Word other in questions

General questions

In general questions, the auxiliary verb (do, be, have, will) is placed before the subject, and the main verb follows the subject, i.e., the word order is: auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier). Responses to general questions can be in the form of short «Yes» or «No» answers or in the form of full statements. (General questions are also called Yes / No questions or yes-no questions.) General questions are pronounced with rising intonation.

Do you live here? – Yes, I do. / Yes, I live here. – No, I don’t. / No, I don’t live here.

Does Bell work? – Yes, she does. – No, she doesn’t.

Did you like the film? – Yes, I did. – No, I didn’t like the film.

Are you reading now? – Yes. / Yes, I am. / Yes, I’m reading now. – No. / No, I am not. / No, I’m not reading.

Have the guests left already? – Yes, they have. – No, they haven’t.

Will you see him tomorrow? – Yes, I will. / Yes, I will see him. – No, I won’t. / No, I will not.

General questions with modal verbs have the same structure and word order.

Can you help me? – Yes, I can. / Yes, I can help you. – No, I can’t. / No, I can’t help you.

Should we call Maria? – Yes. / Yes, we should. – No. / No, we shouldn’t.

May I come in? – Yes, you may. – No, you may not.

In general questions with the verb BE as a main verb or a linking verb, the verb BE is placed before the subject.

Is he in Rome now? – Yes. / Yes, he is in Rome now. – No. / No, he isn’t.

Is Anna a teacher? – Yes, she is. / Yes, Anna is a teacher. – No, she isn’t. / No, Anna is not a teacher.

Were they happy? – Yes, they were. – No, they weren’t.

Word order in negative questions

Didn’t she like the film? – Yes, she did. / Yes, she liked the film. – No, she did not. / No, she didn’t like it.

Aren’t they reading now? – Yes, they are. / Yes, they are reading now. – No, they aren’t. / No, they are not reading now.

Isn’t he a student?

Hasn’t he left already?

Won’t you see him tomorrow?

Can’t you speak more slowly?

Note: Negative questions usually contain some emotion, for example, expecting «yes» for an answer, surprise, annoyance, mockery. Negative questions may sound impolite in some situations, for example, in requests. Read more about negative questions in Word Order in Requests and Requests and Permission in the section Grammar.

Special questions

When the question is put to any part of the sentence, except the subject, the word order after the interrogative word (e.g., how, whom, what, when, where, why) is the same as in general questions: interrogative + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (+ object + adverbial modifier). The answer is usually given in full, but short responses are also possible. Special questions (information questions) are pronounced with falling intonation.

How did you get there? – I got there by bus. / By bus.

How much did it cost? – It cost ten dollars. / Ten dollars.

How many people did he see? – He saw five people. / Five.

How long have you been here? – I’ve been here for a week. / For a week. / A week.

Who(m) will you ask? – I’ll ask Tom. / Tom.

What is he doing? – He’s sleeping. / Sleeping.

What did she say? – Nothing.

What book is he reading? – The Talisman.

Which coat did she choose? – The red one.

When is he leaving? – He’s leaving at six. / At six.

Where does she live? – She lives on Tenth Street. / On Tenth Street.

Where are you from? – I am from Russia. / From Russia.

Where did he go? – He went home. / Home.

Why are you late? – I missed my bus.

Why didn’t you call me? – I’m sorry. I forgot.

Questions to the subject

When the interrogative word «who» or «what» is the subject in the question (i.e., the question is put to the subject), the question is asked without an auxiliary verb, and the word order is that of a statement: interrogative word (i.e., the subject) + predicate (+ object + adverbial modifier). The same word order is used when the subject of the question is in the form of which / whose / how many + noun.

Who told you about it? – Tom told me. / Tom did. / Tom.

Who called her yesterday? – I called her. / I did.

Who will tell him about it? – I will.

Who hasn’t read this book yet? – I haven’t.

What happened? – I lost my bag.

What made you do it? – I don’t know.

Which coat is yours? – This coat is mine. / This one.

Whose book is this? – It’s mine.

How many people came to work? – Ten people came to work. / Ten.

Note: «who» and «whom»

Nominative case – who; objective case – whom. The interrogative word «whom» is often replaced by «who» in everyday speech and writing, but «who» is an object in this case, not the subject, i.e., it is not a question to the subject. Consequently, an auxiliary verb is required for the formation of special questions in which «who» is used instead of «whom», and the word order in them is that of a question, not of a statement. Compare:

Who saw you? – Tom saw me.

Who / whom did you see? – I saw Anna.

Who asked her to do it? – Ben asked her.

Who / whom did she ask for help? – She asked Mike to help her.

Prepositions at the end of questions

When the interrogatives «what, whom/who» ask a question to the object with a preposition, the preposition is often placed at the end of the question after the predicate (or after the direct object, if any), especially in everyday speech.

What are you talking about? – I’m talking about our plans.

What are you interested in? – I’m interested in psychology.

Who are you looking at? – I’m looking at Sandra.

Who does it depend on? – It depends on my brother.

Who are you playing tennis with on Friday? – I’m playing tennis with Maria.

Who did she make a pie for? – She made a pie for her co-workers.

Note that not all prepositions can be placed at the end of such special questions, and the preposition at the end should not be too far from the interrogative word. In formal speech and writing, placing the preposition before the interrogative word in long constructions is often considered more appropriate. For example: With whom are you playing tennis on Friday? For whom did she make a pie?

Alternative questions

Word order in alternative questions (questions with a choice) is the same as in general questions. The answer is usually given in full because you need to make a choice, but short responses are also possible. Use the rising tone on the first element of the choice (before «or») and the falling tone on the second element of the choice.

Is your house large or small? – My house is small. / It’s small.

Are you a first-year or a third-year student? – I’m a third-year student.

Would you like tea or coffee? – I’d like coffee, please.

Would you like to go to a restaurant or would you rather eat at home? – I’d rather eat at home.

Alternative questions are sometimes asked in the form of special questions:

Where does he live: in Paris or Rome? – He lives in Rome. / In Rome.

Which do you like more: hazelnuts or walnuts? – I like hazelnuts more than walnuts. / Hazelnuts.

Tag questions

A tag question (a disjunctive question) consists of two parts. The first part is a declarative sentence (a statement). The second part is a short general question (the tag). If the statement is affirmative, the tag is negative. If the statement is negative, the tag is affirmative. Use falling intonation in the first part and rising or falling intonation in the second part of the tag question.

With the verb BE:

It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

He is here now, isn’t he?

It was true, wasn’t it?

He wasn’t invited, was he?

With main verbs:

You know him, don’t you?

He went there, didn’t he?

She will agree, won’t she?

He hasn’t seen her, has he?

He’s sleeping, isn’t he?

He didn’t study French, did he?

With modal verbs:

You can swim, can’t you?

He should go, shouldn’t he?

I shouldn’t do it, should I?

Responses to tag questions

Responses to tag questions can be in the form of short «Yes» or «No» answers or in the form of full statements. Despite the fact that tag questions are asked to get confirmation, the answer may be negative.

You live here, don’t you?

Yes, I do. / Yes, I live here. (agreement)

No, I don’t. / No, I don’t live here. (disagreement)

You don’t live here, do you?

No, I don’t. / No, I don’t live here. (agreement)

Yes, I do. / Yes, I live here. (disagreement)

It was difficult, wasn’t it?

Yes, it was. / Yes, it was difficult. (agreement)

No, it wasn’t. / No, it wasn’t difficult. (disagreement)

It wasn’t difficult, was it?

No, it wasn’t. / No, it wasn’t difficult. (agreement)

Yes, it was. / Yes, it was difficult. (disagreement)

(Intonation in different types of questions is described in Falling Intonation and Rising Intonation in the section Phonetics.)

Порядок слов в вопросах

Общие вопросы

В общих вопросах, вспомогательный глагол (do, be, have, will) ставится перед подлежащим, а основной глагол следует за подлежащим, т.е. порядок слов такой: вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол (+ дополнение + обстоятельство). Ответы на общие вопросы могут быть в виде кратких ответов Yes или No или в виде полных повествовательных предложений. (Общие вопросы также называются Yes / No questions или yes-no questions.) Общие вопросы произносятся с интонацией повышения.

Вы живете здесь? – Да, живу. / Да, я живу здесь. – Нет, не живу. / Нет, я не живу здесь.

Белл работает? – Да, она работает. – Нет, она не работает.

Вам понравился фильм? – Да, понравился. – Нет, мне не понравился фильм.

Вы читаете сейчас? – Да. / Да, читаю. / Да, я читаю сейчас. – Нет. / Нет, не читаю. / Нет, я не читаю.

Гости уже ушли? – Да, они ушли. – Нет, они не ушли.

Вы увидите его завтра? – Да, увижу. / Да, я увижу его. – Нет, не увижу.

Общие вопросы с модальными глаголами имеют такое же строение и порядок слов.

Вы можете мне помочь? – Да, могу. / Да, я могу помочь вам. – Нет, не могу. / Нет, я не могу помочь вам.

Следует ли нам позвонить Марии? – Да. / Да, следует. – Нет. / Нет, не следует.

Можно мне войти? – Да, можно. – Нет, нельзя.

В общих вопросах с глаголом BE как основным глаголом или глаголом-связкой, глагол BE ставится перед подлежащим.

Он сейчас в Риме? – Да. / Да, он сейчас в Риме. – Нет.

Анна учитель? – Да. / Да, Анна учитель. – Нет. / Нет, Анна не учитель.

Они были счастливы? – Да, были. – Нет, не были.

Порядок слов в отрицательных вопросах

Разве ей не понравился фильм? – Да, понравился. / Да, ей понравился фильм. – Нет, не понравился. / Нет, ей он не понравился.

Разве они не читают сейчас? – Да, читают. / Да, они читают сейчас. – Нет, не читают. / Нет, они не читают сейчас.

Разве он не студент?

Разве он уже не ушел?

Разве вы не увидите его завтра?

Разве вы не можете говорить помедленнее?

Примечание: Отрицательные вопросы обычно содержат какую-то эмоцию, например, ожидание ответа yes, удивление, раздражение, насмешку. Отрицательные вопросы могут звучать невежливо в некоторых ситуациях, например, в просьбах. Прочитайте еще об отрицательных вопросах в статьях Word Order in Requests и Requests and Permission в разделе Grammar.

Специальные вопросы

Когда вопрос ставится к любому члену предложения, кроме подлежащего, порядок слов после вопросительного слова (например, как, кого, что, когда, где, почему) такой же, как в общих вопросах: вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + основной глагол (+ дополнение + обстоятельство). Ответ обычно дается полностью, но краткие ответы тоже возможны. Специальные вопросы (информационные вопросы) произносятся с интонацией понижения.

Как вы туда добрались? – Я добрался туда автобусом. / Автобусом.

Сколько это стоило? – Это стоило десять долларов. / Десять долларов.

Сколько человек он увидел? – Он увидел пять человек. / Пять.

Сколько вы здесь пробыли? – Я пробыл здесь неделю. / Неделю. / Неделю.

Кого вы спросите? – Я спрошу Тома. / Тома.

Что он делает? – Он спит. / Спит.

Что она сказала? – Ничего.

Какую книгу он читает? – «Талисман».

Которое пальто она выбрала? – Красное.

Когда он уезжает? – Он уезжает в шесть. / В шесть.

Где она живет? – Она живет на Десятой улице. / На Десятой улице.

Откуда вы? – Я из России. / Из России.

Куда он пошел? – Он пошел домой. / Домой.

Почему вы опоздали? – Я пропустил свой автобус.

Почему вы мне не позвонили? – Извините. Я забыл.

Вопросы к подлежащему

Когда вопросительное слово who или what является подлежащим в вопросе (т.е. вопрос ставится к подлежащему), вопрос задается без вспомогательного глагола и порядок слов как в повествовательном предложении: вопросительное слово (т.е. подлежащее) + сказуемое (+ дополнение + обстоятельство). Такой же порядок слов, когда подлежащее в вопросе в виде which / whose / how many + существительное.

Кто вам сказал об этом? – Том сказал мне. / Том.

Кто ей звонил вчера? – Я звонил ей. / Я звонил.

Кто ему скажет об этом? – Я скажу.

Кто еще не прочитал эту книгу? – Я не прочитал.

Что случилось? – Я потерял свою сумку.

Что заставило вас сделать это? – Не знаю.

Которое пальто ваше? – Это пальто мое. / Вот это.

Чья это книга? – Моя.

Сколько человек пришли на работу? – Десять человек пришли на работу. / Десять.

Примечание: who и whom

Именительный падеж – who; косвенный падеж – whom. Вопросительное слово whom часто заменяется словом who в разговорной устной и письменной речи, но who в этом случае дополнение, а не подлежащее, т.е. это не вопрос к подлежащему. Следовательно, требуется вспомогательный глагол для образования специальных вопросов, в которых вопросительное слово who употреблено вместо whom, и порядок слов в них как в вопросе, а не как в повествовательном предложении. Сравните:

Кто видел вас? – Том видел меня.

Кого вы видели? – Я видел Анну.

Кто попросил ее сделать это? – Бен попросил ее.

Кого она попросила о помощи? – Она попросила Майка помочь ей.

Предлоги в конце вопросов

Когда вопросительные слова what, whom/who задают вопрос к дополнению с предлогом, предлог часто ставится в конец вопроса после сказуемого (или после прямого дополнения, если оно есть), особенно в разговорной речи.

О чем вы говорите? – Я говорю о наших планах.

Чем вы интересуетесь? – Я интересуюсь психологией.

На кого вы смотрите? – Я смотрю на Сандру.

От кого это зависит? – Это зависит от моего брата.

С кем вы играете в теннис в пятницу? – Я играю в теннис с Марией.

Для кого она сделала пирог? – Она сделала пирог для своих сотрудников.

Отметьте, что не все предлоги можно поместить в конец таких специальных вопросов, и предлог в конце предложения не должен быть слишком далеко от вопросительного слова. В официальной устной и письменной речи, помещение предлога перед вопросительным словом в длинных конструкциях часто считается более подходящим. Например: With whom are you playing tennis on Friday? For whom did she make a pie?

Альтернативные вопросы

Порядок слов в альтернативных вопросах (вопросах с выбором) такой же, как в общих вопросах. Ответ обычно дается полностью, потому что нужно сделать выбор, но краткие ответы тоже возможны. Употребите тон повышения на первом элементе выбора (перед or) и тон понижения на втором элементе выбора.

Ваш дом большой или маленький? – Мой дом маленький. / Маленький.

Вы студент первого или третьего курса? – Я студент третьего курса.

Вы хотели бы чай или кофе? – Я хотел бы кофе, пожалуйста.

Вы хотели бы пойти в ресторан или предпочли бы поесть дома? – Я предпочел бы поесть дома.

Альтернативные вопросы иногда задаются в форме специальных вопросов:

Где он живет: в Париже или Риме? – Он живет в Риме. / В Риме.

Что вы больше любите: фундук или грецкие орехи? – Я люблю фундук больше, чем грецкие орехи. / Фундук.

Разъединенные вопросы

Разъединенный вопрос (разделительный вопрос, расчлененный вопрос) состоит из двух частей. Первая часть – повествовательное предложение (утверждение). Вторая часть – краткий общий вопрос. Если повествовательное предложение утвердительное, краткий вопрос отрицательный. Если предложение отрицательное, краткий вопрос утвердительный. Употребите интонацию понижения в первой части и интонацию повышения или понижения во второй части разъединенного вопроса.

С глаголом BE:

Приятный день, не так ли?

Он здесь сейчас, не так ли?

Это была правда, не так ли?

Его не пригласили, не так ли?

С основными глаголами:

Вы знаете его, не так ли?

Он пошел туда, не так ли?

Она согласится, не так ли?

Он не видел ее, не так ли?

Он спит, не так ли?

Он не изучал французский язык, не так ли?

С модальными глаголами:

Вы можете плавать, не так ли?

Ему следует идти, не так ли?

Мне не следует этого делать, не так ли?

Ответы на разделительные вопросы

Ответы на разделительные вопросы могут быть в виде кратких ответов Yes или No или в виде полных повествовательных предложений. Несмотря на то, что разъединенные вопросы задаются для получения подтверждения, ответ может быть отрицательным.

Вы живете здесь, не так ли?

Да, живу. / Да, я живу здесь. (согласие)

Нет, не живу. / Нет, я не живу здесь. (несогласие)

Вы не живете здесь, не так ли?

Нет, не живу. / Нет, я не живу здесь. (согласие)

Нет, живу. / Нет, я живу здесь. (несогласие)

Это было трудно, не так ли?

Да, трудно. / Да, это было трудно. (согласие)

Нет, не трудно. / Нет, это было не трудно. (несогласие)

Это было не трудно, не так ли?

Нет, не трудно. / Нет, это было не трудно. (согласие)

Нет, трудно. / Нет, это было трудно. (несогласие)

(Интонация в различных типах вопросов описывается в статьях Falling Intonation и Rising Intonation в разделе Phonetics.)

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In questions, the word order subject-verbs-object is the same as in affirmative sentences. The only thing that’s different is that you usually have to put the auxiliary verb (or the main verb “be”) before the subject. Interrogatives are put at the beginning of the sentences:

interrogative auxiliary verb subject other verb(s) indirect object direct object place time
What would you like to tell me      
  Did you have   a party in your flat yesterday?
When were you       here?  

Exercise on word order in questions 1

You don’t use an auxiliary verb if you ask for the subject. In this case the interrogative simply takes the place of the subject.

interrogative verb(s) object
Who asked you?

Exercise on word order in questions 2

More Exercises

  • Questions in Simple Present
  • Questions in Present Progressive
  • Questions in Simple Past
  • Questions in Past Progressive
  • Questions in Present Perfect Simple
  • Questions in Present Perfect Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Present
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Present Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Past
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Past Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Past
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Past Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Present Perfect Simple
  • Questions with and without Interrogatives in Past Perfect Simple

Grade 5. English. Types of Questions — Types of Questions in English

как задать специальный вопрос в английском языке

Rice. 1. Questions and answers (Source)

There are 4 types of interrogative sentences: generalspecialdividing и alternative.

General question

General interrogative sentences Are sentences that begin with a modal verb or an auxiliary verb. A general question can be answered shortly: yes or no.

Depending on the tense in which the sentence stands, the auxiliary verbs can be different.

For example, for time Present Simple (present simple tense) the characteristic auxiliary verb is do/does.


Do you go to school on Saturdays? — Yes, I do… / No, I do not (do not).

To give full answer, we simply repeat the affirmative form of the sentence after the answer «Yes» or negative — after the answer «No».


Do you go to school on Saturdays? — Yes, I do… I go to school on Saturdays.

 / No, I do not (do not). I do not (don’t) go to school on Saturdays.

note, as in the question, and in the answer to it, we will use the same auxiliary verb. In other words, if we hear do in the question, then do will appear in the answer. This rule applies not only in Present Simple, but also in all other tenses.


Did you go to the cinema? — Yes, I did… / No, I didNote.

Have you got a new computer game? — Yes, I Have… / No, I HaveNote.

Hall you write a letter to me? — Yes, I shall… / No, I shallNote.

Are you doing your exercises? — Yes, we are … / No, we are Note.

Have you done your work? — Yes, I Have… / No, I HaveNote.

If the sentence contains modal verb, then we will not use other auxiliary verbs to construct an interrogative sentence. We’ll put the modal verb first.


can run fast. Dog you run fast? — Yes, I can… / No, I can not.

May I come in? — Yes, you may… / No, you mayNote.

Special question

Rice. 2. Question words (Source)

Special interrogative sentences Are sentences that begin with interrogative wordswhat(what), who (Who), When (when), Where (where), how (as), why (why, why).


What is your name? — What is your name?

Where are you from? — Where are you from?

What are you doing? — What are you doing?

In a special interrogative sentence, the first place is always question word, then — the auxiliary verb and all other members of the sentence. The special interrogative sentence suggests full answer.


What are you doing? — I am writing a letter.

Where do you go? — I go to school.

How are you? — I am fine.

Word order in interrogative sentences

As you know, in English there is a strict word order in a sentence. Interrogative sentences are no exception. If we are talking about a general question, then its construction does not imply the presence of interrogative words, because the answer to such a question can be “yes” or “no”. If there is an interrogative word in an interrogative sentence, then it is put in the first place in the sentence.


What season is it now?

Alternative question

Alternative interrogative sentences consist two-piece: the first part is a general question and the second part is a choice, an alternative. Both parts are connected by a word or («or«).


Is it my book or yours?

Are you a doctor or a teacher?

Do you tea or coffee?

An alternative interrogative sentence suggests full answer.


Do you learn English or German? — I study English.

Separated question

Separating interrogative sentences — these are proposals that consist two-piece.

The first part in such sentences is affirmative or negative, and the second part, the so-called “tail«, Translates to»is not it».

In the second part of the sentence, an auxiliary verb, characteristic of the tense in the first part of the sentence, should always be used.

note: if a First part suggestions affirmativesecond part proposals will negative… And vice versa: if First part suggestions negativethen second will affirmative (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Separation issues (Source)


You go to school every day, don’t you? — Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

This photo is the best one, isn’t it? — Yes, it is. / No, it is not.

You haven’t done your work yet, have you? — Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.

He is not reading the book now, is he? — Yes, he is. / No, he is not.

Rice. 4. The dividing question (Source)





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Source: https://www.kursoteka.ru/course/3096/lesson/10169/unit/25512

Special question in English — construction examples

как задать специальный вопрос в английском языке

There are several types of questions in English. For correct oral speech and competent construction of dialogues, it is very important to be able to ask different types of questions. Special questions in English are studied next to general questions.

General question: Did he remember a lot of old songs? — Did he remember many old songs?

Special Question: How many songs did he remember? — How many songs did he remember?

What is a special question

A special question is a type of interrogative sentence, the purpose of which is to obtain additional information. Such questions are varied in meaning, but have a clear structure. You can ask one general question for one sentence, and several special ones.

Lima bought a new laptop in Japan last weekend, because Tom had broken her old one. — Lima bought a new laptop in Japan last weekend because Tom broke her old one.

What did Lima buy in Japan last weekend? — What did Lima buy in Japan last weekend?

Where did Lima buy a new laptop last weekend? Where did Lima buy her new laptop last weekend?

When did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan? — When did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan?

Why did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan last weekend? Why did Lima buy a new laptop in Japan last weekend?

How to ask a specific question in English

General and special questions in English have the same construction principle. The subject must be preceded by an auxiliary verb. This verb depends on the temporal form of the predicate.

The construction of special questions in English has certain peculiarities. For more information, you need to put a question word before the auxiliary verb. It is it that shows what information you need to find out. Further, in order, the subject, the predicate (semantic verb), and, if necessary, other members of the sentence are put.

Let’s analyze one of the previous questions (Where did Lima buy a new laptop last year?) By structure:

  • Question word: Where
  • Auxiliary verb: did
  • Subject: Lima
  • Predicted: buy

Question words for special questions

For the correct compilation of special questions, it is imperative to learn the basic interrogative words. Let’s list the most common ones.

What jeans have you chosen? — What jeans did you choose?

This word has variants — phrases

  • What kind

What kind of chocolate does your son prefer? — What kind of chocolate does your son prefer?

  • What color (what color)

What color was your hair in the childhood? — What color was your hair as a child?

In addition, this word can be combined with prepositions:

  • What for

What have you taken the rabbit to the shop for? — Why did you take the rabbit to the store?

What were they talking about all morning? — What were they talking about all morning?

Unlike the Russian version, the preposition in such a sentence appears after the predicate or at the very end of the question.

It is important to know that the interrogative word «what» in English is used in a quality that is unusual for the Russian language. They resort to it when you need to find out who a person is by occupation, profession. In such cases it is translated not “what”, but “who”. This is what confuses students who are used to translating the word «who» as «who.»

Compare the special question in English: examples with «who» and «what»:

Who is that strange guy? He is my big brother. — Who’s that weird guy? He is my older brother.

What is that strange guy? He is our new surgeon. — Who’s that weird guy? He’s our new surgeon.

How did Tom manage to win the game? — How did Tom manage to win the game?

Also has «followers»:

How old is Mrs. Stone? — How old is Mrs. Stone?

  • How many (much)

How much yeast should we add to the dough? — How much yeast should be added to the dough?

The difference in variants is the same as in the words many / much. When asking about countable nouns, start the question with “How many”. If about the uncountable — «How much».

  • How long (how long, how long)

How long is the river in youг town? — How long is the river in your city?

How long did it take you to lose weight last year? — How long did it take you to lose weight last year?

How often do you have your hair cut? — How often do you cut your hair?

Which present would you choose? — Which gift would you choose?

Whom did you phone a few minutes ago? — Who did you call a few minutes ago?

Whose car are you driving tonight? — Whose car are you driving tonight?

Where is Mr. Stone flying in the evening? — Where is Mr. Stone flying in the evening?

Sometimes you can see where combined with a preposition:

Where have Rebecca come from? — Where did Rebecca come from?

Why was Lima crying? — Why did Lima cry?

When did the Stones return from Canada? — When did the Stones return from Canada?

What and which

As you can see from the above examples, some words have a similar meaning. For example, the pair what and which can translate as «which of», «which». The difference between the two can only be understood by knowing the context of the question. What is used when you need to choose from an unlimited number of options, and which is used when the choice is clearly limited.

What and what kind of

Another pair of question words, the difference between which may not be obvious at first glance. Both of them have the translation «what». Nevertheless, if you need to know about the quality, properties and characteristics of an item, then you should use What kind (a question to the definition). If you need to clarify what the subject is (a question to the nominal part of the predicate) — «what the ..», then What is used.

Source: https://lim-english.com/pravila-anglijskogo-yazyka/postroenie-specialnykh-voprosov-v-anglijskom/

Special questions in English

как задать специальный вопрос в английском языке

Special questions in English are a complex, entertaining and, at the same time, a simple topic for those interested in English. Pay attention to it, as the topic is significant. Full-fledged interaction in a conversation in English is impossible without special questions.

This topic will turn out to be simple only on the condition that the student has previously familiarized himself with, understood and accepted the methods of constructing a general question in English. In English, the way of building a general question is identical to the way of building a special one, with the exception of some special additions.

Let’s figure out how to ask special questions correctly and what are the secrets of their preparation?

What are special questions? Application methods

Special questions are provided for additional information. Application in English is possible with any component involved in the proposal. The application depends on the information that you want to glean by asking the question.

  • Whеrе do уоu go? — I go hоme. Where are you going? — I’m going home.
  • Whаt is his name? — His name is Jim. What’s his name? — His name is Jim.
  • Whаt timе must thеу mеt? — Five. What time should they meet? — At five.

Special questions in English always start with a question word:

  • Whаt — what, what;
  • Whо — who;
  • Whоm — whom;
  • Whоse — whose;
  • Whiсh — which;
  • Whu — why;
  • Whеn — when;
  • Whеre — where;
  • Hоw — how;
  • Hоw muсh — how much;
  • Hоw lоng — how long;
  • How often.

These special words in English designate the information that interests the questioner. These components cannot be thrown out of the word order in the sentence. These ingredients are just as important as the rest. The indicated words are intended to replace the word to which the special question is addressed. The question word can become any member of a sentence in English.

  • Whо bаkеs brеаd оnce а wеk? — Who bakes bread once a week?
  • Hоw оftеn does Marya bаke brеаd? — How often does Maria bake bread?
  • Whаt does Maria bаke оnce а wеk? — What does Maria bake once a week?

It is better to choose decreasing intonation for pronouncing a special question in English. A characteristic point in English is also a special change in the sequence of words in such a sentence.


It is customary to form special questions in English in the same way as general ones, by putting the verb in place before the subject and after the interrogative designation. Special questions differ from general ones only in that in special, before the auxiliary verb, the interrogative word is placed in the main place. Below is an outline of the ad hoc question.

Scheme: interrogative word — verb — subject — verb that conveys meaning — other parts.

It is customary to use modal and auxiliary verbs in English to form a question in Present and Past Simpl. In the absence of such verbs, education comes to the rescue with the verb to do. In situations where to have and to be take the role of semantic verbs, these components are also designated auxiliary.

Taking into account that a special question in English can be asked to any member of the proposal, below we will consider options covering these situations.

  • In the role of a definition for an add-on:
  • Whаt аrе thеу writing? — What are they writing now?
  • Whаt bus shаll wеtаke? — Which bus are we taking?
  • Whаt did shе don Fridаu? — What did she do on Friday?
  • Whiсh jаkеt dо уоu likе? — Which jacket do you like?
  • Whаt can we do for уоu? — What can we do for you?
  • Whо (m) dеs he wаnt tо see? — Whom does he want to see?

In English, in order to avoid unnecessary formality, it is customary to use whо, not whоm.

  • In the role of a definition to a prepositional object

When forming such questions in English, it is customary to use the preposition at the end of the sentence.

  • Whаt is helаughing аt? — What is he laughing at?
  • Whаt аrе thеу tаlking аbоut? — What are they talking about?
  • Whо аrе уоu talking tо? — Who are you talking to?
  • In the role of determination to the circumstance

When forming such a question in English, it is customary to put the preposition after the verb.

  • Whаt strеt does helive in? — What street does he live on?
  • Whiсh wау аrе thеу trаvеlling? — Which way are they going?
  • Whеrе аrе уоu driving tо? — Where are you driving?
  • Whеrе аrе thеу coming frоm? — Where are they from?
  • In the role of a definition to a predicative
  • Whаt is shе? — Who is she by profession?
  • Whо is thаt girl? — Who is that girl? — She’s Jim’s уоungеr sistеr. — She’s Jim’s younger sister.
  • Whаt’s уоur name? — What is your name? — Mу nаme’s Vаlеntine Bоwn. — My name is Valentina Brown.
  • Whоse boоk is this? — Whose book is this?
  • Whаt timе is it? — What time is it now?
  • How muсh is it? — How much is it?

And now let’s sort out each component involved in the formation of a special question in English.

It is easy to form a special question in English. For this, an interrogative word is put before the general question. For example: Do you stud? — Do you study? — a general question. Whеrе do уоu studу? — Where do you study? — a special question.

  • Special question with auxiliary verbs — with untranslatable words that serve as special pointers and serve to help determine the time and number of characters in English.

Scheme: interrogative word — auxiliary verb — character — action.

For example: Do you like flying? — Do you like flуing? Where do you like to fly? — Whе dо уоu likе to flу?

Did he write to her? — Did he write to her? Why did he write to her? — Whу did hе writе tо hеr?

Will they start it? — Will this start it? When will they start it? — Whеn will thеу start it?

  • Special question with modal verbs — with denoting attitude to actions and are independent parts of the sentence in English.

Scheme: question word — modal verb — character — action.

For example: Can we call you? — Can we phone? When can we call you? — Whеn can we phоne?

Should he remember? — Not a must remеmber? What should he remember? — Whаt shоuld hе remеmbеr?

Should they go to this movie? — Shоuld thеу go tо this film? Why should they go to this movie? — Whу shоuld thеу go tо this film?

  • Special question with to be. It helps to indicate the location and description of the character in English.

Scheme: question word — to be — character — location or description of the character.

For example: Have you been kind? — Wеrе уоu kind? When were you kind? — Whеn wеrе уоu kind?

He is at school? — Is he аt sсhоl? Why is he at school? — Whу is he аt sсhоl?

Will they be written? — Will thеу be written? When will they be written? — Whеn will thеу bе written?

  • A special question with a question enclosed in a phrase. The indicated phrases are used in English as a special addition: Hоw muсh sоmеthing — how much? How old? — How many years? Hоw lоng? — how long? Hоw оftеn? — how often? Whаt timе? — what time? Whаt сlоur? — what colour? These phrases are denoted by one single and in the aggregate are carried forward sentences in English.

Formation schemes are identical to those described above.

For example: What time will they arrive? — Whаt time will thеу аrrive?

How often does he walk? — Hоw оftеn does he wаlk?

How long can you run? — Hоw lоng can уоu run?

How many pears can we pick up? — How mаnу pеars can we tаkе?

What color are the pants? — Whаt сlоr аrе thе trоusеrs?

How old is he? — How old is he?

  • A special question combined with a preposition: Whоаbоut? — about whom? Whоаt? — on whom? Whofrom? — from whom? Whоwith? — with whom? Whofоr? — to whom? for whom? for whom? Whаtfоr? — for what? Whаtаbоut? — about what? Whеrеfrom? — where? Whаtwith? — how?

The case is no different from the previous ones. When forming a sentence in English, we put the question word in the first place. The only caveat is that we remove the preposition at the end of the sentence.

For example: Who was she thinking of? — Whо wаs shе thinking аbоut?

Who is she walking with? — With whоm shе wаlks?

What can they correspond about? — Whаt сn thеу сrrеspоnd with?

How should we break this? — Hоw shоuld wе brеаk this?

Where is he from? — Whеrе is hе frоm?

Who is she yelling at? — Whо is shе уоlling аt?

Answers to special questions

It is logical to assume that special questions in English require special answers, the answer «yes» or «no» will not work. The answer is welcomed detailed. When forming answers to general questions, it is taken into account that the latter need clarification. With specials, the situation is identical.

  • Whеn аrе thеу gоing tо lеаvе? — Thеу havеn’t fixеd thе dаtе уеt. When do they leave? “They haven’t set a date yet.
  • Whаt’s thе mаttеr with уоu? — I have a headache. What’s the matter? — I have a headache.

Situations in English are not uncommon when answers are used that are formed in the form of incomplete special sentences and contain the member of the sentence in relation to which the question is asked.

  • Whеn аrе thеу gоing tо lеаvе? — Todau. When do they leave? — Today.
  • Whаt’s thе mаttеr with уоu? — Nothing. What’s the matter? — Nothing.
  • Hоw do уоu likе mу drеss? — Oh, veru muсh. How do you like my dress? — Oh, I like it very much.
  • Whеrе is mу seаt? — Row 11, set 22. Where is my place? — 11th row, 22nd place.
  • Whеn did shе сome bаk? — A wеk аgo. When did she return? — A week ago.

When constructing answers to specific questions in English, a careful approach and attentiveness is required. At least until you gain special experience and are able to correctly compose the answers on the machine.

negative form

When forming negation in special questions, the particle nоt is used. A particle is placed after the subject, and, as a rule, an abbreviation is used.

  • Whу didn’t shе writе? — Why didn’t she write?
  • Whаt dоn’t уоu undеrstand? — What you do not understand?

The above material dispels the myth about the complexity of a special question in English. This cannot be called an easy task, but it cannot be called difficult either. The key point is to study the interrogative words, which appear as beacons that indicate that there is a special kind in front of your eyes. It will take stubbornness and perseverance in order to nibble on special questions in English, like seeds. Good luck in learning English!

Source: https://tutskill.ru/grammatika/362

Questions in English — Types of English Questions | how questions are built in English — SPEAK ENGLISH

There are 5 types of question in English. All types have one thing in common, which is the word order, which is reversed. For comparison, let’s look at examples. There are 5 types of questions in English.

  1. General question, to which you can only answer «yes» or «no»:
  2. Special question, starting with a question word and requiring a more detailed answer:
  3. Separated question, The «tail» of which is a construction, translated into Russian as «right?»:
  4. Alternative question, implying a choice of an answer from the proposed options:
  5. Question to the subject characterized in that it does not have an auxiliary verb:

Let’s take a closer look at the functions of various question types.

General question

This question has a reverse word order and the answer to this question is yes or no. Also, this question can start with auxiliary verbs and modal verbs. In order to correctly formulate a question, it is necessary to know the rules of education of all times.

Special question

The next type of question requires a detailed answer and can be asked to any member of the proposal. The word order in this type of question is also reversed, except that the question word comes first. (Where, why, what, whoEtc.).

Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + semantic verb

Separated question

This type of question is used to clarify any information and express various emotions (surprise or doubt).

This type of question has two parts, where the main sentence can be affirmative or negative, and the second part of the sentence will be the opposite of the first.

It should be noted that for the formation of this issue, it is necessary to be well acquainted with the grammatical rules of all times.
Also, in the main part of the sentence, we retain the direct word order, and in the second, the reverse.

Subject + auxiliary verb + semantic verb + object + circumstance + (tail) auxiliary verb + subject

Alternative question

The next type of question in the answer involves a choice between two options. This type of question contains the word “or”. Despite this, the word order is reversed.

Auxiliary verb + subject + semantic verb + object + or + addition (circumstance + or + circumstance)

Question to the subject

The main difference between this type of question is that the word order in the sentence is direct, and this type of question begins with words what (to an inanimate noun) or who (to animate). It should be noted that in this type of question, we always refer the verb to the singular.

What / Who + semantic verb

Source: https://ekaterina-alexeeva.ru/obuchenie/voprosy-v-anglijskom-yazyke-vidy-anglijskih-voprosov-kak-stroyatsya-voprosy-v-anglijskom-yazyke.html

Special question in English

Special question in English, it is a question to a separate member of a sentence: subject, predicate, addition, or circumstance.

Question to the rest of the proposal

In a special question in English, the interrogative word is put in the first place, then the general question is repeated, in addition to the member of the sentence to which this question is asked.

Declarative sentence Subject predicate indirect object direct object Didn’t give me a book He gave me a book
General question Did he give me a book? Did he give me a book?
Special question to direct addition What did he give me? What did he give me?
Response A-book The book
Question for indirect addition Whom did he give a book? Who did he give the book to?
Response Me Me

If the question is asked to a prepositional addition, the preposition is put in last place:

My mother (subject) lives (predicate) with us (prepositional object) Who does our mother live with? — Whom does my mother live with?

Answer: With us.

The answer to a special question is the member of the proposal to which the question was asked.

Remember structure of ad hoc question in English:

Question word Auxiliary Subject matter Semantic verb Other members of the proposal
When do you get up?
Where (where) did he go last Sunday?
Why does your friend Miss lectures?
Whom (whom) will our uncle visit next summer?

Source: http://www.grandars.ru/a/english/specialnyy-vopros.html

English grammar for beginners, part 9

It’s time for the ninth part of grammar for beginners! So that it does not seem unbearably heavy or boring to you, we decided to introduce the character of Eugene: on his example it will be easier to understand certain laws of the language.

Be sure to check out the other parts of our series as well:

Future Simple Tense — simple future tense

Let’s imagine our friend Eugene wins free family tickets to Curious, a celebration for fans of British culture. Eugene told us about this and asked us to share the news about the upcoming trip with our readers. For this, the Future Simple time comes in handy.

Scheme for constructing an affirmative sentence:

Subject + will + main verb (dance, work, fly)

Eugene will go to Great Britain in July. — Evgeniy will go to the UK in July.
Eugene‘ll visit “Alice in Wonderland” tea party together with his kids. — Evgeniy will for a tea party in the style of «Alice in Wonderland» with their children.

For negation, add the particle not to the auxiliary verb will. Will not can also be shortened to won’t:

Eugene will not go to Great Britain in July. — Evgeniy won’t go to the UK in July.
Eugene won’t visit “Alice in Wonderland” tea party together with his kids. — Evgeniy won’t go for a tea party in the style of «Alice in Wonderland» with their children.

Scheme for constructing an interrogative sentence:

Will + subject + main verb (dance, work, fly)?

Will Eugene go to Great Britain in July? — Evgeniy will go to UK in July?
Will Eugene visit “Alice in Wonderland” tea party together with his kids? — Evgeniy will for an Alice in Wonderland Tea Party with your kids?

Future Simple is used:

  • To indicate future actions that are not yet clear: Eugene will book a flight to Britain soon. — Soon Evgeniy will book flight to Britain.
  • When we assume what might happen in the future: Probably the whole family will remember this festival for long. — Probably the whole family will remember this festival is for a long time.

Source: https://englex.ru/english-grammar-for-beginners-part-9/

Lesson 69. Negative Questions in English

Sofia StalskayaHigher linguistic education. Work experience 5 years.

Being able to ask a question correctly is very important, so in this lesson we are talking about interrogative sentences again. Study the example carefully:

  • Haven’t you paid the bills yet? Why don’t you do it now?
  • No, I haven’t. ‘ll do it later, darling.

Both questions contain the negative particle not, which is added to the auxiliary verb. At the same time, a general question expresses surprise, and a special one expresses a proposal about what needs to be done.

Formation of questions with denial

So, a negative question is formed by adding the negative particle not to an auxiliary verb. For example:

Do you chocolate? — Don’t you chocolate?

What did she say? — What didn’t she say?

Common denial questions often express surprise:

Don’t you want to go? — Don’t you want to go? (I’m surprised you don’t want to).

Haven’t they been there? — Weren’t they there? (I’m surprised they didn’t go there).

Question starting with can’t, expresses a complaint or impolite request:

Can’t you be quicker? I’m in a hurry. — Can’t be livelier? I’m in hurry.

If you answer a general question with a negative, remember that an answer starting with “yes” means that you agree to a positive proposal, an answer with “no” means a negative one.

  • Don’t you want to join us? — Would you like to join us?
  • Yes, I do. — Yes, I want. (I want to go.)
  • No, I don’t. — No I do not want to. (I don’t want to go.)

Using negative questions

Special questions with denial can be used in different ways. For example, a question with «why don’t you» indicates a proposal to do something:

Why don’t we go to the cinema? — Why do not we go to the cinema?

Why don’t you close the window? — Why don’t you close the window?

You can use «Why didn’t ... » for criticism or reproach:

Why didn’t you call me? — Why didn’t you call me? (i.e. you should have called).

Special questions with denial are also used to request information:

Who hasn’t come? — Who didn’t come?

What don’t you eat? — What are you not eating?

Lesson assignments

Task 1. Ask a question about the situation.

  1. You are surprised that John doesn’t smoke.
  2. You criticize Tom because he hasn’t booked the tickets.
  3. You suggest going to the theatre.
  4. You are surprised that it isn’t raining.
  5. You need information about the people that didn’t come to the meeting.
  6. You don’t that Brian doesn’t do his homework.
  7. You suggest eating the cake.
  8. You are surprised that it won’t be cold tomorrow.

Task 2. Complete the short answer following the example.

Isn’t it beautiful? — Yes, it is. I it.

  1. Hasn’t Arthur called yet? — ___, maybe he doesn’t have time.
  2. Aren’t you sleeping? — ___, I’m still reading.
  3. Haven’t they bought the house? — ___. They are going to move in next week.
  4. Don’t you want a piece of cake? — ___, I’m on a diet.
  5. Didn’t you take the bus? — ___, Jack gave me a lift.
  6. Haven’t you got cash? — ___, there are some dollars in my purse.

Reply 1.

  1. Doesn’t John smoke?
  2. Why hasn’t Tom booked the tickets?
  3. Why don’t we go to the cinema?
  4. Isn’t it raining?
  5. Who didn’t come to the meeting?
  6. Why doesn’t Brian do his homework?
  7. Why don’t we eat the cake?
  8. Won’t it be cold tomorrow?

Reply 2.

  1. No, he hasn’t.
  2. No, I’m not.
  3. Yes, they have.
  4. No, I don’t.
  5. No, I didn’t.
  6. Yes, I have.

Source: https://linguistpro.net/voprosy-s-otricaniem-v-anglijskom-yazyke

Subject question in English: basic rules with examples

Sometimes you need to find out who is doing or taking an action. For example, someone gave your friend a gift. To clarify exactly who gave you a gift, you will ask the question: «Who gave you a gift?»

Every day we ask similar questions: “Who called you? Who is messaging you? Who will go to the store? «

In English, this type of question is called questions to the subject… It is very easy to construct such questions.

Below I have written detailed instructions on how to ask these questions.

In the article you will learn:

What is a subject question?

Subject matter — this is the main character in the proposal who performs the action or has some feature. That is, the one about whom (what) is said in the sentence.

Ребенок riding a bike.
(The child is the actor taking the action.)

His sister clever.
(A sister is a character with a trait.)

Therefore, we ask the question to the subject when we do not know who performed the action or has a sign.

Who riding a bike?
Who clever?

Let’s take a look at how to ask such questions in English.

Attention! Confused about English rules and making mistakes? Learn how easy it is to learn English grammar with this free lesson.

In English, we ask a question to a subject using the words:

  • who — who (for living beings: people, animals, birds, etc.)
  • what — what (for inanimate objects: plants, things, nature, etc.)

We put these words in the first place in the sentence, replacing them with the character.

Tom late for work.

Who late for work?

In English, the subject question is considered very simple. Its peculiarity and difference from other questions is that we do not need to change the order of words in a sentence.

That is, we do not add auxiliary verbs (do / does, did, etc.). To construct such a question, we simply take an affirmative sentence and put who / what in the first place instead of the character.

The outline of such a question will be as follows.

Who + action / attribute / place?

For example, we have an affirmative sentence.

mary played tennis.
Mary played tennis.

When we ask a question to a subject, we don’t need to remember an auxiliary verb and put it first. We just replace the actor (Mary) with who. Everything else in the proposal remains the same.

Who playing tennis?
Who played tennis?

IMPORTANT: when we put who / what, then we imagine that it is someone singular: she (she), he (he), it (it). There is nothing difficult in this, because in the Russian language we do the same.

Affirmative sentence: «Children smashedи vase «.
Question: «Who broke the vase?» (We say smashed, not smashed.)

Therefore, an English sentence should be constructed as if he / she was in place of who / what.

For example, take an affirmative sentence.

They Were at school. 
They were at school. 

Despite the fact that they are in the affirmative, when we ask a question to the subject, we represent he / she in place of who. Therefore, we replace with was.

Who was at school?
Who was at school?

Let’s look at the subject matter formation for basic grammatical constructions. 

Question to the subject in Present Simple time

The question to the subject over time Present Simple is asked according to the following scheme:

Who / what + a verb ending with -s / -es?

To ask this question, you must:

  • replace the character in the affirmative sentence with the word who;
  • add the ending -s / es to the verb (action).

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Affirmative sentence Question to the subject

Source: https://crownenglishclub.ru/baza-znanij/vopros-k-podlezhashhemu-v-anglijskom-yazyke-osnovnye-pravila-s-primerami.html

Special question in English — examples and features

Elizaveta Morozova

Heading: Grammar

Hi Hi!

How are you? Do you want to continue learning English? I hope so!))) If not, feel free to close the page and come back another time. I’ll be happy!

So, today we are talking about a Special Question in English. These are questions, the purpose of which is to obtain, so to speak, some kind of special information, i.e. these are all questions with interrogative words (where, where, why, etc.). Such questions cannot be limited to a short «yes / no», they require a complete answer.

You can take my little practical training to get the skill to ask different questions at different times in English. Go to this page and start!

In English, the following are used

Question words:

What — what?

Who — who?

Whom — to whom?

When — when?

Where — where, where?

Why — why?

How — how?

In addition to them, there is a more complex version of interrogative words. This is a combination of several words, they cannot be separated from each other. For example,

What + noun = what?

Which + noun = which?

Whose + noun = Whose? whose? whose?

How many / how much + noun = how much? (remember that many is used for countable nouns, and much is used for uncountable nouns — more on this in the rule).

How + adjective / adverb = how much (big, young, etc.)? or as (long, slow, etc.)?

Whose desk is it?

What number does he have?

How long does it take to get there?


Note 1: Difference between What + noun and Which + noun(both translate as «what?»).

What + noun — the answer assumes a wide range of possibilities

Which + noun — the answer assumes a small / limited number of possibilities

Compare the following sentences:

What hobby do you have? (it is assumed that there is a wide variety of hobbies to choose from, ranging from origami to collecting beer caps).

Which hobby do you best, knitting or crocheting? (there is not much to choose from, already in the question our choice is limited to two options).

Note 2: If the question uses verb with a prepositionthen he (preposition) placed at the end of a sentence, which sounds strange enough for Russians, you have to get used to it, because it is not accepted in our country to separate the pretext from the interrogative word.

What do you think about? — About what you think?

Who did you buy it for? — For whom did you buy it?

What are you looking for? — that you are looking for? (here, when translating, there is no preposition at all, since the forms of English and Russian do not match)

Word order and temporal forms

The word order corresponds to the order of the general question, with the difference that there is an additional interrogative word in front:

Have you got a pet? (general question)

Why have you got a pet? (special question)

Source: https://lizasenglish.ru/grammatika/spetsialnyj-vopros.html

Yak will be properly powered in the English language

In speech, we constantly clarify something, ask, ask to repeat it, since this is a natural and absolutely normal communication process. And if this is not done in English, it will be doubly strange. After all, while studying a foreign language, you are trying to absorb as much information as possible and find out everything that interests you.

Today we propose to dive a little into English grammar and consider the types of questions and how to build them correctly. First, let’s remember the order of words in an English sentence, as this is very important when constructing a question.

Word order in an affirmative sentence in English:

subject + predicate + object + circumstance

Word order in the interrogative sentence:  

predicate + subject + object + circumstance

auxiliary or modal verb + subject + predicate + object + circumstance

question word + auxiliary or modal verb + subject + predicate + object + circumstance

There are 5 types of interrogative sentences in English:

  • general
  • special
  • alternative
  • dividing
  • question to different members of the proposal

 Punctuation marks in English: how to write without mistakes

Alternative question

This is a question that shows the choice between two options. Feature is the presence of OR

Do they go on foot or drive a car? Are they walking or driving?

Does she prefer meat or fish? Does she prefer meat or fish?

Separated question

In English, these questions are called tag questions. With their help, we clarify whether the judgment is correct.

They are formed simply: if the verb in the sentence is positive, then we put a negative verb and a noun separated by a comma after the sentence, and vice versa. For example, You don’t DHL services, do you? Olivia can dance, can’t she?

Question to different members of the proposal

This is a question that starts with question words.

Jeremy invited Mike and Josh to the party last night.

Who invited Mike and Josh to the party last night?

What did Jeremy do?

Whom did Jeremy invite to the party last night?

Where did Jeremy invite Mike and Josh last night?

When was the party Jeremy invited Mike and Josh to?

Please note that when we pose a question to the subject, we do not use auxiliary verbs and the predicate remains in the same form as in the affirmative sentence.

My dad always drives a car. — Who always drives a car?

As a reminder, English classes for adults begin at the end of January. Don’t miss the set! Choose a course, leave information about yourself and wait for a call. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you know best today.

Source: https://cambridge.ua/blog/voprosy-v-anglijskom-yazyke-tipy-pravila-primery/

Subject question in English

In order to ask a question to a subject in English, you must first understand 3 things: what is the subject (the main member of the sentence, answers the question who? What?), What types of questions are there in English and how to compose these questions in English.

A special question for a subject in English. Structure

1. My colleague is writing a report in the office.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who is writing a report at the office?
Who writes the report in the office?

2 students came to school.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

How many pupils came to school?
How many students came to school?

3. Porridge is burning in the kitchen.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

What is burning in the kitchen?
What’s burning in the kitchen?

Negative form of subject questions in English

The negative form of questions to the subject in English is built on the principle of negative sentences, that is, the auxiliary verbs do, does, did are used. We put the NOT particle after the modal or auxiliary verb.

4. This student hasn’t answered my question yet.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who hasn’t answered my question yet?
Who hasn’t answered my question yet?

5. Kate doesn’t speak English.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who doesn’t speak English?
Who doesn’t speak English?

How to formulate a subject question in English?

  1. Find a subject in a sentence.
  2. Replace it with a suitable interrogative pronoun
    — Who? (who?) or What? (what?).
  3. Maintain direct word order, while leaving all members of the sentence in their places.
  4. When composing a question for a subject in English, remember to reconcile the verb with the subject — in Present Simple we use the verb in the third person singular. — add the ending -s (es) to

    verb (eg Who wants tea?).

Questions to determine the subject in English:

  1. What film is the best? What’s the best movie?
  2. How many students attend lectures? How many students
    attends lectures?

Example 1

John is going to England next week.

1. Subject — John

2. Replace John with who

3. Maintain direct word order (that is,
subject + predicate)

Question to the subject: Who is going to england
next week?
Who’s going to England next

Example 2.

Viktuk’s play was staged.

Questions to the subject:

Whose play was staged?
Whose play was performed on stage?

What was staged? What did you do on stage?

Example 3.

The girls are happy.

Question to the subject: Who is happy? Who

Example 4.

We were in the circle.

Question to the subject: Who was in the circle?
Who was in the circus?

Example 5.

We were in the circle.

Question to the subject: Who was in the circle?
Who was in the circus?

Exercise 2. Compare pairs of sentences, find the subject in each sentence, determine which of the questions is a question to the subject — a) or b), translate the sentences into English. In one of the pairs, both sentences are questions to the subject.

  1. a) Who will you go with? versus b) who will go
    with you?
  2. a) What does he do? versus b) Who does it?
  3. a) Who thought about his health? versus b) What did he think about?
  4. a) Whose car did you scratch? versus b) Who
    scratched your car?
  5. a) Which girl has served dinner? versus
    b) Who has to serve dinner?
  1. a) Who will you go with? Who are you going with? versus b) Who will go with you? Who will go with you? b) — question to

    subject to

  2. What does he do? What does he do? versus Who does it?
    Who is doing this? b) — a question to the subject
  3. Who thought about his health? Who thought about their health? versus What did he think about? What is he talking about

    thought? a) — a question to the subject

  4. a) Whose car did you scratch? Whose car did you scratch? versus b) Who scratched your car? Who scratched your car? b) — question to

    subject to

  5. Which girl has served dinner? Which of the girls served dinner? versus Who has to serve dinner? Who Should Serve Dinner? a) and b) — questions to

    subject to

Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes

  1. Who to sing?
  2. Who did was in the park?
  3. What does make you think so?
  4. Who did see the accident?
  5. What does washing need?
  6. Who did make you feel disappointed?
  1. Who’s to sing (singing)?
  2. Who was in the park?
  3. What makes you think so?
  4. Who saw the accident?
  5. What washing needs?
  6. Who made you feel disappointed?

Exercise 4. Translate into English

  1. Who writes articles about animals?
  2. Who upset you?
  3. What’s next to the language school?
  4. What scared your little son?
  5. Who prompted her to do this?
  6. Who didn’t go to the party?
  7. Who is cold (hot)?
  8. Who usually does the dishes in your family?
  9. What influenced his decision?
  10. How many letters did you receive in the afternoon?
  1. Who writes articles about animals?
  2. Who disappointed you? (Who made you feel
  3. What is near the language school?
  4. What scared your little son?
  5. Who influenced her to do that?
  6. Who didn’t go to the party?
  7. Who is cold (hot)?
  8. Who washes up in your family?
  9. What influenced his decision?
  10. How many letters arrived in the afternoon?

Subject question in English

Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/vopros-k-podlezhashhemu-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

How to ask questions in English?

There are the following types of sentences in English: affirmative, negative and interrogative. Today we will focus on the last of them. It is an integral part of oral and written speech, without studying this issue, subsequent immersion in the world of a foreign language is impossible.

Some students encounter problems in this topic, but we can safely assure you: it is enough just to carefully study the theoretical material and consolidate it by solving practical problems. 

The first thing worth noting is the change in the structure of affirmative sentences to transform them into interrogative ones. This is a fairly common procedure, but it is not always required. So, the auxiliary verb in this case is placed before the subject, and the main one after it. 

5 types of questions in English 

Now it is necessary to consider in more detail each of the existing interrogative types. They have their own characteristics and structure. 

Separation issues

This is an interesting kind of question because it is divided into two parts. The first is affirmative or negative, and the second is a short clarification. Most often, the separating construction is used if the speaker is not sure of something and wants to confirm or deny the information.

The parts are separated by a comma. In English, it is called «tag», which translates as «tail». In view of this, such questions are sometimes referred to as “tail” ones.

This type is quite common in spoken and written English. This is due to several factors. First, it can express a fairly wide range of feelings and emotions: from distrust to admiration. Secondly, he quite gently prompts the interlocutor to answer without the need to ask the question directly. Thirdly, the grammatical construction of such a question is simple: here the direct word order is used, which is only supplemented by this «tail».

By the way, these «tails» can take different interpretations. The most common of them are: «Isn’t it?», «Isn’t it?» etc. 

Check out examples:

— He is your brother, is not he? — He’s your brother, isn’t he?

— You are kidding me, are not you? — You’re kidding me, right?

As you can see, the ponytails are formed with the addition of the «not» particle. The rule works in the opposite direction if the main sentence is not affirmative, but negative. 

— You are not a doctor, are you? “You’re not a doctor, are you?

It is worth remembering that if the first part of the construction contains words with a negative meaning (for example, never), then the tail will necessarily be affirmative.

— They never be in Paris, do they? “They’ve never been to Paris, have they?

Special question in English. — we learn English ourselves

Elizaveta Morozova

Heading: Grammar

Hi Hi!

How are you? Do you want to continue learning English? I hope so!))) If not, feel free to close the page and come back another time. I’ll be happy!

So, today we are talking about a Special Question in English. These are questions, the purpose of which is to obtain, so to speak, some kind of special information, i.e. these are all questions with interrogative words (where, where, why, etc.). Such questions cannot be limited to a short «yes / no», they require a complete answer.

In English, the following are used

How to write questions in English: rules and examples

By Natalia August 25, 2018

Being able to compose questions in English is an important aspect in learning a language. This topic seems simple and easy, but some nuances stand out. How to cope with them and learn how to correctly formulate questions in English, you will learn in this article.

Stages of writing questions in English

For grammatically correct compilation of questions in this foreign language, a clear, and most importantly, simple scheme was created:

  1. Find a verb in a sentence and understand what it is (main, modal or to be).
  2. Correctly determine the tense of this verb (knowledge of times is required).
  3. We apply the rule of composing questions (the same for almost all types) — either rearranging the verb to the first place, or using an auxiliary verb.

General formula: interrogative word + auxiliary verb + subject + predicate + other members of the sentence?


  • A cat’s milk. — The cat loves milk. (affirmative sentence).
  • Does a cat milk? — Does the cat like milk? (interrogative sentence).

Writing questions requires knowledge of verb tenses, modal verbs, and equivalents.

5 types of questions in English

There are five types of questions in English:

  • General;
  • Alternative;
  • Separating;
  • Special;
  • Question to the subject.

General questions

This is an easy kind of questions, which implies only the answer «yes» or «no» (in detail, you can not answer).


Auxiliary verb / modal verb Subject matter Semantic verb (predicate) Supplement (other members of the proposal)
Does a cat milk?
Dog Ann play volleyball?

As you can see, these questions only require a “yes” or “no” answer.

Past tense

General questions of the past tense are compiled according to the standard formula, but with some modifications.

Source: https://eng911.ru/rules/grammar/voprosy.html

How to ask questions in English. Types of questions

One of the key topics that will be useful even for the greenest beginner is questions in English.

Why is it useful to be able to ask questions at the very beginning of the training?

Let’s imagine a situation: you are abroad and want to know the way. You run up to the first person you meet and, intently, looking into his eyes with hope, name your destination. Will you get the answer you want? Who knows. It is not a fact that the passer-by has information or speaks English. However, your chances of finding a hotel, attraction, or acquaintances will increase with your ability to ask and answer questions.


Almost all questions in English are formed by inversion (reverse word order in a sentence). An auxiliary verb is placed before the subject:

Assertion / Response Question
I will run. Will I run?
She is driving. Is she driving?
They were smiling. Why were they smiling?
The horse has slept. Has the horse slept?
My sisters had been sitting. Had my sisters been sitting or standing?

Will the next news program be at 10 pm or at 11 pm? — Will the next news program be at 10 pm or 11 pm?

Answer: The next news program will be at 10 pm — The next news program will be at 10 pm.

Were the runners running the last lap? — Did the runners run the last lap?

Answer: Yes. The runners were running the last lap. — Yes. The runners ran the last lap.

When have we seen a Japanese cherry tree blooming? — When did we see the cherry blossoms?

Answer: We have seen a Japanese cherry tree blooming in April. — We saw the cherry blossoms in April.

Auxiliary verb «to do»

In cases where the formation of a verb is carried out without an «innate» auxiliary (to be, to have), a special auxiliary verb is introduced — «todo«. It is needed at times:

  • Present Simple: with all plural subjects (we, you, they) and with the first singular subject (I), use — do; with subjects in the third person singular (he, she, it) is used — does;

Source: https://englishboost.ru/voprosy-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

5 types of questions in English. Examples!

Details Karina Galchenko Category: BEGINNER — ELEMENTARY

: 01 March 2016


: 4/5

Today we will consider 5 types of questions in English And, of course, Examples with them. In order not to be mistaken, the main thing is to understand three things: 1) what question you will have, 2) at what time you need to ask it, and 3) what should be the order of words in the interrogative sentence. In this article we will deal with the first point.

5 types of questions in English and examples with them

Usually allocate 5 types of questions in English… We will briefly dwell on each of them and consider Examples.

1. General question. You don’t even need question words here, as the type of question itself does not imply their use. When asking a general question, the interviewee expects to hear a short positive or negative answer from you.


Are you doing your homework now? — Are you doing your homework now?

Do they go to the cinema every Friday? — Do they go to the movies every Friday?

Was he reading a newspaper when I phoned? — He read the newspaper when I called?

Will you give me a couple of recommendations? — Will you give me a couple of recommendations?

Is your brother at work? — Is your brother at work?

2. Special question. Here you will already need a question word or even a phrase. From this point on, a special question should begin. Next, you should adhere to the standard structure of the question.


How much do these books cost? — How much do these books cost?

What is he doing here? — What is he doing here?

Where were you yesterday? — Where were you yesterday?

What city did he visit last week? — Which city did he visit last week?

Whose beg was stolen? — Whose bag was stolen?

3. Alternative question. This type of question implies the presence OR… Before or, everything looks the same as in the general question, and then a complement that is appropriate in meaning follows.


Would you a cup of tea or coffee? — Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?

Is he doing his homework or playing computer games? — Does he do his homework or play computer games?

Will they go on a business trip on Tuesday or Wednesday?

Does Bob speak Spanish or Italian? — Does Bob speak Spanish or Italian?

Were they in Egypt or Turkey last summer? — Were they in Egypt or Turkey last summer?

4. The dividing question.

5. Question to the subject.

The last two types of questions require special attention, so we will consider them separately.

How to ask a separation question in English? Examples of

If you do not know how to ask dividing question in english, then it is worth brushing up on the knowledge of auxiliary verbs, as you will definitely need them. Pay attention to the structure of the question and Examples.

Declarative sentence +, + auxiliary verb + not + face

Negative sentence +, + auxiliary verb + face

He is doing his homework now, isn’t he? — He does his homework, right?

Miranda was in Germany last week, wasn’t she? “Miranda was in Germany last week, wasn’t she?

They speak Russian, don’t they? — They speak Russian, don’t they?

You haven’t forgotten to phone her, have you? “You didn’t forget to call her, did you?

They won’t leave for Prague, will they? — They won’t go to Prague, will they?

As you can see, the second part of the question (tail) depends on where you started. One of the parts (not two at the same time) must be negative.

How to ask a question about a subject in English? Examples of

Now see how to ask a question to the subject in english. Examples and explanations will help you avoid mistakes.

The good news for this type of question is that you don’t need an auxiliary verb. But you need to be 100% sure that you will have a question specifically for the subject.

Most often, these questions begin with who and are addressed to the person who is performing the action. That is, we will answer with the very person we are asking about.


Who is singing over there? — Mark.

Who sings over there? — Mark.

How many people (= who) came to the meeting? — Seven people came.

How many people came to the meeting? — Seven people came.

Who speaks in the living room? — Your aunt.

Who is speaking in the living room? — Your aunt.

We really hope that our article on the topic “5 types of questions in English«and Examples helped you figure it out. And if you need practice, sign up for our courses!

Source: https://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/29-beginner-elementary/412-5-tipov-voprosov-v-anglijskom-yazyke-primery.html

вопросительные слова в английском языке

В английском языке девять основных вопросительных слов, которые могут использоваться сами по себе или в сочетании с другими словами (вопросительные группы слов). Сегодня мы рассмотрим, как вопросительные слова с переводом и примерами, так и вопросительные группы слов.

Подробнее обо всех видах вопросительных предложений читайте в статье: «Пять видов вопросов в английском языке».

Девять основных вопросительных слов в английском языке

  • What — что, какой

What is hiding under my bed? — Что прячется под моей кроватью?

What is your real name? — Какое твое настоящее имя?

  • Who — кто

Who are you? — Кто ты?

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? — Кто живет в ананасе на дне моря?

  • Where — где, куда

Where have you gone? — Куда ты ушел?

Billy boy, where have you been? — Мальчик Билли, где ты был?

  • Why — почему

Why did you do that? — Почему ты это сделал?

Why is it always raining when I go for a walk? — Почему всегда идет дождь, когда я выхожу на прогулку.

  • How — как

How are you feeling? — Как вы себя чувствуете?

How should I explain this to my wife? — И как мне это объяснить своей жене?

  • When — когда

When was it? — Когда это было?

When did you see Mr. Parker last time? — Когда в последний раз вы видели мистера Паркера?

  • Which — какой, который (из нескольких)

Which car is your? — Которая машина (из нескольких) твоя?

Which part of the car is broken? — Какая часть машины сломана?

  • Whose — чей

Whose bag is it? — Чья это сумка?

Whose biography has impressed you most? — Чья биография больше всего вас впечатлила?

  • Whom — кому

Местоимение whom в современном английском языке почти не используется в разговорной речи, его заменяют местоимением who — в этом нет никакой ошибки.

Whom (who) did you see? — Кого ты видел?

Whom (who) did you call in your sleep? — Кого ты звал во сне?

Вопросительные группы слов

Зачастую роль вопросительного слова в английском предложении играет не одно слово, а словосочетание или группа слов. Особенно часто вопросительные группы слов включают how (как). В вопросительном предложении такая группа слов используется так же, как и вопросительное слово — занимает место перед подлежащим.

  • How many — сколько

«How many» можно сказать только о чем-то исчисляемом, об исчисляемых существительных.

How many siblings do you have? — Сколько у тебя братьев и сестер?

How many finger can you see? — Сколько ты видишь пальцев?

  • How much — сколько

«How much» используется с неисчисляемыми существительными.

How much time do you need? — Сколько времени вам нужно?

How much water can I take? — Сколько я могу взять воды?

  • How old — сколько лет (о возрасте)

How old are you? — Сколько вам лет?

How old is this oak? — Сколько лет этому дубу?

  • How long — 1) как долго, сколько (о времени), 2) какой длины

How long are you going to be at work? — Сколько ты пробудешь на работе?

How long is this rope? — Какой длины эта веревка?

  • How tall — какой высоты (о здании), роста (о человеке)

How tall is the Chrysler Building? — Какой высоты Крайслер-билдинг?

How tall are you? — Какой у тебя рост?

  • How far — как далеко, какой расстояние

How far is the police station from here? — Насколько далеко отсюда полицейский участок?

How far is it from here to the hospital? — Какое расстояние отсюда до больницы?

  • How often — как часто

How often do you see a doctor? — Как часто вы бываете у врача?

How often does it happen? — Как часто это происходит?

  • What time — в какое время, во сколько

Говоря «what time», мы подразумеваем точное время по часам (во сколько), а говоря «when» — приблизительное (когда).

What time is it now? — Сколько сейчас времени?

What time are they going to pick us up? — Во сколько они за нами заедут?

  • What kind (sort) of — какой (какого рода, типа)

What kind of books do you like? — Какие (какого вида, рода) книги вам нравятся?

What kind of construction materials do you need? — Какие (какого рода) вам нужны строительные материалы?

  • What colour — какого цвета

What colour are my eyes? — Какого цвета мои глаза?

What colour is your phone case? — Какого цвета чехол вашего телефона?

Напоминаю, более подробно обо всех видах вопросительных предложений я рассказал в статье: «Пять видов вопросов в английском языке».


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

Специальные вопросы в английском языке, как и в русском, задаются с целью выяснить какую-то конкретную информацию о предмете или явлении. Отличительной чертой специальных вопросов в английском является обязательное наличие вопросительных слов.

Такие вопросы в английском языке задается к любому члену предложения. Все зависит от того, что именно нужно узнать человеку.


What do you need for a good mood? — Что тебе нужно для хорошего настроения?

What is the main question? — Каков основной вопрос?

When will you be here? — Когда ты будешь здесь?

Вопросительные слова:

What? — Что?

Where? — Где?

When? — Когда?

Why? — Почему?

Who? — Кто?

Which? — Который?

Whose? — Чей?

Whom? — Кого?

How? — Как?

Вопросительные слова what (что), where (где), when (когда) используются чаще всего.

Вопросительные слова в английском начинаются с сочетания букв wh. По этой причине  специальные вопросы также называют «Wh-questions».

Кроме того, в английском языке есть и вопросительные конструкции, состоящие из двух слов:

What kind? — Какой?

What time? — Во сколько?

How many? — Сколько? (для исчисляемых существительных)

How much? — Сколько? (для неисчисляемых существительных)

How long? — Как долго?

How often? — Как часто?

How far? — Как далеко?

Важно помнить, что вопросительное и уточняющее слова в вопросе не разделяются. Вся конструкция ставится в начало предложения.


How far will she go? — Как далеко она зайдет?

How long will it take? — Сколько времени это займет?

Выбирая вопросительную конструкцию, автор вопроса определяет, какая именно информация его интересует. Например, к предложению

Maria bakes bread once a week. — Мария печет хлеб раз в неделю.

можно задать несколько вопросов:

Who bakes bread once a week? — Кто печет хлеб раз в неделю?

How often does Maria bake bread? — Как часто Мария печет хлеб?

What does Maria bake once a week? — Что Мария печет раз в неделю?

Как задать специальный вопрос

При формировании специального вопроса за основу берется общий. Например, общий вопрос к предложению

She saw this film. — Она смотрела этот фильм

будет звучать как

Did she see this film? — Она смотрела этот фильм?

Для того чтобы преобразовать его в специальный, необходимо добавить в начало предложения одно из вопросительных слов.


When did she see this film? — Когда она смотрела этот фильм?

Вспомогательный глагол, как и в общем вопросе, ставится перед существительным, смысловой — после него.

Общая схема построения специального вопроса в английском:

Вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + остальные члены предложения


What have you done? — Что ты наделал?

Why has he eaten this? — Почему он съел это?

What are you doing? — Что ты делаешь?

Правила формирования специального вопроса

  • Первое место в порядке слов принадлежит вопросительному слову.
  • Второе место занимают модальные (should, ought, may, must, can и другие) или вспомогательные (do/does,have/has, to be и другие) глаголы.

Схемы построения видов специальных вопросов в английском языке

  • С вспомогательными глаголами (do/does, will, did и т.д.)

Вспомогательные глаголы — это слова, которые не переводятся, а лишь выполняют роль указателей. Они помогают определить время происходящего (настоящее, будущее, прошлое) и количество действующих лиц (много или один).

Схема образования такого вопроса:

Вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол + действующее лицо + совершаемое действие

На первом месте будет стоять вопросительное слово, на втором — вспомогательный глагол, далее идет человек или предмет, о котором идет речь и, наконец, действие.

table 1

  • С модальными глаголами (can, may, should, must и т.д.).

Модальные глаголы не указывают действие (идти, читать, изучать), а показывают отношение к этим действиям (должен идти, могу читать, следует изучать). Они не требуют вспомогательных глаголов, а являются самостоятельными.

Если в предложении присутствует модальный глагол, то вспомогательный глагол не нужен, но вопрос также строится с помощью перестановки подлежащего и сказуемого.


We can meet at the station. — Мы можем встретиться на станции.

Where can we meet? — Где мы можем встретиться?

I should eat a banana for lunch. — Мне следует съесть банан на обед.

What should I eat for lunch? — Что мне следует съесть на обед?

Схема образования такого вопроса:

Вопросительное слово + модальный глагол + действующее лицо + совершаемое действие

На первом месте в таком предложении стоит вопросительное слово, на втором — модальный глагол, далее тот, о ком идет речь и совершаемое действие.

table 2

  • С глаголом to be (am, are, is, was, were, will be).

To be — особый вид глагола. Его мы используем, когда говорим, что кто-то:

— Находится где-то («Он в парке»)

— Является кем-то («Она медсестра»)

— Является каким-то («Кот серый»)

Если в предложении смысловой глагол — это to be, то вопрос задается с помощью перемены мест подлежащего и сказуемого.


Last night you were at the theatre. — Прошлым вечером ты был в театре.

Where were you last night? — Где ты был прошлым вечером?

I don’t know why it was so difficult. — Я не знаю, почему это было так сложно.

Why was it so difficult? — Почему это было так сложно?

Схема образования такого вопроса:

Вопросительное слово + глагол to be + действующее лицо + место / состояние / явление

table 3

К каким членам предложения ставится специальный вопрос

  • Вопрос к дополнению

Дополнение — член предложения, который дает какую-то дополнительную информацию и отвечает на вопросы «Кого?», «Чего?», «Кому?», «Чему?», «Что?».

Вопросы к дополнению — это, чаще всего, вопросы с what или начинающиеся с вопросительного местоимения who или whom (более формальный вариант).


The girl saw me yesterday. — Девочка видела меня вчера.

Whom (Who) did the girl see yesterday? — Кого девочка видела вчера?

We are waiting for the train. — Мы ждем поезд.

What are you waiting for? — Чего вы ждете?

He bought a bottle of wine at the supermarket. — Он купил бутылку вина в супермаркете.

What did he buy at the supermarket? — Что он купил в супермаркете?

Вопросительные слова выполняют роль предложных дополнений или определений к предложным дополнениям, в таких предложениях предлог ставится в конце предложения.


What are they laughing at? — Над чем они смеются?

What are you talking about? — О чем вы говорите?

What are you thinking of? — О чем ты думаешь?

Who is she talking to? — С кем она разговаривает?

Вопрос может относиться и к неодушевленному предмету.


What are you looking at? — На что вы смотрите?

What do you complain of? — На что вы жалуетесь?

  • Вопрос к обстоятельству

Обстоятельство — второстепенный член предложения, который отвечает на вопросы «Где?», «Когда?», «Куда?», «Откуда?», «Зачем?», «Почему?», «Как?».

Обстоятельства времени (где, когда)

I will be back on Monday. — Я вернусь в понедельник.

When will I be back? — Когда я вернусь?

Обстоятельство условия (почему)

He asked to call him if needed. — Он просил позвонить ему в случае необходимости.

Why did he ask to call him? — Почему он просил позвонить ему?

Обстоятельство образа действия (как)

These people work very slowly. — Эти люди работают очень медленно.

How do these people work? — Как работают эти люди?

Обстоятельство места (куда, откуда)

These children are from Denmark. — Эти дети из Дании.

Where are these children from? — Откуда эти дети?

Обстоятельство причины (зачем)

You said it to disturb me. — Ты сказал это, чтобы расстроить меня.

What did you say it for? — Зачем ты сказал это?

Если в специальном вопросе в английском языке содержатся словосочетания for what или where from, то вопросительное слово ставится в начале предложения, а предлог — в конце.

Where are these children from? — Откуда эти дети?

What did you say it for? — Зачем ты сказал это?

Вопросительные слова выполняют роль обстоятельств или определений к обстоятельствам, в таких случаях предлоги тоже ставятся после глаголов.


Where is she coming from? — Откуда она?

Where is he driving to? — Куда он едет?

What city does she live in? — В каком городе она живет?

  • Вопрос к определению

Определение — член предложения, обозначающий признак предмета и отвечающий на вопросы «Какой?», «Чей?».


What (в значении «какой»)

I like watching documentary movies. — Я люблю смотреть документальные фильмы.

What movies do you like to watch? — Какие фильмы тебе нравится смотреть?

Which of (который)

These two songs are good. — Эти две песни хорошие.

Which one of these two songs is better? — Какая из этих двух песен лучше?

Whose (чей)

This watch is hers. — Это ее часы.

Whose watch is this? — Чьи это часы?

How much (сколько, для неисчисляемых)

It doesn’t cost much. — Это стоит недорого.

How much does it cost? — Сколько это стоит?

How many (сколько, для исчисляемых)

I work five days a week. — Я работаю пять дней в неделю.

How many days a week do you work? — Сколько дней в неделю ты работаешь?

  • Вопрос к подлежащему

При построении специальных вопросов к подлежащему не используются вспомогательные глаголы. Нужно только заменить подлежащее на what или who соответственно.

Схема построения специального вопроса к подлежащему:

Вопросительное слово + сказуемое + второстепенные члены предложения

Важно не путать вопросы к подлежащему с вопросами к дополнению, которые также начинаются со слов what или who.

table 4

Отрицательная форма специальных вопросов в английском языке

Для того чтобы сделать из обычного специального вопроса отрицательный, достаточно просто добавить частицу not после подлежащего.

Where did he not go? — Куда он не ездил?

Однако, такая классическая форма отрицательных вопросов встречается крайне редко. В разговорной речи частица not сливается с глаголом и ставится перед подлежащим.

Where didn’t he go? — Куда он не ездил?

How many candies haven’t you eaten? — Сколько конфет ты не съел?

Where can’t I meet you? — Где я могу тебя не встретить?

Where aren’t you studying? — Где ты не занимаешься?

Ответы на специальные вопросы в английском

Специальные вопросы, в отличие от общих, нуждаются в поясняющем ответе. Это может быть полное или неполное предложение.


When is he leaving? — Когда он уезжает?

Today. — Сегодня.

When is he leaving? — Когда он уезжает?

He still hasn’t decided. — Он все еще не решил.

What is the matter with them? — Что с ними?

They are suffering from toothache. — Они страдают от зубной боли.

Ответ может состоять из одного или нескольких слов. Эти слова или слово относятся к тому члену предложения, к которому относился вопрос.


What is the matter with them? — Что с ними?

Nothing. — Ничего.

How do you like my new shirt? — Как тебе моя новая рубашка?

Oh, it’s awful! — О, она отвратительная!

Where is my sister’s seat? — Где место моей сестры?

Row 13, seat 13. Your sister is a lucky one. — 13 ряд, 13 место. Твоя сестра счастливица.

When will you send the letter? — Когда ты отправишь письмо?

In a week. — Через неделю.

Ответы на вопрос к подлежащему обычно даются в краткой форме и содержат подлежащее, выраженное существительным или местоимением и сказуемое, выраженное вспомогательным глаголом (если таковой употребляется в вопросе) или модальным глаголом.

Who took my pen? — I did.

Кто взял мою ручку? — Я.

Who has read this article? — We have.

Кто прочел эту статью? — Мы.

Ответы на вопросы к дополнению могут иметь полную или краткую форму (последняя чаще употребляется в разговорной речи).

Who(m) did you see there? — Кого вы видели там?

(I saw) Магу. — (Я видел) Мэри.

Who(m) did you give it to? — Кому вы это дали?

(I gave it) to Маrу. — (Я дал это) Мэри.

Ответы на вопросы к определению могут иметь полную или краткую форму в зависимости от ситуации, но чаще краткую — как у ответов на вопросы к подлежащему. Хотя ответы могут состоять и только из одного слова.

Whose brother serves in the army? — Чей брат служит в армии?

My brother does. — Мой (брат).

Mine (does). — Мой.

Whose book is it? — Чья это книга?  

It’s my book. — Это моя книга.

(It’s) mine. — (Это) моя.

(It’s) Peter’s. — Петра.

Which shirt did he choose? — Какую рубашку он выбрал?

The green one. — Зелёную.

(one здесь заменяет слово shirt во избежание повторения)

Ответы на вопросы к обстоятельствам могут иметь полную или краткую форму в зависимости от ситуации. Для разговорной речи характерно употребление кратких ответов.

Where is he from? — Откуда он (родом)?

(Не is from) Britain. —  (Он) из Великобритании.

How long did the concert last? — Сколько длился концерт?

(It lasted) two hours. — (Он продолжался) два часа.

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