Word painting in spanish

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pintura verbal


Using his gifts for word-painting, iconographical interpretation, and compsitional analysis, Ruskin does not simply tell us what the painting in question means.

Al utilizar sus dotes para la pintura verbal, la interpretación iconográfica y el análisis composicional, Ruskin no nos dice simplemente lo que significa la pintura en cuestión.

In Ruskin’s third and most elaborate form of word-painting, he develops his role of Master of Experience even more fully.

La tercera pintura verbal de Ruskin, su forma más elaborada, desarrolla, incluso en mayor profundidad, su papel de maestro de la experiencia.

His chansons tend to be homophonic, with occasional contrapuntal detail, but the later ones employ many of the rhythmic devices common in Italian secular music of the period, particularly the frottola, and also are filled with madrigalisms such as word-painting.

Sus canciones tienden a ser homofónicas, con detalle contrapuntístico ocasional, pero en las últimas emplea dispositivos rítmicos comunes en la música secular italiana de este periodo, particularmente de la frottola, y también son complementadas con madrigalismos como el figuralismo.

How does this description of Margaret’s first encounter with the industrial North follow from the word-painting of Anne Radcliffe and John Ruskin?

¿De qué forma esta descripción del primer encuentro de Margaret con el norte industrial es una continuación del figuralismo de Anne Radcliffe y John Ruskin?

What, finally, does Ruskin’s choice of, say, detail and word-painting itself imply about his conception of reality and the province of literature?

Finalmente, ¿qué implica la elección de Ruskin, por ejemplo, de la pintura verbal y detallada sobre su concepción de la realidad y del ámbito de la literatura?

His madrigals tend to be conservative, frankly ignoring the innovations of composers such as Luzzaschi and Marenzio who were experimenting with vivid chromaticism and word-painting around the same time.

Sus madrigales tienden a ser conservativos, ignorando las innovaciones de compositores como Luzzaschi y Marenzio quienes estuvieron experimentando con vívidos cromatismos y figuralismos por la misma época.

What links can you discern between Ruskin’s word-painting and the ideas expressed in his sage writing?

¿Qué vínculos percibes entre la pintura verbal de Ruskin y las ideas expresadas en sus escritos filosóficos?

A few motets, especially in the 1591 set, abandon traditional motet style and resort to vivid word-painting which reflects the growing popularity of the madrigal (Haec dies a6, 1591).

Algunos motetes, especialmente los de 1591, abandonan el estilo tradicional de motete y recurre a una expresión mucho más rica que refleja la creciente popularidad del madrigal como en Haec dies.

It was not skilful word-painting on the part of Paul, nor imagination on the part of the Galatians, for then it would have been only deception.

No era un asunto de mera retórica por parte de Pablo, ni de imaginación por parte de ellos.

7 (orig. fol.), perhaps as special «conflictive» word-painting producing falsas on the word «guerrero.»p.

7 (orig.); quizás este sonido «conflictivo» de la falsa resalta la palabra «guerrero».p.

How does Ruskin’s word-painting relate to that created by Radcliffe, Wordsworth, Dickens, Woolf?

¿Cómo se relaciona la pintura verbal de Ruskin con la creada por Radcliffe, Wordsworth, Dickens y Woolf?

Wilmer is surely correct: Ruskin’s early, much-anthologized word-painting differs greatly from the late prose of Praeterita, just as both differ from the more stripped-down, less lyrical writing of Unto This Last.

Wilmer tiene toda la razón: la pintura verbal (word-painting) temprana y demasiado antologizada de Ruskin difiere enormemente de la prosa tardía de Praeterita, del mismo modo que ambas difieren de la escritura más desarticulada y menos lírica de Hasta que esto dure.

In his writings on political economy Ruskin makes major use of them, and they effectively replace the word-painting that characterizes his art criticism as a favorite rhetorical device.

A lo largo de sus escritos sobre economía política, Ruskin depende de una serie de interpretaciones agresivas que desempeñan un papel central en la presentación de sí mismo como un místico victoriano.

However, realizing that most readers would have to be convinced by his verbal arguments, Ruskin employs his great gift of word-painting to provide his readers with the kind of visual relation to the world he would like them to develop.

Sin embargo, dándose cuenta de que solo convencería a la mayoría de los lectores por medio de sus argumentos verbales, Ruskin usa el inmenso don de la pintura verbal para facilitar a sus lectores la clase de relación visual con el mundo que le gustaría que desarrollasen.

Verdelot’s style balances homophonic with imitative textures, rarely using word-painting, which was largely a later development (though a few interesting foreshadowings can be found).

El estilo de Verdelot balancea homofonía con texturas imitativas, usando raramente el madrigalismo, que sería desarrollado más adelante, pero que se esboza en forma muy interesante en algunas de sus piezas.

Even more characteristic of his style, and a defining characteristic of the madrigal as a genre, is his use of word-painting: the technique of mirroring in the music a specific word, phrase, implication or pun on what is being sung.

Otra característica de su estilo, y definitoria del género del madrigal, es su uso del «madrigalismo», técnica por la que se refleja en la música una palabra, frase o sus implicaciones.

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Translation examples

  • pintura de palabras

  • palabra-pintura

Shingzwe would be the perfect choice for the Basske-Wortz: at the prize ceremony, she’d limit her remarks to reading a long poem about the sky, a wordpainting in which the clouds would move like giant ships, magnificent as they crossed the blue expanse.

Ella sería una recipiente perfecta del Basske-Wortz: en la ceremonia de entrega del premio se limitaría a leer un largo poema sobre el cielo, una pintura en palabras donde las nubes se movían como gigantescas naves marinas, cruzando soberbias el espacio azul, y las mentes que oían de pronto se sentirían amplias como el cielo, gozando de su empatía con la inmensidad, con la historia de dos cumulus nimbus transformándose en vientos salvajes que barren las sombras sobre el mar.

When she says the word “painting” she mimes quotation marks with her fingers.

—Cuando dice la palabra «pintura» dibuja con los dedos unas comillas en el aire—.

Principal Translations Inglés Español painting n (work of art, picture) pintura nf     cuadro nm   The Louvre has thousands of paintings on its walls.   El Louvre tiene miles de pinturas en sus paredes.   El Louvre tiene miles de cuadros en sus paredes. painting n uncountable (art of making paintings) pintura nf   She enjoys sculpture and painting.   A ella le fascinan la escultura y la pintura. painting n uncountable (covering [sth] with paint) pintada nf     pintar⇒ vtr   The painting of the dining room took five hours.   Llevó cinco horas la pintada de todo el comedor.   Pintar todo el comedor llevó cinco horas. painting n uncountable (job: decorating) pintura nf   He does painting and decorating for a living.   Se dedica a la pintura y a la decoración para ganarse la vida.
Additional Translations Inglés Español Paint n abbreviation (horse breed: Paint horse) Paint n propio m     American Paint n propio m   The Paint is an American horse breed. paint n (basketball: part of court) línea de tiro libre loc nom f   The player remained in the paint for longer than three seconds, so the referee signaled a violation. paint⇒ vi (make a painting) (arte) pintar⇒ vi   She loves to paint.   Ella adora pintar. paint vi (colour [sth] with paint) pintar⇒ vtr   Working on the house, he painted all day long.   Está haciendo trabajos en la casa y se pasó todo el día pintándola. paint [sth] vtr (colour with paint) pintar⇒ vtr   He painted the room blue.   Él pintó el cuarto de azul. paint [sth] vtr (nails: apply varnish to) (uñas) pintarse⇒ v prnl   She spends hours painting her nails.   Se pasa horas pintándose las uñas. paint [sth] vtr figurative (describe with words) (con palabras) pintar⇒ vtr   The book painted the picture of the ideal family.   El libro pintaba la imagen de una familia ideal.
Compound Forms:
painting | paint Inglés Español acrylic painting n (picture, painting style) pintura acrílica loc nom f     acrílico nm acrylic painting n uncountable (art of painting with acrylics) pintura en acrílico nf + loc adj action painting n (American painting style) pintura de acción loc nom f body painting n (decorating skin) pintura corporal nm + adj    (voz inglesa) body painting loc nom m   Humans have practiced body painting for centuries.   Los humanos realizan pintura corporal desde hace siglos. cave painting n (picture in cave) pintura rupestre loc nom f   The cave paintings show various wild animals.   Las pinturas rupestres muestran varios animales. dazzle,
dazzle painting
n (warships: camouflage paint) (buques de guerra) camuflaje dazzle loc nom m   The dazzle used on WW1 warships was different for every vessel. face painting,
n (decorating the face with paint) pintura para la cara nf + loc prep finger painting n (using fingers to paint) dactilopintura nf     pintura de dedos nf + loc adj fresco painting n (mural on plaster) pintura al fresco grupo nom     fresco nm   Probably the world’s most famous fresco painting is Da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’. fresco painting n (art of painting murals) muralismo nm   Uno de los grandes exponentes del muralismo es el extinto Diego Rivera. landscape painting n (art: depicting natural scenery) paisajismo nm   I prefer to paint portraits as I’m not very good at landscape painting.   Prefiero pintar retratos porque no soy muy bueno pintando paisajismo. mural painting n (painting an image on a wall) mural nm   Traditional fresco mural painting requires speed because the plaster dries quickly.   Se cumplió un siglo de la realización del célebre mural en la cúpula de la iglesia. mural painting n (image painted on a wall) pintura mural nf   A great example of mural painting by Rivera can be seen in a courtyard at the Detroit Institute of Arts.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. En el Renacimiento las pinturas murales se realizaban con la técnica del fresco.     fresco nm   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Es un fresco que siempre se les muestra a los alumnos de arte. nude painting n (painted picture of a naked figure) (dibujo) desnudo nm   His mother was shocked by the nude painting he did for art class.   Su madre se horrorizó a causa del desnudo que hizo para la clase de arte.     pintura de desnudos nf + loc adj   Su madre se horrorizó a causa de la pintura de desnudos que hizo para la clase de arte. oil painting n (picture painted using oil paints) (Arte) pintura al óleo nf   The focal point of the room was a huge oil painting hung above the fireplace.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Este es un barniz especial que se utiliza para fijar las pinturas al óleo.     óleo nm   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Se inaugura una exposición de óleos y de acuarelas del artista la próxima semana. oil painting,
painting in oils
n uncountable (art of painting with oils) pintura al óleo nf + loc adv     óleo nm painting and decorating n (interior decoration) decoración de interiores nf painting excursion n (trip or outing for artmaking purposes) excursión para pintar nf   Los artistas no se iban de picnic o de excursión para pintar, sino que reflejaban el medio en que vivían. painting knife n (tool for applying paint) (pintura) cuchillo de paleta, cuchillo de pintura loc nom m painting materials npl (equipment used in painting) materiales para pintar nmpl   The man gathered his painting materials and went to work.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Compré todos los materiales para pintar en la ferretería de acá a la vuelta. pastel painting n (artmaking with dry pastel) (técnica) pintura al pastel grupo nom   Para el curso de pintura al pastel necesitarás lápices de colores similares a las barras de tiza, elaborados con creta. pastel painting n (artwork made using dry pastel) (obra) pintura al pastel grupo nom portrait painting n (art: painting a likeness) retrato nm   Velasquez was a master of portrait painting.   Velázquez fue un genio del retrato. still-life painting n (art form) naturaleza muerta loc nom f   The artist specializes in still-life painting.   La artista se especializa en naturaleza muerta. still-life painting n (artwork) pintura de bodegones nf + loc adj     pintura de naturalezas muertas nf + loc adj   Van Gogh did many still-life paintings of flowers.   Van Gogh produjo varias pinturas de bodegones de flores. wall painting n (mural) mural nm   The CEO commissioned a wall painting for the reception area.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. La municipalidad encargó la creación de un mural en el centro de la ciudad. watercolor painting (US),
watercolour painting (UK)
n (picture painted using watercolors) pintura con acuarela loc nom f watercolor painting (US),
watercolour painting (UK)
n uncountable (art of painting with watercolors) pintura con acuarela loc nom f word painting n (poetic verbal description) floritura nf     adorno poético nm + adj     descripción colorida nf + adj

Possible Results:

Present participle ofpaint.

Spanish Pronunciation

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A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


1. (work of art)

a. el cuadro

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


Picasso’s early paintings are very realistic.Los primeros cuadros de Picasso son muy realistas.

b. la pintura

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


I finally finished the painting for my art class.Por fin terminé la pintura para mi clase de arte.

2. (fine arts)

a. la pintura

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).


His primary interests are painting and music.Sus intereses principales son la pintura y la música.

Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.

painting [ˈpeɪntɪŋ]


1 (Art) (picture) cuadro (m); pintura (f); (activity, genre) pintura (f)

to study painting estudiar pintura; French Impressionist painting la pintura impresionista francesa

the tradition of Western painting the gallery houses a collection of British painting from 1500 to the present day two hobbies she really enjoyed, painting and gardening Marianna studied painting in Dublin, Paris and London cuadros pinturas surrealistas a large painting by Rossetti

2 (decorating) pintura (f)

painting and decorating pintura (f) y decoración

she runs a painting and decorating business equipment for painting and wallpapering I’ve got some painting to do in the hall this weekend Sue does all the painting and I do all the house repairs

Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


oil painting

la pintura al óleo

this painting

este cuadro


el pinta-caritas

this painting is called

este cuadro se llama

watercolor painting


the painting is on the wall

la pintura está en la pared

in this painting

en este cuadro

the painting shows

la pintura muestra

still-life painting

pintura de bodegones

in the painting

en el cuadro

she is painting

está pintando

drawing and painting

el dibujo y la pintura

I like painting

me gusta pintar

you want to see a painting

quieres ver una pintura

the painting is called

el cuadro se llama

I am painting

estoy pintando

he is painting

está pintando

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Yeah, I heard your missing person was a painting.

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Si, escuché que tu persona desaparecida era pintor.

She was writing, painting, working as an accountant.

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Escribía, pintaba, trabajaba como contable.

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Del artista Openor, pintor del teatro.

My son, I have decided to honor you above all the painting master of Italy.

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Hijo mío, decidí honrarte sobre todos los maestros pintores de Italia.

I have seen the hearts of men while painting the commoners.

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He visto el corazón de los hombres mientras pintaba a los plebeyos.

Referring to his penchant for combining traditional painting techniques and new technologies.

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En referencia a su predilección por aunar técnicas pictóricas clásicas y nuevas tecnologías.

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I used to be pretty good at drawing and painting.

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Antes era buen dibujante y pintor.

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Asdrubale, Sophonisba’s brother, studied music and Latin, but not painting.

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Asdrubale, el hermano varón, estudió música y latín, pero no pintaba.

We have got fixtures going in, painting started today.

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Tenemos accesorios entrando, los pintores comenzaron hoy.

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Retrospective Exhibition»Painting of 1940-1990s.

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Exposición Retrospectiva, obras 1944- 1990.

In summer, I have a lot of painting jobs.

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En verano tengo mucho trabajo de pintor.

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Find as many mouth and foot painting artists as possible.

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Encontrar, dentro de lo posible, a todos los artistas pintores con la boca y con el pie.

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The Mid-Joseon dynasty painting styles moved towards increased realism.

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Hacia la mitad del período Joseon, los estilos pictóricos se orientan progresivamente hacia el realismo.

Oliver began to study painting under María Cadilla in Arecibo.

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Comenzó su aprendizaje artístico con la pintora María Cadilla en el pueblo de Arecibo.

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I was happy I would been the model for his painting.

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Y era feliz siendo la modelo de sus obras.

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So, of course, he wants to get the painting authenticated.

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I’m not gonna help Nicky fence that painting.

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Painting and gluing your plywood pieces.

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Pinte y pegue sus piezas acrílicas y creaciones.

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Results: 23387,
Time: 0.0521

Have you hired Dale’s Painting Service?

Peppa loves painting with her hands.

Peppa and George are painting today.

George loves painting with his hands.

different wall painting styles painted walls.

Painting visors, acetate, cord and people.

The painting has been signed AH.

Performance Painting for One Night Only.

New roof and indoor painting completed.

Madison Wisconsin Exterior Painters-Exterior Painting Co.





The Prado Museum is one of the most famous painting museums in the world

El museo del Prado es una de las pinacotecas mundiales de mayor renombre.

I like this painting: it’s very bright and also very expressive.

Me gusta este cuadro: es muy luminoso y además muy expresivo.

Who has painted the painting?

¿Quién ha pintado el cuadro?

This painting is done with oil

Este cuadro está pintado al óleo.

Have you noticed that this painter uses in this painting the dark-light technique?

¿Te has fijado que este pintor utiliza en este lienzo la técnica del claro-oscuro?

I wonder if they have really appreciated the painting.

¿Habrán apreciado el cuadro?

There is a very beautiful painting in one of the churches that you must see.

Hay una pintura muy bonita en una de las iglesias que debes ver.

This painting is very pretty.

Esta pintura es muy bonita.

Those lazy guys didn’t finish painting the mural.

Los haraganes no terminaron el mural.

Let’s hang Luis’s painting.

Colguemos nosotros el cuadro de Luis.

He says that he doesn’t know why they are painting.

Dice que no sabe por qué pintan.

I would like for you to see a painting of Goya.

Me gustaría que vieran un cuadro de Goya.

Do you think they will like the painting?

¿Crees que les gustará la pintura?

I am painting, and you? what are you doing?

Yo estoy pintando, ¿y usted? ¿qué está usted haciendo ?

Mr. Luis is painting.

Don Luis está pintando.

I am painting.

Estoy pintando.

Who would have thought of painting the walls black?

¿A quién se le habrá ocurrido pintar las paredes de negro?

He was able to represent his feelings in a painting.

Logró plasmar sus sentimientos en un cuadro.

Do you like the painting?

¿ A ti te gusta la pintura?

I’m going to be painting all day. I have to paint my living room.

Voy a estar pintando todo el día. Tengo que pintar la sala de mi casa.

I have in mind music and painting.

Me refiero a la música y la pintura.

Why is she painting such a negative picture today?

¿Por qué está describiendo un panorama tan negativo hoy?

The painting symbolises sun, warmth and freedom.

El cuadro de simboliza el sol, el calor y la libertad.

And as in Goya’ s painting, ‘the illusion of reason produces monsters’ .

Y como pintó Goya, «el sueño de la razón produce monstruos».

The picture I am painting is not as black as that painted by certain speakers.

El panorama que trazo no es tan negro como el que han pintado algunos oradores.

Painting a threatening picture is often the easiest option.

En muchas ocasiones, el catastrofismo es la alternativa más fácil.

We might just as well be discussing abstract painting today. I say this because abstract painting exists, even though it is sometimes incomprehensible.

También podríamos estar debatiendo hoy la pintura abstracta, y digo esto porque la pintura abstracta existe, aun cuando en ocasiones resulte incomprensible.

The brochure seems to be painting a rosy picture, but the reality is very different indeed.

Si uno lee el folleto, todo parece muy bonito, pero la realidad es muy negativa.

Madam President, I am obliged to the Commissioner for painting a picture that is very rich in light and shade.

Señora Presidenta, le agradezco a la señora Comisaria que nos haya presentado un cuadro tan rico en luces y sombras.

So we must stop being cynical and painting a picture of the Union as some kind of inconvenience.

Así que debemos dejar de ser cínicos y de poner a la Unión como una especie de estorbo.

They saw leadership as painting a vision of the Europe they wanted and leading people towards it.

Su idea de liderazgo consistía en dibujar la visión de la Europa que deseaban, dirigiendo a las personas hacia ella.

We are supposed to be honest, but painting a gloomy picture has always been politically very good.

Se supone que debemos ser honestos y, sin embargo, describir una hipótesis pesimista siempre ha dado buenos resultados políticos.

Yet, for Orthodox Christians, an icon is no mere religious painting — and it is not, by definition, a religious object.

Sin embargo, para los cristianos ortodoxos, un icono no es sólo un cuadro religioso; y tampoco es, por definición, un objeto religioso.

At the same time, I hear you painting an erroneous picture of the consequences of these amendments to the Posting of Workers Directive.

Al mismo tiempo le he escuchado describir una imagen equivocada de las consecuencias de estas enmiendas a la Directiva sobre el desplazamiento de los trabajadores.

Madam President, I thank the Commissioner for including details worthy of a Dutch painting in his statement.

Señora Presidenta, agradezco al Comisario la inclusión de matices propios de la pintura holandesa en su declaración.

This applies in particular to the demand for organic solvents arising in painting also to be taken into account.

Especialmente, en lo referido a la exigencia de que se tomen en cuenta los disolventes orgánicos provenientes de pinturas.

The example of Austria is harmful because you are painting a picture of a European Union which interferes in the internal affairs of a country.

El ejemplo de Austria es malo porque ustedes están dibujando una imagen de la Unión Europea que se inmiscuye en los asuntos internos de un país.

It is something which could have been said by Haydn composing in London, da Vinci painting in Amboise, or Byron dying in Missolonghi.

Es una frase que hubiera podido pronunciar Haydn cuando componía en Londres, Vinci cuando pintaba en Amboise, o Byron cuando se estaba muriendo en Missolonghi.

Remember that, in closed environments such as the coastal lagoons, the Mediterranean or the Etang de Thau, the act of simply painting the boats can disturb the environment.

Recuerden que en entornos cerrados como las lagunas costeras, el Mediterráneo o el Etang de Thau, el simple hecho de pintar los barcos puede afectar al medio ambiente.

Commissioner, Mrs Plooij-van Gorsel is painting a very negative picture of developing countries.

Comisario, la Sra. Plooij-van Gorsel está dibujando una imagen muy negativa de los países en vías de desarrollo.

The executive and legislative powers are thick as thieves, dodging the truth, like in the famous Vermeer painting, in view of the onlookers, European citizens.

Poder ejecutivo y poder legislativo están a partir un piñón para escamotear, como en el famoso cuadro de Vermeer, la verdad a los ojos de los curiosos que son los ciudadanos europeos.

With one small stroke after another, it is painting a sort of Impressionist picture representing its own vision of public services.

Retazo a retazo nos pinta una especie de cuadro impresionista que representa su propia visión de los servicios públicos.

So whilst we are urged to believe the IPCC’s 2 500 scientists, we are being told to completely ignore the 30 500 scientists who are painting a different picture.

De este modo, aunque se nos apremia a creer a los 2 500 científicos del IPCC, se nos dice que ignoremos por completo a los 30 500 científicos que nos muestran una visión diferente.

As in every painting — religious or not, and notwithstanding the talent of the artist — the object presents as two-dimensional.

Como en todo cuadro -religioso o no, y a pesar del talento del artista- el objeto se presenta en dos dimensiones.

One is the distorted image of OLAF which some fellow Members are painting on the basis of their own small-minded self-interest.

Uno es la imagen distorsionada de la OLAF que algunas de sus Señorías están dibujando en función de sus mezquinos intereses personales.

Picasso depicted this same horror in his Guernica painting of our Guernica razed to the ground by the Junkers of the Condor Legion seven decades ago.

El mismo horror que pintó Picasso en su Guernica -nuestra Guernica arrasada por los Junkers de la Legión Cóndor hace siete décadas-.

Whereas there was a pervasive silence when Théo Van Gogh had his throat slit in a manner reminiscent of Rembrandt’s painting, Abraham’s Sacrifice,Mr Buttiglione deserved support.

Mientras que hubo un penetrante silencio cuando Theo Van Gogh fue degollado de un modo que recuerda el cuadro de Rembrandt, el Sacrificio de Abrahán, el señor Buttiglione merecía ser apoyado.

(FR) Mr President, there is a famous painting by the Belgian artist René Magritte which shows a pipe with, below it, the caption ‘ceci n’est pas une pipe’.

(FR) Señor Presidente, hay una famosa obra del pintor belga René Magritte en la que aparece una pipa y debajo se lee «ceci n’est pas une pipe» (esto no es una pipa).

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How to say painting in Spanish?
ˈpeɪn tɪŋpaint·ing

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  • cuadro, pintado, pinturaSpanish

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    used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner
    • A. unsealed

    • B. omnifarious

    • C. appellative

    • D. butch

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    Painting Meaning in Spanish

    You have searched the English word Painting meaning in Spanish pintura. Painting meaning has been search 3325 (three thousand three hundred and twenty-five) times till 4/14/2023. You can also find Painting meaning and Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, French and other languages.

    Spanish — English

    English — Spanish

    Definition & Synonyms

    • Painting
    Definition & Meaning

    1. (n.) A depicting by words; vivid representation in words.
    2. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Paint
    3. (n.) The work of the painter; also, any work of art in which objects are represented in color on a flat surface; a colored representation of any object or scene; a picture.
    4. (n.) The act or employment of laying on, or adorning with, paints or colors.
    5. (n.) Color laid on; paint.

    • Paint
    Definition & Meaning

    1. (v. t.) Fig.: To represent or exhibit to the mind; to describe vividly; to delineate; to image; to depict.
    2. (n.) A cosmetic; rouge.
    3. (n.) A pigment or coloring substance.
    4. (v. t.) Fig.: To color, stain, or tinge; to adorn or beautify with colors; to diversify with colors.
    5. (v. t.) To color ones face by way of beautifying it.
    6. (v. t.) To cover with coloring matter; to apply paint to; as, to paint a house, a signboard, etc.
    7. (v. t.) To form in colors a figure or likeness of on a flat surface, as upon canvas; to represent by means of colors or hues; to exhibit in a tinted image; to portray with paints; as, to paint a portrait or a landscape.
    8. (v. t.) To practice the art of painting; as, the artist paints well.
    9. (n.) The same prepared with a vehicle, as oil, water with gum, or the like, for application to a surface.

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