You probably know how to frame an assertive sentence or a statement. That means we know writing answers.
But, do you know how to frame a question?
It is also necessary to learn how to frame wh questions and yes no questions so that it becomes easier to understand different types of questions and to answer them correctly. Isn’t it?
All the questions are interrogative sentences. Hence, framing a question is actually framing an Interrogative sentence. Here we are going to learn the structures, examples and uses of Interrogative sentences / questions.
How many types of questions are there?
There are two types of questions:
- Yes-No Questions and
- WH Questions.
We’ll be discissing them one by one. Let us start with Yes-No Questions
Word Order of a Question:
The word order in a question is not the same as it is in a statement. The position of the subject and the verb is reversed,
Statements | Questions |
Subject + auxiliary verb… . | Auxiliary verb + subject …? |
I am a student. | Am I a student? |
We are playing chess. | Are we playing chess? |
We have taken the exam three days back. | When have you taken the exam? |
John was playing a rock music. | What was John playing? |
Framing Yes-No Questions
Framing yes no questions is the easiest thing to do.
You know that an assertive sentence is formed as —
Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb + object.
E g.- She is playing chess.
While a Yes-no question is formed as —
Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + object + ?
E.g.- Is she playing chess?
Here you can see that the word order is reversed.
See the difference between word orders of an assertive sentence and a yes no question.
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
Subject + auxiliary verb. | Auxiliary verb + subject …? |
I am a student. | Am I a student? |
We are playing chess. You are going to the airport. |
Are we playing chess? Are you going to the airport? |
She is a teacher. He is a doctor. It is a pet dog. |
Is she a teacher? Is he a doctor? Is it a pet dog? |
She was your friend. He was a teacher. It was raining. |
Was she your friend? Was he a teacher? Was it was raining? |
We were farming. You were drinking. They were sleeping. |
Were we farming? Were you drinking? Were they sleeping? |
I shall sleep. We shall swim. |
Shall I sleep? Shall we swim? |
You will be studying. He will drive the car. She will sit by you. They will play well. |
Will you be studying? Will he drive the car? Will she sit by you? Will they play well ? |
I have driven the car. We have been walking since morning. |
Have I driven the car? Have we been walking since morning? |
He has broken the glass. She has fallen in the well. |
Has he broken the glass? Has she fallen in the well? |
I had bought a bi-cycle. We had sold our house. |
Had I bought a bi-cycle? Had we sold our house? |
I can swim. You could tell the truth. He should go for a walk everyday. She need work hard. They can defeat us. |
Can I swim? Could you tell the truth? Should he go for a walk everyday Need she work hard? Can they defeat us? |
The questions which can be answered either with yes or with no.
Questions like
- Do you play football?
- Have you written the letter?
- Can you give me a glass of water?
- Will you do it for me?
can be answered either with yes or with no.
As —
Q. Do you play football?
A. Yes, I do.
Or, No, I don’t play football.
Q. Can you give me a glass of water?
A. Yes, of course.
How to Frame Yes-No Questions?
● An assertive sentence starts with a subject and then comes an auxiliary (helping) verb — (subject + auxiliary verb)
Like, I am a student.
Whereas, in case of Yes-No question the word order us altered. It starts with the auxiliary verb and then comes the subject — (auxiliary verb + subject)
Like, Am I a student?
So, what did you get?
To form a yes-no question, simply place the auxiliary verb before the subject and put a question mark at the end.
=> Auxiliary verb + subject + verb (base form) + object + ?
More Examples:
Q. Have you seen a tiger?
A. Yes I have seen. / No, I have not seen.
Q. Can you score three goals?
A. Yes we can. / No we can not.
The auxiliary verb is always used according the subject‘s number and person, no matter whichever the subject is.
Up to here, you know how a yes-no question is structured.
Now you should learn framing them in different tenses. Right?
Frame Yes-No Questions of Present Indefinite Tense:
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
Subject + main verb + object. | Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + object +? |
I play cricket. | ??? |
See, no auxiliary verb is there in the assertive sentence.
Then how will you frame a question of this tense?
You have to put a Do or Does at the beginning.
Use Does with a 3rd person singular subject, else use Do.
As —
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
I play cricket. | Do I play cricket? |
She plays cricket. | Does she play cricket? |
Remember, when you put a ‘Does’, you don’t need to add ‘-s’ or ‘-es’ to the main verb any more.
Do/Does + subject + verb (base form) + object + others + ?
Other examples —
- Do I write a letter?
- Do we need permissions from the authority?
- Does it work properly?
- Does he write a letter?
Use a ‘not’
after do/does
to make a negative yes-no question of this tense.
- Do not I write a letter?
- Does not he write a letter?
- Do not they abuse us?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
I do not write a letter. | Do not I write a letter? |
He does not write a letter. | Does not he write a letter? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Present Continuous Tense:
Be verb + subject + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
- Are you reading the news paper?
- Am I bothering you?
For negative use a not after the be verb or after the subject as-
Be verb + not + subject + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
- Is not she reading the news paper?
- Aren’t you getting my point?
- Is not David fighting with Dean?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
She is not reading the news paper. | Is not she reading the news paper? |
You aren’t getting my point. | Aren’t you getting my point? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Present Perfect Tense:
Has/Have + subject + third form of the main verb + object + others + ?
- Has Alexa said the words?
- Have you seen her before?
- Has she opened the window?
Use a not just after the have verb (have/has).
Has/Have + not + Subject + third form of the main verb + object + others + ?
- Has not Alexa said that words.
- Haven’t you submitted the project in time?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
Alexa has said that. | Has Alexa said that. |
You have seen her before. | Have you seen her before? |
Alexa has not said that words. | Has not Alexa said that words. |
You haven’t submitted the project in time. | Haven’t you submitted the project in time? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
The have/has
is placed at the beginning of the sentence
Has he been living there for three months?
Have you been taking tea since last Monday?
Use a not after Has/Have to make it negative.
- Have not you been living there for three months?
- Has not John been talking since 5 o’clock?
- Have not you been cheating me for three years?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
She has been waiting for you. | Has she been waiting for you? |
You have only been wasting your money since you started gambling. | Have you only been wasting your money since you started gambling? |
Peter has not been reading the book. | Has not Peter been reading the book. |
I haven’t been walking since morning. | Haven’t I been walking since morning? |
Framing Yes-No Questions of Past Indefinite Tense:
Did + subject + verb (base form) + object + others + ?
- Did I say a that?
- Did we need permissions from the authority?
- Did it work properly?
- Did he play with you?
Use a ‘not’
after did
to make a negative of the interrogative.
- Did not I inform you about the incident?
- Did not he write a letter?
- Did not they gamble?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
I said that | Did I say that? |
They went to the market. | Did they go to the market? |
You did not buy a new car. | Did not you buy a new car? |
John did not drink water. | Did not John drink water? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Past Continuous Tense:
Be verb (Was/Were) + subject + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
- Were you reading the news paper?
- Was I bothering you?
For negative use a not after the be verb or after the subject as-
Be verb + not + subject + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
Be verb + subject + not + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
- Was not she reading the news paper?
- Weren’t you getting my point?
- Was David not fighting with Dean?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
You were reading the newspaper. | Were you reading the newspaper? |
David was not fighting with Dean. | Was not David fighting with Dean? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Past Perfect Tense:
Had + subject + third form of the main verb + object + others + ?
- Had Alexa reached the station?
- Had you seen her before?
- Had Peter opened the window?
Use a not just after the have verb (had).
Had + not + Subject + third form of the main verb + object + others + ?
- Had not Alexa said that words.
- Hadn’t she submitted her document yet?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
You had seen her before. | Had you seen her before? |
David had not fought with Dean. | Had not David fought with Dean? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Past Perfect Continuous Tense:
The had
is placed at the beginning of the sentence
- Had Sasha been living there for three months?
- Had you been taking tea since last Monday?
Use a not after had to make it negative.
- Had not you been living there for five months?
- Had not John been talking since 8 o’clock?
- Had not you been calling me for three hours?
Assertive Sentence | Yes-No Question |
You had been living here for three months. | Had you been living here for three months? |
Emma had not been trying to call you for last three hours. | Had not Emma been trying to call you for last three hours? |
Frame Yes-No Questions of Future Indefinite Tense:
Shall/Will + subject + verb (base form) + object + others + ?
In case the subject is I or We, use ‘Shall’ before it, otherwise, use ‘Will’.
- Shall I write a letter?
- Shall we need permissions from the authority?
- Will it work properly?
- Will he inform me about the incident?
Use a ‘not’
after Shall/Will
to make a negative of the interrogative.
- Shall not we visit there?
- Will not he write a letter?
- Will not they gamble?
Frame Yes-No Questions of Future Progressive Tense:
Shall/Will + subject + be + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
- Are you reading the news paper?
- Am I sleeping?
For negative use a not after the be verb or after the subject as-
Be verb + not + subject + (main verb +ing) + object + ?
- Will not she reading the news paper?
- Will not you getting my point?
- Will David not fighting with Dean?
Frame Yes-No Questions of Future Perfect Tense:
Shall/Will + subject + have + third form of the main verb + object + others + ?
- Will you have eaten the food by 8 p.m.?
- Will John have seen her before Sunday?
- Will she have finished all her works before the end of the day?
Don’t be confused seeing every ‘have’ I used here even after a third person singular subject. Here only ‘shall’ or ‘will’ determines the tense. So the ‘have’ verb is used here as an action verb. The base form ‘have’ is ‘have’.
Use a not just after the have verb (have/has).
Shall/Will + not + Subject + have + third form of the main verb + object + others + ?
- Has not Alexa said that words.
- Hasn’t she submitted the project in time?
Framing WH Questions
What is «WH» in «WH Questions»?
WH refers to some words that start with the letters W and H, like, what, who, whom, why, how, where etc and their uses.
What is a WH question?
A question that starts with any of the wh words, is a
wh question
Remember, the answer of a WH question is a complete sentence and not a yes or a no.
For example,
If any one asks you — “What is your name?”, you cannot answer the question with only ‘yes’ or ‘no’. A complete sentence is required to answer it.
As —
Q. What is your name?
A. My name is
Q. When do you read story-books?
A. I read story books
in my leisure time
Now you need to know the wh words and their uses. As follows —
Wh words may be used as — (a) the subject, or (b) the object, or (c) an adjective/adverb in a sentence.
Some WH Words and Their Uses-
Who –
Who is used in a question to ask something about a person or persons. Who is mainly used as the subject.
E.g. —
• Who is your English teacher?
• Who has broken the glass?
• Who will bell the cat?
What –
It is used to ask about a thing or things.
• What does he do?
• What is your name?
Which –
It is used in a question to ask about anything out if many others.
• Which is his favourite book?
• Which cycle is yours?
• Which thing delights her the most?
Whose –
It is used in a question to ask about relationship, the owner of any object or animal.
• Whose book has been lost?
• Whose cycle is this?
• Whose brother is he?
When –
It is used in a question to ask about time.
• When did he come?
• When is your brother visiting the book fair.
• When will you give my money back?
Where –
It is used in a question to ask about place.
• Where does he live?
• Where is your uncle going?
• Where are you?
Why –
It is used in a question to know the reason behind anything.
• Why don’t you look at me?
• Why did you laugh?
• Why are you so upset?
How –
It is used in a question to know the way of doing something or to ask about someone’s health.
• How did you come to know?
• How have you solve the problem?
• How are you?
• How is your father now?
How much –
It is used in a question to quantity of an uncountable noun.
• How much money did you earn?
• How much water does this tank contain?
• How much milk should we drink a day?
• How much sugar was sold yesterday?
How much is singular as it asks the quantity of an uncountable noun (milk, water, oil, sand, etc.)
How many –
It is used in a question to ask about the quantity of a countable noun.
• How many employees are required for this project?
• How many cakes did you buy?
• How many stars can you see?
• How many women have participated?
How many is plural as it asks thr quantity of countable nouns.
How long –
It is used in a question to ask about the duration of an action.
E.g. —
• How long will you stay here?
• How long did you sleep yesterday?
• How long can you wait for me?
• How long does it take to be fully cooked?
How far –
It is used in a question to ask about the distance between two places.
E.g. —
• How far is your school from your house?
• How far will you go today?
• How far did she run?
• How far can you see?
How to Frame Wh Questions:
You only need to learn different types of wh questions that we use in our day-to-day conversations and their structures.
Types of WH-question –
The auxiliary verb is always used according the subject ‘s number and person, no matter whatever the subject is.
Type 1:–
Wh word + be verb + subject + ?
Look at the structure above, there is no action verb (main verb).
For this type, who, what, which, how can be used as wh words.
- Who is that girl?
- Who were those boys?
- What is your name?
- Which is your book?
- Where is my pen?
- How is your mother?
In all the questions above, the wh words act as the objects and the be verbs show the state of being as there are no other verbs (main verbs).
The be verb is used according to the word next to itself.
Here are some affirmative and negative examples :
Affirmative Examples | Negative Examples |
What is your name? Which is your book? Where is my pen? How is your mother? |
What is not your name? Which is not your camera? |
Question-Answer Examples:
Statements | Questions |
That girl is my sister. | Who is that girl? |
My name is Jack. | What is your name? |
Those boys were some students. | Who were those boys? |
Type 2:–
Wh word (used as the subject) + verb + object + ?
Wh word (used as the subject) + auxiliary verb + main verb + object + ?
Who did this?
Who likes mango?
What has made you so lazy?
In the sentences above, you can see, there is no subject. Actually the wh words who and what are used as the subjects.
If you try to answer the questions in your mind, you will find that the extra part that replaces the wh word, is the subject of the answer statement.
Don’t worry.
Let’s take an example.
Question = Who likes mangoes?
Answer 1 = John likes mangoes.
Answer 2 = Peter likes mangoes.
Answer 3 = Emma likes mangoes.
Answer 4 = I like mangoes.
Answer 5 = We like mangoes.
Look at the answer 1, the wh word who is replaced with ‘John’. It means ‘John’ is the answer of who.
On the other hand, ‘John’ is also the subject in the sentence.
Similarly, in
answers 2, 3, 4, 5
, you can apply the same logic and say that Peter, Emma, I and We are the answers of Who.
Hence, can’t we conclude that, in the question, Who is used as the subject?
Yes, we can.
For this type, who and what are mainly used.
depend on the number and person of the subjects. But here, as the wh word itself is the subject, we cannot identify their number or person.
Therefore any verb-form will be appropriate.
More examples:
Affirmative Examples | Negative Examples |
Who did it? Who is playing guitar? Who play guitar? What has made you cry? What happened to you? |
Who did not do it? Who is not playing guitar? Who do not play guitar? What hasn’t made you cry? What didn’t happen to you? |
Question-Answer Examples:
Statements | WH Questions |
Peter did this. | Who did it? |
The news of her death has made me cry. | What has made you cry? |
Your daughter has broken the glass. | Who has broken the glass? |
Look at the statements. You will notice that the parts of the statements (Peter, The news of her death, your daughter) that replace the wh words are all subjects.
Questions | Answers |
What happened to you? | I failed in the exam. [Here we describe an incident] |
What happened to her? | She is shocked at the news of the accident. |
If the verb is ‘happened’ with the wh word what, then the answer is an description of an incident.
Type 3:–
Wh + helping verb + subject + main verb + object + ?
- What does he think?
- Whom are you calling?
In the above examples, can you find an object anywhere?
You may be a little surprised to know that, in this type, the wh word itself is the object.
Objects always come after the verb.
Yes, it is true that they come after the verbs.
But it is also true that a Wh word comes first in a WH question, be it the subject, or the object or anything else.
Mainly What, and Whom are mostly used as objects.
Affirmative Examples | Negative Examples |
What has he eaten? Whom were you talking to? |
What has not he eaten? Whom were not you talking to? |
Question-Answer Examples:
Statements | WH Questions |
He has eaten four bananas. | What has he eaten? |
I was talking to Mr. Rudd. | Whom were you talking to? |
She did not invite Emma and me. | Whom did not she invite? |
You can see that the highlighted parts of all the statements are the answers for the corresponding wh questions. And they are the objects in the statements.
Type 4:–
Wh words used as adverbs:
Wh word + helping verb + subject + main verb + object + ?
- Where did you keep the book?
- Why have you taken the jewelleries?
- When did he break the glass?
Type 5:–
Wh words + Noun
Wh words + Noun + helping verb + subject + main verb + object + ?
Affirmative Examples | Negative Examples |
Which book are you reading now? | Which movie doesn’t she like at all? |
Question-Answer Examples:
Questions | Answers |
Which book are you reading now? | I am reading Dickens’ novel Hard Times. |
Which movie doesn’t she like at all? | She doesn’t like super-hero movies at all. |
The part of the answer that replaces the wh word + noun, is the object.
Type 6:– How much, How many, How long, How far:
Structure 1:
How much / How many / How long / How far + helping verb + subject + main verb + ?
- How much does the book cost?
- How many do they need?
Structure 2:
+ auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + ?
- How much money do you have?
- How many people have you invited?
How to Frame WH Questions Tense wise:
Present Indefinite Tense:
Statement – He plays cricket in the afternoon.
Question – Who plays cricket in the afternoon?
Ans. – He plays cricket in the afternoon.
Question – What does he play in the afternoon?
Ans. – He plays cricket in the afternoon.
Question – When does he play cricket?
Ans. – He plays cricket in the afternoon.
Question – What does he do in the afternoon?
Ans. – He plays cricket in the afternoon.
Present Continuous Tense:
Statement – He is playing cricket in the ground.
Question – Who is playing cricket in the ground?
Ans. – He is playing cricket in the ground.
Question – What is he playing in the ground?
Ans. – He is playing cricket in the ground.
Question – Where is he playing cricket?
Ans. – He is playing cricket in the ground.
Question – What is he doing in the ground?
Ans. – He is playing cricket in the ground.
Present perfect tense:
Statement – Charlotte has taken tea after reaching home.
Question – Who have taken tea after reaching home?
Ans. – Charlotte has taken tea after reaching home.
Question – What have Charlotte taken after reaching home?
Ans. – Charlotte has taken tea after reaching home.
Question – When have Charlotte taken tea?
Ans. – Charlotte has taken tea after reaching home.
Question – What have Charlotte done after reaching home?
Ans. – Charlotte has taken tea after reaching home.
Present perfect continuous tense:
Statement – I have been reading Geography for three hours.
Question – Who have been reading for three hours?
Ans. – I have been reading Geography for three hours.
Question – What (Which subject) have I been reading for three hours?
Ans. – I have been reading Geography for three hours.
Question – For how long have I been reading Geography?
Ans. – I have been reading Geography for three hours.
Question – What have I been doing for three hours?
Ans. – I have been reading Geography for three hours.
Past indefinite tense:
Statement – John took a cup of coffee in the evening.
Question – Who took a cup of coffee in the evening?
Ans. – John took a cup of coffee in the evening.
Question – How much coffee did John take in the evening?
Ans. – John took a cup of coffee in the evening.
Question – What did John take in the evening?
Ans. – John took a cup of coffee in the evening.
Question – When did John take a cup of coffee?
Ans. – John took a cup of coffee in the evening.
Question – What did John do in the evening?
Ans. – John took a cup of coffee in the evening.
Past continuous tense:
Statement – A child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Question – Who was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday?
Ans. – A child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Question – What was the child singing in the park yesterday?
Ans. – The child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Question – When was the child singing in the park very beautifully?
Ans. – The child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Question – How was the child singing in the park yesterday?
Ans. – The child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Question – Where was the child singing very beautifully yesterday?
Ans. – The child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Question – What was the child doing in the park yesterday?
Ans. – The child was singing a song in the park very beautifully yesterday.
Past Perfect Tense:
Statement – Some boys had snatched Rachael’s purse last night.
Question – Who had snatched Rachael’s purse last night?
Ans. – Some boys had snatched Rachael’s purse last night.
Question – What had some boys snatched last night?
Ans. – Some boys had snatched Rachael’s purse last night.
Question – When had some boys snatched Rachael’s purse ?
Ans. – Some boys had snatched Rachael’s purse last night.
Question – Whose purse had some boys snatched last night?
Ans. – Some boys had snatched Rachael’s purse last night.
Question – What had some boys done last night?
Ans. – Some boys had snatched Rachael’s purse last night.
Past Perfect Progressive Tense:
Statement – The teacher had been teaching us Geography for ten years.
Question – Who had the teaching Geography for ten years?
Ans. – The teacher had been teaching us Geography for ten years.
Question – Whom had the teacher been teaching Geography for ten years?
Ans. – The teacher had been teaching us Geography for ten years.
Question – How long had the teacher been teaching us Geography?
Ans. – The teacher had been teaching us Geography for ten years.
Question – What (which subject) had the teacher been teaching us for ten years?
Ans. – The teacher had been teaching us Geography for ten years.
Question – What had the teacher been doing for ten years?
Ans. – The teacher had been teaching us Geography for ten years.
Future indefinite tense:
Statement – We shall celebrate our Independence Day on 15th August.
Question – Who will celebrate Independence Day on 15th August?
Ans. – We shall celebrate our Independence Day on 15th August.
Question – What shall we celebrate on 15th August?
Ans. – We shall celebrate our Independence Day on 15th August.
Question – On which day shall we celebrate Independence Day?
Ans. – We shall celebrate our Independence Day on 15th August.
Question – What shall we do on 15th August?
Ans. – We shall celebrate our Independence Day on 15th August.
Future continuous tense:
Statement – Kate will be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk after she wakes up.
Question – Who will be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk after waking up?
Ans. – Kate will be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk after she wakes up.
Question – What will Kate be having after she wakes up?
Ans. – Kate will be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk after she wakes up.
Question – When will Kate be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk?
Ans. – Kate will be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk after she wakes up.
Question – What will Kate be doing after she wakes up?
Ans. – Kate will be having two boiled eggs and a glass of milk after she wakes up.
I think How to Frame WH Questions and Yes-No Questions is clear to you.
Asking questions correctly can sometimes be confusing in English. You may wonder if you are putting the words in the correct order. Today I talk about two types of questions, yes/no and wh. I also talk about both of these types of questions with the verb ” to be” and with all other verbs. I discuss asking questions in the simple present, present progressive, simple past, and future tenses. At the end there will be a download to give you additional practice in asking questions.
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Questions with the verb “to be.”
When asking questions, the be verb works a little bit differently than all other verbs in English. It is possibly the most important verb in English.
Yes/no questions with be verb.
1. To form a question, you first need to know how to form a statement. Word order for statements using be is generally subject + verb
I am a student.
He is a student.
They are students.
Word order for asking yes/no questions is simply a reversal of a statement, verb + subject. This works for either simple present or simple past.
Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he a student? Yes, he is. No he’s not.
Were they students? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
2. In the the present progressive, you also need to know how to make a statement. The word order is a statement is subject + am/are/is + ing form of the verb.
He is cooking dinner right now.
The word order for asking questions in the present progressive is also the reverse of a statement: am/are/is + subject + ing form of the verb.
Is he cooking dinner right now? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
3. In the future tense we can make statements and ask questions with the word “will.” For a statement, the correct word order is subject + will + base form of the verb (be).
She will be in Mexico tomorrow.
For questions, the word order is the reverse of a statement, will + subject + base form of the verb (be).
Will she be in Mexico tomorrow? Yes, she will. No she won’t.
Wh questions with be verb
When we ask wh questions, we usually think of six words: who (for a person), what (for a thing), when (for a time), where (for a place), why (for a reason) and how (for a method). To ask wh questions with be verb, we use the yes/no word order. Then we simply place the wh word at the beginning, so it is the first word in the sentence. This works with any tense.
Is he a student?
Where is he a student? At the University of Colorado.
Were they students?
When were they students? Three years ago.
Is she cooking?
What is she cooking? Spaghetti and meatballs.
Will she be in Mexico?
Why will she be in Mexico? Because she needs a vacation.
Questions with all other verbs.
Asking questions with all other English verbs requires a slightly different structure.
Yes/no questions with all other verbs.
- To form questions with all other verbs, you first need to know the word order of statements. Like be verb, it is subject + verb.
We work in a hospital.
He drives and old car.
I ate in a restaurant yesterday.
I get to work by bus.
To form yes/no questions, we need to verb “to do.” Simply put the correct form of do in front of the statement. This applies to both simple present and simple past tenses.Here is the correct word order for questions: do/does/did + subject + base form of the verb.
Do you work in a hospital? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Does he drive an old car? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
Did you eat in a restaurant yesterday? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
Do you get to work by bus? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
2. For asking yes/no questions in the present progressive tense, first, think of the word order for statements: subject + am/are/is + ing from of the verb.
Roberto is driving to California.
To form yes/no questions, we reverse the word order from statements: am/are/is + subject + ing form of the verb.
Is Roberto driving to California? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
3. To ask yes/no questions in the future tense, we can use “will.” Here is the word order for statements: subject + will+ base form of the verb.
My sister will graduate in May.
To form a question, simply reverse the word order form the statement: will + subject + base form of the verb.
Will your sister graduate in May? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.
Download Asking Questions in English Notes TODAY
Wh questions with all other verbs
If you can ask yes/no questions, then asking wh questions is easy. Like asking questions with the be verb, for all other verbs, we simply use the yes/no structure and place the wh word in front so it is the first word of the sentence. This works for all tenses.
- The word order for wh questions in the simple present and simple past is as follows: wh + do/ does/did + subject + base form of the verb. Below is the yes/no structure and the wh structure. You will see that they are very similar.
Does he work in a hospital?
Where does he work? In a hospital.
Do they work on Mondays?
When do they work? Every day except Monday.
Did you call your family last week?
Who did you call last week? My sister, but not my brother.
Do you get to work by train?
How do you get to work? By bus.
2. In the present progressive, we also use the yes/no structure and place the wh word first. Here is the word order: wh + am/are/is + subject + ing form of the verb
Is he driving to Colorado Springs?
Where is he driving? To Colorado Springs.
3. To ask questions in the future tense, again use the yes/no structure and place the wh word in front. Here is the correct word order: wh + will + base form of the verb.
Will you buy a scarf for your mother for her birthday?
What will you buy your mother for her birthday? A sweater. She already has a lot of scarves.
It is easy to ask questions in English. You have learned the rules for asking yes/no and wh questions with the verb “to be,” and with all other verbs. You know that if you can form a statement, to ask a question just reverse the subject and verb or we use “to do” or “will.” You also know that the yes/no form is the basic form you need to ask a questions. To ask a wh question, simply place the wh word in front of the yes/no structure. Yes/no questions begin with the words am/is/are or will (for be verb simple present, present progressive, and simple future), and do/does/did or will for all other verbs. Wh questions begin with the words who, what, when, where, why, or how. The download will give you additional practice forming both yes/no and wh questions with be and all other verbs.
Download Asking Questions in English Notes TODAY
Idioms of the day
- Dirt cheap.
This means very inexpensive. I love my new shoes. I got them on sale at Target, and they were dirt cheap.
- To be on top of the world.
This means to be very, very happy. Everything is going well for me. I got a raise at work, and my girlfriend told me she loves me. I’m on top of the world!
Related Lesson: Subject-Verb Agreement in English
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Мы задаем вопросы каждый день. Это один из базовых навыков в любом языке. Не даром мы учимся задать вопросы на английском языке еще в начальной школе. Но несмотря на её кажущуюся простоту эта тема таит в себе еще много интересного для всех уровней.
В этой статье вас ждет пять самых основных видов вопросов в английском, множество примеров c переводом и полезные таблицы! А для практики предлагаем вам записаться на 👉 бесплатный пробный урок в Инглиш Шоу. У нас вы не только вспомните давно забытое, но и продвинете свой уровень знания до, как некоторым кажется недостижимого, Advanced level, С1. И будете говорить с Британским или Американским акцентом, чтобы заграницей люди не отличили вас от реальных носителей языка (по-английски: native speakers).
Если вам по душе видеообъяснения, посмотрите ролик на нашем канале в YouTube:
Итак, вперед в бой!
- Общие вопросы или Yes/No Questions
- Специальные вопросы или Wh-Questions
- Альтернативные вопросы (Alternative Questions)
- Разделительные вопросы или Tag Questions
- Вопросы к подлежащему или Subject questions
- Сводная таблица пяти типов вопросов в английском
Общие вопросы или Yes/No Questions
Начать, безусловно, стоит с общих вопросов. В русском языке такой тип вопроса характеризует вопросительная интонация. По сути, общий вопрос — это утверждение с вопросительной ноткой в голосе. Эти вопросы самые легкие в английском языке. В английском при формировании такого вопроса мы будем исходить из утверждения. Этот вид вопроса обычно предполагает подтверждение или опровержение какое-то информации.
Соответственно, на такой вопрос мы отвечает «Да» или «Нет».
Do you have plans for next Friday night? – Yes, I do (No, I don’t).
У тебя есть планы на вечер следующей пятницы? – Да. (Нет.) -
Is it their famous school play? — Yes, it is (No, it isn’t).
Это их известная школьная постановка? — Да (Нет).
Как задать общий вопрос в английском языке?
В английском языке все должно быть «на своем месте». Поэтому порядок слов в английских вопросах очень важен.
На первом месте в общем вопрос стоит вспомогательный глагол, поэтому ключевым умением здесь будет — уметь правильно его подбирать. Их в английском языке есть несколько видов. Как же из них выбрать правильный?
Вспомогательные глаголы — это слова, которые не переводятся. Вот, какое определение дает словарь:
Auxiliary verb — a verb that gives grammatical information that is not given by the main verb of a sentence.
Какую дополнительную информацию могут дать вспомогательные глаголы? Они указывают на время происходящего (настоящее, будущее, прошлое) и количество действующих лиц (много или один).
Не секрет, что каждое время английского языка имеет свой вспомогательный глагол. Например, у Present Simple вспомогательными глаголами будут DO и Does, а у Past Simple — DID. Подробнее мы разобрали вспомогательные глаголы в разных английских временах в следующем подзаголовке.
Схема общего вопроса:
Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + дополнительная информация (если есть)?
Рассмотрим подробнее примеры в разных временах
Present Simple: Глаголы- помощники: DO для четырёх местоимений — I, WE, YOU, THEY (и соответственно любых подлежащих, которые мы можем заменить данными местоимениями) и DOES для местоимений HE, SHE, IT.
➕ She looks forward to positive responses to her CV. – Она надеется на положительные ответы по её резюме.
❓ Does she look forward to positive responses? – Она надеется на положительные ответы?
Попробуйте проследить закономерность построения вопроса – глагол помощник встает на первое место, затем прямой порядок слов в предложении. В нашем примере окончание -S исчезает, так как DOES забирает на себя эту функцию.
➕ You always work very hard. – Ты всегда усердно работаешь.
❓ Do you always work very hard? – Ты всегда усердно работаешь?
Present Continuous: Здесь глагол-помощник to be может быть трех форм: am, is, are (в зависимости от местоимения).
➕ She is writing an email now. – Она пишет письмо сейчас.
❓ Is she writing an email now? – Она пишет письмо сейчас?
Present Perfect: Глагол помощник – have/has; has употребляется с 3м лицом, единственным числом (He, she, it).
➕ They have been to America couple of times. – Они были в Америке пару раз.
❓ Have they been to America couple of times? – Они были в Америке пару раз?
Present Perfect Continuous: Глагол помощник так же have или has.
➕ She has been cleaning the flat since 3 p.m. – Она убирается в квартире с 3 часов.
❓ Has she been cleaning the flat since 3 p.m.? – Она убирается в квартире с 3 часов?
Для времен группы Past и Future логика такая же – глагол помощник выходит на первое место.
➕ He drew a sketch yesterday. – Он нарисовал скетч вчера.
❓ Did he draw a sketch yesterday? – Он нарисовал скетч вчера?
Не забывайте, что в вопросе нужно поставить глагол в первую форму, ведь вспомогательный глагол забирает на себя роль определителя времени.
Future Simple:
➕ She will have a flight in 2 weeks’ time. – Она улетает через 2 недели.
❓ Will she have a flight in 2 weeks’ time? – Она улетает через 2 недели?
Исключение: предложения с глаголом to be в качестве сказуемого во временах Present (Past) Simple. В этом случае, глагол to be будет и вспомогательным. В общих вопросах, например, to be (сказуемое) встает на первое место перед подлежащим.
➕ She is a doctor. – Она — врач.
❓ Is she a doctor? – Она — врач?
➕ They are our prime suspects. – Они — наши главные подозреваемые.
❓ Are they our prime suspects? – Они — наши главные подозреваемые?
📎 Как правильно ответить на общий вопрос?
Как мы уже сказали, на общий вопрос чаще всего достаточно сказать «да» или «нет». Но в процессе изучения английского языка выясняется, что «краткие ответы» в английском на самом деле не такие уж и «краткие».
Краткий утвердительный ответ на общий вопрос состоит из:
Yes, + Местоимение, соответствующее подлежащему + Вспомогательный глагол (зачастую он тот же, что и в вопросе).
Is it starting to snow outside? – На улице начинается снег?
Yes, it is. – Да.
Краткий отрицательный ответ на общий вопрос состоит из:
No, + Местоимение, соответствующее подлежащему + Вспомогательный глагол (зачастую он тот же, что и в вопросе).
Did you live here? – Ты жил тут?
No, I did not. – Нет.
Специальные вопросы или Wh-Questions
Специальные вопросы в английском языке, как и в русском, задаются с целью выяснить какую-то конкретную информацию о чем-либо. Отличительной чертой специальных вопросов является обязательное наличие вопросительных слов.
Задать вопрос здесь можно к любой части речи в предложении. Все зависит от того, что вы хотите узнать. Построение предложения в этом случае не отличается от общих вопросов, мы просто добавляем специальное вопросительное слово в начало предложения. После которого соответственно идет глагол-помощник и далее все как в общих вопросах.
Как образуется специальный вопрос?
Вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + остальные члены предложения
- What do you need for a good mood? – Что тебе нужно для хорошего настроения?
- What is the main question? – Каков основной вопрос?
- When will you be here? – Когда ты будешь здесь?
- How do you spell «student»? – Как пишется слово «ученик»?
- Why did you choose to live in London? – Почему ты решил жить в Лондоне?
Большинство вопросительных слов в английском начинается с сочетания букв wh. По этой причине их так и называют «Wh-questions».
Wh-questions (Вопросы-wh)
Важно помнить, что вопросительное и уточняющее слова в вопросительных конструкциях не разделяются. Вся конструкция ставится в начало предложения.
How far will he go? — Как далеко он зайдет?
How long will it take? — Сколько времени это займет?
Альтернативные вопросы (Alternative Questions)
Альтернативный вопрос или Alternative Question говорит сам за себя — это вид вопроса, который предоставляет возможность сделать выбор между несколькими вариантами, предоставляет альтернативу.
Главным признаком альтернативного вопроса является союз OR (или). По сути, это общий или специальный вопрос с добавлением возможности выбора.
📎 Образование альтернативных вопросов
Альтернативный вопрос можно задать к любому члену предложения.
Do you like roses or peons? – Ты любишь розы или пионы?
Is he running or playing football? – Он бегает или играет в футбол?
📎 Как составить альтернативный вопрос:
Базой для альтернативного служит общий вопрос, а в конце предложения с помощью or добавить еще один вариант выбора. Схема построения альтернативного вопроса:
Вспомогательный глагол + действующее лицо + ___ or ___?
Did you spend your vacation in Canada or in France? – Вы провели свой отпуск в Канаде или во Франции?
Do you like tea or coffee? – Ты любишь чай или кофе?
📎 Как образуются альтернативные вопросы с глаголом to be?
Если в предложении есть глагол to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be), то альтернативный вопрос строится по следующей схеме.
Глагол to be + действующее лицо + ____ or ____?
Is your suit grey or black? – Твой костюм серый или черный?
Was he at school or at home? – Он был в школе или дома?
Альтернативные вопросы могут начинаться также с вопросительного слова. Обычно это выглядит так:
Вопросительное слово + вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое: вариант 1 or вариант 2?
Where did she spend her vacation: in Turkey or in Egypt? – Где она провела отпуск: в Турции или в Египте?
📎 Как ответить на альтернативный вопрос
Отвечать на альтернативные вопросы можно как развернуто, так и кратко, просто ссылаясь на один из уже имеющихся ответов в вопросительном предложении.
Так будет выглядеть ответ на альтернативный вопрос:
Are we eating in or out this evening? – Мы будем кушать дома или в ресторане сегодня вечером?
We’re eating in. – Покушаем дома.
Would you like an apple or an orange? – Хотите яблоко или апельсин?
An apple, please. – Яблоко, пожалуйста!
Если альтернативный вопрос относится к подлежащему и предлагает два «варианта» подлежащих, то не забудьте поставить два вспомогательных или модальных глагола, перед каждым подлежащим:
Did Anna tell her the truth, or did Tomas? – Анна рассказала ей или Томас?
📎 О правильной интонации в альтернативных вопросах
Альтернативные вопросы произносятся с повышением голоса перед союзом «or» и с понижением голоса в конце предложения на последнем ударном слоге.
Скоро вы научитесь ставить правильную интонацию интуитивно. Для этого важно чаще слушать английскую речь. Мы знаем, как этого достичь несмотря на закрытые границы. Например, у нас в школе есть множество различных курсов, таких как Разговорный Марафон или Native Show. Они созданы для постоянной практики английского в повседневной жизни и основаны на методике погружения в язык. Ведь только так возможно полностью избавиться от русского акцента в речи. Попробуйте английский на «вкус» вместе с нами и уже не сможете без него жить!
Разделительные вопросы или Tag Questions
Разделительные вопросы (или как их еще называют «вопросы с хвостиком») — это самые короткие вопросы в английском.
На русский язык они могут переводиться по-разному. Самые распространенные варианты перевода – «правда?», «не так ли?» или просто «да?».
📎 Форма разделительных вопросов
Tag questions состоит из двух частей – обычного утвердительного предложения и, собственно, вопросительной части-«хвостика». Вопросительная часть всегда присоединяется к утвердительной запятой и согласовывается с ней. Как?
Разберем по порядку все нюансы составления таких вопросов.
- «Хвостик» разделительного вопроса состоит из вспомогательного глагола и местоимения, которые соответствуют главной части предложения.
- Основное условие для правильного построения разделительного вопроса – противоположный «знак» составляющих его частей. Они бывают двух видов: утвердительные и отрицательные. Если первая часть – утвердительная, то вторая должна быть в отрицательной форме. Если же основная часть имеет отрицательную форму, «хвостик» должен быть утвердительным.
- Если в основной форме есть вспомогательный (или модальный) глагол, он же должен повториться в «хвостике».
- Если в первой части вспомогательного глагола нет, то «хвостики» в английском языке требуют вспомогательного глагола времени, в котором стоит основная часть.
- Liz is а short for Elizabeth, isn’t it? – Лиз — это краткая форма (сокращение) от Элизабет, не так ли?
- We don’t really have much in common, do we? – У нас не так много общего, не так ли?
- Kids just don’t read actual books anymore, do they? – Дети больше не читают обычные книги, не так ли?
- Nicky is a perfect nurse, isn’t she? – Ники прекрасная сиделка, не так ли?
- Simple forms of life have only one cell, don’t they? – Простые формы жизни имеют всего одну клетку, не так ли?
📎 Как ответить на разделительный вопрос
Для подтверждения или опровержения информации, обычно достаточно дать краткий ответ. Ориентиром служит первая часть разделительного вопроса.
Lima’s friends can be quite helpful, can’t they? – Друзья Лимы могут помочь, не так ли?
Yes, they can. – Да, могут. -
Emily and her sister are completely different, aren’t they? – Эмили и ее сестра совершенно разные, не так ли?
Yes, they are. – Да. -
We are different heights, aren’t we? – Мы разного роста, не так ли?
Yes, we are. – Да.
По сравнению с более формальным общим вопросом, tag questions сделают речь более живой и разнообразной.
Вопросы к подлежащему или Subject questions
Вопросы к подлежащему находятся в отдельной группе вопросов, т.к. имеют свои особенности. Какие? Как и специальный вопрос, они начинаются с вопросительного слова, но в отличие от него не требуют инверсии (непрямой порядок слов), характерного для вопросительных предложений, когда подлежащему предшествует вспомогательный глагол.
📎 Структура предложения:
Структура вопросов к подлежащему достаточно проста: Вопросительное слово + сказуемое и другие члены предложения (дополнение, обстоятельство и т.д). Другими словами, вопросительное предложение повторяет утвердительное после вопросительного слова.
- Jessica left a message. – Джессика оставила сообщение.
- Who left a message? – Кто оставил сообщение?
📎 Вопросительные слова в вопросах к подлежащему
Так как подлежащее отвечает на вопросы кто или что, соответственно вопросительными словами в этом типе вопросов будут: WHO и WHAT.
- Who lives next door? – Кто живет по соседству?
- What surprised you? – Что удивило тебя?
- Who shouted at Michael? – Кто накричал на Майкла?
- Who picked this topic? – Кто выбрал эту тему?
В вопросах к подлежащему глагол всегда принимает форму 3 лица единственного числа (he, she, it), даже если ответ будет во множественном числе.
- What was interesting at the exhibition? – Что было интересного на выставке?
- What is missing in your life? – Чего не хватает в твоей жизни?
- Who cooks dinners for you? – Кто готовит тебе обеды?
- Who lives at 10 Downing street? – Кто живет на Даунинг-стрит 10?
📎 Ответ на вопрос к подлежащему
Как и на любой другой вопрос, на вопрос к подлежащему мы можем дать краткий или полный ответ.
- Who went to the concert with you? – Кто ходил с тобой на концерт?
- Jonathan or Jonathan did. (Jonathan went to the concert with me). – Джонатан (Джонатан ходил со мной на концерт).
Таблица пяти типов вопросов в английском
Мы надеемся, что вам понравилась эта статья. Это базовая, но в тоже время одна из важнейших тем, поэтому отработав её, вы будете чувствовать себя увереннее в английском. А для тотальной прокачки ваших скиллов (skill – навык) милости просим к нам на онлайн курсы в Инглиш Шоу! Первое пробное занятие в подарок! До новых встреч, друзья!
Упражнения на типы вопросов в английском
Изображение слайда
Изображение слайда
(questions without questions words, questions are usually formed by changing the word order; this means the auxiliary or modal verb comes before the subject).
Can she type?
Will you help me?
Изображение слайда
Auxiliary verb
( вспомогательный глагол)
additional parts of the sentence
(второстепенные члены предложения)
Изображение слайда
(start with a question word)
Who did you go out?
Where did you meet her?
What is your name?
Изображение слайда
Who- кто?
Where -где?
What- что?
When- когда?
Why- почему?
How- как?
Whose- чей?
Изображение слайда
Слайд 7: WORD ORDER IN SPECIAL QUESTIONS ( порядок слов в специальных вопросах)
Question word( вопросительное слово)
auxiliary verb (вспомогательный глагол)
Subject (подлежащее)
Object ( сказуемое)
additional parts of the sentence( второстепенные члены предложения)
Изображение слайда
(If who, which or what are the subject of the question)
s ubject object
Harry loves Jane.
Who loves Jane?
Subject object
Marry helped George.
Who did Mary help?
Изображение слайда
Слайд 9: WORD ORDER IN SUBJECT QUESTIONS ( порядок слов в вопросах к подлежащему)
Begin with “who, what, which…”
Начинаются с « who, what, which… »
Direct word order
Прямой порядок слов
loves Jane?
Изображение слайда
(We use them for confirmation of or agreement to our statement. We form question tags with an auxiliary verb and a personal pronoun.)
He can drive, can’t he ?
Изображение слайда
Слайд 11: WORD ORDER IN QUESTION TAGS ( порядок слов в разделительных вопросах)
Direct word order
( прямой порядок слов)
He can drive,
“a tag”
can’t he?
Изображение слайда
He can drive,
can’t he?
He can’t drive,
can he?
Изображение слайда
Begin with an auxiliary verb + “or”
Does he help you every day or every other day?
Изображение слайда
Последний слайд презентации: TYPES OF QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH: WORD ORDER IN ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS( порядок слов в альтернативных вопросах)
Auxiliary verb
( вспомогательный глагол)
additional parts of the sentence
(второстепенные члены предложения)
you every day
additional parts of the sentence
(второстепенные члены предложения)
every other day?
Изображение слайда
1. Questions without question words and be
Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
- Sentence: You are from Germany.
- Question: Are you from Germany?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No. That’s why questions without question words are also called YES/NO-questions.
2. Questions with question words and be
Question word | Verb | Subject | Rest | Answer |
Where | are | you | from? | I am from Stuttgart. I‘m from Stuttgart. |
What | is | your name? | My name is Peter. | |
How | are | Pat and Sue? | They are fine. They‘re fine. |
Questions with question words are also called WH-questions.
3. Questions without question words and have
Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Yes/No | Subject | Auxiliary (+ n’t) |
Have | you | got | a cat? | Yes, | I | have. |
Have | you | got | a new car? | No, | we | haven’t. |
Has | your brother | got | a bike? | Yes, | he | has. |
Do | you | have | a cat? | Yes, | I | do. |
Do | you | have | a new car? | No, | we | don’t. |
Does | your brother | have | a bike? | Yes, | he | does. |
4. Questions with question words and have
Question word | Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Answer |
Where | have | you | got | your ruler? | I‘ve got it in my pencil case. |
Where | do | you | have | your ruler? | I have it in my pencil case. |
5. Questions without question words in the Simple Present
Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Yes/No | Subject | Auxiliary (+ n’t) |
Do | you | read | books? | Yes, No, |
I I |
do. don’t. |
Does | Peter | play | football? | Yes, | he | does. |
6. Questions with question words in the Simple Present
Question word | Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Answer |
What | do | you | play | on your computer? | I play games on my computer. |
When | does | your mother | go | to work? | She goes to work at 6 o’clock. |
7. Questions without question words in the Simple Past
Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Yes/No | Subject | Auxiliary (+ n’t) |
Did | Max | play | football? | Yes, No, |
he he |
did. didn’t. |
to be | Subject | Rest | Yes/No | Subject | Auxiliary (+ n’t) |
Were | you | in Leipzig last week? | Yes, No, |
I I |
was. wasn’t. |
8. Questions with question words in the Simple Past
Question word | Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Answer |
What | did | you | play | yesterday evening? | I played computer games. |
Question word | to be | Subject | Rest | Answer |
Where | were | you | yesterday? | I was at the cinema. |
9. Subject question
Question word | Verb | Rest | Subject | Verb | Rest |
Who | runs | to the shop? | Peter | runs | to the shop. |
10. Object question
Question word | Auxiliary | Subject | Verb | Rest | Answer |
Who | did | Mandy | phone | last Monday? | Mandy phoned her uncle. |
Subject question | Object question |
Who phoned John? | Who did John phone? |
Вы когда-нибудь задумывались о том, как задаётся вопрос? В русском нам достаточно изменить интонацию высказывания — и вопрос готов. Мы редко меняем порядок слов, когда хотим что-то спросить. Только в тех случаях, когда мы что-то не расслышали, мы можем сделать акцент на определённом слове.
В английском языке, чтобы задать вопрос, недостаточно просто изменить интонацию на вопросительную. Нужно менять порядок слов. Кому-то это может показаться сложным, но давайте посмотрим на проблему с другой стороны. Благодаря тому, что в английском фиксированный порядок слов, вы можете определить, где какая часть речи, даже если вы не знаете некоторых слов. По сравнению с русским вопросом, где можно менять слова местами, пока это не дойдет до абсурда, в английском все более организовано и четко.
Первый и самый простой тип вопроса — общий, на него даётся «общий» ответ — «да» или «нет». В английских учебниках этот тип вопроса называют «General Question» или «Yes/No Question«. Забегу вперед и раскрою вам один секрет: если вы научитесь задавать общий вопрос, то у вас не будет никаких проблем с альтернативными вопросами и специальными вопросами, потому что общий вопрос лежит в их основе.
Первое правило общего вопроса: глагол должен стоять перед подлежащим. Но не смысловой глагол, а вспомогательный. Строить общий вопрос начинают обычно с глаголом TO BE. Разберем на простом примере: He is a doctor.
В этом предложении есть глагол IS. Соответственно, чтобы задать вопрос, мы берем IS, перемещаем его в начало предложения и ставим перед подлежащим. Готов вопрос: Is he a doctor?
С глаголом TO BE общие вопросы составлять очень просто: ничего не добавляете, ничего не убираете, а просто переставляете глагол в начало:
They are hungry. — Are they hungry?
She is happy today. — Is she happy today?
Как видите, принцип незамысловатый. Но ведь не во всех предложениях используется глагол TO BE! Как строить вопрос в разных временах? Точно так же, только для каждого времени использовать нужно вспомогательный глагол. Вспомогательных глаголов в английском языке всего три, но каждый имеет несколько форм:
TO BE (am, is, are, was, were, will)
DO (do, does, did)
HAVE (have, has, had)
Давайте вспомним вспомогательные глаголы по временам:
Present Simple |
do / does |
Past Simple |
did |
Future Simple |
will |
Present Continuous |
am / is / are |
Past Continuous |
was / were |
Future Continuous |
will |
Present Perfect |
have / has |
Past Perfect |
had |
Чтобы построить общий вопрос, нужно взять вспомогательный глагол, поставить перед подлежащим, и вопрос готов! Поздравляю, вы научились строить общий вопрос. Спасибо за внимание.
Примерно такое объяснение получали мы в школе, примерно так же написано в учебниках. Коротко и ясно, нечего сказать. Так почему же так много людей, изучающих английский, так и не умеют правильно задавать вопросы?
Программа для начинающих обычно составлена так, что, отработав общий вопрос на примере глагола TO BE, который всегда стоит в предложении (бери и переставляй), изучающие переходят к изучению времен Present Simple и Past Simple. Эти времена считаются базовыми с точки зрения их использования, но в плане образования форм они не такие уж и простые, поэтому вызывают сложности у изучающих. Проблема в том, что в утверждениях в Present Simple и Past Simple вспомогательных глаголов нет, поэтому приходится их вспоминать, а на начальном этапе изучения, это, конечно, не всегда получается. Вот поэтому построение вопросов на английском языке и считается трудным аспектом. Хотя, если взглянуть на другие времена, которые изучаются чуть позже, общий вопрос строится элементарно просто, потому что вспомогательный глагол уже есть в утверждении и не нужно ничего добавлять, а просто поменять местами:
Вернемся к временам Present Simple и Past Simple. Чтобы построить общий вопрос, вам в первую очередь понадобится глагол-помощник: для Present Simple DO (если вы спрашиваете про I, you, we, they) и DOES (если вопрос про he, she, it), для Past Simple — вспомогательный глагол DID для всех лиц. Не забывайте, что если в предложении появляется вспомогательный глагол, то он «забирает» окончания со смыслового глагола в Present Simple, а в Past Simple «возвращает» смысловой глагол в первую форму:
They work every day. — Do they work every day?
She speaks English very well. — Does she speak English very well?
You wrote this e-mail. — Did you write this e-mail?
He listened to the teacher. — Did he listen to a teacher?
Что касается модальных глаголов, они, как и глагол TO BE, образуют общий вопрос без вспомогательных глаголов, выходя на первое место в предложении:
I can swim. — Can you swim?
They could enter the building. — Could they enter the building?
He must come here at 6. — Must he come here at 6?
Как отвечать на общий вопрос? Вариантов может быть всего два: yes и no. Конечно, никто не исключает ответы типа Maybe, I don’t know, Certainly, Of course и так далее. Но отвечая «да» или» нет» на английском языке, важно помнить несколько правил. Простой ответ «да» или «нет» в английском языке состоит из двух частей, которые разделяются запятой. Во второй части присутствует подлежащее и вспомогательный глагол, который образовывал вопрос. Вторая часть краткого ответа не переводится, но для тех, кому с трудом даётся английский, можно представить перевод. Например:
Do you drink coffee in the morning? — Yes, I do. / No, I do not.
Ты пьешь кофе по утрам? — Да, я это делаю./ Нет, я этого не делаю.
Did he tell you the news? — Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
Он рассказал тебе новости? — Да, он это сделал./ Нет, он этого не сделал.
Вторую часть мы не переводим на русский, но на английском краткий ответ на общий вопрос звучит именно так.
Кроме того, не забудьте, что если ваш ответ «нет», то во второй части ответа должна присутствовать отрицательная частица not. Также обратите внимание, что в повседневной речи во второй части краткого ответа используются сокращенные формы (isn’t, aren’t, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t, haven’t и так далее), исключение составляет форма am not:
Present Continuous |
Are you reading? |
Yes, I am. |
No, I am not. |
Is he sleeping now? |
Yes, he is |
No, he isn’t. |
Are they playing? |
Yes, they are. |
No, they aren’t. |
Past Continuous |
Was he working when you came? |
Yes, he was. |
No, he wasn’t. |
Present Simple |
Do you like milk? |
Yes, I do. |
No, I don’t. |
Does she work in an office? |
Yes, she does. |
No, she doesn’t. |
Past Simple |
Did you like the meal? |
Yes, I did. |
No, I didn’t. |
Future Simple |
Will you come tomorrow? |
Yes, I will. |
No, I won’t. |
Present Perfect |
Have you met Alice? |
Yes, I have. |
No, I haven’t. |
Has he shown you the pictures? |
Yes, he has. |
No, he hasn’t. |
Краткие ответы могут использоваться не только в качестве ответов на вопрос. В английском языке их можно использовать для согласия с собеседником:
The weather is splendid today. — Yes, it is.
Сегодня замечательная погода. — Да, действительно.
He didn’t do well at the exam. — No, he didn’t.
Он не очень хорошо справился с экзаменом. — Да, это так. (Да, он действительно не справился).
Кроме того, краткие ответы служат как ответы на приказания, после повелительных предложений. Повелительные высказывания относятся к будущему, поэтому в кратких ответах на них используется вспомогательный глагол will:
Write neatly! — Yes, I will.
Пиши аккуратно! — Да, хорошо.
Do not open the window. — No, I won’t.
Не открывай окно. — Хорошо, не буду.
Общие вопросы в английском произносятся с восходящей интонацией, тон повышается, а в коротких ответах интонация нисходящая:
Do you like winter?↑ — Ты любишь зиму?
Yes, I do.↓ — Да.
Как видите, ничего сложного в составлении вопросов на английском нет. Все, что вам нужно — понимание основного правила и немного практики. Будьте внимательны, не забывайте про изменение порядка слов и использование вспомогательных глаголов в вопросах. Из следующих статей на Enginform вы узнаете об остальных типах вопросов.
А чтобы быть в курсе всех новостей на нашем сайте, рекомендуем вам подписаться на нашу рассылку и присоединиться к нам Вконтакте и Facebook.
Успехов вам в изучении английского языка!
Увидели ошибку в тексте? Выделите её и нажмите на появившуюся стрелку или CTRL+Enter.
(questions without wh- words,
questions are usually formed by
changing the word order; this
means the auxiliary or modal verb
comes before the subject).
Can she type?
Will you help me?
Auxiliary verb
additional parts of
the sentence
(start with a question word)
Who did you go out with?
Where do you meet your friend?
What is your name?
7. WORD ORDER IN SPECIAL QUESTIONS (порядок слов в специальных вопросах)
word(вопроси verb(вспомога
тельное слово)
parts of the
(If who, which or what are the subject of the
Harry loves Jane.
Who loves Jane?
Marry helped George.
Who did Mary help?
9. WORD ORDER IN SUBJECT QUESTIONS (порядок слов в вопросах к подлежащему)
Begin with “who, what, which…”
Начинаются с «who, what,
Direct word order
Прямой порядок слов
loves Jane?
(We use them for confirmation of or agreement to
our statement. We form tag questions with an
auxiliary verb and a personal pronoun.)
He can drive, can’t he?
11. WORD ORDER IN TAGQUESTIONS (порядок слов в разделительных вопросах)
Direct word order
(прямой порядок слов)
“a tag”
He can drive,
can’t he?
He can drive,
He can’t
can’t he?
can he?
Begin with an auxiliary verb +
Does he help you every day or
every other day?
14. WORD ORDER IN ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS(порядок слов в альтернативных вопросах)
Auxiliary verb
ый глагол)
parts of the
ые члены
parts of the
ые члены
you every day
every other
15. Ask different types of questions
Kate cooks dinner every day.
He spent last summer in the country.
Look! The boys are playing football.
Bill will help his mom tomorrow.
1) yes/ no
2) or
3) tag
4) wh
5) who
English Level: Intermediate
Language Focus: An explanation of how to form Yes/No questions in English
Grammar Worksheet: yes-no-questions-worksheet-esl.docx (scroll down to study the exercises online)
Many students are good at answering questions, but poor at making their own questions (with correct grammar). If you have problems forming (making) questions, then this lesson is for you! After this lesson, Lesson 2 explains WH-Questions like what and who.
Can you form a question?
Introduction to Yes/No Questions
A Yes/No question is a question that has a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer. For example,
Question: Are you hungry?
Answer: No, I’m not.
(The other main type of questions are WH-Questions (where, who, what, why, etc.) that will be covered in the next lesson.)
Let’s review the rules of making Yes/No Questions
1. Making Yes/No Questions with the BE Verb (am/are/is/was/were)
Imagine a regular sentence with the BE verb, such as ‘He is tall.’ Like usual, this sentence starts with the subject and the verb comes next. This is called sentence word order in English.
To make a question from a sentence with the BE verb, we use question word order. You can do this by switching the subject and the BE verb around:
- He is tall. → Is he tall? (In the question, the verb is first and then the subject)
- They are American. → Are they American?
- The children are at school. → Are the children at school?
The rules are the same for the past tense.
- It was nice. → Was it nice?
- New York was expensive. → Was New York expensive?
- We were late. → Were we late?
Let’s do some practice exercises.
Exercise #1: Yes/No Questions with the BE Verb
Change these sentences into question form. Make a Yes/No question.
- The school is open. → ?
- The waiter was rude. → ?
- Yoga is popular. → ?
- I am sick. → ?
- You were tired. → ?
- Sarah was his teacher. → ?
In the next exercise, look at the answer to a question. Then write the question. For example,
- Q: _____________? A: Yes, John is a doctor.
(The question was «Is John a doctor»).
Exercise #2: Yes/No Questions with the BE Verb
(Note: It does not matter if the answer is ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ — the question form is the same. Do not put ‘not’ in the question.)
- Q: ? A: Yes. I was there.
- Q: ? A: No, we were not rich.
- Q: ? A: Yes, today is my birthday.
- Q: ? A: No, the price was not the same.
2. Making Yes/No Questions with Auxiliary/Modal Verbs
An auxiliary verb is also called a helping verb. These are short words that ‘help’ the main verb create tense. For example,
I have written the report. (Present Perfect tense)
Here, ‘have‘ is the auxiliary verb, which is helping the main verb ‘write’ change into the present perfect tense. Modal verbs, such as can, must, should, might, may, are also helping verbs. Here are some more examples:
- I was writing
- I am writing.
- I will write.
- I can write.
- I should write.
Sentences always have a main verb. But if a sentence also has a helping verb (auxiliary or modal), then switch the subject and the helping verb around. For example,
- He will come. → Will he come?
- They are visiting Paris. → Are they visiting Paris?
- She has done the housework. → Has she done the housework
Sometimes, a sentence can have two helping verbs. If this is the case, change the order of the subject and first helping verb in the same way. Then after the subject, put the second helping verb.
- John has been fired. → Has John been fired? (HelpingVerb1 + Subject + HelpingVerb2+ Main Verb)
- They will be hired. → Will they be hired?
- The train is going to arrive. → Is the train going to arrive?
- The printer was being repaired. → Was the printer being repaired?
In other words, when you change a sentence from sentence word order (Subject + Verb) to question word order (Verb + Subject), switch the subject with the first helping verb. If there is another helping verb, put it after the subject.
This isn’t so easy. Let’s practice.
Exercise #3: Yes/No Questions with Auxiliary/Modal Verbs
- John can read. → ?
- It might be broken. → ?
- We will join. → ?
- Peter is going to go. → ?
- Luan is going to be hired. → ?
- He is being interviewed now. → ?
- He should practice more. → ?
- Cars are made here. → ?
- The order has been approved. → ?
Exercise #4: Yes/No Questions with Auxiliary/Modal Verbs
- Q: ? A: Yes, she was going to visit.
- Q: ? A: Yes, your name is being called.
- Q: ? A: No, they haven’t finished.
- Q: ? A: No, he has not been working here.
- Q: ? A: No, he could not have said that.
- Q: ? A: No, he would not have been angry.
- Q: ? A: Yes, a visa must be obtained first.
- Q: ? A: Yes, we shall attend.
We’re almost done!
3. Making Yes/No Questions without the BE verb or an Auxiliary/Modal Verb (Use Do!)
Up to now, we have practiced making questions from sentences that have the BE verb or a helping (auxiliary/modal) verb. However, there are some sentences that have neither. For example,
- I have a problem. (The main verb is have, and there is no helping verb)
- She loves tennis. (The main verb is loves, and there is no helping verb)
- They found the answer. (Again, there is only the main verb found.)
So, how do we form a question then? We add the verb ‘Do’! ‘Do’ is another helping verb that we add to make questions when there is no auxiliary verb already (or BE Verb). The above sentences become the following questions:
- I have a problem. → Do you have a problem?
- She loves tennis. → Does she love tennis?
- They found the answer. → Did they find the answer?
Note two things. Firstly, in question #2, do changes to Does in the question because the subject is ‘she’, which is the third person singular, so we add ‘s’ to the auxiliary verb ‘do’ (but not to the main verb!).
Secondly, sentence #3 is in the past tense (found), so we change the helping verb «Do» to the past tense (= Did) and keep the main verb in its base form (the present tense).
Did they find the answer? (Correct)
Did they found the answer? (Incorrect = You don’t need the past tense twice.)
Be Careful: Distinguishing Main Verbs from Helping Verbs
It’s important to remember the difference between a main verb and a helping verb because verbs like ‘do/have/will’ can be a main verb and an auxiliary verb. Look at these sentences:
- She has a job. (present simple) → Does she have a job?
- She has had a job. (present perfect) → Has she had a job?
In #1, the main verb is ‘has‘ and there is no auxiliary verb, so we add ‘Does‘ to make the question ‘Does she have a job?‘
In #2, the main verb is ‘had‘, and there is an auxiliary verb ‘has‘. So we switch the sentence order and put the auxiliary verb before the subject, to make the question, ‘Has she had a job’?
Final Note: Use ‘Do’ when ‘Have’ is the Main Verb
A long time ago, people used to ask questions like this:
- Have you a car?
- Have you a problem?
This is now old-fashioned and out of use. In North America, we add ‘Do’ to make a question when the main verb is ‘have’.
- Have you a car = Do you have a car?
- Have you a problem = Do you have a problem?
(Note: In England, it is common to use ‘have + got’ instead of ‘Do you have’. For example: ‘Have you got a car? / Have you got a pen?. This is also grammatically correct.)
Let’s do some exercises to practice this last point.
Exercise #5: Yes/No Questions without Helping or BE Verb
- He reads every day. → ?
- The printer broke. → ?
- We want more money. → ?
- She had a smile on her face. → ?
- The boss noticed the mistake. → ?
Exercise #6: Yes/No Questions without a Helping or BE Verb
- Q: ? A: Yes, she had her camera.
- Q: ? A: No, I didn’t feel sick.
- Q: ? A: Yes, we eat beef.
- Q: ? A: Yes, I believe you.
- Q: ? A: No, they didn’t forget their tickets.
Forming Yes/No Questions: Summary
We have learned three key rules for making Yes/No questions:
- If the sentence has only the BE verb, switch the subject and the BE verb around to make a question.
- If the sentence has a helping verb, switch the subject and the (first) helping verb around to make a question.
- If there is neither the BE verb or a helping verb, add ‘Do‘ and then the subject to make a question.
It’s time to mix it all together. Try to remember these rules and complete the practice exercises below.
Exercise #7: Yes/No Questions — Mixed Forms
- She is a good person. → ?
- They are studying hard. → ?
- I don’t want a drink. → ?
- The book was sold. → ?
- My dog barks loudly. → ?
- We are going to try it. → ?
Exercise #8: Yes/No Questions — Without a Helping or BE Verb
- Q: ? A: Yes, we are looking for the keys.
- Q: ? A: No, I haven’t seen Michael.
- Q: ? A: No, they won’t be happy.
- Q: ? A: Yes, I do yoga.
- Q: ? A: Yes, he has had surgery.
- Q: ? A: No, they were not waiting long.
- Q: ? A: Yes, they danced well.
Exercise #9: Yes/No Questions — Fix the Common Mistakes
Each question has a mistake. Rewrite the question without the mistake.
- Have you a dog? → ?
- You will go to the park? → ?
- Did you went to the park? → ?
- It is 4 o’clock? → ?
- Are you agree? → ?
If you find a mistake or have a question, please leave a comment below. Teachers, you can download the exercises as a worksheet (see the link at the very top).
— Written by Matthew Barton (copyright) / Creator of
Related Pages
- Making Questions #2 — WH-Questions
- Writing Questions Quiz
- Common English Mistakes