Word oxford english dictionary online

Oxford English Dictionary Online — definition of Oxford English Dictionary Online by The Free Dictionary


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Noun 1. Oxford English Dictionary — an unabridged dictionary constructed on historical principles

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

20 volumes ; 32 cm

The Oxford English Dictionary provides definitions of approximately 290,500 English words, arranged alphabetically in twenty volumes, with cross-references, etymologies, and pronunciation keys, and includes a bibliography. 1998 reprint

Includes bibliographical references (v. 20, pages 1-143 (2nd group))

Oxford English Dictionary

v. 1. A-Bazouki — v. 2. B.B.C.-Chalypsography — v. 3. Cham-Creeky — v. 4. Creel-Duzepere — v. 5. Dvandva-Follis — v. 6. Follow-Haswed — v. 7. Hat-Intervacuum — v. 8. Interval-Looie — v. 9. Look-Mouke — v. 10. Moul-Ovum — v. 11. Ow-Poisant — v. 12. Poise-Quelt — v. 13. Quemadero-Roaver — v. 14. Rob-Sequyle — v. 15. Ser-Soosy — v. 16. Soot-Styx — v. 17. Su-Thrivingly — v. 18. Thro-Unelucidated — v. 19. Unemancipated-Wau-wau — v. 20. Wave-Zyxt. Bibliography



Lee Frank

January 6, 2023
Rip off

Thsi is not the OED 20 Volume set. It;s a travesy.


December 9, 2022
EOD second edition.

Thanks for the uploaders. Only second edition of EOD vol. 17, Su-Thrivingly which not available. Please upload it.


August 8, 2022
OED volumes on the Internet Archive

As of August 2022 there are 12 volumes of the 20 volume set of the second edition (1989) of the Oxford English Dictionary. All of them are available on a borrowing basis only. They can be found by careful searching. Also, available on the Internet Archive are the thirteen volumes of the first edition (1933) of the Oxford English Dictionary which can be downloaded as pdf files.


April 25, 2022
How does one find _the other volumes_?

This item covers only words that start with a few letters. Does the archive contain the other volumes? If so, how does one find them?



set of words and word groups together with their definition, translation, grammar category or usage examples, and which can be searched through an index or a search engine






online assets


a multitude of user’s interfaces which connect to the online value of an individual on internet.


Online Legacy


A set of online digital assets or virtual value that may be left to another person in a will.



Online Estate Planning


A document that facilitates the distribution of online wealth and digital assets after user death.


online user


a person — including intelligent programs — that uses computer or internet services


online death


the end of an user’s Internet activity after his or her physical death


online system


a state of connectivity to the cyberspace through a medium of internet or computer network


online storage


a repository in cyberspace where ones digital contents and assets might be stored


online property


the virtual ownership of digital assets in cyberspace




artificial long word coined to mean a lung disease known as silicosis, a type of pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of ultra-microscopic particles of crystalline silica volcanic dust. It has the particularity of being the longest word in the English language published in a dictionary

Longer tech. terms exist (up to 189,819 letters!).The word, presumably coined in 1935 by E.M. Smith (pres. of the National Puzzlers’League) in imitation of very long medical terms, contains 45 letters



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in American English, ‘dirt’ is what British people call ‘soil’ (‘put some dirt in a plant pot’). In British English, dirt has the connotation of being dirty (‘you’ve got some dirt on your shoe’)




transform into something English, render similar to an English person or thing



General Reference, Humanities


31 Dec 2023


The Oxford English Dictionary Online is the ultimate authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It traces the usage of words through over 3 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books.

The OED Online also offers access to the Historical Thesaurus of the OED which enables users to explore themes, meanings and ideas through the history of English. 

The Oxford English Dictionary Online is a guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past.

  • Definitions of 626,000 words from across the English-speaking world
  • Etymological analysis, listing of variant spellings, pronunciation, quotations, date chart
  • Includes access to the Historical Thesaurus of the OED
  • Covers British, American and all varieties of global English, and all types of usage — from formal to slang
  • Updated four times a year with thousands of new and revised meanings
  • Learning resources: quizzes, word stories, exercises
  • Search for words that have come into English from other languages, or during a particular period in history
  • See how words have been used over time through over 3 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources — from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books
  • Counter-compliant usage statistics are available
  • About OED Online
  • About the Historical Thesaurus of the OED
  • Librarian Resource Centre 
  • Help for subscribing institutions
  • Using OED Online for research, study, and teaching
  • How to use OED Online

Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Congo, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Malawi, Maldives, Moldova, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, North Macedonia, Palestine, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Since its inception in 1857, the OED has been the product of continual and focused development by a world-class team of lexicographers and language technologists, creating a uniquely structured and curated resource for the benefit of academic researchers and inquiring minds everywhere.

From the first print instalment of the First Edition, to the digitized Second Edition with its CD-ROM, to the ongoing online publication of the Third Edition, the OED has enabled scholars to ask ever more expansive and in-depth questions about the English language and the societies seen through it.

Continuing this commitment to academic partnership, the OED team is working with researchers to further investigate the OED dataset’s wealth of capabilities, ensuring that we continue to support this community in ways which reflect the growing diversity of the research landscape.

One of the ways we are fulfilling this commitment is through the development of new tools and applications to harness the power of the OED dataset.

Researchers can now test out the OED Text Visualizer, which creates annotated visualizations of historical texts using OED data, and use the OED Researcher API to quickly and easily access and manipulate the OED’s data in new and exciting ways.

How could you contribute to the next phase of the OED’s evolution?

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