Word order test adjectives

Тест предназначен для учащихся при изучении темы ADJECTIVES — Adjective order 

Инструкция к тесту

Sometimes you need to use two or more adjectives to describe something or someone. Part of becoming fluent in English is knowing which order to use these adjectives in. Choose the most natural-sounding response.

Your name and surname

Your name and surname

Количество вопросов в тесте:


В английском языке существует определенный порядок следования прилагательных перед существительным. Проверьте свои знания этого материала.
1. Переместите все слова в верхнюю строку в нужном порядке.
2. Нажмите кнопку «submit». 
3. В конце теста вы увидите свои результаты и сможете посмотреть правильность выполнения каждого задания, нажав на кнопку «review».

 Если первый тест показался слишком коротким и простым, попробуйте выполнить ещё один. Но теперь в пустую строку нужно просто вписать цифры в том порядке, в котором должны стоять прилагательные, данные в скобках, без пробелов и знаков препинания.

Если прилагательных несколько, то самый распространённый порядок слов, по версии Cambridge Dictionary, будет следующий:


relating to




unusual, lovely



big, tall


physical quality




round, square



young, old



blue, red



Dutch, Japanese



metal, plastic



general-purpose, four-sided



cleaning, cooking

Этот порядок может быть изменен, если мы хотим выделить какое-то прилагательное.

Попробуйте теперь расставить части предложений по порядку, чтобы получился связный рассказ. Но это уже другая тема.

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

Задание 1.

In the art-gallery I saw





picture of a woman sitting on the coach.

Задание 3.

Yesterday Jim bought me a


Задание 4.

It is the most





dress I have ever seen.

Задание 5.

Look at that nice

tablecloth! I want to buy it!

Задание 6.

Put on your

scarf. It’s cold outside.

Задание 7.

He wants to visit the exhibition of




art in the local museum.

Задание 8.

You should water the

flowers twice a month.

Задание 9.

I’ll gift her a






Задание 10.

Take off this







Тест недоступен для мобильных устройств.


Тест. Английский язык, 8 класс

Будьте внимательны! У Вас есть 10 минут на прохождение теста. Система оценивания — 5 балльная. Разбалловка теста — 3,4,5 баллов, в зависимости от сложности вопроса. Порядок заданий и вариантов ответов в тесте случайный. С допущенными ошибками и верными ответами можно будет ознакомиться после прохождения теста. Удачи!

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Fill in the gaps with the correct adjectives.











Варианты ответов
  • Could you bring me a cup of _____________ coffee?
  • Your ___________ vase looks great!
  • There was a ____________ large chocolate cake.
  • It was a cold, ___________ night.
  • He sat in his _______________ chair by the fire.

Вопрос 2

Put the words in the correct order.

Варианты ответов
  • It’s
  • a
  • fantastic
  • new
  • black
  • Italian
  • silk
  • evening
  • dress

Вопрос 3

Choose the correct variant.

Варианты ответов
  • She has presented a long final boring report.
  • She has presented a final long boring report.
  • She has presented a long boring final report.
  • She has presented a boring long final report.

Вопрос 4

Find a mistake in one of the underlined words.

She has bought a linen white Irish tablecloth.

                             1       2      3

Вопрос 5

Find a mistake in one of the underlined words.

He saw a French brilliant new detective film.

                   1          2           3          4

Вопрос 6

Which of these words are opinion adjectives?

Варианты ответов
  • deep
  • wonderful
  • pretty
  • short
  • grey
  • caring
  • large
  • fascinating

Вопрос 7

Put the words in the correct order.

Варианты ответов
  • a
  • fascinating
  • ancient
  • Greek
  • monument

Вопрос 8

Put the words in the correct order.

Варианты ответов
  • an
  • expensive
  • small
  • racing
  • car

Вопрос 9

Match the adjectives to their types.

















Варианты ответов
  • fair
  • young
  • useful
  • huge
  • British
  • stone
  • walking
  • round

Вопрос 10

Which of these words are fact adjectives?

Варианты ответов
  • lovely
  • boring
  • wooden
  • orange
  • walking
  • gold
  • helpful
  • big
  • colourful

Эти не сложные тесты помогут вам проверить или закрепить материал на расположение английских прилагательных в предложении. Ко всем заданиям прилагаются ответы.

Упражнение # 1
Поставьте прилагательные в предложении в правильном порядке.

a) I have a ………….. dog. /and white, beautiful, big, tan /
b) We bought a ……….. table. / glass nice /
c) This is a …………. book. / fascinating little/
d) We saw an …………. movie on animals. / interesting new/
e) She is looking for ……… bag. / black leather stylish/
f) There are some ……… students in the class. /American new/
g) It was a day. / cold beautiful/

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 1

a) I have a big, beautiful, tan and white, dog.
b) We bought a nice glass table.
c) This is a fascinating little book.
e) We saw an interesting new movie on animals.
f) She is looking for a stylish black leather bag.
g) There are some new American students in the class.
h) It was a beautiful cold day.

Упражнение # 2

Какой из этих вариантов правильный, а какой — нет?

A blue big box.
A blue red box.

A large and white house.
A white and large house.

A silk new comfortable dress.
A comfortable new silk dress.

A kind old woman.
An old kind woman.

A sunny lovely day.
A lovely sunny day.

A delicious Russian meal.
A Russian delicious meal.

An old brick big house.
A big old brick house.

Beautiful little flowers.
Little beautiful flowers.

A brown round kitchen table.
A kitchen brown round table.

A cute Russian young girl.
A Russian young cute girl.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2

A blue big box. ✘
A blue red box. ✔

A large and white house. ✔
A white and large house. ✘

A silk new comfortable dress. ✘
A comfortable new silk dress. ✔

A kind old woman. ✔
An old kind woman. ✘

A sunny lovely day. ✘
A lovely sunny day. ✔

A delicious Russian meal. ✔
A Russian delicious meal. ✘

A big old brick house. ✔
An old brick big house. ✘

Beautiful little flowers. ✔
A brown round kitchen table. ✔

A Russian young cute girl. ✘
A cute young Russian girl. ✔

Упражнение # 3

Найдите ошибки

1) A tiny glass cup.
2) Small six plastic round tables.
3) A new swimming huge pool.
4) White old awful shoes.
5) A new black BMW.

6) An electronic new guitar.
7) 3-year-old flashy Italian car.
8) A black small cat.
9) An old interesting book.
10) A French tall girl.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3

1) A tiny glass cup.
2) Six small round plastic tables.
3) A huge new swimming pool.
4) Awful old white shoes.
5) A new black BMW.

6) A new electronic guitar.
7) Flashy 3-year-old Italian car.
8) A small black cat.
9) An interesting old book.
10) A tall French girl.

Упражнение # 4
Выберите правильный вариант

1. That restaurant has …….

— overpriced Italian food
— Italian overpriced food
— Italian but overpriced food

2. I bought a pair of ….. shoos.

— new nice black
— nice new black
— black nice new

3. They live in …… house.

— a large white
— a white large
— a large and white

4. A …… girl walked into the room.

— young pretty
— pretty young

5. My father has a lot of ……. books.

— interesting old
— old interesting

6. We stayed in a ….. hotel.

— Little cute
— cute little

7. They live in an …….. mansion.

— old enormous
— enormous old

8. I need a …… laptop.

— new powerful
— powerful new

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4

1. overpriced Italian food
2. new, nice, black
3. large white
4. pretty young
5. interesting old
6. cute little
7. enormous old
8. new powerful

Упражнение 5 4
Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке.

a) ….. reasons. /good three/
b) A ….. mouse. /little grey cute/
c) A ….. horse in the parade. /big beautiful Friesian black/
d) It’s ….. fruit. /round purple small/
e) I want ….. coffee. /Italian black hot/

f) I visited a ….. castle. /ancient spooky German/
f) My grandma has a ….. ring. /oldsilver beautiful/
h) A two-week cruise on a ….. liner. /huge Italian incredible brand-new ocean/
i) I met an politician. /important American/

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 5

a) Three good reasons.
b) A cute little grey mouse.
c) A beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.
d) It’s small, round, purple fruit.
e) I want hot black Italian coffee.

f) I visited a spooky ancient German castle.
g) My grandma has a beautiful old silver ring.
h) A two-week cruise on a huge, incredible, brand-new Italian ocean liner.
i) I met an important American politician.

Completion count: 1,343

  • 1. He wrote several other plays and other things.
  • 2. He carried a small black grip with him.
  • 3. The only possible antidote is the truth.
  • 4. But the rush was over.
  • 5. In the vestibule stood an beam.
  • 6. The woman shook her head slowly.
  • 7. The small star has a color.
  • 8. The line would be turned.
  • 9. The meal was taken at midday.
  • 10. The English have so habits.
  • 11. soldiers met a like fate.
  • 12. He held out a hand.
  • 13. They are naturally of a color.
  • 14. The simplicity was not lost.
  • 15. She wore a gown with a Dutch neck.
  • 16. His skill was tested in ways.
  • 17. Charlie worked steadily through the afternoon.
  • 18. Every seat of the theatre was occupied.
  • 19. An old ring plays an important part in this story.
  • 20. This day brought its disappointment.

put the adjectives in order,

follow the rules and put the adjective in order

1Define N-O-S-A-S-C-O-M-P

201. I love that really green big old antique car that is always parked at the end of the street

302. My sister has a white beautiful big bulldog

403. A old wonderful Italian clock.

504. A  blue big square box

The above lesson is a great teaching resource for:Intermediate (B1)

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