Word order in questions online exercises

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Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)

Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)
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от Babrasin

Sentence word order

Word order in questions 1A

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Wh-questions in English – word order – Exercise 1

Task No. 1349

Use the given words/prases and form wh-questions (questions with question words).

Click on the underlined words/phrases.

Show example


your number what telephone is


What is your telephone number?

Put the words in the correct order to make Wh-questions.

Show example
Hide example


How do you relax after school?

  1. 1.


    What do you usually have for lunch?

  2. 2.


    What time do they have breakfast?

  3. 3.


    Where does she usually buy vegetables?

  4. 4.


    How much time do you need for revision?

  5. 5.


    Where do they usually spend their vacation?

  6. 6.


    What time does the match start?

  7. 7.


    How well do you know Spanish?

  8. 8.


    How does she get to work?

  9. 9.


    What do they think of the new film?

  10. 10.


    How much does this suit cost?

  11. 11.


    How often do you talk to your son?

  12. 12.


    Where do they hide their money?

  13. 13.


    When do they usually meet for lunch?

  14. 14.


    How long do you exercise every day?

  15. 15.


    Where does Emma keep her diary?

Next ➔

Try this exercise as a worksheet

  • Present Simple — Wh-question — Word order

Similar Exercises

  • Present Simple with to be — Positive — Exercise 1
  • Present Simple with to be — Positive — Exercise 2
  • Present Simple with to be — Negative — Exercise 1
  • Present Simple with to be — Negative — Exercise 2
  • Present Simple with to be — Negative — Short forms

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English Grammar Online
… the fun way to learn English!

In questions, the word order subject-verbs-object is the same as in affirmative sentences. The only thing that’s different is that you usually have to put the auxiliary verb (or the main verb “be”) before the subject. Interrogatives are put at the beginning of the sentences:

interrogative auxiliary verb subject other verb(s) indirect object direct object place time
What would you like to tell me      
  Did you have   a party in your flat yesterday?
When were you       here?  

Exercise on word order in questions 1

You don’t use an auxiliary verb if you ask for the subject. In this case the interrogative simply takes the place of the subject.

interrogative verb(s) object
Who asked you?

Exercise on word order in questions 2

More Exercises

  • Questions in Simple Present
  • Questions in Present Progressive
  • Questions in Simple Past
  • Questions in Past Progressive
  • Questions in Present Perfect Simple
  • Questions in Present Perfect Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Present
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Present Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Past
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Past Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Simple Past
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Past Progressive
  • Questions with Interrogatives in Present Perfect Simple
  • Questions with and without Interrogatives in Past Perfect Simple

Английское предложение строится по своему установленному порядку – члены предложения следуют в строгой последовательности друг за другом – сначала подлежащее, затем сказуемое и второстепенные члены. Если предложение вопросительное, то сначала следует употреблять вопросительное слово, затем вспомогательный глагол в зависимости от грамматического времени, подлежащее и сказуемое.

Разделяют вопросительный порядок слов, прямой и инверсию. Второстепенные члены предложения также расставляются в предложении согласно определенному порядку слов.

Предлагаем вам пройти тест на тему порядка слов в английском предложении. Уровень теста — сложный. Будьте внимательны!  

Word order / questions

1. I couldn’t understand … .

a) To whom she was addressing

b) Whom she was addressing to

c) Who she was addressing to

d) To who she was addressing

2. Who … this phone number? – Sorry, I can’t tell.

a) Did give you

b) Gave you

c) Did you give

d) You gave

3. Did you ask him … to do this job?

a) If he was professional enough

b) Was he professional enough

c) Was he enough professional

d) If he was enough professional

4. Never … such a nice and peaceful scene!

a) I have seen

b) Have seen I

c) Have I seen

d) Seen have I

5. Do you remember that neighbor of ours? She … on the balcony and watch people.

a) Normally would sit

b) Normally sit would

c) Would sit normally

d) Would normally sit

6. Why didn’t you send … ? I’ve been waiting for it!

a) To me this article

b) This article me

c) Me this article

d) Me to this article

7. Look! Those are nice shoes. Why don’t you… ?

a) Try them on

b) Them try on

c) Try on them

d) Them on try

8. I don’t think she’s being reasonable. — … .

a) Nor I do

b) I do neither

c) Neither I do

d) Nor do I

9. a) Would you like to see … ? I’ve got two tickets.

a) With me this film on Friday

b) This film with me on Friday

c) On Friday with me this film

d) With me on Friday this film

10. Why do you love your … dress so much? Does it remind you of something?

a) Old silk red

b) Old red silk

c) Red old silk

d) Silk old red

2 Comments on Тест Word order / questions

The standard order of words in an English sentence is subject + verb + object. While this sounds simple, there are far more complicated sentences where placing the words in the right order may turn out quite challenging. 

Here we have prepared three types of interactive exercises created on Learning Apps and suitable for the Intermediate level.

Task 1. Choose the correct word order of the sentences

This exercise presents two options of sentences in which one sentence has the correct word order while the other does not. Here students get a general understanding of word order in English.

Task 2. Put the words in the correct order

Here students go deeper and have more practice with the word order in English. In the exercise, they will find examples with different types of adjectives, adverbs, indirect questions, etc.

Task 3. Complete the questions with the correct question tags

The last exercise aims to check how well your students know the rules of question tags.

Share with us in the comments below how effective the exercises were and how you usually practise word order with your Intermediate students.

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