

  24. необычная закуска,

  25. современный дизайн,

  26. просторная терраса,

  27. шумный зал,

  28. восхитительная паста,

  29. зрелищный вид,

  30. модный интерьер

Упражнение 4. Give advice to your friend . Use should /shouldn’t

  1. Your friend is fat. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.

  2. Your friend wants to be slim. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.

  3. Your friend is ill. Give him advice what to eat and not to eat.

Упражнение 5. Ниже дан список блюд, которые готовят из одних и тех же продуктов:

Eggs:        scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, an omelette, bacon and eggs

Tomatoes: fresh tomato salad, tomato soup, tomato ketchup, tomato juice

Apples:     apple pie, fruit salad, apple compote, baked apples

Meat:        a hamburger, tinned ham, roast turkey, pork chops, boiled chicken

Potatoes:  baked potatoes, boiled potatoes, chips, potato crisps

Выбери продукты из списка в соответствии с заданием.

Which of the dishes is

a) the tastiest
b) the healthiest
c) the most popular in Russia

Аргументируй свой выбор (1-2 предложения к каждому пункту a, b, c)

Упражнение 6. Соотнесите блюда со следующими разделами меню и ответь на вопросы:

Dishes: roast beef with new potatoes and green salad, cheesecake, fried cod (fish) with roast potatoes, prawn cocktail, grilled steak with broccoli, tomato salad, chicken curry, fruit salad, mushroom soup, vegetable risotto, spaghetti Bolognese, pizza, chocolate cake, potato salad, baked salmon with boiled vegetables


A) starters

B) main courses

C) desserts.

Answer the questions:

  1. Which dishes are suitable for vegetarians?

  2. Which dishes are suitable for people on a slimming diet?

  3. Which dishes would you choose to eat?

  4. Which dishes have you tried? Did you like them?

  5. Which dishes can you prepare?

Упражнение 7. Посмотри на список продуктов. Выполни задание.

fizzy drinks, still mineral water, sparkling mineral water, cheese, pasta, avocado, garlic, eggs, mushrooms, butter, onion, coffee, sugar, fruit juice, white bread, beer, ice-cream chocolate, meat, spinach, fish, red wine, sausage, potatoes, banana

  1. Choose three healthy and three unhealthy foods from the list above. Why?

  2. Say which three of the foods below you like and which three you don’t. Why?

разработка по теме:



английского языка

СОШ № 1



1.      What
food do you usually eat?

2.      What
do you consider to be healthy food?

3.      Do
you sometimes eat out? When and where?

4.      What
does your festive dinner usually consist of?

Read and translate the words
and phrases. In pairs compare and comment on the following pictures. Use the
words in the sentances of your own.

meal, snack, speciality, delicious, bland, fast foods, cuisine,
takeaway, brunch, serve, mouth-watering, eating out, beverages, home-made,
barbecue, flavour, savoury,
soft drinks,
side dishes, deli, course, starter, taste, dessert, dish, spicy, fix, pizza,
fish steak,bake, spicy, mix



Read the following text and number the paragraphs.
Study the meanings of the words in bold.

A.   Another favourite summertime food, often served at a cookout, is
freshly picked corn on the cob. The green cov­ering (the husk) is
stripped off and the cob with its kernels of corn (an entire piece of corn is
sometimes called an ear) is dropped into boiling water. When it is ready,
butter is spread on the corn and it is salted. The corn is then held at
the ends with the fingers and the kernels are stripped off in mouthfuls, until
only the cob remains.

B.   The clambake is a special kind of cookout that originated on
the Eastern seashore. A fire is built in a pit, and rocks in the pit are heated.
The rocks are covered with a layer of seaweed. The clams, lobsters, and
other seafood are put on the top of the seaweed and the whole thing is covered
with a heavy cloth to keep the heat and moisture in and bake the

C.   When the weather is warm, many families enjoy a cookout in the
yard with a portable grill that uses small blocks of partly-burned wood
called charcoal. One reason for eating outside is that it may be cooler
than the kitchen and dining room. However, many people enjoy eat­ing outside
because they enjoy the taste of charcoal-broiled meats and being out­side in
the fresh air.

D.   The barbecue — made famous in the American West — is a cookout where a
single large piece of meat such as a side of beef is roasted on a spit
over an open fire. The spit has a handle, and it is turned slowly as the
meat roasts. Special barbecue sauces are often ap­plied to the meat as it

E.    Steak, hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken are the meats that are
most commonly char-broiled. Cooking over charcoal is not easy, however, and
many times the meats are burned because the grill is too hot. Sometimes shish
kebab is prepared over the grill. Small chunks of meat, onions and green
pepper are skewered on a long metal pin which is called a skewer.

F.    There are other variations on the practice of eating outside. One,
of course, is the picnic. Food is packed in a basket, drinks are brought in a
cooker, and the family goes to the countryside for the afternoon.

G.   Strawberry shortcake is a favour­ite summertime dessert. The cake
is sliced in half, and partially crushed strawberries are placed between
the two halves and on top. Cream that has been beaten into a light, smooth topping
-whipped cream — is added to the top. Another summertime favourite is a scoop
of ice cream in a dish, served with a strawberry or chocolate topping, and
sometimes with nuts and whipped cream — the popular sundae.

H.   Cold drinks go naturally with cookouts. Beer, iced tea and soft
drinks are usually available. While waiting for the charcoal to become hot,
people sip their drinks and nibble on appetisers such as potato chips and sour
cream dip.

3. Match the words and their definitions.

1. covering                       a.  

2. kernel                          b.  

3.  spread                         c.  
something that covers something else;       

4.  originate                     d.   to
cut meat, bread etc into pieces;  

5. layer                            e.  
a fact that makes it sensible or fair for you to do something or think
something 6.  cloth                           f.   the centre part of a
nut or seed, usually the part you can eat;

7.  moisture                     g.   the
part of something that you hold when you use it or open it;

8.  portable                      h.   to
put a layer of something over a surface so that the surface is covered;

9.  reason                         i.   
food that you put on top of other food;

10. roast                           j.  
light and able to be carried or moved easily;

11. handle                       k.  a
deep round spoon for holding or serving food such as corn, flour or ice cream;

12. apply                         l.   to
start to exist in a particular place or at a particu­lar time;

13- commonly                m. to
cook food such as meat or vegetables in an oven;

14. chunk                        n.   a
piece of something solid;                                              

15.  skewer                      o.  
an amount of a substance that covers all of a surface;

16.  slice                          p.   pressed and
squeezed with a force that destroys or deforms;

17. crushed                      q.   small amount of water
in the air, on the surface etc;

18.  topping                    r.  
to make a hole through a piece of food, an object etc with a skewer or with                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


4.  Fill in the chart with the correct verbs from the following

     Bite, eat, nibble, chew, gobble, sip, crunch, lick,
swallow, drink, munch


5.      Fill
in the chart with the correct words from the following list. Use the
vocabulary, if it is necessary:

Potatoes, coffee, pineapple,
tangerine, milk, trout, white bread, mussel, potato chips, baked beans,
cucumber, oyster, sandwich, red wine, tuna fish, hotdog, peach, white wine,
leek, pumpkin, lobster, cupcake, honey, watermelon, jam/jelly, crab, bagels,
pita bread, beer, French bread, apple, mineral water, mushrooms, juice, banana,
tea, shrimp, hamburger.

Fish and seafood



Jars/canned food



Fast food and snacks








































1.      Do you
eat vegetables every day? Which do you eat most often?

2.      Which
of the fruits given here are common in your country? Which of the do you like?

3.      What
do you eat for breakfast, lunch and supper?

4.      How
often do you have fast food?

6.      Are
these sentences true or false? If they are false, correct them.

1.      Lobster
is a kind of fruit.

2.      Salad
is raw or cooked food cut into small pieces and served cold

3.      A lamb
is a baby sheep; lamb is also the name of the meat of that animal.

4.      A calf
is a young pig.

5.      Salmon
is a kind of shellfish.

6.      Oil
and vinegar are often used with a green salad.

7.      Peas,
courgettes, aubergines and cucumbers are all the same colour.

7.      Маtch
the pictures with the activity:




b) wash; c) fry; d) sauté; e) peel; f) pour; g) grate; h) weigh; i) measure; j)
bake; k) boil; l) knead; m) chop; n) crush; o) grill; p) roast; q) add; r) mix;
s) break; t) beat; u) cut; v) grease; w) stir; x) slice; y) barbecue; z) stir-fry


1.      In
what different ways can you cook meat?

2.      Explain
how you make one of your favourite dishes?

8.       Put
each of the following words or phrases in its correct place.

fast food, take-away, eat out, waiter, dish, snack, bill, tip, cookery books, ingredients,

I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of
(a)…………………, I choose a (b)………………… I want to cook, I read the (c)………………… , I
prepare all the necessary (d)………………… and follow the instructions. But the
result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick (e)………………… .
I often (f)………………… .

I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t
feel at ease in them. First the (g)………………… gives me a (h)………………… which I can’t
understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end
of the meal when I pay the (i)………………… I never know how much to leave as a
(j)………………… . I prefer (k)………………… places, like hamburger shops where you pay at
once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like (l)………………… where you buy a
meal in a special container and take it home.

9.      Read
the poem and translate. Then try to make your own.

We’re Going To Make a Cake

(to the tune of «The Farmer’s
in his Dell»)

We’re going to
make a cake, we’re going to make a cake;

We’re going to
make it really big,

Because we all
like cake.

Flour in the bowl,
flour in the bowl;

Stir it with a
great big spoon,

Flour in the bowl.

(continue with
other ingredients: sugar, salt,

raisins, butter,

Put it in the
oven, put it in the oven;

Take care not to
slam the door,

Until it’s nicely

Icing on the top,
icing on the top;

Spread it with a
big, flat knife,

Icing on the top.

We all have a
piece, we all have a piece;

Some for you and
some for me,

There’s some for

And now it’s all
gone, and now it’s all gone;

Yumm it was very

Now it’s all gone.

10.  This is a
newspaper article devoted to the cookery. Read, translate and write your own

Hello ! My name is Margarita. I want to show you
my recipe which is called Classic Chocolate Milk Shake . It’s very
simple but it tastes good! It is very useful when you don’t have much time but
still you want to have something tasty for your relatives or friends.

Classic Chocolate Milk Shake

The secret to this
fabulous milk shake from the St. Francis Fountain and Candy Store in San
Francisco is the homemade chocolate syrup. Refrigerate the leftover syrup to
enjoy later, poured over your favorite ice cream or pound cake.


1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup water

1/2 cup
unsweetened cocoa (preferably Dutch process)

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 tablespoons milk

6 cups vanilla ice


Stir sugar and
water in heavy medium saucepan over medium-low heat until sugar dissolves.
Increase heat and bring to boil. Place cocoa in small bowl. Gradually whisk in
sugar syrup. Return mixture to same saucepan. Boil 1 minute, whisking
constantly. Pour into bowl. Whisk in vanilla and cool completely. Cover and
chill until cold, at least 1 hour. (Syrup can be made 1 week ahead. Keep

Pour 3 tablespoons
chocolate syrup and 1 tablespoon milk into blender. Add 1 1/2 cups ice cream
and blend until smooth. Pour into glass. Repeat in 3 more batches, using 3
tablespoons syrup, 1 tablespoon milk and 1 1/2 cups ice cream for each milk

Try to prepare this milk
shake and enjoy!


Fabulous – изумительный

Homemade – домашнего

Refrigerate — заморозить

Leftover – оставшийся
после использования, лишний

Poured over – политым на что-либо

Pound cake – торт, в котором поровну

Preparation — приготовление

Stir — размешать

Saucepan – кастрюля

Dissolve – растворяться

Whisk – сбивать (белки,

Cool – охладить

Keep – хранить

Tablespoon – столовая ложка

Smooth – однородный
(состав, например)

Batch – часть (теста
или жидкости)

11.  Give
a word that means…

1.      a
dish you have after the main course, for example, ice-cream;

cook something using dry heat, in an oven;

type of food made from flour and water that is mixed together and then baked;

white liquid produced by cows or goats that is drunk by people;

solid food made from milk, which is usually yellow or white in colour, and can
be soft or hard;

cook food for too long.

12.  Read the dialogue,
translate and then make in indirect speech:

Waiter: Good evening, sir… madam.

               Shall I take your coats?

Mr Adams: Thank you. Where shall

                     sit, Barbara?

Waiter:  Oh, would you like to sit
over here, sir?

               Near the window.

Mr Adams: Ah, yes…. Could we see


Waiter: Certainly. Here it is.

Mr Adams: Do you fancy a starter?

Mrs Adams: Mmm … I think I’ll
have the

               prawn cocktail. I’m very fond of

               prawns. What about you?

Mr Adams: I’m not sure…

MrsAdams: Oh, I’d have the trout,
if I

      were you. You always say that you like

      trout, and you haven’t had it for a long


Waiter: Are you ready to order yet,

Mr Adams: Yes… a prawn cocktail

                my wife, and the trout for me.

Waiter: And the main course, sir?

Mr Adams: Veal for my wife. I can’t

          decide between the veal and the

          chicken. What do you recommend?

Waiter: Oh, if I were you, I’d have

      veal. It’s the speciality of the house.

Waiter: What would you like with the


Mr Adams: Two mixed salads, please.

Waiter: … any vegetables, sir?

Mr Adams: Yes. Some cauliflower,

          courgettes and some boiled potatoes,


Waiter: Anything to follow?

Mr Adams: Can we order that later?

Waiter: Of course, sir.

Waiter: Would you like to see the
wine list?

Mr Adams: Yes … we’d like a
bottle of

              dry white wine.

Waiter: May I suggest something?

Mr Adams: Of course.

Waiter: Why don’t you try a bottle

           English wine?

Mr Adams: English wine?

Waiter: Yes, it isn’t very
well-known, but

          it’s being produced in the south of

          England now.
You’ll be surprised…

          it’s very good.

13.   Fill in prepositions where

1.      Help
yourself … the salad.

2.      Can
I have anouther piece … pie?

3.       What
did you have … dinner yesterday?

never eat much bread … breakfast.

my way … home I dropped … a little café and had a piece … cake and a nice
hot cup … coffee.

6.       I
shall presently put the kettle … .

7.      I
have something very tasty … you.

8.      Help
… me lay the table … breakfast.

9.       I
usually have lunch … the school canteen.

10.  Some
people say that sugar spoils the taste … tea and that tea should be drunk …

11.   …
supper she usually has a couple … sandwich­es … sausage or cheese and
drinks a cup … tea … lemon.

14.  Change
the following Active constructions into Passive:

were wrapping pieces of chicken with great care.

was boiling eggs for the picnic lunch.

were eating the roast chicken in a hurry because a thunderstorm was coming up.

has already eaten his soup.

spilt the coffee 5 minutes ago.

buy food every day.

go to the Jazz Café.

  1. Work in
    pairs. You are going to the restaurant. Make the dialog: What do you like
    to eat? What would you like to eat? Say about your tastes and likings.
    Here is a menu which can help you.



Cocktail £1-50

Onion Soup £0-75




Juice 50 p

Snacks £ 2-00

Main Courses:

(in cream sauce with brandy) £3-10

(fried in bread crumbs) £2-50

(in red wine sauce with mushrooms) £3-50

(served with tomato and garlic sauce, and rice) £3-45

Beef (with Yorkshire pudding) £3-60



green, tomato £0-75



La Madone AOC 2007 (French)




Explain the meaning of the
following proverbs in English and translate them into Russian.

1.      The proof of the pudding is in the

2.      You can’t eat a cake and have it.

3.      The appetite comes with eating.

4.      Too many cooks spoil the broth.

5.      First catch your hare then cook


1.      Speak about foods you like and
dislike. Give your reasons.

2.      Some people say that the best chefs
are men. Agree or disagree and give your reasons.

3.      Eating in restaurants is a waste of
time and money. Prove your point of view.

Make up dialogues:

You happen to
be dining with an Englishman who doesn’t speak Russian. Help him to order his

You suggest to
your mum going to a restaurant instead of cooking at home. She disagrees with

At a restaurant
the waiter offers you a wide choice of dishes. After choosing your meal from
the menu you make the order.


Write a letter to your friend about
your last visit to a fashionable restaurant.



1)      C

2)      E

3)      A

4)      G

5)      H

6)      F

7)      D

8)       B


1)      с

2)      f

3)      h

4)      l

5)      i

6)      b

7)      q

8)       j

9)      e

10)  m

11)  g

12)  s

13)  a

14)  n

15)  r

16)  d

17)  p

18)  o

19)  k


and seafood






food and snacks








Pita bread

French bread


White bread

Red wine

White wine


Mineral water





Baked beans

Tuna fish
















Potato chips



1)      F

2)      T

3)      T

4)      F

5)      F

6)      T

7)      F


1)      wash

2)      peel

3)      grate

4)      chop

5)      crush

6)      beat

7)      cut

8)       slice

9)      grease

10)  break

11)  stir

12)  mix

13)  knead

14)  steam

15)  sauté

16)  pour

17)  weigh

18)  boil

19)  add

20)  bake

21)  stir-fry

22)  grill

23)  roast

24)  barbecue

25)  measure

26)  fry


a)      Cookery books

b)      Dish

c)      Recipe

d)      Ingredients

e)      Snack

f)       Eat out

g)      Waiter

h)      Menu

i)       Bill

j)       Tip

k)      Fast food

l)       Take-away


1)      Dessert

2)      To bake

3)      Bread

4)      Milk

5)      Cheese

6)      To overcook


1)      With

2)      Of

3)      For

4)      For

5)      On, -,into, of, of

6)      Up

7)      For

8)       -,for

9)      In

10)  Of, with

11)  For, of, with, of, with


1)      Pieces of chicken were wrapping
with great care by women.

2)      Eggs were boiling for the picnic
lunch by Mary.

3)      The roast chicken was eating in a
hurry because a thunderstorm was coming up.

4)      His soup has already been eaten.

5)      The coffee was spilt 5 minutes ago.

6)      Food is bought every day.


1.      Чтобы судить о пудинге,
надо его съесть.

2.      Один пирог два раза не

3.      Аппетит приходит во время

4.      У семи нянек дитя без

5.      Не говори гоп, пока не
перепрыгнешь; цыплят по осени считают




to bake

to barbecue
жарить ломтики мяса над решёткой на вертеле, жарить на рашпере

to beat


поздний завтрак (заменяющий первый и второй завтрак)


ломоть (хлеба, мяса)

1) печёные на горячих камнях морские моллюски (блюдо индийской кухни; одно из
самых любимых американцами блюд на пикниках) 2) амер. пикник (обычно на морском
берегу); выезд за город


кухня, стол (питание; кулинарное искусство)


delicatessen деликатесы

десерт, сладкое (блюдо)



eat out— питаться
вне дома


fast food
еда, которую можно перехватить на скорую руку

French bread
французская булка, длинный батон


grease— смазывать


homemade— домашнего
приготовления, самодельный


сердцевина (плода), ядро (ореха), косточка (фрукта, ягоды)



слой, пласт; прослойка



to mix
мешать, перемешивать



oyster— устрица



снимать кожицу, очищать

pita bread


potato chips
картофельные чипсы



roast— жарить,



to skewer
насаживать на вертел, шампур

to slice
резать ломтиками

лёгкая закуска

soft drink безалкогольный напиток

острый, пикантный, пряный (о пище)

to spread
размазывать; намазывать

starter первое блюдо, подаваемой во время трапезы

to stirfry
жарить в раскаленном масле


take away
а) готовая еда, продающаяся на вынос б) заведение, торгующее готовой едой на


tuna fish
мясо тунца



Список литературы.

Hartley, Peter Viney Streamline English Connections Oxford University Press,

Голицынский Ю. Spoken English
Изд-во КАРО, 2007

Павлоцкий В.М.
English Key to success

Dictionary of American English- Longman, 2003







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